KUSTHA CHIKITSA – Ayurvedic Treatment of Psoriasis – Ashtanga Samgraha Chikitsasthana Chapter 21


अथात: कुष्ठचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इतिह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।।१।।

We will now expound Kustha chikitsa – treatment of psoriasis (and other skin diseases); thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)

KUSTHA CHIKITSA – Ayurvedic Treatment of Psoriasis

पूर्वरूपेष्वेव कुष्ठिनं स्नेहपानेनोपक्रमेत । तत्रवातोत्तरेमेषशृङ्गीशार्ङ्गष्टैरण्डगुडूचीद्विपञ्चमूलसिद्धं तैलंघृतं वापानाभ्यङ्गयोर्विदध्यात् ।। २ ।।

पित्तोत्तरेधवाश्वकर्णककुभवचापुनर्नवपलाशपिचुमन्दमधुकलोधसमङ्गासिद्धंसर्पिः ।

During the premonitory stage itself, the patient of kustha (psoriasis) should be treated with drinking of (medicated) fats (oleation therapy).

If vata is predominant, oil or ghee prepared from mesasringi, sarngestha, eranda, guduchi, and the two panchamula should be used for drinking and external application. (2) If pitta is predominant, medicated ghee prepared from dhava, asvakarna, kakubha,

vacha, punarnava, palasa, picumanda, madhuka, lodhra and samanga.

Tiktaka ghrita

अथवा पटोलपिचुमन्ददार्वीदुरालभातिक्तरोहिणीपाठापर्पटकत्रायमाणानां पालिकान् भागान् जलाढक द्वयेऽष्टभागशेषं क्वाथयेत् । तेन कार्षिकैश्चन्दनोपकुल्यामुस्तात्रायन्तीन्द्रयवभूनिम्ब सर्पिषो द्वादश – पलं साधयेत् । एतत्तिक्तकं सर्पिः कुष्ठविसर्पविस्फोटगण्डगण्डमालाश्वयथुपिटका रक्तपित्तदुर्नामवातशोणित कामलापाण्ड्वामयोन्माददाहतृड्भ्रमकण्डूकुष्ठनाडीगुल्ममदतिमिरव्यङ्गश्वित्रापस्मारभगन्दरोदरप्रदरज्वरगरविद्रधिग्रहणीहृद्रोगानपहरति || ३ ||

Or one pala each of patola, picumanda, darvi, duralabha, tiktarohini, patha, parpataka and trayamana are boiled in two adhaka of water, decoction reduced to oneeighth of the quantity; to this are added the paste of one karsa each of chandana, upakalya, musta, trayanti, indrayava and bhunimba, and twelve pala of ghee and medicated ghee prepared. This recipe ( known as ) Tiktaka ghrta, cures psoriasis, herpes, small-pox, enlargement of glands, scrofula, oedema, eruptions, bleeding disease, haemorrhoids, gout, jaundice, anaemia, insanity, burning sensation, thirst, giddiness, itching, skin disease, sinus ulcers, abdominal tumors, intoxication, blindness, discoloured patches on the face, leucoderma, epilepsy, rectal fistula, enlargement of the abdomen, menorrhagia, fever, artificial poison, abscess, duodenal disease and heart disease. (3)

Maha tikta ghrita

सप्तच्छदकटुकातिविषाशम्याकपाठामुस्तत्रिफलोशीरपटोलपर्पटकपिप्पलीद्वयद्विरजनीद्विसारिवाचन्दनदुरालभापद्मकवचाशतावरीविशालाकुटजबीजवृषमूर्वागुडूची भूनिम्बत्रायमाणामधुकगर्भं द्विगुणामलकरसंमष्टगुणाम्बु सर्पिर्विपक्कंमहातिक्तकाख्यंघृतमधिकगुणंपूर्वस्मात् । गुग्गुलु – पञ्चतिक्तं वापिबेत् ॥४॥

Saptachada, katuka, ativisa, samyaka, musta, triphala, usira, patola, parptaka, the two pippali, the two rajani, the two sariva, cafndana duralabha, padmaka, vacha, satavari, visala, kutajabija, vrsa, murva, guduchi, bhunimba, trayamana and madhuka – each equal parts are converted into a decoction; to this are added twice that quantity of juice of amalaka and ghee one eighth the quantity of the decoction and medicated ghee prepared; this recipe known as Mahatikta ghrta is more effective than the earlier. Or he may drink guggulupanchatikta ghrta (described in the treatment of vata vyadhi, chapter 23). (4)

कफोत्तरे सालप्रियालशम्याकारिष्टसप्तपर्णचित्रकमरिचवचाकुष्ठैः साधितम् । अथवा बृहतीद्वयकाकमाचीशुकनासाक्काथेमरिचविडङ्गशिग्रुजातीदेवदारुक्षवकहरिद्राभयाकल्केन वाजि मूत्रेणच सिद्धंसर्पिः ॥५॥

If kapha is predominant medicated ghee prepared with sala, priyala, samyaka, arista, saptaparna, chitraka, maricha, vacha and kustha should be used for drinking; or that ( ghee) prepared from the decoction, of the two brihati, kakamaci and sukanasa, paste of maricha, vidanga, sigru, jati, devadaru, ksavaka, haridra and abhaya and horses urine. (5)

सर्वेषु च भल्लातकतुवरक सिद्धार्थकान्यतमतैलम् । भल्लातकपथ्याकृमिघ्नसिद्धंवा हविः ॥ ६ ॥ In all varieties (kustha), medicated oil prepared from either bhallataka, tuvaraka or siddharthaka is beneficial or medicated ghee prepared from bhallataka, pathya and krmighna. ( 6 )

ततः स्निग्धस्य यथादोषं यथासन्नं च संशोधनानि प्रयुञ्जीत । सिरां च बलापेक्षी विध्येदेकां द्वे तिस्त्रश्चतस्त्रः पञ्च वा । अन्तरान्तरा च पुनः पुनः स्नेहं पिबेत् । दुर्बलं हि शून्यकोष्ठं कुष्ठिनं वायुरभि भवति । वमने त्वस्य मधुककुटजबीजनिग्बपटोल पल्लवानि विदध्यात् । कुम्भनिकुम्भत्रिफला विरेचने माणिभद्रवटकांश्च ॥७॥

Afterwards, the patient should be administered sneha (oleation therapy) followed by samsodhana (purificatory) therapies appropriate to the (aggravated) dosha and nearby path (of their elimination). Noting the strength (of the patient) one, two, three, four or five veins can be cut and blood let out; he should be given fats (medicated ghee) to drink again and again (to protect his strength because in a weak person vata gets produced in the alimentary tract which is empty. For producing vomiting, madhuka, kutajabija, nimba, and patola pallava, may be used; and for purgations, kumbha, nikumbha, triphala or manibhadra vataka (described further) may be made use of. (7)

पटोलविशालयोर्मूलं त्रिफला च पृथक् त्रिभागोनत्रिशाणाः कटुकात्रायमाणे शाणांशे शुण्ठ्यास्त्रिभागोनः शाणः तदेतत् पलमैकध्यं सलिले विपाच्य पाययेत् । ऊर्ध्वाधोविरिक्तश्च जीर्णे जाङ्गलरसेनाश्नीयात् । एवमेतत् षड्रात्रप्रयोगात् परं पित्तकफशोफकुष्टदुष्टनाडीव्रणार्शोभगन्दरग्रहणीपाण्डुहलीमककामलाविषमज्वरद्धस्तिवेदनाघ्नम् ॥ ८ ॥

Roots of patola and visala, triphala (each one seperately) making up in total three sana less by one third ( in other words two sana), two sana of katuka and trayamana (together), sunthi one sana less by one-third all these are boiled in one pala of water and used as a drink. After purification of the body both upward (by vomiting) and downward (by puurgation) and digestion (of the medicine), the patient should take food along with juice of meat of animals of desert-like regions. By following this procedure for six days, this recipe cures oedema produced by pitta and kapha, psoriasis (and other skin disease), bad ulcers, sinus ulcers, piles, fistula of the rectum, duodenal disease, anaemia, halimaka (chlorosis), jaundice, intermittant fevers, pain of the heart and urinary bladder. (8)

उभयानुलोमनं वा ब्राह्मीस्वरससाधितं सर्पिः पिबेत् । आवर्तकीतुलां सलिलार्मणेऽष्टांशशिष्टां विपाच्य तेन निर्यूहेण तन्मूलैश्च घृतप्रस्थं साधयेत् । ततो मात्रामेकाहान्तरं पिबेत् । ऊर्ध्वाधो विरिच्यमानस्तृषितः शीतलवणमारनालं जीर्णस्नेहश्च तेनैव कोद्रवौदनमश्नीयात् । अनेन कुष्ठश्वित्रापचीभगन्दरनाडीव्रणाखुविषाणि सिध्यन्ति । मेध्यं चैतत्पुंसवनं च ।। ९ ।।

Or he should drink medicated ghee prepared with the fresh juice of bralmi, which produces movement in both the directions (produces both vomiting and purgation).

