KASA CHIKITSA – Treatment of Cough – Ashtanga Samgraha Chikitsasthana Chapter 4

अथातः कासचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इतिह स्माहुरात्रेयादयोपहर्षयः ।। १ ।।

We will now expound Kasa Chikitsa – treatment of cough; thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)

Vataja kasa chikitsa

केवलानिलजंकासंस्त्रेहैरादावुपाचरेत् । वातघ्नसिद्धैः स्निग्धैश्चपेयायूषरसादिभिः || २ ||

लेह्रैधूमैस्तथाभ्यङ्गस्वेदसेकावगाहनैः । बस्तिभिर्बद्धविड्वातंसपित्तं त्वौर्ध्वभक्तिकैः ॥ ३ ॥ घृतैः क्षीरैश्च सकफं जयेत् स्नेहविरेचनैः ।

Cough produced by kevala anila (vata alone) should be treated first with sneha (oleation) therapy, regimen of liquid diet, confections, inhalation of smoke, oil massage, sudation, fomentation, tub-bath etc, all prepared from drugs which mitigate vata, remove obstruction of faeces and flatus; the association of pitta by administeing enemas after food; association of kapha being removed by use of medicated milk, ghee and administration of oily purgatives. (2-3 )

गुडूचीकण्टकारीभ्यां पृथक् त्रिंशत्पलाद्रसे || प्रस्थः सिद्धोघृताद्वातकासनुद्वह्रिदीपनः ॥४॥

Thirty pala each of the juice of guduchi and kantakari and one prastha of ghee are cooked into medicated ghee; This cures cough of vata origin and kindles digestion. (4)

क्षाररास्त्रावचाहिङ्गुपाठायष्ट्याह्नधान्यकैः । द्विशाणैः सर्पिषः प्रस्थंपञ्चकोलयुतैः पचेत् ॥५॥

दशमूलस्य निर्यूहे पीतं मण्डानुपायिना | सकासश्वासहृत्पार्श्वग्रहणीरोगगुल्मनुत् ।। ६ ।।

Two sana each of kshara (yavakshara), rasna, vacha, patha, yasti, and dhanyaka, one prastha of ghee and two sana of panchakola, are cooked and medicated ghee prepared. This consumed along with decoction of dashamoola, followed by a manda (scum of gruel) as after-drink cures cough, dyspnoea, pain of heart and flanks, disease of the duodenum and abdominal tumors. (5-6)

काश्मयंत्रिफलाव्योषशठीद्राक्षापरूषकम् | द्वे पाठे देवदार्वृद्धिस्वगुप्ताग्निकगोक्षुरम् ॥७॥

व्याघ्रीतामलकीमेदाकाकनासाशतावरी: । विदारी चघृतप्रस्थः कर्षांशैस्तैर्विपाचितः ||८||

क्षीरेणच जयत्याशुज्वरकासहलीमकान् । गुल्मारुचियकृत्प्लीहशिरोहृत्पार्श्ववेदनाः ।। ९ ।।

कामलार्शोनिलाष्ठीलाक्षतशोफक्षयांश्चसः ।

Kasmarya, triphala, vyosa, Sathi, draksa, parusaka, the two patha, devadaru, vrdhi, svagupta, agnika, goksura, vyaghri, tamalaka, meda, kakanasa, satavari, and vidari – each one karsa and ghee one prastha are processed and medicated ghee prepared : consumed with milk it quickly cures fever, cough, halimaka (advanced stage of jaundice) abdominal tumors, anorexia, pain in the liver, spleen, head heart, and flanks, jaundice, haemorrhoids, prostratic enlargement due to vata, injury to lungs, dropsy and consumption. ( 7-9)

द्रोणेऽपांसाधयेद्रास्त्रादशमूलशतावरीः ॥१०॥

तुलार्धं चाजमांसस्य तेन साध्यं घृताढकम् । समक्षीरंपलांशैश्च जीवनीयैः समीक्ष्य तत् ॥ ११ ॥

प्रयुक्तं वातरोगेषु पाननावनबस्तिभिः । पञ्चकासान् शिरः कम्पं योनिवङ्क्षणवेदनाम् ।।

सर्वाङ्गैकाङ्गरोगांश्च सप्लीहोर्ध्वानिलान् जयेत् ।।१२ ॥

One pala each of rasna, dashamoola (each seperately) satavari are boiled in one drona of water, two kudava each of kulattha, badara and yava; half-a-tula of goats flesh and one adhaka of ghee, equal quantity of milk (one adhaka) and one pala each of the drugs of Jivaniyagana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) are all added and medicated ghee prepared as usual. This ghee used in the form of drink, nasal drops, enema etc cures the five kinds of cough, shaking of the head, pain of the vagina and groins, paralysis of the whole or one part of the body, diseases of the spleen and upward movement of vata. (10-12)

