RAKTAPITTA CHIKITSA – Treatment of Bleeding diseases – Ashtanga Samgraha Chikitsasthana Chapter 3

अथातो रक्तपित्तचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इतिहस्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥ १ ॥

We will now expound Rakta pitta chikitsa – treatment of bleeding diseases; thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)

RAKTAPITTA CHIKITSA – Treatment of Bleeding diseases

ऊर्ध्वगं बलिनोऽवेगमेकदोषानुगंनवम् । रक्तपित्तंसुखे काले साधयेन्निरुपद्रवम् ॥ २ ॥

अधोगं यापयेद्रक्तं यच्च दोषद्वयानुगम् । शान्तंशान्तं पुनः कुप्यन्मार्गान्मार्गान्तरञ्च यत् ॥ ३ ॥ अतिप्रवृत्तं मन्दाग्नेस्त्रिदोषं द्विपथं त्यजेत् ।

Treatment of Raktapitta (bleeding disease) of the upward kind, in strong persons, not with frequentbouts (of bleeding), arising from any one dosha, of recent onset, occuring in suitable season and not associated with complications (secondary diseases) should be undertaken; that which is of the downward kind and arising from combinations of two dosha can only be controlled; those which reccur often, travel from one pathway to the other, have copious bleeding, in persons of weak digestion, arising from all the three doshas and appearing in both digections should be rejected. (2-3)

ज्ञात्वानिदानमयनं मलावनुबलौबलम् ॥ ४ ॥

लङ्घनंबृंहणं चादौ शोधनं शमनं तथा ॥ ५ ॥

Having understood the causes, routes, malas (doshas), secondary doshas, strength (of the person and the disease ), nature of the region (habitat), season, stage of the disease etc. treatment of rakta pitta should be commenced either with langhana (measures which make the body thin) or brimhana (measures which make the body stout), sodhana ( purifactory therapies) or samana (palliative therapies ) . ( 4-5) Sodhana chikitsa-

सन्तर्पणोत्थं बलिनो बहुदोषस्य साधयेत् । ऊर्ध्वभागं विरेकेण वमनेन त्वधोगतम् ।। शमनैबृंहणैश्चान्यल्लङ्ग्यबृंह्यानवेक्ष्यच ॥६॥

That arising from santarpana (over-nutrition) in strong persons, arising from many doshas and of urdhvaga kind (bleeding from upper parts of the body such as thenose, mouth, ears, eyes etc) should be treated with vireka (purgative therapy); the adhoga kind (bleeding from urethra, rectum, vagina etc) with vamana, (emesis therapy); the other type with bleeding in all directions by samana (palliative therapy), brimhana (stouting therapy) or langhana (thinning therapy) noting the suitability of the person for either langhana or brimhana. (6)

ऊर्ध्वं प्रवृत्तेशमनौरसौतिक्तकषायकौ | उपवासश्च निःशुण्ठीषडङ्गोदकपायिनः ।।७।।

For the control of the upward type, (drugs of) bitter and astringent tastes, fasting, drinking of sadangodaka devoid of sunthi are to be prescribed; for the downward type (drugs of) sweet taste and nourishing (should be prescribed ). (7)

Notes: Sadangodaka (more popularly sadanga paniya) is water for drinking prepared by boiling six drugs- ghana, chandana, sunthi, ambu, prapata and usira (each of equal quantity together making one part, boiled in sixtyfour parts of water and reduced to half that of quantity. In conditions of predominance of pitta, in diseases arising from pitta or rakta (blood) sunthi is deletted from the list. Such a water is called Nissunthi sadangodaka, which is referred to here.

अधोगे रक्तपित्ते तु बृंहणो मधुरो रसः । ऊर्ध्वगे तर्पणं योज्यं पेयापूर्वमधोगते ॥ ८ ॥

अश्वतो बलिनोऽशुद्धं न धार्यं तद्धि रोगकृत् । धारयेदन्यथा शीघ्रमग्निवच्छीघ्घ्रकारितत् ॥ ९ ॥

In upward bleeding, tarpana (powder of fried paddy mixed with sugar and ghee) should be prescribed as food in the beginning; for the downward bleeding, peya (thin gruel) is ideal. In patients who are taking food who are strong and if the blood is found vitiated, bleeding should not be controlled, for such controlling will give rise to other diseases; in other condition (opposite of the above) bleeding should be controlled quickly because it acts (shows its effect) very quickly just like fire. ( 8-9)

