अथातश्च्छर्दिहृद्रोगतृष्णाचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । महर्षयः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो
We shall now expound the chapter chikitsa of chardi, hridroga and trisna-treatment of vomitting, disease of the heart and thirst; thus said Atreya and other great sages.
Chardi chikitsa – treatment of vomitting
आमाशयोत्क्लेशभवाः प्रायश्च्छर्यो हितं ततः ।
लङ्घनं प्रागृते वायोर्वमनं तत्र योजयेत् ॥१॥ बलिनो बहुदोषस्य वमतः प्रततं बहु
Generally vomitting, arises from the upward movement of the dosas localised in the amasaya (stomach); hence for them, langhana ( fasting ) is ideal in the beginning itself, except in that caused by vata; next, for those who are strong, have great increase of dosas and who continue to vomit large quantities repeatedly a vamana (emesis) should be administered. 1-2a.
ततो विरेकं क्रमशो हृद्यं मद्यैः फलाम्बुभिः ॥ २ ॥
क्षीरैर्वा सह स ह्यर्ध्वं गतं दोषं नयत्यधः । शमनं चौषधं रूक्षदुर्बलस्य तदेव तु ॥३॥
Next, a virechana ( purgation) should be administered, using wine, fruit juices or milk (as adjuvants to the purgative drug); this (purgation) will make the dosas accumulated at the upper parts move downward. For those, who are dry and debilitated, shamana aushadhas (drugs which mitigate the dosas) – only should be administered. 2b-3.
परिशुष्कं प्रियं सात्म्यमन्नं लघु च शस्यते । उपवासस्तथा यूषा रसाः काम्बलिकाः खलाः ॥ ४ ॥
शाकानि लेहा भोज्यानि रागषाडवपानकाः । भक्ष्याः शुष्का विचित्राश्च फलानि स्नानघर्षणम् ॥ ५ ॥
गन्धा: सुगन्धयो गन्धफलपुष्पान्नपानजाः । भुक्तमात्रस्य सहसा मुखे शीताम्बुसेचनम् ॥ ६ ॥
Foods which are dry (non-fatty ). licked, accustomed and easily digestable are ideal; so also fasting, drinking soups, meat juice (soup), kambalika and khala (liquid foods prepared from vegetables, butter-milk, curds processed with spices and salt). leafy vegetables, lictuaries, raga, sadava and panaka (fruit juices, sour syrups, sweet syrups), snacks, different kinds of dry fruits, daily bath and massage, perfumes, sweet smell of fruits, flowers, foods and drinks, splashing of cold water on the face immediately after meals (are beneficial). 4-6.
Vataja chardi chikitsa
हन्ति मारुतजां छर्दिं सर्पिः पीतं ससैन्धवम् । किञ्चिदुष्णं विशेषेण सकासहृदयद्रवाम् ॥ ७॥
व्योषत्रिलवणाढ्यं वा सिद्धं वा दाडिमाम्बुना | सशुण्ठीदधिधान्येन शृतं तुल्याम्बु वा पयः ॥ ८॥
व्यक्तसैन्धवसर्पिर्वा फलाम्लो वैष्किरो रसः । स्निग्धं च भोजनं शुण्ठीदधिदाडिमसाधितम् ॥ ९ ॥
कोष्णं सलवणं चात्र हितं स्नेहविरेचनम् ।
Ghee mixed with saindhava, made warm and drunk cures vomitting caused by vata especially, also cough and palpitation; or that (ghee) mixed with more of trikatu and trilavana; or that prepared with the decoction of dadima with sunthi, dadhi (curds) and dhanya; or milk mixed with equal quantity of water or soup of meat of viskira birds or juice of sour fruits mixed with more of saindhava and ghee; foods which are mixed with fat and prepared from sunthi, dadhi (curds) and dadima, warm and added with salt are ideal, so also lubricant purgatives. 7-10a.
