JIRNAJVARA CHIKITSA – Treatment of Chronic fever – Ashtanga Samgraha Chikitsa Sthana Chapter 2


अथातो जीर्णज्वरचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥ १ ॥

JIRNAJVARA CHIKITSA – Treatment of Chronic fever

We will now expound Jirnajvara chikitsa – treatment of chronic fevers, thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)

Ghrita pana – use of medicated ghee

देहधात्वमलत्वेन ज्वरो जीर्णोऽनुवर्तते || २ ||

Jvara (fevers) which become old (chronic) remain long in the body, due to the weakness of the body ind of the dhatus (tissues). (2)

रूक्षंहि तेजो ज्वरकृत्तेजसा रूक्षितस्य च । वमनस्वेदकालाम्बुकषायलघुभोजनैः ।। ३ ।।

यः स्यादतिबलो धातुः सहचारी सदागतिः । सत्य संशमनं सर्पिर्दीप्तस्येवाम्बु वेश्मनः ।।४।।

वातपित्तजितामग्न्यं संस्कारमनुरुध्यते । सुतरांतद्ध्यतो दद्याद्यथास्वौषधसाधितम् ॥ ५ ॥

Tejas (fire / digestive activity vis a vis pitta) which is dry (devoid of unctousness) is the cause of fever. The patient (of fever) who is thus dry, becomes still more dry by measures such as emesis, sudation, lapse of time, drinking of water and decoction (of other medicinal receipes) and light foods; Consequently sadagati (vata) the companion (of pitta) becomes very powerful. Ghee is the best thing to subdue (vata) just like water to a burning house (to extinguish the fire). It (ghee) is very best to gain victory over vata and pitta; it becomes further strengthened by processing (with drugs). Hence, it should be administered (to the patient of chronic fever) medicated with appropriate drugs ( which subdue vata and other doshas). (3-5)

पिवरीतं ज्वरोष्माणं जयेत् पित्तं च शैत्यतः । स्त्रेहाद्वातं घृतं तुल्यं योगसंस्कारतः कफम् ।।६।।

It subdues usma (heat of the fever) by its opposite quality (Sita), pitta by its cold potency, vata by its unctousness and kapha which is of similar quality by the (effect of) combination of drugs used for processing. ( 6 )

पूर्वे कषायाः सघृता सर्वे योज्या यथामलम् । त्रिफलापिचुमन्दत्वड्मधुकं बृहतीद्वयम् ॥ समसूरदलं क्वाथः सघृतो ज्वाहा ॥७॥

For this reason only all the decoctions described earlier (in the previous chapter), should be administered mixed with ghee, depending upon the doshas (associated). The decoction of triphala, bark of picumanda, madhuka, the two brihati and masura dhal mixed with ghee cures fever and cough. ( 7 )

निदिग्धिकातामलकीत्रायमाणाकलिङ्गकैः । कृष्णांशुमत्यतिविषाकटुकासेव्यचन्दनैः ॥ ८ ॥

धात्रीबिल्वघनद्राक्षासारिवाभिश्च साधितम् । हन्ति सद्यो घृतं जीर्णज्वरंकासंहलीमकम् ।। अरुचिं विषमं वह्निं यक्ष्माणंच नवोत्थितम् ॥९॥

Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of nidigdhika, tamalaki, trayamana, kalingaka, krsna, armsumati, ativisa, katuka, sevya, chandana, dhatri, bilva, ghana, draksa and sariva quickly cures chronic fevers, cough, halimaka (advanced stage of jaundice), anorexia, erratic type of digestion and pulmonary tuberculosis of recent onset. ( 8-9)

वासागुडूचीत्रिफलात्रायमाणायवासकात् पिप्पलीमुस्तमृद्वीकाचन्दनोत्पलनागरैः । क्वाथे क्षीरे च विपचेत् ज्वरघ्नं कल्कितैर्घृतम् ॥ ।।१०।।

Medicated ghee prepared with vasa, guduchi, triphala, trayamana and yavasaka, added with milk and paste of pippali, musta, mrdvika chandana, utpala and nagara cures chronic) fevers. (10)

बलादुरालभामुस्तात्रायन्तीनिम्बपर्पटम् । पञ्चमूलद्वयं यच्च क्वाथयित्वाघृतंपचेत् ।

सक्षीरंकल्कितैर्द्राक्षामेदामलकपौष्करैः। शठीतामलकीयुक्तैस्तच्च ज्वरहरंपरम् ।।११।।

क्षयकासशिरः पार्श्वहृच्छूलांसाभितापनुत् ||१२||

Ghee prepared with bala, duralabha, musta, trayanti. nimba parpata and the two panchamula, made into decoction, added with milk and paste of draksa, meda, amalaka, pauskara, Sathi and tamalaki- is the best to cure (chronic) fevers, cough of consumption, pain in the head, flanks, heart, and feeling of hot discomfort in the shoulders. (11-12)

कुलत्थकोलत्रिफलादशमूलयवान्पचेत् । द्विपलान् सलिलद्रोणेपूते पिष्ट्वाक्षकान्क्षिपेत् ।।१३।।

पञ्चकोलकसप्ताह्ववयस्थानिम्बतुम्बुरून् । शठीपुष्करमूलार्कमूलप्रतिविषावचाः । ॥ १४ ॥

किराततिक्तकं मुस्तं कर्कटाख्यांदुरालभाम् । नक्तमालमुभे पाठे कटुकाशिग्रुतेजनीः ।। १५ ।।

सोमवल्कद्विरजनीकण्टकीकण्टकारिकाः पिटोलहिङ्गगोजिह्वाकेबुकं मदनाज्झटा ।।१६।।

लवणानि पलांशानि क्षारानर्धपलोन्मितान् । प्रस्थं चाज्यस्य तत्सिद्धं दीपनं कफवातजित् ||१७||

हृत्प्लीहग्रहणीगुल्मकासश्वासार्शसां हितम् । दीर्घज्वराभिभूतानां ज्वरिणाममृतोपमम् ।।१८।।

Two pala each of kulattha, kola, triphala, dashamoola, and yava are boiled in one drona of water, (reduced to a quarter) and filtered. To this decoction are added one aksaka (karsa) each of panchakola, saptahava, arkamula, prativisa, vacha, kiratatikta, musta, karkata (srngi), duralabha, naktamala, the two patha, katuka, sigru, tejani, somavalka, the two rajani, kantaki (khadira), kantakarika, patola, hingu, gojihva, kebuka, madana and ajjata (bhudhatri); one pala of each lavana (five kinds of salts), half pala each of ksharas (alkalies) and one prastha of ajya (ghee) and medicated ghee prepared. This ghee kindles digestive activity, subdues kapha and vata, is good for diseases of the heart, spleen and duodenum, abdominal tumors, cough dyspnoea and piles; it is just like nector for those who are suffering from fever of long duration. (13-18)

मञ्जिष्ठातिविषापथ्यावचानागररोहिणी: | देवदारु हरिद्रां च द्रोणेऽपां पालिकान् पचेत् ।।

