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Sharira Sankhya Vyakarana – Anatomy of the human body – Sushrutasamhita Sharirasthana Chapter 5

पञ्चमोऽध्यायः अथातः शरीरसंख्याव्याकरणं शारीरं व्याख्यास्यामः, यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ॥ १ ॥ ः।।१।।

Now we shall discourse on the Sharira which treats the anatomy of the human body (Sharira-Sankhya-Vyakarana). 1

शुक्रशोणितं गर्भाशयस्थमात्मप्रकृतिविकारसंमूच्छितं गर्भ इत्युच्यते । तं चेतनावस्थितं वायुर्विभजति तेज एनं पचति, आपः क्लेदयन्ति, पृथिवी संहन्ति, आकाशं विवर्धयति । एवं विवर्धितः स यदा हस्तपादजिह्वाघ्राणकर्णनितम्बादिभिरङ्गैरुपेतस्तदा शरीरमिति संज्ञां लभते । तच्च षडङ्गं – शाखाश्चतस्त्रो, मध्यं पञ्चमं, षष्ठं शिर इति ।। २ ।।

Definition of Garbha and Sharira : The combined semen and ovum (Sukra and Sonita) in the womb, mixed with (the eight categories known as) the Prakrti and (her sixteen modifications known as) X४०५५ Vikara, and ridden in by the Atma (self-consicous self), is called the foetus. The foetus is associated with consciousness. The Vayu (of the vital force) divides it into different cells. The Teja (or the heat latent in the fecundated matter) causes metabolism undergoing in tissues; the Apa (water) keeps it in aliquid state; the Ksiti (earth) causessolidification. of different tissues remaining in liquified sfate and the Akasa (ether) contributes to its growth and development. A fully developed foetus with all its parts, such as the hands, feet, tongue, nose, ears, buttocks etc. and the sense- organs, is called Sharira or body. The body is composed of six main parts, namely, the four extremities (upper and lower), the trunk or middle body, and the head. 2

अतः परं प्रत्यङ्गानि वक्ष्यन्ते मस्तकोदरपृष्ठनाभिललाटनासाचिबुकबस्तिग्रीवा इत्येता एकैकाः कर्णनेत्रनासाभ्रूशङ्खांसगण्डक – क्षस्तनवंङ्कणवृषणपार्वस्फिग्जानुबाहूरुप्रभृतयो द्वे द्वे विंशतिरङ्गुलयः स्त्रोतांसि च वक्ष्यमाणानि, एष प्रत्यङ्गविभाग उक्तः || ३ ||

Different members of the body: Now we shall describe the Pratyangas or members of the body. The head, the belly (Epigastrium), the back the navel (umbilical region) the forehead, the nose, the chin, the bladder, and the throat (neck ), occur singly; the ears, the eyes, the nostrils, the eye-brows, the temples, the shoulders, the cheek, the armpits, the breasts, inguinal regions the testes, the sides, the buttocks, the arms. the thighs, the knee-joints and elbow joints etc.. occur in pairs. The fingers and toes which number twenty in all, and the interior channels (Srotas) of the body, to be presently described, are likewise included within the Pratyangas. These are the different Pratyangas or members. 3

तस्य पुनः संख्यानं त्वच: कला धातवो मला दोषा यकृत्प्लीहानौ फुफ्फुस उण्डुको हृदयमाशया अन्त्राणि वृक्कौ स्त्रोतांसि कण्डरा जालानि कूर्चा रज्जव: सेवन्यः सङ्घाताः सीमन्ता अस्थीनि सन्धयः स्नायवः पेश्यो मर्माणि सिरा धमन्यो योगवहानि स्त्रोतांसि च ॥ ४ ॥

Enumeration of the different limbs and members body : The different layers of the skin, the Kalas, the Dhatus (root principles, such as blood, chyle, etc.), the Mala (excrements, the Dosas (mobific principles such as Vayu, Fitta or Kapha, the spleen, the liver, the lungs, the colon and caecum (Unduka), the heart, the cavities or viscera (Asayas), the intestines (Antras), the Vrkkas ( Kidneys) the Srotas (internal passages or ducts), the Kandara ( ligaments) the Jalas (retincula), the Kurcast, the Rajjus ( muscular) the Sevanis ( sutures), the Sanghatas ( facets), the Simanta (bony ends), the bones, the joints, the Snayu (nerves), the Pesi ( muscles), the Marmas (vital parts, such as anastomosis of veins and arteries, etc.), the Sira (veins), the Dhamani (arteries), the the Yogavahini Srotas², constitute what is collectively called the organism of the

