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ashtanga hridayaGRAHANI DOSHA CHIKITSA - Treatment of duodenal disorder - Ashtang Hridaya Chapter...

GRAHANI DOSHA CHIKITSA – Treatment of duodenal disorder – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter 10

अथातो ग्रहणीदोषचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः । ह

We shall now expound the chapter Grahanidosa chikitsa treatment of disorders of the duodenum; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

ग्रहणीमाश्रितं दोषमजीर्णवदुपाचरेत् ।

अतीसारोक्तविधिना तस्यामं च विपाचयेत् ॥ १ ॥

The dosas localised in the grahani (duodenum) should be treated in the same way as treating ajirna (indigestion). The ama (undigested materials) should be got cooked by treatments described for diarrhoea. 1.

अन्नकाले यवाग्वादि पञ्चकोलादिभिर्युतम् । वितरेत्पटुलध्वन्नं पुनर्योगांश्च दीपनान् ॥ २ ॥

At the times of food, yavagu etc. ( thin gruel) added with pancakola, light foods added with salt should be given, recipes which increase the digestive power should also be given.2.

दद्यात्सातिविषां पेयामामे साम्लां सनागराम् ।

पानेऽतीसारविहितं वारि तक्रं सुरादि च ॥३॥

If ama is present, peya (thin gruel) containing ativisa, sour juices and nagara, should be given as food, water, buttermilk and sura, prescribed for diarrhoea should be allowed as drink. 3.

ग्रहणीदोषिणां तक्रं दीपनग्राहिलाघवात् । पथ्यं मधुरपाकित्वान्न च पित्तप्रदूषणम् ॥ ४ ॥

कषायोष्णविकाशित्वाद्र्क्षत्वाच्च कफे हितम् । वाते स्वाद्वम्लसान्द्रत्वात्सद्यस्कमविदाहि तत् ॥ ५ ॥

For patients of grahani (duodenal disorder) takra (butter milk) is ideally suited because of its properties such as dipana (kindling the digestive power ), grahi (water absorbing) laghu (easily digestable) since it is sweet at the end of digestion it does not aggravate pitta, since it is astringent (in taste), hot (in potency ) dilating the channel, ( tissue pores) and dry (non-unctous) it is good for kapha, by sweet and sour tastes (it is good for vata, by its thick consistency, fresh origin it does not cause burning sensation (during or after digestion). 4-5.

चतुर्णां प्रस्थमम्लानां त्र्यूषणाच्च पलत्रयम् । लवणानां च चत्वारि शर्करायाः पलाष्टकम् ॥ ६ ॥

तच्चूर्णं शाकसूपान्नरागादिष्ववचारयेत् । कासाजीर्णारुचिश्वासहृत्पाण्डुप्लीहगुल्मनुत् ॥ ७॥

One prastha of the four sours (kola, dadima, vrksamla, and cukrika) three pala of tryusana, four pala of all the salts ( saindhava, sauvarcala, bida, samudra) eight pala of sugar together converted into nice powder and used along with vegetables, soup, ricemess, sweet syrup etc., cures cough, indigestion, loss of taste / appetite, dyspnoea, heart disease, anaemia, splenic disorders and abdominal tumors. 6-7.

नागरातिविषामुस्तं पाक्यमामहरं पिबेत् ।

उष्णाम्बुना वा तत्कल्कं नागरं वाऽथवाऽभयाम् ॥ ८ ॥ ससैन्धवं वचादिं वा तद्वन्मदिरयाऽथवा ।

Nagara, ativisa and musta-made into decoction and consumed relieves ama; or the paste of these drugs mixed with hot water; or the paste of nagara or of abhaya (with hot water) or drugs of vacadigana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) along with saindhava should be used in same way (with hot water) or with madira ( fermented liquor). 8-9a.

वर्चस्यामे सप्रवाहे पिबेद्वा दाडिमाम्बुना ॥ ९ ॥

बिडेन लवणं पिष्टं बिल्वचित्रकनागरम् ।

सामे कफानिले कोष्ठरुक्करे कोष्णवारिणा ॥ १० ॥

If the faeces is ama (unripe); and eliminated accompanied with straining, bida lavana made into a paste with decoction (or juice) of dadima should be consumed; if vata and kapha is mixed with ama and producing pain in the alimentary tract, the paste of bilva, citraka and nagara should be consumed (with warm water). 9b-10.

