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ashtanga hridayaRAJAYAKSHMA NIDANA - Diagnosis of Pulmonary tuberculosis - Ashtanga Hridaya Nidana Sthana...

RAJAYAKSHMA NIDANA – Diagnosis of Pulmonary tuberculosis – Ashtanga Hridaya Nidana Sthana Chapter 5

अथातो राजयक्ष्मादिनिदानं व्याख्यास्यामः ।

इति ह ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound Rajayaksmadi nidana-diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis etc; thus said Atreya and other great sages.


अथ राजयक्ष्मनिदानम् ।

अनेकरोगानुगतो बहुरोगपुरोगमः ।

राजयक्ष्मा क्षयः शोषो रोगराडिति च स्मृतः ॥ १ ॥

Follower of many diseases and leader of many others, Rajayaksman is known also as ksaya, sosa and rogarat. 1.

नक्षत्राणां द्विजानां च राज्ञोऽभूद्यदयं पुरा । यच्च राजा च यक्ष्मा च राजयक्ष्मा ततो मतः ॥ २ ॥

देहौषधक्षयकृतेः क्षयस्तत्सम्भवाच्च सः |

रसादिशोषणाच्छोषो रोगराट् तेषु राजनात् ॥ ३ ॥

Since it affected the king of the stars (the moon) and the twice born (brahmanas) long back (in the previous aeon) and since it is the king of yaksmas (disease syndromes) it is called Rajayaksma. Because it leads to loss/depletion of the body and of medicines (because) of its persistence for long time in the body) and also because it is the cause of many disease (which cause depletion of the body and medicines) it is called Ksaya. It is Sora, because it produces depltion (drying up, diminition or loss) of rasa and others ( dhatus / tissues) and Rogarat king of disease-since it reigns (overpowers, subdues, controls) over them. 2-3.

Nidana (causes )

साहसं वेगसंरोध: शुक्रौज: स्नेहसङ्क्षयः । अन्नपानविधित्यागश्चत्वारस्तस्य हेतवः ॥ ४ ॥

Exertion, suppression of the urges (of urine, faeces, flatus etc.) loss of sukra, (semen), ojas, (essence of the tissues) and sneha (unctuousness, lubricating material of the tissues) and avoidance of proper regimen of food and drink-these four are its causes.

Samprapti (pathogenesis )

तैरुदीर्णोऽनिलः पित्तं कफं चोदीर्य सर्वतः । शरीरसन्धीनाविश्य तान् सिराश्च प्रपीडयन् ॥ ५ ॥

मुखानि स्त्रोतसां रुवा तथैवातिविवृत्य वा । सर्पन्नूर्ध्वमधस्तिर्यग्यथास्वं जनयेद्गदान् ॥ ६ ॥

Aggravated by these (causes), anila (vata) produces increases of both pitta and kapha, spreads to all the joints of the body and the siras (veins and other channels of rasa) ramified upwards, downwards, and sidewards, either obstructing (constriction ) or greatly dilating their mouth (lumen) and gives rise to the disease. 5-6.

Purvariupa (premonitary symptoms )

रूपं भविष्यतस्तस्य प्रतिश्यायो भृशं क्षवः । प्रसेको मुखमाधुर्यं सदनं वह्निदेहयोः ॥ ७ ॥

स्थाल्यमत्रान्नपानादौ शुचावप्यशुचीक्षणम् । मक्षिकातृणकेशादिपातः प्रायोऽन्नपानयोः ॥ ८ ॥

हृल्लासश्छर्दिररुचिरश्नतोऽपि बलक्षय | पाण्योरवेक्षा पादास्यशोफोऽक्ष्णोरतिशुक्लता ॥ ९ ॥

बाह्वोः प्रमाणजिज्ञासा काये बैभत्स्यदर्शनम् । स्त्रीमद्यमांसप्रियता घृणित्वं मूर्द्धगुण्ठनम् ॥ १० ॥

नखकेशातिवृद्धिश्च स्वप्ने चाभिभवो भवेत् । पतङ्गकृकलासाहिकपिश्वापदपक्षिभिः केशास्थितुषभस्मादिराशौ समधिरोहणम् । शून्यानां ग्रामदेशानां दर्शनं शुष्यतोऽम्भसः ॥ १२ ॥