विदार्यादिगणक्वाथकल्कसिद्धंच कासजित् । अशोकबीजक्षवकजन्तुघ्नाञ्जनपद्मकैः ।।१३।।

सबिडैश्च घृतं सिद्धं तच्चूर्णं वा घृताप्लुतम् । लिह्यात् पयश्चानुपिबेदाजं कासाभिपीडितः ॥१४॥

Medicated ghee prepared by the drugs of Vidaryadigana (chapter 16 of sutrasthana) used for decoction and paste cures cough. Seeds of asoka, ksavaka, jantughana, anjana, padmaka and bida processed into medicated ghee or the powder of all of them mixed with ghee and licked followed by drinking goat’s milk is beneficial for the patient of cough. (13-14)

विडङ्गं नागरं रास्त्रा पिप्पली हिङ्गु सैन्धवम् । भार्ङ्गक्षारश्च तच्चूर्णं पिबेद्वा घृतमात्रया ।।

सकफेऽनिलजे कासे श्वासहिध्माहताग्निषु ।।१५।।

Vidanga, nagara, rasna, pippali, hingu, saindhava, bharangiand kshara(yavakshara) all powdered and taken along with little quantity of ghee is good in cough of vata origin associated with kapha, dyspnoea, hiccup and loss of digestive activity. (15)

दुरालभां शृङ्गवेरंशठीं रास्त्रां सितोपलाम् | लिह्यात् कर्कट शृङ्गीं च कासे तैलेन वाजे ||१६||

Powder of duralabha, Srngavera, sathi, rasna, sitopala, and karkatasringi should be licked with oil (of sesamum) in cough of vata origin. ( 16 )

दुस्पर्शा पिप्पलीं मुस्तं भाङ्ग कर्कटकीं शठीम्। पुराणगुडतैलाभ्यां चूर्णितान्यवलेहयेत् ।।१७।।

तद्वत् सकृष्णां शुण्ठीं च सभाडूग तद्वदेव च । पिबेत् कृष्णां चकोष्णेन सलिलेन ससैन्धवाम् ।।१८।।

मस्तुना ससितां शुण्ठीं दना वा कणरेणुकाः । पिबेत् बदरमज्ञो वा मदिरादधिमस्तुभिः ।। अथवापिप्पलीकल्कंघृतभृष्टंससैन्धवम् ।।१९ ।।

An avaleha (confection) prepared from dussparsa, pippali, musta, bharigi, karkataki, sathi, purana guda (old jaggery) and oil (of sesamum) or krsna and saindhava taken with warm water, sunthi and sugar taken with mastu (whey), powder of kana and renuka along with curds; badara majja (slimy portion of badara fruit) taken with madira (wine), dadhi (curds) or mastu (whey); or paste of pippali mixed with saindhava and fried with ghee – (all the above recipes are beneficial in cough of vata origin). (17-19)

कासी सपीनसो धूमं स्त्रैहिकं विधिना पिबेत् । हिमाश्वासोक्तधूमांश्च क्षीरमांसरसाशनः ॥ २० ॥

The patient of cough associated with nasal catarrah should inhale snaihika dhuma (smoke which lubricates the nasal passages), following the usual procedure, or the smoke recipes described in the treatment of hiccup and dyspnoea. He should take milk and meat juice (soup) as diet. (20)

ग्राम्यानूपौदकैः शालियवगोधूमषष्टिकान् । रसैर्माषात्मगुप्तानां यूषैर्वा भोजयेद्धितान् ॥ २१ ॥

He should partake rice, barley, wheat, rice maturing in sixty days along with juice of meat of domestic animals, marshy lands and living in water, or with the soup of atmagupta; whichever is suitable to him. (21)

यवानीपिप्पलीबिल्वमध्यनागरचित्रकैः ।रास्नाजाजीपृथक्पर्णीपलाशशठिपौष्करैः ॥ २२ ॥

सिद्धांस्त्रि धाम्ललवणांपेयामनिलजेपिबेत् । कटीहत्पार्श्वकोष्ठधर्तिश्वासहिध्माप्रणाशिनीम् ।।२३ ।।

दशमूलरसे तद्वत् पञ्चकोलगुडान्विताम् । पिबेत् समतिलां पेयां क्षैरेयीं वा ससैन्धवाम् ॥

