SVAYATHU – SOPHA CHIKITSA – Treatment of swelling – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter – 17


अथातः श्वयथुचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माद्दुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound, the chapter Svayathu chikitsa treatment of swelling/oedema/dropsy; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Sarvanga sopha chikitsa

सर्वत्र सर्वाङ्गसरे दोषजे श्वयथौ पुरा । सामे विशोषितो भुक्त्वालघुकोष्णाम्भसा पिबेत् ॥ १ ॥

नागरातिविषादारुविडङ्गेन्द्रयवोषणम् अथवा विजयाशुण्ठीदेवदारुपुनर्नवम् ॥ २ ॥

नवायसं वा दोषाढ्यः शुद्धयै मूत्रहरीतकीः । वराक्वाथेन कटुकाकुम्भायस्त्र्यूषणानि वा ॥ ३ ॥

अथवा गुग्गुलुं तद्वज्जतु वा शैलसम्भवम् ।

In all cases of swelling of the entire body caused by the dosas especially when associated with ( symptoms of) ama the patient should par take light foods and then consume the (powder of) nagara, ativisa, daru, vidanga, indrayava and usana; or of vijaya sunthi, devadaru and punarnava; if there is a great increase of dosas he should consume either navayasa (chapter 15 of chikitsa sthana) or mutraharitaki (chapter 8 chikitsa sthana) for purifaction ( purgation) then drink vara quatha (decoction fo triphala) added with (powder of katuka, kumbha, ayas and tryusana; or guggulu, or silajatu, the same way. 1-4a.

मन्दाग्निः शीलयेदामगुरुभिन्नविबद्धविट् ॥ ४ ॥

तक्रं सौवर्चलव्योषक्षौद्रयुक्तं गुडाभयाम् । गरम् ॥ ५ ॥ तक्रानुपानमथवा तद्वद्वा

He who has poor digestive fire, faeces having symptoms of ama, being heavy, broken and constipating, should consume takra (buttermilk) mixed with sauvarcala, vyosa, and ksaudra (honey) or consume guda and abhya or guda and nagara followed by takra as the vehicle. 4b-5.

आर्द्रकं वा समगुडं प्रकुञ्चार्धविवर्धितम् । परं पञ्चपलं मासं यूषक्षीररसाशनः ॥ ६॥

गुल्मोदरार्शः श्वयथुप्रमेहान् श्वासप्रतिश्यालसकाविपाकान् । सकाबलाशोषमनोविकारान् कासं कफं चैव ७ ॥

Ardraka added with equal quantity of guda, increased by half prakunca (pala) daily till the total quantity becomes five pala, should be consumed for one month; the preson partaking yusa (soup), milk and rasa (meat soup) as food. This recipe cures abdominal tumour, enlargement of the abdomen, haemorrhoids, oedma, diabetes, dyspnoea, running in the nose, alsaka ( a kind of indigestion), jaundice, consumption, disorders of the mind, cough, and increase of kapha. 6-7.

जयेत्प्रयोगः ॥ घृतमार्द्रकनागरस्य कल्कस्वरसाभ्यां पयसा च साधयित्वा ।

श्वयथुक्षवथूदराग्निसादैरभिभूतोऽपि पिबन् भवत्यरोगः ॥ ८ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with juice of ardraka, paste of nagara and milk consumed (daily) makes the person free of the disease (oedema) though accompanied with oedema, sneezing, abdominal enlargement and weak digestive fire. 8.

निरामो बद्धशमलः पिबेच्छयथ्पीडितः । त्रिकटुत्रिवृतादन्तीचित्रकैः साधितं पयः ॥ ९ ॥

मूत्रं गोर्वा महिष्या वा सक्षीरं क्षीरभोजनः । सप्ताहं मासमथवा स्यादुष्टक्षीरवर्तनः ॥ १०॥

The patient of oedema who has symtoms of nirama (absence of ama ) and obstruction of faeces ( constipation ) should drink milk boiled with trikatu, trivrt, danti and citraka; or urine of either a cow or buffalo added with milk only as food; or drink camel milk only as a diet for a period of seven days or a month. 9-10.

यवानकं यवक्षारं यवानीं पञ्चकोलकम् । मरिचं दाडिमं पाठां धानकामम्लवेतसम् ॥ ११ ॥

बालबिल्वं च कर्षांशं साधयेत्सलिलाढके । तेन पक्को घृतप्रस्थः शोफार्शोगुल्ममेहहा ॥ १२॥

Yavanaka (yavani), yavaksara, yavani, pancakola, marica, dadima, patha, dhanyaka, amlavetasa, and balabilva (tender fruit of bilva), each one karsa are boiled in one adhaka of water and decoction prepared; one prastha of ghrta (ghee) in mixed with and medicated ghee prepared. This cures oedema, haemorrhoids, abdominal tumour and 11-12. diabetes.

दनश्चित्रकगर्भाद्वा घृतं तत्तक्रसंयुतम् । पक्कं सचित्रकं तद्वद्गुणैः

Medicated ghee prepared with dadhi (curds) prepared from milk mixed with (powder of) citraka; or takra (buttermilk) obtained from that curds, paste of citraka and ghrta (ghee) has properties same as of the above. 13.

युञ्ज्याच्च कालवित् ॥ १३ ॥

धान्वन्तरं महातिक्तं कल्याणमभयाघृतम् ।

Either Dhanvantara ghrita (chapter 12 of chikitsa sthana), Mahatikta ghrita (chapter 19 of chikitsa sthana) Kalyanaka ghrita (chapter 6 of chikitsa sthana) may be administered determining the stage of the disease. 13-14a.

दशमूलकषायस्य कंसे पथ्याशतं पचेत् ॥ १४ ॥

दत्त्वा गुडतुलां तस्मिन् लेहे दद्याद्विचूर्णितम् । त्रिजातकं त्रिकटुकं किञ्चिच्च यवशूकजम् ॥ १५ ॥

प्रस्थार्धं च हिमे क्षौद्रात्तन्निहन्त्युपयोजितम् । प्रवृद्धशोफज्वरमेहगुल्मकार्श्यामवाताम्लकरक्तपित्तम् ।

वैवर्ण्यमूत्रानिलशुक्रदोषश्वासारुचिप्लीहगरोदरं च ॥ १६ ॥

Pathya, one hundred in number, is boiled in one kamsa of decoction of dasmula, added with one tula of guda, and (nice powder of ) trijataka, trikatuka and little quantity of yavasukaja (yavaksara) and avaleha (confection) prepared. After it cools, half prastha of honey is added. This confection is used daily cures advanced oedema, fever, diabetes, abdominal tumour emaciation, rheumatism, gastric acidity, bleeding disease, abnormal colour of the body, disorders of urine, flatus, and semen, dyspnoea, loss of taste/appetite, diseases the spleen, homicidal poisoning and enlargement of the abdomen. 14b-16.

पुराणयवशाल्यन्नं दशमूलास्बुसाधितम् ॥ १७ ॥

अल्पमल्पटुस्नेहं भोजनं श्वयथोर्हितम् । क्षारव्योषान्वितैर्मौद्रैः कौलत्थैः सकणै रसैः ॥ १८ ॥

तथा जाङ्गलजैः कूर्मगोधाशल्यकजैरपि । अनम्लं मथितं पाने मद्यान्यौषधवन्ति च ॥ १९ ॥

Mess prepared from old yava or sali boiled in the decoction of dasamula, added with very little salt and fats, partaken in small quantity is the ideal meal for patients of oedema. Either the soup of mudga or kulattha, added with ksara, vyosa and kana, soup of meat of animals of desert-like lands or of the tortoise, iguana lizard or porcupine, butter milk well churned, or wine mixed with (appropriate) drugs are best for drinking (after meals). 17-19.

अजाजीशठिजीवन्तीकारवीपौष्कराग्निकैः । बिल्वमध्ययवक्षारवृक्षाम्लैर्बदरोन्मितैः ॥२०॥

कृता पेयाऽऽज्यतैलाभ्यां युक्तिभृष्टा परं हिता । शोफातिसारहृद्रोगगुल्मार्शोल्पाग्निमेहिनाम् ॥ २१ ॥

Peya, prepared with ajaji sathi, jivanti karavi, pauskara, agni, marrow of bilva fruit, yavaksara, vrksamla and badara fried judiciously with ghee and oil is highly beneficial for patients of oedema, diarrhoea, heart disease, abdominal tumour, haemorrhoids, poor digestion and diabets. 20-21.

गुणैस्तद्वच्च पाठायाः पञ्चकोलेन साधिता। 22a.

That (peya) prepared with patha and drugs of pancakola will also be similar in properties.

