Svasa – Hikka Chikitsa – Treatment of dyspnoea & hiccup – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter-4

अथातो श्वासहिध्माचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः । ह

We will now expound the chapter-Svasa-hikka chikitsa -treatment of dyspnoea and hiccup; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Snehana – svedana in svasa and hikka – oleation and sudation

श्वासहिध्मा यतस्तुल्यहेत्वाद्याः, साधनं ततः । तुल्यमेव तदार्तं च पूर्वं स्वेदैरुपाचरेत् ॥ १ ॥

स्त्रिग्धैर्लवणतैलाक्तं तैः खेषु ग्रथितः कफः । सुलीनोsपि विलीनोऽस्य कोष्ठं प्राप्तः सुनिर्हरः ॥ २ ॥

स्त्रोतसां स्यान्मृदुत्वं च मरुतश्चानुलोमता ।

Since svasa (dyspnoea) and hikka (hiccup) are similar, in their causes etc, even their treatments are also similar. The persons suffering from these should be administered sveda (sudation therapy) first, anointing the body with oil mixed with salt. By these (oleation and sudation) the solid kapha though adhereing in the channels gets liquified and comes into the alimentary tract to be expelled out easily, the channels become soft and maruta (vata) gets its ( normal) downward movement. 1-3a.

Vamana in svasa and hikka – emesis therapy

स्विन्नं च भोजयेदन्नं स्निग्धमानूपजै रसैः ॥ ३ ॥

दध्युत्तरेण वा, दद्यात्ततोऽस्मै वमनं मृदु ।

विशेषात्कासवमथुहृद्ग्रहस्वरसादिने पिप्पलीसैन्धवक्षौद्रयुक्तं वाताविरोधि यत् । ॥४॥

After sudation, the patient should be made to eat ricemess, mixed with fat ( ghee ) along with juice ( soup) of meat of animals of marshy land or with more of dadhi (curds, coagulated milk ).

Then, a mild emesis therapy should be given, especially for those who have cough, vomiting, catching pain in the region of the heart and diminition of voice, by using pippali, saindhava and honey, which is not opposed to vata (which does not aggravate vata). 3b-5a.

निर्हते सुखमाप्नोति स कफे दुष्टविग्रहे ॥५॥ स्रोतःसु च विशुद्धेषु चरत्यविहतोऽनिलः ।

When the kapha gets expelled from the vitiated body (channels of the lungs especially) there will be great comfort, when the channels become clear anila (vata) begins to move unhindered. 5b-6a.

Virecana in svasa roga – purgation therapy

ध्मानोदावर्ततमके मातुलुङ्गाम्लवेतसैः ॥ ६॥

हिङ्गुपीलुबिडैर्युक्तमन्नं स्यादनुलोमनम्।

ससैन्धवं फलाम्लं वा कोष्णं दद्याद्विरेचनम् ॥ ७॥

If there is flatulence, upward movement of vata and tamaka (a variety of dyspnoea) rice-mess mixed with matulunga, amlavetasa, hingu, pilu, and bida should be consumed, this acts as anulomana ( laxative ). Next, a purgative drug mixed with saindhava and any sour fruit followed by warm should be administered to produce purgations. 6b-7.

कफसंरुद्धगतिप्राणप्रकोपजाः । एते हि

तस्मात्तन्मार्गशुद्ध्यर्थमूर्ध्वाधः शोधनं हितम् ॥ ८ ॥ भृशतरं उदीर्यते मार्गरोधाद्वहज्जलम् ।

यथा तथाऽनिलस्तस्य मार्गमस्माद्विशोधयेत् ॥ ९ ॥

Since these ( svasa and hikka ) are born from the obstruction of the passage of prana vayu by kapha, it is beneficial to clear the passage by administration of purifactory therapy of both the upper and lower parts of the body. By the obstruction of the passage the internal fluid becomes greatly increased (and obstruct the passages), so also anila (vata) obstructs the passages) hence its (of vata) passage should also be cleared. 8-9.