मात्स्यकौक्कुटवाराहैर्मांसैंर्वासाज्यसैन्धवाम् ।।२४।।

In cough of vata origin, the patient should drink peya (gruel) prepared from yavani, pippali, marrow of bilva fruit, nagara, chitraka rasna, ajaji, prthakparni, palasa, Sathi and pauskara, added with sneha ( ghee or oil), sours and salt; it relieves pain of the waist, region of the heart, flanks and abdomen, dyspnoea, and hiccup. Similarly the peya prepared from juice (decoction) of dashamoola mixed with panchakola and guda (jaggery) or that (peya) prepared from equal quantities of rice and tila; or that prepared along with milk and saindhava also act likewise; fish, meat of cock, or pig along with ghee and saindhava salt may also be taken. (22-24)

वास्तुको वायसीशाकं कासघ्नं सुनिषण्णकः । कण्टकार्याः फलं पत्रं बालं शुष्कं चमूलकम् ॥ २५ ॥

स्नेहास्तैलादयो भक्ष्याः क्षीरेक्षुरसगौडिकाः । दधिमस्त्वारनालाम्लफलाम्बुमदिराः पिबेत् ॥ २६ ॥

Vastuka, vaysisaka, kasaghna and sunisannaka, fruits and leaves of kantakari, tender and dried mulaka, many kinds of (edible) oils from the group of fatty substances, eatables, milk, sugarcane juice, liquor prepared from jaggery, curds, mastu ( whey) aranala (fermented rice wash) juices of sour fruits, and madira (alcoholic beverages) are best as drinks. (25-26)

Pitta kasa chikitsa

पित्तकासे तु सकफे वमनं सर्पिषा हितम् । तथा मदनकाश्मर्यमधुकक्कथितैर्जलैः ।। फलयष्ट्याह्नकल्कैर्वा विदारीक्षुरसाप्लुतैः ||२७||

In pittakasha (cough produced by pitta) accompanied with sputum, inducing of vomiting by administration of (medicated) ghee is ideal; as also by water boiled with madana, kasmarya and madhuka or with the paste of phala (madana) and yasthi dissolved in the juice of vidari and sugarcane. (27)

पित्तकासे तनुकफे त्रिवृतां मधुरैर्युताम् । युञ्ञ्ज्याद्विरेकाय युतां घनश्रेष्मणि तिक्तकैः ॥ २८ ॥

In pitta kasa having thin sputum, trivrit along with any sweet liquid should be administered for producing purgations, and if the sputum is thick it (trivrit) should be used with bitter liquid. (28)

हृतदोषो हिमं स्निग्धं स्वादु संसर्जनं भजेत् । घने कफे तु रूक्षं तिक्तोपसंहितम् ॥ २९ ॥

After the dosha (pitta) has been subdued, he should take food which is cold, unctous and sweet in taste; and in case the sputum is thickit (food) should becold, dry (on unctous) and processed with bitters. ( 29 )

पिप्पलीमुस्तयष्ट्याह्नद्राक्षामूर्वामहौषधम् । लाजामृताफलद्राक्षात्वक्क्षीरीपिप्पलीसिताः ॥ ३० ॥

दुस्पर्शाकर्कटीशुण्ठीद्राक्षासिताबलाः । निदिग्धिकामूलफलं वटबीजं रसाञ्जनम् ।। ३१ ।।

खर्जूरं पिप्पली वांशी श्वदंष्ट्रा चेति पञ्च ते । घृतक्षौद्रयुता लेहाः श्रोकार्थैः पित्तकासिनाम् ।।

पयोऽनुपानां शृङ्गीं वालिह्यात्सायसितामधु ॥३२॥

Confection prepared from the drugs mentioned in the following five half verses consumed along with ghee and honey are beneficial to persons suffering from pittaja kasa

a. pippali, musta, yasti, draksa, tvak, murva and mahausadha,

b. laja, amritaphala (amalaka), draksa, tvakksiri, pippali, sita,

C. dussparsa, karkati sunthi sathi, draksa, sita and bala

root or fruits of nidigdhika, vatabija (seeds of vata) and rasanjana

e. kharjura, pippali, vamsi (tugaksiri) and svadamstra.

d. Milk or powder of sringi along with ghee, sugar and honey may be used as a vehicle for the confection. (30-32)

लेहः पैत्ते सिताधात्री क्षौद्रद्राक्षाहिमोत्पलैः । सकफे साब्दमरिचः सघृतः सानिले हितः ।।३३।।

A confection prepared with sita (sugar), dhatri, honey, draksa hima, and utpala should be taken with abda and maricha in case of association with kapha and with ghee in case of association with vata. (33)

मृद्वीकार्धशतं त्रिंशत् पिप्पलीः शर्करापलम् । लेहयेन्मधुना गोर्वा क्षीरपस्य शकृद्रसम् ॥ ३४ ॥