कलिहिङ्ग्ग्वतिविषावचासौवर्चलाभयम् । छर्दिहृद्रोगशूलेषु पेयमुष्णेन वारिणा ॥ ११ ॥ पथ्यासौवर्चलाजाजीचूर्णं मरिचसंयुतम् ।

If there is vomitting, heart disorders (pain) and abdominal pain, then (the powder of) kalinga, hingu, ativisa, vaca, sauvarcala and abhaya; or the powder of pathya, sauvarcala, ajaji, and marica should be consumed along with hot water. 11-12a.

पिप्पलीं नागरं पाठां सारिवां बृहतीद्वयम् ॥ १२ ॥

चित्रकं कौटजं क्षारं तथा लवणपञ्चकम् । चूर्णीकृतं दधिसुरातन्मण्डोष्णाम्बुकाञ्जिकैः ॥ १३॥

पिबेदग्निविवृद्ध्यर्थं कोष्ठवातहरं परम् ।

Pippali, nagara, patha, sariva, the two brhati, citraka, kautaja (kutaja bija) ksara (yavaksara) and the five lavana-all these are powdered nicely and consumed along with dadhi (curds), suramanda (scum of beer), hot water or kanjika (rice gruel) for increasing the strength of the digestive fire and is best for mitigating vata present in the alimentary tract. 12b-14a.

पटूनि पञ्च द्वौ क्षारौ मरिचं पञ्चकोलकम् ॥ १४ ॥

दीप्यकं हिङ्गु गुलिका बीजपूररसे कृता । कोलदाडिमतोये वा परं पाचनदीपनी ॥ १५ ॥

Pills made from the powder of the five salts, two ksara, marica, pancakola, dipyaka and hingu using the juice of bijapura or juice of kola or dadima-are best digestive and carminative. 14b-15.


तालीसपत्रचविकामरिचानां पलं पलम् । कृष्णातन्मूलयोर्द्वे द्वे पले शुण्ठी पलत्रयम् ॥ १६ ॥

चतुर्जातमुशीरं च कर्षांशं श्लक्ष्णचूर्णितम् | गुडेन वटकान् कृत्वा त्रिगुणेन सदा भजेत् ॥ १७ ॥

मद्ययूषरसारिष्टमस्तुपेयापयोनुपः वातश्लेष्मात्मनां छर्दिग्रहणीघार्श्वहृद्रुजाम् ॥ १८ ॥

ज्वरश्वयथुपाण्डुत्वगुल्मपानात्ययार्शसाम् प्रसेकपीनसश्वासकासानां च निवृत्तये ॥ १९ ॥

अभयां नागरस्थाने दद्यात्तत्रैव विग्रहे । छर्द्यादिषु च पैत्तेषु चतुर्गुणसितान्विताः ॥ २० ॥

पक्क्रेन वटका: कार्या गुडेन सितयाऽपि वा ।परं हि वह्निसम्पर्काल्लघिमानं भजन्ति ते ॥ २१ ॥

One pala each of talispatra, cavika and marica, two pala each of krsna and its mula, three pala of sunthi, one karsa each of caturjata and usira-are powdered nicely, mixed with guda three times its quantity and rolled into pills.

Consumed daily along with wine, soup, meat – soup, fermented decoction, whey, thin gruel or milk, it cures vomitting, duodenal disorders, pain of the flanks and region of the heart; fever, dropsy, anaemia, abdominal tumor, alcoholism, piles, excess salivation, nasal catarrh, dyspnoea and cough-arising from vata and kapha.

If there is obstruction to faeces, abhaya should be used in place of nagara, if there is vomitting arising from pitta, pill should be prepared using sugar four times the quantity, or pills prepared by cooking the powder either with guda or sita (sugar) since these become easily digestable from contact with fire. 16-21.

अथैनं परिपक्कामं मारुतग्रहणीगदम् । दीपनीययुतं सर्पिः पाययेदल्पशो भिषक् ॥ २२ ॥

किञ्चित्सन्धुत्विग्न सक्तविण्मूत्रमारुतम् । द्व्यहं त्र्यहं वा संस्त्रेह्य स्विन्नाभ्यक्तं निरूहयेत् ॥ २३ ॥ तत एरण्डतैलेन सर्पिषा तैल्वकेन वा ।

सक्षारेणानिले शान्ते स्त्रस्तदोषं विरेचयेत् ॥ २४ ॥

Next, when the ama gets digested, in duodenal disease of vata origin, the patient should consume little quantity of ghee processed with drugs which increase digestive power; after the digestive power gets slightly increased and if there is obstruction to faeces, urine and flatus, niruha (decoction enema) should be adminstered once in two or three days after giving oleation and sudation therapies; when vata getsmitigated and other dosas are being eliminated out, the person should be given purgation therapy using either eranda taila or tilvaka ghrta ( chapter 21) mixed with kshara. 22-24.

शुद्धरूक्षाशयं बद्धवर्चस्कं चानुवासयेत् । दीपनीयाम्लवातघ्नसिद्धतैलेन तं ततः ॥ २५ ॥

निरूढं च विरिक्तं च सम्यक्चाप्यनुवासितम् । लघ्वन्नप्रतिसंयुक्तं सर्पिरभ्यासयेत्पुनः ॥ २६ ॥

The patient who has developed constipation due to purification and consequent dryness of the alimentary tract should be given anuvasana (oil enema) with oil prepared from carminative, sour, and anti-vata drugs. Next he should be treated with niruha ( decoction enema ), vireka (purgatives) and after proper anuvasana (oil enema ), light foods should be given and use of ghee habitually resorted to. 25-26.

Panchamuladi ghrita

पञ्चमूलाभयाव्योषपिप्पलीमूलसैन्धवैः रास्त्राक्षारद्वयाजाजीविडङ्गशठिभिर्घृतम् शुक्तेन मातुलुङ्गस्य स्वरसेनार्द्रकस्य च ।

शुष्कमूलककोलाम्लचुक्रिकादाडिमस्य तक्रमस्तुसुरामण्डसौवीरकतुषोदकैः । च ॥॥२७॥

२८ ॥ काञ्जिकेन च तत्पक्वमग्निदीप्तिकरं परम् ॥ २९ ॥


Medicated ghee is prepared with (decoction of) pancamula, abhaya, vyosa, pippalimula, saindhava, rasna, the two ksara, ajaji, vidanga and sathi, sukta (fermented buttermilk), juice of matulunga and ardraka, (paste of ) dry mulaka, kolamla, cukrika and dadima, takra, mastu, suramanda, sauviraka, tusodaka and kanjika cooked together;

this is best for augmenting digestive fire and cure of colic, abdominal tumor, enlargement of the abdomen, dyspnoea, cough and increase of vata and kapha. 27-30a.

सबीजपूरकरसं सिद्धं वा पाययेद्धृतम् ॥ ३० ॥

तैलमभ्यञ्जनार्थं च सिद्धमेभिश्चलापहम् । एतेषामौषधानां वा पिबेच्चूर्णं सुखाम्बुना ॥ ३१ ॥

वाते श्लेष्मावृते सामे कफे वा वायुनोद्धते ।

Or ghee preapared with the juice of bijapura should be consumed.

Oil prepared from these drugs (pancamula etc.) should be used for massage to mitigate cala ( vata).

Or powder of these drugs should be consumed with warm water, if vata is encircled by kapha, kapha is mixed with ama or kapha is aggravated by vayu (vata). 30b-32a.

Pittaja grahani chikitsa

अग्नेर्निर्वापकं पित्तं रेकेण वमनेन वा ॥ ३२ ॥

तिक्तलघुग्राहिदीपनैरविदाहिभिः । हत्वा अन्नैः सन्धुक्षयेदग्निं चूर्णैः स्नेहैश्च तिक्तकैः ॥ ३३ ॥

Pitta which is concerned with (the activities of) digestive fire (which has undergone increase now ) should be mitigated either with purgation or emesis therapies and foods which are bitter, easily digestible, water absorbing, carminative and not causing burning sensation inside. Then after the digestive fire augmented by the use of powder or fats prepared from durgs of bitter taste. 32b-33.

Patoladi curma

पटोलनिम्बत्रायन्तीतिक्तातिक्तकपर्पटम् च ॥ ३५ ॥

कुटजत्वक्फलं मूर्वा मधुशिग्रुफलं वचा ॥ ३४ ॥

दार्वीत्वक्पद्मकोशीरयवानीमुस्तचन्दनम् ।

सौराष्ट्रयतिविषाव्योषत्वगेलापत्रदारु चूर्णितं मधुना लेह्यं पेयं मद्यैर्जलेन वा ।

हृत्पाण्डुग्रहणीरोगगुल्मशूलारुचिज्वरान् कामलां सन्निपातं च मुखरोगांश्च नाशयेत् । ॥ ३६॥

Powder of patola, nimba, trayanti, tikta, parpata, kutajatvak, kutaja phala, murva, madhusigru phala, vaca, bark of darvi, padmaka, usira, yavani, musta and daru; consumed either with honey, wine or water it cures disease of the heart, anaemia, duodenal disease, abdominal tumor, pain of the abdomen, loss of taste / appetite, fever, jaundice, increase of all the dosas and disease of the mouth.