Pittaja chardi chikitsa
पित्तजायां विरेकार्थं द्राक्षेक्षुस्वरसैस्त्रिवृत् ॥ १० ॥
सर्पिर्वा तैल्वकं योज्यं वृद्धं च श्लेष्मधामगम् ।
ऊर्ध्वमेव हरेत् पित्तं स्वादुतिक्तैर्विशुद्धिमान् ॥ ११ ॥
पिबेन्मन्थं यवागूं वा लाजैः समधुशर्कराम् । मुद्द्रजाङ्गलजैरद्याद्व्यञ्जनैः शालिषष्टिकम् ॥ १२ ॥
मृद्धृष्टलोष्टप्रभवं सुशीतं सलिलं पिबेत् । मुद्रोशीरकणाधान्यैः सह वा संस्थितं निशाम् ॥ १३ ॥
द्राक्षारसं रसं वेक्षोर्गुडूच्यम्बु पयोऽपि वा। जम्ब्वाम्रपल्लवोशीरवटशुङ्गावरोहजः ॥ १४॥
क्वाथ: क्षौद्रयुतः पीतः शीतो वा विनियच्छति । छर्दि ज्वरमतीसारं मूर्च्छा तृष्णां च दुर्जयाम् ॥ १५ ॥
धात्रीरसेन वा शीतं पिबेन्मुद्द्रदलाम्बु वा । कोलमज्जासितालाजामक्षिकाविट्कणाञ्जनम् ॥ १६ ॥
लिह्यात्क्षौद्रेण पथ्यां वा द्राक्षां वा बदराणि वा ।
For vomiting arising from pitta, in order to produce purgation (powder of trivrit mixed with juice of draksa and iksu or tailvaka sarpi (chapter 3 verses 152-153) should be administered. Pitta which is greatly increased and localised in the seat of kapha (stomach) should be brought out by the upward method (emesis) by using drugs of sweet and bitter tastes. After these purifications, he should drink mantha or yavagu (thin gruel) or laja (fried paddy) mixed with honey and sugar, sali (rice) and sastika rice should be partaken along with soup of mudga, soup of meat of desert like lands and condiments, drink the water into which heated mud balls have been immersed often, (then filtered through thick cloth) and cooled; or the water in which mudga, usira, kana, and dhanya are soaked and kept overnight; or juice of draksa or iksu, decoction of guduci, or milk. Decoction of tender leaves of jambu and amra, usira, sprouts and tips of areal roots of vata mixed with honey consumed warm or cold cures vomitting, fever, diarrhoea, fainting and thirst which are difficult to cure. Water boiled with mudga dala, cooled and mixed with juice of dhatri should be drunk. (powder of) Kolamajja, sita, laja, maksikavit (bees wax), kana and anjana should be licked with honey (or powder of) pathya, draksa or badara (may be licked with honey). 10b-17a.
Kaphaja chardi chikitsa
कफजायां वमेन्निम्बकृष्णापिण्डीतसर्षपैः ॥ १७॥
युक्तेन कोष्णतोयेन, दुर्बलं चोपवासयेत् । आरग्वधादिनिर्यूहं शीतं क्षौद्रयुतं पिबेत् ॥ १८ ॥
मन्थान् यवैर्वा बहुशश्च्छर्दिघ्नौषधभावितैः । कफघ्नमन्त्रं हृद्यं च रागा: सार्जकभूस्तृणाः ॥ १९ ॥
लीढं मनः शिलाकृष्णामरिचं बीजपूरकात् । स्वरसेन कपित्थस्य सक्षौद्रेण वमिं जयेत् ॥ २० ॥
खादेत्कपित्थं सव्योषं, मधुना वा दुरालभाम् । लिह्यान्मरिचचोचैलागोशकृद्रसमाक्षिकम् ॥ २१ ॥
In vomiting arising from kapha, vomitting should be induced again by administering warm water mixed with (the powder of) nimba, krsna, pindita and sarsapa; the weak patient should be made to fast, decoction of drugs of aragvadhadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) made cold and mixed with honey should be drunk. Mantha (solution of flour added with sugar and ghee) prepared from yava or others, soaked many times in the decoction of drugs which cure vomitting; foods which mitigate kapha and are pleasing, raga (sweet syrups) scented with arjaka and bhutrna-should be consumed. Licking (the powder of ) manasila, krsna and marica in the juice of bijapuraka or kapittha and mixed with honey cures vomitting. Kapittha along with vyosa, or duralabha with honey should be eaten; (powder of) marica, coca, ela, juice of fresh cowdung and honey should be licked.
Anya chardi chikitsa
अनुकूलोपचारेण याति द्विष्टार्थजा शमम् ।
Vomitting caused by dislikes gets relieved by appropriate, comforting methods. 22a.
कृमिजा कृमिहृद्रोगगदितैश्च भिषग्जतैः ॥ २२ ॥ यथास्वं परिशेषाश्च, तत्कृताश्च तथाऽऽमयाः ।
Vomitting arising from worms (intestinal parasites) gets cured by adopting treatments indicated for heart diseases caused by worms (in this chapter only) and also the remaining types of vomittings, and other diseases caused by them (krimi). 22b.