त्रिवृतात्रिफलाधात्रीत्रायन्त्यारग्वधाभयाः । गवाक्षीक्षुरसक्षीरद्राक्षाक्षौद्रसितोत्कटाः ।। यथास्वंकल्पविहिता विरेकार्थ प्रयोजयेत् ।।१०।।

Trivrit, triphala, dhatri, trayanti, aragvadha, abhaya, gavaksi juice of iksu, kshira (milk) and draksa – any one of these along with more of honey and sugar, prepared as described in Kalpasthana (chapter-2) may be used for producing purgations. (10)

त्रिवृच्छ्यामाकषायेण कल्केन च सशर्करम् । साधयेद्विधिवल्लेहं लिह्यात्पाणितलं ततः ॥ ११ ॥

A lehya (confection) is prepared with the decoction and paste of trivrit and syama and mixed with sugar; one panitala (karsa) of this should be licked (to causepurgations). (11)

त्रिफला त्रिवृत्ता श्यामा पिप्पली शर्करामधु | मोदकः सन्निपातोर्ध्वरक्तपित्तज्वरापहः ॥ १२ ॥ त्रिवृत्समसिता तद्वत् पिप्पलीपादसंयुता ।

A bolus prepared from triphala, trivrit, syama, pippali, sugar and honey, will cure sannipata (aggravation of all the three doshas simultaneously), bleeding disease of upward direction and fever, similarly is the combination of trivrit mixed with equal parts of sugar and quarter part of the pippali. (12)

वमनंफलसंयुक्तंतर्पणंससितामधु ।।१३।।

ससितं वाजलं क्षौद्रयुक्तं वा मधुकोदकम् | फलेन्द्रयवगाङ्गेयीमधुकं वा समाक्षिकम् ।।१४।। क्षीरंवारसमिक्षोर्वा

Vamana (vomiting) may be produced by (any one of the following) either (a). tarpana (flour of fried paddy) mixed with madanaphala, sugar and honey. (b). sugar water, (c). honey water, (d). water boiled with madhuka mixed with honey, (e). madanaphala, indrayava, gangeyiand madhuka along with honey, (f). milk or, (g). juice of sugarcane. (13-14)

Ahara vidhi – diet

शुद्धस्यानन्तरो विधिः । यथास्वं मन्थपेयादिः प्रयोज्यो रक्षता बलम् ।।१५।।

After purifactory therapies the following dietary regimen of mantha, peya etc. should be prescribed taking care to protect the strength. (15)

मन्थो ज्वरोक्तोद्राक्षादिः पित्तघ्नैर्वा फलः कृतः । मधुखर्जूरमृद्वीकापरूषकसिताम्भसा ॥ १६ ॥

मन्थो वा पञ्चसारेण सघृतैर्लाजसक्तुभिः । दाडिमामलकाम्लो वा मन्दाग्न्याम्लाभिलाषिणः ।।१७।।

कमलोत्पलकिञ्जल्कपृश्निपर्णीप्रियङ्गुकाः । उशीरंशाबरंलोधं शृङ्गवेरंकुचन्दनम् ।। १८ ।।

हीबेरं धातकीपुष्पंबिल्वमध्यं दुरालभा । अर्धाधैर्विहिताः पेयावक्ष्यन्ते पादयैगिकाः ।।१९।।

भूनिम्बसेव्यजलदाश्चन्दनाम्बुप्रियङ्गवः । शालिपर्ण्यायुताः मुद्गाः पृश्निपर्ण्यामसूरकाः ॥ २० ॥

तुवर्यो वातिबलया बलया वा हरेणवः । तत्कषाये हिताः पेया मांसपेयास्तथा रसाः ॥ २१ ॥

अनम्लाः किञ्चिदम्लावासघृतक्षौद्रशर्कराः । शूकशिम्बी भवं धान्यं शाकं मांसं च अन्नस्वरूपविज्ञाने यदुक्तं लघुशीतलम् । पूर्वोक्तमम्बु पानीयं पञ्चमूलेन वा शृतम् ॥२३॥ ॥ २२ ॥

Draksadi mantha described in the chapter on jvara (fever) or that prepared from fruits which subdue pitta, or with madhu (honey), kharjura mrdvika, parusaka and sugar water; or mantha, mixed with panchasara (sweet syrup with five ingredients) and ghee; or mantha mixed with sour substances such as dadhi and amalaka for persons who have weak digestion and who like sour taste.