1. Meetings of muscles, ligaments, veins, nerves and bones as at the annular ligament.

2. Those, that are in connection with the Dhanani.

त्वचः सप्त, कलाः सप्त, आशया: सप्त, धातवः सप्त, सप्त सिराशतानि, पञ्च पेशीशतानि, नव स्नायुशतानि, त्रीण्यस्थिशतानि, द्वे दशोत्तरे सन्धिशते, सप्तोत्तरं मर्मशतम्, चतुर्विंशतिर्धमन्यः, त्रयो दोषाः, त्रयो मलाः, नव स्रोतांसि, (षोडश कण्डराः, षोडश जालानि, षट् कूर्चाः, चतस्त्रो रज्जव:, सप्त सेवन्यः, चतुर्दश सङ्घाताः, चतुर्दश सीमन्ताः, द्वाविंशतिर्योगवहानि स्त्रोतांसि, द्विकान्यन्त्राणि) चेति, समासः ।। ५॥

Their number : The layers of skin (Tvaka) number seven in all. There are seven connective tissues of fascia (Kalas). The cavities or viscera (asayas) are seven in all. The root principles (Dhatu) of the body are seven in number. There are seven hundred Sira (veins) five hundred Pesi (muscles), nine hundred Snayu (nerves), three hundred bones, two hundred and ten Sandhi (joints), one hundred and seven Marmas (vital parts), twenty-four Dhamanis (arteries etc.). three Dosas (morbific principle such as the Vayu. Pitta and Kapha). three kinds of Mala (excrements) and nine Srota (canals). sixteen Kandara (ligaments), sixteen Jalas (retincula), six Kurcas, four Rajjus (muscular sheaths), seven sevanis (sutures), fourteen sanghatas (facets), fourteen simantas (bony ends), twenty two yoga vahini Srotasas, two Antras (intestines) in all in the human organism in brief.5

विस्तारोऽत ऊर्ध्वं त्वचोभिहिताः, कला धातवो मला दोषा यकृत्प्लीहानौ फुफ्फुस उण्डुको हृदयं वृक्कौ च || ६ ||

Now all above mentioned body parts are being described in detail. The skin, Kala, the root principles of the body ( Dhatus) the Malas ( excrements) the morbific principles (Dosas ) such as the Vayu etc. of the body, liver, spleen, lungs, Unduka (calcum), heart and the Vrkkas (kidneys) have been already described (in the preceding chapter). 6

आशयास्तु, वाताशयः, पित्ताशयः, श्लेष्माशयो, रक्ताशय, आमाशयः, पक्वाशयो, मूत्राशयः, स्त्रीणां गर्भाशयोऽष्टम इति ।। ७।।

सार्धत्रिव्यामान्यन्त्राणि पुंसां, स्त्रीणामर्धव्यामहीनानि ।। ८ ।।

The asayas (cavities or viscrea ) : They are named as the Vatasaya (the receptacle of the bodily Vayu), Pittasaya (the receptacle of the Pitta), Slesmasaya (the receptacle of Slesma or Kapha), Raktasaya (thereceptacle of the blood), Amasaya (stomach), Pakvasaya ( intestines) and the Mutrasava (bladder). Females have another Asaya (receptacle) in addition to these which is called the Garbhasaya ( uterus). The intestines (of an adult) male, measures fourteen cubits (three and a half Vyamas) in length, while those of an adult female measures only twelve cubits (three Vyamas). 7-8

श्रवणनयनवदनघ्राणगुदमेद्राणि नव स्त्रोतांसि नराणां बहिर्मुखानि । एतान्येव स्त्रीणामपराणि च त्रीणि ;- द्वे स्तनयोरधस्ताद्रक्तवहञ्च ।। ९ ।।

The Srotas or Channels : The nine canals (Srotas) of the body, such as the ears, the eyes, the mouth, the nostrils, the anus and the urethra, open on the outside. Females have three more such ducts or canals as the two breasts (milk channels) and the one which carries off the meanstrual blood. 9