Bhunimbadi churna

भूनिम्बकटुकामुस्तात्र्यूषणेन्द्रयवान् समान् ॥३७॥

द्वौ चित्रकाद्वत्सकत्वग्भागान् षोडश चूर्णयेत् । गुडशीताम्बुना पीतं ग्रहणीदोषगुल्मनुत् ॥ ३८ ॥

कामलाज्वरपाण्डुत्वमेहारुच्यतिसारजित् ।

Powder prepared with equal quantities of bhunimba, katuka, musta, tryusana and indrayava, two parts of citraka, and sixteen parts of bark of vatsaka, consumed along with guda and cold water, this cures duodenal disorders, abdominal tumor, jaundice, fever, anaemia, diabetes, loss of taste/ appetite and diarrhoea. 37b-39a.

Nagaradi churna

नागरातिविषामुस्तापाठाबिल्वं रसाञ्जनम् ॥ ३९ ॥

कुटजत्वक्फलं तिक्ता धातकी च कृतं रजः । क्षौद्रतण्डुलवारिभ्यां पैत्तिके ग्रहणीगदे ॥ ४० ॥

प्रवाहिकार्शोगुदरुग्रक्तोत्थानेषु चेष्यते ।

Powder prepared with (equal quantities of) nagara ativisa, musta, patha, bilva, rasanjana, bark of kutaja, fruit of kutaja, tikta, and dhataki and used along with honey and ricewash is beneficial for duodenal disease of pitta origin, dysentery, piles, pain in the rectum and disease arising from blood. 39b-41a.

Chandanadi ghirta

॥ ४२ ॥ चन्दनं पद्मकोशीरं पाठा मूर्वां कुटन्नटम् ॥ ४१ ॥

षड्ग्रन्थासारिवास्फोतासप्तपर्णाटरूषकान् पटोलोदुम्बराश्वत्थवटप्लक्षकपीतनान् कटुकां रोहिणीं मुस्तां निम्बं च द्विपलांशकान् ।

द्रोणेऽपां साधयेत्तेन पचेत्सर्पिः पिचून्मितैः ॥ ४३ ॥

किराततिक्तेन्द्रयववीरामागधिकोत्पलैः । पित्तग्रहण्यां तत्पेयं कुष्ठोक्तं तिक्तकं च यत् ॥ ४४ ॥

Medicated ghee is prepared with two pala each candana, padmaka, usira, patha, murva, kutannatasadgrantha, sariva asphota, saptaparna atarusaka, patola, udumbara, asvattha, vata, plaksa, kapitana, katukarohini, musta and nimba are boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to one fourth; to this is added the paste of one picu each of kiratatikta, indrayava, vira, magadhika and utpala and medicated ghee prepared.

This should be consumed in duodenal disease of pitta origin. Tiktaka ghrta described in the treatment of kustha (chapter 10 ) may also be used. 41b-44.

Kaphaja grahani chikitsa

ग्रहण्यां श्लेष्मदुष्टायां तीक्ष्णैः प्रच्छर्दने कृते । कट्वम्ललवणक्षारैः क्रमादग्निं विवर्धयेत् ॥ ४५ ॥

In duodenal disease caused by increase of kapha, vomitting should be done by using strong emetic drugs first and then the digestive fire augmented by the use of drugs of pungent, sour, salts tastes and ksara ( alkalies). 45.

पञ्चकोलाभयाधान्यपाठागन्धपलाशकैः ।

बीजपूरप्रगाढैश्च सिद्धैः पेयादि कल्पयेत् ॥ ४६ ॥

Peya (thin gruel) should be prepared with pancakola, abhaya, dhanya, patha, gandhapalasa and more quantity of bijapura to be used as food. 46.

