अथातो भेषजकल्पं व्याख्यास्यामः । इतिह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।। १ ।।
We will now expound Bhesaja kalpa-principles of preparation of medicinal recipes (pharmaceutics); thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)
Bhumi pariksa – features of land
जाङ्गले साधारणे वा देशे यथाकालं शिशिरातपपवनसलिलसेविते समे शुचौ प्रदक्षिणोदके श्मशानचैत्यदेवयजनागारसभाश्वभ्रारामवल्मीकोषरविरहिते कुशरोहिषास्तीर्णे स्त्रिग्धकृष्णमृदावफालकृष्टेनुपहतेन्यैर्बलवत्तरैर्दुमैर्भेषजानि प्रशस्यन्त इति सामान्यतो सुवर्णमधुरसुरभिमृत्तिके भूमिपरीक्षा ॥२॥
It is best to collect medicinal herbs from Jangala (desert-like regions) or sadharana (moderate) kinds of land, or from regions which are fed with cold (dew), sunlight, air and water (rain) sufficiently, at their proper times ( seasons); from places which are plain (even), clean, water flowing all around; from places which are apart from burial ground, monastry (or big tree outside the village), place of (worship), place of sacrifices, place of assembly, sports field, anthill and alkaline regions; places which are full of kusa and rohisa grass; places where the soil is unctous, black or golden in colour, sweet, pleasant smelling, soil which is scattered by the plough; and from places which are not troubled by other kinds of huge trees. (in other words) herbs should be collected from such places only). This in general, is the method of examining the land. ( 2 )
Panchavidha bhumi – five kinds of lands
विशेषतस्त्वश्मवती स्थिरा गुर्वी श्यामा कृष्णा स्थूलतृणवृक्षसस्यप्राया स्वगुणभूयिष्ठा | स्निग्धा शीतलासन्नोदकास्निग्धतृणसस्यकोमलवृक्षप्रायाशुक्लाचाम्बुगुणभूयिष्ठा | नानावर्णलघ्वल्पपुष्पवती प्रविरलपाण्डुवृक्षप्ररोहानिगुणभूयिष्ठा । रूक्षा रासभभस्मवर्णा रूक्षतनुकोटरवृक्षप्रायाल्परसप्ररोहानिलगुणभूयिष्ठा | मृद्वी समा श्वभ्रवत्यव्यक्तरसजला महापर्वतवृक्षा श्यामा चाकाशगुणभूयिष्ठा । तत्राम्बुपृथिवीगुणभूयिष्ठासु भूमिषु जातानि विरेचनानि बृंहणानि च शस्यन्ते । अनलानिलाकाशगुणभूयिष्ठासु वमनानि । सर्वगुणयुक्तासूभयतोभागानि । आकाशगुणभूयिष्ठासु शमनानि । एवंबलवत्तमानि भवन्ति ॥ ३ ॥
Region of land which is full of stones, hard (uneven), rough with blue and black soil, studded with thick kinds of grass, trees and vegetations belongs to its own kind (in other words parthiva kind of land); that which is unctous (greasy), with more of water, with soft unctous grasses, vegetations and tender (soft) trees and white colour (of soil) is predominant in the qualities of water (apya kind of land); that which has many colours (of soil), small trees with very few flowers, trees scattered with yellowish white coloured sprouts is predominant in qualities of fire (agneya kind of land); that which is dry, with soil like the colour of the donkey or of ash, with trees which are dry (sapless), thin and hollow, sprouts having very little sap is predominant in qualities of anila (air) (vayaviya kind of land); that which is soft, even, full of pits, burrows, caves, holes, water with no predominant taste, with high mountains and huge trees and blue colour of soil, is predominant in the qualities of akasha (sky) (nabhasa kind of land).