Fifty pala of mrdvika, thirty of pippali and one pala of sugar should be licked with honey; or juice of fresh dung of a male calf which is subsisting on its mother’s milk should belicked with honey. (34)

त्वगेलाव्योषमृद्वीकापिप्पलीमूलपौष्करैः । लाजमुस्तशठीरास्त्राधात्रीफलविभीतकैः ॥ शर्कराक्षौद्रसर्पिर्भिर्लेहो हृद्रोगासहा |॥ ३५ ॥

A confection prepared with tvak, ela, vyosa, mrdvika, pippalimul pauskara, laja musta, sathirasna, dha triphala and vibhataka consumed with sugar, honey and ghee cures heart diseases and cough. (35)

पिप्पल्यामलकद्राक्षालाजलाक्षासितोपलाः । सञ्चूर्ण्य पक्त्वा पयसा लिह्यात् क्षौद्राष्टभागिकाः || ३६ ||

Pippali, amalaka, draksa, laja, laksa and sitopala are powdered, boiled in milk, mixed with eight parts of honey and licked. (36)

विदारीक्षुमृणालानां रसान् क्षीरंसितोपलाम् । पिबेत् क्षौद्रेण संयोज्य पित्तकासमपोहति ॥३७॥

Juices of vidari, iksu, mrunala, kshira (milk ), sitopala and ksaudra (honey) all mixed and consumed cures pittaja kasa. (37)

मधुरैर्जाङ्गलरसैर्यवश्यामाककोद्रवाः । मुगादियूषैः शाकैश्चतिक्तकैर्मात्रया हिताः ॥ ३८ ॥

घनश्लेष्मणि लेहाश्च तिक्तका मधुसंयुताः । शालयः स्युस्तनुकफे षष्टिकाश्च रसादिभिः ।।

शर्कराम्भोऽनुपानार्थं द्राक्षेक्षुस्वरसः पयः ॥३९॥

Juice of meat of animals of desert like regions made sweat; yava, syamaka and kodrava, yusa (soup) of mudga etc. ( other pulses) leafy vegetables which are bitter in taste, are beneficial (as diet). If the sputum is thick, confections prepared with bitter drugs mixed with honey is to be taken, if the sputum is thin, sali (rice) and sastika rice along with meat juice is the ideal diet, sugarwater, juice or draksa, juice of sugarcane and milk are to be used as after-drink. (38-39)

काकोलीबृहतीमेदाद्वयैः सवृषनागरैः । पित्तकासेरसक्षीरपेयायूषान्प्रकल्पयेत् । ॥ ४० ॥

Meat juice, milk, peya (thin gruel) and yusa (soup) processed with kakoli, brihati, the two meda, vrsa and nagara should made use of in cough arising from pitta. ( 40 )

द्राक्षां कणां पञ्चमूलं तृणाख्यं च पचेज्जले । तेन क्षीरं शृतं शीतं पिबेत् समधुशर्करम् ॥ ॥४१॥

साधितां तेन पेयां वा सुशीतां मधुनान्विताम् ।

Draksa, kana and trnapanchamula should be boiled in water, this decoction added with equal quantity of milk are again boiled together and cooled. This milk is taken along with honey and sugar. Peya (thin gruel) prepared from the above decoction, mixed with honey and taken cold is also ideal. (41)

शठीहीबेरबृहतीशर्कराविश्वभेषजम् ॥ पिष्ट्वारसं पिबेत्पूतं वस्त्रेणघृतमूर्छितम् ।॥ ४२ ॥

Sathi, hribera, brihati, sarkara and visvabhesaja-are macerated in water and filtered through cloth; this juice should be taken mixed with ghee. (42)

महिष्यजावीगोक्षीरधात्रीफलरसैः समैः । सर्पिः सिद्धं पिबेत् – तद्वन्मधुरेण गणेन वा ॥४३ ॥

Milk of baffalo, goat, sheep or cow, juice of dhatriphala, and ghee each equal in quantity are prepared into a medicated ghee; this should be used. (43)

क्वाथीकृतेनेक्षुरसे क्षीरयुक्तेन साधितम् । सशर्करं पिबेत् प्रातर्लिह्याद्वा माक्षिकान्वितम् ॥ ॥४४॥

Similarly ghee prepared with decoction of drugs of madhura gana (sweet group, chapter 18 of sutrasthana) along with sugarcane juice, and milk should be taken for drinking or licked with honey in the morning. (44)

क्षीरिवृक्षाङ्कुरक्वाथे पक्कं क्षीरसमं घृतम् । पाययेत् पित्तकासार्तं मधुना वावलेहयेत् ।।४५ ।।

