KSATA-KSAYA KASA CHIKITSA – Treatment of traumatic and tubercular coughs – Ashtanga Samgraha Chikitsasthana Chapter 5

अथातः क्षतक्षयकासचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इतिह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।।१।।

We will now expound, the Ksata-ksaya kasa chikitsa – treatment of cough due to injury to lungs and tuberculosis of the lungs; thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)

Ksata kasa chikitsa – treatment of cough due to trauma

रस्यन्तः सद्यो लाक्षां क्षौद्रयुतां पिबेत् । क्षीरेण शालीन् जीर्णेऽद्यात् क्षीरेणैव सशर्करान् ॥ २ ॥

पार्श्वबस्तिसरुक्चाल्पपित्ताग्निस्तां सुरायुताम् । भिन्नविट्तु समुस्तातिविषापाठां सवत्सकाम् ॥ ३ ॥

Soon after an injury occurs inside the chest (lungs), the person should drink milk boiled with laksa and mixed with honey; after that gets digested, he should eat boiled rice (mess) along with milk and sugar; if there is pain in the flanks and urinary bladder with mild increase of pitta and poor digestion, it (laksa) should be taken dissolved in sura (beer); if there is looseness of bowels, it (laksa) should be taken along with musta, ativisa, patha or vatsaka. (2-3)

लाक्षांसर्पिर्मधूच्छिष्टंजीवनीयगणं सिताम् | त्वक्क्षीरीं समितं क्षीरे पक्त्वा दीप्तानलः पिबेत् ॥ ४ ॥

Laksa, sarpi (ghee), madhuscchista, drugs of jivaniya gana, sita (sugar), tvaksiri and samita (wheat flour) – all are boiled in milk and used as a drink by the patient who has keen digestive activity. (4)

इक्ष्वालिकाबिसग्रन्थिपद्मकेसरचन्दनैः । शृतं पयो मधुयुतं सन्धानार्थं पिबेत् क्षती ॥ ५ ॥

Milk cooked with iksuvalika, bisa granthi, padma kesara, and chandana mixed with honey should be taken as a drink to heal the wound. (5)

यवानां चूर्णमामानां क्षीरसिद्धं घृतान्वितम् । ज्वरदाहे सिताक्षौद्रसक्तून् वा पयसा पिबेत् ॥ ६ ॥

Flour of uncooked yava mixed with milk and ghee or sita (sugar) or ksaudra (honey) and saktu (flour of barley/or rice), cooked in milk should be taken as a drink, if fever and burning sensation are also present. (6)

कासवांस्तु पिबेत्सर्पिर्मधुरौषधसाधितम् । गुडोदकं वा क्वथितं सक्षौद्रमरिचं हिमम् ॥ ७ ॥

चूर्णमामलकानां वा क्षीरे पक्वं घृतान्वितम् । रसायनविधानेन पिप्पलीर्वा प्रयोजयेत् ।।८ ।

Patient of (ksata) kasa should drink ghee medicated with drugs of madhura gana (chapter 18 of sutrasthana) or drink solution of guda (jaggery) boiled with maricha and mixed with honey, or powder of amalaka boiled in milk and mixed with ghee; or use pippali in the manner prescribed for rasayana vidhi (rejuvinatory therapy). ( 7-8)

कासी पर्वास्थिशूली चलिह्यात्सघृतमाक्षिकाः | मधूकमधुकद्राक्षात्वक्क्षीरीपिप्पलीबलाः ।। ९ ।।

The patient of ksata kasa who has pain in the joints and bones should lick (powder of) madhuka, madhuka, draksa, tvaksiri, pippali and bala along with ghee and honey. (9)

त्रिजातमर्धकर्षांशं पिप्पल्यपलं सिता | द्राक्षामधूकं खर्जूरंपलांशं शुक्ष्णचूर्णितम् ॥ १० ॥

मधुना गुटिका घ्रन्ति ता वृष्याः पित्तशोणितम् । कासश्वासारुचिच्छर्दिमूर्छाहिध्मामदभ्रमान् ॥११॥

क्षतक्षयस्वरभ्रंशप्लीहशोषाढ्यमारुतान् । रक्तनिष्ठीवहृत्पार्श्वरुपिपासाज्वरानपि ॥ १२ ॥

Half karsa of trijata, half pala of pippali, one pala each of sita ( sugar), draksa, madhuka and kharjura are all powdered nicely, made into a pill and consumed along with honey, acts as an aphrodisiac and cures pittasonita (raktapitta-bleeding disease). cough, dyspnoea, loss of appetite, vomiting, fainting, hiccup, toxicity, giddiness, injury to lungs, tuberculossis, oss of voice, disease of the spleen, consumption, adhyamaruta (urusthambha – stiffness of the leg ), haemoptysis, pain in the region of the heart and flanks, thirst and fever. (10-12)

रक्तेऽतिवृद्धे च्छागं वा जाङ्गलं वा पिबेदसृक् । वर्षाभूशर्करारक्तशालितण्डुलजं रजः ।।१३।।

रक्तष्ठीवी पिबेत्सद्धं द्राक्षारसपयोघृतैः । मधूकमधुकक्षीरसिद्धं वातण्डुलीयकम् ॥ १४ ॥

If large quantity of blood is coming out after coughing, then the patient should drink the blood of either the goat or of any other animal of desert – like regions, should drink milk cooked with powder of varsbhu, sarkara (sugar) raktasali, tandula (red variety of rice) added with juice of draksa and ghrta. Patient expectorating blood should drink milk boiled with madhuka, madhuka and tanduliyaka. (13-14)

यथास्वं मार्गविसृते रक्ते कुर्याच्च भेषजम् । पिप्पलीमधुकं पिष्टंकार्षिकं ससितोपलम् ॥ १५ ॥

प्रास्थिकं गव्यमाजंच क्षीरमिक्षुरसंतथा । यवगोधूममृद्वीकाचूर्णमामलकाद्रसः ।।१६।।

तैलं च प्रसृतांशानि तत् सर्वं मृदुनाग्निना | पचेल्लेहो घृतक्षौद्रयुतः स क्षतकासनुत् ।।१७।।

श्वासहृद्रोगकासघ्नो हितो वृद्धाल्परेतसाम् | मूढवातस्त्वजामेदः सुराभृष्टंससैन्धवम् ।।१८ ।।

When the blood is coming out from other orifices (such as the nose) appropriate treatment should be done. (15a)