क्वोथेऽस्मिन्साधयेत्पिष्टैर्घृतप्रस्थंपिचून्मितैः ॥१९॥

शृङ्गवेरकणाहिङ्गविक्षारपटुपञ्चकैः । तत्कफावृतसर्वोत्थज्वरिणाममृतोपमम् ॥२०॥

वर्ध्महिमारुचिश्वासकासपाण्डुविकारिणाम्। गलग्रह (ग्रन्थि) प्रमेहार्श: प्लीहा स्मारशोफिनाम् ।।

उदावर्तपरीतानां मन्दाग्निकृमिकोष्ठिनाम् ॥ २१ ॥

One pala each of manjista, ativisa, pathya, vacha, nagara, rohini devadaru, and haridra are made into decoction in one drona of water, filtered and added with one prastha of ghee and paste of one picu (karsa) each of srngavera, kana and hingu, the two ksharas and the five patus (lavanas). This ghee acts like nector in fever with predominance of kapha and in that caused by all the three doshas; in diseases such as vardhma (hernia) hiccup, anorexia, dyspnoea, cough, anaemia, tumors of the throat, diabetes, piles splenic disorders, epilepsy, oedema, upward movement of vata, weakness of digestion and parasites of the alimentary tract. (19-21)

गुडूच्या रसकल्काभ्यां त्रिफलाया वृषस्य च | मृद्वीकाया बलायाश्च सिद्धाः स्नेहा ज्वरच्छिदः ॥ २२ ॥

The juice of guduchi and sneha (ghrrta) and paste of guduchi itself (as kalka) processed in the usual way and ghee prepared. This will curefever. Similarly ghee prepared with either triphala, vrsa, mrdvika or bala (in the same way) will also cure fever (22)

जीर्णे घृते च भुञ्जीत मुदुमांसरसौदनम् । बलं ह्यलं दोषहरं परं तच्च बलप्रदम् ॥ २३ ॥

कफपित्तहरा मुद्गकारवेल्लादिजा रसाः । प्रायेण तस्मान्नहिता जीर्णे वातोत्तरे ज्वरे ॥ २४ ॥ शूलोदावर्तविष्टम्भजनना ज्वरवर्धनाः ।

भ After the ghee gets digested, he can eat soft boiled rice (mess) along with meat juice; the strength (of the body) itself is enough to mitigate the doshas and this (meat soup and rice) is the best to give strength. Soups of mudga, karavella etc generally subdue kapha and pitta and so not suitable in chronic fevers with predominance of vata, they give rise to pain in the abdomen, upward movement of vata, stasis of food for long time inside andincrease of fever. (23-24)

Sodhana – purificatory therapy

न शाम्यत्येवमपि चेज्ज्वर: कुर्वीत शोधनम् । शोधनार्हस्य वमनं प्रागुक्तं तस्य योजयेत् ।।

आमाशयगते दोषे बलिन: पालयन्बलम् ।।२५ ॥

Even by these methods, if the fever does not subside, then sodhana (purificatory therapies) should be resorted to, for those who are fit for these. If the doshas are found being localised in the amasaya (stomach), vamana (emesis therapy) described earlier (in the previous chapter) should be administered to strong patients, protecting their strength. (25)

सन्तर्पणोत्थे वमनं पिप्पलीलवणाम्बुना | शर्करामाक्षिकाम्भोभिर्दाहतृष्णोबणेवरे ||२६||

If the fever has arisen from over nourishment, emesis therapy should be done using pippali and salt water; if associated with severe burning sensation and thirst, then the emetic drugs should be used along with sugar water and honey water. (26)

पक्के तु शिथिले दोषे ज्वरे वा विषमद्यजे | मोदकं त्रिफलाश्यामात्रिवृत्पिप्पलिकेसरैः ॥ २७ ॥

ससितामधुभिर्दद्याद्वयोषद्यं वा विरेचनम् | द्राक्षाधात्रीरसं तद्वत्सद्राक्षां वा हरीतकीम् ।। रसमामलकानां वा घृतभृष्टंज्वरापहम् ॥ २८ ॥

लिह्याद्वा त्रिवृतश्चूर्णं कृष्णात्रिफलयोस्तथा । सर्पिर्मधुभ्यां त्रिफलां पिबेद्राक्षारसेन वा ।।२९ ।।

आरग्वधं वा पयसा मृगीकानां रसेन वा । त्रिफलां त्रायमाणां वा पयसा ज्वरितः पिबेत् ॥ ३० ॥

सघृतं त्रिफलाक्वाथं सर्पिषा वा विना शृतम् । पयोऽनुपानमुष्णं वा मृद्वीकास्वरसं पिबेत् ।। विरिक्तानां च संसर्गी मण्डपूर्वी यथाक्रमम् ।।३१ ।।

If the doshas are pakva (ripe, devoid of ama symptoms) andloose, and in fevers arising from poison or wine, virecana (purgation therapy) should be done with modaka (pill) prepared from triphala, syama/trivrit and pippali or with vyosadi modaka (described in chapter 2 of kalpasthana). So also draksa with the juice of dhatri, or draksa alongwith haritaki or juice of amalaka fried in ghee; all these cure fevers; licking the powder of trivit, krsna or triphala with ghee and honey or drinking the juice of draksa mixed with triphala or aragvadha with milk or juice of mrdvika, triphala or trayamana with milk and ghee; or decoction of triphala with or without ghee; boiled milk or juice of mrdvika made warm should be used as anupana (drink after consuming medicine) (all these recipes are purgatives). After purgation, the regimen of liquid foods starting with manda should be adopted. (27-31 )

च्यवमानं ज्वरोत्क्लिष्टमुपेक्षेत मलं सदा । पक्कोऽपि हि विकुर्वीत दोषः कोष्ठे कृतास्पदः ॥ ३२ ॥

If ther malas (doshas and waste products) are going out of the body of their own accord, having been excited by fever, they should be neglected (should not be controlled by treatment) because, the doshas even though pakva (cooked, devoid of ama symptoms), staying for long time inside the alimentary tract will give rise to many disorders. (32)

अतिप्रवर्तमानं वा पाचयन् सङ्ग्रहं नयेत् ||३३ ॥

आमसङ्ग्रहणेदोषादोषोपक्रमईरिताः ॥ ३४ ॥

If such eliminations are too much, they should be controlled by pacana (digesting them inside). The troubles arising from the control of the ama doshas have been described earlier in Dosopakrama (chapter 21 of sutrasthana). (33-34 )

पाययेद्दोषहरणं मोहादामज्वरेतुयः । प्रसुप्तं कृष्णसर्पं स कराग्रेण परामृशेत् ॥ ३५ ॥

The physician who administers purificatory therapies (either emesis or purgation) to patients of ama jvara (fevers having symptoms of ama) by ignorance, will only be touching a sleeping black serpent with his fingers. (35)

Kshira pana – use of medicated milk

ज्वरक्षीणस्य नहितं वमनं न विरेचनम् । कामं तु पयसा तस्य निरूहैर्वा हरेन्मलान् ॥३६॥

For the patient who is emaciated (debilitted by fevers). either emesis or purgation is not good; if necessary the malas (doshas or waste products) can be removed either by (drinking of) milk or by niruha (decoction enema) (prepared from anti-febrile drugs). (36)

क्षीरोचितस्य प्रक्षीणलेष्मणो दाहतृड्वतः । क्षीरंपित्तानिलार्तस्य पथ्यमप्यतिसारिणः ।।३७।।