ज्योतिर्गिरीणां पततां ज्वलतां च महीरुहाम् । ॥११॥

Its premonitory symptoms are-nasal catarrh, too many sneezes, excess salivation, sweet taste in the mouth, weakness of (digestive) fire and the body, seeing uncleanliness (dirt etc.) in the vessels (of food), foods and drinks etc. even though they are actually clean; seeing flies, grass, hairs etc. as though present in the foods and drinks (though not actually present); oppression in the chest (nausea), vomitting, loss of taste (and appetite), loss of strength inspite of eating (sufficent quantity), inspecting his own hands intently, swelling of the feet and face, too much of white colour of the eyes, argueing about the size (thickness) of the arms (doubting its emaciation), presuming a disguisting look of his own body (though not actually so), desire for women (sex), wine and meat; miserliness, covering the head (always with clothes), excess (rate of) growth of the nails and hairs; dreaming of getting defeated by butterflies, chameleon, snake, monkey, dog and birds; climbing on heaps of hairs, bones, husk, ash etc, sneezing deserted villages, empty places and dry reservoirs of water, falling of stars and mountains, and burning of 7-13a.

Rupa (clinical features)

पीनसश्वासकासांसमूर्द्धस्वररुजोऽरुचिः ऊर्ध्वं, विड्भ्रंशसंशोषावधः, च्छर्दिश्च कोष्ठगे । तिर्यवस्थे पार्श्वरुग्दोषे, सन्धिगे भवति ज्वरः ॥ १४ ॥ रूपाण्येकादशैतानि जायन्ते राजयक्ष्मिणः ।

Nasal catarrh, dyspnoea, cough, pain in the shoulders and head, change of voice, loss of taste (and appetite) are the upward symptoms (appearing when the dosas are localised in the upper parts of the body); either more elimination of feaces or constipation are the downwards (when the dosas are lacalised in the lower parts); vomitting when the dosas are in the alimentary tract; pain in the flanks when the dosas are localised sidewards; fever, when localised in the joints-these eleven form the characteristic features of rajayaksman. 13b-15a.

Upadrava (secondory diseases)

तेषामुपद्रवान् विद्यात्कण्ठोद्ध्वंसमुरोरुजम् ॥ १५ ॥ 1 जृम्भाङ्गमर्दनिष्ठीववह्निसादास्यपूतिताः

Their Upadrava (secondary affections, complications) are-abnormalities of the throat, pain in the chest, too much of yawning, bodyache, expectoration of sputum, weakness of digestive activity, and bad smell of the mouth. 15b-16a.

तत्र वाताच्छिरः पार्श्वशूलमंसाङ्गमर्दनम् ॥ १६ ॥

कण्ठोद्ध्वंसः स्वरभ्रंशः पित्तात्पादांसपाणिषु । दाहोऽतिसारोऽसृक्छर्दिर्मुखगन्धो ज्वरो मदः ॥ १७॥

कफादरोचकश्छर्दिः कासो मूर्द्धाङ्गगौरवम् । प्रसेकः पीनसः श्वासः स्वरसादोऽल्पवह्निता ॥ १८ ॥

From vata (are produced) pain in the head and flanks, aches in the shoulders and body, abnormalities of the throat and hoarseness; from pitta ( are produced) burning sensation in the soles, shoulders and palms, diarrhoea, vomitting of blood, bad smell in the mouth, fever and toxicity; from kapha ( are produced) loss of taste ( and appetite), vomitting, cough, feeling of heavyness of the head and body, excess of salivation, nasal catarrh, dyspnoea, weakness of voice and poor digestive activity. 16b-18.

दोषैर्मन्दानलत्वेन सोपलेपैः कफोल्वणैः ।

स्रोतोमुखेषु रुद्धेषु धातूष्मस्वल्पकेषु च ॥ १९ ॥

विदह्यमानः स्वस्थाने रसस्तांस्तानुपद्रवान् । कुर्यादगच्छन्मांसादीनसृक् चोर्ध्वं प्रधावति ॥ २० ॥

पच्यते कोष्ठ एवान्नमन्त्रपक्त्वै चास्य यत् । प्रायोऽस्मान्मलतां यातं नैवालं धातुपुष्टये ॥ २१ ॥