One karsa each of pippali, madhuka and sitopala, one prastha each of cows milk, goats milk, and sugar-cane, one prasrta each of (flour of) yava and godhuma, mrdvika, juice of amalaka and oil (of sesamum) are all cooked over mild fire into a confection; this recipe taken along with ghee and honey cures ksatakasha (cough due to injury to lungs), dyspnoea, heart diseases and cough (other kinds), is beneficial to old people and those of poor semen (sexual vigour). (15b.-18a)

The patient of ksatakasha who has mudhavata (inactive or non-functioning vata, not having its normal downward movement) should eat fat of a goat fried in sura (beer) and mixed with saindhava. (18)

क्षामः क्षीणः क्षतोरस्को मन्दनिद्रोऽग्निदीप्तिमान् । शृतक्षीरसरेणाद्यात् सघृतक्षौद्रशर्करम् ॥ १९ ॥

He who is wasted, debilitated, injured in the lungs, having little sleep but with keen digestive activity should eatit (fat of goat) mixed with boiled milk, ghee, honey and sugar to initiate downward movement. (19)

शर्करायवगोधूमं जीवकर्षभकौ मधु । घृतक्षीरानुपानं वा लिह्यात् क्षीणः क्षती कृशः ॥२०॥

He who is debilitated and emaciated and having cough also, should lick ghee, boiled with yava, godhuma, jivaka, and rsabhaka, added with sugar and honey, followed by drinking of milk. ( 20 )

क्रव्यात्पिशितनिर्यूहंघृतभृष्टंपिबेच्चसः । पिप्पलीक्षौद्रसंयुक्तं मांसशोणितवर्धनम् ॥ २१ ॥

Juice (soup) of flesh of carnivorous animals, fried in ghee and processed with pippali and honey is good to increase the muscles and blood. (21)

न्यग्रोधोदुम्बराश्वत्थप्लक्षसालप्रियङ्गुभिः । तालमस्तकजम्वूत्वप्रियालैश्चसपद्मकैः ॥ २२ ॥

साश्वकर्णैः शृतात् क्षीरादद्याज्जातेन सर्पिषा | शाल्योदनं क्षतोरस्कः क्षीणशुक्रबलेन्द्रियः ||२३ ||

Nyagrodha, udumbara, asvattha, plaksa, sala, priyangu, talamastaka, bark of jambu tree, priyala, padmaka and asvakarna are boiled in milk and filtered. The milk is then converted into curds and ghee prepared. Boiled rice (mess) should be eaten along with the (above mentioned) ghee by the person suffering from injury to the chest (lungs), diminished semen (sexual vigour) strength and acuity of sense organs. (22-23)

पीडितेमाश्विना ||२४॥

हृत्पार्श्वार्तिषु पानं स्यात्जीवनीयस्य सर्पिषः । कुर्याद्वा वातरोगघ्नं पित्तरक्ताविरोधि यत् ॥२५॥ –

वातपित्तार्दितेऽभ्याङ्गो गात्रभेदे घृतैर्मतः । तैलैश्चानिलरोगघ्नैः

When the patient is suffering from troubles due to vata and pitta such as cutting pain in the body etc, massaging the body with ghee followed by bath should be done; if suffering from distress by vata, then medicated oils which mitigate vata should be used for massage, if by matarasvin (vata) pain appears in the (region of) the heart and the flanks the patient should drink ghee processed with drugs of jivaniyagana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) or other treatments which mitigate diseases of vata origin and which are not antagonistic to pitta and rakta, should be done. (24-25)

यष्ट्याह्वनागबलयोः क्वाथे क्षीरसमंघृतम् | पयस्यापिप्पलीवांशीकल्कसिद्धं क्षतेहितम् ||२६||

Decoction is prepared from yasti and nagabala, to which equal quantities of milk and ghee are added, then a paste of payasya, pippali and vamsi (tugaksiri) is also mixed and medicated ghee prepared. this is beneficial for patients of injury to chest (lungs). (26)

घृतं वाष्टगुणे क्षीरे कोललाक्षारसान्वितम् । कल्कैः कट्वङ्गदार्वीत्वग्वत्सकत्वक्दलैर्घृतम् ।।२७।।

One part of ghee, eight parts of milk, one part of juice (decoction) of kola and laksa and one-fourth part of the paste of katvanga, bark of darvi and vatsaka – are all prepared into a medicated ghee. (this is beneficial for patients of injury to the chest (lungs) and cough). (27)

Amritaprasa ghrita

जीवनीयो गण: शुण्ठी वरी वीरापुनर्नवौ | बलाभार्ङ्गस्वगुप्तर्धिशठीतामलकीकणाः ॥ २८ ॥

शृङ्गाटकं पयस्या च पञ्चमूलं च यल्लघु । द्राक्षाक्षोडादि च फलं मधुरस्निग्धबृंहणम् ॥ २९ ॥

तैः पचेत् सर्पिषः प्रस्थं कर्षांशैः शुक्ष्णकल्कितैः । क्षीरधात्रीविदारीक्षुच्छागमांसरसान्वितम् ॥ ३० ॥

प्रस्थार्धंमधुनः शीतेशर्करार्धतुलारजः | पलार्धिकं चमरिचत्वगेलापत्रकेसरम् ॥ ३१ ॥

विनीय चूर्णितं तस्माल्लिह्यान्मात्रां यथानलम् । अमृतप्राशमित्येतन्नराणाममृतंघृतम् ॥ ३२ ॥

सुधामृतरसंप्राश्यं क्षीरमांसरसाशिना | नष्टशुक्रक्षतक्षीणदुर्बलव्याधिकर्शितान् ॥ ३३ ॥

स्त्रीप्रसक्तान्कृशान्वर्णस्वरहीनांश्चबृंहयेत् । कासहिध्माज्वरश्वासदाहतृष्णास्त्रपित्तनुत् ।। पुत्रदंछर्दिमूर्छाहृद्योनिमूत्रामयापहम् ।।३४ ।।

One karsa each of drugs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) sunthi, vari, vira, the two punarnava, bala, bharangi, svagupta, rddhi, sathi, tamalaki, kana, Srngataka, payasya, drugs of laghu panchamula, draksa, aksoda and other fruits which are sweet, unctous and nourishing are made into a nice paste, added with one prastha of ghee; one prastha each of milk, juice of dhatri, vidari, iksu and meat of goat, and medicated ghee prepared (in the usual manner ). After it cools, half prastha of honey and half tula of powdered sugar, nice powder of half pala each of a maricha, tvak, ela, patra and kesara (nagakesara) are all mixed, and consumed in suitable doses, depending on the strength of digestion. This recipe known as Amritaprasa ghrta is like nector to human beings, taking this nector dialy followed whith diet of milk and meat juice, persons who are depleted of semen, emaciated by over-indulgence in women, who have lost their colour ( and complexion) and voice, will become stout, It will cure cough, hiccup, fever, dyspnoea, burning sensation, thirst, bleeding disease vomiting, fainting, diseases of the heart, genital tract, and urinary system and bestows offsprin. (28-34)