Yogya ausadha – best/suitable drugs
Purgative drugs and those which stouten the body, grown in lands which have qualities of ap and prithvi predominantly, are best suited; emetics drugs grown in lands which have qualities of anala (agni) anila (vayu) and akasha (nabha) predominantly are best suited; drugs which act in both directions, are best that are grown in lands possessing all the qualities; drugs which are palliatives, grown in regions predominant in qualities of akasha are best; in this manner drugs should be judged as best in strength (actions). (3)
Yogya kala: suitable time for collection
तत्र यानि कालजान्युपगतसम्पूर्णप्रमाणरसवीर्यगन्धानि कालातपाग्निसलिलपवनशस्त्रजन्तुभिरनुपहतगन्धवर्णरसस्पर्शप्रभावान्यवगाढमूलान्युदीच्यां दिशि स्थितानि । तेषां शाखापलाशमचिरप्ररूतं वर्षावसन्तयोर्ग्राह्यम् । ग्रीष्मे मूलानि शिशिरे वा शीर्णप्ररूढपर्णानाम् । शरदि त्वक्कन्दक्षीराणि | हेमन्ते साराणि । यथर्तुपुष्पफलम् ॥ ४ ॥
Herbs are best which belong to the proper season, which have attained maximum in respect of their size, tastes, potency and smell; unspoiled in respect of their smell, colour, taste, touch, special qualities etc by time, sunlight, fire, water, air (breeze), weapons and animals (bacteria, insects, worms etc); which have deep roots and located in north direction.
The branches and leaves (of medicinal herbs) which are fresh should be collected during varsa (rainy) and vasanta (spring) seasons; roots during grisma (summer) or sisira (dewy) seasons, so also the old (withered) and full grown leaves, bark, tubers, and sap during sarat (autumn); pith and exudations during hemanta, flowers and fruits in their special seasons. (4)
अन्येपुनराहुः सौम्यान्यौषधानि सौम्येष्वृतुष्वाग्नेयान्याग्नेयेषु । एवमव्यापन्नान्यापूर्णतररसवीर्याणि चभवन्ति ॥५॥
Others say, drugs which have saumya (mild) properties should be collected in saumya (mild cold) seasons, whereas those of agneya (strong) properties during agneya (firy, hot ) seasons; only then, they will be without blemishes and full with their taste, potency etc. (5)
Mode of collection
अथ मङ्गलाचारः कल्याणवृत्तः शुचिः शुक्लवासाः सम्पूज्य च देवतामश्विनौ गोब्राह्मणांश्च कृतोपवास: प्राङ्मुख उदङ्मुखो वा गृह्णीयात् । गृहीत्वा चानुरूपगुणवद्धाजनसंस्थान्यगारेषु पूर्वोत्तरद्वारेषु निवातप्रवातैकदेशेषु नित्यपुष्पोपहारबलिकर्मवस्वग्निसलिलोपस्वेदधूमरजोमूषिकचतुष्पदामनभिगमनीयानि स्ववच्छन्नानि शिक्येष्वासज्य स्थापयेत् ||६॥
The person of auspicious habits, of benovalent activities, who is clean, who has worn white clothes, who has worshipped gods, Aswini twins, cows and brahmnas, who has not taken any food, who is facing east or north should collect the herbs.
After collecting the herbs, they should be put inside suitable containers, which in turn are kept in apartments having doors either in the east or north direction; which is neighter air-tight nor with too much of air; which is decorated with flowers and protected with ablutions, sacrificial offerings and other rites daily, from ravages of fire, water ( rain), humidity, steam, smoke and dust; prevented from entry of rats and other quadraupeds, endowed with good (convenient partitions) and with hangers (containers of herbs should be placed inside the hangers). (6)
तानि सक्षीराण्युपकल्पयेत् । तदसम्पत्तावनतिक्रान्तवत्सराणि | पुराणानितु पिप्पलीविडङ्गगुडमधुघृतानि ॥७॥
Among them (herbs), those with sap should be fresh, full of good qualities and not more than one year old. Pippali, vidanga, guda (jaggery) madhu (honey) and ghrita ( ghee) should be old. (7)
And further.,
अपिच ।
क्षीरं बाष्कयणं ग्राह्यं विण्मूत्रं तच्च नीरुजाम् | वयोबलवतां धातुपिच्छशृङ्गखुरादिकम् ॥ ८ ॥
Milk should be of those animals which have given birth to their young long back; dung and urine of those animals which are not suffering from any disease; tissues, feathers, horns, hoofs etc should be of those (animal ) which are mature in age and strength. (8)
Panchavidha kasaya
पञ्चविधस्तु भेषजानां कषायकल्पः । निर्यासः कल्को निर्यूहः शीतः फाण्टश्च । ते यथापूर्वं बलिनः ॥९॥
Bhesaja Kasaya (medicinal recipes) are of five kinds viz, niryasa ( fresh juice), kalka (wet bolus, paste ) niryuha ( decoction), Sita (cold infusion) and phanta ( hot infusion); each preceeding one stronger than its succeding one. (9)
तत्र सद्यः समुद्धृतप्रक्षालितक्षुण्णस्य तान्तवनिष्पीडितस्य स्वरसो निर्यासः । उपलदशनादिपिष्टस्तु कल्कः । शुष्कपिष्टः सूक्ष्मतान्तवपटच्युतश्चूर्णः । तस्य समस्तद्रव्यापरित्यागादाप्लुतोपयोगाच्च कल्कादभेदः | क्वाथो निर्यूहः ||१०|॥
Niryasa is the native juice obtained from the herb which is brought fresh, washed, pounded and pressed through cloth. Kalka is the paste prepared by rubbing in between stones or by chewing with teeth. Curna is the powder of the dried herb, pounded and passed through sieves or clot it is not different from kalka, because it is not devoid of any part of the drug and used well soaked in fluids; Niryuha is decoction. (10)
Quatha kalpana – Preparing decoction
तत्र भेद्यान्यौषधान्यणुशो भेदयित्वा छेदयित्वा छेद्यानि प्रक्षाल्योदकेन शुचौरूक्षायामधः प्रलिप्तायां ताम्रायोमृन्मयान्यतमायां स्थाल्यां समावाप्य बह्वल्पपानीयग्राहितामौषधानामाकलय्य यावता मुक्तरसता स्यात् तावदुदकमासेचयेच्छोषयेच्च । अथाग्नावधिश्रित्य महत्यासने सुखोपविष्टः सर्वतः सततमवलोकयन् दर्व्यावघट्टयन् मृदुना परितः समुपगच्छतानलेन साधयेत् । अवतार्य चपरिस्स्रुतं यथार्हस्पर्शंप्रयुञ्जीत ।। ११ ।।
Drugs which require cutting should be cut into the small pieces, those which require tearing, spitting should be split; then washed inwater and put into a vessel made of copper, iron, mud and or any other material which is clean,dry and coated at its bottom (outside usually with a paste of ash); it is then filled with water; determining its quantity depends upon the large or small amount of water (moisture) present in the drug, or that much quantity as would be necessary for the drugs to leave out their essence into it. The vessel is next mounted on the oven; the cook should sit comfortably on a high broad seat hearby, carefully observe all around, cook the drugs stirring the contents of the pot gently with a laddle. Afterwards, the pot should be taken out of the oven, the decoction filtered and administered at the desired / suitable warmth. (11)
क्षीरादिसहितं च द्रव्यं न सम्यङ्मुक्तरसं भवतीति वारिक्वाथपूर्वकं क्षीराद्यैस्तदुपदेशे अनुपदग्धंक्वाथयेत् ।।१२।।
Wherever it is advised that the drugs should be boiled adding milk etc (other liquids inaddition to water) then the drugs should be boiled in water first and other liquids added next, because the drugs do not leave out their essence completely (in those liquids). (12)
शीतसलिलाप्लुतस्तु निशापर्युषितपूतः शीतः । उष्णाम्भसि क्षुण्णाभिषुतपूतः फाण्टः ।।१३।।
Sita (cold infusion) is prepared by soaking the drugs in cold water, allowed to remain over-night, and filtered the next morning; phanta (hot infusion) is prepared by soaking the drugs in hot water and filtering it after sometime. (13)
तत्र सम्यग्रसवीर्यादीन्यौषधस्य समीक्ष्य व्याध्यातुरादिबलतश्च निर्यासादीनां कल्पनां मात्रां च संश्रयेत् ॥ १४ ॥
Determination of the kind of recipe such as Niryasa etc, their dose (of administration) are to be determinated considering the strength of the taste, potency etc (other qualities and properties) of the drugs and also the strength of the disease and the patient. (14)
Ausadha matra nirnaya – determining the dosage
तथा च केचिदाहुः ।
मात्राया न व्यवस्थास्ति व्याधिं कोष्ठं बलं वयः । आलोच्य देशकालौ च योज्या तद्वच्च कल्पना ।।१५।।
At this, some others say
There is no rigid rule ragarding the matra (dose of the recipes); it should be determined taking into consideration the disease, nature of the alimentary tract (bowel habits of the patient), strength, age (nature of) the place and of the season, so also the kind of the recipe. (15)
इत्यलमेतदुपदिष्टं बुद्धिमतां ज्ञानप्रबोधाय । यथा तु सर्वभिषजो विज्ञास्यन्ति तथोपदेक्ष्यते । निर्यासस्य मध्यमा मात्रा चतुष्पलम् | कल्कचूर्णयोः कर्षः पलत्रयं तदालोडने ॥ १६ ॥
This much of guidance is enough for the wise to kindle their intellegence; they are advised to adopt the following doshage as described by all the physicians; the medium (moderate) dose of Niryasa (fresh juice) is four pala, that of kalka (wet paste) and curna (powder) is one karsa (for oral consumption), when these are required to be mixed (with other kinds of recipes ) their quantity then, shall be three pala. (16)
Quatha Kalpana
निर्यूहे भेषजपलमुदकार्धप्रस्थेऽधिश्रित्य पादशेषितमवतारयेत् ।।१७।।
For (preparing) niryuha (decoction) one pala of the drug should be boiled in half prastha (sixteen pala) of water and reduced to a quarter (four pala). (17) शीतफाण्टयोरौषधपलंषट्चतुर्भिरम्बुपलैरासुतमिति ॥ १८ ॥
For (preparing) sita (cold infusion) and phanta ( hot infusion) one pala of the drug, six and four palas of water respectively, should be used. (18)
Sneha Kalpana
स्नेहपाके त्वनिर्दिष्टप्रमाणे समुदितस्य द्रवस्य पादेन स्नेहो योज्यस्तत्पादेन कल्कः ।।१९।।
In the preparation of medicated fats (oil, ghee etc) where the quantity is not mentioned specifically, then the quantity of fats shall be one-fourth the total quantity of the drugs and the paste (of drugs) shall be one-fourth the quality of fats. (19)
Again others say –
अन्ये पुनः पठन्ति ।
स्नेहपाके त्वमानोक्तौ चतुर्गुणविवर्धितम् । कल्कस्त्रेहद्रवं योज्यमधीते शौनकः पुनः ॥ २० ॥
स्त्रेहे सिध्यति शुद्धाम्बुनिष्क्वाथस्वरसैः क्रमात् । कल्कस्य योजयेदंशं चतुर्थंष्ठमष्टमम् ||२१||
In preparation of medicated fats, if the quantities are not specified, then the quantity of each of the kalka (paste) , sneha (fats) and drava (liquids) shall be increasing by four times (in succeeding order ). Further Saunaka says — when medicated fats are to be prepared with plain water, decoction and fresh juice, then the quantity of the paste shall be one-fourth, one-sixth and one-eighth (of the quantity of fats). (20-21)
पञ्चप्रभृति तु द्रवं पृथक् स्नेहसममेवावपेत् । अनिरूपितकल्पनं च भैषज्यं कल्कीकुर्यात् । अथैकथ्यं प्रतिसंसृज्याधिश्रित्य च निर्यूहवत्साधयेत् ॥ २२ ॥
In respect of the five liquids, each shall be equal in quantity with that of the fats. If there is no specific mention of the nature of the drugs (the manner in which the drugs should be used) then they should be made into a paste (and used in the preparation of fats); then putting all the things together, it (medicated fats) should be prepared, with due attention, as described in the preparation of decoction. (para 11). (22)
तत्र यदा विरमति शब्दः प्रसादमापद्यते स्नेहो यथास्वं वर्णगन्धरसोत्पत्तिभैषज्यमङ्गुलीभ्यां मृद्यमानमनतिमृद्वनतिदारुणमनङ्गुलिग्राहि च स्यात् । स कालस्तस्यावतरणाय ||२३||
When the sound (in the boiling fat) subsides, the (boiling) fat becomes clear, attains its own (pleasing) colour, smell and taste, the drugs (paste of drugs present in it) attains the state of neither too soft, nor too hard and not adhering to the fingers (when rolled between two fingers) that is the proper / correct time to remove (boiling fat) from the oven,. (23)
अपिच ।
घृतस्य फेनोपशमस्तैलस्य तु तदुद्भवः । लेहस्य तन्तुमत्ताप्सु मज्जनं सरणं न च ॥ २४ ॥ Further, –
Sound subsiding during the preparation of medicated ghee and it (sound) commencing in the preparation of medicated oils, the mass (of drugs) attaining the shape of a thread (when rolled between fingers), sinking in water and not flowing (moving) in the preparation of confections – are the correct time to remove them from the oven. (24)
अथावतार्य शीतीभूतमहतेन वाससा परिपूय शुचौ दृढे कलशे समासिच्यापिधानेन पिधाय शुक्लेन वस्त्रपट्टेनावच्छाद्य सूत्रेण सुबद्धं स्वनुगुप्तं शुचौ देशे सुस्थितं स्थापयेत् ॥ २५ ॥
Then, taking the preparations (of fats) out of the oven, it is allowed to cool, then filtered through a thick cloth, filled into clean and strong pot, (its mouth) covered with a lid, fastened with a white cloth, tied with threads and kept in a clean place undisturbed, for some days). (25)
Mana paribhasa – Terminology of weights and measures
परिमाणं पुनः षड्वंश्यो मरीचिः । ताः षट् सर्षपः । तेऽष्टौ तण्डुलः । तौ धान्यमाषः । तौ यवः । अतः परं चतुर्गुणवृध्याण्डिकामाषकशाणकर्षपलकुडवप्रस्थाढकद्रोणवहाः कल्प्यन्ते | धरणं तु पलस्य दशमो भागः । माषकस्य पर्यायो हेमो धानकश्च । शाणद्वयस्य पर्यायो द्रङ्क्षणः कोलो वटकन | कर्षस्य सुवर्णमक्षं पिचुर्बिडालपदकं पाणितलं तिन्दुकं कवलग्रहः षोडशिका च । कर्षद्वयस्य शुक्तिरष्टमिकाच । पलस्य मुष्टिः प्रकुञ्चश्चतुर्थिका बिल्वमानं च | पलद्वयस्य प्रसृतोऽष्टमानं च । कुडवस्याञ्जलिः । कुडवद्वयस्य मानिका । आढकस्य पात्रं कंसश्च । द्रोणस्य नल्वणार्मणोन्मानघटकुम्भकलशाः । द्रोणद्वयस्य शूर्पः । तुला पुनः पलशतं तानि विंशतिर इति ।। भवतिचात्र ||२६ ||
Now the weights and measures: six vamsi make one marici; six of them (marici) form one sarsapa; eight of them is a tandula; two of them is a dhanyamasa; two of them is a yava; then on are andika, masaka, sana, karsa, pala, kudava, prastha, adhaka, drona and vaha each succeeding one, is four times that of its preceeding. Dharana is one-tenth of a pala. The synonyms of masa are hema and dhanaka. Dramksana, kola, and vataka are the synonyms of two sana; Suvarna, aksa, picu, bidalapadaka panitala, tinduka, kavalagraha, and sodasika are ( the synonyms) of karsa; sukti, and astamika are the (synonyms) of two karsa. Musti, prakunca, caturthika, bilva, amra, are the synonyms of a pala. Prasrta and astamana are (synonyms) of two pala; anjali is that of kudava, manika is that of two kudava; patra and kamsa are of adhaka. Nalvana, armana, unmana, ghata, kumbha, kalasa are that (synonyms) of drona Surpa is that of two drona. Tula is one hundred pala and twenty of it is called Bhara. (26)
शुष्कमेयेष्विदं मानं द्विगुणं तुद्रवायोः ||२७||
Further on
These measures are meant for dry things only; for liquids and moist substances (green or fresh drugs) these (measures) are to be doubled. (27)
पेषणालोडने वारिस्नेहपाके च निद्रवे ॥ २८ ॥
When a medicated fat recipe is described without mentioning any liquid, only water shall be used for macerating and making solution of drugs. (28) कल्पयेत्सदृशान् भागान् प्रमाणं यत्र नोदितम् ॥ २९ ॥
Where no mention of quantity (of drugs and other substances) is made they should be taken in equal quantity. (29)
अनिर्दिष्टाप्रसिद्धेषु मूलं ग्राह्यं त्वगादिषु ||३०||
Where no specific mention is made of the bark etc. (the part of the herb) of uncommon herbs (which are not known to the physician) then the root (of the herb) only is to be used. (30)
Trividha sneha paka – three stages of cooking fats
स्नेहपाकस्त्रिधा मन्दश्चिक्कणः खरचिक्कणः । मन्दः कल्कसमे किट्टे चिक्कणो मदनोपमे ।।३१ ।। किञ्चित् सीदति कृष्णं च वर्त्यमाने तु पश्चिमः । दग्धोऽतउर्ध्वं निष्कार्यः स्यादामस्त्वग्निसादकृत् ॥ मृदुर्नस्ये खरोऽभ्यङ्गे पाने बस्तौ च चिक्कणः ||३२||
Sneha paka (cooking of medicated fats) is of three kinds viz, manda (mild), cikkana (slimy, smooth), and khara cikkana (solid, slimyhard); when the residue is resembling a paste it is manda, when it resembles bees-wax, it (cooking) is cikkana and when it sinks in water, becomes black and wick-like it (cooking is the last kind (kharacikkana); after that the cooking is dagdha (overburnt/charred) it should not be used. Uncooked ones (fats) bring about weakness of the digestive activity, mildly cooked fats should be used for nasal medication; khara (medium cooked) is for the use of massage (externally) and cikkana (moderate cooked) is for drinking and enema. (32-32)
हिमवद्विन्ध्यशैलाभ्यां प्रायो व्याप्ता वसुन्धरा । सौम्यं पथ्यं च तत्राद्यमाग्नेयं वैन्ध्यमौषधम् ॥ ३३ ॥
This earth (country) is occupied (pervaded) with Himalaya and Vindhya mountains; herbs growing in the first one ( Himalaya mountains) are saumya (mild, contain more moisture/possess properties of water) and those growing in the Vindhya mountains are agneya (strong, contain less moisture, possess properties of fire). (33)
।। इति अष्टमोऽध्यायः ॥
समाप्तमिदं कल्पस्थानम्
Thus ends the Eighth chapter.
Thus ends the Kalpa Sthana (section on Pharmaceutics), the Fifth section.