रसोऽप्यस्य न रक्ताय मांसाय कुत एव तु ।

उपस्तब्धः स शकृता केवलं वर्तते क्षयी ॥ २२ ॥

The dosas, among which kapha is predominant, produce weakness of the digestive fire, because the mouths of the channels (lumen of the channel of rasa) are coated and so are obstructed; the fire in the tissues (metabolic heat ) being poor, the rasa undergoes improper cooking and remaining in its own place produces the various complications. Without leading to the formation of the mamsa (muscle and other tissues) etc. it makes for upward movement of rakta (blood coming out along with sputum). The food not getting digested properly by the digestive fire in the alimentary tract gives rise to more of wastes and less for the nourishment of the dhatus (other tissues ) ; when rasa ( essence, nutrient portion ) is insufficient for rakta (blood, the second dhatu) itself, where is it for mamsa ( muscle, the third dhatu ) ; the patient of ksaya is sustained by strength of the feaces only. 19-22.

Sadhyasadhyata ( prognosis)

लिङ्गेष्वल्पेष्वपि क्षीणं व्याधौषधबलाक्षमम् । वर्जयेत् साधयेदेव सर्वेष्वपि ततोऽन्यथा ॥ २३ ॥ इति राजयक्ष्मनिदानम् ।

Though the symptoms are few and mild, if the patient is emaciated and unable to withstand the stength of the disease and the therapies, such a patient should not be treated. The patient who is otherwise (not emaciated and capable of withstanding the strength of the disease and the therapies) should be treated though having all the symptoms. 23.

Svarabheda nidana (diagnosis of hoarseness of voice)

अथ स्वरभेदनिदानम् । दोषैर्व्यस्तैः समस्तैश्च क्षयात् षष्ठश्च मेदसा । स्वरभेदो भवेत्

Svarabheda-hoarseness of voice-arises from each of the dosas seperately, fom all of them together, from ksaya (rajayksma-consumption) and sixth from medas (fat/obe24a. sity).

Rupa (clinical features )


तत्र क्षामो रूक्षश्चलः स्वरः ॥ २४ ॥ शूकपूर्णाभकण्ठत्वं स्निग्धोष्णोपशयोऽनिलात् ।

That in which the voice is feeble, dry (unpleasant, harsh) and unsteady feeling as though the throat is full of thorns, the patient finding comfort with fatty (unctuous) and hot things is of vata origin. 24b-25a.


पित्तात्तालुगले दाहः शोष उक्तावसूयनम् ॥ २५ ॥ Feeling of burning sensation and dryness in the palate and throat, and inability to speak-is of pitta origin. 25b.

लिम्पन्निव कफात्कण्ठं मन्दः खुरखुरायते । स्वरो विबद्धः सर्वैस्तु सर्वलिङ्गः क्षयात्कषेत् ॥ २६ ॥

धूमायतीव चात्यर्थम् मेदसा श्लेष्मलक्षणः । कृच्छ्रलक्ष्याक्षरश्च अत्र सर्वैरन्त्यं च वर्जयेत् ॥ २७ ॥ इति स्वरभेदनिदानम् ।


Feeling of coating of the throat, voice is slow, husky and obstructed-is of Kapha origin.


Has all the symptoms ( enumerated above). Ksayaja

Voice (speaking) is painful and associated with feeling of hot fumes coming out from the throat-is due to ksaya ( rajayaksman).


Has symptoms of kaphaja, the patient producing only some known words with difficulty-is due to medas (increase of fat).

Among these, that caused by all the dosas and the last one (medaja) should be refused treatment (as these are incurable). 26-27.

Thus ends the diagnosis of svarabheda (hoarseness).

Arochaka nidana ( diagnosis of anorexia )

अथारोचकनिदानम् ।

अरोचको भवेद्दौषैर्जिह्वाहृदयसंश्रयैः ।

सन्निपातेन मनसः सन्तापेन च पञ्चमः ॥ २८ ॥

Arocaka-(loss of taste, loss of appetite, anorexia) arises from the dosas (one from each dosa seperately) which are localised in the jihva ( tongue) and hrdaya (mind); one from all the dosas together and the fifth from the affection of the mind. 28.

कषायतिक्तमधुरं वातादिषु मुखं क्रमात् । सर्वोत्थे विरसं शोकक्रोधादिषु यथामलम् ॥ २९ ॥ इत्यरोचकनिदानम् ।

The mouth has astringent, bitter and sweet tastes (in those produced) from vata etc. (pitta and kapha) respectively; in that from all (dosas together) there is unnatural taste (abnormal taste or even absence of taste); and in that due to (affection of the mind) by grief, anger etc. the taste will be, as related to the mala (dosa) involved. 29.