Ghee prepared with the decoction of sprouts of trees with milky sap and equal quantity of milk should be used for drinking by the patient suffering from pitta kasa, or it should be licked with honey. (45)

मेदां विदारीं काकोलीं स्वयंगुप्ताफलं बलाम् । शर्करां जीवकं मुद्गमाषपर्थ्यो दुरालभाम् ।।४६ ।।

कल्कीकृत्य पचेत्सर्पिः क्षीरेणाष्टगुणेन तत् । पानभोजनलेहेषु प्रयुक्तं पित्तकासजित् ॥४७॥ लिह्याद्वा चूर्णमेतेषां कषायमथवा पिबेत् ।

Meda, vidari, kakoli, fruit of svayamgupta, bala, sarkara(sugar) jivaka, mudgaparni, masaparni and duralabha – are made into a paste in water, added with eight times its quantity of milk and one part of ghee and cooked to a medicated ghee. Administered in the from of a drink or along with food or as vehicle for confections, this ghee cures pittakasha. The powder of the above drugs may be licked (with honey) or their decoction taken as a drink. (46-47)

Kapha kasa chikitsa

कफकासी पिबेदादौ सुरकाष्ठात्प्रदीपितात् ।।४८ ।।

स्नेहं परिस्स्रुतं व्योषयवक्षारावचूर्णितम् । स्निग्धंविरेचयेदूर्ध्वमधोमूर्ध्निच युक्तितः । ॥४९॥

The patient of kaphakasha (cough produced by aggravated kapha) should first drink the oil exuding from surakasta lighted by fire, along with powder of vyosa and yavakshara.

He should then be administered upward purgations (emesis therapy), downward purgation ( purgation therapy) and for the head, nasya, (nasal medication) appropriately; a strong person may be administered strong purgatives. (48-49)

तीक्ष्णैर्विरेकैर्बलिनं – संसर्गी चास्य योजयेत् । यवमुद्द्रकुलत्थान्नैरुष्णरूक्षैः कटूत्कटैः ॥५०॥

कासमर्दकवार्ताकव्याघ्रीक्षारकणान्वितैः । धान्वबैलरसैः स्नेहैस्तिलसर्षपनिम्बजैः ॥५१॥

In addition, his diet should consist of cooked yava, mudga or kulattha, hot, dry, (without fats) and of pungent taste being predominant, added with kasamarda, vartaka, vyaghri, (yava) kshara and kana; juice of meat of animals living in desert-like region and in burrows; mixed with oil of either tila, sarsapa or nimba. (50-51)

दशमूलाम्बु घर्माम्बु मद्यं मध्वम्बु वा पिबेत् । मूलैः पौष्करशम्याकपटोलैरन्वितं निशाम् ।।५२ ।।

Warm decoction of dashamoola, warm water, wines or honey water processed with roots of puskara, samyaka and patola, kept overnight and mixed with honey should be used the next day for drinking, during all the three times of meals. (52)

पिबेद्वारिसहक्षौद्रं कालेष्वन्नस्य वात्रिषु | पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलं शृङ्गवेरं बिभीतकम् ॥५३॥

देवदार्वभयामुस्तंपिप्पलीविश्वभेषजम् । गुडूची पिप्पलीभाङ्गशृङ्गीकर्कटकस्य च ॥५४॥

व्योषदारुविडङ्गानि त्रिफलाशर्कराबलाः । निदिग्धिकाया मूलत्वङ्मरिचैः सह योजिता ॥ ५५ ॥

शिखिकुक्कुटपिञ्छानां मषी क्षारो यवोद्भवः । विशाला पिप्पलीमूलं त्रिवृता च मधुद्रवाः ॥५६॥

कफकासहरा लेहाः सप्त श्रोकायोजिताः । मधुना मरिचं लिह्यान्मधुनैव च जोङ्गकम् ॥५७ ॥

पृथग्रसांश्चमधुना व्याघ्रीवार्ताकभृङ्गजान् । कासघ्नस्याश्वशकृतः सुरस्यासितस्य च ॥ ॥५८ ।।

Leha (lictuals) prepared from drugs enumerated in the following seven half-verses, used along with honey cures kaphakasha.

a. pippali, pippalimula, Sringavera and vibhitaki,

b. devdaru, abhaya, musta, pippali and visvabhesaja,

C. guduchi, paippali, bharangi and karkatSringi,

d. vyosa, daru, vidanga, triphala, sarkara and bala,

Root and bark of nidigdhika and maricha,

Ash of feathers of peacock and cock and kshara (ash) prepared from yava, visala, pippalimula and trivrit.

Powder of maricha should be licked with honey or jongaka with honey; or juice of any one of vyaghri, vartaka, bhrnga, kasaghna, horse dung and asitasurasa (krsna tulasi). (53-58)

देवदारुशठीरास्त्राकर्कटाख्यादुरालभाः | पिप्पली नागरं मुस्तं पथ्याधात्रीसितोपलाः ॥५९ ॥

मधुतैलयुतावेतौ लेहौ वातानुगे कफे । विडङ्गं सैन्धवं हिङ्गु कुष्ठंव्योषं मनःशिलाम् ।।६० ।।

कासे श्वासे च हिध्मायां लिह्यात् क्षौद्रघृताप्लुतम् ।

If kapha is associated by vata (and has produced the cough) then the following two leha (lictuaries) mixed with honey and oil should be used –

a. devadaru, Sathi, rasna, karkata, and duralabha, b. pippali, nagara, musta, pathya, dhatri and sitopala.

Powder of vidanga, saindhava, hingu, kustha, vyosa and manassila along with honey and ghee should be licked in cough, dyspnoea and hiccup. (59-60)

गुडरोषणकणादाडिमं श्वासकासजित् ॥ क्रमात्पलद्वयार्धाक्षकर्षार्धाक्षपलोन्मितम् ।।६१ ।।

Guda, kshara (yavakshara) usana, kana, and dadima in the proportion of two pala, half aksa (karsa) one karsa, half-karsa and one pala respectively (licked with honey) cures dyspnoea and cough. (61)

द्वेपले दाडिमादष्टौ गुडाव्योषात् पलत्रयम् । रोचनं दीपनं स्वर्यं पीनसश्वासकासजित् ।। ६२ ।।

Two pala of dadima, eight pala of guda (jaggery) and three pala of vyosa (licked with honey) improves taste, kindles digestion, improves voice and cures nasal catarrah, dyspnoea and cough. (62)

पाठाशुण्ठीशठीमूर्वागवाक्षीपिप्पलीघनम् । पिष्वा घर्माम्बुना हिङ्गुसैन्धवाभ्यां युतं पिबेत् ॥

तद्वन्मुस्ताशठीशुण्ठीनागरातिविषाभयाः ||६३ ।।

पिबेज्ज्वरोक्तं पथ्यादि सशृङ्गीकं चपाचनम् । अथवा दीप्यकत्रिवृद्विशालाघनपौष्करम् ।।६४।।

सकणं क्वथितं मूत्रे कफकासी जलेऽपि वा ।

Patha, sunthi, sathi, murva, gavaksi, pippali, and ghana are all macerated in hot water, mixed with hingu and saindhava and taken as a drink; similarly musta, sathi, sunthi magara, ativisa and abhaya can also be used; or the drugs commencing with pathya described in the treatment of fevers (vide chapter 1) may be used along with srngi which acts as digestive; or dipyaka, trivrit, visala ghana, pauskara and kana- are boiled in cow’s urine or water and taken as a drink by the patient of kapha kasa (cough of kapha origin).(63-64)

तैलभृष्टंच वैदेहिकल्काक्षंससितोपलम् ॥६५॥

पाययेत् कफकासघ्नं कुलत्थसलिलाप्लुतम् । सौवर्चलाभयाधात्रीपिप्पलीक्षारनागरम् ॥६६॥

One aksa of vaidehi (pippali) fried in oil is made into a paste, mixed with soup of kulattha and sitopala and taken as a drink cures kaphakasha. Powder of sauvarchala, abhaya, dhatri, pippali, kshara and nagara consumed with ghee cures cough of vatakapha origin.(65-66)

चूर्णितंसर्पिषावातकफकासहरंपिबेत् । दशमूलाढके प्रस्थंघृतस्याक्षसमैः पचेत् ।।६७॥

पुष्कराह्वशठीविल्वसुरसव्योषहिङ्गुभिः ।ऐयानुपानंतत्सर्ववातश्लेष्मामयापहम् ।।६८ ।।

One adhaka (of decoction) of dashamoola, one prastha of ghee, and one aksa each of puskara, sathi, bilva, surasa, vyosa and hingu-are cooked as medicated ghee. This ghee consumed, followed by peya (thin gruel) as after drink cures all diseases caused by vaata and slesma (kapha). (67-68)

निर्गुण्डीपत्रनिर्याससाधितं कासजिद्घृतम् । घृतं रसे विडङ्गानां व्योषगर्भंच साधितम् ।।६९ ।।

पुनर्नवसिवाटिकासुरसकासमर्दामृता पटोलबृहतीफणिज्जकरसैः पयः संयुतैः ॥

घृतंत्रिकटुनाचसिद्धमुपयुज्य सञ्जायते । न कासविषमज्वरक्षयगुदाङ्कुरेभ्यो भयम् ।।७० ।।

Medicated ghee prepared with juice of leaves of nirgundi cures cough; similarly ghee prepared with juice of vidanga, added with vyosa (as kalka) cures chough; ghee prepared withjuice of punarnayva, siatika (or sivatika), surasa kasamarda, amrita, patola, brihati and panijjaka milk, ghee, and trikatu (as kalka) this ghee wards off the fear of cough, irreregular fevers, consumption and piles. (69-70)

Kantakari ghrita

समूलफलपत्रायाः कण्टकार्यारसाढके। घृतप्रस्थंबलाव्योषविडङ्गशठिदाडिमैः ।।७१।।

सौवर्चलयवक्षारमूलामलकपौष्करैः । वृश्चीवबृहतीपथ्यायवानीचित्रकर्धिभिः।।७२।।

मृद्वीकाचव्यवर्षाभूदुरालम्भाम्लवेतसैः । शृङ्गीतामलकीभाङ्गरास्त्रागोक्षुरकैः पचेत् ।। कल्कैस्तत्सर्वकासेषु श्वासहिमासुचेष्यते ॥७३ ||

One adhaka of juice (or decoction) of kantakari with its root fruit and leaves, one prastha of ghee, (powder of) bala, vyosa, vidanga sathi, dadima, sauvarchala, brihati, pathya, yavani, chitraka,rddhi, mrdvika chavya, varsabhu, duralambha, amlavetasa, Srngi, tamalaki, bharigi, rasna and goksura (each equal in quantity together making up one four times the quantity of ghee) used as kalka – are cooked into a medicated ghee. This recipe is ideal in all kinds of cough, dyspnoea and hiccup. (71-73)

कण्टकार्यास्तुलां क्षुण्णां पक्त्वा द्रोणेऽम्भसः पचेत् । तेनाढकेन क्वाथस्य घृतप्रस्थंपिचून्मितैः ॥७४॥ रास्त्रादुस्पर्शषड्ग्रन्थापिप्पलीद्वयचित्रकैः । सौवर्चलयवक्षारकृष्णामूलैश्चतज्जयेत् ।।७५ ।। कासश्वासकफष्ठीवहिध्मारोचकपीनसान् ।

One tula of kantakari, cut into bits, is boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to one adhaka, to this are added one prastha of ghee, one picu each of rasna, dussparsa, sadgrantha, the two pippali, chitraka, sauvareala, yavakshara, and krsnamula are added as kalka (paste) and ghee prepared in the usual manner. This ghee cures cough, dyspnoea, expectortion of sputum, hiccup, anorexia and nasal catarrah. (74-76)

Kantakari avaleha

पचेव्द्याघ्रीतुलां क्षुण्णांवहेऽपामाढकस्थिते ||७६ ।।

क्षिपेत् पूते तु सञ्चूर्ण्य व्योषरास्त्रामृताग्निकान् । शृङ्गभाङ्गघनग्रन्थिधन्वयासान् पलार्धकान् ॥७७॥

सर्पिष: षोडशपलं चत्वारिंशत्पलानि च । मत्स्यण्डिकायाः शुद्धायाः पुनश्च तदधिश्रयेत् ॥७८ ॥

दवलेपिनि शीते च पृथक् द्विकुडवं क्षिपेत् | पिप्पलीनां तवक्षीर्या माक्षिकस्यानवस्य च ।।७९ ।।

लेहोऽयंगुल्महद्रोगदुर्नामश्वासकासजित् ।

One tula of vyaghri is cut into bits, boiled in one vaha (four drona) water and decoction reduced to one adhaka and filtered; powder of vyosa, rasna, amrita, agnika, Sringi, bharangi, granthi and dhanvayasa each half pala, sixteen pala of ghee, forty pala of pure matsyandika (sugar candy) are all added to the decoction and kept on the oven for reboiling; when the material begins to adhere to the laddle it should be cooled (by taking out of the oven). To this medicated ghee, two kudava of the powder of pippali, tavaksiri and old honey are added; this confection cures abdominal tumors, heart diseases, haemorrhoids, dyspnoea and cough. (77-79)

त्रिफलापिप्पलीपाठासारिवाबृहतीद्वयम् । मरिचंपद्मकं मुस्तमुशीरंचाक्षसम्मितम् ॥८० ॥

पक्त्वा जलाढके पादशेषे क्षीरपलाष्टकम् । दत्वा गुडस्य च पलं पचेदादर्विलेपनात् ।।८१

लेहः कफोल्बणं कासं सर्वमेव नियच्छति । साधितं क्षीरमेभिर्वा तिलक्षौद्रयुतं पिबेत् ॥८२ ।।

One aksa each of triphala, pippali, patha, sariva, the two brihati, maricha, padmaka, musta and usira are boiled in one adhaka of water and decoction reduced to a quarter. To this is added eight pala of milk and one pala of guda (jaggery) and cooked till the material adheres to the laddle; this confection cures all varieties of cough having the predominance of kapha. Medicated milk processed by the above named drugs mixed with tila and honey used as a drink (also acts likewise). (80-83)

Dhuma pana – inhalation therapy

शमनं च पिबेधूमं शोधनं बहले कफे ॥८३ ।।

मनःशिलालमधुकमांसीमुस्तेऽङ्गुदीत्वचः । धूमं कासघ्नविधिना पीत्वा क्षीरंपिबेदनु ॥८४।।

निष्ठ्यूतान्ते गुडयुतं कोष्णं धूमो निहन्ति सः । वातश्लेष्मोत्तरान् कासानचिरेण चिरन्तनान् ॥८५ ॥

प्रपौण्डरीकं मधुकं शार्ङ्गष्टाऽलं मनः शिलाम् | मरिचं पिप्पलीं द्राक्षामेलां सुरसमञ्जरीम् ।।८६ ।।

If the sputum is thick, the patient should be given sodhanadhuma (purificatory smoke inhalation).

Smoke for inalation may be got from manassila, ala, madhuka, mamsi, musta and bark of ingudi and the procedure of kasaghana dhuma (described in chapter 30 of sutrasthana) followed for the inhalation after such inhalation and after spitting out the sputum, the patient should drink warm milk added with guda (jaggery); this inhalation quickly cures long standing cough which has predominance of vata and kapha. (84-86)

कृत्वा वर्तिं पिबेद्धूमं क्षौमचैलानुवर्तिनीम् । घृताक्तामनु च क्षीरं पिबेत् तद्वत् गुडाम्बु वा ॥८७ ॥

Prapaundarika, madhuka, sarngesta, ala, manassila, maricha, pippali, draksa, ela and flower of surasa – are all made into a cigarette, enveloped in silk cloth and smeared with ghee, this cigerette should be smoked in theprescribed procedure) followed by a drink of milk or jaggery water for relief of cough). (87)

नेपालीतालमरिचलाक्षाञ्जनकुटन्नटैः | उशीररोहिष फलद्रामिलीवंशलेखनैः ।।८८ ।।

पूर्वकल्पेन धूमोऽयं सानुपानो विधीयते । कार्पासास्थ्यश्वगन्धा च धूमः कासविनाशनः ।।

कोशातकीफलान्मध्यैः पिबेद्वासमनः शिलैः ।।८९ ।।

Cigerette prepared with nepali (manassila), tala (haritala) maricha, laksa, anjana, kutannata, usira, rohisa ( bhutika), phala dramili ( suksma ela) and vamsarocana is smoked in the above rianner can also be prescribed.

The smoke of karpasa asthi (seeds of karpasa) and ashwagandha cures cough. Similarly, the smoke of pulp of kosataki fruit along with manassila can be inhaled. (88-89)

तमकः कफकासे तु स्याच्चे पित्तानुबन्धजः । पित्तकासक्रियां तत्र यथावस्थं प्रयोजयत् ।।९० ॥

कफानुबन्धे पवने कुर्यात्कफहरां क्रियाम् । पित्तानुबन्धयोर्वातकफयोः पित्तनाशिनीम् ।।९१ ।।

वातलेष्मात्मके शुष्के स्निग्धमार्द्रे विरूक्षणम् । कासे कर्म सपित्ते तु कफजे तिक्तसंयुतम् ।।९२ ।।

If tamaka (kind of dyspnoea/asthma) is also found together with kapha kasa caused by association of pitta as secondary dosha, then the methods of treatment prescribed for pitta kasa should be adopted, stage by stage. In vata kasa, if kapha is found as the secondary dosha, treatment to subdue kapha should be done first; in case pitta is the secondary dosha to vata kapha doshas together, then the treatment to subdue pitta should be done first.

In kasa, caused by vata and kapha and if it is a dry one (without sputum) then the treatment should be moist (to create moistness inside) and if it is a moist one (with sputum) the treatment should be dry (to cause dryness inside); in kaphaja kasa associated with pitta, the treatment should be with drugs of bitter taste. (90-92)

।। इति चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ Thus ends the Fourth chapter.


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