छर्दिप्रसङ्गेन हि मातरिश्वा धातुक्षयात्कोपमुपैत्यवश्यम् । कुर्यादतोऽस्मिन् वमनातियोगप्रोक्तं विधिं स्तम्भनबृंहणीयम् ॥ २३ ॥
By the bouts of vomitting, resulting in depletion of dhatus (tissues) matarisva (vata) undergoes increase inevitably. Hence, therapies such as sthambhana (with holding the expulsion of fluids from the body ) and brmhana (nourishing) mentioned in excess bouts of emesis therapy should be adopted in this condition also. 23.
सर्पिर्गुडा मांसरसा घृतानि कल्याणकत्र्यूषणजीवनानि ।
पयांसि पथ्योपहितानि लेहाश्छर्दिं प्रसक्तां प्रशमं नयन्ति ॥ २४ ॥ इति छर्दिचिकित्सितम् ।
Administration of sarpir guda recipes, meat soup, medicated ghee such as Kalyana ghrta (vide chapter 6 uttarasthana) Tryusana ghrta (chapter 14) Jivaniya ghrta or milk boiled with suitable drugs and confections prepared from them, relieves vomitting which is persisting. Thus ends the treatment of vomitting. 24.
Hridroga chikitsa – Treatment of heart diseases
Vataja hridroga chikitsa
अथ हृद्रोगचिकित्सितम् । हृद्रोगे वातजे तैलं मस्तुसौवीरतक्रवत् ॥ २५ ॥
पिबेत्सुखोष्णं सबिडं गुल्मानाहार्तिजिच्च तत् । तैलं च लवणैः सिद्धं समूत्राम्लं तथागुणम् ॥ २६ ॥
In heart disease caused by vata, medicated oil mixed with mastu (whey ) , sauvira ( fermented liquor), takra (buttermilk) and bida and made comfortably warm should be drunk. It cures abdominal tumors, flatulence and colic. Oil ( of sesame) boiled with salts, cow’s urine and sour gruel also has similar properties. 25-26.
बिल्वं रास्त्रां यवान् कोलं देवदारुं पुनर्नवाम् । कुलत्थान् पञ्चमूलं च पक्त्वा तस्मिन्पचेज्जले ॥
तैलं तन्नावने पाने बस्तौ च विनियोजयेत् |
Bilva, rasna, yava, kola, devadaru, punarnava, kulattha and drugs of pancamula should be boiled in water and decoction prepared. Medicated oil prepared by using this decoction should be used for nasal medication, drinking and enema. 27-28a.
शुण्ठीवयस्थालवणकायस्थाहिङ्गपौष्करैः ॥ २८ ॥ पथ्यया च शृतं पार्श्वहृद्रुजागुल्मजिद्धृतम् ।
Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of sunthi, vayastha, lavana, kayastha, hingu, pauskara and pathya, cures pain of the flanks and heart and tumours of the abdomen.
सौवर्चलस्य द्विपले पथ्यापञ्चाशदन्विते ॥ २९ ॥ घृतस्य साधितः प्रस्थो हृद्रोगश्वासगुल्मजित् ।
Medicated ghee prepared with two pala of sauvarcala, fifty (pala) of pathya and one prastha of ghee, cures heart diseases, dyspnoea and abdominal tumour. 29b-30a.
दाडिमं कृष्णलवणं शुण्ठी हिङ्गवम्लवेतसम् ॥ ३० ॥ अपतन्त्रकहृद्रोगश्वासघ्नं चूर्णमुत्तमम् ।
Powder of dadima, krsnalavana, sunthi, hingu, and amlavetasa is best to cure tetanus, heart disease and dyspnoea.
पुष्कराह्वशठीशुण्ठीबीजपूरजटाभयाः पीता: कल्कीकृताः क्षारघृताम्ललवणैर्युताः । ॥३१॥
विकर्तिकाशलहराः क्वाथ: कोष्णश्च तद्गुणः ॥ ३२ ॥ यवानीलवणक्षारवचाजाज्यौषधैः कृतः ।
सप्रतिदारुबीजाह्वपलाशशठिपौष्करैः ॥३३॥
Paste of puskarahva, sathi, sunthi, root of bijapura and abhaya mixed with ksara (yavaksara), ghee, sours and salt cures vikartika sula (sawing like pain in the heart). Similar is the action of decoction of yavani, lavana, ksara, vaca, ajaji, ausadha, putidaru, bijahva, palasa, sathi and pauskara con31b-33. sumed warm.