One tula of avartaki is boiled in one armana (drona) of water, decoction reduced to one-eighth the quantity, to which are added the paste of the root of the same drug and one prastha of ghrta and medicated ghee prepared; this recipe should be consumed in the usual dose with an interval of a day.

After getting purgations both upward and downward (vomiting and purgings) he may drink cold rice-wash, cold and salted, if he is thirsty, after the fat (medicated ghee ) is fully digested he may eat mess prepared from kodrava. By this, psoriasis, leucoderma, scrofula, fistula-in-ano, sinus, ulcer, and rat – bite poisoning get cured; it also increases intellegence and bestows male offspring. ( 9 )

दार्वीपटोलबृहतीसेव्यमदननिम्बकृतमालघनेन्द्रयवैः सस्त्रेहैरास्थापनम् । एभिरेव च विपक्कः स्नेहोऽनुवासनार्हस्यानुवासनम् । दन्तीमरिचफणिज्जकार्द्रककरञ्जबीजपिप्पलीविडङ्गसैन्धवैरूर्ध्वजत्रुगते कुष्ठेकृमिषु च शिरोविरेकः सूत्रस्थानोक्तो वैरेचनिक धूमश्च ॥ १० ॥

Asthapana (decoction enema) should be administered with (decoction prepared from) darvi, patola, brihati, sevya, madana, nimba, kritamala ghana and indrayava mixed with fats (medicated oil or ghee); medicated oil prepared from the same drugs may be used for administering anuvasana (oil enema) to those who are suitable/fit for it.

When kustha (psoriasis) and krmi (worms / bacteria) are found localised above the shoulders, sirovirecana (purgations to the head) should be administered by using danti, maricha, phannijjaka, ardraka, karanjabija, pippali, vidanga and saindhava; vairecanika dhuma (purgatory inhalation of smoke) described in sutrasthana (chapter 30) should be done (10)

ततः सर्वतो विशुद्धस्यान्तर्बहिः शमनानिप्रयुञ्जीत ।।११।।

After the patient is this purified both internally and externall samana (pallaitive therapies) should be adopted. (11)

Yogaraja avaleha

खदिरकदरतिनिशास नशिरीषशिंशपाशाकसर्जार्जुनजम्बूकरवीरधवामलकीमुष्ककाक्षिकबदरीवञ्जुलनिम्बकरञ्जकदम्बमधूकसारान् सार्द्रान् कृतमालनिचुलपटोलाङ्कोलबलाबिल्वकुटजकटभीपारिभद्रसहचरगृध्रनखीवरणवर्धमानार्कसौभञ्जनाटरूषकशतावरीश्वदंष्ट्राहिमाराश्वकर्णश्रीपर्णीस्वयंगुप्ताग्निमन्थेन्द्रवारुणीकाकोदुम्बरिकामेषशृङ्गीटुण्टुकगुडूचीवर्षाभूवायसीबृहतीद्वयरोहिणीमूर्वाशाङ्गेष्टामूलानि च शकलयित्वा पृथक् त्रिंशत्पलिकानि सङ्क्षुद्य महति कटाहेऽष्टगुणेनाम्भसा क्वाथयेत् । अष्टभागशेषं निर्यूहमवतार्य परित्राव्य च तस्मिन् सर्पिषः पलशतत्रयं विपचेदीषदवशेषकषाये च विदलीकृतारुष्करसहस्त्रत्रयमत्रावाप्य पुनः पाचयेद्विगतस्वरसान्यरुष्कराण्यपास्य तस्मिन् स्नेहे सुचूर्णितानि प्रक्षिपेत् । व्याधिघातव्योषनाकुलीमार्कवार्ककाकादनीतगरकटुकाकुष्ठबिल्वहिङ्गुविडङ्गचित्रकातिविषामुस्तेन्द्रयवेन्द्रवारुणीरूप्य मललोहरजोलोहकान्तरसाञ्जनाभ्रशुकनासादेवदालीत्रिफलालाङ्गलिकीविशालाकुम्भनिकुम्भवचावाराहीमहाद्रुमकोशातकीप्रपुन्नाटसोमपर्णीनलिकाद्वयपटोलीजातीपल्लवताप्यकारवेल्लीकूलिकाकन्दकसप्तच्छदशाङ्गेष्टोत्पलसारिवागुग्गुलुशिला – जतुमूर्वाकुस्तुम्बरीजीवकद्वयपाठेन्दुरेखावज्रकन्दहरिद्राद्वयलवणपञ्चकानि प्रत्येकं त्रिपलिकानि शृङ्गीविषपलं चैकं ततो दर्व्या समन्तादाघट्य सुगुप्तं भूमौ धान्ये वा मासं निखनेत् ।। १२ ।।

Sara (pith) which is moist (freshly cut) of (trees such as khadira, kadara, tinisa, asana sirisa, Simsipa, saka, sarja, arjuna, jambu, nimba, karavira, dhava, amalaki, muskaka, aksika, badari, vanjula, karanja, kadamba and madhuka, roots of krtamala, nicula, patola, ankola bala, bilva, kutaja, katabhi, paribhadra, sahachara, grdhranakhi, varana vardhamana, arka, sobhanjana, atarusaka, satavari, svadamstra, ahimara, asvakarna, sriparni, svayamgupta, agnimantha, indravaruni, kakodumbarika mesasringi, tuntuka, guduchi, varsabhu, vayasi, the two brihati, rohini, murva and root of sarngesta well peeled each thirty pala are boiled in a couldron (big vessel) with eight times of water, decoction reduced to one-eighth, taken out of the fire, allowed to cool, and then filtered; it is then added with three hundred pala of ghee, kept on the oven and boiled again; then aruskara three thousand by number, their cotylydons seperated are added to the decoction and boiling continued till they give out their juice; then they are removed out and boiling continued by adding the powder of three pala each of vyadhighata, vyosa, nakuli, markava, arka, kakadani, tagara, katuka, kustha, bilva, hingu, vidanga, chitraka, ativisa, musta, indrayava, indravaruni, rupyamala, loharaja, lohakanta (ayaskanta), rasanjana, abhra, sukanasa, devadali, triphala, langaliki, visala, kumbha, nikumbha, vacha, varahi, mahadruma, kosataki prapunnata, somaparni, the two nalika, patoli, jatipallava, tapya, karavelli, kulika kandaka, saptachada, sarngesta, utpala, sariva, guggulu, silajatu, murva, kustumburu, the two jivaka, patha, indurekha, vajrakanda, the two haridra, lavanapanchaka (five salts), and one pala of srngivisa, are added stirred well with the laddle and the vessel removed from the oven. It is then kept hidden either underground or in a heap of corns for one month. ( 12 )

अथ कृतसंशुद्धिस्वस्त्ययनः कुष्टी प्रातस्ततो मात्रामुपयुञ्जीत । जीर्णे च यथेष्टमाहारं तेनास्य पूर्वमङ्गानि तुद्यन्ते भिद्यन्ते शूयन्ते स्फुरन्ति स्फुटन्तित्त । ततः सप्तरात्रात् पूनः स्वस्थीभवन्ति । अपि च १३ ॥

The patient of psoriasis, after undergoing purificatory therapies, and performing auspicious rites should consume this recipe in the prescribed dose, in the morning daily; after it gets digested, he should take food which he likes, as much as he wants. In the beginning his body experiences pains such as pricking, stabbing, swelling, pulsating, and splitting and after seven days, these become stable (disappear). (13)

योगराजमवलिह्य समस्तं संज्ञयैव कथितोत्तमकशक्तिम् । हन्तिकुष्ठमतिपातितगात्रंस्नायुजालपरिशेषमशेषम् ॥ १४ ॥ श्वासाग्निसादारुचिकासयक्ष्मगुल्माढ्यवातग्रहणीप्रमेहान् । शोफं कृमीनूपाण्डुगदं ज्वरांश्च निवर्तयत्येष रसायनाग्र्यः ॥ १५ ॥

This confection, Yogaraja – by name, which bestows very good strength true to its name, cures without any remnant, psoriasis which has engulfed the whole body leaving only the network of tendons, it also cures dyspnoea, poor digestion, anorexia, cough, consumption, abdominal tumors, rigidity, duodenal disorder, diabetes, oedema worms ( parasites, bacteria), anaemia and fevers, and is best rejuvinator also. (14-15)

त्रिफलादशमूलमूर्वामुस्तसप्तच्छददारुनिम्बत्वग्गवाक्षीचित्रकमञ्जिष्ठाव्योषचूर्णं नवगुणैः सक्तुभिर्युक्तंसक्षौद्रंशीलयेत् ।।१६ ।।

Powder of triphala, dashamoola, murva, musta, saptachada, daru, nimbatvak, gavaksi, chitraka, manjista, vyosa mixed with nine times their quantity of corn-flour should be consumed along with honey. (16)

अथवा क्षुण्णान्यवान् निस्तुषान् रात्रौ गोमूत्रपर्युषितानहनि किलिञ्जे शोषयेदेवं सप्ताहं भावयेच्छोषयेच्च । ततस्तान् सक्तून् कृत्वा भल्लातकप्रपुन्नाटावल्गुजचित्रकविडङ्गमुस्तचूर्णचतुर्भागयुक्तानसनादिकषायेणपाययेत् ।।१७।।

Or barley broken and dehusked is soaked in cowsurine at night, and dried the next morning by suspending it in a hanger; this processes of soaking and drying continued for seven days. It is then converted into flour, mixed with the powder of bhallataka, prapunnata, avalguja chitraka, vidanga and musta, one-fourth of the quantity and consumed along with the decoction of drugs of asanadi gana (chapter 16of sutrasthana).(17)

एवमसनादिकाथपीतानामारग्वधादिकषायपीतान् वा गोजीर्णकानां वा यवानां सक्तूनरुष्क राग्निमन्थचूर्णमिश्रान् खदिरासनसाररोहितकगुडूचीनामन्यतमस्य कषायेण दाडिमाम्लवेतसाम्लेन सैन्धवलवणेन सितामधु-मधुरेणालोड्य पाययेत् । एष सर्वमन्थकल्पः । यावकांश्च भक्ष्यानपूपपूर्णकोशशष्कुली प्रभृतीन् कुर्यात् । यववच्च गोधूमैः ॥ १८ ॥

Similarly, the flour prepared from barley digested by the cow (large quantities of barley are fed to the cow and the corn that comes out along with the dung is collected, washed, dried and converted into flour) can be used as a drink along with the decoction of drugs of asanadi gana or of aragvadhadi gana or it may be mixed with the powder of aruskara, agnimantha and consumed along wth the decoction of any one of khadira, asanasara, rohitaka and guduchi, or with sour juice of dadima amlavetasa, added with saindhava, sita (sugar), honey and such other sweet substances. This is the method of preparing mantha, eatables ( snacks) like apupa, purnakosa, saskuli etc, prepared from yavaka should be partaken, even godhuma (wheat) may be made use of similarly. ( 18 )

सुरां कल्पयेत् पलाशक्षारभावितशालितण्डुलपिष्टेन क्षारोदकेनैव स्वेदितेन प्रियङ्गुगजपिप्पलीचित्रककेबुकैलावालुकपरिपेलवलोध्रमरिचविडङ्गचूर्णमिश्रेण नवे चैनां भाजने जतुसृते क्षौद्रपिप्पलीलिप्ते स्थापयेत् । ततो गन्धरसोपपन्नां कुष्टिने पातुं दद्यात् ।।१९ ।।

Sura (beer) is prepared by soaking the flour of rice in a solution of ash of palasa and baked in the steam of the same solution, it is then mixed with the powder of priyangu, gajapippali, chitraka, kebuka, elavaluka, paripelava, lodhra, maricha and vidanga; this liquid is then poured into a non-oozing fresh pot, coated inside with a paste of honey and pippali, (pot sealed and kept indisturbed for some days). After the liquid has attained good smell and taste, it is taken out and given to the patient of psoriasis to drink. (19)

खदिरशिंशपासारमुत्तमकारणीं ब्राह्मीं कोशवतीं च कषायकल्पेन विपचेत् । तेन क्काथेन तण्डुलान् भावयेत् ।पिष्टंच स्वेदयेत् । अभिषुणुयाच्च पूर्ववत् ॥ २० ॥

Khadira sara, simsipasara, uttamakarini, brahmi, kosavati are cooked into a decoction; rice is soaked in this decoction, dried, converted into four and cooked in steam (of this decoction) then allowed to ferment as described earlier ( and made use of). (20) Ayaskrti –

त्रिवृच्छ्यामाग्निमन्थसप्तलाकेबुकशङ्खिनीतिल्वकत्रिफलापलाशशिंशपानां रसमादाय पलाशद्रोण्यामभ्यासिच्य खदिराङ्गारतप्तमयः पिण्डमेकविंशतिवारान्निर्वाप्य ततस्तं रसमासिच्य स्थाल्यां गोमयाग्निना साधयेत् । सिध्यति चावपेत् । पिप्पलीचूर्णस्य भागं द्वौ मधुनस्तावद्धृतस्य ततश्चतुर्भागावशिष्टेऽवतीर्णे भूयोऽग्नितप्तमयः पिण्डं तस्मिन् प्रक्षिपेत् प्रशान्तं च लोहपात्रे सुगुप्तं निदध्याति । इयमयस्कृतिः दुस्साधमपि कुष्ठं मेंह वा साधयति । स्थूलं कर्शयति शोफमुपहन्ति सन्नमग्निमुद्धरति । विशेषेण राजयक्ष्मिणामुपदिश्यते । वर्षशतायुश्चैनामुपयुज्य पुरुषो भवति ॥ २१ ॥

Juice (decoction) prepared from trivrit, syama, agnimantha, saptala, kebuka, sankhini, tilvaka, triphala, palasa and Simsipa, is filled into a tub made of palasa wood. An iron ball is made red hot with the coal of khadira wood and immersed into this liquid, repeating the process for twentyone times. The liquid is then transferred into a wide pan and cooked over fire of cowdung, adding the powder of pippali, double the quantity, honey and ghee also of the same quantity. When the liquid gets reduced to a quarter, the pan is removed from the oven. An iron ball heated by fire is once again immersed into this liquid and allowed to cool; the liquid is next transferred to an iron vessel, and preserved carefully. This reciope – Ayaskrrti-cures even incurable kinds of psoriasis and diabetes, makes obese persons thin, mitigates oedema, and kindles weak digestive activity, it is especially indicated for patients of tuberculosis; by using this habitually, the person attains the age of one hundred years. (21)

असनादिक्काथमासिच्य पलाशद्रोण्यामयोघनैस्तप्तैः संयोज्य दिर्वाप्य च कृतसंस्कारे कलशे प्रक्षिप्य वत्सकादिं प्रतिवाप्य क्षौद्रं च सुगुप्तं मासं निधायोपयुञ्जीत |॥ २२ ॥

Decoction of drugs of asanadi gana (chapter 26 of sutrasthana) is filled into a tub of palasa wood, heated iron ball is immersed many times into it; processed thus, the luquid is filled into a jar, added with powder of drugs of vatsakadi gana (chapter 16 of sutrasthana) and honey, preserved carefully for one month and used later. (22)

एवं न्यग्रोधादिष्वारग्वधादिषु चायरकृतिं विदध्यात् । खदिरसुरदारुक्काथप्रस्थं क्षौद्रप्रस्थं मत्स्यण्डिकाप्रस्थं लोहचूर्णार्धप्रस्थं त्रिफलाचतुर्जातकमरिचानि च कार्षिकाणि प्रक्षिप्यायसे भाण्डेमासस्थितंतदुपयोजयेत् ।। २३ ।।

In the same way, ayaskrti may be prepared from drugs of nyagrodhadi gana or aragvadhadi gana (chapter 16 of sutrasthana).

One prastha each of the decoction of khadira and suradaru, one prastha of honey, one of matsyandika (sugar candy), half prastha of powder of loha (iron), one karsa of each of triphala, and each of caturja taka and maricha ( are all powdered nicely) and added; all these are filled into an iron vessel, kept for one month and used later. (23)

रसायनप्रयोगेण च लोहतुलां तुवरकास्थीनि भल्लातकान्यलम्बुषामवल्गुजं गुग्गुलुमर्शोविहितविधानेनवाचित्रकमिति ॥ २४ ॥ भवतिचात्र ।

One tula each of loha (iron), seeds of tuvaraka and bhallataka, alambusa, avalguja and guggula and can be made use of in the manner of rasayana (rejuvinatory) therapy (described in chapter 49 of uttarasthana or chitraka may be used in the manner described in the treatment of arsas (chapter 10 of chikitsasthana ) . ( 24 )

Some verses are –

किलासकुष्ठग्रहणीप्रमेहस्थूलत्वदुर्नामभगन्दरेषु । पाण्डुत्वशूनत्वकफामयेषु मन्थादियोगान्विदधीत धीमान् ॥ २५ ॥

An intellegent person (physician) should administer recipes such as mantha etc in disease such as leucoderma, psoriasis, duodenal disorder, diabetes, obesity, heamorrhoids, rectal fistula, anamia, oedema (oedema) and disease caused by kapha. (25)

शालयो यवगोधूमकोरदूषाः प्रियङ्गवः । मुद्गामसूरास्तुवरी तिक्तशाकानि जाङ्गलम् ॥२६॥

त्रिफलारुष्करारिष्टक्षौद्रयोजितभावितम् । धात्रीखदिरनिम्बाम्बुरसंमुद्गपटोलजम् ॥२७॥

मद्यान्यौषधगर्भाणि पथितं चेन्दुराजिमत् । अन्नपानं हितं कुष्ठे न त्वम्ललवणोषणम् ।। दधिदुग्धगुडानूपतिलमाषांस्त्यजेत्तराम् ॥ २८ ॥