Dhumapana in svasa – inhalation of smoke

अशान्तौ कृतसंशुद्धेधूमैर्लीनं मलं हरेत् ।

If by the above treatment the disease does not subside, the mala (dosa) which is adhereing deep inside should be removed out by inhalation of smoke (of drugs) after purifying the patient by emesis and purgation therapies). 10a.

लाक्षां मनःशिलाम् ॥ १० ॥ प्रकल्पयेत् । घृतसंयुतान् ॥ ११ ॥

हरिद्रापत्रमेरण्डमूलं सदेवदार्वलं मांसीं पिष्टा वर्तिं तां घृताक्तां पिबेद्धूमं यवान् वा मधूच्छिष्टं सर्जरसं घृतं वा गुरु वाऽगुरु ।

चन्दनं वा तथा शृङ्गं वालान्वा स्नाव वा गवाम् ॥ १२ ॥

ऋक्षगोधकुरङ्गैणचर्मशृङ्गखुराणि वा । गुग्गुलुं वा मनोह्वां वा शालनिर्यासमेव वा ॥ १३ ॥

शल्लकीं गुग्गुलुं लोहं पद्मकं वा घृताप्लुतम् ।

Leaves of haridra, root of eranda, laksa, manassila, devadaru, ala, and mamsi, are made into a paste and a cigaratte prepared. It should be lubricated with ghee and smoked; or smoke of yava mixed with ghee; or smoke of madhucchista, sarjarasa and mixed with ghee; or smoke of aguru or of candana or of horn, hair, sinews of the cow; or the skin, horn and hoofs of the bear, big lizard, deer and antelope; or of guggulu, of manohva or of resin of salasallaki, guggulu, loha ( aguru ) or padmaka – each one lubricated with ghee. 10b-14a

अवश्यं स्वेदनीयानामस्वेद्यानामपि क्षणम् ॥ १४ ॥

स्वेदयेत्ससिताक्षीरसुखोष्णस्नेहसेवनैः उत्कारिकोपनाहैश्च स्वेदाध्यायोक्तभेषजैः ॥ १५ ॥ उरः कण्ठं च मृदुभिः

Svedana (sudation therapy) is essential for those who are fit for it and even those who are unfit, should be given sudation for a moment (short duration) either by pouring warm milk mixed with sugar, or oil; or by utkarika and upanaha (warm poultices) prepared from drugs mentioned. in the chapter on sudation therapy (chapter 17 sutrasthana) especially over the chest and throat. 14b-16a.

सामे त्वामविधिं चरेत् ।

In case of presence of ama, treatments to get over it (such as dipana, pacana etc.) should be done. 16a.

अतियोगोद्धतं वातं दृष्ट्वा पवननाशनैः ॥ १६ ॥ स्निग्धै रसाद्यैर्नात्युष्णैरभ्यङ्गैश्च शमं नयेत् ।

If vata is found, to have increased due to excess bouts (of purifactory therapies ) it should be mitigated by (drinking) of meat soup mixed with fat and anointing the body with oils which are not very hot in potency. 16b-17a.

अनुत्क्लिष्टकफास्विन्नदुर्बलानां हि शोधनात् ॥ १७ ॥

वायुर्लब्धास्पदो मर्म संशोष्याशु हरेदसून् । कषायलेहस्त्रेहाद्यैस्तेषां संशमयेदतः ॥ १८ ॥

Vayu (vata) gets aggravated by purifactory therapies in persons in whom kapha has not been excited (slightly increased), who have hot been administered sudation therapy, and are weak. The aggravated vata gains access to the marma (vital organs, the chest ( lungs ) in the present context), causes dryness in it and leads to death quickly. Hence it should be mitigated by the use of decoctions, confections, oleation therapy etc. 17b-18.