शैलेयकुष्ठस्थौणैयरेणुकागुरुपद्मकैः श्रीवेष्टकनखस्पृक्कादेवदारुप्रियङ्गभिः ॥२२॥ ।

मांसीमागधिकावन्यधान्यध्यामकवालकैः ॥ २३ ॥

चतुर्जातकतालीसमुस्तागन्धपलाशकैः । कुर्यादभ्यञ्जनं तैलं लेपं स्नानाय तूदकम् ॥ २४ ॥

Saileya, kustha, sthauneya, renuka, aguru and padmaka; or srivestaka, nakha, sphrikka, devadaru and priyangu; or mamsi, magadhika, vanya, dhanyaka, dhyamaka and valaka or caturjata; talisa, musta, and gandhapalasa-should be made use of for preparing oil for abhyanga and lepa (anointing the body) and water for bathing. 22b-24.

स्त्रानं वा निम्बवर्षाभूनक्तमालार्कवारिणा ।

Bathing may be done in the water processed with nimba varsabhu, naktamala and arka. 25a.

Ekanga sopha chikitsa

एकाङ्गशोफे वर्षाभूकरवीरककिंशुकैः ॥ २५ ॥

विशालात्रिफलारोध्रनलिकादेवदारुभिः । ॥ २६ ॥

हिंस्राकोशातकीमाद्रीतालपर्णीजयन्तिभिः स्थूलकाकादनौशालनाकुलीवृषपर्णिभिः वृद्ध्यर्द्धिहस्तिकर्णैश्च सुखोष्णैर्लेपनं हितम् ॥ २७ ॥ ।

In case of Ekanga sopha (oedema of any one part of the body) it is beneficial to apply the paste (on the swollen part) of varsabhu, karaviraka, and kimsuka, or of visala, triphala, rodhra, nalika and devadaru; or of himsra, kosataki, madri, talaparni, and jayanti, or of sthula kakadani, sala, nakuli and vrsaparni or of vrddhi and the two hastikarni prepared in water and applied warm. 25b-27.

Vataja sopha chikitsa

अथानिलोत्थे श्वयथौ मासार्धं त्रिवृतं पिबेत् । तैलमेरण्डजं वातविड्विबन्धे तदेव तु ॥ २८ ॥

प्राग्भक्तं पयसा युक्तं रसैर्वा कारयेत्तथा । स्वेदाभ्यङ्गान् समीरघ्नान् लेपमेकाङ्गगे पुनः ॥ २९ ॥

मातुलुङ्गाग्निमन्थेन शुण्ठीहिंस्त्रामराह्वयैः ।

In sopha arising from anila (vata) the patient should drink (the decoction of) trivrt or eranda taila for half a month daily, similarly so when there is obstruction to flatus and faeces, before meals, mixed with milk or meat soup; then sudation and oil massage should be done, next application of warm paste of drugs mitigating vata such as matulunga, agnimantha, sunthi, himsra and amarahvaya, should be done. 28-30a.

Pittaja sopha chikitsa

पैत्ते तिक्तं पिबेत्सर्पिर्न्यग्रोधाद्येन वा शृतम् ॥ ३० ॥ क्षीरं तृड्दाहमोहेषु लेपाभ्यङ्गाश्च शीतलाः ।

In sopha (oedema ) arising from pitta, the patient should consume either Tiktaka ghrita (vide chapter 19 of chikitsa sthana) or that prepared from drugs of nyagrodhadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana); when there is thirst, feeling of burning sensation and delusion, milk should be used for drinking, oil for massage and paste to be applied should be used cold. 30b-31a.

पटोलमूलत्रायन्तीयष्ट्याह्नकटुकाभयाः ॥३१॥

दारु दार्वी हिमं दन्ती विशाला निचुलं कणा । तैः क्वाथः सघृतः पीतो हन्त्यन्तस्तापतृड्भ्रमान् ॥ ३२ ॥


Decoction of patolamula, trayanti, yastyahva, katuka, abhaya, daru, darvi, hima, danti, visala, nicula, and kana added with ghee and consumed cures heat exhaustion (burning sensation ) inside the body, thirst, dizziness, sannipata, visarpa ( herpes), oedema, burning sensation, poison and fevers. 31b-33a.

Kaphaja sopha chikitsa

आरग्वधादिना सिद्धं तैलं श्लेष्मोद्भवे पिबेत् ॥ ३३ ॥

In sopha (oedema ) arising from kapha, the patient should drink the oil prepared with decoction of durgs of aragvadhadi gana (vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana). 33b.