Svadamstradi ghrita

श्वदंष्ट्रोशीरमञ्जिष्ठाबलाकाश्मर्यकत्तृणम् । दर्भमूलं पृथक्पर्णी पलाशर्षभकौ स्थिराम् ॥ ३५ ॥

पालिकानि पचेत्तेषां रसे क्षीरचतुर्गुणे | कल्कैः स्वगुप्ताजीवन्तीमेदर्षभकजीवकैः ।। ३६ ।।

शतावर्वृद्धिमृद्वीकाशर्कराश्रावणीबिसैः । प्रस्थ: सिद्धोघृताद्वातपित्तहृद्रोगशूलनुत् ॥ ३७॥

मूत्रकृच्छ्रप्रमेहार्श: कासशोषक्षयापहः । धनुः स्त्रीमद्यभाराध्वखिन्नानांबलमांसदः ।।३८ ।।

One pala each of svadamstra, usira, manjista, bala, kasmarya, kattrina, root of darbha, prthkparni, palasa, rsabhaka and sthira are made into a decoction; to this four times its quantity of milk is added, nice paste of svagupta, jivanti, meda, rsabhaka, jivaka, sata vari, rddhi, mridviki sarkara (sugar), sravani and bisa, and one prastha of ghee are all cooked and medicated ghee prepared. This formula relieves diseases of vata and pitta, diseases of the heart, abdominal pain, strangury, diabetes, piles, cough and consumption, provides strength and builds muscles to those who are emaciated by overindulgence in archery, sexual intercourse, alcoholic drinks carrying heavy loads and walking long distance etc. (35-38)

Madhukadi ghrita

मधुकाष्टपलद्राक्षाप्रस्थक्वाथे पचेद् घृतम् । पिप्पल्यष्टपले कल्के प्रस्थं सिद्धे चशीतले ॥ ३९ ॥

पृथगष्टपलं क्षौद्रशर्कराभ्यांच मिश्रयेत् । समसक्तु क्षतक्षीणरक्तगुल्मेषु तद्धितम् ॥ ॥ ४० ॥

Eight pala of madhuka, and one prastha of draksa – are made into a decoction, to this is added a paste of eight pala of pippali and one prastha of ghee and medicated ghee prepared. After cooling eight pala each of honey and sugar are mixed. This ghee, used along with equal quantity of flour (of rice or barley) made into a porridge is beneficial in wasting due to injury to lungs and rakta gulma (uterine tumors). (39-40)

Dhatryadi ghrita

धात्री फलविदारी क्षुजीवनीयरसात् घृतात् । गव्याजयोश्चपयसोः प्रस्थं प्रस्थंविपाचयेत् ।।४१ ।।

सिद्धशीते सिताक्षौद्रद्विप्रस्थं विनयेत्ततः । यक्ष्मापस्मापित्ताक्कासमेहक्षयापहम् ।। वयःस्थापनमायुष्यमांसशुक्रबलप्रदम् ॥ ४२ ॥

Juice of fruits of dhatri, vidari, iksu and drugs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) each one prastha, one prastha each of ghee, milk of cow and goat – are all cooked and medicated ghee prepared. After cooling, one prastha of each of sugar and honey are also added. This recipe cures pulmonary tuberculosis, epilepsy, bleeding disease cough, diabetes, and wasting; maintains youth, prolongs life span and bestows muscles, semen vitality) and strength. (41-42)

घृतं तु पित्तेऽभ्यधिके लिह्याद्वाते ऽधिके पिबेत् । लीढं निर्वापयेत् पित्तमल्पत्वाद्धन्ति नानलम् ॥

आक्रामत्यनिलंपीतमूष्माणं निरुणद्धि च ॥४३॥

Patients of ksatakasha (traumatic cough) should lick medicated ghee (in moderate quantity), when there is a predominance of pitta and drink it (medicated ghee) when vata is predominant, licking being in small quantity does not diminish the digestive capacity, drinking being in large quantity spreads to the whole body and diminishes the (increased) body temperature. (43)

क्षामक्षीणकृशाङ्गानामेतान्येव घृतानितु | त्वक्क्षीरीपिप्पलीलाजचूर्णैः स्त्यानानियोजयेत् ॥४४॥

In this manner, medicated ghee mixed with powder of tvaksiri (tugaksiri), pippali and laja and made solid should be administered to persons who are wasted, debilitated and emaciated in the body. (44)

सर्पिर्गुडान्समध्वंशान् कृत्वा दद्यात् पयोनु च । रेतोवीर्यं बलं पुष्टिं तैराशुतरमाप्नुयात् ।।४५ ।।

Ghee, guda (jaggery) and honey – all equal quantities made solid and administered followed by drinking of milk, very quickly bestows semen, vitality, strength and nourishment. (45)

बला विदारी ह्रस्वं च पञ्चमूलं पुनर्नवम् । पञ्चानां क्षीरिवृक्षाणां शुङ्गा मुष्ट्यंशास्तथा ।।४६ ।।

एषांकषाये द्विक्षोरे विदार्याऽऽजरसांशके | जीवनीयैः पचेत् पिष्टैरक्षमात्रैघृताढकम् ।।४७ ।।

सितोपलानि पूते च शीते द्वात्रिंशदावपेत् । गोधूमपिप्पलीवांशीचूर्णं शृङ्गाटकस्य च ।।४८ ।।

समाक्षिकं कौडविकं तत्सर्वं खजमूर्च्छितम् । स्त्यानं सर्पिर्गुडान् कृत्वा भूर्जपत्रेण वेष्टयेत् ।।४९ ।।

तान् जग्ध्वा पालिकान् क्षीरं मद्यंत्वनुपिबेत् कफे। शोषे कासे क्षते क्षीणे श्रमस्त्रीभारकर्शिते ॥५०॥

रक्तनिष्ठीवने तापे पीनसे चोरसि स्थिते । शस्ताः पार्श्वशिरःशूले भेदे च स्वरवर्णयोः ।।५१ ।।