क्षीणक्षतातिसारासृपित्तदाहानुबन्धजान् । मधुरस्निग्धशीताद्यैर्हिमा श्वासानुपाचरेत् ॥१९॥

Svasa and hikka, arising from emaciation, injury to chest, diarrhoea, bleeding disease associated with burning sensation, should be treated with drugs ( and foods) which are sweet, unctous and cold in potency. 19.

कुलत्थदशमूलानां क्वाथे स्युर्जाङ्गला रसाः ।

Juice and soups of meat of animals of desert-like regions processed in the decoction of drugs fo dasamula (are beneficial). 20a.

यूषाश्च शिग्रुवार्ताककासघ्नवृषमूलकैः ॥ २० ॥ । ॥ २१ ॥

पल्लवैर्निम्बकुलकबृहतीमातुलुङ्गजैः व्याघ्रीदुरालभाशृङ्गीबिल्वमध्यत्रिकण्टकैः

सामृताग्निकुलत्यैश्च यूषः स्यात्वथितैर्जले । तद्वद्रास्त्राबृहत्यादिबलामुद्रैः सचित्रकैः ॥ २२ ॥

Yusa (soup) prepared from sigru, vartaka, kasaghna, vrsa, mulaka, tender leaves of nimba, kulaka, brhati, and matulunga, duralabha, Srngi, marrow of bilva, trikantaka, amrta, agni, and kulattha prepared by boiling in water; like wise, that of rasna, brhati and others (hrasva pancamula) bala, mudga and citraka. 20b-22.

पेया च चित्रकाजाजी शृङ्गीसौवर्चलैः कृता । दशमूलेन वा कासश्वासहिध्मारुजापहा ॥ २३ ॥

Peya (thin gruel) prepared from citraka, ajaji, srngi and sauvarcala from drugs of dasamula relieves the pain (distress) caused by cough, dyspnoea and hiccup. 23.

दशमूलशठीरास्त्राभार्गीबिल्वर्द्धिपौष्करैः कुलीरशृङ्गीचपलातामलक्यमृतौषधैः ।

पिबेत्कषायं जीर्णेऽस्मिन् पेयां तैरेव साधिताम् । ॥ २४॥

Decoction of dasamula, sathi, rasna, bharngi, bilva, rdhi, puskara, kulira-srngi, capala, tamalaki, amrta and ausadha (nagara) should be consumed; after it is digestied peya (thin gruel) processed by them only ( the same drugs ) should be partaken. 24-25a.

शालिषष्टिकगोधूमयवमुद्गकुलत्थभुक् कासहृद्ग्रहपार्श्वार्तिहिध्माश्वासप्रशान्तये ॥२५॥

For the relief of cough, catching pain in the heart and flanks, hiccup and dyspnoea, the person should eat foods prepared from rice, sastika rice, wheat, barley, mudga and kulattha. 25b-26a.

सक्तून् वाऽर्काङ्कुरक्षीरभावितानां समाक्षिकान् ॥ २६ ॥ यवानां दशमूलादिनिष्काथलुलितान् पिबेत् ।

Flour of barley soaked in the milky sap of sprouts arka, mixed with honey should be consumed along with decoction of dasamula etc. 26b-27a.

अन्ने च योजयेत् क्षारहिङ्ग्वाज्यबिडदाडिमान् ॥ २७ ॥ सपौष्करशठीव्योषमातुलुङ्गाम्लवेतसान् ।

Ksara (alkalies), hingu, ajya (ghee), bida; dadima, pauskara, sathi, vyosa, matlunga, and amlavetasa, should be included in the diet. 27b-28a.

दशमूलस्य वा क्वाथमथवा देवदारुणः ॥ २८ ॥ पिबेद्वा वारुणीमण्डं हिमाश्वासी पिपासितः ।

Decoction of dasamula or of devadaru, or varunimanda (clear fluid of beer) should be consumed by the patients of dyspnoea and hiccup when they are thirsty. 28b-29a. ॥२९॥ पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलपथ्याजन्तुघ्नचित्रकैः कल्कितैर्लपिते रूढे निःक्षिपेद्धृतभाजने ।

तक्रं मासस्थितं तद्धि दीपनं श्वासकासजित् ॥ ३० ॥

A mud pot smeard inside with ghee is given a coating ( inside) with the paste of pippli, pippalimula, pathya, jantughna and citraka. After the paste dries up; the pot is filled with takra (buttemilk) and kept undisturbed for a month; this is carminative and cures dyspnoea and coughs. 29b-30.