( यवक्षारो यवानी च पिबेदुष्णेन वारिणा । एतेन वातजं शूलं गुल्मं चैव चिरोत्थितम् ॥ १ ॥ भिद्यते सप्तरात्रेण पवनेन यथा घनः । )
(Powder of yavaksara and yavani mixed with warm water should be drunk. By this, pain in the abdomen, and abdominal tumour persisting for long time get cured within seven days just as the clouds get split by the wind).
पञ्चकोलशठीपथ्यागुडबीजाह्वपौष्करम् ।
वारुणीकल्कितं भृष्टं यमके लवणान्वितम् ॥ ३४ ॥ हृत्पार्श्वयोनिशूलेषु खादेद्गुल्मोदरेषु च ।
(Powder of) pancakola, Sathi, pathya, guda, bijahva, and pauskara made into a paste with varuni (a kind of (liquor) fried in yamaka (mixture of two fats, oil and ghee) and added with salt should be consumed in case of pain in the heart, flanks and vagina, abdominal tumour and elargement of the abdomen. 34-35a.
स्निग्धाश्चेह हिताः स्वेदाः संस्कृतानि घृतानि च ॥ ३५ ॥
In this (heart disease of vata origin) lubricating sudation and ghee processed with drugs (which mitigate vata) are beneficial. 35b.
लघुना पञ्चमूलेन शुण्ठ्या वा साधितं जलम् । वारुणीदधिमण्डं वा धान्याम्लं वा पिबेत्तृषि ॥ ३६ ॥
When there is thirst, water boiled with drugs of laghu pancamula or sunthi, or varuni, thin liquid of dadhi ( curds ) or fermented water boiled with corns may be drunk. 36.
सायामस्तम्भशूलामे हृदि मारुतदूषिते । क्रियैषा
These are the treatments when there is pain in the heart such as expanding, stopping the movement and continuous kinds caused by increased maruta (vata). 37a.
सद्रवायामप्रमोहे तु हिता रसाः ॥ ३७॥ स्नेहाढ्यास्तित्तिरिक्रौञ्चशिखिवर्तकदक्षजा:
When there is increased heart rate, expanding type of pain and loss of consciousness, soup of meat of tittiri (partridge), kraunca (heron), sikhi (peacock), vartaka (bird button quail) and daksa (cock ) added with more of fats ( ghee or oil) are beneficial. 37b-38a.
बलातैलं सहृद्रोगः पिबेद्वा सुकुमारकम् ॥ ३८ ॥ यष्ट्याह्वशतपाकं वा महास्त्रेहं तथोत्तमम् ।
The patient of heart diseases should drink Bala taila (vide chapter 2 of sarirasthana) or Sukumara (chapter 13 of chikitsa sthana) or Satapaka yasti taila ( chapter 22-chikitsasthana) or Mahasneha (vide chapter 21 of chikitsasthana) which are best suited. 38b-39a.
रास्त्राजीवकजीवन्तीबलाव्याघ्रीपुनर्नवैः ॥३९॥ भार्गीस्थिरावचाव्योषैर्महास्त्रेहं विपाचयेत् ।
दधिपादं तथाम्लैश्च लाभतः स निषेवितः ॥ ४० ॥ तर्पणो बृंहणो बल्यो वातहृद्रोगनाशनः ।
Mahasneha (mixture of all the four fats, ghee, oil, muscle fat and marrow) should be prepared with the decoction and paste of rasna, jivaka, jivanti, bala, vyaghri, punarnava, bharngi, sthira, vaca, and vyosa, one fourth part of dadhi (curds) and sour liquids as many as available. This recipe acts as tarpana ( restorative ), brimhana ( nutritive) balya (stregthening) and cures heart disease arising from vata. 39b-41a.