– Peya prepared from the drugs enumerated in the following half verses are beneficial such as

a. kamala, utpala, kinjalka, prsniparni and priyanguka b. usira, sabara, lodhra, Srngavera and kuchandana

C. hrbera, dhatakipushpa, bilva madhya and duralabha; or from drugs of the following quarter verses.

a. bhunimba, sevya, jalada,

b. chandana, ambu, priyangu,

C. mudga with saliparni

tuvari with atibala,

bala with harenu.

Soup prepared with the above, or peya prepared from meat or meat juice, prepared either without addition of sour materials or made slightly sour and mixed with ghee, honey and sugar. Cereals, legumes (pulses), leafy vegetables and meat which are easily digestable and cold in potency enumerated in Annasvarupa vijnana (chapter 7 of sutrasthana) are also beneficial.

लघुना शृतशीतं वा मध्वम्भो वा फलाम्बु वा ।

The drinking water which are described earlier (nissunthi sadanga or that prepared from laghu panchamula) boiled and cooled or honey water or water prepared from fruits (draksa, kharjura etc.) should be given to drink. (16-23)

पद्मकाद्यञ्जनादिं च सारिवादिं च कल्पयेत् ||२४||

अन्नपाने गणं तद्वद्दशकं दाहनाशनम् । कफानुगे यूषशाकं मारुतानुगते रसः ॥ २५ ॥

Foods and drinks should be medicated with drugs of padmakadi, anjanadi or sarivadi ganas ( mentioned in chapter 16 of sutrasthana ) and the ten drugs known as Dahanasanagana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana); if kapha is the secondary dosha, soup of leafy vegetables and if vata meat juice are to be given. (24-25 )

सहमुद्गाः पटोलजैः । मकुष्ठाधन्वयासोत्थैरत्रपित्तेपरंमताः ।।२६।।

अभीरोरङ्कुरैर्लावाः शशः सवास्तुकः शस्तो विबन्धे तित्तिरिः पुनः । उदुम्बरस्य निर्यूहे साधितो मारुतेऽधिके ॥ २७ ॥

प्लक्षस्य बर्हिणस्तद्वन्यग्रोधस्य च कुक्कुटः । बिसोत्पलमृणालानां वर्तकक्रकरौ हितौ ॥ २८ ॥

वर्तिकाम्भोजनालानामश्वत्थस्य कपिञ्जलः । यत्किञ्चिद्रक्तपित्तस्य निदानं तच्चवर्जयेत् ।।२९ ।।

The meat of the lava bird processed with the tender sprouts of abhiru, mudga, patola, makusta or dhanvyasa is specially beneficial in bleeding diseases; meat of rabbit or of tittiri bird, along with vastuka leaves are useful in constipation; if vata is predominant. Meat of the tittiri with the decoction of udumbara, or plaksa with meat of peacock, or decoction of nyagrodha with meat of the cock, meat of vartika bird with mrinala or decoction of asvttha with meat of kapinjala – are ideal as food. All the causes (foods, activities etc) which produce this diseases should be avoided. (26-29)

वासारसेन फलिनीमृल्लोधाञ्जनमाक्षिकम् । पित्तासृक् शमयेत्पीतं निर्यासोवाटरूषकात् ॥ ३० ॥

शर्करामधुसंयुक्तः केवलो वा शृतोऽपिवा । वृषः सद्यो जयत्यस्त्रं स ह्यस्य परमौषधम् ।। ३१ ।।

वासारसेन भूनिम्बकटुकाशर्कराः पिबेत् । तेनैव वा क्षौद्रयुतं पद्मकेसरपद्मकम् ।।३२ ॥ सलोध्रनागकुसुमशावलोत्पलवास्तुकम् ।

Juice of vasa mixed with phalini, mrit (mud), lodhra, anjana and maksika (honeyor the juice of atarusaka mixed with sugar and honey or alone; or its decoction will quickly cure raktapitta (bleeding disease) as it is the best drug for it. Juice of vasa along with bhunimba, katuka, and sugar; or the same (juice of vasa) along with padmakesarapadmaka, lodhra, nagakusuma, sadvala, utpala and vastuka should be administered. (30-32)

लिह्याद्वामधुसर्पिभ्यांगवाश्वशकृतो रसम् ||३३ ।।

पथ्यारजन्यहिंस्त्रावा पलाण्डुंतद्वदेव वा । फलिनीलोध्रखदिरशाल्मलीकोविदारजम् ॥ ३४ ॥