• षोडश कण्डराः – तासां चतस्त्रः पादयोस्तावत्यो हस्तग्रीवापृष्ठेषु । तत्र हस्तपादगतानां कण्डराणां नखाः अग्र प्ररोहाः । ग्रीवाहृदयनिबन्धिनीनामधोभागगतानां मेढ्रम् । श्रोणिपृष्ठनिबन्धिनीनामधोभागगतानां बिम्बम् । मूर्धोरुवक्षोंऽसपिण्डादीनाञ्च ।। १० ।।

The Kandaras: The Kandaras number sixteen in all, of which four are in the legs, four in the hands, four in the neck, and four in the back. The Kandaras of the four extremeties extend to the roots of the nails of the fingers and toes. The four Kandaras of the neck, connecting it with the heart, extend down to the penis. The four Kandaras at the back and in the region of the Sroni extend down to the buttocks (Bimba). These Kandaras terminate above in the head, the thighs, the breast and in the balls of the shoulders respectively (i.e. the Kandaras of the neck terminate above in the head, those of the legs in the thighs, those of the dorsum in the chest and those of the arms in the shoulders. 10

मांससिरास्नाय्वस्थिजालानि प्रत्येकं चत्वारि चत्वारि । तानि मणिबन्धगुल्फसंश्रितानि परस्परनिबद्धानि परस्परसंश्लिष्टानि परस्परगवाक्षितानि चेति; यैर्गवाक्षितमिदं शरीरम् ।। ११ ।।

The Jala or networks: The Jala or networks are of four kinds, such as the muscular networks, the Vascular networks, ligamentous networks and bony networks. One of each of the four kinds of networks is found about each of the Manibandha (wrists) and Gulfa (ankles). These four kinds of networks are interconnected, intermingle and cross one another in the form of a net-work. The whole body is a chainwork of networks. 11

षट् कूर्चाः, ते हस्तपादग्रीवामेद्वेषु । हस्तयोर्द्वी, पादयोर्द्वी, ग्रीवामेढ्रयोरेकैकः ।। १२ ।।

महत्यो मांसरज्जवश्चतस्रः-पृष्ठवंशमुभयतः पेशीनिबन्धनार्थं द्वे बाह्ये, आभ्यन्तरे च द्वे ।। १३ ।।

The Kurcas: There are six Kurcas¹ in all; of which two are in the hands, two in the feet, one in the neck, and one in the penis. There are four great muscular cords or Rajjus which originate from either side of the spinal column, one pair going inwards and another outwards for the purpose of binding the muscles together². 12-13

सप्त सेवन्यः; सिरसि विभक्ताः पञ्च, जिह्वाशेफसोरेकैका । ताः परिहर्त्तव्याः शस्त्रेण ।। १४ ।।

The Sevanis or Sutures: ³They are seven in number, e.g. five in the head, one in the tongue and one in the genital. An incision should not be made into any of these sevanis. 14

चतुर्दशास्थ्नां सङ्घाताः । तेषां त्रयो गुल्फजानुवङ्क्षणेषु, एतेनेतरसक्थि बाहू च व्याख्यातौ, त्रिकशिरसोरेकैकः ।। १५ ।।

The Asthi-Sanghatas : The Asthi-sanghatas (collection of a number of bones) are fourteen in number. Of these one is found in each of the following positions, viz. the two ankles, the two knees and the two groins; of the remaining eight, six are to be found in similar positions of the upper extremities, namely one in each of the wrists, elbows and axillas; one is in the cranium and another in the region of

1. The Kurcas (elusters or groups) may be made up of muscles, bones, vessels and ligamentous structure – Dalhna.

2. According to Gayadasa four such cords are found on each side of the spinal column and thus totalling eight in all.

3. Sevani evidently means the central tendinous band which looks like a suture from which the muscles on either side arise.

the Trika’ (thus making up fourteen in all). 15

चतुर्दशैव सीमन्ताः । ते चास्थिसङ्घातवद् गणनीयाः, यतस्तैर्युक्ता अस्थिसङ्घाताः ये ह्युक्ताः संङ्घातास्ते खल्वष्टादशैकेषाम् ।। १६ ।।