दीप्तेऽग्नौ सद्रवायामे हृद्रोगे वातिके हितम् ॥ ४१ ॥
क्षीरं दधि गुड: सर्पिरौदकानूपमामिषम् । एतान्येव च वर्ज्यानि हृद्रोगेषु चतुर्ष्वपि ॥ ४२ ॥
शेषेषु, स्तम्भजाड्यामसंयुक्तेऽपि च वातिके | कफानुबन्धे तस्मिंस्तु रूक्षोष्णामाचरेत्क्रियाम् ॥ ४३ ॥
In heart disease caused by vata, if there is increased heart rate and expanding type of pain and if the patient has strong digestive power, then consuming milk, curds, jaggery (molasses), ghee and meat of animals living in water and marshy regions is suitable. These are to be avoided in the remaining four kinds of heart diseases, and even in vataja kind, if there is rigidity and inactivity (in the body) and association of ama. If there is kapha as the secondary dosa in it (vataja heart disease) therapies which bring about dryness and heat should be adopted. 41b-43.
Pittaja hridroga chikitsa
पैत्ते द्राक्षेक्षुनिर्याससिताक्षौद्रपरूषकैः ।
युक्तो विरेको हृद्यः स्यात्क्रमः शुद्धे च पित्तहा ॥ ४४ ॥
क्षतपित्तज्वरोक्तं च बाह्यान्तः परिमार्जनम् । कट्वीमधुककल्कं च पिबेत्ससितमम्भसा ॥ ४५ ॥
In hridroga arising from pitta, vireka ( purgation ) is ideal, with the juice of draksa, iksu, sita, ksaudra and parusaka (as adjuvants to the purgative drug); after such a purifaction, all treatments which mitigate pitta should be done, such as the external and internal treatment enumerated in ksata (uraksata-injury to lungs) and pittajvara (fever caused by pitta). Paste of katvi and madhuka should be consumed along with sugar water. 44-45.
श्रेयसीशर्कराद्राक्षाजीवकर्षभकोत्पलैः । बलाखर्जूरकाकोलीमेदायुग्मैश्च साधितम् ॥ ४६॥
सक्षीरं माहिषं सर्पिः पित्तहृद्रोगनाशनम् ।
Medicated ghee prepared with (decoction and paste of) sreyasi, sarkara, draksa, jivaka, rsabhaka, utpala, bala, kharjura, kakoli and meda yugma, with milk and ghee obtained from buffalo milk cures pittaja hridroga. 46-47a.
॥४७॥ प्रपौण्डरीकमधुकबिसग्रन्थिकसेरुकाः सशुण्ठीशैवलास्ताभिः सक्षीरं विपचेद्धृतम् ।
शीतं समधु तच्चेष्टं स्वादुवर्गकृतं च यत् ॥ ४८ ।। बस्तिं च दद्यात्सक्षौद्रं तैलं मधुकसाधितम् ।
Medicated ghee prepared with (decoction and paste of) prapaundarika, madhuka, bisagranthi, kaseruka, sunthi; and salivala, milk and ghee, is desirable to be consumed with honey. Ghee prepared with drugs of sweet taste is also suitable. Enema should be administered with oil processed with madhuka and mixed with honey. 47b-49a.
Kaphaja hridroga chikitsa
कफोद्भवे वमेत्स्विन्नः पिचुमन्दवचाम्भसा ॥४९॥ कुलत्थधन्वोत्थरसतीक्ष्णमद्ययवाशनः । पिबेच्चूर्णं वचाहिङ्गुलवणद्वयनागरात् ॥ ५० ॥
॥५१॥ सैलायवानककणायवक्षारात्सुखाम्बुना फलाधान्याम्लकौलत्थयूषमूत्रासवैस्तथा पुष्कराह्वाभयाशुण्ठीशठीरास्त्रावचाकणात् क्वाथं तथाऽभयाशुण्ठीमाद्रीपीतद्रुकट्फलात् ॥ ५२ ॥ ।
In that caused by kapha, after making the patient perspire (by sudation therapy), vamana ( emesis ) should be administered with decoction of picumanda and vaca (as adjuvants to the emetic drugs). He should consume food prepared from yava along with soup of kulattha and meat of animals of desert-like regions and drink strong wines.
Powder of vaca, hingu, the two lavana, nagara, ela, yavanaka (yavani), kana and yavaksara should be consumed with warm water, or with fruit juice, fermented gruel, soup of kulattha, cow’s urine or asava (fermented infusion). Decoction of puskarahva, abhaya, sunthi, sathi, rasna, vaca and kana or of abhaya, sunthi, madri, pitadru and katphala (should be consumed). 49b-52.