शिरीषशेलुककुभीसिन्दुवारातिमुक्तजम् । पलाशयूथिकाशिग्रुमधूकासनजन्मच ॥ ३५ ॥

मधुना चूर्णितं पुष्पमेकत्र पृथगेव वा । पुष्पैरेभिर्विपक्वं च सक्षौद्रं माहिषं घृतम् ॥ ३६ ॥

लिह्यात् क्षौद्रेण पथ्यां वा किञ्जल्कं कमलस्य वा । लाजाः शृङ्गाटकं मुस्तं खर्जूरंकृष्णमृत्तिकाम् ॥३७॥

क्षीरिवृक्षाङ्कुरान्द्राक्षां तवक्षीरीं सितोपलाम् । गैरिकं मधुकं लेधंशङ्खं शम्बूकमञ्जनम् ।।३८ ।।

तण्डूलीयकमूलं वा बीजं वा वास्तुकोद्भवम् । पटोलमालतीनिम्बचन्दनद्वयपद्मकम् ।।३९ ।।

लोध्रो वृषस्तण्डुलीयः कृष्णा मृन्मदयन्तिका । शतावरी गोपकन्याकाकोल्यौ मधुयष्टिका । ॥ ४० ॥

रक्तापित्तहराः क्वाथास्त्रयः समधुशर्कराः । सक्षौद्रं ग्रथिते रंक्ते लिह्यात्पारावताच्छकृत् ।।४१ ।।

Or the juice of cowdung of horsedung mixed with honey and ghee should be licked; or with (juice of) pathya, rajani and himsra, or of palandu; similarly the flowers of one or all of phalini lodhra, khadira, Salmali, and kovidara; or of sirisa, selu, kakubhi sinduvara and atimukta, palasa, yuthika, sigru, madhuka and asana-powdered and taken with honey; buffalo’s ghee boiled with the flowers of the above, or any one of pathya, kinjalka or kamala mixed with honey, or laja (fried paddy) Srngataka, musta, kharjura or black mud, sprouts of trees with milky sap, draksa. tavaksiri; or sitopala; gairika, madhuka, lodhra, sankha, sambuka, anjana, root of tanduliyaka or seeds of vastuka (should be licked with honey).

Decoction of drugs of the following groups

a. patola, malati, nimba, the two chandana and padmaka,

b. lodhra, visa, tanduliya, krsnamrit (black mud) and madayantika, or C. satavari, gopakanya, the two kakoli and madhuyastika – taken with honey and sugar cure raktapitta.

If the blood is (found to be) clotted, the excreta of paravata (peigon) should be licked

(along with honey and sugar). (33-41)

अतिनिस्स्रुतरक्तो वा क्षौद्रेण रुधिरंपिबेत् । जाङ्गलं भक्षयेदाजं मासं पित्तयुतं यकृत् ॥ ४२ ॥

लोध्रकालीयकोशीरफलिनीशङ्खगैरिकम् । पटोलपत्रंदुस्पर्शा समङ्गा सारिवालता ॥४३॥

त्वग्जम्बुवेतसाश्वत्थहयाह्वोदुम्बरार्जुनात् । किराततिक्तक्रमुस्तकट्फलपद्मकम् ।।४४ ।।

प्रपौण्डरीकहीबेरकमलोत्पलपर्पटम् । चन्दनेन पृथग्युक्तं समस्तं वा सशर्करम् ॥ ॥ ४५ ॥

फाण्टीकृतं शृतं शीतं चूर्णं वा तण्डुलाम्भसा | पीतमाशु जयत्यस्त्रं तृड्दाहतमकानपि ॥४६॥

If the bleeding is severe, the patient should drink the blood of animals of desert-like region, or eat the flesh of the goat or its liver along with pitta (bile ). Lodhra, kaliyaka, usira, phalini, sankha, gairika, patolapatra, dussparsa, samanga, sariva, lata, bark of jambu, vetasa, asvattha, hayahva, udumbara and arjuna, kiratatikta kramuka, mustaka, katphala, padmaka, prapaundarika, hribera, kamala, utpala, parpata and chandana – these drugs each one seperately or together can be prepared into infusion, decoction, cold infusion or powder and taken mixed with sugar or ricewash, will quickly stop bleeding and relieve thirst, burning sensation and loss of consciousness also. (42-46)