तद्वपुर्लंङ्घनोत्तप्तंप्लुष्ट॑वनमिवाग्निना | दिव्याम्बु जीवयेत्तस्य ज्वरं चाशुनियच्छति ।।३८ ।।

संस्कृतंशीतमुष्णं वातस्माद्धारोष्णमेव वा । विभज्य काले युञ्जीतज्वरिणंहन्त्यतोऽन्यथा ।। ३९ ।।

Administration of milk is good for those who are suited to it, who have profound decrease of kapha, who have burning sensation and thirst, who are troubled with (increased) pitta and vata and even by diarrhoea. It resuscitates the life of persons who are very debilitated by langhana (reducing therapies) and also cures fever just as rain water enlivens the forest damaged by fire. It (milk) can be used with procesing (with drugs) or without, either cold or hot or fresh warm milk directly from the udder; suitably identified at the appropriate time; otherwise (used in the wrong manner) it kills the patient of fever. (37-39)

पयः सशुण्ठीखर्जूरमृद्वीकाशर्कराघृतम् । शृतशीतं मधुयुतं तृड्दाहज्वरनाशनम् ।।४० ॥

तद्वद्द्राक्षाबलायष्टीसारिवाकणचन्दनैः । चतुर्गुणेनाम्भसा वा पिप्पल्या वा शृतं पिबेत् ॥४१ ।।

Milk boiled with sunthi, kharjura, mrdvika, sugar and ghee and cooled, used along with honey cures thirst, burning sensation and fevers. Similarly, if boiled with draksa, bala, yasthi, sariva, kana chandana and four times its quantity of water and reduced to its original quantity and then used; likewise, the milk boiled with pippali can be used as drink. (40-41)

कासाच्छ्वासाच्छिरश्शूलात् पार्श्वशूलाच्चिरज्वरात् । मुच्यते ज्वरितः पीत्वा पञ्चमूली शृतं पयः ॥ ४२ ॥

शृतमेरण्डमूलेन बालबिल्वेन वा ज्वरात् । धारोष्णं वा पयः पीत्वा विबद्धनिलवर्चसः ॥ सरक्तपिच्छातिसृतेः सतृशूलप्रवाहिकात् ||४३ ||

सिद्धंशुण्ठीबलाव्याघ्रीगोकण्टकगुडैः पयः । शोफमूत्रशकृद्वातविबन्धज्वरकासजित् ॥४४॥

वृश्चीवबिल्ववर्षाभूसाधितं ज्वरशोफनुत् | शिंशिपासारसिद्धं च क्षीरमाशुज्वरापहम् ।।४५ ।।

Milk processed with sunthi, bala, vyaghri, gokantaka and guda (jaggery) cures dropsy, obstruction of urine, faeces and flatus, fever and cough; processed with vrisciva and varsabhu cures fever and oedema; that processed with simssipasara (extract of the pith of simsipa tree) cures fevers quickly. (44-45)

Basti in Jirnajvara – enema in fever

निरूहस्तु बलं वह्निं विज्वरत्वं मुदं रुचिम् । दोषे युक्तः करोत्याशुपक्के पक्वाशयं गते ।।४६ ।।

Niruha (decoction enema ) enhances strength, digestive capacity, cures fevers, restores happiness and appetite (or taste); administered when the doshas have become pakva (ripe, devoid of ama symptoms) and are localised in the pakvasaya (large intestines). (46)

पित्तं वा कफपित्तं वा पक्काशयगतं हरेत् । स्स्रंसनं त्रीनपिमलान् बस्तिः पक्वाशयाश्रयान् ।।४७।।

Sramsana (laxative and mild purgatives) eliminates pitta or kaphapitta residing in the pakvasaya (large intestine), whereas basti ( enema) eliminates all the three doshas residing in the pakvasaya (large intestine). (47)

प्रक्षीणकफपित्तस्य त्रिकपृष्ठकटीग्रहे | दीप्ताग्र्बद्धशकृतः प्रयुञ्जीतानुवासनम् ।।४८ ।।

Anuvasana (oil enema) should be administered for those who are having kapha and pitta greatly decreased; who are having pain in the upper back region, back and waist, who have good digestion and constipation. (48)

पटोलनिम्बच्छदनकटुकाचतुरङ्गुलैः । स्थिराबलागोक्षुरकमदनोशीरवालकैः ।।४९ ।।

पयस्यर्धोदके क्वाथं क्षीरशेषं विमिश्रितम् । कल्कितैर्मुस्तमदनकृष्णामधुकवत्सकैः ।। बस्तिं मधुघृताभ्यां चपीडयेज्वरनाशनम् ।।५० ॥

(Equal parts of) leaves of patola and nimba, katukarohini caturangula sthira, bala, goksuraka, madana, usira and valaka are made into a decoction, milk half of its (decoction) quantity and paste of musta, krsna, madhuka and vatsaka are added to it boiled and reduced to the quantity of milk. This liquid along with suitable qutantity of honey and ghee administered as enema cures fever. (49-50)

चतस्त्र: पर्णिनीर्यष्टीफलोशीरनृपद्रुमान् । क्वाथयेत् कल्कयेद्यष्टीशताह्वाफलिनीफलम् ॥ मुस्तं च बस्तिः सगुडक्षौद्रसर्पिर्ज्वरापहः ॥५१॥

(Equal parts of) the four parnis (Saliparni, prisniparni, masaparni, and mudgaparni) yasthi, phala (madana phla), usira and nrpadruma are made into decoction; to this is added the paste of yasthi, satahva, phalini, phala (madana) and musta. This liquid used for enema along with guda, honey and ghee cures fever. (51)

त्रायमाणामृतायष्टीमदनांशुमतीद्वयैः । सबलाचन्दनवृषैर्जाङ्गलैश्चमृगद्विजैः ।।५२ ।।

क्वाथे कृते क्षिपेत् पिष्ट्वा फलयष्टीकणाघनम् । स सद्यो ज्वरहा बस्तिः साज्यक्षौद्रोऽल्पसैन्धवः ॥५३॥

. Decoction of trayamana, amrita, yasthi, madana, the two amsumati, bala, chandana, vrsa, along with meat of animals and birds of desert-like region is prepared, and added with the paste of phala (madana), yasti, kana and ghana; mixed with ghee, honey and little quantity of saindhava and administered as enema. This enema cures fever immediately. (52-53)

आम्रादीनां त्वचं शङ्खं चन्दनंमधुकोत्पलम् | स्वर्णगैरिकमञ्जिष्ठामृणालाञ्जनपद्मकम् ॥५४॥

क्षीरेण कल्कितं बस्तिं शीतं समधुशर्करम् | दाहज्वरहरं दद्यात्सिद्धं तैश्चानुवासनम् ॥५५॥

Bark of trees such as amra (which are sour in taste) sankha (Sankha puspi), chandana, madhuka, utpala, svarnagairika, manjistha, mrunala anjana (antimony sulphide ) and padmaka – all equal parts made into a fine paste mixed with milk and administered cold, as enema, adding honey and sugar cures fever with burning sensation. So also the anuvasana (oil enema ) prepared with these (the above drugs). (54-55)

जीवन्तीं मदनं मेदां पिप्पलीं मधुकं वचाम् । ऋद्धिं रास्त्रां बलां बिल्वं शतपुष्पां शतावरीम् ॥५६ ॥

पिष्ट्वाक्षी जलं सर्पिस्तैलं चैकत्र साधितम् । ज्वरेऽनुवासनं कुर्यात्तथा स्नेहं यथामलम् ॥ ॥५७ ॥

Jivanti, madana, meda, pippali madhuka, vacha, ruddhi, rasna bala, bilva, satapushpa and satavari – all made into a paste, added to milk, water, ghee and oil (and made into a uniform mixture). This liquid used as a oil enema, cures fevers. The fats ( ghee and oil) may be taken which ever is appropriate to the doshas (ghee if pitta is predominant and oil if vata is predominant ). (56-57)

चन्दनागरुकाश्मर्यपटोलमदनोत्पलैः । पटोलारिष्टमदनगुडूचीमधुकैरपि ।। ये च सिद्धिषु वक्ष्यन्ते बस्तयो ज्वरनाशनाः ।।५८ ।।

Chandana, aguru, kasmarya, patola, madana and utpala; or patola, aristha, madana, guduchi, and madhuka – made into an enema liquid and used; or those enema described as anti-febriles in siddhisthana (chapter 5) are all going to cure fevers. (58)

शिरोरुग्गौरवश्लेष्महरमिन्द्रियबोधनम् । जीर्णज्वरेरुचिकरंदद्यान्नस्यं विरेचनम् ॥ स्नैहिकं शून्यशिरसो दाहार्ते पित्तनाशनम् ।।५९ ॥

In chronic fevers administration of virecana nasya (nasal medication causing purgations to the head) relieves pain and heaviness of the head, reduces kapha, activates the sense organs and improves taste. Snaihika nasya (nasal medication of fatty materials causing mitigation of doshas) relieves feeling of emptyness of the head, burning sensation and mitigates pitta. (59)

धूमगण्डूषकवलान् यथादोषं च कल्पयेत् । प्रतिश्यायास्यवैरस्यशिरः कण्ठामयापहान् ॥६० ।।

Therapies such as dhuma (inhalation of smoke) gandusa and kavala (holding liquids in the mouth and gargles) which relieve running in the nose, bad taste in the mouth, diseases of the head and throat should be administered according to the doshas. (60)

अरुचौ मातुलुङ्गस्य केसरंसाज्यसैन्धवम् । धात्रीद्राक्षासितानां वा कल्कमास्येन धारयेत् ।।६१ ।।

If loss of taste is present, a paste of either fibrils of matulunga fruit, ghee and saindhava; or of dhatri, draksa and sugar should be held in the mouth. (61)

यथोपशयसंस्पर्शान्शीतोष्णद्रव्यकल्पितान् । अभ्यङ्गालेपसेकादीन् ज्वरे जीर्णे त्वगाश्रिते ।।

कुर्यादञ्जनधूपांश्च तथैवागन्तुजेऽपितान् ॥६२ ॥

In chronic fevers residing in the tvak (skin) therapies such as abhyanga (oil massage and bath), alepa ( application of pastes of drugs) seka (pouring liquids over the body) anjana (application of collyriums), dhupa (inhalation of smoke) etc. prepared from drugs of either cold or hot (in potency) and administered either cold or warm whichever is comfortable (to the patient) should be done. In the same manner, these may also be adopted in fevers caused by external causes. (62)

दाहेसहस्रधौतेन सर्पिषाभ्यङ्गमाचरेत् ।।६३ ।।

सूत्रोक्तैश्च गणैस्तैस्तैर्मधुराम्लकषायकैः । दूर्वादिभिर्वा पित्तघ्नैः शोधनादिगणोदितैः ।।६४।।

शीतवीर्यैर्हिमस्पर्शै: क्वाथकल्कीकृतैः पचेत् । तैलं सक्षीरमभ्यङ्गात्सद्यो दाहज्वरापहम् ॥६५॥

In case of presence of burning sensation, abhyanga (oil massage) with sahasradhauta ghrta (ghee washed for a thousand times ); in case of fever with burning sensation, abhyanga done with medicated oil and milk mixed together, cures fevers. This oil may be prepared with drugs from either sweet, sour or astringent groups enumerated in sutrasthana (chapter 18 ) or form drugs of durvadigana which subdue pitta, enumerated in sodhanadigana (chapter 14 of sutrasthana) which are cold in potency and also to touch, used for preparing decoction and paste. (63-65)

चन्दनं मधुकं काला द्राक्षा मधुरसा निशा । तत्सिद्धं पूर्ववत्तैलं दाहज्वरहरं परम् ।।६६ ।।

Oil prepared in the above manner using chandana, madhuka, kala (nilini), draksa, madhurasa and nisa is best to relieve fever with burning sensation. ( 66 )

शिरो गात्रं च तैरेव नातिपिष्टैः प्रलेपयेत् । तत्क्वाथेन परीषेकमवगाहं चयोजयेत् ।। तथारनालसलिलक्षीरशुक्ततादिभिः ।।६७॥

The head and body of the patient can be covered with rough paste of the same drugs (mentioned above), their decoction used for bath (pouring over the body) or for a tub bath; likewise bath or tub-bath may be done with aranala (rice-wash) water, milk, sukta (fermented gurel), ghee etc. (67)

कपित्थमातुलुङ्गम्लविदारीलोध्रदाडिमैः । बदरीपल्लवोत्थेन फेनेनारिष्टकस्यवा।। ६८ ॥

कर्पूरपद्मकोशीरकालीयाम्बुकुचन्दनैः । तुडुप्रियङ्गुशैवालकमलोत्पलकर्दमैः ॥६९ ॥

वेत्राग्रलोध्रपुण्ड्राह्वरारनालेन कल्कितैः । लेपा व्यस्तैः समस्तैर्वा दाहना वर्णकारिणः ॥ ७० ॥

Application of paste of one or all of the following drugs prepared with aranala (ricewash) will relieve burning sensation and confer good colour to the skin:- kapittha, matulunga, amla (amlavetasa) vidari, lodhra, dadima, froth of sprouts of badara or aristaka (nimba) karpura, padmaka, usira, kaliya, ambu, kuchandana, tunga, priyangu, saivala, silt of the pond having kamala or utpala, vetragra, lodhra and pundrahva. (68-70)


सजीवकैः समधुकैः सपलाशैः सदाडिमैः। बीजपूररसक्षौद्रशुक्तयुक्तैःप्रलेपितैः।।७१।।

शिरस्यङ्गेच तृट्छर्दिदाहमोहशिरोरुजः । नश्यन्ति गण्डाः पिटकाः प्रलापश्च ज्वरार्तिजः।।७३ ।।

Paste of the bark and leaves of dhatri, nalada, sankha (puspi), vyaghranakha, utpala, chandana, anjana, and musta; or that of vrksmala, amlavetasa, jivaka, madhuka, palasa and dadima prepared with juice of bijapura, honey and sukta (fermented gruel) applied over the head and the body relieves thirst, burning sensation, delusion, headache, glandular enlargement, papules and delerium caused by the distress of fever. The paste of yellow amalaka made with sour liquids and mixed with ghee also has the same effect. (71-73)