क्वाथे रोहितकाश्वत्थखदिरोदुम्बरार्जुने । सपलाशवटे व्योषत्रिवृच्चूर्णान्विते कृतः ॥ ५३॥ सुखोदकानुपानश्च लेहः कफविकारहा ।
Into the decoction of rohitaka, asvattha, khadira, udumbara, arjuna, palasa and vata, powder of vyosa, and trivrt is put in and confection prepared. Consumed with warm water it cures disease (of heart) arising from kapha. 53-54a.
श्लेष्मगुल्मोदिताज्यानि क्षारांश्च विविधान् पिबेत् ॥ ५४ ॥
प्रयोजयेच्छिलाह्वं वा ब्राह्मं वाऽत्र रसायनम् । तथाऽऽमलकलेहं वा प्राशं वाऽगस्त्यनिर्मितम् ॥ ५५ ॥
Medicated ghee and different ksaras (alkalies) described in kapha gulma (vide chapter 14 of chikitsasthana) should be drunk. Either Silahva (silajatu) rasayana (vide. chapter 39 of uttarsthana) or Brahma rasayana or Amalaka rasayana (all these are mentioned in chapter 39 of uttarasthana) should be administered. 54b-55.
स्याच्छूलंयस्य भुक्तेऽति, जीर्यत्यल्पं, जरां गते ।
शाम्येत्स कुष्ठकृमिजिल्लवणद्वयतिल्वकैः ॥ ५६ ॥ पिबेत् । सदेवदार्वतिविषैश्चर्णमुष्णाम्बुना
If the pain is more soon after meals, mild during digestion and subsides after complete digestion, such a patient should consume the powder of kustha, krimijit, lavana dvaya, tilvaka, devadaru, and ativisa, along with warm water. 56-57a.
यस्य जीर्णेऽधिकं स्नेहैः स विरेच्य, फलैः पुनः ॥ ५७ ॥
जीर्यत्यन्ने, तथा मूलस्तीक्ष्णैः शूले सदाऽधिके ।
He who has severe pain after digestion, should be given a purgative consisting of fats; when pain is severe during digestion a purgative consisting of fruits; when pain is severe at all times, a purgative consisting of roots. 57b-58a.
प्रायोऽनिलो रुद्धगतिः कुप्यत्यामाशये गतः ॥ ५८ ॥ तस्यानुलोमनं कार्यं शुद्धिलङ्घनपाचनैः ।
Generally anila ( vata ) getting obstructed in its movements, gets increased in the amasaya (stomach), hence it should be made to move in the downward direction with purificatory therapies (purgation and enama), fasting and digestive drugs. 58b-59a.
कृमिघ्नमौषधं सर्वं कृमिजे हृदयामये ॥ ५९ ॥ ॥ इति हृद्रोगचिकित्सितम् ।
In disease of the heart caused by worms (intestinal parasites) all treatments which eradicate the worms should be adopted. 59b.
Thus ends the treatment of heart diseases.
Trisna chikitsa – treatment of thirst
अथ तृष्णाचिकित्सितम् । तृष्णासु वातपित्तघ्नो विधिः प्रायेण शस्यते ।
सर्वासु शीतो बाह्यान्तस्तथा शमनशोधनः ॥ ६०॥
दिव्याम्बु शीतं सक्षौद्रं तद्वद्धौमं च तद्गुणम् । निर्वापितं तप्तलोष्टकपालसिकतादिभिः ॥ ६१ ॥
सशर्करं वा क्वथितं पञ्चमूलेन वा जलम् । दर्भपूर्वेण मन्थश्च प्रशस्तो लाजसक्तुभिः ॥ ६२॥
वाट्यश्चामयवैः शीतः शर्करामाक्षिकान्वितः । यवागू: शालिभिस्तद्वत्कोद्रवैश्च चिरन्तनैः ॥ ६३ ॥
शीतेन शीतवीर्यैश्च द्रव्यैः सिद्धेन भोजनम् । हिमाम्बुपरिषिक्तस्य पयसा ससितामधु ॥ ६४॥
रसैश्चानम्ललवणैर्जाङ्गलैर्घृतभर्जितैः मुद्द्रादीनां तथा यूषैर्जीवनीयरसान्वितैः ॥ ६५ ॥
नस्यं क्षीरघृतं सिद्धं शीतैरिक्षोस्तथा रसः । निर्वापणाश्च गण्डूषाः सूत्रस्थानोदिता हिताः ॥ ६६ ॥
दाहज्वरोक्ता लेपाद्या निरीहत्वं मनोरतिः । महासरिद्धदादीनां दर्शनस्मरणानि च॥ ६७॥
In all types of thirst, treatments which mitigate vata and pitta are beneficial generally. In all the types, cold treatment both external and internal, so also palliative and purificatory treatments (are beneficial); rain water or ground water resembling it, mixed with honey should be used; or the water into which heated stone, pot-sherd of sand has been immersed several times should be used added with sugar; or water boiled with (trna) pancamula; or mantha (solution of flour) prepared from flour of laja (fried paddy) or vatya (thin sugar and paste fo flour) prepared from raw yava, mixed with honey and cooled; yavagu (thin gruel) prepared from sali (rice) of kodrava which are old; foods prepared from substances of cold potency partaken cold; bathing in cold water, drinking milk added with sugar and honey, soup of meat of animals of desert-like lands, fried in ghee, without making it sour and salty; soup of mudga etc., mixed with juice of drugs of jivaniya gana (vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana) should be used as food. Nasal drops with milk and ghee, or juice drugs of cold potency or of sugarcane; mouth gargles with juice of healing drugs mentioned in sutrasthana (chapter 22 ). Application of paste over the body described in fever with burning sensation (vide chapter 1 of chikitsasthana); mind which is not agitated and dispassionate; sight of or rememberance of 60-67. great rivers, lakes etc. all these are beneficial.