चन्दनोशीरजलदलाजमुद्गकणायवैः । बालाजलेपर्युषितैः कषायो रक्तपित्तहा ॥४७॥

Chandana, usira, jalada, laja, mudga, kana and yava – are kept immersed overnight in the decoction of bala (and drunk the next morning) cures raktapitta. (47)

प्रसादश्चन्दनाम्भोजसेव्यमृद्धृष्टलोष्टजः । सुशीतः ससिताक्षौद्रः शोणितातिप्रवृत्तिजित् ॥ ४८ ॥

The clear top portion of water into which chandana, amboja, sevya, mrit(mud), brstha lostha (heated stone) have been immersed; if taken cold, mixed with sugar and honey stops heavy bleeding. (48)

तद्वदच्छ: सितालोध्रमधुकोशीरचन्दनात् । मृच्छ्यामासारिवामुस्ताधातकीयष्टिकान्वितात् ।।४९ ।।

Similarly, also the clear water into which sita (sugar), lodhra madhuka, usira and chandana or syamamrt (black mud) sariva, musta dhataki and yasti are mixed with, kept overnight, filtered and used. (49)

वैडूर्यमुक्तामृच्छङ्खगैरिकामलकोदकम् । मधूदकं रसं चेक्षोः पिबन्जयति शोणितम् ।।५० ।।

The water in which vaidurya, mukta, mrit, sankha gairika and amalaka (are

immersed); honey water and sugarcane juice taken as drink also relieve bleeding. ( 50 )

आपोथ्य वा नवे कुम्भे प्लावयेदिक्षुगण्डिकाः । स्थितं तत् गुप्तमाकाशे रात्रिं प्रातः स्रुतं जलम् ॥५१ ।।

मधुमद्विकचाम्भोजकृतोत्तंसं च तद्गुणम् । त्रपुसीमूलकल्कं वा सक्षौद्रं तण्डुलाम्बुना ॥५२॥

पिबेत् करञ्जबीजं वा तेनक्षौद्रसितायुतम् । लोध्रचन्दयष्ट्याह्वं तेन यष्ट्याह्वमेव वा ॥५३॥

Small pieces of sugar cane are kept inside a fresh mudpot containing more of water, the pot is hung to a pittar, in the open at night; next morning the water is filtered and made to smell sweet by adding honey, petals of lotus etc. ( and taken as a drink) also acts likewise (stops bleeding). Similraly the paste of root of trapusa mixed with honey, paste of seeds of karanja mixed with ricewash, lodhra, chandana and yasti mixed with honey, sugar and rice-wash or only yasti along with ricewash (stop bleeding ). (51-53)

नीलोत्पलं सिता यष्टी मधुकं पद्मकेसरम् । छिन्नोद्भवा च शीतोऽयं कषायो रक्तपित्तजित् ॥५४॥

ये च पित्तज्वरे प्रोक्ताः कषायास्तांश्च योजयेत् ।

Nilotpala, sita (sugar) yasti, madhuka, padmakesara and chinnodbhava made into cold infusion cures bleeding diseases. All the decoction described for pitta jvara can also be used (in this disease also). (54)

कषायैर्विविधैरेभिर्दीते ऽग्रौ विजितेकफे ॥५५॥

रक्तपित्तंन चेच्छाम्येत्तत्र वातोल्बणेपयः । युञ्ज्याज्छागं शृतं तद्वत्गव्यं पञ्चगुणेऽम्भासि ॥५६॥

पञ्चमूलेन लघुना शृतं वाससितामधु । जीवकर्षभकद्राक्षाबलागोक्षुरनागरैः ।।५७॥

पृथक्पृथक् शृतं शीतं सघृतं सितयाथवा | क्षीरेण वमनीपुष्पं मधुकं मधुशर्कराम् ।।५८ ।।

When digestion becomes enhanced and kapha subdued by the different recipes described so far but still raktapitta (bleeding) does not subside and vata is predominant then, goat’s milk boiled well may be administered. Similarly cow’s milk mixed with five times its quantity of water boiled (and reduced to a quarter) or boiled with drugs of laghu panchamula and taken mixed with sugar and honey; or boiled with any one of jivaka, rsabhaka, draksa, bala, goksura and nagara, cooled and taken mixed with ghee or sugar; milk boiled with flowers of vamani and madhuka taken mixed with honey and sugar (act likewise). (55-58)