The Simantas : The Simantas number fourteen in all, and are respectively situated about the place of each of the aforsaid Asthisanghata. Several authorities assert that there are eighteen Sanghatas 2. 16

त्रीणि सषष्टीन्यस्थिशतानि वेदवादिनो भाषन्ते । शल्यतन्त्रेषु तु त्रीण्येव शतानि । तेषां सविंशमस्थिशतं शाखासु, सप्तदशोत्तरं शतं श्रोणिपार्श्वपृष्ठोरःसु । ग्रीवां प्रत्यूर्ध्वं त्रिषष्टिः । एवमस्थनां त्रीणि शतानि पूर्यन्ते ।।१७।।

The Bones: According to the followers of the Ayurveda (general medicine), the entire number of bones in the human body is three hundred and sixty; whereas Salya-Tantra (the present work) counts only three hundred. Of these, one hundred and twenty are to be found in the (four) extremities, one hundred and seventeen in the pelvis (Sroni), sides (Parsva). back and chest (Urah) and sixty-three in the neck and the regions above; thus numbering three hundred in the aggregate3. 17

1. “Trika” generally means the sacral region, but Dalhana says that here it refers to the meeting of the two clavicles with the breast bone.

2. According to them four more Asthi-sanghatas are to be found over and above the fourteen already mentioned; these are one above the sacrum, one above the chest, one at the junction of the thorax and abdomen, and one at the acromial end (of the Scapula).

3. Pandita Gangadhara Kaviratna of Mursidabad in his famous commentary, known as the Tika-jalpa-kalpa-taru, in the 7th Chapter of Sharira Sthana in the Charaka Samhita states:

“In the surgical text-book of Susruta the number of bones in the human body is given to be three hundred in all. Of these, one hundred and twenty bones are in the four extremeties; one hundred and seventeen in the pelvic cavity (Sroni), sides ( Parsva), back (Pristha), (Aksa) collar-bones and breast ( Urah); and sixty-three in the region upward the neck. Thus the total number of three hundred is made up. Now there are three bones in each toe of the feet; this makes fifteen altogether. Seven bones constitute the sole (Tala), cluster (Kurca), and the ankle (Gulpha). There is one bone in the heel (Parsni), two in the leg (Jangha), one in the knee (Jani), and one in the thigh (Uru).

एकैकस्यान्तु पादाङ्गुल्यां त्रीणि त्रीणि तानि पञ्चदश, तलकूर्चगुल्फसंश्रितानि दश, पार्ष्यामेकम्, जङ्घायां द्वे, जानुन्येकम्, एकमूराविति, त्रिंशदेवमेकस्मिन् सक्थिन भवन्ति । एतेनेतरसक्थि बाहू च व्याख्यातौ ।। १८ ।।

Bones of the four Extremities: There are three bones in each toe of the foot, thus making fifteen bones altogether (in the toes of each leg). Ten bones constitute the Tala (sole), Kurca (cluster), and Gulpha (ankle) of each leg, and one forms the Parsni (heel); two bones are found in the Jangha (leg); one in the Janu (knee), and one in the Uru (thigh); thus making thirty bones in one lower extremity. The same number holds good in the case of the other leg as well asin that of the two upper limbs. (Thus the bones in the four extremities are one hundred and twenty in all ). 18

श्रोण्यां पञ्च, तेषां गुदभगनितम्बेषु चत्वारि, त्रिकसंश्रितमेकम्, पार्श्वे षट्त्रिंशदेकस्मिन्; द्वितीयेऽप्येवम् |

पृष्ठे त्रिंशत्, अष्टावुरसि, द्वे अक्षकसंज्ञे ।। १९ ।।

Bones of the Trunk : Five bones form the Sroni (pelvic cavity); of these four are found about the Guda (anus), Bhaga (pubis), and the Nitamba (hips), and the fifth one is the Trika or triangular bone (the sacrum). There are thirty-six bones in one Parsva (side) and the same number in the other; thirty in the Prstha (back), eight in the Urah (chest); and two more known as Aksaka (collar-bone). (Thus making one hundred and seventeen in all). 19