Use of Sali, yava, godhuma, koradusa, priyangu, mudga, masura, tuvari, tiktasaka (bitter vegetables) meat of animals of desert region processed with triphala, aruskara, arista and ksaudra (honey); juices (decoctions) of dhatri, khadira, nimba, ambu, mudga and patola; wines mixed with drugs, mathitha (buttermilk) mixed with somaraji-all these foods and drinks are suitable in psoriasis; but not those which are sour, and salty, curds, milk, jaggery, meat of animals of marshy regions, tila and masa should be strictly avoided. (26-28)


तुलार्धं निम्बपञ्चाङ्ग्यास्तथा खदिरसारतः | हरीतकीदलतुलां भल्लातकतुलांदश ॥ २९ ॥

कृष्णाविडङ्गकुडवावैकध्यं विपचेज्जले । कषायं तंपरित्राव्य निदध्यात्ताम्रभाजने ॥ ३० ॥

षण्मासतः पिबेत्कुष्ठकृमिमेहैर्विमुच्यते । निम्बारिष्टइति ख्यातो वरुणेनैष निर्मितः ॥३१ ।।

and Half tula of nimba panchanga (five compoennets such as root, pith, bark, le fruits – each ten pala), the same quantity of khadira sara, one tula each of haritaki dala and

bhallataka, ten kudava each of krsna and vidanga – are all boiled in water, decoction reduced, filtered, filled into a vessel of copper and kept for six months. Used later, the person gets cured of psoriasis, worms (bacteria parasites) and diabetes. This recipe known as Nimbarista was formulated by Varuna. (29-31)

Manibhadra guda

विडङ्गसारामलकाभयानां पलं पलं त्रीणि पलानि कुम्भात् । गुडस्य च द्वादशमासमेष जितात्मना हन्त्युपयुज्यमानः ॥३२॥ कुष्ठश्वित्रश्वासकासोदरार्शोमेहप्लीहग्रनिरुग्जन्तुगुल्मान् । सिद्धं योगं प्राह यक्षो मुमुक्षोर्भिक्षोः प्राणान् माणिभद्रः किलेमम् ||३३ ||

One pala each of vidangasara, amalaka and abhaya, three pala of kumbha, twelve pala of guda (jaggery) all mixed together and used for six months, by the person who controls his mind, gets cured of psoriasis, leucoderma, dyspnoea, cough, enlargement of the abdomen, piles, diabetes splenic enlargement, tumors, worms (parasite / bacteia ) abdominal tumor; this efficient recipe was revealed by Manibhadra yaksa for the benefit of those mendicants desiring salvation, for sustaining their life. (32-33)

कटुकापटोलमूलोत्तमावचानिम्बरात्रिमञ्जिष्ठानाम् ।

संशीलितः कषायस्त्वगामयान् श्लेष्मपित्तबहुलान् हन्ति । ॥ ३४ ॥

The decoction of katuka, patolamula, uttama, vacha, nimba, ratri, manjista used continuously, cure skin disease having the predominance of slesma (kapha) and pitta. (34)

वातोत्तरांस्तु सर्पिर्विपाचितं क्कथितकल्कितैश्च कटुकाद्यैः । खदिरारिष्टगुडूचीसुरतरुदावश्चकल्पयेत्पृथगेवम् ॥ ३५ ॥

In those having the predominance of vata, medicated ghee prepared with the decoction and paste of katuka, and other ( enumerated above) ( is to be used); or (medicated ghee) prepared seperately with khadira, arista, guduchi, suradaru and darvi can also be used. (35)

शीतः कषायः खदिरस्य पीत: सक्षौद्रतार्क्ष्यो हरति प्रसह्य । त्वक्कण्ठरोगापचिगुल्ममेहान्बलाहकान्वायुरिवप्रचण्डः ||३६ ।।

Drinking cold infusion of khadira mixed with honey and tarksya will cure disease of the skin and neck, scrofula, abdominal tumors and diabetes, just as a strong breeze disperses the clouds. (36)

सर्पिर्मधुभ्यां त्रिफलारसेन विडङ्गकल्केन च सम्प्रयुक्तः । कुष्ठं कषायः खदिरस्य हन्ति तिष्ठन् कषायं मनसीवधर्मः ॥३७॥

The decoction of khadira consumed along with ghee, honey, juice (decoction) of triphala and paste of vidanga cures psoriasis just like righteousness adhered to cures the blemishes of the mind. (37)

खदिरस्य लूनशिरसो मूले खातस्य मध्यमं मूलम् । छित्वाधोऽयः कुम्भं रससंग्रहणाय निदधीत |॥ ३८ ॥

लिप्तात् कृष्णमृदेन्धनैश्च निचितादादीपिताद्वह्निना । तस्माद्यश्चयवते रसः ससहितः क्षौद्राज्यधात्रीरसैः पीतः कुष्ठभगन्दरारुरपचीमेहास्त्रपाण्डून्जयेत् । प्रस्थस्तस्य जरांच भोज्यमिह तु त्याज्यं च भल्लातवत् ॥ ३९ ॥

A big branch of the khadira tree is cut, a hole is made in its centre and an iron vessel is tied in that place so as to collect the juice exuding from the hole. The upper portion of the log is given a coating of black mud, the lower portion is set on fire, and the exuding juice consumed along with honey, ghee and juice of dhatri and cures psoriasis, rectal fistula, enlargement of abdomen, scrofula, diabetes, disorders of blood, anaemia, and senility; the foods etc which are to be used and to be avoided are the same as enumerated for bhallataka (rasayana). (38-39)

योज्य खदिरवन्निम्बशिंशपारग्वधासनम् । रोहतिकं सुराह्वंच खदिरोदकपायिनः ।।४० ।।

दाव रसाञ्जनं वा गोमूत्रेण प्रबाधते कुष्टम् । अभया प्रयोजिता वा मासं सव्योषगुडतैला ॥४१ ।।

In the same way as khadira, the juice of nimba, simsipa, aragvadha rohitaka and surahva, (may be prepared and used); the person who drinks the juice of khadira along with darvirasnjana and cows urine; or with the abhaya, cows urine, vyosa, guda (jaggery) and taila (oil) gets cured of psoriasis. (40-41)

दार्वीकलिङ्गकटुकातिविषाग्निपाठामूत्रेण सूक्ष्मरजसो धरणप्रमाणाः । पीताजयन्ति गुदजोदरगुल्मकुष्ठकोष्ठानिलाढ्यपवनग्रहणीप्रमेहान् । ॥ ४२ ॥

Fine powder of darvi, kalinga, katuka, ativisa, agni and patha, consumed in doses of one dharana, mixed with cows urine cures piles, abdominal enlargement, tumor of the abdomen, psoriasis, flatulence, stiffness of the legs, duodenal disease and diabetes. (42)

लाक्षादन्तीमधुरसवराद्वीपिपाठाविडङ्गप्रत्यक्पुष्पीत्रिकटुरजनीसप्तपर्णाटरूषम् ।।४३ ॥

रक्ता निम्बं सुरतरुकृतं पञ्चमूल्यौ च चूर्णं | पीत्वा मासं जयति हितभुग्गव्यमूत्रेण कुष्ठम् ॥ ॥४४ ।।

Fine powder of laksa, danti, madhurasa, vara, dvipi, patha, vidanga, pratyakpuspi trikatu, rajari, saptaparna, atarusa, rakta, nimba, surataru, and the two panchamula, consumed along with cows urine for one month, by the person who eats only suitable foods, cures psoriasis. (43-44)

दशपलमरिष्टपल्लवकुसुमजटात्वक्फलं यथाकालम् । प्रत्याहरेत् समस्तं कृतमालतरोश्च तत्तद्वत् ॥ ४५ ॥

सञ्चूसनखदिरक्काथेनाप्लाव्य लोहविडङ्गावल्गुजसितोपला: शोषयेदनिले । चित्रकघनभल्लातकगोक्षुरकमहौषधत्रिफलाः ।।४६।।

पलसमा रजीकृत्य । सप्ताहमेकतस्तद्रसेन भृङ्ग्यास्ततो भाव्यम् ॥४७॥

अथ पीतमक्षमात्रं घृतेन दुग्धेन कोष्णसलिलैर्वा । अचिरात् करोति वह्निं मतिं स्मृतिं पाटवं मेधाम् ॥४८॥

कृमिकुष्ठगण्डपाण्डुप्रमेहवक्त्रामयारुचिच्छर्दीः । अपचीभगन्दरस्थौल्यदुष्टनाडीव्रणव्यङ्गान् ॥४९ ॥

कफपित्तजा विकारान् विशेषतः सुविषमान् निवर्तयति । वर्षाद्विषगरकृत्यानित्याभ्यासेन खलतिपलितानि ॥५०॥

Ten pala of tender leaves, flowers, root, bark and fruits of arista (nimba) collected in the stipulated season; similarly, all the parts of krtamala tree – are powdered and soaked in the decoctions of asana and khadira seperately and dried in air. To this is added the powder of chitraka, ghana, bhallataka, goksuraka, mahausadha, triphala, loha, vidanga, avalguja and sitopala, each one pala in quantity. Both the powders together are maccerated with the juice of bhrngaraja for seven days (and dried). This recipe, consumed in doses of one aksa (measure) along with ghee, milk or warm water quickly improves the digestive activity, mentation, memory, enthusiasm, intellegence, cures worms psoriasis, enlargement of lymph glands, anaemia, diabetes, disease of the mouth, anorexia, vomiting, scrofula, rectal fistula, obesity, bad ulcers, sinus ulcer and discoloured patches on the face, especially so the intractable disease of kapha and pitta origin, used for one year daily, it cures disease due to poison, homicidal poison and witchcraft, also baldness and greying of hairs. (45-50)

Saptasama gutika

त्रिकटूत्तमातिलारुष्कराज्यमाक्षिकसितोपलाविहिता ।

गुटिका रसायनं स्यात् कुष्ठजिच्च वृष्या च सप्तसमा ।।५१ ।।

Pills are prepared from trikatu, uttama, tila, aruskara, ajya (ghee), maksika (honey) and sitopala (sugarcandy); this recipe known as Saptasama gutika acts as rejuvinator, cures psoriasis and is an aphrodisiac. (51)

चन्द्रशकलाग्निरजनीविडङ्गतुवरास्थ्यरुष्करत्रिफलाभिः । वटका गुडांशक्लृप्ताः समस्तकुष्ठानि नाशयन्त्यभ्यस्ताः ॥५२॥

Pills prepared from candrasakala, agni, rajani, vidanga, seeds of tuvaraka, aruskara and triphala and guda (jaggery) habitually consumed cure all kinds of psoriasis. ( 52 )

विडङ्गभल्लातकबाकुचीनांसद्वीपिवाराहिहरीतकीनाम् ।

सलाङ्गलीकृष्णतिलोपकुल्या गुडेन पिण्डी विनिहन्ति कुष्ठम् ॥ ॥५३ ।।

Pill prepared form vidanga, bhallataka, bakuci, dvipi, varahi, haritaki, langali, krsnatila, upakulya and guda (jaggery) cure psoriasis ( 53 )

पथ्याकलिङ्गकपलाशफलेन्दुराजी भल्लातकास्थिचतुरङ्गलचित्रकाकैः ।

सावर्तकीकृमिहरैः क्रमवर्धितांशैः मूत्रेण तुल्यतुवरैर्वटकागदघ्नाः ॥५४॥

Pathya, kalingaka, palasaphala, induraji, bhallatakasthi, caturangula, chitraka, arka, avartaki, krmihara, the quantity of the succeeding one, double than that of the preceding, and tuvaraka equal in quantity to the total of all the other drugs – are powdered and rolled into pills with cows urine. This recipe cures the disease (psoriasis ). (54)

शशाङ्कलेखा सविडङ्गसारा सपिप्पलीका सहुताशमूला। सायोमला सामलका सतैला कुष्ठानि कृच्छ्राणि निहन्ति लीढा ॥ ५५ ॥

(powder of) Sasankalekha, vidangasara, pippali, hutasamula, ayomala (iron slag) and amalaka licked with oil, cures even such psoriasis which is difficult to cure. (55)

भूनिम्बनिम्बत्रिफलापद्मकातिविषाकणाः । मूर्वापर्टोलीद्विनिशापाठातिक्तेन्द्रवारुणीः ।।५६ ।।

सकलिङ्गवचास्तुल्याद्विगुणाश्च यथोत्तरम् | लिह्याद्दन्तीत्रिवृद्ब्राह्मीश्चूर्णिता मधुसर्पिषा ।।५७।।

Equal parts of bhunimba, nimba, triphala, padmaka, ativisa, kana, murva, patoli, the two nisa, patha, tikta, indravaruni, kalinga and vacha, together making one part; mixed with danti, trivrit and brahmi the quantity of the succeeding one double than the preceeding – all are powdered and consumed with honey and ghee. This is a very good medicine for psoriasis, dibetes and loss of sensation of the skin. (56-57)

कुष्ठमेहप्रसुप्तीनां परमं स्यात्तदौषधम् । वराकणाविडङ्गान्वालिह्यात्तैलाज्यमाक्षिकैः ।।५८ ।।

Powder of vara, kana and vidanga may be licked with oil, ghee and honey. (58)

खदिरशकलचूर्णं क्षौद्रसर्पिर्विमिश्रं सगिरिजतुविडङ्ग मात्रया सेवमानः । लघुमितहितभोजी ब्रह्मचारी जितात्मा । श्वयथुकिटिभकोठश्वित्रकुष्ठानि हन्यात् ।।५९ ॥

Powder of khadirsakala (bark of khadira), mixed with girijatu (silajatu) and vidanga, consumed along with honey and ghee, in proper dose, by a person who takes food which is easily digestable, less in quantity and suitable; who maintains celibecy and keeps control of himself, cures oedema, kitibha ( a variety of psoriasis), kotha (rashes), leucoderma and psoriasis. (59)

खदिरासनसारस्य तुलां द्रोणेऽम्भसः क्षिपेत् । अष्टमेऽहनि तत्तोयंपचेदादर्विलेपनात् ॥६० ॥

त्रिफलार्धतुलाचूर्णं तत्पादेन तु बाकुचीम् । तदर्धंद्वीपिनो मूलं तद्वद्ब्राह्मीं समार्कवाम् ॥६१ ॥

लोहक्रिमिघ्नद्विप्रस्थंक्षिप्त्वा तद्वटकीकृतम् । कुष्ठमेहग्रहण्यर्शोभगन्दरिषु पूजितम् ॥६२ ।।

Khadira sara and asana sara together one tula are soaked in one drona of water for seven days. On the eighth day it is boiled till the liquid begins to adhere to the laddle, then powder of triphala half tula and quarter of backuci, half of it (of bakuci), the powder of dvipi mulam (citramula), the same quantity of brahmi, and markava, two prastha of loha (iron) and krimighna are all mixed together and rolled into pills; this recipe is effective for patients of psoriasis, diabetes, duodenal disease, piles and rectal fistula. (60-62)

लाङ्गलीत्रिफलालोहचूर्णं दशपलंपृथक् । गुटिकात्रिशतंषष्टिकुर्याद्भृङ्गरसाप्लुतम् ।।६३ ।।

छायाशुष्कां च तत्रार्धगुटिकां भक्षयेत् पुरः । जीर्णे रसेन रूक्षेण पेयापूर्वं च भोजयेत् ।।६४।।

यन्त्रितो ब्रह्मचर्याद्यैः क्रमेणगुटिकामपि । खादेत् परस्तान्मासस्य भवेत् कामचरः क्रमात्॥६५॥

एवं सर्वाणि कुष्ठानि जयत्यतिबलान्यपि। धीमेधास्मृतियुक्तश्च नीरुग्जीवेत् समाः शतम् ।।६६ ।।

Ten pala each of langali, triphala and loha curna (iron filings) are powdered nicely, made into three hundered and sixty pills with the help of juice of bhrngaraja and dried in shade. In the first month it should be consumed in doses of half a pill and continued till all the pills get exhausted. After the digestion of the medicine, the person should take food starting with peya (gruel) which is dry (non-fatty), remains controlled in respect of celibecy etc. After a period of one month he can gradually resort to things which he likes. By this way, he can get cured of all kinds of psoriasis even though very severe, and live for hundred years healthy, endowed with determination, intellegence and memory. (63-66)

Vajraka ghrita

वासामृतानिम्बवरापटोलव्याघ्रीकरञ्जोदककल्कपक्कम् । सर्पिर्विसर्पज्वरकामलास्त्रकुष्ठापहंवत्रकमामनन्ति ॥६७।।

Medicated ghee prepared from the decoction of vasa, amrita, nimba vara, patola, vyaghri and karanja, and paste of the same drugs, and ghee known as Vajraka ghrta cures herpes, fever, jaundice, diseases of blood and psoriasis. (67)

Mahavajraka ghrita

त्रिफलात्रिकटुद्विकण्टकारीकटुकाकुम्भनिकुम्भराजवृक्षैः । सवचातिविषाग्निकैः सपाठैः पिचुभागैर्नव वज्रदुग्धमुष्ट्या | ॥६८ ।।

पिष्टैः सिद्धं सर्पिषः प्रस्थमेभिः क्रूरे कोष्ठे स्नेहनं रेचनं च । कुष्ठश्वित्रप्लीहवर्ष्माश्मगुल्मान्हन्यात्कृच्छ्रांस्तन्महावज्रकाख्यम् ।।६९ ।।

Medicated ghee prepared from the decoction one picu each of triphala, trikatu, the two kantakari, katuka, kumbha, nikumbha, raja-vriksha, vacha, ativisa, agnika and patha, mixed with nine musti of fresh milky sap of vajra (snuhi), paste of the same drugs and one prastha of ghee; known as Mahavajraka ghrta, it acts as a lubricant purgative in persons of hard bowels and cures psoriasis, leucoderma splenic disorder enlargement of the scrotum, urinary calculi, abdominal tumor, which are difficult to cure. (68-69)

यतेर्लेलीतकवसा क्षौद्रजातीरसान्विता | कुष्ठी समसर्पिर्वा सगायत्र्यसनोदका ॥ ७० ॥

Lelitaka vasa (sulphur) consumed along with honey and fresh juice of the jati cures psoriasis; similarly so when it is mixed with equal quantity of ghee and consumed along with decoction of gayatri ( khadira) and asana. (70)

मूत्रे विनीता त्रिफलारसे वा सिद्धा घृते वाम्भसि केवले वा । रसायनं पथ्यभुजो हरिद्रा निहन्ति पाण्ड्वामयकुष्ठमेहान् ।। ७१ ।।

Haridra soaked in either cows urine or decoction of triphala cooked in ghee or in mere water and consumed (habitually) by persons who partake suitable foods only cures anaemia, psoriasis and diabetes. (71)

पिबेदमृतवल्या वा स्वरसंयन्त्र पीडितम् । मेध्यं तत् कुष्ठमेहार्शश्छर्दिवातास्त्र नाशनम् ॥७२॥

Drinking fresh juice of amrtvalli taken out from the crusher, improves intellegence and cures psoriasis, diabetes, piles, vomiting and gout. (72)

स्थिरकठिनमण्डलानां कुष्ठानां पोट्टलैर्हितः स्वेदः । स्विन्नोत्सन्नं विलिखेत् कुष्ठं तीक्ष्णेन शस्त्रेन ॥ ७३ ।। रुधिरागमार्थमथवाशृङ्गालाबूभिरपहरेद्रक्तम् । प्रच्छेदल्पं कुष्ठंविरेचयेद्वा जलौकोभिः ॥७४॥

Comfortable fomentation with bolus (of drugs) is ideal for patches of psoriasis which are stable and hard, patches getting elevated by fomentation should be scraped by a sharp instrument in order to cause bleeding, or blood should be let out (sucked) by using a horn or a gourd (alabu) as described in chapter 35 of sutrasthana); if the patches are few (or mild) they should be incised and the blood purged out by applying leeches. (73-74)

ये लेपाः कुष्ठानां युज्यन्ते निर्हतास्त्रदोषाणाम्। संशोधिताशयानां सद्यः सिद्धिर्भवति तेषाम् ॥७५ ॥

The pastes of drugs prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis will give immediate and best results when they are applied after the removal of the blood and the doshas, there by purifying their seats. (75)

येषु न शस्त्रं क्रमते स्पर्शेन्द्रियनाशनेषु कुष्ठेषु । तेषु निपात्यः क्षारो रक्तं दोषं च विस्राव्य |॥७६ ॥

That psoriasis in which the use of sharp instruments, is not possible and that which has destroyed the organs of tactile sensation, kshara (caustic alaklies) should be made use of, after the removal of the blood and the doshas. (76)

लेपोऽतिकठिनपरुषे सुप्ते कुष्ठे स्थिरे पुराणेच। पीतागदस्य कार्यो विषैः समन्त्रागदैश्चानु ॥ ७७ ॥

In psoriasis (patches) which are very hard, rough, with loss of sensation, stable and very cold, application of poison should be done after the patient has been administered antipoisonous recipes, and after the applications also, antipousonous recipes and hymns should be resorted to. (77)

स्तब्धानि सुप्तसुप्तान्वस्वेदनकण्डुलानि कुष्ठानि । कूर्चेर्दन्तीत्रिवृताकरवीरकरञ्जकुटजानाम् ।।७८ ।।

जात्यर्कनिम्बजैर्वा पत्रैः शस्त्रैः समुद्रफेनेन । घृष्टानि गोमयैर्वा ततः प्रदेहैः प्रदेह्यानि ॥ ७९ ॥

Patches which have loss of sensation, absence of sweating, but have itching, should be scraped first with either a brush of leaves of danti, trivrit, karavira, karanja, kutaja, jati, arka or nimba; sharp instruments or seafoam (cuttlefish) or rubbed with powder of dry cowdung and then given warm application of paste of drugs. (78-79)

आरग्वधः सैडगजः करञ्जो वासा गुडूची मदनं हरिद्रे । श्रयाह्नः सुराह्नः खदिरो धवश्च निम्बो विडङ्गः करवीरकश्च ॥८० ॥

ग्रन्थिश्च भूर्जो लशुनः शिरीषः सलोमशो गुग्गुलुकृष्णगन्धे । फरिज्जको वत्सकसप्तपर्णपीलूनि कुष्ठंसुमनःप्रवालाः ॥८१ ॥ वचाहरेणुस्त्रिवृता निकुम्भो भल्लातकं गैरिकमञ्जनं च । मनः शिलाले गृहधूम एला कासीस-लोध्रार्जुनमुस्तसर्जाः ॥८२ ॥ इत्यर्धरूपैर्विहिताः षडेते गोपित्तपीताः पुनरेव पिष्टाः । सिद्धाः परं सर्षपतैलयुक्ताश्चूर्णाः प्रदेा बहुशः प्रयोज्याः ॥८३ ।।

कुष्ठानि कृच्छ्राणि नवं किलासं सुरेन्द्रलुप्तं किटिभं सदद्रुम् । भगन्दराशस्यपचीं सपामांहन्युः प्रयुक्तानचिरान्नराणाम् ।।८४ ।।

The drugs mentioned in the following half verses, are powdered nicely, macerated with ox bile and applied many times warm mixed with sarsapa taila (musturd oil); these recipes cures without delay; psoriasis which are difficult to cure, kilasa (leucoderma) of recent onset, indralupta (alopacea), kitibha and dadru (varieties of kustha), rectal fistula, piles, apaci (goitre) and pama (scabies) :

1) aragvadha, edagaja, karanja, vasa, guduchi, madana and the two haridra 2) Srahva (Srivasa), surahva, khadira, dhava, nimba, vidanga and karavira 3). granthi, bhurja, lasuna, sirisa, salomasa (dhatu kasisa), guggulu, and krsnagandha. phanijjaka, vatsaka, saptaparna, pilu, kustha and tender leaves of sumana, 4) 5) vacha, harenu, trivrit, nikumbha, bhallataka, gairika and anjana 6) manassila, ala, grihadhuma, ela, kasisa, lodhra, arjuna, musta and sarja. (80-84)

निम्बं हरिद्रे सुरसं पटोलं कुष्ठाश्वगन्धे सुरदारुशिग्रु ।

ससर्षपं तुम्बुरुधान्यवन्यं चण्डां च चूर्णानि समानि कुर्यात् ॥८५ ॥

तैस्तक्रपिष्टैः प्रथमं शरीरंतैलाक्तमुद्वर्तयितुं यतेत ।

तथास्य कण्डू: पिटकाः सकोठाः कुष्ठानि शोफाश्च शमं व्रजन्ति ॥८६ ।।

Equal parts of nimba, the two haridra, surasa, patola, kustha, ashwagandha, suradaru,sigru, sarsapa, tumburu, dhanya, vanya (paripelava) and canda are made into a paste with buttermilk and rubbed on the skin which has been anointed with oil. This will relieve itching, papules, rashes, psoriasis and swellings. (85-86)

मुस्तामृतासङ्गकटङ्कटेरीकासीसकम्पिल्लककुष्ठलोध्राः । गन्धोपलः सर्जरसंविङ्गमनः शिलाले करवीरकत्वक् ॥८७ ॥ तैलाक्तगात्रस्य कृतानि चूर्णान्येतानि दद्यादवचूर्णनार्थम् । दद्रुःसकण्डूः किटिभानिपामा विचर्चिका चेति तथान सन्ति ॥८८ ॥

Powder of musta, amrita, asanga (rasanjana), katankateri, kasisa, kampillaka, kustha, lodhra, gandhopala (ghandhaka), sarjarasa, vidanga, manasssila, ala, and bark of karavira, used as a dusting rubbing powder on the skin anointed with oil, makes dadru, kandu, kitibha pama and vicarcika (varieties of psoriasis and other skin diseases) disappear. (87-88)

काण्डे महावृक्षभवे निलीनः स्विन्नः कुकूले पुटपाकयुक्त्या । विचर्चिकांसर्षपकल्कपिण्डोनिहन्ति लज्जामिव रागवेगः ।।८९ ।।

A bolus of sarsapa, concealed inside a stem of mahavriksha (snuhi) is cooked in a small fire by putapaka method. This paste dispels vicarcika (a variety of kustha) just like the ectasy of passion dispels shyness. (89)

मनः शिलाले मरिचानि तैलमार्क पयः कुष्ठहरः प्रदेहः ।

तथा करञ्जप्रपुनाटबीजं कुष्ठान्वितं गोसलिलेनपिष्टम् ।।९० ।।

A paste of manassila, ala, maricha, oil, and milky sap of arka, applied warm, cures psoriasis; so also that of karanja, prapunnatabija and kustha maccerated with cows urine (90)

गुग्गुलुमरिचविडङ्गैः सर्षपकासीससर्जरसमुस्तैः । श्रीवेष्टकालगन्धैर्मनः शिलाकुष्ठकम्पिल्लैः ॥९१ ॥

उभयहरिद्रासहितैश्चाक्रिकतैलेन मिश्रितैरेभिः । दिनकरकराभितप्तैः कुष्ठंघृष्टंचनष्टंच ॥ ९२ ॥

A paste prepared from guggulu, maricha, vidanga, sarsapa, kasisa, sarjarasa, musta, srivestaka, kala, gandha (sobhanjanaka), manassila, kustha, kampillaka and the two haridra mixed with cakrika taila (oil of fresh from the mill) is applied on the skin and the part exposed to sunlight; this relieves itching and cures psoriasis both at once. (91-92)

मरिचं तमालपत्रं कुष्ठं समनः शिलं सकासीसम् । तैलेन युक्तमुषितं सप्ताहं भाजने ताम्रे ।।९३ ॥

तेनालिप्तं सिध्म सप्ताहात् धर्मसेविनोऽपैति । मासान्नवं किलासंस्त्रानेन विना विशुद्धस्य ॥९४ ॥

Maricha, tamalapatra, kustha, manassila and kasisa are made into ash and kept inside a copper vessel mixed with oil for seven days. Applied over the skin and the person exposed to sunlight; this oil cures sidhma (a variety of kustha) in seven days and kilasa (leucoderma) of recent onset within a month, in a person who has undergone all purifications except bath. (93-94)

मयूरकं जर्जरितं समूलं दग्ध्वा परित्राव्य च सप्तकृत्वः । तेनाम्भसाकङ्गुणिकोत्थतैलंसिद्धं परंसिध्मनिबर्हणाय ।।९५ ।।

Whole plant of mayuraka (apamarga) along with their root, is cut into pieces, burnt to ashes mixed with water and filtered seven times. To this water, the oil extracted from kanguni is added and cooked (till all the water evoporates). This oil is best to cure sidhma (a variety of kustha ). (95)

जीवन्ती मञ्जिष्ठादार्वी काम्पिल्लकं पयस्तुत्थम् । एषघृततैलपाकः सिद्धः सिद्धे च सर्जरसः ।।९६ ।।

देयः समधूच्छिष्टोविपादिकातेन नश्यतिह्यक्ता । चर्मैकुष्ठकिटिभंकुष्ठंशाम्यत्यलसकं च ॥९७ ।।

Medicated ghee or oil prepared from jivanti, manjistha, darvi kampillaka, payas, tuttha, sarjarasa and madhuchista cures vipadika when applied externally and relieves carmakustha, ekakustha, kitibha kustha and alasaka also; (96-97)

Vajraka taila

सप्तपर्णकरञ्जार्कमालतीकरवीरजम् । मूलं स्नुहीशिरीषाभ्यांचित्रकास्फोतयोरपि ॥९८ ।।

करञ्जबीजद्विनिशाव्योषैडगजसर्षपाः । वरा वेल्लंच तैस्तैलं कगोमूत्रैर्विपाचितम् ।।९९ ।।

कुष्ठदुष्टव्रणग्रन्थिगण्डमालाभगन्दरान् । विशेषाद्वादकफजान्हन्त्यभ्यङ्गेनवज्रकम् ।।१०० ।।

Medicated oil is prepared from roots saptaparna, karanja, arka, malati, karavira, snuhi sirisa, chitraka and asphota (arka), seeds of karanja, the two nisa, vyosa, edagaja, sarsapa, vara and vella along with taila (sesame oil) and cows urine; this oil known as Vajraka taila by anointing, cures psoriasis, bad ulcers, tumors, scrofula, rectal fistula especially those arising from vata and kapha. (98-100)

Mahavajraka taila

एरण्डतार्क्ष्यघननीपकदम्बभाङ्गकम्पिल्लवेल्लफलिनीसुरवारुणीभिः ।

निर्गुण्ड्यरुष्करसुराह्वसुवर्णदुग्धा-श्रीवेष्टगुग्गुलुशिलाहरितालविश्वैः ॥१०१॥

तुल्यस्नुगर्कदुग्धं सिद्धं तैलं स्मृतं महावज्रम् । अतिशयितवज्रकगुणंश्वित्रार्शोग्रन्थिमालाघ्नम् ।।१०२ ।।

Medicated oil is prepared from eranda, tarksya, ghana, nipa, kadamba, bharangi, kampilla, vella, pahalini, suravaruni, nirgundi, aruskara, surahva, suvarnadugdha, srivesta, guggulu, sila, haritala and visva, equal quantities of milky sap of snuhi and arka and taila (sesame oil). This recipe known as Mahavajraka taila-posesses better quantities than vajraka taila and cures leucoderma, piles, tumors and scrofula. (101-102)

कनकक्षीरी शैला भाङ्ग दन्त्याः फलानि मूलं च । जातीप्रवालसर्षपलशुनविडङ्गं करञ्जत्वक् ||१०३ ।। सप्तच्छदार्कपल्लवमूलत्वड्निम्बचित्रकास्फोतम् ।गुजैरण्डकबृहतीमूलत्वक्सुरसार्जक फलानि ॥१०४ ॥ कुष्ठंपाठामुस्ताषड्ग्रन्थातुम्बुरुत्वचोमूर्वा। एडगजकुटजशिग्रुत्र्यूषणभल्लातकक्षवकाः ॥१०५ ।। हरितालमवाक्पुष्पी तुत्थं कम्पिल्लकोऽमृतासङ्गः । सौराष्ट्री कासीसं दार्वीत्वक् स्वर्जिकालवणम् ||१०६ ।। एतैस्तैलं तैलं कटुतैलं वाचतुर्गुणे मूत्रे | करवीरमूलपल्लवतोये च विपाचितं जयति ।।१०७ ।। कटुकालाबुन्यस्तंनित्याभ्यङ्गेन वातकफकुष्ठम् । कण्डलदग्रूकोष्ठकृमिपामाविचर्चिकाः सुतराम् ।।१०८ ।।

Medicated oil is prepared from kanaka ksiri, saila, bharigi, fruits and roots of danti, tender leaves, jati, sarsapa, lasuna, vidanga bark of karanja, sprouts, roots and bark of saptachada and arka; nimba chitraka and asphota, fruits of gunja and eranda; root, bark of brihati, fruits of surasa and arjaka; kustha, patha, musta, sadgrantha, bark of tumburu, murva, edagaja, kutaja, sigru, tryusana, bhallataka, ksavaka haritala, avakpuspi, tuttha, kampillaka, amrita, asanga (rasanjana), saurastri, kasisa, bark of darvi and svarjika lavana, taila and four times of cows urine.

Or katu taila boiled in the decoction of root and young leaves of karavira; both these preserved inside a katukalabu bottle and used daily cures, psoriasis arising from vatakapha, mandala and dadru (kind of psoriasis) kosthakrimi (internal worms) pama and vicarcika (kind of psoriasis) (103-108)

सिक्थकतुत्थकगुग्गुलुसिन्दूररसाञ्जनैः कटुकतैलम् । पामाकिटिभविचर्चिषुसाधितमभ्यञ्जने श्रेष्ठम् ।।१०९।।

Katuka taila (mustard oil) medicated with siktaka (bees wax), tuthaka, guggulu, sindura and rasanjana is best for anointing (the body) in cases of pama, kitibha and vicarcika (variety of kustha). (109)

शैलेयकम्पिल्लकपट्टिकाह्वसुराष्ट्रजासर्जरसोपलानि ।

शिला च चूर्णो नवनीतयुक्तः कुष्ठे स्रवत्य-भ्यधिकं प्रशस्तः ।।११० ।।

Powder ofsaileya, kampillaka, pattika (lodhra), surastraja, sarjarasa, upala (gandhaka) and sila (manassila) mixed with butter is best for psoriasis which bring out copious exudation. (110)

एडगजकुष्ठसैन्धवसिद्धार्थविडङ्गकाञ्जिकैर्लिप्तम् । कृमिपामासिध्मदद्रुमण्डलकुष्ठं शमं याति ||१११ ॥

By anointing the body with kanjika (fermented ricewash) mixed with edagaja, kustha, saindhava, siddhartha and vidanga, disease of krimi (worms, bacterias) pama, sidhma, dadru and mandala kustha get relieved. (111)

लाक्षाव्योषं प्रापुनाटं च बीजं सश्रीवेष्टाः कुष्ठसिद्धार्थकाश्च । तक्रोन्मिश्रः स्याद्धरिद्रा चलेपो दद्रुषूक्तो मूलकोत्थं च बीजम् ।।११२ ।।

Paste of laksa, vyosa, seeds of prapunnata, Srivesta, kustha, siddharthaka, haridra and seeds of kulaka made with buttermilkisindicated a for dadru (a kind of psoriasis). (112)

कुठेरकाः काञ्जिकतक्रपिष्टाः । दूर्वाभयासैन्धवचक्रमर्द त्रिभिः प्रलेपैरपि बद्धमूलां दनं च कण्डूं च विनाशयन्ति ।।११३ ।।

Paste of durva, abhaya, saindhava, cakramarda and kutheraka made with kanjika (fermented rice gruel) and takra (buttermilk) cures deep-rooted dadru and kandu by only three applications. (113)

मनः शिलात्वक्कुटजं सकुष्ठं सलोमशः सैडगजः करञ्जः । ग्रन्थिश्च भौर्ज करवीरमूलं चूर्णानि साध्यानि तुषोदकेन ॥११४ ॥ पलाशनिर्दाहरसेन वापि कर्षोन्मितान्याढक सम्मितेन । दर्वीप्रलेपंप्रवदन्तिलेपमेतत्परं कुष्ठनिषूदनाय ।। ११५ ।।

Powder of one karsa each of manassila, bark of kutaja, kustha, salomasa, edagaja, karanja, bhurja granthi, and root of karavira is cooked in one adhaka of tusodaka (water in which corn husk is soaked) or solution of ash of palasa till the mass begins to adhere to the laddle; application of this paste is described as best for curing kustha. (114-115)

एलाचित्रकनिम्बवृषकं कुरुविन्दनागराकं च । चूर्णीकृतमष्टाहं भावयितव्यं पलाशस्य ।।११६ ।। क्षारेण गवां मूत्रस्नुतेन तेनास्य मण्डलान्याशु | भिद्यन्ते दीर्यन्ति च लिप्तान्यर्काभितप्तानि ।।११७ ।।

Powder of ela, chitraka, nimba, vrsaka, kuruvinda ( a variety of rice), nagara, and arka is macerated for eight days in the solution of ash of palasa and boiled in cows urine; by its application and exposure to sunlight the patches break up and burst. (116-117)

मांसी मरिचं लवणं रजनी तगरं सुधा गृहाधूमः | मूत्रं पित्तं क्षारः पालाशः कुष्ठनुल्लेपः ॥ ११८ ।।

Paste prepared from mamsi, maricha, lavana, rajani, tagara, sudha, grhadhuma, urine and bile (or animals), and palasakshara (ash of palasa), cures psoriasis. (118)

मुस्तं त्रिफला मदनं करञ्ज आरग्वधः कलिङ्गयवाः । ससप्ताह्वकुष्ठफलिनीदार्व्यः सिद्धार्थकं स्नानम् ।।११९ ।।

एष कषायो वमनं विरेचनं वर्णदस्तथोद्धर्षः । त्वग्दोषकुष्ठशोफप्रबाधनः पाण्डुरोगघ्नः ।।१२० ।।

Musta, triphala, madana, karanja, aragvadha, kalingayava, saptahva kustha, phalini and darvi are used to prepare water for bath known as Siddhartaka snana; the decoction of these drugs is also useful to produce vomiting and purgation, for imparting colour when rubbed on the skin and curing disease of the skin, psoriasis, swelling, anaemia. (119-120)

करवीरनिम्बकुटजाच्छम्याकाच्चित्रकाच्चमूलानाम् । मूत्रेदर्वीलेपः क्काथोलेपेन कुष्ठघ्नः ॥ १२१ ॥

Decoction of roots of karvira, nimba, kutaja, samyaka and chitraka mixed with cows urine is cooked till it begins to adhere to the laddle; this paste also cures psoriasis. (121)

श्वेतकरवीरमूलं कुटजकरञ्जात् फलं त्वचो दार्व्याः । सुमनः प्रवालयुक्तो लेपः कुष्ठापहः सिद्धः ॥१२२ ॥

Root of sveta karavira, fruits of kutaja and karanja, bark of darvi and tender leaves of sumana together made into a paste and applied is sure to cure psoriasis. (122) शैरीषी त्वक् पुष्पं कार्पास्या राजवृक्षपत्राणि । पिष्टा च काकमाची चतुर्विधः कुष्ठहा लेपः ||१२३ ||

Application of paste of bark of sirisa, flowers of karpasi, leaves of rajavriksha and of kakamaci- these four are going to cure psoriasis. (123)

दावी॑रसाञ्जनस्य च निम्बıटोलस्य खदिरसारस्य । आरग्वधवृक्षकयोस्त्रिफलायाः सप्तपर्णस्य ।।१२४।।

इति षट् कषाययोगाः कुष्ठघ्नाः सप्तमश्च तिनिशस्य । स्त्राने पाने च हितास्तथोष्टमश्चाश्वमारस्य ||१२५ ।।

आलेपनं प्रघर्षणमवचूर्णनमेत एव च कषायाः । तैलघृतपाकयोगैश्चेष्यन्ते कुष्ठशान्त्यर्थम् ।।१२६ ।।

Decoction of each of these six drugs viz. darvi and rasanjana of ninba and patola, of khadira sara, of aragvadha and vrikshaka, of triphala, of sapta parna, the seventh of tinisa and the eighth of asvamara are going to cure psoriasis; these drugs are good for bath and drinking water, for anointing as powder for rubbing, their decoction being ideal for preparing medicated oil and ghee for the cure of psoriasis. (124-126)

सर्षपकरञ्जकोशातकानि तैलान्यथेङ्गुदीनां च । कुष्ठेषुहितान्याहुस्तैलं श्रेष्ठं च खदिरसारस्य ।।१२७ ।।

Oil of sarsapa, karanja, kosataki and ingudi are said to be beneficial in psoriasis and that prepared from khadirasara is the best. (127)

शीताः प्रदेहसेकास्तिक्तं सर्पिः सिराविरेकश्च । विशरणदाहक्लेदे विस्फोटे चर्मदलने च ।।१२८ ।।

शीर्णनखरोममांसः कृमिमानन्नाम्भसी त्यजेत् कुष्ठी । सद्योदुग्धं दुग्धं षण्मासान् कारभं भजेत्समधु ।।१२९ ।।

Cold poultice ary bath, bitter (medicated) ghee, and venesection are beneficial when the affected parts are decomposing, having vesicles and the skin is cracked and peeling off. The patient of psoriasis who has lost his nails, hairs and muscles, who is having worms (in the affected parts) should avoid water and food but should consume fresh camels milk mixed with honey for six months. (128-129)

एडगजः सविडङ्गो मूलान्यारग्वधस्य कुष्ठानाम् । उद्दालनं च दन्ता गोश्ववराहोष्ट्रदन्ताश्च ॥१३०॥

Edagaja, vidanga and root of aragvadha and teeth of cow, horse, boar and camel are useful to minimise the over crowding of patches of psoriasis. (130)

रजनीद्वयं कृमिघ्नं प्रपुनाटं राजवृक्षमूलं च । कुष्ठोत्पाटनमग्र्यं सपिप्पलीपाकलं योज्यम् ।।१३१ ।।

श्वित्राणां सविशेषं योक्तव्यं सर्वतो विशुद्धानाम् | उत्सन्नेषु च लेपाः सवर्णकरणास्तथाभ्यङ्गाः ||१३२||

The two rajani, krimighna, prapunnata, root of rajavriksha, along with pippali as the best to cure psoriasis; the same may be used in the form of external paste or oil massage especially in leucoderma, to bring back the normal colour of the skin. (130-131)

पक्षात् पक्षात् छर्दनान्यभ्युपेयान्मासान्मासाच्छोधनं चाप्यधस्तात् । शुद्धिर्मूर्ध्नः स्यात्त्रिरात्रास्त्रिरात्रात्षष्ठेषष्ठेमास्यसृमोक्षणंच ।।१३३ ।।

यो दुर्वान्तो दुर्विरिक्तोऽथवा स्यात् कुष्ठी दोषैरुद्धतैर्व्याप्यतेऽसौ । निस्सन्देहं यात्यसाध्यत्वमेवं तस्मात् कृत्स्नान्निर्हरैदस्य दोषान् ||१३४ ॥

The patient of psoriasis should be administered emesis therapy every fornight, purgation therapy every month, purification of the head every three days and blood letting every six months. He, who has had improper emesis and purgative therapies, is sure to get profound aggravation of the doshas in his body, leading to incurability of the disease. Hence the doshas are to be removed from the body quickly (133-134)

व्रतदमयमसेवात्यागशीलाभियोगो द्विजगुरुसुरपूजासर्वसत्त्वेषु मैत्री ।

जिनजिनसुतताराभास्कराराधनानि प्रकटितमलपापंकुष्ठमुन्मूलयन्ति ।।१३५ ।।

Observance of vows, avoiding anger and other emotions, control of the senses, disciplined life, serving others, cultivating the habit of charity, worship of the twice born (brahmanas etc), preceptors and gods, friendship with all living beings, worship of Jina (Buddha) Jinasuta (Avalokita ) Tara and Bhaskara (Sun) all these will remove the accumulated sins and leprosies. (135)

।। इतिएकविंशोऽध्यायः ॥

Thus ends the Twentyfirst chapter.


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