स्त्रोतोविबन्धे मन्देऽग्नावरुचौ स्तिमिताशयः ।

क्षारचूर्णासवारिष्टमूत्रतक्राणि शीलयेत् ॥ ३४ ॥

When there is obstruction of channels, poor digestion, loss of taste, and absence of movement of the abdomen, kshara curna (powdered alkalies) mixed with either asava, arista (fermented infusion and decoction respectively) mutra (cow’s urine) or takra (buttermilk ) should be consumed daily. 34.

कृष्णापुराणपिण्याकशिग्रुत्वक्सिकतातसीः । प्रलेपोन्मर्दने युञ्यात्सुखोष्णा मूत्रककल्किताः ॥ ३५ ॥

Krsna, purana pinyaka (old oilcake of tila), sigrutvak, sikata and atasi made into a paste with cows urine should be used warm for external application and massage. 35.

स्नानं मूत्राम्भसी सिद्धे कुष्ठतर्कारिचित्रकैः ।

कुलत्थनागराभ्यां वा चण्डाऽगुरु विलेपने ॥ ३६ ॥

Water boiled with kustha, tarkari, and citraka; or with kulattha, and nagara, added with cows urine is ideal for bathing; paste of canda and aguru is ideal for anointing. 36.

कालजशृङ्गीसरलबस्तगन्धाहयाह्वयाः ।

एकैषिका च लेपः स्याच्छ्यथावेकगात्रगे ॥ ३७ ॥

Application of paste of kala (nilini manjistha ) ajasrngi, sarala, bastagandha, hayahvaya and ekaisika (trivrt) is beneficial in oedema of any one part of the body. 37.

यथादोषं यथासन्नं शुद्धिं रक्तावसेचनम् । कुर्वीत, मिश्रदोषे तु दोषोद्रेकबलात्क्रियाम् ॥ ३८ ॥

Sodhana (purificatory therapy) appropriate to the dosa and of the nearest route, and blood-letting should be done. In case of combination of dosas, a treatment suitable to the predominant dosa should be done (first). 38.

अजाजिपाठाघनपञ्चकोलव्याघ्रीरजन्यः सुखतोयपीताः ।

शोफं त्रिदोषं चिरजं प्रवृद्धं निघ्नन्ति भूनिम्बमहौषधे च ॥ ३९ ॥

Ajaji, patha ghana, pancakola, vyaghri, the two rajani, bhunimba, and mahausadha made into powder and consumed with warm water cures oedema arising from all the three dosas, long standing and greatly advanced. 39.

अमृताद्वितयं सिवाटिका सुरकाष्ठं सपुरं सगोजलम् ।


The (paste of) two amrta sivatika, surakastha and pura, mixed with cows’ urine and consumed cures oedema, enlargement of the abdomen, leprosy, anaemia, intestinal worms and diabetes; increase of kapha and vata in the upper parts of the body. 40.

इति निजमधिकृत्य पथ्यमुक्तं क्षतजनिते क्षतजं विशोधनीयम् ।

स्स्रुतिहिमघृतलेपसेकरेकैर्विषजनिते विषजिश्च शोफ इष्टम् ॥ ४१ ॥

So far, was described the treatment for nijasotha (organic oedema ); for that arising from blood ( traumatic oedema) the blood should be purified by letting it out, use of cold application of ghee, and paste of drugs, pouring decoction of drugs and purgative therapy; for that (oedema ) arising from poison, all anti poisonous treatments are desirable. 41.

ग्राम्याब्जानूपं पिशितमबलं शुष्कशाकं तिलान्नं गौडं पिष्टान्नं दधि सलवणं विज्जलं मद्यमम्लम् ।

धाना वल्लूरं समशनमथो गुर्वसात्म्यं विदाहि स्वप्नं चारात्रौ श्वयथुगदवान् वर्जयेन्मैथुनं च ॥ ४२ ॥

The patient of oedema should avoid meat of animals domestic, aquatic and marshy lands and which are debilitated; dry vegetables, mess prepared from tila, guda and pista, dadhi (curds), wine mixed with salt, devoid of water and which is sour; dhana (fried grains) vallura (dried meat), samasana (food containing both healthy and unhealthy substances) which are difficult to digest, which produce burning sensation during digestion, sleeping not during nights (but during day ) and sexual intercourse. 42.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने श्वयथुचिकित्सितं नाम

सप्तदशोऽध्यायः ॥ १७॥

Thus ends the chapter Svayathu chikitsa-the seventeenth in chikitsa sthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita-composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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