ग्रीवायां नव, कण्ठनाड्यां चत्वारि, द्वे हन्वोः, दन्ता द्वात्रिंशत्, नासायां त्रीणि एकं तालुनि, गण्डकर्णशङ्खेष्वेकैकम्, षट् शिरसि ।। २० ।। “

there are twenty-seven bones in one lower timb. The same number applies to the other limb as well as to the two upper limbs. Thus a total number of one hundred and eight bones is made up. There are five bones in the pelvic cavity (Sroni); of these there are two in the hips (Nitamba), and the pubes (Bhaga), anus (Guda) and sacrum (Trika) is constituted with one bone each. There are thirty-six bones in one side (Parsva) and the same count applies to the other, There are thirty bones in the back (Prstha); two in the collar-bone (Aksakasananja); seventeen in the breast (Ura); eleven in the neck (Grivil); four in the wind-pipe ( Kantha-nadi); and two in the jaws ( Hanu). There are thirty-two teeth. There are three bones in the nose (Nasa); two in the palate Bones above the Clavicles: There are nine bones in the Griva (neck); four in the Kantha-nadi (wind-pipe); two in the Hanu (Jaws). The teeth number thirty-two. There are three bones in the nose; one in the Talu (palate); also one in each Karna (ear), Sankha (temple) and Ganda (cheek), ( thus making six in all); six bones form the Sira (cranium). [ Thus making sixty-three in all ]. 20

एतानि पञ्चविधानि भवन्ति; तघथा – कपालरुचकतरुणवलयनलकसंज्ञानि। तेषां जानुनितम्बांसगण्डतालुशङ्खशिरः सु कपालानि, दशनास्तु रुचकानि, घ्राणकर्णग्रीवाक्षिकोषेषु तरुणानि, पाणिपादपार्श्वपृष्ठोरःसु वलयानि, शेषाणि नलकसंज्ञानि ।। २१ ||

Different kinds of Bones and their situations: These bones may be divided into five classes (according to their character), such as the Kapala, Rucaka, Taruna, Valaya and the Nalaka. The bones, situated in the knee-joints, shoulders (Aisa 2), hips (Nitambas), cheeks (Ganda), palate, temples and the cranium belong to the Kapala kind (flat bones). The teeth belong to the Rucaka class. The bones in the nose, ears, throat (trachea) and the socket of the eyes (Aksi kosa) are called Taruna (cartilages); while those which are found in the palm (wrist), foot (ankle), sides back and chest belong to the Valaya (irregular or curved) class. The remaining bones belong to Nalaka class (long-bones, lit. – reed-like or cylindrical). 21

भवन्ति चात्र अभ्यन्तरगतैः सारैर्यथा तिष्ठन्ति भूरुहाः । अस्थिसारैस्तथा देहा थ्रियन्ते देहिनां ध्रुवम् ।। २२ ।।

(Talu); one each in either cheek (Ganda), ear (Karna) and temple ( Sankha), making six together; and six in the cranium ( Sira ). Thus a total number of sixty-six bones is made up. (Hence) the total number of three hundred bones is made (with the grand total of the three hundred foregoing totals). Thus the list of bones of a skeleton is described.”

Tala, Kurca and Kantha-nadi are identical with Carak’s Sataka, Sthana and Jatru respectively.

2. Though it is asserted here that there exist Taruna bones in the sockets of the eyes (Aksi-kosa) but there is no mention at all in the text, of the presence of any such therein. There is no mention of the shoulder-blade (Ansa) here though it is a part of the skeleton.

तस्माच्चिरविनष्टेषु त्वङ्मांसेषु शरीरिणाम् । अस्थीनि न विनश्यन्ति साराण्येतानि देहिनाम् ॥ २३ ॥

मांसान्यत्र निबद्धानि सिराभिः स्नायुभिस्तथा । अस्थीन्यालम्बनं कृत्वा न शीर्यन्ते पतन्ति वा ।। २४ ।।

Memorable Verses: As trees are supported by the hard core inside their trunks, so the body is supported (and kept erect) by the firm bones (which are found in its inside). And since these bones form the pith (Sara) of the human organism, they are not destroyed even after the destruction and falling off of the attached flesh, skin, etc. of the body. Muscles are attached strongly to the bones by means of the veins (Siras) and ligaments (Snayus), and are thus kept in position and do not fall off 22-24