Thus ends the diagnosis of arocaka – anorexia

Chardi nidana (diagnosis of vomitting)

अथ छर्दिनिदानम् ।

छर्दिर्दोषैः पृथक्सर्वैर्द्विष्टैरर्थेश्च पञ्चमी ।

उदानो विकृतो दोषान् सर्वास्वप्यूर्ध्वमस्यति ॥ ३० ॥

Chardi (vomitting) arises from each dosa seperately, from all of them together and the fifth from undesirable/ disliked sense objects. Udana (division of vata) which has become abnormal aggravates all the dosas and makes them move upwards. 30.

Purvarupa (premonitory symptoms)

तासूत्क्लेशास्यलावण्यप्रसेकारुचयोऽग्रगाः ।

Nausea, salt taste in the mouth, more of salivation and loss of taste and appetite are the premonitory symptoms. 31a.

Rupa (clinical features)


नाभिपृष्ठं रुजन् वायुः पार्श्वे चाहारमुत्क्षिपेत् ॥ ३१ ॥ ततो विच्छिन्नमल्पाल्पं कषायं फेनिलं वमेत् । शब्दोद्गारयुतं कृष्णमच्छं कृच्छ्रेण वेगवत् ॥ ३२ ॥ कासास्यशोषहृन्मूर्द्धस्वरपीडाक्लमान्वितः ।

Vata produces vomitting of food, causing pain in the umbilicus, back and flanks; (vomitting is) inturrupted, little by little, astringent in taste; frothy material accompanied by sound and belchings; black in colour, thin in constistence, coming out with great difficulty and force associated with cough, dryness of the mouth, pain in the region of the heart and head, hoarseness and exhaustion. 31b-33a.


पित्तात्क्षारोदकनिभं धूम्रं हरितपीतकम् ॥ ३३ ॥ सासृगम्लं कटूष्णं च तृणमूर्च्छातापदाहवत् ।

From pitta, the vomitted material resembles solution of ash, brown, green or yellow in colour, mixed with blood; sour or bitter in taste, hot, accompanied with thirst, fainting, increased heat and brurning sensation (of the body). 33b-34a.


कफात् स्निग्धं घनं शीतं श्लेष्मतन्तुगवाक्षितम् ॥ ३४ ॥ मधुरं लवणं भूरि प्रसक्तं लोमहर्षणम् । मुखश्वयथुमाधुर्यतन्द्राहल्लासकासवान् ।।३५ ।।

From kapha, the vomitted material is unctuous, thick, cold with web of threads of kapha; sweet or salt in taste, large in quantity; bouts are continuous, associated with horripilations, swelling of the face, sweetness, stupor, oppression in the chest (nausea ) and cough. 34b-35.


सर्वलिङ्गा मलैः सर्वै रिष्टोक्ता या च तां त्यजेत् ।

That arising from all the malas ( dosas) also, has all the symptoms appearing together and also those symptoms enumerated in the rista chapter (fifth of Sarira sthana ). This, should be rejected. 36a.


पूत्यमेध्याशुचिद्विष्टदर्शनश्रवणादिभिः तप्ते चित्ते हृदि क्लिष्टे छर्दिर्द्विष्टार्थयोगजा ।


Arises from seeing, hearing or other kinds of contact with things which are emitting foul smell, unpleasnt and unclean (dirty, inauspicious) the mind gets distrurbed and causes vomitting associated with pain in the region of the heart; this is called as vomitting due to contact with the disliked sensory objects. 36b-37a.

वातादीनेव शूलवेपथुल्लासैर्विशेषात् कृमिजां वदेत् । कृमिहद्रोगलिङ्गैश्च विमृशेत्कृमितृष्णामदौहदे ॥ ३७॥

इति छर्दिनिदानम् ।

Vomitting due to worms (internal parasites), thirst, ama (undigested material accumulation) and pregnancy should also be considered as produced from vata etc; that due to worms, especially by the appearance of pain in the abdomen; rigors, nausea and symptoms of heart diseases caused by worms. (to be described further). 37b-38.

Thus ends the diagnosis of chardi ( vomitting).

Hrdroga nidana ( diagnosis of heart diseases )

अथ हृद्रोगनिदानम् ।

स्मृताः पञ्च तु हद्गदाः ॥ ३८ ॥ तेषां गुल्मनिदानोक्तैः समुत्थानैश्च सम्भवः ।

Disease of the heart are said to be five ( kinds ) ; they arise from the causes enumerated in gulma nidana (chapter. 11). 38b-39a.