पाठां मधुरसां दारु सरलं च निशि स्थितम् । सुरामण्डेऽल्पलवणं पिबेत्प्रसृतसम्मितम् ॥ ३१ ॥

भार्गीशुण्ठ्यौ सुखाम्भोभिः क्षारं वा मरिचान्वितम् । स्वक्वाथपिष्टां लुलितां वाष्पिकां पाययेत वा ॥ ३२ ॥

Patha, madhurasa daru, and sarala are soaked in suramanda ( scum of beer) and kept overnight; next morning, it should be consumed in the dose of one prasrta, adding a little of salt; or drink the decoction of bharngi and sunthi, followed by drinking warm water; or ksara (yavaksara) added with water, and marica; or drink baspika macerated with its own decoction. 31-32.

स्वरसः सप्तपर्णस्य पुष्पाणां वा शिरीषतः । हिध्माश्वासे मधुकणायुक्त: पित्तकफानुगे ॥ ३३ ॥

उत्कारिका तुगाकृष्णामधूलीघृतनागरैः । पित्तानुबन्धे योक्तव्या, पवने त्वनुबन्धिनि ॥ ३४ ॥

श्वाविच्छशामिषकणाघृतशल्यकशोणितैः । सुवर्चलारसव्योषसर्पिर्भिः सहितं पयः ॥ ३५ ॥

अनु शाल्योदनं पेयं वातपित्तानुबन्धिनि । चतुर्गुणाम्बुसिद्धं वा छागं सगुडनागरम् ॥ ३६ ॥

Fresh juice of saptaparna of the flowers of sirisa mixed with madhu (honey) and kana should be consumed in hiccup and dyspnoea caused by pitta followed by kapha; utkarika (cake) prepared with tuga, krsna, madhuli, ghrta and nagara, when pitta is the secondary dosa; when vata is the secondary dosa, utkarika prepared from the meat of porcupine, and rabbit, kana, ghrta and blood of sallyka; or sauvarcala, rasa (meat juice), vyosa, sarpis ( ghee) and payas (milk) should be drunk after a meal of rice-mess when vata and pitta are the secondary dosas or goats milk boiled with four times its quantity of water (and reduced to a quarter) 32-36. should be consumed mixed with guda and nagara.

पिप्पलीमूलमधुकगुडगोश्वशकृद्रसान् हिमाभिष्यन्दकासघ्नान् लिह्यान्मधुघृतान्वितान् ॥ ३७ ॥ ।

Pippalimula, madhuka, guda, juice of fresh dung of cow.

or horse mixed with honey and ghee should be licked which cures hiccup, ophthalmia and cough. 37.


समध्वेकैकशो लिह्याद्वहुश्लेष्माऽथवा पिबेत् ॥ ३८ ॥

चतुष्पाच्चर्मरोमास्थिखुरशृङ्गोद्भवां मषीम्।

तथैव वाजिगन्धाया लिह्याच्छासी कफोल्वणः ॥ ३९ ॥

शठीपौष्करधात्रीर्वा पौष्करं वा कणान्वितम् । गैरिकाञ्जनकृष्णा वा स्वरसं वा कपित्थजम् ॥ ४० ॥

रसेन वा कपित्थस्य धात्रीसैन्धवपिप्पलीः । घृतक्षौद्रेण वा पथ्याविडङ्गोषणपिप्पलीः ॥ ४१ ॥

कोललाजामलद्राक्षापिप्पलीनागराणि वा गुडतैलनिशाद्राक्षाकणारास्त्रोषणानि पिबेद्रसाम्बुमद्याम्लैर्लेहौषधरजांसि वा ॥ ४२ ॥ वा ।

Juice of fresh dung of cow, horse, elephant, boar, camel, donkey, ram or goat, each one seperately mixed with honey, should be licked (in small quantity) or swallowed (in large quantity) when kapha is greatly increased. The patient of dyspnoea who has great increase of kapha should lick (with honey) the ash of skin, hairs, bones, hoof or horns of quadrupeds; or (the powder of) sathi, pauskara and dhatri or of pauskara with kana; or (powder of) gairika, anjana or krsna; or fresh juice of kapittha; or (powder) of dhatri, saindhava and pippali with the juice of kapittha; or (powder) of pathya,

vidanga, usana and pippali, with the juice of kapittha, draksa, honey or (powder) of kola, laja, amala(ka), draksa, pippali and nagara with ghee and honey; or (powder of ) guda, taila, nisa, draksa, kana, rasna and usana should be consumed with the juice of meat, water, wine, sour syrups confections or powders of drugs. 38-43a.

Avantyadi curna

॥ ४३ ॥ । जीवन्तीमुस्तसुरसत्वगेलाद्वयपौष्करम् चण्डातामलकीलोहभार्गीनागरवालकम्

कर्कटाख्याशठीकृष्णानागकेसरचोरकम् ॥ ४४ ॥

उपयुक्तं यथाकामं चूर्णं द्विगुणशर्करम् | पार्श्वरुग्ज्वरकासघ्नं हिध्माश्वासहरं परम् ॥ ४५ ॥

Jivanti, musta, surasa, tvak, eladvaya, pauskara, canda, tamalaki, loha ( aguru) bharngi, nagara, valaka, karkata, sathi, krsna, nagakesara, and coraka are made into nice powder and mixed with sugar, double its quantity; Used as and when desired, it cures pain in the flanks, fever and cough and best to relieve hiccup and dyspnoea. 43b-45.

शठीतामलकीभाचण्डावालकपौष्करम् ।

शर्कराष्टगुणं चूर्णं हिध्माश्वासहरं परम् ॥ ४६॥

Powder of sathi, tamalaki, bharngi, canda, valaka, and pauskara mixed with eight parts of sugar is best to cure hiccup and dyspnoea. 46.

Nalvana in svasa – nasal drops in hiccups

तुल्यं गुडं नागरं च भक्षयेन्नावयेत् वा ।

Equal parts of guda and nagara should be consumed (daily) or used as nasal drops ( for cure of hiccup and dyspnoea).

लशुनस्य पलाण्डोर्वा मूलं गृञ्जनकस्य वा ॥ ४७ ॥

वन्दनाद्वा रसं दद्यान्नारीक्षीरेण नावनम् । स्तन्येन मक्षिकाविष्ठामलक्तकरसेन वा ॥ ४८ ॥

ससैन्धव घृताच्छं वा, सिद्धं स्तन्येन वा घृतम् । कल्कितैर्मधुरद्रव्यैस्तत्पिबेन्नावयेत् वा ॥ ४९ ॥

सकृदुष्णं सकृच्छीतं व्यत्यासात् ससितामधु । सिद्धमधोभागौषधैर्घृतम् ॥ ५० ॥ तद्वत्पयस्तथा

Juice of lasuna, palandu, root of grnjana or candana mixed with breast milk should be put into the nose; or ex

creta of files (honey) with breast milk or juice of alaktaka (lac) or thin fluid of ghee mixed with saindhava or medicated ghee prepared with the paste of drugs of sweet taste mixed with breast milk or ghee should be swallowed or put into the or honey mixed with sugar may be instilled into the nose warm and cold alternately; similarly milk (processed with drugs of sweet taste) or medicated ghee prepared from purgative drugs ( to be put into the nose). nose, 47-50.


सकायस्थैर्घृतं मस्तुदशमूलरसे पचेत् ॥ ५१ ॥

तत्पिबेज्जीवनीयैर्वा लिह्यात्समधु साधितम् ।

Medicated ghee prepared from kana, sauvarcala, ksara (yavaksara), vayastha, hingu, coraka and kayastha (made into a paste), mastu and decoction of dasamula; or that (ghee) prepared from drugs of jivaniya gana should be consumed with honey. 51-52a.

Tejovatyadi ghrta

तेजोवत्यभया कुष्ठं पिप्पली कटुरोहिणी ॥ ५२ ॥

भूतीकं पौष्करं मूलं पलाशश्चित्रकः शठी । पटुद्वयं तामलकी जीवन्ती बिल्वपेशिका ॥ ५३ ॥

वचा पत्रं च तालीसं कर्षांशैस्तैर्विपाचयेत् । हिङ्गपादैर्घृतप्रस्थं पीतमाशु निहन्ति तत् ॥ ५४॥

शाखानिलार्शोग्रहणीहिध्माहत्पार्श्ववेदनाः I

Medicated ghee is prepared with decoction of tejovati, abhaya, kustha, pippali, katurohini, bhutika pauskaramula, palasa, citraka, sathi, the two patu, tamalaki, jivanti, tender fruits of bilva, vaca, talisapatra, each one karsa; hingu one fourth of (karssa) and one prastha of ghrta. This recipe cures quickly the disease of vata localised in the extremities, haemorrhoids, disorders, of the duodenum, hiccup and pain 52b-55a. in the region of the heart and the flanks.

अर्धांशेन पिबेत्सर्पिः क्षारेण पटुनाऽथवा ॥ ५५ ॥

धान्वन्तरं वृषघृतं दाधिकं हपुषादि वा ।

Dhanvantara ghrta (described in prameha chikitsa vide chapter 12) vrsa ghrta (described in rakta-pitta vide chapter 2) dadhika ghrta ( described in gulma chapter 14) or hapusadi ghrita ( described in udara chapter 15) should be consumed, mixed with half its quantity of either ksara ( alkali) or patu (salt). 55b-56a.

शीताम्बुसेकः सहसा त्रासविक्षेपभीशुचः ॥ ५६ ॥ हर्षेर्ष्याच्छासरोधाश्च हितं कीटैश्च दंशनम् ।

Sudden showering of cold water, sudden fatigue, shaking of the body, fear, sorrow and joy, obstruction to expiration and stinging by insects are beneficial. 56b-57a.

यत्किञ्चित्कफवातघ्नमुष्णं वातानुलोमनम् ॥ ५७ ॥ तत्सेव्यं प्रायशो यच्च सुतरां मारुतापहम् ।

Any other treatment which subdues kapha and vata, which is hot (heat producing) causing downward movement of vata should be adopted specially those which subdue maruta (vata). 57b-58a.

सर्वेषां बृंहणे ह्यल्पः शक्यश्च प्रायशो भवेत् ॥ ५८ ।। नात्यर्थं शमनेऽपायो भृशोऽशक्यश्च कर्षणे ।

शमनैबृंहणैश्चातो भूयिष्ठं तानुपाचरेत् ॥ ५९ ॥ The risks (complications, incurability etc.) accuring from brmhana (nourishing therapy ) ( in hiccup and dysp noea) being less, the disease is curable; that ( risk ) accruing from samana ( palliative therapy ) is also not very great, whereas that accruing from karsana (debilitating therapy) is very great and so the disease becomes incurable. Hence they (hiccup and dyspnoea) should be treated more with samana (palliative) and brmhana ( nourishing ) therapies. 58-59.

काश्वासक्षयच्छर्दिहिध्माश्चान्योन्यभेषजैः ।। ५९% ।।

Cough, dyspnoea, consumption, vomitting and hiccup should be treated with therapies indicated for one another.59. इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने श्वासहिध्माचिकित्सितं नाम

चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ १ ॥

Thus ends the chapter-Svasa hikka chikitsa-the fourth in chikitsa sthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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