सन्धयस्तु द्विविधाश्चेष्टावन्तः, स्थिराश्च ।

शाखासु हन्वो: कट्याञ्च चेष्टावन्तस्तु सन्धयः । शेषास्तु सन्धयः सर्वे विज्ञेया हि स्थिरा बुधैः ।। २५ ।।

सङ्ख्यातस्तु दशोत्तरे द्वे शते । तेषां शाखास्वष्टषष्टिः, एकोनषष्टिः कोष्ठे, ग्रीवां प्रत्यूर्ध्वं त्र्यशीतिः ।। २६ ।।

The Sandhis or Joints – (M.T.) : The joints may be divided into two kinds according to as they are immovable (synarthrosis) and movable (diarthrosis). Those which are situated at the four extremities as well as in the Kafi ( waist) and Hanus (jaws) are movable; the others are known to be unmovable by the learned. There are two hundred and ten articulations ( Sandhis) in the human body. Of these sixty-eight are in the four extremities; fifty-nine in the trunk ( Kostha); and eightythree in the neck and in the region above it. 25-26

एकैकस्यां पादाङ्गुल्यां त्रयस्त्रयः, द्वावगुष्ठे, ते चतुर्दश ।

जानुगुल्फवङ्क्षणेष्वेकैकः एवं सप्तदशैकस्मिन् सक्थिनि भवन्ति । एतेनेतरसथि बाहू च व्याख्यातौ ।। २७ ।।

Sandhis of the four Extremities: Three joints are found in each toe, two only in the great toe, thus making fourteen in each leg; one is placed in each ankle, knee-joint and groin, thus making seventeen Sandhis in each leg or thirty-four in the two lower extremities. A similar number is to be found in each of the two upper extremities. 27

त्रयः कटीकपालेषु, चतुर्विंशतिः पृष्ठवंशे, तावन्त एव पार्श्वयोः, उरस्यष्टौ; तावन्त एव ग्रीवायाम्, त्रयः कण्ठे, नाडीषु हृदयक्लोमनिबद्धास्वष्टादश, दन्तपरिमाणा दन्तमूलेषु, एकः काकलके नासायाञ्च, द्वौ वर्त्ममण्डलजौ नेत्राश्रयौ, गण्डकर्णशङ्खेष्वेकैकः द्वौ हनुसन्धी, द्वावुपरिष्टाद् भ्रुवोः शङ्खयोश्च, पञ्च शिरः कपालेषु, एको मूर्ध्नि । ॥ २८ ॥ ,

Sandhis of the kostha and Clavicles: There are three Sandhis about the Kapala or flat bone in the Kati (waist, hence pelvis); twentyfour in the vertibral column; twenty four in the sides; eight in the chest; eight in the Griva (neck); three in the Kantha (windpipe); eighteen in the cords of bands (Nadi) binding the Kioma and the heart; thirty-two about the roots of the teeth, one in the region of the thyroid (Kakalaka); one in the nose; two in the eyes; one in each of the two ears, temples and cheeks (thus making six in all); two about the joints of the jawbones; two over the eye-brows; two above the temples; five in the Kapala bone of the fore-head and one in the head. 28

त एते सन्धयोऽष्टविधा:- कोरोलूखलसामुद्गप्रतरतुन्नसेवनीवायसतुण्डमण्डलशङ्खावर्त्ताः । तेषामगुलिमणिबन्धगुल्फजानुकूर्परेषु कोराः सन्धयः । कक्षावङ्क्षणदशनेषूलूखलाः । अंसपीठगुदभगनितम्बेषु सामुद्गाः, ग्रीवापृष्ठवंशयो: प्रतराः, शिर: कटीकपालेषु तुन्नसेवन्यः, हन्वोरुभयतस्तु वायसतुण्डाः कण्ठहृदयनेत्रक्लोमनाडीषु मण्डलाः, श्रोत्रभृङ्गाटकेषु शङ्खावर्त्ताः । तेषां नामभिरेवाकृतयः प्रायेण व्याख्याताः ।। २९ ।।

Their forms, distinctions and locations : These joints may be divided into eight different classes (named after the objects which they respectively resemble in shape), namely Kora (hinged or lap-shaped), Ulukhala (ball and socket), Samudga ( back of the palm ). Pratara (raft), Tunna-sevani (seam-like or dove-tailed), Vayasa-tundda (crowbeak), Mandala (circular) and Sankha-varta (involutions of conchshell). The joints in the fingers, wrists, ankles knee-joints and elbows (Kurpura) belong to the Kora group. Those in the axilla or shoulderjoint (Kaksa), teeth, and hip (Vanksana) are of the Ulukhala type. The joints in the region of the anus, vagina, shoulders (Aisa-pitha – glenoid cavity) and hips, belong to the Samudga form. The joints in the neck and the spinal columns, bels: to the Pratara (irregular) type; while those found in the Kapala brons of the pelvis (Kati) and the forehead are of Tunna sevani (suturs. m. The joints on either side of the cheek-bones (temporomandibulelong to the Vayasa-tunda type. The Mandala joints occur in the dircling Nadi of the heart, throat, eyes and Kloma. Sankha-varta joccur in the bones of the ears and the nostrils. The similar features these different kinds of joints ( Sandhis) are evident from their names. 29

अस्थनान्तु सन्धयो होते केवला: परिकीर्त्तिताः । पेशीस्नायुसिराणान्तु सन्धिसंङ्ख्या न विद्यते ।। ३० ।।

Metrical Text: Only the bone-joints have been enumerated and described; the joints of muscles ligaments and veins are innumerable. 30

नव स्नायुशतानि । तासां शाखासु षट्शतानि, द्वे शते त्रिंशच्च कोष्ठे, ग्रीवां प्रत्यूर्ध्वं सप्ततिः । एकैकस्यान्तु पादाङ्गुल्यां षट् निचिनास्तास्त्रिंशत् । तावत्य एव तलकूर्चगुल्फेषु, तावत्य एव जङ्घायाम्, दश जानुनि, चत्वारिंशदूरौ, दश वङ्क्षणे, शतमध्यर्धमेवमेकस्मिन् सक्थिन भवन्ति । एतेनेतरसथि बाहू च व्याख्यातौ । घष्टि: कट्यां, अशीतिः पृष्ठे, पार्श्वयोः षष्टिः, उरसि त्रिंशत्, षट्त्रिंशद् ग्रीवायाम् मूर्ध्नि चतुस्त्रिंशत्, एवं नव स्नायुशतानि व्याख्यातानि ।। ३१ ।।

The Nerves (Snayu ): There are nine hundred nerves ( Snayus) in the human body, of which six hundred occur in the four extremities; two hundred and thirty in the trunk (Kostha) and seventy in the neck and upwards. (Of the six hundred nerves in the four extremities), six nerves are situated in each toe making thirty (in the toes of each foot); thirty in the Tala (soles), Gulpha (ankles) and the Kurca (ankle-joint); thirty in the leg (Jangha); ten in the knee-joints ( Janu); forty in the Udara ( abdomen); ten in the groin ( Vanksana); thus making one hundred and fifty in each leg. The same number is found in the other lower limb and in each of the two upper extremities. (Of the two hundred and thirty nerves in the trunk), there are sixty in the lumbar region (Kati); eighty in the back; sixty in the sides; and thirty in the chest. (Of the seventy nevers to be found in the region above the clavicles) there are thirty six in the neck (Griva) and thirty-four in the head. Thus the total number of nerves in a human body is nine hundred. 31

भवन्ति चात्र स्नायूश्चतुर्विधा विद्यात् तास्तु सर्वा निबोध मे। प्रतानवत्यो वृत्ताश्च पृथ्व्यश्च शुषिरास्तथा ।। ३२ ।।

प्रतानवत्यः शाखासु सर्वसन्धिषु चाप्यथ । वृत्तास्तु कण्डरा: सर्वा विज्ञेयाः कुशलैरिह । । ३३ ।।

आमपक्वाशयान्तेषु बस्तौ च शुषिराः खलु । पार्श्वोरसि तथा पृष्ठे पृथुलाश्च शिरस्यथ ॥ ३४ ॥