One musti (pala) each of bala, vidari, drugs of hrasvapanchamula, punarnava and sprouts of the five trees yeilding milky sap are made into a decoction, to this are added twice its quantity of milk, equal quantity each of juice of vidari and goat’s milk, one aksa each of drugs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) made into a paste; and one adhaka of ghee, and medicated ghee prepared. After it cools, sitopala (sugar candy) and srngataka – thirtytwo pala in total, and one kudava of honey are also added and churned well with a churner and allowed to solidify by covering it with leaves of bhurja tree. This ghee chewed well, in doses of one pala, followed by a drink of milk or wine is very beneficial in cough produced by kapha, consumption, injury to chest, emaciation caused by exertion, sexual intercourse carrying heavy loads etc, expectoration of blood, increased heat, nasal catarrah, pain in the chest, flanks and head, loss of voice and colour ( complexion). (46-51)

सशर्कराशृते क्षीरघृततैलाढकत्रये । चूर्णीकृताः क्षिपेत् पक्वसान्द्रे दशपलाः पृथक् ॥५२॥

द्राक्षात्मगुप्तावर्षाभूसमङ्गाभीरुपिप्पलीः । तद्वद्विदार्यामलके प्रस्थार्धंविश्वभेषजम् ॥५३ ।।

यष्ट्याह्वसौवर्चलयोर्द्विपलं मरिचस्य च । क्षामः क्षीणः क्षतः शुष्यंस्तान्खादेत् पालिकैर्गुडैः ।।

तथा सद्यो रसादीनां वृध्यापुष्टिंसमनुते ॥५४॥

Three adhaka of milk, ghee and oil (one adhaka each) and little quantity of sugar are boiled together; to this mixture are added powder of ten pala each of the draksa, atmagupta, varsabhu, samanga abhiru, pippali, vidari and amalaka, half prastha of powder of visvabhesaja, two pala each yasthi, sauvarchala, and maricha and medicated ghee prepared. This recipe taken, in doses of one pala mixed with guda (jaggery), by persons who are weak, emaciated and injured in the lungs, quickly replenishes the rasa and other dhatus ( tissues) and bestows strength. (52-54)

गोक्षीरार्धाढकं सर्पिः प्रस्थमिक्षुरसाढकम् । रसाद्विदार्याः कुडवं रसात् प्रस्थं च तैत्तिरात् ।।५५ ।।

दद्यात् सिध्यति तस्मिंमस्तु पिष्टानिक्षुरसैरिमान् । मधूकपुष्पं कुडवं कुडवं च प्रियालतः ।।५६ ।।

पलद्वयं तवक्षीर्याः खर्जूराणि चविंशतिः । पृथग्विभीतकान्मज्ञः पिप्पल्याश्च चतुर्थिकाम् ॥५७ ॥

त्रिंशत्पलानि खण्डाच्च मधुकात् पाणिमानिकाम् । तथार्धपलिकान्यत्र जीवनीयानि दापयेत् ॥५८ ॥

सिद्धेद्विकुडवं क्षौद्राच्छीते दत्वा च मोदकान् । कारयेन्मरिचाजाजीपलचूर्णावचूर्णितान् ।।५९ ॥

वातासृपित्तरोगेषु क्षतकासक्षयेषु च । क्षीणौजःस्वरशुक्रेषु योनिदोषेषु संत्रवे ॥ मृतप्रजासु वन्ध्यासु हितं गर्भस्य च स्रुतौ ॥६० ॥

Half adhaka of cows milk, one prastha of ghee, one adhaka of sugarcane juice, one kudava of juice of vidari, one prastha of juice of flesh of tittiri bird – all are mixed together and boiled. To this liquid is added a paste prepared from sugarcane juice and one kudava each of flowers of madhuka and priyala, two pala of tavaksiri, twenty pala of kharjura, four pala of vibhitaka majja, one caturthika (pala) of pippali, thirty pala of khanda (sugar candy), one panimanika (eight pala) of madhuka, half pala each of the drugs of jivaniya gana – all are cooked together and allowed to cool. After it becomes cool, it is mixed with two kudava of honey and one pala of powder of maricha and ajaji (each half pala) and made into big sized pills, this recipe is very beneficial in diseases of vata, rakta and pitta, ksatakasha, (cough due to injury to chest), ksayakasha (cough due to tuberculosis) loss of vigour, voice and semen, disease of yoni (uterus and vagina), vaginal discharges, death of the foetus, sterility and abortions. ( 55-60)

Kusmanda Rasayana

वीतत्वगस्थिकूष्माण्डतुलां स्विन्नांपुनः पचेत् ।। ६१ ।।

घट्टयन् सर्पिष: प्रस्थे क्षौद्रवर्णेऽत्र च क्षिपेत् । खण्डाच्छतं कणाशुण्ठ्योर्द्विपलं जीरकादपि ||६२ ||

त्रिजातधान्यमरिचं पृथगर्धपलांशकम् । अवतारितशीते च दत्वा क्षौद्रं घृतार्धिकम् ।।६३ ।।

खजेनामथ्य च स्थाप्यं तन्निहन्त्युपयोजितम् । कासहिध्माज्वरश्वासरक्तपित्तक्षतक्षयान् ।।६४ ।।

उर:सन्धानजननं मेधास्मृतिबलप्रदम् । अश्विभ्यांन्निर्मितं हृद्यं कूष्माण्डकरसायनम् ।। ६५ ।।

One tula of pulp of kusmanda devoid of bark and seed, is cooked in steam, making it into a chick paste, it is fried in one prastha of ghee; when it gets the colour of honey, hundred pala of khanda (sugarcandy), two pala each kana, sunthi, and jiraka, half pala each of trijata, dhanya and maricha, are all added and confection prepared; after cooling, honey in the proportion of half the quantity of ghee (half prastha) is mixed well with the help of a stirrer and stored. This recipe known as Kusmandaka rasayana. (formulated by the Asvini twins, is good to the heart, cures cough, hiccup, fever, dyspnoea, bleeding disease, injury to lungs, tuberculosis, heals the ulcers of the chest ( lungs), bestows intellegence, memory and strength. (61-65)

पिवेन्नागबलामूलस्यार्धकर्षाभिवर्धितम् । पलं क्षीरयुतं मासं क्षीरवृत्तिरनन्नभुक् ॥६६॥

एष प्रयोग: पुष्ट्यायुर्बलवर्णकरः परम् । मण्डूकपर्ण्याः कल्पोऽयं यष्ट्या विश्वौषधस्य च ।।६७।।

Half karsa of juice of root of nagabala mixed with milk should be swallowed dialy for one month, increasing the quantity of nagabala by half karsa one each succeding day. The patient should drink milk only and avoid (solid) food; this regimen is best to bestow nourishment, lifespan. strength and colour (complexion). Similarly also the regimen with mandukaparni, yasthi or visvausadha. (66-67)

Nagabala ghrita

पादशेषं जलद्रोणे पचेन्नागबलातुलाम् । तेन क्वाथेन तुल्यांशं घृतं क्षीरं च साधयेत् ।।६८ ।।

पलार्धिकैश्चातिबलाबलायष्टीपुनर्नवैः । प्रपौण्डरीककाश्मर्यप्रियालकपिकच्छुभिः ॥६९ ।।

अश्वगन्धासिताभीरुमेदायुग्मत्रिकण्टकैः । काकोलीक्षीरकाकोलीक्षीरशुक्लाद्विजीरकैः ।।७० ।।

मृणालबिसखर्जूरशृङ्गाटककशेरुकैः । एतन्नागबलासर्पिः पित्तरक्तं क्षतक्षयम् ।।७१ ।।

जयेत्तृड्भ्रमदाहांश्च बलपुष्टिकरंपरम । वर्ण्यमायुष्यमोजस्यं वलीपलितनाशनम् ॥ उपयुज्य तुषण्मासाद् वृद्धोऽपितरुणायते ||७२ ।।

One tula of nagabala is boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to a quarter; ghee and milk equal in quantity to the decoction are added and boiled; during boiling, powder of half pala each of atibala, bala, yasthi, punarnava, prapaundarika, kasmarya, priyala, kapikachu, ashwagandha, sita (sugar), abhiru, the two meda, trikantaka, kakoli, kshirakakoli, kshirasukla, the two jivaka, mrunala bisa, kharjura, Srngataka and kaseruka – are added and medicated ghee prepared. This recipe known as Nagabala sarpi (ghrta) cures diseases of pitta and rakta, injury to the lungs, consumption, thirst, giddiness and burning sensation on, is best for giving strength, nourishment, colour (complexion ) long life and vitality; wards off wrinkles of the skin and greying of hairs, used (continuously) for six months even old persons become young. (68-72)

शर्करा पिप्पलीचूर्णै: सर्पिषा माक्षिकेण च । संयुतं वा शृतं क्षीरं पिबेत् कासज्वरापहम् ।।७३ ।।

Drinking milk mixed with sugar, powder of pippali, ghee and honey without or with boiling cures cough and fever. (73)

फलाम्लं सर्पिषा भृष्टं विदारीक्षुरसे कृतम् । स्त्रीषु क्षीणः पिबेद्यूषं जीवनं बृंहणं परम् ॥७४ ॥

Drinking the soup prepared from sour fruits fried in ghee, juice of vidari, and of sugarcane by persons debilitated by over indulgence in women, acts as sustainer of life and as good nourishment. (74)

सक्तूनां वस्त्रपूतानां मन्थं क्षौद्रघृतान्वितम् । यवान्नसात्म्यो दीप्ताग्निः क्षतक्षीणः पिबेन्नरः ॥७५ ॥

Patients of ksataksina (emaciated due to injury to lungs) who are accustomed to yava (barley) as diet and who have good digestion should drink mantha (thick paste) prepared from flour filtered through cloth, honey and ghee. (75)

जीवनीयोपसिद्धं वा जाङ्गलं घृतभर्जितम् । रसं प्रयोजयेत् क्षीणे व्यञ्जनार्थं सशर्करम् ॥७६ ॥

गोमहिष्यश्वनागाजैः क्षीरैर्मांसरसैस्तथा । यवान्नं भोजयेद्युषैः फलाम्लैर्वा घृताप्लुतैः ॥७७।।

Drugs of jivaniya gana, mixed with juice of meat of animals living in desert-like regions fried in ghee, and added with sugar should be used as food by the emaciated patients. Similarly food prepared with yava (barley) should be consumed along with milk, and juice of meat of cow, buffalo, horse, elephant or goat soups and fruits of sour taste mixed with ghee. (76-77)

दीप्तेऽग्नौ विधिरेष स्यान्मन्दे दीपनपाचनः । यक्ष्मोक्तः क्षतिनां शस्तो ग्राही शकृति तु द्रवे ॥७८।।

The above is the regimen for patients of ksata (injury to the lungs) who have keen digestive capacity, for those of poor digestive capacity, kindling the hunger and also the power of digestion, is due first,. The regimen prescribed in yaksma (pulmonary tuberculosis is also suitable for patients of ksata (injury to lungs); if the patients have diarrhoea, treatment should be to bind the bowels. (78)

Agastya haritaki Rasayana

दशमूलं स्वयंगुप्तां शङ्खपुष्पीं शठीं बलाम् | हस्तिपिप्पल्यपामार्गपिप्पलीमूलचित्रकान् ।।७९ ।।

भाङ्ग पुष्करमूलं च द्विपलांशान्यवाढकम् । हरीतकीशतं चैकं जलपञ्चाढके पचेत् ॥८० ॥

यवस्वेदे कषायं तं पूतं तच्चाभयाशतम् । पचेद्गुडतुलां दत्वा कुडवं च पृथग्घृतात् ।।८१ ।।

तैलात् सपिप्पलीचूर्णात् सिद्धशीते च माक्षिकात् । लेहाद्वे चाभये नित्यमतः खादेद्रसायनात् ॥८२ ॥

तद्वलीपलितं हन्याद्वर्णायुर्बलवर्धनम् । पञ्चकासान् क्षयं श्वासं सहिध्मं विषमज्वरम् ।।८३ ।।

मेहगुल्मग्रहण्यर्शोहृद्रोगारुचिपीनसान् । अगस्त्यविहितं धन्यमिदं श्रेष्ठं रसायनम् ।।८४ ॥

Two pala each of dashamoola, svayamgupta, sankhapuspi, sathi and bala, hastipippali, apamarga, pippalimula, chitraka, bharigi and puskaramula are boiled in one adhaka of water and decoction reduced to quarter. One hundered pala of haritaki is boiled in five adhaka of water and when well cooked they are taken out, seeds removed and again boiled adding to the decoction one tula of guda (jaggery), one kudava each of ghee, powder of pippali and oil. All are cooked and confection prepared. After cooling, it is consumed daily in the dose of two abhaya (haritaki) per day in the manner of rejuvination therapy. It wards off wrinkles, greying of hairs, enhances complexion, span of life and strength; cures the five kinds of cough, consumption, dyspnoea, hiccup, irreregular fevers, diabetes, abdominal tumors, disease of the duodenum, haemorrhoid heart diseases, loss of appetite, and nasal catarrah. This recipe formulated by (sage) Agastya is highly effective and a best rejuvinator. (79-84)