Madhuka pushpasava

द्रोणं मधूकपुष्पाणां विडङ्गं च ततोऽर्धतः । चित्रकस्य ततोऽर्धं च तथा भल्लातकाढकम् ॥ ४७ ॥ मञ्जिष्ठाऽष्टपलं चैतज्जलद्रोणत्रये पचेत् । द्रोणशेषं शृतं शीतं मध्वर्धाढकसंयुतम् ॥ ४८ । एलामृणालागुरुभिश्चन्दनेन च रूषिते । कुम्भे मासं स्थितं जातमासवं तं प्रयोजयेत् ॥ ४९ ग्रहणीं दीपयत्येष बृंहणः पित्तरक्तनुत् । शोषकुष्ठकिलासानां प्रमेहाणां च नाशनः ॥ ५० ॥

One drona of madhuka puspa, half of it ( half drona) of vidanga, half of it ( quarter drona) of citraka, one adhaka of bhallataka, eight pala of manjistha — all these are.] e. boiled in three drona of water and decoction reduced to one drona. After cooling, half adhaka of madhu ( honey) is added, made fragrant by the powder of ela, mrnala, aguru and candana, poured into a pot and kept undisturbed for one month. Afterwards this fermented asava should be consumed. It stimulates the duodenum, bestows nourishment, mitigates pitta and rakta and cures consumption, leprosy, leucoderma and diabetes. 47-50.

शृतमर्धक्षयीकृतम् । पूर्ववत्सन्निधापयेत् ॥ ५१ ॥

मधूकपुष्पस्वरसं क्षौद्रपादयुतं शीतं तत्पिबन् ग्रहणीदोषान् जयेत्सर्वान् हिताशनः ।

Juice of madhuka pushpa boiled and reduced to half, is mixed with one fourth quantity of ksaudra (honey) cooled, and allowed to undergo fermentation as described earlier. By its use, the person who partakes suitable foods gets cured of duodenal disorders. 51-52a.

तद्वद्द्राक्षेक्षुखर्जूरस्वरसानासुतान् पिबेत् ॥५२॥

Similarly the juice of draksa, iksu, and kharjura fermented well should be consumed. 52b.

हिङ्गुतिक्तावचामाद्रीपाठेन्द्रयवगोक्षुरम् । पञ्चकोलं च कर्षांशं पलांशं पटुपञ्चकम् ॥ ५३ ॥

घृततैलद्विकुडवे दनः प्रस्थद्वये च तत् । आपोथ्य क्वाथयेदग्नौ मृदावनुगते रसे ॥ ५४ ॥

अन्तर्धूमं ततो दग्ध्वा चूर्णीकृत्य घृताप्लुतम् । पिबेत्पाणितलं तस्मिन् जीर्णे स्यान्मधुराशनः ॥ ५५ ॥

वातश्लेष्मामयान् सर्वान् हन्याद्विषगरांश्च सः ।

One karsa each of hingu, tikta, vaca, madri, patha, indrayava, goksura and pancakola, one pala each of the five salts, two kudava each of ghee and oil, two prastha of dadhi, are boiled over mild fire; when the water gets evaporated and fumes appear inside, the material is taken out, powdered and consumed in doses of one panitala (karsa) mixed with ghee, partaking sweet foods only, This cures all diseases arising from vata and slesma (kapha), poison and artificial poisons. 53-56a.

Khsara yogas

भूनिम्बं रोहिणीं तिक्तां पटोलं निम्बपर्पटम् ॥ ५६ ॥ दग्ध्वा माहिषमूत्रेण पिबेदग्निविवर्धनम् ।

Bhunimba, rohini, tikta, patola, nimba and parpata are burnt to ashes, which is consumed along with urine of the buffallo, makes far increase of digestive power. 56-57a.

द्वे हरिद्रे वचा कुष्ठं चित्रकः कटुरोहिणी ॥ ५७ ॥ मुस्ता च छागमूत्रेण सिद्धः क्षारोऽग्निवर्धनः ।

Ash of the two haridra, vaca, kustha, citraka, katurohini and musta consumed with goat’s urine cause increase of digestive power. 57b-58a.

चतुष्पलं सुधाकाण्डान्त्रिपलं लवणत्रयात् ॥ ५८ ॥

वार्ताककुडवं चार्कादष्टौ द्वे चित्रकोत्पले । दग्ध्वा रसेन वार्ताकागुटिका भोजनोत्तराः ॥ ५९ ॥

भुक्तमन्नं पचन्त्याशु कासश्वासार्शसां हिताः । विसूचिकाप्रतिश्यायहृद्रोगशमनाश्च ताः ॥ ६० ॥

Four pala of sudha kanda, three pala of the three lavana, one kudava of vartaka, eight of arka, two pala of citraka are burnt to ashes and made into pills with the juice of vartaka; consumed after meals it digests the indigested food quickly; is beneficial in cough, dyspnoea, piles, cures visucika (a severe form of indigestion having diarrhoea and vomitting together) nasal catarrh and heart disease. 58b-60.