गौरामलककल्कश्चसाम्लः साज्यश्च तद्गुणः । मधूकमधुकोदीच्यनीलोत्पलमधूलिकाः ॥७४॥

जयन्तिमधुसर्पिर्थ्यांलीढादाहज्वरभ्रमान् । कासासृपित्तवीसर्पश्वासहिध्मावमीरपि।।७५।।

(Powder of) madhuka, madhuka, udicya, nila, utpala and madhulika licked along with honey and ghee relieves burning sensation, fever, giddiness, cough, bleeding diseases herpes, dyspnoea, hiccup and vomiting. (74-75)

वाम्यं च वामयेदाशु शीतेन मधुवारिणा । यो वर्णित: पित्तहरो दोषोपक्रमणे क्रमः ।। तंचशीलयतः शीघ्रं सदाहो नश्यति ज्वरः । ॥७६।।

Persons fit for vomiting should be made to vomit by using cold honey water. Measures which subdue pitta, described in dosopakrama (chapter 21 of sutrasthana) if followed cures fever associated with burning sensation quickly. (76)

बलकोमथुरंगोतं चन्द्रिकाहर्म्यमस्तकम् |हरन्तिदाहं हाराहरिचन्दनशीतलाः ॥७७॥

दाहंमन्दानिलोद्भूताःकुल्याः सलिलमालिनः ।चलप्रवालाङ्गुलिभिस्तर्जयन्तिमहाद्रुमाः वाच: शिशूनामव्यक्तायोषितो मदनातुरा: ।

दाहंनिर्भत्सयन्त्याशुसज्जनानांचसूकृताः ॥ ७९ ॥ ॥७८ ॥

Music from vina (musical instrument), pleasnt.songs, moonlight, terraceof pallaces, garlands and white sandal paste- all relive the burning sensation. Similarly also, the sight of network of canals full of water over which cool breeze moves slowly, the same breeze making the finger-like young leaves of large trees mildly quiver, the pleasant platter (unrecognisable talk) of children, (company of) women who are craving for sex; tihae truthful and comforting words of good men (relieve burning sensation). (7777-779)

रुचिभेदानुरोधेननानाशक्तिसमन्वितः दाहशीतव्युपशमे तास्ततोऽपनयेत्पुनः ॥८० ।। दाहशीतचरहरः कान्ताकान्ताङ्गसङ्गमः ॥

Contact of the body of beautiful women, adorned with different kinds of effective make up (cloth, flowers, scents, and such other cosmetics) in accordance with differenit kinds of likings, wards off fevers accompanied either with burning sensation or cold (chills); they (women) should be dismissed soon affter burming sensation or cold subside. (80)

वीर्योष्णैरुष्णसंस्पर्शेस्तगरागरुकुडुमैः । कुष्ठस्थीणेयशैलेयसरलामरदारूभिः |८१ ||

नखरास्त्रपुरवचाचण्डैलाद्वयचोरकैः । पृथ्वी काशिग्रुसुरसहिंस्त्राध्यामकसर्पयैः ८२ ॥

दशमूलामृतैरण्डद्वयपत्तूररोहिषैः [तमालपत्रपूतीकसलकीधान्यदीप्यकैः ॥८३ ॥

मिसिमाषकुलत्थाग्निप्रकीर्यानाकुलीद्वयैः ।अन्यैश्च तद्विधैर्दव्यैः शीते तैलं वरेपचेत् ॥ ॥८४ ॥

क्वथितैः कल्पितैर्युक्तैः सुरासौवीरकादिभिः । तेनाभ्ययात्सुखोष्णेन तैः सुपिष्टैच लेपयेत् ।।८५ ।।

कवोष्णैस्तैः परीषेकमवगाहंचयोजयेत् । केवलैरपितद्वच्च शुक्तगोमूत्रमस्तुभिः ॥८६॥

An oil is to be prepared with drugs possessing hot potency and hot touch, for using them both for preparing decoction and paste. Some such drugs are; tagara, aguru, kumkuma, kusha, sthauneya, saileya, saralaamaradaru, nakha, rasma, pura, vacha, candia, the two ela, coraka, prithvika, sigru, surasa, himsra, dhyamaka, sarsapa, dashamoola, amutta the two eranda, pattiira, rohisa, tamalapatra, putika, sallaki, dhanya, dipyaka, misa, masa kulttha, agni, prakrya, the two nakuli and such others, making use of sura, sawviralka etc.. (other sour liquids) during the preparation. Such medicated oil should be used warm for massage; paste of drugs may be applied warm over the body, their decoction used for pouring over the body and for tub-bath. Each of these measures cures fever associated with cold. In the same way sukta, gomutra and mastu can also be used either seperately or processed with drugs. (81-86)

कुङ्कुमागरुकस्तूरीनखैलासुरदारुभिः । शैलेयचण्डात्वङ्मुस्तरास्त्राकपिवचामयैः ।।८७।। पृथक् प्रदेहाः सवैर्वा शीतघ्घ्रा दृढकल्किताः ।

Application of paste of any one or all of the following drugs, warm and thick, over the body wards off the cold (chills); kumkuma, aguru, kasturi, nakha, ela, suradaru, saileya, canda, tvak, musta, rasna, kapi vacha, and amaya. (87)

यवचूर्णघृताभ्यक्तंपचेत् क्षीरेचतुर्गुणे ॥८८ ॥

दर्वीप्रलेपनं लेपंज्वरार्तस्य प्रयोजयेत् ।

Powder of yava (barley) mixed with ghee is cooked in four times of milk, this paste romoved from the laddle and applied warm on the body is beneficial for patients suffering from fever. (88)

आरग्वधादिवर्गंचपानाभ्यञ्जनलेपने ॥८९ ॥ धूपानगरुजान्ये च वक्ष्यन्ते विषमज्वरे ।

The drugs of aragvadhadi gana may be made use for drinking, oil massage and unguent. Fumigation with drugs like aguru etc which will be described under (the treatment of) visama jvara (intermittant fevers ) is also beneficial. (89)

अग्न्यानग्निकृतान्स्वेदान्स्वेदि भेषजभोजनम् ।। ९० ॥

संसर्गबलयोगेचवात श्लेष्मनिबर्हणम्। गर्भभूवेश्मशयनंकुथकम्बलरल्लकान् ।।९१ ।।

निर्धूमदीप्तैरङ्गारैर्हसन्तीश्चहसन्तिकाः । मद्यं सत्र्यूषणंतक्रं कुलत्थव्रीहिकोद्रवान् ।।९२॥

संशीलयेद्वेपथुमान्यच्चान्यदपिपित्तलम्।अजाज्याः सगुडं कल्कं सगुडं वामृतारसम्।।९३।।

रसंवार्ताकफलजं पिबेद्वा मधुसंयुतम् । मधुकागरुकौन्तीनां कल्को व्याघ्रनखस्य च ।।९४ ।।

मद्येनपीत: सक्षौद्रस्तीव्रशीतज्वरापहः । दयिताः स्तनशालिन्यः पीना विभ्रमभूषणा ।।९५ ।।