Vataja trisna chikitsa
तृष्णायां पवनोत्थायां सगुडं दधि शस्यते । रसाश्च बृंहणाः शीता विदार्यादिगणाम्बु च ॥ ६८ ॥
In thirst caused by pavana (vata)-dadhi (curds) mixed with guda (jaggery) is suitable; so also meat soup which is nourishing and cold in potency or water boiled with drugs of vidaryadi gana (vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana). 68.
Pittaja trisna chikitsa
पित्तजायां सितायुक्तः पक्कोदुम्बरजो रसः । तत्क्वाथो वा हिमस्तद्वत्सारिवादिगणाम्बु वा ॥ ६९ ।
तद्विधैश्च गणैः शीतकषायान् ससितामधून् । मधुरैरौषधैस्तद्वत् क्षीरिवृक्षैश्च कल्पितान् ॥ ७० ॥
बीजपूरकमृद्वीकावटवेतसपल्लवान् । मूलानि कुशकाशानां यष्ट्याह्वं च जले शृतम् ॥ ७१ ॥
ज्वरोदितं वा द्राक्षादि पञ्चसाराम्बु वा पिबेत् ।
In thirst caused by pitta, juice of ripe fruit of udumbara added with sugar or its decoction made cool, similarly the decoction or cold infusion of drugs of sarivadigana (vide. chapter 15 of sutrasthana) or other gana of similar properties, added with sugar and honey or cold infusion prepared from drugs of sweet taste or trees having milky sap; water boiled with tender leaves of bijapuraka, mrdvika, vata and vetasa; or with roots of kusa, kasa and yasthyahva; draksadi phanta described in the treatment of jvara (vide chapter 1 of chikitsasthana) or pancasarambu (vide chapter 2 of chikitsasthana) – should be consumed. 69-72a.
Kaphaja trisna chikitsa
कफोद्भवायां वमनं निम्बप्रसववारिणा ॥ ७२ ॥
बिल्वाढकीपञ्चकोलदर्भपञ्चकसाधितम् । जलं पिबेद्रजन्या वा सिद्धं सक्षौद्रशर्करम् ॥ ७३ ॥
मुद्द्रयूषं च सव्योषपटोलीनिम्बपल्लवम् । यवान्नं तीक्ष्णकवलनस्यलेहांश्च शीलयेत् ॥ ७४ ॥
In thirst caused by kapha, vaman ( emesis ) should be done, with decoction of tender leaves of nimba; drink water boiled with bilva, adhaki, pancakola, darbhapancaka (trna pancamula) or with rajani added with honey and sugar; soup of mudga mixed with (powder of) vyosi, patola and tender leaves of nimba prepared from yava, mouth gargle and nasal drops and confections of strong potency should be made use of. 72b-74.
सर्वैरामाच्च तद्धन्त्री क्रियेष्टा वमनं तथा । त्र्यूषणारुष्करवचाफलाम्लोष्णाम्बुमस्तुभिः ॥ ७५ ॥
In thirst caused by ama and casued by all the three dosas treatments to mitigate them are necessary. Vomitting should be indused by the use tryusana, aruskara, vaca, phalamla (matulunga) either with warm or mastu (whey). 75.