मातुलुङ्गशठीरास्त्राकटुत्रयहरीतकि स्वर्जिकायावशूकाख्यौ क्षारौ पञ्चपटूनि च ॥ ६१॥

तच्चूर्णं बलवर्णाग्निवर्धनम् । सुखाम्बुपीतं

Powder of matulunga, sathi, rasna, katutraya, haritaki, sarjiksara, yavasukajaksara and the five patu (salts) consumed with warm water enhances strength, complexion and degestive fire. 61-62a.

श्लैष्मिके ग्रहणीदोषे सवाते तैर्घृतं पचेत् ॥ ६२ ॥ धान्वन्तरं षट्पलं च भल्लातकघृताभयम् ।

In duodenal disease arising from slesma ( kapha) associated with vata, medicated ghee should be prepared with these drugs and consumed, (vide chapter 5 ) bhallataka ghrta (chapter 14) or abhaya ghrta ( chapter 15 ) may be used instead. 62b-63a.

६३ ॥ बिडकाचोषलवणस्वर्जिकायावशूकजान् सप्तलां कण्टकारीं च चित्रकं चैकतो दहेत् ।

सप्तकृत्वः स्रुतस्यास्य क्षारस्यार्धाढके पचेत् ॥ ६४ ॥ आढकं सर्पिष: पेयं तदग्निबलवृद्धये ।

Bida, kaca and usa lavana, svarjiksara, and yavasukaja ksara, spatala, kantakari and citraka are burnt to ashes to gether, dissolved in water, filtered out seven times.

Half-adhaka of this ksara is mixed with one adhaka of ghrta and cooked. This should be consumed to increase the strength of the digestive fire. 63b-65a.

निचये पञ्चकर्माणि युञ्ञ्ज्याच्चैतद्यथाबलम् ॥ ६५ ॥

In duodenal disorder arising from all the dosas together, pancakarma (the five purificatory therapies, viz. emesis, purgation, decoction enema, fat-enema, and nasal medication) should be adopted, suitable to the strength of the patient should be adopted. 65b.

प्रसेके श्लैष्मिकेऽल्पाग्नेदर्दीपनं रूक्षतिक्तकम् । योज्यं कृशस्य व्यत्यासात्स्निग्धरूक्षं कफोदये ॥ ६६ ॥

क्षीणक्षामशरीरस्य दीपनं स्नेहसंयुतम् । दीपनं बहुपित्तस्य तिक्तं मधुरकैर्युतम् ॥ ६७ ॥ स्नेहोऽम्ललवणैर्युक्तो बहुवातस्य शस्यते ।

For praseka (excess salivation) arising from slesma in the person who has poor digestive fire (but not emaciated) the digestive fire should be augmented by drugs which are dry (non-unctous) and bitter, and in the emaciated, by drugs which are unctous and non-unctous used alternately; for the person who is emaciated and debilitated, increasing the power of digestive fire should be done with drugs mixed with fats (oil, ghee ), for the person who has great increase of pitta, augmentation of digestive fire should be done by bitter drugs added with sweet drugs; for the person who has great increase of vata, it is best done by use of fats mixed with drugs of sour and salt tastes. 66-68a.

स्नेहमेव परं विद्याद्दुर्बलानलदीपनम् ॥ ६८ ॥ नालं स्नेहसमिद्धस्य शमायान्नं सुगुर्वपि ।

Fat alone are best to augment the weak digestive fire, even very heavy foods (not easily digestable or more in quantity) are in capable of mitigating/weakening, the digestive fire augmented by fats. 68b-69a.

योऽल्पाग्नित्वात्कफेक्षीणे वर्चः पक्कमपिश्लथम् ॥ ६९ ॥ मुञ्चेत्पट्वौषधयुतं स पिबेदल्पशो घृतम् ।

तेन स्वमार्गमानीतः स्वकर्मणि नियोजितः ॥ ७० ॥ समानो दीपयत्यग्निमग्नेः सन्धुक्षको हि सः ।

The patient who, because of poor digestion and decrease of kapha, eliminates loose faeces, though well cooked, should be given little quantities of ghee processed with patu (salt) and ausadha ( sunthi) by this the samana vata is brought into its normal path, engaged to do its normal function and augment the digestive fire because it is the (samanavata) only who enhances the strength of the digestive fire. 69b-71a.

पुरीषं यश्च कृच्छ्रेण कठिनत्वाद्विमुञ्चति ॥ ७१ ॥ स घृतं लवणैर्युक्तं नरोऽन्नावग्रहं पिबेत् ।

The person who eliminates faeces with difficulty, because of its hardness, should drink ghee mixed with salt and prevent it from coming out in the upward direction by conusming food immediately. 71b-72a.

रौक्ष्यान्मन्देऽनले सर्पिस्तैलं वा दीपनैः पिबेत् ॥ ७२ ॥

क्षारचूर्णासवारिष्टान् मन्दे स्नेहातिपानतः । उदावर्तात्तु योक्तव्या निरूहस्त्रेहबस्तयः ॥ ७३ ॥

दोषातिवृध्द्यामन्देऽग्नौ संशुद्धोऽन्नविधिं चरेत् । व्याधिमुक्तस्य मन्देऽग्नौ सर्पिरेव तु दीपनम् ॥ ७४ ॥

In case of weak digestive activity he should drink ghee or oil processed with carminative ags. If weakness of digestive activity results from overdrinking of fats, asava or arista (fermented decoctions) should be consumed added with powder of ksara (alkalies).

If udavarta (upward movement of vata) is present, then niruha (decoction enema) and sneha basti (oil enema ) should be administered.

If weak digestive function is due to great increase of the dosas, purificatory therapies followed by regimen of diet should be adopted.

In case of weakness of digestive activity, occurring after the cure of the disease, ghee only is the best carminative. ’72b-74.

अध्वोपवासक्षामत्वैर्यवाग्वा पाययेद्व्रतम् । अन्नावपीडितं बल्यं दीपनं बृंहणं च तत् ॥ ७५ ॥

When weakness (of digestive activity) is due to long distance walking and fasting, he should drink ghee, in the middle of the meal. This confers strength, increase hunger and stoutens the body. 75.

दीर्घकालप्रसङ्गात्तु क्षामक्षीणकृशान्नरान् । प्रसहानां रसैः साम्लैर्भोजयेत्पिशिताशिनाम् ॥ ७६ ॥

लघूष्णकटुशोधित्वाद् दीपयन्त्याशु तेऽनलम् | मांसोपचितमांसत्वात्परं च बलवर्धनाः ॥ ७७ ॥

The person who has become incapable of doing any work, debilitated, and emaciated, because of long period of suffering from other diseases, should be made to consume food along with juice (soup) of meat of carnivorous animals of prasaha kind (vide-chapter 6 of sutrasthana) mixed with sours; these being easily digestable, hot in potency, pungent, and purifactory, augment the digestive fire quickly, and are best to increase the strength (of the person) because these are nourished by meat (of other animals). 76-77.


सम्यक् प्रयुक्तैर्देहस्य बलमग्नेश्च वर्तते ।। ७८ ।।

With the proper use of fats, asava, sura, arista (alcoholic drinks), powders and decoctions (of drugs and suitable foods, both the strength and digestive capacity of the person, shall get increased. 78.

दीप्तो यथैव स्थाणश्च बाह्योऽग्निः सारदारुभिः । सस्नेहर्जायते तद्वदाहारैः कोष्ठगोऽनलः ॥ ७९ ॥

Just as the external fire burns well and remains steady when fed with hard wood (faggots) and fats similarly, the fire in the alimentary tract (remains active and steady) with foods (healthy and mixed with fats). 79.

नाभोजनेन कायाग्निर्दीप्यते नातिभोजनात् । यथा निरिन्धनो वह्निरल्पो वाऽतीन्धनावृतः ॥ ८० ॥

The digestive fire gets augmented, neither by not eating food at all nor by over eating, similar to the small external fire which (does not burn) neither without any fuel nor with more of it, dumped over. 80.

Atyagni – hyperactive digestive fire

यदा क्षीणे कफे पित्तं स्वस्थाने पवनानुगम् । प्रवृद्धं वर्धयत्यग्निं तदाऽसौ सानिलोऽनलः ॥ ८१ ॥

पक्त्वाऽन्नमाशु धातूंश्च सर्वानोजश्च सङ्क्षिपन् । मारयेत्स्यात्स ना स्वस्थो भुक्ते जीर्णे तु ताम्यति ॥ ८२ ॥

तृट्कासदाहमूर्च्छाद्या व्याधयोऽत्यग्निसम्भवाः ।

When kapha becomes decreased, pitta gets increased in its own seat (amasaya, the stomach) followed by pavana (vata), then both anila (vata) and anala (pitta) together cook the food, and all the dhatus (tissues) also and causing depletion of ojas, and kill the person.

Such a person finds comfort by eating food and suffers when it gets digested. Thirst, cough, burning sensation, fainting etc. are some disease arising from atyagni (greatly increased digestive activity).81-83a.

गुरुस्निग्धमन्दसान्द्रहिमस्थिरैः ॥ ८३ ॥

दीप्तमग्निमिवाम्बुभिः । भोज्यान्यस्योपहारयेत् ॥ ८४ ॥

तमत्यग्निं अन्नपानैर्नयेच्छान्तिं मुहुर्मुहुरजीर्णेsपि निरिन्धनोऽन्तरं लब्ध्वा यथैनं न विपादयेत् ।

कृशरां पायसं स्निग्धं पैष्टिकं गुडवैकृतम् ॥ ८५ ॥

अश्रीयादौदकानूपपिशितानि भृतानि च । मत्स्यान् विशेषतः श्लक्ष्णान् स्थिरतोयचराश्च ये ॥ ८६ ॥

आविकं सुभृतं मांसमद्यादत्यग्निवारणम् ।

Such a greatly increased digestive fire should be brought under control by foods and driks which posses qualities such as guru (not easily digestable), snigdha (unctous, fatty), manda (slow), sandra (solid), hima (cold in potency) and sthira (static) just as controlling the external fire by water.

He should be given food, again and again, even though he has indigestion, so that it (increased digestive fire) should not kill the person, obtaining strength when there is no fule (food).

Krsara (rice boiled with green gram) payasa (sweet pudding) prepared from milk (mixed with fats ghee), eatables prepared from conrnflour, and guda (jaggery), meat of well fed animals living in water and marshy regions, especially the fish, which are smooth (soft) and living in stagnant water should be consumed.

Meat of sheep which is well fed should be consumed for 83b-87a. mitigating greatly increased digestive fire.

पयः सहमधूच्छिष्टं घृतं वा तृषितः पिबेत् ॥ ८७ ॥

गोधूमचूर्णं पयसा बहुसर्पि: परिप्लुतम् । आनूपरसयुक्तान् वा स्नेहांस्तैलविवर्जितान् ॥ ८८ ॥

श्यामात्रवृद्धिपक्कं वा पयो दद्याद्विरेचनम् । असकृत्पित्तहरणं पायसप्रतिभोजनम् ॥ ८९ ॥

When he is thirsty, he should drink milk or ghee added with bees wax, milk mixed with flour of wheat and added with more of ghee or drink the soup of meat of animals of marshy land, mixed with fats except oil; milk boiled with syama trivrit,should be given to produce purgation, and partake payasa (milk pudding) repeatedly, at each meal in order to 87b-89. mitigate pitta.

यत्किञ्चिद्गुरु मेद्यं च श्लेष्मकारि च भोजनम्।

सर्व तदत्यग्निहितं भुक्त्वा च स्वपनं दिवा ॥ ९० ॥

All kinds of foods which are heavy/not easily digestable, fatty and producing kapha, are good for greatly increased digestive fire, so also sleeping during day.

आहारमग्निः पचति दोषानाहारवर्जितः । धातून् क्षीणेषु दोषेषु जीवितं धातुसङ्क्षये ॥ ९१ ॥

Fire (digestive fire ) cooks the food, in the absence of food, it cooks the dosas, when the dosas become decreased, it (fire) cooks the dhatus ( tissues) and when the dhatus become depleted, it cooks (cuts shorts ) the life itself. 91.

एतत्प्रकृत्यैव विरुद्धमन्नं संयोगसंस्कारवशेन चेदम् ।

इत्याद्यविज्ञाय यथेष्टचेष्टाश्चरन्ति यत्साऽग्निबलस्य शक्तिः ॥ ९२ ॥

तस्मादग्निं पालयेत्सर्वयत्त्रैस्तस्मिन्नष्टे याति ना नाशमेव । दोषैर्ग्रस्ते ग्रस्यते रोगसङ्घैर्युक्ते तु

स्यान्नीरुजो दीर्घजीवी ॥ ९३ ॥

He who indulges, in food as and how he desires without considering whether the food is incompatable by its very nature, by its combination (with other substances), processing etc., and lives on happily, does so by the strength of his digestive fire. Hence the digestive fire should be protected (looked after carefully) by every effort, because when it is lost, the person also becomes lost ( dies), when it gets seized by the dosas, the person gets seized by group of diseases, when it is normal the person enjoys long life free of diseases.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने ग्रहणीदोषचिकित्सितं नाम

दशमोऽध्यायः ॥ १०॥

Thus ends the chapter Grahanidosa chikitsa-the tenth of chikitsa sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita, composed by srimad Vagbhata, son of sri vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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