यौवनासवमत्ताश्चतमालिङ्गेयुरङ्गनाः । वीतशीतं च विज्ञाय तास्ततोऽपनयेत्पुनः ।।९६ ।।

Measures to promote perspiration with or without the use of fire should be prescribed in fevers which are caused by the powerful combination of vata and slesma (kapha) to subdue both of them. Sweating may be induced by either the medium of fire or without it, by use of drugs and foods which produce sweat. Some such methods are :- sleeping in underground apartment, covering with thick cloth, blanket or woollen cloth; sitting near the hearth or oven with burning coal without ash or smoke; drinking wines, buttermilk mixed with tryusana, kulattha, vrihi, kodrava and such others which cause increase of pitta should be made use of by the patient suffering from chills; paste of ajaji mixed with guda (jaggery), juice of amrita with jaggery, juice of fruit of vartaka with honey, paste of madhuka, aguru, kaunti or vyaghranakha, mixed and taken with wine and honey quickly relieves fever with rigors. Women who have well developed breasts, adorned with cosmetics and full of youthful mirth should embrace him. They should be dismissed soon after knowing that chills (rigors) have been relieved. (90-96)

आनाहेकालवित्कुर्यात्क्रियामलसकोदिताम्। पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलयवानीचित्रसाधिताम्।।९७।। यवागूंपाययेच्चैनमनिलस्यानुलोमनीम्।

If distention of abdomen is present the physician should adopt the treatment prescribed for Alasaka (severe form of indigestion) determining the suitable time. He should be made to drink yavagu (gruel) processed with pippali, pippalimula, yavani and chitraka, in order to initiate the downward movement (of vata). (97)

सोपद्रवोऽपिचेदेवं ज्वरः शीतोन शाम्यति ।। ९८ ।।

अत्युदीर्णोऽनिलकफेस्वस्थाने पित्तधाम्निवा। तक्रानुपानं त्रपुसं भक्षयित्वानलं भजेत् ।।९९ ।।

आ स्वेदसम्भवात्तिष्ठेत्प्रावृतस्तद्वदातपे । ततो विमृदितस्त्रातो युक्ताशी स्याद्गते ज्वरे ।। १०० ।।

If the fever with cold (chills) is also accompanied with complications (secondary diseases) and does not subside, and if anila (vata) and kapha are greatly increased either in their own seats, or in the seat of pitta, then the patient should eat trapausa followed by drinking of takra (buttermilk) and expose himself to fire or stand in the sun facing east till he perspires well; afterwards he should get his body messaged, take bath and suitable diet if he is cured of fever (if not cured of fever he should not take food on that day-says Indu). (98-100)

शमं तौ पित्तवृध्यैव प्रपद्येते स्वधाम च । निवर्तते ततः शीघ्रं वातश्रेष्मोद्भवो ज्वरः ।।१०१ ।।

When these (vata and kapha) get mitigated, the increased pitta gets back into its own seats, the fever of vatakapha origin subsides quickly. (101)

स्वर्जिकाकुष्ठमञ्चिष्ठालाक्षामूर्वानिशौषधैः । सतक्रंसाधितंतैलमभ्यङ्गाद्दाहशीतजित् ।। १०२ ।।

Massaging the body with medicated oil prepared from (the decoction of) svarjika, kustha, manjistha, laksa, murva, nisa and ausadha and takra (buttermilk) relieves both burning sensation and chills. (102)

वमनैश्चविरेकैश्चबस्तिभिश्च यथाक्रमम् । ज्वरानुपचरेद्वीमान कफपित्तानिलोद्भवान ।।१०३ ।।

The wise physician should treat fevers arising from kapha, pitta and vata by administering emesis, purgation and enema respectively. (103)

Samsarga and sannipata jvara chikitsa krama

संसृष्टैः सन्निपतितैरेकानेकोल्बणैः समैः । ज्वरान्दोषक्रमापेक्षी यथोक्तैरौषधैर्जयेत् ।।१०४।।

Fevers arising from the combination of any two doshas (samsarga) or all of them together (samnipata) with the predominance of one or the other and with normalcy of one or the other, should be treated as per schedule of treatment of doshas using the appropriate drugs. (104)

वर्धनेनैकदोषस्य क्षपणेनोच्छ्रितस्य वा कफस्थानानुपूर्व्यावासत्रिपातवंर जयेत् ।। १०५ ।।

Saunipata jvaras (fevers caused by all the doshas increasing together) should be treated by causing the increase of one or the other doshas (which is less in proportion to others) of by decreasing one or the other dosha (which is more in proportion of others) or by treating kapha first (in case of all the three doshas being in equal proportion). (105)

1 Notes: The above verse is mostoften misunderstood. In sannipat all the three doshas are increased than normal but never decreased than normal. During the condition of increase, variations occur in degrees between one another, increase of any one dosha may be very great (vrddhatama)), that of the other may be moderate (vrddha tara) and that of the third may be very little (alpa vrddha or simply vrddha); compared to the third, the first is great increase, the second is mild increase; compared to the first, the second is decrease, and the third is great decrease. Thus increase or decrease in this context is only proportional and so the treatment is aimed at balancing the disproportional; it should not be interpreted as causing increase or decrease of dosha more or less than its normal. Similarly the meaning of the term “sthana” used here in respect of kapha is to denote its condition/state and mot its seat as usually misinterpreted. In sannipata jvaras, kapha is to be treated first, next the pitta and last, vata. This schedule is only in fevers and not in all diseases.

निद्रानिवारणोपाय: सन्यासाभिहितोहितः । सत्रिपाते विशेषेण दारुणोऽयमुपद्रवः ।।१०६ ।।

Methods of warding off the sleep which are decribed in the treatment of the disease sanyasa (deep coma. vide chapter 9) are beneficial (in all fevers) especially so in sammipata jvara, as it (sleep) is a troublesome complication (secondary disease). (106)

सन्निपातन्वरस्थान्तेकर्णमूलेसुदारुण: ।शोफः सञ्जायतेतेन कश्चिदेवविमुच्यते ।।१०७ ।।

रक्तावसेचनैः शीघ्रं सर्पिष्यानैश्च तंजयेत् । प्रदेहैः कफपित्तघ्नैर्नावनैः कवलग्रहैः ।।१०८ ।।

At the terminal stages of sannipata jvara, there develops a dreadful swelling at the root of the ear, from which hardly any person recovers. It should be treated quickly with blood letting, drinking of (medicated) ghee, hot poultices, nasal medications and mouth gargles which subdue kapha and pitta. (107-108)

Visama jvara chikitsa – treatment of intermittent fevers

शीतोष्णस्त्रिग्धरूक्षाद्यैर्ज्वरो यस्यन शाम्यति शाखानुसारी तस्याशुमुञ्चेद्बाह्वाः क्रमात्सिराम् ||१०९ ॥

The fever which does not subside by therapies such as cold, hot unctous, dry etc. and which is lodged in the sakhas (dhatus-tissue) should be treated by cutting the vein in the arms; (ome an after the other). (109)

अयमेव विधिः कार्यो विषमेऽपियथायथम् । ज्वरेविभज्यवातादीन्यश्चानन्तरमुच्यते ॥ ११० ॥

The same procedure should be followed even in the treatment of visama jvaras (intermittant fevers) and its varieties classified as vataja etc which will be described later. (110)