अन्नात्ययान्मण्डमुष्णं हिमं मन्थं च कालवित् ।
In thirst caused by avoidence of food, manda (thin gruel) which is warm or mantha (solution of flour mixed with sugar and ghee) which is cold should be consumed appropriate to the time (season). 76a.
तृषि श्रमान्मांसरसं मन्थं वा ससितं पिबेत् ॥ ७६ ॥
In thirst caused by exertion, meat juice (soup) mantha added with sugar should be drunk.
आतपात्ससितं मन्थं यवकोलजसक्तुभिः । सर्वाण्यङ्गानि लिम्पेच्च तिलपिण्याककाञ्जिकैः ॥ ७७ ॥
शीतस्त्रानाच्च मद्याम्बु पिबेत्तृण्मान् गुडाम्बु वा ।
In thirst due to exposure to sunlight, mantha prepared with flour of yava and kola should be consumed. The whole body should be anointed with tila pinyaka (paste of sesame) mixed with kanjika (sour rice wash), take bath in cold water, drink wine mixed more water, or water in which guda 77-78a. (jaggery) is dessolved.
मद्यादर्धजलं मद्यं स्नातोऽम्ललवणैर्युतम् ।। ७८ ।।
In thirst due to drinking wine, he should drink wine added with half its quantity of water mixed with sour and salty, after taking bath. 78b.
स्त्रेहतीक्ष्णतराग्निस्तु स्वभावशिशिरं जलम् । स्नेहादुष्णाम्ब्वजीर्णात्तु जीर्णान्मण्डं पिपासितः ॥ ७९ ॥
He who has strong digestive activity caused by oleation therapy should drink water which by nature possess cold potency; he who has poor digestive activity due to oleation should drink hot water and when the food is well digested and he feels thirsty he should drink manda (thin gruel). 79.
पिबेत्स्निग्धान्नतृषितो हिमस्पर्धि गुडोदकम् ।
He who is thirsty after a fatty meal should drink water containing guda (jaggery) made very cold like the touch of ice. 80a.
गुर्वाद्यन्नेन तृषितः पीत्वोष्णाम्बु तदुल्लिखेत् ॥ ८० ॥
He who is thirsy by consuming foods which are hard to digest should drink hot water and vomit it (food). 80b.
क्षयजायां क्षयहितं सर्वं बृंहणमौषधम् ।
In thirst caused by ksaya (consumption/depletion of tissues) of all methods which are suitable to consumption such as nourishing foods and medicines should be adopted. 81a.
कृशदुर्बलरूक्षाणां क्षीरं छागो रसोऽथवा ॥ ८१ ॥ क्षीरं च सोर्ध्ववातायां क्षयकासहरैः श्रुतम् ।
For persons who are emaciated, weak and dry, goats milk or juice of meat (of goat) are beneficial. When there is upward movement (of vata) milk boiled with drugs which cure ksayakasa (vide-chapter 3 of chikitsasthana) is beneficial. 81b-82a.
रोगोपसर्गाज्जातायां धान्याम्बु ससितामधु ॥ ८२ ॥ पाने प्रशस्तं सर्वा च क्रिया रोगाद्यपेक्षया ।
In thirst caused by contagious diseases, water boiled with dhanya (kustumburu) added with sugar and honey is ideal for drinking and all other treatment appropiate to the diseases. 82b-83a.
तृष्यन् पूर्वामयक्षीणो न लभेत जलं यदि ॥ ८३ ॥
मरणं दीर्घरोगं वा प्राप्नुयात्त्वरितं ततः । सात्म्यान्नपानभैषज्यैस्तृष्णां तस्य जयेत्पुरा ॥ ८४ ॥
तस्यां जितायामन्योऽपि व्याधिः शक्यश्चिकित्सितुम् ॥ ८४ ॥ इति तृष्णारोगचिकित्सितम् ।
The patient who is thirsty and emaciated by earlier diseases, if he does not get water in time, will either die or becomes a victim of chronic diseases, Hence his thirst should be controlled first by accustomed foods, drinks and medicines; when that ( thirst ) is controlled it is easy to treat the other diseases. 83b-84.
Thus ends the treatment of thirst.
इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने छर्दिहृद्रोगतृष्णाचिकित्सितं नाम
षष्ठोऽध्यायः ॥ ६ ॥
Thus ends the chapter Chardi-hridroga-trisna chikitsa – the sixth in chikitsa sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta