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ashtanga hridayaGULMA CHIKITSA - Treatment of abdominal tumours - Ashtang hridaya Chapter –...

GULMA CHIKITSA – Treatment of abdominal tumours – Ashtang hridaya Chapter – 14

अथातो गुल्मचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We will now expound on the chapter- Gulma chikitsa – treatment of tumours in abdomen; thus said Atretya and other great sages.

Vataja gulma chikitsa

गुल्मं बद्धशकृद्वातं वातिकं तीव्रवेदनम् । रूक्षशीतोद्भवं तैलैः साधयेद्वातरोगिकैः ॥ १ ॥

पानान्नान्वासनाभ्यङ्गैः स्निग्धस्य स्वेदमाचरेत् । आनाहवेदनास्तम्भविबन्धेषु विशेषतः ॥ २ ॥

स्त्रोतसां मार्दवं कृत्वा जित्वा मारुतमुल्बणम् ।

भित्त्वा विबन्धं स्निग्धस्य स्वेदो गुल्ममपोहति ॥ ३ ॥

Vatika gulma ( tumour arising from vata ) which manifests with obstruction of faeces and flatus, severe pain arising from dryness and cold should be treated with medicated oils mentioned in the treatment of vataroga ( chapter 21); the patient should be given oleation therapy along with drinking (of fat), food (mixed with fats), lubricating enema and oil massage, followed by sudation (fomentation) especially when there is distention, pain, loss of movement and constipation. By softening the channel, by mitigating the greatly increased vata, and by removing the obstruction sudation therapy (fomentation etc.) cures the abdominal tumor of the person who has been administered oleation therapy. 1-3.

हितं गुल्मे विशेषेणोर्ध्वनाभिजे ।

स्नेहपानं पक्वाशयगते बस्तिरुभयं जठराश्रये ॥ ४ ॥

Drinkin of fat is beneficial, especially for the tumour situated above the umbilicus, basti (enema therapy) for the tumour situated in the pakvasaya (large intestine) and both (fat drinking and enema) when it is localised in the jathara ( stomach and small intestine). 4.

दीसैऽग्नौ वातिके गुल्मे विबन्धेऽनिलवर्चसोः । बृंहणान्यन्नपानानि स्निग्धोष्णानि प्रदापयेत् ॥ ५ ॥

पुनः पुनः स्नेहपानं निरूहाः सानुवासनाः । प्रयोज्या वातजे गुल्मे कफपित्तानुरक्षिणः ॥ ६ ॥

In gulma of vata origin, when the digestive fire is augmented but obstruction of flatus and faeces are present, foods and drinks which are nutritious, fatty and hot should be administered; drinking of fats, decoction enema along with oil enema should be administered again again in gulma of vata origin, protecting (not causing aggravation) of kapha and pitta. 5-6.

बस्तिकर्म परं विद्याद्गुल्मघ्नं, तद्धि मारुतम् । स्वस्थाने प्रथमं जित्वा सद्यो गुल्ममपोहति ॥ ७॥

तस्मादभीक्ष्णशो गुल्मा निरूहै: सानुवासनैः । प्रयुज्यमानैः शाम्यन्ति वातपित्तकफात्मकाः ॥ ८ ॥

Basti karma (enema therapy) is the best to destroy (cure) gulma. It overcomes maruta ( vata ) in it own seat (pakvasaya-large intestine ) first and so cures the tumour immediately. Hence obdominal tumours arising from vata, pitta and kapha will subside by repeated administration of decoction enema and oil enema ( alternately). 7-8.

हिङ्गुसौवर्चलव्योषबिडदाडिमदीप्यकैः पुष्कराजाजिधान्याम्लवेतसक्षारचित्रकैः शठीवचाजगन्धैलासुरसैर्दधिसंयुतैः ॥९॥

शूलानाहहरं सर्पिः साधयेद्वातगुल्मिनाम् ॥ १० ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with hingu, sauvarcala, vyosa, bida, dadima, dipyaka, puskara, ajaji, dhanya (ka), amlavetasa, ksara (yavaksara), citraka, sathi, vaca, ajagandha, ela, surasa and dadhi (curds, yoghart). This ghee cures colic and distention of the abdomen in patients of vata gulma. 9-10.

Hapusadi ghrita

हपुषोषणपृथ्वीकापञ्चकोलकदीप्यकैः साजाजीसैन्धवैर्दध्रा दुग्धेन च रसेन च ॥ ११॥

दाडिमान्मूलकात्कोलात्पचेत्सर्पिर्निहन्ति तत् । वातगुल्मोदरानाहपार्श्वहृत्कोष्ठवेदनाः योन्यर्शोग्रहणीदोषकासश्वासारुचिज्वरान् 1 ॥१२॥

Medicated ghee prepared with hapusa, usana, prthvika, pancakolaka, dipyaka, ajaji, saindhava, dadhi (curds), dugdha (milk) juices of dadima, mulaka and kola. This recipe cures vatagulma, enlargement of the abdomen distention, pain in the flanks, region of the heart and abdomen, diseases of the vagina, haemorrhoids, duodenal disorder, cough, dyspnoea, anorexia and fevers. 11-13a.

Dadhika ghrita

दशमूलं बलां कालां सुषवीं द्वौ पुनर्नवौ ॥ १३ ॥

पौष्करैरण्डरास्त्राश्वगन्धाभायमृताशठी: । पचेद्गन्धपलाशं च द्रोणेऽपां द्विपलोन्मितम् ॥ १४ ॥

यवैः कोलैः कुलत्थैश्च माषैश्च प्रास्थिकैः सह । क्वाथेऽस्मिन्दधिपात्रे च घृतप्रस्थं विपाचयेत् ॥ १५ ॥

स्वरसैर्दाडिमाम्रातमातुलुङ्गोद्भवैर्युतम् तथा तुषाम्बुधान्याम्लशुक्तैः श्लक्ष्णैश्च कल्कितैः ॥ १६

भार्गीतुम्बुरुषड्ग्रन्थाग्रन्थिरास्त्राग्निधान्यकैः यवानकयवान्यम्लवेतसासितजीरकै:

अजाजीहिङ्गुहपुषाकारवीवृषकोषकैः निकुम्भकुम्भमूर्वेभपिप्पलीवेल्लदाडिमैः

श्वदंष्ट्रात्रपुसैर्वारुबीजहिंस्त्राश्मभेदकैः मिसिद्विक्षारसुरससारिवानीलिनीफलैः त्रिकटुत्रिपटूपेतैर्दाधिकं तद्व्यपोहति ।

रोगानाशुतरान् पूर्वान् कष्टानपि च शीलितम् ॥ २० ॥

अपस्मारगदोन्मादमूत्राघातानिलामयान् । ॥१७॥ 1 ॥१८॥ 1 ॥१९॥

Two pala each of dasamula, bala, kala ( nilini), susavi (sthulajiraka) the two punarnava, pauskara, eranda, rasna, asvagandha, bharangi, amrta, sathi and gandhapalasa along with one prastha each of yava, kola, kulattha and masa, are boiled in one drona of water (and decoction reduced to a quarter). To this are added one patra (adhaka) of dadhi (curds) and one prastha of ghrta ( ghee ), juices of dadima, amrata and matulunga, tusambu (water in which barley husk is soaked), dhanyamla (fermented water in which grains have been soaked) and sukta (fermented rice-wash) each equal in quantity with that of ghrta ( ghee ), nice paste of bharangi, tumburu, sadgrantha, granthi, rasna, agni, dhanyaka, yavanaka, yavani, amlavetasa, asitajiraka, ajaji, hingu, hapusa karavi, vrsaka, tisaka, nikumbha, kumbha, murva, ibhapippali vella dadima, svadamstra, seeds of trapusa and ervaru, himsra, asmabheda, misi, the two ksara, surasa, sariva and fruits of nilini, trikatu and tripatu, and ghee cooked. This Dadhika ghrta used habitually cures all the diseases enumerated earlier however difficult they are, so also epilepsy, insanity, retention of urine and diseases caused by anila (vata). 13b-21a.

त्र्यूषणत्रिफलाधान्यचविकावेल्लचित्रकैः ॥२१॥ कल्कीकृतैर्घृतं पक्कं सक्षीरं वातगुल्मनुत् ।

Medicated ghee prepared with trusana, triphala, dhanya, cavika, vella and citra-used for both decoction and paste and added with milk and cooked. This cures gulma (abdominal tumour) of vata origin. 21b-22a.

Lasunadi ghrita

तुलां लशुनकन्दानां पृथक्पञ्चपलांशकम् ॥ २२ ॥

तद्विपाचयेत् । पञ्चमूलं महच्याम्बुभारार्धे

पादशेषं तदर्धेन दाडिमस्वरसं सुराम् ॥ २३ ॥

धान्याम्लं दधि चादाय पिष्टांश्चार्धपलांशकान् । त्र्यूषणत्रिफलाहिङ्ग यवानीचव्यदीप्यकान् ॥ २४ ॥

साम्लवेतससिन्धूत्थदेवदारून् पचेद्घृतात् ।

तैः प्रस्थं तत्परं सर्ववातगुल्मविकारजित् ॥ २५ ॥

One tula of lasuna kanda and five pala each of the drugs of mahat pancamula are cooked in half-bhara of water and decoction reduced to one-fourth; equal quntities of juice of dadima (fruit ), sura ( beer ) , dhanyamla ( fermented water in which corns have been washed) and dadhi ( curds, coagulated milk) all together forming half the quantity of the decoction; paste of half pala each of tryusana, triphala gu, yavani, cavya, dipyaka, amlavetasa, sindhuttha and devadaru; and one prastha of ghrta ( ghee) are added and cooked. This (recipe) is best to relieve all the abnormalities arising from vata gulma. 22b-25.

षट्पलं वा पिबेत् सर्पिर्यदुक्तं राजयक्ष्मणि |

प्रसन्नया वा क्षीरार्थ: सुरया दाडिमेन वा ॥ २६ ॥

घृते मारुतगुल्मघ्नः कार्यो दध्नः सरेण वा ।

Satpala ghrta, mentioned in the treatment of rajayaksma (chapter 5/22/23) prepared by using either prasanna (scum of varuni) sura, juice of dadima or dadhisara (whey of curds ) in place of ksira ( milk ) can also be consumed. This cures gulma arising from maruta ( vata ). 26-27a.

वातगुल्मे कफो वृद्धो हत्वाऽग्निमरुचिं यदि ॥ २७ ॥

हल्लासं गौरवं तन्द्रां जनयेदुल्लिखेत्तु तम् । शूलानाहविबन्धेषु ज्ञात्वा सस्नेहमाशयम् ॥ २८ ॥

निर्यूहचूर्णवटकाः प्रयोज्या घृतभेषजैः । कोलदाडिमघर्माम्बुतक्रमद्याम्लकाञ्जिकैः ॥२९॥

मण्डेन वा पिबेत्प्रातश्चूर्णान्यन्नस्य वा पुरः | चूर्णानि मातुलुङ्गस्य भावितान्यसकृद्रसे ॥ ३० ॥ कुर्वीत कार्मुकतरान् वटकान् कफवातयोः ।

During course of vatagulma, kapha getting increased, destroys the digestive fire leading to nausea, feeling of heavyness of the body and stupor, it ( kapha) should be expelled out (by vamana-emesis therapy).

With the presence of pain and distention of the abdomen and constipation considering these to be due to (increased) unctuosness of the abdominal viscera; decoction, powder or pills made from the drugs mentioned in the formula of medicated ghee should be adminstered.

Powders (of drugs) should be consumed along with ei ther juice of kola or dadima, warm water, takra (butter milk), amlakanjika (sour gruel) or manda ( scum of gruel) either in the morning or just before partaking food.

Powders (of drugs) soaked and macerated many times in the juice of matulunga, should be rolled into pills of efficient action (in appropriate dose) and used in gulma arising from kapha and vata. 27b-31a.

Hingvadi churna

हिङ्गुवचाविजयापशुगन्धादाडिमदीप्यकधान्यकपाठा: पुष्करमूलशठीहपुषाग्निक्षारयुगत्रिपटुत्रिकटूनि ॥३१॥

साजाजिचव्यं सहतिन्तिडीकं सवेतसाम्ल विनिहन्ति चूर्णम् । हृत्पार्श्वबस्तित्रिकयोनिपायु शूलानि वाय्वामकफोद्भवानि ॥ ३२ ॥

कृच्छ्रान् गुल्मान् वातविण्मूत्रसङ्गं कण्ठे बन्धं हृद्ग्रहं पाण्डुरोगम् । अन्ना श्रद्धाप्लीहदुर्नामहिमा वर्ध्यामानश्वासकासाग्निसादान् ॥ ३३ ॥

Nice powder is prepared with equal quantities each of hingu, vaca, vijaya, pasugandha, dadima, dipyaka, dhanyaka, patha, puskaramula, sathi, hapusa, agni, the two ksara, tripatu, tikatu, ajaji, cavya, tintidika and amlavetasa.

This cures pain of the region of the heart, flanks, urinary bladder, upper back, vagina and rectum arising from aggravation of vata, ama, and kapha; abdominal tumour which are difficult to treat, obsturction of flatus, faeces and urine, obstruction in the throat, catching pain of the heart, anaemia, non-relishing of food, disease of the spleen, haemorrhoids, hiccup, enlargement of the scrotum, flatulence, cough and dyspenea. 31-33.

Vaisvanara churna

लवणयवानीदीप्यककणनागरमुत्तरोत्तरं वृद्धम् । सर्वसमांशहरीतकीचूर्णं वैश्वानरः साक्षात् ॥ ३४ ॥

Lavana (saindhava), yavani, dipyaka, kana and nagara, each succeeding one increasing in quantity (by one part) and haritaki equal to the total quantity of other drugs-are converted into nice powder. This curna is Vaisvanara (god of fire) actually. 34.

Hingvastaka churna

त्रिकटुकमजमोदा सैन्धवं जीरके द्वे समधरणघृतानामष्टमोहङ्गभागः ।

प्रथमकवलभोज्य: सर्पिषा संप्रयुक्तो जनयति जठराग्निं वातगुल्मं निहन्ति ॥ ३५ ॥

Nice powder of equal quantities of trikatu, ajamoda, saindhava and the two jiraka and hingu one eighth part, consumed with the first morsel of food, added with ghee, generates the gastric fire (digestive activity) and cures vatagulma (abdominal tumour) of vata origin. 35.

Sardula churna

हिङ्गुग्राबिडशुण्ठ्यजाजिविजयावाट्याभिधानामयैचूर्ण: कुम्भनिकुम्भमूलसहितैर्भागोत्तरं वर्धितैः।

पीतः कोष्णजलेन कोष्ठजरुजो गुल्मोदरादीनयं शार्दूल: प्रसभं प्रमथ्य हरति व्याधीन् मृगौघानिव ॥ ३६ ॥

Powder prepared with hingu, ugra, bida, sunthi, ajaji, vijaya, vatya, roots of kumbha and nikumbha, each succeeding one increased by one part; consumed along with warm water cures pain of the abdominal viscera, abdominal tumour, enlargement of the abdomen and other diseases just as a lion kills a herb of animals attacking them fiercely. 36.

Naraca churna

सिन्धूत्थपथ्याकणदीप्यकानां चूर्णानि तोयैः पिबतां कवोष्णैः ।

प्रयाति नाशं कफवातजन्मा नाराचनिर्भिन्न इवामयौधः ॥ ३७॥

Nice powder prepared from (equal quantities etc.) sin dhuttha, pathya, kana, and dipyaka, consumed with luke warm water, destroys the whole group of deseases arising from kapha and vata just like an arrow (kills the enemies).

Putikadi yoga

पूतीकपत्रगजचिर्भटचव्यवह्निव्योषं च संस्तरचितं लवणोपधानम् ।

दग्ध्वा विचूर्ण्य दधिमस्तुयुतं प्रयोज्यं गुल्मोदरश्वयथुपाण्डुगुदोद्भवेषु ॥ ३८ ॥

Leaves of putika and gaja chirbhata (a kind of gourd) cavya, vahni (citraka), vyosa are placed on the ground like a heap and lavana ( saindhava ) is spread over it, the heap is set on fire, the ash obtained is powdered nicely. This is to be administered mixed with dadhimastu (water of curds) in abdominal tumours, enlargement of the abdomen, dropsy, anaemia and haemorrhoids. 38.

Hingutriguna taila

हिङ्गुत्रिगुणं सैन्धवमस्मात्त्रिगुणं च तैलमैरण्डम् ॥ ३९ ॥ तत्रिगुणरसोनरसं गुल्मोदरवर्ध्मशूलघ्नम् ।

Hingu (one part ) , saindhava three parts, eranda taila, three parts of it (saindhava), juice of rasona three parts of it ( eranda taila) all are cooked together. This oil cures abdominal tumour, enlargement of the abdomen, enlargement of scrotum and colic. 39.

मातुलुङ्गरसो हिङ्गु दाडिमं बिडसैन्धवम् ॥ ४० ॥ सुरामण्डेन पातव्यं वातगुल्मरुजापहम् ।

Juice of matulunga, hingu, dadima, bida, and saindhava consumed along with sura manda (scum of beer) relieves the pain of vatagulma. 40.

शुण्ठ्याः कर्षं गुडस्य द्वौ धौतात्कृष्णतिलात्पलम् ॥ ४१ खादन्नेकत्र सञ्चूर्ण्य कोष्णक्षीरानुपो जयेत् । वातहृद्रोगगुल्मार्शोयोनिशूलशकृद्ग्रहान् ॥ ४२ ॥

One karsa of sunthi, two karsa of guda and one pala of krsnatila washed well are powdered together and consumed followed by drinking warm milk. By this, the person gets relieved of heart diseases of vata origin, abdominal tumour, haemorrhoids, vaginal pain and constipation. 41b-42.

पिबेदेरण्डतैलं तु वातगुल्मी प्रसन्नया | श्लेष्मण्यनुबले ॥

वायौ, पित्ते तु पयसा सह ॥ ४३ ॥

The patient of vatagulma when having kapha as the secondary dosa should drink eranda taila mixed with prasanna (scum of varuni wine). 43.

विवृद्धं यदि वा पित्तं सन्तापं वातगुल्मिनः । कुर्याद्विरेचनीयोऽसौ सस्नेहैरानुलोमिकैः ॥ ४४ ॥ तापानुवृत्तावेवं च रक्तं तस्यावसेचयेत् ।

In the patient of vatagulma, when pitta getting greatly increased produces santapa (exhausion due to increase of body temperature or feeling of burning sensation), he should be administered purgatitive therapy using drugs which are fatty and laxative in action. If the exhaustion/ burning sensation persists, blood-letting should be done. 44-45a.

Lasuna kshira – Rosona Ksheerpaka – lasuna ksheerpaka

साधयेच्छुद्धशुष्कस्य लशुनस्य चतुष्पलम् ॥ ४५ ॥ क्षीरोदकेऽष्टगुणिते क्षीरशेषं च पाचयेत् ।

वातगुल्ममुदावर्तं गृध्रसीं विषमज्वरम् ॥ ४६ ॥ हृद्रोगं विद्रधिं शोषं साधयत्याशु तत्पयः।

Four pala of well dried lasuna is boiled in eight times its quantity of milk and water each seperately and reduced to the quantity of milk and consumed. This milk cures abdominal tumour of vata origin, upward movement of vata, sciatica, remittant fever, heart disease, abscess and consumption. 45b-47a.

तैलं गुल्मं प्रसन्ना गोमूत्रमारनालं यवाग्रजः ॥ ४७ ॥ जठरमानाहं पीतमेकत्र साधयेत् ।

Taila (oil), prasanna ( scum of wine ), gomutra (cows urine) aranala (rice wash), ash of yavagra (yavaksara) all mixed together and consumed cures abdominal tumour, enlargement of the abdomen and distention. 47.

चित्रकग्रन्थिकैरण्डशुण्ठीक्काथः परं हितः ॥ ४८ ॥ सहिङ्गबिडसैन्धवः । शूलानाहविबन्धेषु

Decoction of citraka, granthika; eranda, and sunthi, mixed with hingu; bida and saindhava is best for pain and distention of the abdomen and constipation. 48.

पुष्कररैण्डयोर्मूलं जलेन क्वथितं पीतं कोष्ठदाहरुजापहम् । यवधन्वयवासकम् ॥ ४९ ।।

Decoction of roots of puskara and eranda, yava and dhanvayavasaka, boiled in water and consumed relieves the burning sensation and pain of the alimentary tract. 49.

वाट्याह्रैरण्डदर्भाणां मूलं दारु महौषधम् ॥ ५० ॥

पीतं निःक्वाथ्य तोयेन कोष्ठपृष्ठांसशूलजित् ।

Roots of vatyahva, eranda and darbha, daru, and mahausadha, made into a decoction with water and consumed cures pain of the alimentary tract, back and shoulders. 50.

शिलाजं पयसाऽनल्पपञ्चमूलभृतेन वा ॥ ५१ ॥ वातगुल्मी पिबेत्

The patient of vatagulma should consume shilajatu either with milk or with decoction of drugs of analpa (mahat) pancamula. 51.

वाट्यमुदावर्ते तु भोजयेत् । स्निग्धं पैप्पलिकैर्यूषैर्मूलकानां रसेन वा ॥५२॥

When udavarta (upward movement of vata inside the abdomen) is present, the patient should eat vatya (fried barley) mixed with fat, with either the soup processed with pippali or juice of mulaka. 52.

बद्धविण्मारुतोऽश्रीयात्क्षीरेणोष्णेन यावकम् । कुल्माषान् वा बहुस्नेहान् भक्षयेल्लवणोत्तरान् ॥ ५३॥

He (patient of vata gulma) who has obstruction of faeces and flatus should partake yavaka along with warm milk or kulmasa (pulses baked in steam) added with more of fat (ghee or oil) and salt. 53.

नीलिनीत्रिवृतादन्तीपथ्याकम्पिल्लकैः सह।

समलाय घृतं देयं सबिडक्षारनागरम् ॥ ५४ ॥

For him who has more accumilation of malas (dosas), ghee boiled with nilini, trivrt, danti, pathya and kampillaka added with bida, yavaksara and nagara, should be given. 54.

Nilini ghrita

नीलिनीं त्रिफलां रास्त्रां बलां कटुकरोहिणीम् ।

पचेद्विडङ्गं व्याघ्रीं च पालिकानि जलाढके ॥ ५५ ॥

रसेऽष्टभागशेषे तु घृतप्रस्थं विपाचयेत् । दध्नः प्रस्थेन संयोज्य सुधाक्षीरपलेन च ॥ ५६ ॥

ततो घृतपलं दद्याद्यवागूमण्डमिश्रितम् । जीर्णे सम्यग्विरिक्तं च भोजयेद्रसभोजनम् ॥ ५७ ॥

गुल्मकुष्ठोदरव्यङ्गशोफपाण्ड्वामयज्वरान् । श्वित्रं प्लीहानमुन्मादं हन्त्येतन्नीलिनीघृतम् ॥ ५८ ॥

One pala each of nilini, triphala, rasna, bala, katuka rohini, vidanga and vyaghri, are boiled in one adhaka water and decoction reduced to one-eighth part. To this are added one prastha each of ghrta ( ghee ) and dadhi (curdsone pala of milky sap of sudha and medicated ghee prepared. One pala of this ghee should be consumed mixed with yavagu and manda ( scum of gruel ). After the medicine digested and the person had purgations he should take meals along with juice (soup) of meat. This recipe Nilini ghrta-cures abdominal tumour, enlargement of the abdomen, discoloured patches on the face, dropsy, anaemia, fevers, leucoderma, disease of the spleen and insanity. 55-58.

कुक्कुटाश्च मयूराश्च तित्तिरिक्रौञ्चवर्तकाः । शालयो मदिरा सर्पिर्वातगुल्मचिकित्सितम् ॥ ५९ ॥

मितमुष्णं द्रवं स्निग्धं भोजनं वातगुल्मिनाम् । समण्डा वारणी पानं तप्तं वा धान्यकैर्जलम् ॥ ६० ॥

Meat of kukkuta (fowl), mayura (peacock), tittiri (partriage), kraunca (heron) and vataka (quail) different kinds fo sali (rice), madira (wine), and sarpis (ghee) are to be made use of in the treatment of vatagulma. The food should be limitted in quantity, hot, liquid, mixed with fat; varunimanda or water boiled with dhanyaka are ideal for drinking. 59-60.

Pittaja gulma chikitsa

स्निग्धोष्णेनोदिते गुल्मे पैत्तिके स्रंसनं हितम् । द्राक्षाभयागुडरसं कम्पिल्लं वा मधुद्रुतम् ॥ ६१ कल्पोक्तं रक्तपित्तोक्तं

In pitta gulma (abdominal tumour arising from pitta) caused by indulgence in more fats and hot things, sramsana (mild purgation) is beneficial. Juice of draksa, abhaya and guda or of kampilla mixed with honey or recipes (of sramsana) described in either kalpasthana (chapter 2) or in the treatment of raktapitta ( chapter 2 / 10 of chikitsasthana ) are suitable for sramsana. 61-62a.

गुल्मे रूक्षोष्णजे पुनः परं संशमनं सर्पिस्तितं वासाघृतं भृतम् ॥ ६२ ॥

तृणाख्यपञ्चकक्काथे जीवनीयगणेन वा ।

शृतं तेनैव वा क्षीरं न्यग्रोधादिगणेन वा ॥ ६३॥

In pitta gulma caused by indulgence in dry and hot things, samsamana (threapy to mitigate the dosas ) is best, tiktaka ghrta, (chapter 19 of chikitsa sthana), vasaghrta (chapter 2 of chikitsa sthana) should be consumed either with decoction of drugs of trna pancamula or of jivaniya gana or milk boiled with drugs of nyagrodhadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) are suitable (for sarmsamana therapy), 62a-63.

तत्रापि स्रंसनं युञ्ञ्ज्याच्छीघ्रमात्ययिके भिषक् । वैरेचनिकसिद्धेन सर्पिषा पयसाऽपि वा ॥ ६४ ॥

Even here, when there is emergency sramsana (laxative therapy), should be administered, either with ghee or milk processed with purgative drugs. 64.

रसेनामलकेक्षूणां घृतप्रस्थं विपाचयेत् । पथ्यापादं पिबेत्सर्पिस्तत्सिद्धं पित्तगुल्मनुत् ॥ ६५ ॥ पिबेद्वा तैल्वकं सर्पिर्यच्चोक्तं पित्तविद्रधौ ।

One prastha of ghrta (ghee) should be cooked with juices of amalaka and iksu and one-fourth part of pathya.

This medicated ghee cures pitta gulma. Tailvalka ghrta (cahpter 21 of chikitsa sthana) or that mentioned in the treatment of pittavidradhi (chapter 13 of chikitsa sthana) should be consumed. 65-66a.

द्राक्षां पयस्यां मधुकं चन्दनं पद्मकं मधु ॥ ६६ ॥ पित्तगुल्मोपशान्तये । पिबेत्तण्डुलतोयेन

Draksa, payasya, madhuka, candana, padmaka and madhu (honey) should be consumed along with rice-wash for the cure of pittagulma.

द्विपलं त्रायमाणाया जलद्विप्रस्थसाधितम् ॥ ६७ ॥

अष्टभागस्थितं पूतं कोष्णं क्षीरसमं पिबेत् । पिबेदुपरि तस्योष्णं क्षीरमेव यथाबलम् ॥ ६८ ॥

तेन निर्हतदोषस्य गुल्म: शाम्यति पैत्तिकः ।

Two pala of trayamana is boiled in two prastha of water, decoction reduced to one-eighth the quantity, filtered and consumed hot, mixed with equal quantity of milk, followed by drinking milk only according to his strength. by this, the dosas get expelled and pitta gulma subsides. 67-68.

दाहेऽभ्यङ्गो घृतैः शीतैः साज्यैर्लेपो हिमौषधैः ॥ ६९ ॥ स्पर्श: सरोरुहा: पत्रैः पात्रैश्च प्रचलज्जलैः ।

If in the course of pitta gulma, burning sensation is found, the body of the patient should be anointed with cold ghee or with ghee processed with drugs of cold potency, or touched (covered) with leaves of saroruha ( lotus plant) or with vessels through which water is moving. 69.

विदाहपूर्वरूपेषु शूले वह्नेश्च मार्दवे ॥ ७० ॥ बहुशोऽपहरेद्रक्तं पित्तगुल्मे विशेषतः ।

In gulma which has heart-burn, pain in the abdomen and weak digestion during the prodromal stage itself, blood letting should be done many times especially so in pitta gulma. .

छिन्नमूला विदह्यन्ते न गुल्मा यान्ति च क्षयम् ॥७१॥ रक्तं हि व्यम्लतां याति, तच्च नास्ति न चास्ति रुक् ।

Gulma which has been cut in its root itself does not under go vidaha (suppuration or ulceration) but undergoes decrease, since rakta (blood) becomes vyamla (more of acidity) when there is no blood (vitiated, acidic, sour) there are no pain (diseases) arising from it. 71.

हृददोषं परिम्लानं जाङ्गलैस्तर्पितं रसैः ॥ ७२ ॥ समाश्वस्तं सशेषार्तिं सर्पिरभ्यासयेत्पुनः ।

The patient who has been relieved of the dosas, and who has become very weak should be nourished with juice (soup) of meat of animals of desert-like regions, consoled to bear the remaining troubles and to get habituated to the use of (medicated) ghee for their relief. 72.

रक्तपित्तातिवृद्धत्वात्क्रियामनुपलभ्य वा ॥ ७३ ॥ गुल्मे पाकोन्मुखे सर्वा पित्तविद्रधिवक्रिया |

Either by great increase of rakta and pitta or by not getting proper treatment, pitta gulma progresses towards paka (suppression / ulceration then all the treatments prescribed for pitta vidradhi (abscess arising from pitta) should be adopted. 73.

शालिर्गव्याजपयसी पटोली जाङ्गलं घृतम् ॥ ७४ ॥

धात्री परूषकं द्राक्षा खर्जूरं दाडिमं सिता । भोज्यं, पानेऽम्बु बलया वृहत्याद्यैश्च साधितम् ॥ ७५ ॥

Rice, milk of cow and goat, patoli, ghee prepared from milk of animals of desert-like regions, dhatri, parusaka, draksa, kharjura, dadima and sita ( sugar) should be used as food, and water boiled either with bala or drugs commencing with brhati, used for drinking. 74-75.

Kaphaja gulma chikitsa

श्लेष्मजे वामयेत्पूर्वमवम्यमुपवासयेत् । तिक्तोष्णकटुसंसर्ग्या वह्निं सन्धुक्षयेत्तत ॥ ७६ ॥

हिङग्वादिभिश्च द्विगुणक्षारहिङ्ग्ग्वम्लवेतसैः ।

In slesmaja gulma (abdominal tumour arising from kapha) the patient should be made to vomit (by administering vamana therapy) in the beginning itself; those who are unfit for emesis should be made to fast; next the digestive fire should be increased by the use of foods processed with drugs having bitter, hot and pungent properties and by the use of hingvadi churna etc. (described earlier in the treatment of vatagulma) or with those having ksaras, double in quantity of hingu and amlavetasa. 76-77a.

निगूढं यदि वोन्नद्धं स्तिमितं कठिनं स्थिरम् ॥ ७७ ॥

आनाहादियुतं गुल्मं संस्वेद्य विनयेदनु । घृतं सक्षारकटुकं पातव्यं कफगुल्मिनाम् ।। ७८ ।।

Kapha gulma which is either concealed (deep seated) or bulging up but found to be immovable, hard and static associated with distention of the abdomen etc., should be given fomentation and mitigated. The patient made to drink ghee processed with ksara ( alkalies) and pungent drugs. 77b-78.

सव्यौषक्षारलवणं सहिङ्गुबिडदाडिमम् ।

कफगुल्मं जयत्याशु दशमूलभृतं घृतम् ॥ ७९ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with decoction of dasamula, along with vyosa, ksara, lavana, hingu, bida and dadima cures kapha gulma quickly. 79.

Bhallataka ghrita

भल्लातकानां द्विपलं पञ्चमूलं पलोन्मितम् । अल्पं तोयाढके साध्यं पादशेषेण तेन च ॥ ८० ॥

तुल्यं घृतं तुल्यपयो विपचेदक्षसम्मितैः । विडङ्गहिङ्गसिन्धूत्थयावशूकशठीबिडै: ॥ ८१ ॥

सद्वीपिरास्नायष्ट्याह्वषडग्रन्थाकणनागरैः एतद्भल्लातकघृतं कफगुल्महरं

प्लीहपाण्ड्वामयश्वासग्रहणीरोगकासजित्प रम् ॥ ८२ ॥ ।

Two pala of bhallataka, one pala of alpa (hrasva) pancamula, are boiled in one adhaka of water and decoction reduced to a quarter. To this are added ghrta ( ghee) and paya (milk) each equal in quantity and paste of one aksa each of vidanga, hingu, sadgrantha, kana, and nagara and medicated ghee prepared. This Bhallataka ghrta is best to cure kapha gulma, also cures diseases of the spleen, anaemia, dyspnoea, disease of the duodenum and cough. 80-83a.

ततोऽस्य गुल्मे देहे च समस्ते स्वेदमाचरेत् ॥ ८३ ॥ सर्वत्र गुल्मे प्रथमं स्नेहस्वेदोपपादिते ।

या क्रिया क्रियते याति सा सिद्धिं न विरूक्षिते ॥ ८४ ॥

Next, the tumour as well as the entire body should be given sveda ( sudation / fomentation ). In all the varities of abdominal tumours, that treatment which has been commenced with sneha (oleation) and sveda ( sudation) therapies succeeded and not that which has had viruksana (drying, removing, lubrication. unctousness and moistness) therapy. 83b-84.

Shastra chikitsa (surgical treatment)

स्निग्धस्विन्नशरीरस्य गुल्मे शैथिल्यमागते । यथोक्तां घटिकां न्यस्येद्गृहीतेऽपनयेच्च ताम् ॥ ८५ ॥

वस्त्रान्तरं ततः कृत्वा छिन्द्याद्गुल्मं प्रमाणवित् । विमार्गाजपदादर्शैर्यथालाभं प्रपीडयेत् ॥ ८६ ।। स्पृशेत् । प्रमृज्याद्गुल्ममेवैकं त्वन्त्रहृदयं

The person whose body has been given oleation and sudation therapies, and the tumour having attained looseness, a pot (cupping vessel) should be placed over it and after it has held tight, it should be removed. Next, holding the tumour covered with cloth, it should be cut ( excised) determining the size of the cut, pressing it either with an vimarga, ajapada, (both are instruments used by cobblers) or arsovantra (rectal speculm) whichever is available, all the time kneading only the tumour with the fingers and not touching the intestines or the heart. 85-87a.

तिलैरण्डातसीबीजसर्षपैः परिलिप्य श्लेष्मगुल्ममयस्यात्रैः सुखोष्णैः स्वेदयेत्ततः । परिलिप्य च ॥ ८७ ॥

Then the tumour should be covered with the paste of tila, seeds of eranda, and atasi and sarsapa and given comfortable fomentation with an iron vessel. 87b-88a.

एवं च विसृतं स्थानात् कफगुल्मं विरेचनैः ॥ ८८ ॥ सस्नेहैर्बस्तिभिश्चैनं शोधयेद्दाशमूलिकैः ।

After the kapha gulma has been dislodged from its place by these methods, the patient should be purified with purgatives, containing fats and enemas with decoction fo dasamula (chapter 4 of kalpasthana). 88-89a.

Misraka sneha

पिप्पल्यामलकद्राक्षाश्यामाद्यैः पालिकैः पचेत् ॥ ८९ ॥

एरण्डतैलहविषोः प्रस्थौ पयसि षड्गुणे । सिद्धोऽयं मिश्रकः स्नेहो गुल्मिनां स्स्रंसनं हितम् ॥ ९० ॥

वृद्धिविद्रधिशूलेषु वातव्याधिषु चामृतम् ।

One pala each of pippali, amalaka, draksa and syama, one prastha each of eranda taila and havis (ghee)-all are boiled in milk, six times their quantity. This preparation known as Misraka sneha is suitable as a sramsana (laxative) for patients of abdominal tumour.

It is like nector for patients of scrotal enlargement, abscesses, abdominal pain and diseases caused by vata. 89b-91a.

पिबेगा नीलिनीसर्पिर्मात्रया द्विपलीनथा ॥ ११ ॥ तथैव सुकुमाराख्यं घृतान्यौदरिकाणि वा ।

Either nilini sarpis (vide verses 55-58) , sukumara ghrta ( chapter 13 / 41 ) or ghrtayogas ( medicated ghee recipes ) described in the treatment of udara ( chapter 15) may be consumed in doses of two pala-each. 91b-92a.

Dantiharitaki avaleha

द्रोणेऽम्भसः पचेद्दन्त्याः पलानां पञ्चविंशतिम् ॥ ९२ ।।

चित्रकस्य तथा पथ्यास्तावतीस्तद्रसे स्रुते । द्विप्रस्थे साधयेत्पूते क्षिपेद्दन्तीसमं गुडम् ॥ ९३ ॥

तैलात्पलानि चत्वारि त्रिवृतायाश्च चूर्णतः । कणाकर्षौ तथा शुण्ठ्याः सिद्धे लेहे च शीतले ॥ ९४ ॥

मधु तैलसमं दद्याच्चतुर्जाताच्चतुर्थिकाम् । अतो हरीतकीमेकां सावलेहपलामदन् ॥ ९५ ।।

सुखं विरिच्यते स्निग्धो दोषप्रस्थमनामयः । गुल्महृद्रोगदुर्नामशोफानाहगरोदरान् कुष्ठोत्क्लेशारुचिप्लीहग्रहणीविषमज्वरान् ।

घन्ति दन्तीहरीतक्यः पाण्डुतां च सकामलाम् ॥ ९७ ॥ ॥ ९६ ॥

Twenty five pala each of danti, citraka and pathya are boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to a quarter and filtered. To this are added, guda equal in quantity, to that of danti; four pala each of taila and powder of trivrt; two karsa each of kana and sunthi and cooked to form a leha (confection). After it cools, honey equal in quantity, of taila and one caturthika (pala) of powder of caturjata are added. One haritaki, along with one pala in quantity of this confection, if consumed, the person who has undergone oleation therapy, purges out easily, one prastha (thirteen and half pala in the context of virecana therapy) without any discomfort.

This Dantiharitaki leha, cures abdominal tumours, heart disease, haemorrhoids, dropsy, distention of the abdomen, homicidal poisoning, enlargement of the abdomen, leprosy ( and other skin diseases ) nausea, anorexia, disease of the spleen and duodenum, remittant fever, anaemia and jaundice. 92-97.

सुधाक्षीरद्रवं चूर्णं त्रिवृतायाः सुभावितम् ।

कार्षिकं मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां लीढ्वा साधु विरिच्यते ॥ ९८ ।।

Powder of trivrt soaked and macerated in the milky sap of sudha, consumed in the dose of one karsa, mixed with honey and ghee, produces purgations easily. 98.

कुष्ठस्यामात्रिवृद्दन्तीविजयाक्षारगुग्गुलुन् । गोमूत्रेण पिबेदेकं तेन गुग्गुलुमेव वा ॥ ९९ ॥

(Powder of) kustha, syama, trivrt, danti, vijaya, ksara and guggulu; or guggulu alone can be consumed mixed with cows urine (to produce purgation). 99.

निरूहान् कल्पसिध्धुक्तान् योजयेद्गुल्मनाशनान् ।

Decoction enema recipes described in kalpa-siddhisthana (chapter 4 ) which cure abdominal tumour may be administered. 100a.

Ksharagni karma in gulma tumours – cauterisation

कृतमूलं महावास्तुं कठिनं स्तिमितं गुरुम् ॥ १०० ।।

गूढमांसं जयेद्गुल्मं क्षारारिष्टाग्निकर्मभिः | एकान्तरं द्व्यन्तरं वा विश्रमय्याथ वा त्र्यहम् ॥ १०१ ॥


The tumour which is deep rooted, occupying a large area hard, static (immovable ) heavy, and concealed with muscle tissue should be treated with use of ksara (caustic alkali), arista ( fermented decoction ) and agnikarma (branding by fire) with intervals of one, two or three days of rest, maintaining balance of increase and decrease of strength of the body and the dosas. 100b-102a.

अर्शोश्मरीग्रहण्युक्ताः क्षारा योज्याः कफोल्बणे ॥ १०२ ॥

Ksara (caustic alkali recipes) described in the treatment of haemorrhoids (chapter 8), renal calculus (chapter 11) and duodenal disease ( chapter 10 ) should be administered when kapha is greatly increased. 102b.


देवदारुत्रिवृद्दन्तीकटुकापञ्चकोलकम् स्वर्जिकायावशूकाख्यौ श्रेष्ठापाठोपकुञ्चिकाः ॥ १०३॥

कुष्ठं सर्पसुगन्धां च द्व्यक्षांशं पटुपञ्चकम् । पालिकं चूर्णितं तैलवसादधिघृताप्लुतम् ॥ १०४ ॥

घटस्यान्तः पचेत्पक्वमग्निवर्णे घटे च तम् । क्षारं गृहीत्वा क्षीराज्यतक्रमद्यादिभिः पिबेत् ॥ १०५ ॥

गुल्मोदावर्तवर्ध्यार्शोजठरग्रहणीकृमीन् अपस्मारगरोन्मादयोनिशुक्रामयाश्मरी: क्षारागदोऽयं शमयेद्विषं चाखुभुजङ्गजम् । । ॥ १०६ ॥

One pala each of devadaru, trivrt, danti, katuka, pancakola, svarjika ksara, yavasukaja ksara, srestha patha, upakuncika, kustha and sarpa-sugandha; two aksa_of patupancaka are powdered and soaked in a mixture of taila ( oil), vasa ( muscle fat), dadhi ( curds) and ghrta ( ghee ) in a pot and cooked till the pot becomes red hot like the colour of fire. After it cools, the ksara ( caustic alkali ) is taken out and consumed mixed with milk, ghee, buttermilk, wine etc.

This ksaragada cures abdominal tumour, udavarta (upward movement of vata inside the abdomen ), scrotal enlargement, haemorrhoids, enlargement of the abdomen, duodenal disorders, intestinal worms, epilepsy, homicidal poisoning, insanity, diseases of the vaginal tract, and semen, renal calculus, and poision of rat ( bite ) and snake (bite). 103-107a.

श्लेष्माणं मधुरं स्निग्धं रसक्षीरघृताशिनः ॥ १०७ ॥ छित्त्वा भित्त्वाऽऽशयात् क्षारः क्षरत्वात्क्षारयत्यधः ।

Ksara (alkali) by its ksaratva (property of penetrating deep into the tissues ), pulls out the slesman (kapha) which is sweet and unctous by tearing (scrapping) and breaking (the hard masses) adhereing inside the internal organs and brings it down, in the person, who consumes meat soup, milk and ghee only as food. 107-108a.

मन्देऽग्नावरुचौ सात्म्यैर्मद्यैः सस्नेहमश्नताम् ॥ १०८ ॥ मार्गशुद्धये । योजयेदासवारिष्टान्निगदान्

When there is weakness of digestive fire, and loss of taste/appetite. the person should be asked to consume food mixed with fats and wine accustomed to him. Then after, asava (fermented infusion) and arista ( fermented decoction ) which are unspoilt should be given to him for cleaning the channels. 108b-109a.

Pathya anna-pana – suitable foods and drinks in tumours

शालयः षष्टिका जीर्णाः कुलत्था जाङ्गलं पलम् ॥ १०९ ॥

चिरिबिल्वाग्नितर्कारीयवानीवरुणाङ्कुराः शिग्रस्तरुणबिल्वानि बालं शुष्कं च मूलकम् ॥ ११० ॥

बीजपूरकहिङ्ग्वम्लवेतसक्षारदाडिमम् व्योषं तक्रं घृतं तैलं भक्तं, पानं तु वारुणी ॥ १११ ॥

धान्याम्लं मस्तु तक्रं च यवानीबिडचूर्णितम् । पञ्चमूलशृतं वारि जीर्णं माकमेव वा ॥ ११२ ॥

पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलचित्रकाजाजिसैन्धवैः । सुरा गुल्मं जयत्याशु जगलश्च विमिश्रितः ॥ ११३ ॥

Different kinds of sali, sastika, which are old, kulattha, meat of animals of desert-like regions, tender sprouts of cirabilva, agni, tarkari, yavani and varuna, sigru, tender fruit of bilva, tender and dried mulaka, bijapuraka, hingu, amlavetasa, ksara (yavaksara ), dadima, vyosa, takra, ghrta and taila as food, varuni, dhanyamla, mastu, takra, added with powder of yavani and bida, water boiled with pancamula and old mardvika (wine prepared from grapes) as drinks are best situated.

Sura or jagala (beer and residue of beer) added with powder of pippali, pippalimula, citraka, ajaji, and saindhava cures gulma (abdominal tumour) quickly. 109b-113.

Agni karma chikitsa in gulma – thermal cautery

वमनैर्लङ्घनैः स्वेदैः सर्पिः पानैविरेचनैः ।

बस्तिक्षारासवारिष्टगुलिकापथ्यभोजनैः श्लैष्मिकी बद्धमूलत्वाद्यदि गुल्मो न शाम्यति ।

तस्य दाहं हृते रक्ते कुर्यादन्ते शरादिभिः ॥ ११५ ॥ ॥ ११४॥

Even after administration of therepies such as emesis, thinning, sudation, drinking ghee, purgation, enema, alkali, asava, arista and gatika and partaking healthy (suitable) foods, slesmika gulma ( abdominal tumour of kapha origin ) does not subside because of being situated deep inside, the blood should be let out and as a last resort the tumour should be burnt (branded with fire ) using an iron arrow etc.

अथ गुल्मं सपर्यन्तं वाससाऽन्तरितं भिषक् । नाभिवस्त्यन्त्रहृदयं रोमराजीं च वर्जयन् ॥ ११६ ॥

नातिगाढं परिमृशेच्छरेण ज्वलताऽथवा । लोहेनारणिकोत्थेन दारुणा तैन्दुकेन वा ॥ ११७॥ ततोऽग्निवेगे शमिते शीतैव्रण इव क्रिया ।

The tumour should be covered all around with cloth, touched either with a red hot arrow, aranika (faggot of agnimantha) or wood of tinduka; not very deep, avoiding the areas of the umbilicus, urinary bladder, intestines and heart; after the severity of the burn subsides the wound should be treated with cold services. 116-118a.

आमान्वये तु पेयाद्यैः सन्धुक्ष्याग्निं विलङ्घिते ॥ ११८ ॥ स्वं स्वं कुर्यात्क्रमं मिश्रं मिश्रदोषे च कालवित् ।

When there is combination of dosas, and the dosas are in the ama (unripe ) state, the digestive fire should be augmented by drinking of peya etc. ( thin gruels), the person made to become thin and then treatment appropriate to the combined dosas done, taking note of the kala ( time, season stage of the tumour etc.). 118b-119a.

Rakta gulma chikitsa

गतप्रसवकालायै नायै गुल्मेऽस्त्रसम्भवे ॥ ११९ ॥ स्निग्धस्विन्नशरीरायै दद्यात्स्त्रेहविरेचनम् ।

In case of gulma (tumour) rising from rakta (blood), the woman, after the lapse of the period of delivery (ten months), should be administered oleation and sudation thereapies followed next with pugative therapy using fatty recipes. 119b-120a.

तिलक्काथो घृतगुडव्योषभार्गीरजोन्वितः ॥ १२० ॥

पानं रक्तभवे गुल्मे नष्टे पुष्पे च योषितः । भार्गीकृष्णाकरञ्जत्वग्ग्रन्थिकामरदारुजम् ॥ १२१ ॥

चूर्णं तिलानां क्वाथेन पीतं गुल्मरुजापहम् । पलाशक्षारपात्रे द्वे द्वे पात्रे तैलसर्पिषोः ॥ १२२ ॥

गुल्मशैथिल्यजननीं पक्त्वा मात्रां प्रयोजयेत् ।

न प्रभिद्येत यद्येवं दद्याद्योनिविरेचनम् ॥ १२३ ॥

Decoction of tila mixed with ghrta, guda, powder of vyosa and bharngi should be consumed by the woman having rakta gulma and who has cessation of menstruation. Powder of bharngi, krsna, karanjatvak, granthika, amaradaru, consumed along with decoction of tila, cures the pain of the tumour.

Two patra (adhaka) of palasa ksara and two patra, of taila (oil) and sarpis ( ghee ) should be cooked and administered in suitable doses to produce looseness of the tumour.

If by these treatments it does not break purgatives must be administered.

क्षारेण युक्तं पललं सुधाक्षीरेण वा ततः । ताभ्यां वा भावितान्दद्याद्योनौ कटुकमत्स्यकान् ॥ १२४ ॥

वराहमत्स्यपित्ताभ्यां नक्तकान् वा सुभावितान् । किण्वं वा सुगडक्षारं दद्याद्योनौ विशुद्धये ॥ १२५ ॥

रक्तपित्तहरं क्षारं लेहयेन्मधुसर्पिषा । लशुनं मदिरां तीक्ष्णां मत्स्यांश्चास्यै प्रयोजयेत् ॥ १२६ ।। बस्तिं सक्षीरगोमूत्रं सक्षारं दाशमूलिकम् ।

Meat added with ksara (alkalies) or with milky sap of sudha or fish which are pungent, or soaked with these should be placed inside the vagina; or fish soaked in the bile of the boar or fish or kinva (yeast) soaked in guda and ksara may be kept, in the vagina to purify it; ksara yoga (alkali receipes) which cure raktapitta (bleeding disease) should be licked mixed with honey and ghee. Lasuna strong madira (wine) and fish should be consumed. Dasamulaka basti ( chapter 4 of kalpasiddhi sthana) mixed with cows milk, cows urine and ksara should be administered as enema. 124-127.

अवर्तमाने रुधिरे हितं गुल्मप्रभेदनम् ॥ १२७॥ यमकाभ्यक्तदेहायाः प्रवृत्ते समुपेक्षणम्।

रसौदनस्तथाऽऽहार: पानं च तरुणी सुरा ॥ १२८ ॥

If there is no bleeding, it is beneficial to cut open the tumour. If there is bleeding the woman should be anointed with yamaka sneha ( mixture of two fats ) , the bleeding neglected and she is given boiled rice along with soup of meat and freshly prepared sura (beer) to drink.

रुधिरेऽतिप्रवृत्ते तु रक्तपित्तहराः क्रियाः | कार्या वातरुगार्तायाः सर्वा वातहराः पुनः ॥ १२९ ॥

आनाहादाबुदावर्तबलासन्ध्यो यथायथम् ॥ १२९॥

If the bleeding is profuse, treatment, which cure rakta pitta (bleeding disease) should be administered; if there is pain produced by vata, all treatments which mitigate vata; when there is distention of the abdomen etc. treatments which cure upward movement inside the abdomen and mitigate kapha should be done, as and how found appropriate.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां

चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः ॥ १४॥

Thus ends the chapter-Gulma cikitsita-the fourteenth in Cikitsita sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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