पटालकटुकामुस्ताप्राणदामधुकैः कृताः । त्रिचतुष्पञ्चशः क्वाथाविषमज्वरनाशनाः ।।१११॥

Decoction of patola, katuka, musta, pranada (haritaki) and madhukain combination of three, four or five (of them) cures visamajvara (intermittant fevers). (111)

योजयेत्रिफलां पथ्यां गुडूचीं पिप्पलीं पृथक। तैस्तैर्विधानैः सगुडं भल्लातकमथापिवा ॥ ११२ ॥

Triphala, pathya, guduchi, pippali and bhallataka used individually mixed with guda (jaggery) acts likewise. (112)

लङ्घनंबृंहणंवापिञ्चरागमनवासरे। प्रातः सतैलं लशुनंप्राग्भक्तं वातथा घृतम् ॥ ११३ ।।

जीर्णं तद्वद्दधिपयस्तक्रंसर्पिश्चषट्पलम् । कल्याणकं पञ्चगव्यंतिक्ताख्यंवृषसाधितम् ।।११४ ।।

On the expected day of fever, the patient may be given either langhana (thinning therapy) or bramhana (stoutening therapy); oil boiled with lasuna should be administered in the morning or before midday meal, after the digestion of food (midday meal) ghee processed similarly may be given, so also dadhi (curds), milk or takra (buttermilk) or satpala ghrta (mentioned in the treatment of rajayaksma), kalyanaka ghrta (mentioned in unmada) panchagavya (mentioned in apasmara) tiktaka ghrta (mentioned in kustha) or vrisa ghrta (mentioned in rakta pitta) may also be used. (113-114)

पञ्चगव्यस्य महतो विधिनापञ्चमाहिषम् । पञ्चाजं चतुकौष्ट्रं च सिद्धं … सिद्धंघृतंतथा ||११५ ।।

Panchamahisa ghrta, pancha aja ghrta and caturaustra ghrta prepared in the same way as of mahat panchagavya ghrta (mentioned in apasmara) may also be used. (115)

Notes – Pancha gavya – the five products of the cow are – the juice of fresh dung, urine, milk, curds (coagulated milk) and ghee (butterfat). If these produces are obtained from the buffalo, they are then called as pancha mahisa, obtained from the goat, they are pancha aja; caturaustra- the four products from the camel, are its urine, milk curds and ghee.

कटुरोहिणिमञ्जिष्ठावृषग्रन्थिकचित्रकैः [पाठास्वगुप्ताद्विनिशैः पञ्चगव्यस्य पञ्चसु ।।११६ ।।

प्रस्थेषुसंयुतैः सेव्यंविषमज्वरजित्परम् । वाक्स्वरस्मृतिमेधाग्निबलारोग्यवृषत्वकृत् ॥ ११७ ॥

Ghee prepared from katurohini, manjistha, visa, granthika, chitraka, patha, svagupta, the two nisa (each equal part) and the five products of the cow-five prasthas in total. This is best for curing irregular (intermittant) fevers, and for improving speech, voice, memory, intelligence, digestion, strength, health and virility. (116-117)

कोलाग्निमन्थत्रिफलाक्वाथेदनाघृतंपचेत् । तिल्वकावापमेतच्च विषमज्वरनाशनम् ।।११८ ।।

Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of kola, agnimantha and triphala, dadhi (curds) and paste of tilvaka as adjuvants, cures irregular fevers. (118)

शृतक्षीरघृतक्षौद्रसिताकृष्णाः खजाहताः। विषमज्वरद्रोगक्षतकासक्षयापहाः ।।११९ ॥

Boiled milk, ghee, honey, sugar and powder of krsna (pippali) all beaten by a churner and drunk cures intermittant fevers, disease of the heart, cough due to injury to chest, and consumption. (119)

सुरां तीक्ष्णं च यन्मद्यं शिखिति त्तिरिदक्षजम् । मांसं मेध्योष्णवीर्यं च सहान्नेन प्रकामतः ।।१२० ।।

सेवित्वा तदहः स्वप्यादथवापुनरुल्लिखेत् । सर्पिषो महतीं मात्रां पीत्वा वा छर्दयेत्पुनः ।।१२१ ।।

Sura (beer), strong wines, or flesh of sikhi (peacock), tittiri bird or daksa (cock ) which are agreeable, pleasant and hot in potency should be taken along with rice as much as desired and sleep in the whole day; or vomiting may be induced after consuming them or after drinking the maximum prescribed dose of ghee. (120-121)

नीलिनीमजगन्धांचत्रिवृतांकटुरोहिणीम्। पिबेज्वरस्याग़मने स्नेहस्वेदोपपादितः ।। १२२ ।।

On the expected day of fever, after administering oleation and sudation therapies, the patient should made to drink the decoction of nilini, ajagandha, trivrit and katurohini. (122)

आस्थापनं वा तदहर्दद्यात्स्विन्नस्य यापनम् । पयसा वृषदंशस्य शकृद्वा तदहः पिबेत् ।।१२३ ।।

मस्तुना वा वृषशकृत् सुरया वाथ सैन्धवम् ।

On that day, after giving sudation therapy, he may be given asthapana (decoction enema) known as yapana. Milk added with excreta of cat, mastu (water of buttermilk whey) and dung of a bull, or sura (beer) added with saindhava salt should be used as a drink on that day. (123)

मनोह्वा सैम्धवं कृष्णातैलेन नयनाञ्जनम् ।।१२४ ।।

योज्याहिङ्गुसमा व्याघ्रीवसा नस्ये ससैन्धवा। पुराणसर्पिः सिंहस्य वसा तद्वत् ससैन्धवा ।।१२५।।

An eye – salve prepared with manohva, saindhava, krsna and oil should be applied to the eyes. Muscle-fat of tiger with equal quantity of hingu and saindhava should be used as nasal drops; similarly very old ghee or muscle fat of a lion mixed with saindhava may be used (as nasal drops). (124-125)

Aparajita dhuma

पलङ्कषा निम्बपत्रं वचा कुष्ठं हरीतकी। सर्षपाः सयवा: सर्पिर्धूपो विड्वा बिडालजा।।१२६।।

पुरध्यामवचासर्जनिम्बार्कागरुदारुभिः । धूपोज्वरेषु सर्वेषु कार्योऽयमपराजितः।।१२७।।

Fumigation may be arranged (in the room near the patient) useing palankasa, leaves of nimba, vacha, kustha, haritaki, sarsapa, yava, added with ghee; or with excreata of cat Fumigation with pura, dhyama, vacha, sarja, nimba, arka aguru and daru – known as Aparajita dhupa – may be done in all types of fevers. (126-127)

सहदेवावचाभद्रानाकुलीभिःप्रयोजयेत् । धूपनोद्वर्तनालेपान्सर्वज्वरनिबर्हणान् ।।१२८ ।।

Sahadeva, vacha, bhadra, and nakuli, made use of for fumigation, external massage or unguent also cure all kinds of fevers. (128)

धूमनस्याञ्जनोत्त्रासा ये चोक्ताश्चित्तवैकृते । दैवाश्रयं च भैषज्यं ज्वरान् सर्वानपोहति ।। विशेषाद्विषमान्प्रायस्तेह्यागन्त्वनुबन्धजाः।।१२९।।