गोकण्टकाभीरु शृतं पर्णिनीभिस्तथापयः | हन्त्याशु रक्तं सरुजं विशेषान्मूत्रमार्गगम् | ५९ ॥

विण्मार्गगे विशेषेण हितं मोचरसेन तु । वटप्ररोहैः शुङ्गैर्वा शुण्ठ्युदीच्योत्पलैरपि ॥६० ॥ रक्तातिसारदुर्नामचिकित्सां चात्र कल्पयेत् ।

Milk boiled with gokantaka and abhiru or with parnis (saliparni, prsniparni masaparni and mudgaparni) stops bleeding from the urethra associated with pain. For bleeding from the rectum mocarasa is specially suitable; so also the use of areal roots or tender sprouts of vata, sunthi, udicya and utpala.

The recipes and methods of treatment as are prescribed for bleeding diarrhoea and haemorrhoids can also be adopted (for this diseases). (59-60)

पीत्वा कषायान् पयसा भुञ्जीतपयसैवतु ॥ कषाययोगैरेभिर्वा विपक्कं पाययेत्घृतम् ।।६१ ।।

After drinking the milk boiled drugs, he should take food only with milk or drink ghee processed with different recipes of drugs enemerated so far. (61)

Vrsa ghrta

समूलमस्तकं क्षुण्णं वृषमष्टगुणेऽम्भसि । पक्त्वाष्टांशावशेषेणघृतं तेन विपाचयेत् ॥ ६२ ।।

तत्पुष्पगर्भं तच्छीतंसक्षौद्रं पित्तशोणितम् । पित्तगुल्मज्वरश्वासकाहृद्रोगकामलाः ॥६३ ।। तिमिरभ्रमवीसर्पस्वरसादांश्च नाशयेत् ।

Plant of vrsa, along with its root and head is boiled in eight times its quantity of water and decoction reduced one-eighth the quantity; to this decoction, ghee is added and also the paste of flowers of the same plant and medicated ghee prepared (in the usual manner). This ghee taken cold mixed with honey cures bleeding disease of pitta origin, fever of (pitta origin), dyspnoea, cough, abdominal tumor of pitta origin, heart disease, jaundice, blindness, giddiness, herpes and weakness of voice. (62-63)

पलाशवृन्तस्वरसे तद्गर्भं चघृतं पचेत् ॥६४ ॥

सक्षौद्रं तच्च रक्तघ्नं तद्वद्वत्सकसाधितम् । लोध्रोत्पलसमङ्गाभिस्तथैव त्रायमाणया ।। ६५ ।।

Juice of palasa leaves, powder of its own leaves and ghee are put together and medicated ghee prepared in the usual way. Taken with honey, it cures bleeding diseases. Likewise, the ghee prepared from vatsaka, lodhra, utpala and samanga and trayamana (acts similarly). (64-65)

लाजगोधूममधुकसिताचूर्णंपयोद्रवम् । घृतेनोत्कारिकां कृत्वा खादेत् पित्तास्त्रवारिणीम् ।। ६६ ।।

Flour of laja, godhuma, madhuka and sugar mixed with milk, is made into a cake, cooked in ghee and eaten with ghee cures bleeding disease. (66)

रक्ते सपिच्छे सकफे ग्रथिते कण्ठमार्गगे। लिह्यान्माक्षिकसर्पिर्भ्यां क्षारमुत्पलनालजम् ॥६७ ॥

मृणालाम्भोजकिञ्जल्कश्यामासनमधूकजम् । तद्वत् पृथक् पृथक् क्षारं”

When the blood coming from the throat is found to be slimy mixed with kapha and in lumps, the patient should lick, the kshara (ash) prepared from utapalanala mixed with honey and ghee; or the kshara ( ash) of mrunala, amboja, kinjalka, syama, asana and madhuka – each individually. (67-68)

-घृतंक्षीरणसाधयेत् । ॥ ६८ ॥ – पिष्टैरभीरुकाकोलीमेदावृक्षाम्लदाडिमैः | फलपूरकमूलेन विदार्यामधुकेन च ॥६९ ॥ ।

Abhiru, kakoli, meda, vrikshamla, dadima, root of phalapuraka (bijapura), vidari and madhuka – are all made into a decoction and also a paste, mixed with milk and medicated ghee prepared as usual. This ghee cures fever, distention and pain of the abdomen, cough and the bleeding. (69)

तद्विबन्धज्वरानाहशूलकासास्त्रपित्तजित् । पञ्चभिः पञ्चमूलैश्चसिद्धमाद्यैस्तदर्थकृत् ॥ ७० ॥

Ghee prepared with milk and drugs of all the five kinds of pancha mulas (mahat, laghu, madhya, jivana and trna) also serves the same purpose. (70)

गुदागमे विशेषेणशोणिते बस्तिरिष्यते । मधुकाञ्जनमञ्जिष्ठामृणालोत्पलगैरिकैः ।।७१॥

सुवर्णलोध्रकालीयसमङ्गाम्बुजचन्दनैः । सौगन्धिकसिताशङ्खैःपिष्टैर्मधुघृतान्वितैः ।।७२।।

क्षीरेणास्थापयेदेनंस्नातंच शिशिराम्भसा | क्षीरेणैवाशयेच्चालींस्ततो मधुकसर्पिषा ।।७३ ।।

कालेऽनुवासयेदेवमतिसारेऽपिदुस्तरे | जीर्णेऽसृक्प्रबले कुर्याद्विरेके चातियोगिनि । ॥७४॥

विदार्यदिगणेनेष्टं शृतं वास्थापनेपयः । सक्षौद्रशर्करासर्पिः सर्पिश्चैवानुवासने ॥७५॥

In case of bleeding from the rectum an enema of blood should be administered.

A decoction prepared from madhuka, anjana, manjista, mrunala utpala, gairika, suvarna (padmaka), lodhra, kaliya, samanga, ambuja, chandana, saugandhika, sita (sugar) and sankha; to this are added honey, ghee and milk and administered as enema, after the patient has taken a bath in cold water. He should next eat boiled rice (mess) along with milk, then at the appropriate time an anuvasana (oil enema) given after meals is given with madhuka and ghee. This therapy is ideal even for chronic diarrhoea associated with bleeding, and excess bouts of purgation therapy. Decoction of drugs of vidaryadigana (chapter 16 of sutrasthana) along with sugar and ghee is ideal for asthapana (decoction enema ) and ghee alone for anuvasana (lubricating enema). (71-75)

मूत्राशयस्थं शमयेद्रक्तमुक्तरबस्तिभिः । ईदृशैरेव तद्वच्चप्रदरेऽपि विधिः स्मृतः ।।७६।।

छेदभेदादिभिश्चातिप्रवृत्ते शुद्धशोणिते । विशेषात् प्रदरस्योक्तं योनिरोगेषु चौषधम् ।।७७।।

Bleeding from the urinary bladder is to be stopped by administration of urethral douches.

The same line of treatment are prescribed for pradara (menorrhagia) also; methods of treatment described in the chapter of yonirogas (chapter 39 of uttarasthana) should also be adopted specially. Even for bleeding of pure blood due to cutting, puncturing and other kinds of injury, the same treatment should adopted. (76-77)

घ्राणगे रुधिरेशुद्धे नावनं चानुषेचयेत् । कषाययोगान् पूर्वोक्तान् क्षीरेक्ष्वादिरसाप्लुतान् ॥७८ ॥

क्षीरादीन् ससितं तोयं केवलं वा हितं जलम् । रसो दाडिमपुष्पाणामाम्रास्श्नः शाड्वलस्य च ।।७९ ।।

For bleeding from the nose, nasal drops prepared from the drugs described earlier, mixed with milk, sugar-cane juice etc, should be put into thenose, or milk mixed with sugar, or sugar water or even plain water is beneficial; similarly the juice of flowers of dadima, amrasthi or sadvala are also useful. (78-79)

कल्पयेच्छीतवर्गं च प्रदेहाभ्यञ्जनादिषु । यच्चपित्तज्वरेप्रोक्तं बहिरन्तश्च भेषजम् ॥ रक्तपित्ते हितं यच्च क्षतक्षीणे हितं च यत् ।।८० ॥

For preparing recipes for external application (paste) and oil massage etc, drugs of Sitavarga (possessing cold potency such as durvadigana mentioned in chapter 15 of sutrasthana) or drugs mentioned in the treatment of fever of pitta origin may be used both externally and internally or those drugs suitable for ksataksina (consumption caused by injury to the lungs) are all beneficial in bleeding disease also. (80)

।। इति तृतीयोऽध्यायः ॥

Thus ends the Third chapter


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