Rupa (clinical features )


वातेन शूल्यतेऽत्यर्थं तुद्यते स्फुटतीव च ॥ ३९ ॥ भिद्यते शुष्यति स्तब्धं हृदयं शून्यता द्रवः । अकस्माद्दीनता शोको भयं शब्दासहिष्णुता ॥ ४० ॥ वेपथुर्वेष्टनं मोहः श्वासरोधोऽल्पनिद्रता ।

In that due to vata, there is severe pain such as pricking, piercing, bursting or splitting; drying up, steadyness (absence of movement), feeling of emptiness and increased rate of the heart; feeling of helplessness (incapacity to withstand the troubles), grief, and fear without (any other apparent) reason, inability to withstand noise; tremors and contractions of the body; delusion (coma), obstructed breathing and very little sleep. 39b-41a.


पित्तात्तृष्णा भ्रमो मूर्च्छा दाहः स्वेदोऽम्लकः क्लमः ॥ ४१ ॥ छर्दनं चाम्लपित्तस्य धूमकः पीतता ज्वरः।

In that due to pitta, there is thirst, dizziness, faintings burning sensation, severe sweating, sourness (acidity), exhaustion, vomitting of sour pitta (bile) or feeling of hot

fumes coming up, yellowish appearance of the skin and fever. 41b-42a.


श्लेष्मणा हृदयं स्तब्धं भारिकं साश्मगर्भवत् ॥ ४२ ॥ कासाग्रिसादनिष्ठीवनिद्रालस्यारुचिज्वराः ।

In that due to slesma ( kapha) the heart is static, heavy as though having a stone inside, is accompanied with cough, poor digestion, expectoration of sputum, more of sleep, lassitude, loss of taste and appetite and fever. 42b-43a.


कृमिभिः श्यावनेत्रता ॥ ४३ ॥ तमः प्रवेशो हल्लासः शोषः कण्डूः कफस्रुतिः । हृदयं प्रततं चात्र क्रकचेनेव दार्यते ॥ ४४ ॥ चिकित्सेदामयं घोरं तं शीघ्रं शीघ्रकारिणम् । इति हृद्रोगनिदानम् ।

That due to worms (intestinal parasites), will have black discolouration of the eyes, entering into darkness ( fainting), oppression in the (region of the heart, dryness and irritation (of the skin), elimination of the sputum, patient feels that his heart is being continuously torn apart by a saw; treatment of this grave disease which is going to increase quickly should be commenced soon. 44-45a.

Thus ends the diagnosis of Hrdroga (heart disease).

Trishna nidana ( diagnosis of thirst)

अथ तृष्णानिदानम् ।

वातात्पित्तात्कफात्तृष्णा सन्निपाताद्रसक्षयात् ।। ४५ ।। षष्ठी स्यादुपसर्गाच्च

Trishna (thirst) arises from ( aggravation of ) vata, pitta, kapha, sannipata (combination of all the dosas), rasa ksaya (depletion or loss of rasa dhatu (plasma ) and the sixth form (effect of ) other diseases. 45b-46.

वातपित्ते तु कारणम् । सर्वासु तत्प्रकोपो हि सौम्यधातुप्रशोषणात् ॥ ४६॥ सर्वदेहभ्रमोत्कम्पतापतृड्दाहमोहकृत् ।

Vata and pitta together (undergoing aggravation) are the causes (for all the types); such an aggravation is due to evaporation (depletion or loss of ) saumya dhatus (tissues which are coolant and watery). It leads on to dizziness, increased tremors all over the body, feeling of increased heat, thirst, burning sensation and delusion. 46b-47a.

जिह्वामूलगलक्लोमतालुतोयवहाः सिराः ॥ ४७ ॥ संशोषय तृष्णा जायन्ते

Trishna (thirst) is produced due to dryness of the root of the tongue, throat, kloma ? palate and channels purveying water (caused by the dosas ). 47b.

Notes : Kloma is identified variously as trachea, right lung and pancreas, the last one (pancreas) being widely accepted.