Vasistha haritaki Rasayana

दशमूलं बलां मूर्वां हरिद्रे पिप्पलीद्वयम् । पाठाश्वगन्धापामार्गस्वगुप्तातिविषामृताः ॥८५ ॥

बालबिल्वं त्रिवृद्दन्तीमूलं पत्रं च चित्रकात् । पयस्यां कुटजं हिंस्रां पुष्पं सारंच बीजकात् ।।८६ ।।

बोलस्थविरभातविकतशतावरी: पूतीकरञ्जशम्याकचन्द्रलेखासहाचरम् ।।८७ ।।

सौभाञ्जनकनिम्बत्वगिक्षुरंच पलांशकम् | पथ्यासहस्त्रं सशतं यवानां चाढकद्वयम् ॥८८ ॥

पचेदष्टगुणे तोये यवस्वेदेऽवतारयेत् । पूते क्षिपेत् सपथ्ये च तत्र जीर्णगुडात्तुलाम् ।।८९ ।।

तैलाज्यधात्रीरसतः प्रस्थं प्रस्थं ततः पुनः । अधिश्रयेन्मृदावग्नौ दर्वीलेपेऽवतार्य च ।।१०।।

शीते प्रस्थद्वयं क्षौद्रात्पिप्पलीकुडवं क्षिपेत् । चूर्णीकृतात्त्रिजाताच्च त्रिपलं निखनेत्ततः ॥९१ ॥

धान्ये पुराणकुम्भस्थं मासं खादेच्च पूर्ववत् । रसायनं वसिष्ठोक्तमेतत् पूर्वगुणाधिकम् ।। स्वस्थानां निष्परीहारं सर्वर्तुषु चशस्यते ||९२ ||

One pala each of dashamoola, murva, bala, the two haridra, the two pippali, patha, ashwagandha, apamarga, svagupta, ativisa, amrita, balabilva (unripe fruit of bilva), trivrit, root of danti, leaves of chitraka, payasya, kutaja, himsra (mamsi), seeds and heart wood of bijaka, bolasthavira, bhallata, vikankata, satavari, putikaranja, samyaka, candralekha, sahachara, saubhanjanaka, bark of nimba, and iksura; pathya one thousand one hundred (by count), and two adhaka of yava – all are cooked in eight times their qnantity of water. Afterwards the decoction is filtered, and seeds of pathya removed, added with one tula of old guda (jaggery), one prastha each of oil, ghee, and juice of dhatri; this mixture is cooked again over mild fire and taken out when the material begins to adhere to the laddle. After cooling, two prastha of honey, one kuduva of powder of pippali and three pala of powder of trijata are mixed, put into a old earthen pot, its mouth sealed, pot kept buried in a heap of corn for one month. Afterwards it is made use of in the same manner described earlier. This Rasayana (confection) formulated by (sage) Vasistha is superior in properties than the previous one, indispensable for healthy persons and suitable in all seasons. (85-92)

Sadava churna – condiment powder

पालिकं सैन्धवं शुण्ठी द्वे च सौवर्चलात्पले | कुडवांशानि वृक्षाम्लंदाडिमं पत्रमार्जकात् ।।९३ ।।

एकैका मरिचाजाज्योर्धान्यकाद्वे चतुर्थिके । शर्कराया: पलान्यत्र दश द्वे च प्रदापयेत् ।।९४ ।।

कृत्वा चूर्णमतो मात्रामन्नपानेषु दापयेत् । रुच्यं तद्दीपनं बल्यं पाश्र्श्वार्तिश्वासकासनुत् ॥ ९५ ।।

One pala each of saindhava and sunthi, two pala of sauvarchala, one kudava each of vrikshamla, dadima, leaves of arjaka; one caturthika (pala) each of maricha and ajaji and two (pala) of dhanyaka and twelve pala of sarkara (sugar) are all mixed together, powdered and used in suitable doses along with foods and drinks, It improves staste, hunger, strength and cures pain in the flanks, dyspnoea and cough. (93-95)

एकां षोडशिकां धान्याद् द्वे द्वे चाजाजिदीप्यकात् । ताभ्यां दाडिमवृक्षाम्ले द्विर्द्विस्सौवर्चलात् पले ||९६ ||

शुण्ठ्याः कर्षं दधित्थस्य मध्यात् पञ्चपलानि च । तच्चूण षोडशपलैः शर्कराया विमिश्रयेत् ॥९७ ॥

षाडवोयंप्रदेयः स्यादन्नपानेषु पूर्ववत् । विधिश्चयक्ष्मपित्तास्त्रविहितः शस्यते क्षते ।।९८ ।।

One sodasika (karsa) of dhanya, two karsa each of ajaji and dipyaka dadima and vrikshamla, each double the quantity of the above two (ajaji and dipyaka) put together (in other words eight karsa, each of dadima and vrikshamla), one pala of sauvareala, one karsa of sunthi, five pala of the marrow of dadittha (kapittha) and sixteen pala of sugar are all mixed together and powdered. This sadava (condiment) used along with food and drink as told earlier, is beneficial in consumption, bleeding disease and injury to lungs. (96-98)

Dhuma pana – smoke inhalation

निवृत्ते क्षतदोषे तु कफे वृद्ध उर : शिरः । दाल्येते कासिनो यस्य सना धूमानिमान्पिबेत् ।।९९ ।।

After the abnormality of injury disappears, kapha getting increased, causes severe pain in the chest and the head associated with cough, such a patient should inhale the following smokes. (99)

द्विमेदाद्विबलायष्टीकल्कैः सौमे सुभाविते । वर्तिं कृत्वा पिबेधूमं जीवनीयघृतानुपः ।। १०० ।।

A cigerette is prepared from the paste of the two meda, two bala and yasti soaked in juice of ksauma; it should then be smoked followed by a drink of medicated ghee prepared with drugs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 sutrasthana). (100)

मनः शिला बला साजगन्धा त्वक्क्षीरिनागरैः । तद्वदेवानुपानं तु शर्करेक्षुगुडोदकम् ।। १०१ ।।

Similarly the smoke of manassila, bala, ajagandha, tvakksiri and nagara should be inhaled followed by sugar water, sugarcane juice or jaggery water as an after-drink. (101)

पिष्ट्वा मनः शिला तुल्यामार्द्रया वटशुङ्गया | ससर्पिष्कं पिबेधूमं तित्तिरिप्रतिभोजनः ।। १०२ ।।