Inhalation of smoke, nasal drops, eye-salves, and threatening or frightening which are described in (the treatment of) disorders of the mind (insanity, epilepsy etc) and Daivasraya (providential) treatment (wearing amulets and gems, incantations, worship, pilgrimage etc) cure all types of fevers especially the visama jvara, because its origin is due to external agencies. (129)

यथास्वं च सिरां विध्येदशान्तौ विषमज्वरे । ॥१३० ।।

If ireregular fevers do not subside by these methods, then venesection should be done. (130)

Dhatugata jvara chikitsa – treatment of fevers lodged in tissues

रससंस्थेतुसर्वस्मिन्कुर्याद्वमनलङ्घने। सेकसंशमनालेपरक्तमोक्षानसृस्थिते ।।१३१ ॥

तीक्ष्णान् विरेकन् मांसस्थे मेदोघ्नं मेदसि स्थिते । अस्थिस्थे वातशमनमभ्यङ्गस्वेदमर्दनम् ॥ ज्वरेवातार्तिशमनं विशेषाद्वस्तिकर्मच।।१३२ ॥

If the fever resides in the rasa, (lymph) emesis and fasting (and other thinning measures) should be done; if it is in the asrk (blood) sudation, palliatives, cold applications and blood letting ( are required); if lodged in the mamsa (muscles) drastic purgatives; if lodged in medas (fat) measures to reduce fat; if residing in asthi (bone) measures which mitigate vata, oil massage sudation and massages; in fevers lodged in others (majja-marrow and sukra-semen) measures which mitigate vata should be adopted, especially the enema therapy. (131-132)

केवलानिलवीसर्पविस्फोटाभिहतज्वरे। सर्पिष्पानहिमालेपसेकमांसरसाशनम् ।।१३३ ।।

In fevers produced by vata alone, visarpa ( herpes) or visphota (small pox) drinking of medicated ghee, cold unguents, use of meat juice as food, and blood letting should be administered, as described (in those chapters). (133)

Agantu jvara chikitsa – treatment of fevers of extraneous causes

कुर्याद्यथास्वमुक्तं चरक्तमोक्षादिसाधनम् । ग्रहोत्थे भूतविद्योक्तं मणिमन्त्रादिसाधनम् ॥ ओषधीगन्धजेपित्तशमनंविषजिद्विषे ।।१३४॥

In fever caused by evil spirits, use of amulets, incantations of hymns etc, prescribed in Bhutavidya (demonology) should be done. In that caused by the smell of ausadhis (grass and other plants) measures which mitigate pitta (should be done); in that caused by poison, anti-poisonous measures (are to be undertaken). (134)

इष्टैरर्थैर्मनोज्ञैश्चयथादोषशमेन च । हिताहितविवेकैश्चज्वरंक्रोध्यदिजंजयेत् ।।१३५ ।।

Fevers caused by anger and others (mental emotions) should be treated by providing thepatient with the desired things which are comforting to the mind, and which subdue the causative dosha et: descriminating (selecting what is good to him and what is not). (135)

क्रोधजोयाति कामेनशान्तिंक्रोधेन कामजः । भयशोकोद्भवौ ताभ्यां भीशोकाभ्यां तथेतरौ ||

शापाथर्वणमन्त्रोत्थेविधिदैवव्यपाश्रयः ।।१३६ ॥

Fever due to anger will subside by love (affection), that caused by love ( lust ) subsides by anger; similarly those caused by fear and grief by these alternately; those caused by curses, witchcraft, sorcery etc, by adopting Daiva vyapasraya methods (wearing amulets, gems, worship, pilgrimage etc). (136)

ते ज्वराः केवला: पूर्वंव्याप्यन्तेऽनन्तरंमलैः । तस्माद्दोषानुसारेण तेष्वाहारादिकल्पयेत् ।। नहिज्वरोऽनुबधातिमारुताद्यैर्विनाकृतः ।।१३७ ।।

Fevers which pervades/spreads through out the body first and then involves the doshas should be treated with regimen of diet etc appropriate to the doshas. Fevers do not remain long without the aggravation of the maruta (vata) and other doshas. (137)

ज्चरकालस्मृतिंचास्य हारिभिर्विषयैर्हरेत् ।

कथास्त्रिवर्गसंयुक्तारुड्निद्रादिविनोदिनी: ।शस्ता विचित्राः शृणुयान्त्रप्रेतव्याधिघताश्रयाः ।।१३८ ।।

The patient should be made to forget the time of onset of such fevers by diverting his mind/attention by telling stories comprising of the three pursuits of life (dharma, artha and kama) which wards off pain and sleep which are humorous and fanciful, but not with those of ghosts, evil spirits, diseases etc. (138)

त्यजेदाबललाभाच्चव्यायामस्त्रानमैथुनम् ।।१३९ ।।

गुर्वसात्म्यंविदाह्यन्नंयच्चान्य ज्वरकारणम् । नविज्वरोऽपिसहसा सर्वान्नीनो भवेत्तथा ।।१४० ।।

Till he obtains enough strength the patient of fever should avoid physical exercises, bath, sexual intercourse, foods which are heavy, unaccustomed and cause burning sensation inside and such other activities which cause fever again. Though relieved of fever he should not indulge in all kinds of foods immediately. (139-140)

निवृत्तो हि ज्वरः शीघ्रं व्यापादयति दुर्बलम् । सद्यः प्राणहरोयस्मात्तस्मात्तस्य विशेषतः ।।

तस्यांतस्यामवस्थायांकुर्यात्तत्तद्धिषग्जितम् ।।१४१ ।।

Fever, though cured, will kill the person who is weak, as it is a quick killer; appropriate and effective treatments should be specially done at every stage. This is the duty of the physician. (141)

मनोभिरामा विषया वचनं ह्वादि दक्षिणम् । करुणार्द्रं मनः शुद्धं सर्वज्वरनिषूदनम् ॥१४२ ॥

Subjects which are pleasing to the mind, words which are sweet and helpful, (comforting); compassionate and pure mind cure all types of fevers. (142)

मातरं पितरं देवान् वैद्यान् विप्रान् हरंहरिम् । पूजयेच्छीलयेद्दानदमसत्यदयार्जवान् ॥ धारयेच्चसदामन्त्रमणिरत्नमहौषधीः ।। १४३ ।।

The patients should offer worship to his mother, father, gods physicians, brahmanas, Hara (Siva) and Hari (Visnu), practise charity, control of senses, truthfulness, compassion and righteous conduct; always repeat holy hymns, wear amulets, precious gems and great (potent, divine) herbs. (143)

आर्यावलोकितंपर्णशबरीमपराजिताम् । प्रणमेदार्यतारांच सर्वज्वरनिवृत्तये ॥ १४४ ।।

He should bow to (worship) arya, Avalokita, Pranasabari, Aparajita and arya Tara ( goddess) for the cure of all fevers. (144)

आगन्तुदोषसहजैः सर्वरोगैर्विमुच्यते ।।१४५ ।।

By meditating upon and reciting the all disease curing ‘Gatosnisa’ hymn, man will get rid of all diseases, caused by the external agents, internal doshas and the congenital factors. (145)

जपंस्तथागतोष्णीषं सर्वव्याधिचिकित्सितम्।

॥ इति द्वितीयो अध्यायः ॥

Thus ends the Second chapter.


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