तासां सामान्यलक्षणम् । मुखशोषो जलातृप्तिरन्नद्वेषः कण्ठौष्ठजिह्वाकार्कश्यं जिह्वानिष्क्रमणं क्लमः । प्रलापश्चित्तविभ्रंशस्तृड्ग्रहोक्तास्तथाऽऽमयाः ॥४९॥ स्वरक्षयः ॥ ४८ ॥

Their generaly features are-dryness of the mouth, noncontentment by drinking water, aversion to food, feeble voice, roughness of the throat, lips and tougue, protrusion of the tongue, exhaustion, irrelevent talk, disorderliness of the mind and other diseases (symptoms) enumerated as arising from suppression of thirst ( in chapter 4 of sutrasthana).


मारुतात् क्षामता दैन्यं शङ्खतोदः शिरोभ्रमः । गन्धाज्ञानास्यवैरस्यश्रुतिनिद्राबलक्षयाः शीताम्बुपानाद्वद्धिश्च ॥५०॥

From maruta (vata) arise, emaciation of the body, (helplessness, pain in the temples, dizziness, loss of smell,

bad taste in the mouth, more of tears in the eyes, loss of sleep and strength, thirst increasing by drinking cold water.


पित्तान्मूर्च्छास्यतिक्तता। रक्तेक्षणत्वं प्रततं शोषो दाहोऽतिधूमकः ॥ ५१ ॥

From pitta arise, fainting, bitter taste in the mouth, red colour in the eyes, constant dryness of the mouth, burning sensation and feeling of hot fumes coming out often. 5lb. Kaphaja

कफो रुणद्धि कुपितस्तोयवाहिषु मारुतम् । स्त्रोतःसु स कफस्तेन पङ्कवच्छोष्यते ततः ॥ ५२ ॥

शुकैरिवाचितः कण्ठो निद्रा मधुरवक्त्रता । आध्मानं शिरसो जाड्यं स्तैमित्यच्छर्द्यरोचकाः ॥ ५३॥ आलस्यमविपाकश्च

Kapha getting aggravated, obstructs maruta (vata) in the channels bearing water, then kapha dries up like silt and gives rise to feeling of thorns filling the throat, ( more of) sleep, sweet taste in the mouth, flatulence, dull pain in the head, lack of activity, vomitting, loss of taste and appetite, lassitude and indigestion. 52-54a.


सर्वैः स्यात्सर्वलक्षणा ।

All the symptoms will appear from (the combination of) all the dosas. 54a.

Amaja etc.—

आमोद्भवा च, भक्तस्य संरोधाद्वातपित्तजा ॥ ५४॥

उष्णक्लान्तस्य सहसा शीताम्भो भजतस्तृषम् । ऊष्मा रुद्धो गतः कोष्ठं यां कुर्यात्पित्तजैव सा ॥ ५५ ॥

या च पानातिपानोत्था, तीक्ष्णाग्ने स्नेहजा च या । स्निग्धगुर्वम्ललवणभोजनेन कफोद्भवा ॥ ५६ ॥

Amaja trsna arises from vatapitta, due to abstruction to food (fasting starvation, or inability to consume food due to any cause).

Trsna occurs in the person who has become exhausted by exposure to heat (sunlight, fire etc.), taking bath in cold water immediately; by this the heat obstructed (from coming out) gets into the abdomen and causes thirst; it is born from (aggravation of) pitta itself (so has the same symptoms as enumerated under pittaja).

So also, thirst is produced by too much of drinking of wines and the thirst produced by too much of eating of fatty foods, by persons who have very powerful digestive activity (both these are pittaja only).

Thirst produced by too much indulgence in foods which are unctuous (fatty), indigestable, sour and salt taste is caused by kapha. 54b-56.

तृष्णा रसक्षयोक्तेन लक्षणेन क्षयात्मिका ।

Thirst produced by loss of rasa (plasma) will have the symptoms enumerated under rasaksaya (vide, chapter 11 of sutrasthana). 57a.

शोषमेहज्वराद्यन्यदीर्घरोगोपसर्गतः 114011 या तृष्णा जायते तीव्रा सोपसर्गात्मिका स्मृता ।। ५७ ॥ इति तृष्णानिदानम् ।

Severe thirst produced as a result of long standing diseases such as sosa (consumption, tuberculosis), meha (diabetes), jvara (fevers) etc is known as Upasargaja trsna. 57.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां तृतीये निदानस्थाने राजयक्ष्मादिनिदानं नाम

पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ॥ ५ ॥

Thus ends the chapter Rajayaksmadi nidana-diagnosis of Rajayaksma etc. the fifth in  of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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