Equal parts of manassila and moist sprouts of vata are together made into a paste, and rolled into a cigerette; after drying it is smeared with ghee and smoked; the person should take food along with juice of flesh of tittiri bird. (102)

Ksaya kasa chikitsa – treatment of tubercular cough

क्षयजे बृंहणंपूर्वं कुर्यादग्नेश्च वर्धनम् । बहुदोषाय सस्त्रेहं मृदु दद्याद्विरेचनम् ।।१०३ ॥

शम्याकेन त्रिवृतया मृद्वीकारसयुक्तया । तिल्वकस्य कषायेण विदारीस्वरसेन च । सर्पिः सिद्धं पिबेद्युक्त्या क्षीणदेहो विशोधनम् ।।१०४॥

For (patient of) ksayaja kasa (tubercular cough) suitable measures to make the body stout (nourishment) and kindle the digestive activity should be done first. If the aggravation of doshas is profound, mild, lubricating purgative should be administered. Medicated ghee prepared with samyaka or trivrit, along with juice of mrdvika, or decoction of tilvaka along with the juice of vidari – should be given in the usual procedure. This will purify the person with debilitated body. (103-104)

पित्ते कफे धातुषु च क्षीणेषु क्षयकासवान् । घृतं कर्कटकी क्षीरद्विबलासाधितं पिबेत् ।।१०५ ।।

विदारीभिः कदम्बैर्वा तालसस्यैश्च साधितम् । घृतं पयश्च

The patient of ksaya kasa in whom pitta and kapha are diminished, should drink ghee processed with karkataki (sringi) milk, and bala or ghee and milk processed with vidari, kadamba or talasasya (tala bija). (105)

मूत्रस्य वैवर्ण्य कृच्छ्रनिर्गमे ।। १०६ ।।

शूने सवेदने मेद्रे पायौ सश्रोणिवङ्क्षणे । घृतमण्डेन लघुनानुवास्यो मिश्रण वा ।। १०७।।

If there is discolouration of urine and difficulty of its elimination, swelling and pain in the penis, rectum, pelvis and groins then anuvasana (oil enema) should be administered in small doshage, either with ghrtamanda (scum of ghee) or misraka (mixture of any two fatty materials, usually ghee and oil). (106-107)

जाङ्गलैः प्रतिभुक्तस्य वर्तकाद्या बिलेशया: । क्रमशः प्रसहास्तद्वत् प्रयोज्याः पिशिताशिनः ।।१०८ ।।

औष्ण्यात् प्रमाथिभावाच्च स्रोतोभ्यश्च्यावयन्तिते । कफं शुद्धैश्च तैः पुष्टिं कुर्यात् सम्यग्वहन् रसः ।। १०९ ।।

(After the enema) he should be given, at each meal, meat of animals of desert-like regions, of vartaka bird and such others, of those which live in burrows, of those called prasaha (which hold their prey in their claws and then eat), and such other carnivorous animals one after the other. These kinds of meat, by their properties such as hot (in potency) and pramathi (clearing the passages by secreting thin fluid), bring about more secretion of kapha in the channels (cell pores etc). and thus clearing (the obstruction in them), make for free movement of rasa ( dhatu) which nourishes all the other dhatus. (108-109)

Chavikadi ghrita

चविकात्रिफलाभार्ङ्गदशमूलैः सचित्रकैः । कुलत्थपिप्पलीमूलपाठाकोलयवैर्जले ।।११० ।।

शृतैर्नागरदुस्पर्शापिप्पलीशठिपौष्करैः । पिष्टैः कर्कटशृङ्ग्याच समैः सर्पिर्विपाचयेत् ।।१११ ।।

सिद्धेऽस्मिंश्चूर्णितौ क्षारौ द्वौ पञ्च लवणानि च । दत्वा युक्त्या पिबेन्मात्रां क्षयकासनिपीडितः ॥११२ ॥

A decoction is prepared from cavika, triphala, bhrigi, dashamoola, chitraka, kulattha, pippalimula, patha, kola, yava and jala (water); to this decoction are added the powder of equal parts of nagara, dussparsa, pippali sathi, pauskara and karkatasringi (together making one part) and ghee (equal in quantity of the paste) and medicated ghee prepared. After cooling it is mixed with powder of the two kshara and the five lavana. This ghee should be used in suitable doses, by the patient of ksayakasha. (tuberular cough). (110-112)

Kasamardadi ghrita

कासमर्दाभयामुस्तापाठाकट्फलनागरैः । पिप्पल्या कटुरोहिण्या काश्मर्यासुरसेनच ॥११३ ।।

अक्षमात्रैर्घृतप्रस्थं क्षीरद्राक्षारसाढके | पचेच्छोषज्वरप्लीहसर्वकासहरंशिवम् ।।११४ ।।

One aksa each of kasamarda, abhaya, musta, patha, katphala, nagara pippali, kuturohini, kasmari and surasa are made into a decoction. It is then mixed with one prastha of ghee, one adhaka each of milk and juice of draksa and medicated ghee prepared (as usual). This cures consumption, fevers, diseases of spieen, all varieties of cough and bestows auspiciousness. (113-114)

Vrsadi ghrita

वृषव्याघ्रीगुडूचीनां पत्रमूलफलाङ्कुरात् । रसकल्कैर्घृतं पक्कं हन्ति कासज्वरारुचीः ।।११५ ।।

Medicated ghee prepared with juice of leaves, roots, fruits and sprouts of vrsa, vyaghri, guduchi, mixed with their own paste and ghee; it cures coughs, fever and anorexia. (115)

द्विगुणे दाडिमरसे सिद्धं वा व्योषसंयुतम् । षिबेदुपरिभक्तस्य यवक्षारयुतं नरः ।।११६ ।।

Ghee is boiled with two parts of juice of dadima, along with vyosa (used as paste) this should be taken after meals mixed with yavakshara. (116)

पिप्पलीगुडसिद्धं वा छागक्षीरयुतं घृतम् । एतान्यग्निविवृध्यर्थं सर्पीषि क्षयकासिनाम् ।। स्युर्दोषबद्धकण्ठोरःस्रोतसांच विशुद्धये ।।११७ ।।

Medicated ghee prepared with pippali and guda (jaggery) along with goats milk may be used. All the medicated ghee described above are useful for patients of ksayakasha (tubercular cough) to bring about increase of digestive capacity and clear the passages of the throat and chest filled with solidified doshas. (117)

Masi prayoga

श्वाविदां सूचयो दग्धाः सघृतक्षौद्रशर्कराः । श्वासकासहरा बर्हिपादौ वा क्षौद्रसर्पिषा ।।११८ ।।

The ash obtained by burning the quills of procupine, licked with ghee, honey and sugar; or the ash of barhipada (peacock feathers) with honey and ghee cures dyspnoea and cough. (118)

एरण्डपत्रक्षारं वा ब्योषतैलगुडान्वितम् | लेहयेत् क्षारमेवं वा सुरसैरण्डपत्रजम् ।।११९ ।।

लिह्यात्र्यूषणचूर्णं वापुराणगुडसर्पिषा | चित्रकत्रिफलाजाजी कर्कटाख्या कटुत्रिकम् ॥ द्राक्षां च क्षौद्रसर्पिर्भ्यां लिह्यादद्याद्गुडेन वा ।।१२०।।

पाठामधुकजीवन्तीत्वक्क्षीरीत्रिफलाघनम् | शठीद्विबृहतीद्राक्षापिप्पल्येलावितुन्नकम् ।।१२१ ।।

सारिवापुष्करजटाकर्कटाख्यारसाञ्जनम् । पुनर्नवालोहरजस्त्रायमाणायवानिका ||१२२ ॥

ऋद्धिस्तामलकी भार्ङ्गविडङ्गंधन्वयासकम् । क्षारचित्रकचव्याम्लवेतसव्योषदारु च ॥ सर्वकासान् जयेल्लीढंतच्चूर्णंमधुसर्पिषा ।।१२३ ।।

Or ash of leaves of eranda mixed with vyosa, taila and guda may be licked; or ash of surasa and leaves of eranda in this manner; or powder of tryusana may be licked mixed with puranaguda (old jaggery) and ghee; or powder of chitraka, triphala ajaji, karkata, katutrika and draksa may be licked with honey or eaten mixed with guda. (119-120)

Patha, madhuka, jivanti, tvaksiri (tugaksiri), triphala, ghana, sathi, the two brihati, draksa, pippali, ela, vitunnaka, sariva, puskarajata, karkata, rasanjana, punarnava, loharaja, trayamana, yavanika, rddhi, tamalaki, bhanigi, vidanga, dhanvayasaka, kshara (yavakshara), chitraka, chavya, amlavetasa, vyosa and daru, – all are made into a nice powder and licked with honey and ghee. It cures all varieties of cough. (121-123) – Padmakadi curna

पद्मकं त्रिफला व्योषं विडङ्गं देवदारु च । बलारास्त्रा च तच्चूर्णं समस्तसमशर्करम् ।।१२४ ॥

खादेन्मधुघृताभ्यां वा लिह्यात् कासहरंपरम् । तद्वन्मरिचचूर्णं वा सघृतक्षौद्रशर्करम् ॥ १२५ ॥

पथ्याशुण्ठीघनगुडैर्गुटिकां धारयेन्मुखे | सर्वेषु कासश्वासेषु केवलं वा बिभीतकम् ।।१२६ ।।

कल्के तिल्वकपत्राणां घृतभृष्टेसशर्करे | पेयोत्कार्यथवाच्छर्दितृट्कासामातिसारजित् ।।१२७ ।।

Nice powder of padmaka, triphala, vyosa, vidanga, devadaru, bala, and rasna mixed with sugar, equal in quantity to all (the drugs) should be licked with honey and ghee. This is best for the cure of cough.

Likewise, is the powder of maricha, licked with ghee, honey and sugar; a pill is prepared from pathya, sunthi ghana and guda (jaggery) for keeping in the mouth, or only vibhitaka may be kept in the mouth in all varieties of cough and dyspnoea.

Leaves of tilvaka fried in ghee, mixed with sugar, made into a paste (with flour of any corn) and prepared into a peya (thin gruel) or utkarika (backed cake). This will cure vomiting, thirst, cough and diarrboea. (124-127)

गौरसर्षपगण्डीरविडङ्गव्योषचित्रकान् । साभयान्साधयेत्तोये यवागूस्तेन चाम्भसा ।।१२८ ॥

ससर्पिर्लवणा कासे हिध्माश्वासे सपीनसे | पाण्ड्वामये क्षये शोफे कर्णशूले चशस्ते ||१२९ ॥

Gaura sarsapa, gandira, vidanga, vyosa, chitraka and abhaya are boiled in water and yavagu (gruel) prepared along with corn flour. This taken as diet mixed with ghee and salt, is beneficial in cough, hiccup, dyspnoea, nasal catarrah, anaemia, consumption, dropsy and pain in the ears. 128-129)

कण्टकारीरसे सिद्धोमुद्गयूषः सुसंस्कृतः । सगौरामलकः साम्लः सर्वकासभिषग्जितम् ।।१३० ।।

Mudga yusa (soup of green gram) processed with juice of kantakari yellow (ripe) amalaka and sours, is the best remedy for all varieties of cough. (130)

वातघ्नौषधिनिःक्वाथे क्षीरं यूषान् रसानपि । वैष्किरान् प्रातुदान् बैलान् दापयेत् क्षयकासिने ॥१३१ ।।

Milk, soup or juice of meat of animals (or birds) of viskira which pick up food by sratching the ground) pratuda (which tear the food by their mouth (or beak) or baila (which live in burrows) – all (these liquids) processed with juice of decoction of drugs which mitigate vata, should be prescribed as diet for patients of ksayakasha. (131)

क्षतकासे चये धूमाः सानुपाना निदर्शिताः । क्षयकासेऽपि ते योज्या वक्ष्यते यच्च यक्ष्मणि || १३२ ||

The smokes for inhalation prescribed for ksatakasha (traumatic cough) and those for rajayaksma (tuberculosis) along with their after – drinks can also be prescribed for ksayakasha. (132)

बृंहणं दीपनं चाग्नेः स्त्रोतसां च विशोधनम् । व्यत्यासात् क्षयकासिभ्यो बल्यं सर्वं प्रशस्यते ||१३३ ।।

All such measures which make the body stout (nourishing), which enhance the digestive activity, which clears the channels and which bestow strength, prescribed alternately (as and when needed) to patients of ksatakasha are highly beneficial. (133)

सन्निपातोद्भवो घोरः क्षयकासो यतस्ततः । यथादोषबलं तस्य सन्निपातहितं हितम् ।।१३४ ।।

Since ksayakasha arises from sannipata (all and three doshas aggravated simultaneously) such treatments as are suitable for the control of sannipata depending upon the strength of the doshas, should be done. (134)

।। इति पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ॥

Thus ends the Fifth chapter.


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