Memorable Verses : Now hear me describing the nerves (Snayus). They may be grouped under four distinct heads. viz., Pratanavati (ramifying or branching ). Vrtta (ring-shaped or circular), prthu (thick or broad) and Susira (perforated). The nerves (Snayus) which present in the four extremities and the joints belong to the Praranavati type. The Kandaras or large nerves are of the Vrtta type; while those which are found in the stomach (Amasaya) or in the intestines (Pakvasaya) and in the bladder belong to the Susira type. The ligaments of the chest, back, sides and head are of the Prthu type. 32-34

नौर्यथा फलकास्तीर्णा बन्धनैर्बहुभिर्युता । सुसमाहिता ।। ३५ ।। भारक्षमा भवेदप्सु नृयुक्ता एवमेव शरीरेऽस्मिन् यावन्तः सन्धयः स्मृताः । स्नायुभिर्बहुभिर्बद्धास्तेन भारसहा नराः ।। ३६ ॥ न ह्यस्थीनि वा पेश्यो न सिरा न च सन्धयः । व्यापादितास्तथा हन्युर्यथा स्नायुः शरीरिणम् ॥ ३७॥ यः स्नायूः प्रविजानाति बाह्याश्चाभ्यन्तरास्तथा । स गूढं शल्यमाहर्तुं देहाच्छक्नोति देहिनाम् ।। ३८ ।।

As a boat made of planks and timber fastened together by means of a large number of bindings is enabled to float on the water and to carry cargo; so the human frame being bound and fastened at the Sandhis or joints by a large number of nerves (Snayu) is enabled to bear-pressure. An injury to, or disease of, the bones, veins, joints muscles are not so detrimental to the system as is the case if the Snayus are affected in any way. Only the physician, who is acquainted with the internal and external nerves (Snayus) of the body, is qualified to extract a hidden and imbedded Salya (extraneous matter etc.) from any part of the body. 35-38

पञ्च पेशीशतानि भवन्ति । तासां चत्वारि शतानि शाखासु, कोष्ठे षट्षष्टिः, ग्रीवां प्रत्यूर्ध्वं चतुस्त्रिंशत् ।। ३९ ।।

The Muscles (Pesis) : The muscles (Pesis) number five hundred in all, of which four hundred are in the four extremities; Sixt-six’ in the trunk (Kostha) and thirty-four in the region above the clavicles. 39

एकैकस्यान्तु पादाङ्गुल्यां तिस्रस्तिस्त्रस्ताः पञ्चदश, दश प्रपदे, पादोपरि कूर्चसन्निविष्टास्तावत्य एव, दश गुल्फतलयोः, गुल्फजान्वन्तरे विंशतिः, पञ्च जानुनि, विंशतिरूरौ, दश वक्षणे, शतमेवमेकस्मिन् सकूथिन भवति । एतेनेतरसथिबाहू च व्याख्यातौ ।। ४० ।।

Muscles in the Extremities: There are three muscles each of the toes, thus making fifteen in the toes of one leg; ten in the anterior part of the foot and the same number (ten) attached to the Kurca: ten in the sole and the ankle-bone (Gulpha, – malleoli); twenty in the region between the Gulpha and the knee-joint; five in the knee-joint (Janu); twenty in the thigh (uru); and ten in the groin (Vaiiksana); thus making one hundred muscles in all in each leg. The same number is found in each of the other three extremities; (thus making four hundred in all). 40

तिस्रः पायौ, एका मेढे, सेवन्याञ्चापरा, द्वे वृषणयोः, स्फिचोः पञ्च पञ्च द्वे बस्तिशिरसि, पञ्चोदरे, नाभ्यामेका, पृष्ठोर्ध्वसन्निविष्टाः पञ्च पञ्च दीर्घाः, षट् पाश्र्वयोः, दश वक्षसि, अक्षकांसौ प्रति समन्तात् सप्त, द्वे हृदयामाशययोः, षट् यकृत्प्लीहोण्डुकेषु ।। ४१ ।।

Muscles in the Kostha : (Of the sixty-six muscles in the trunk), three are in the region of the anus (Payu) one in the penis; one in the perineum (Sevani); two in the scrotum; five in each of the haunches (Sphik); two in the top or head of the bladder; five in the abdomen (Udara); one about the umbilicus; five along each side (of the spinal

1. Gayadasa reads sixty in the trunks and forty above the clavicles.column), on the upper part of the back (making ten in all); six in the sides; ten in the chest; seven around the armpits and shoulders (Aksaka-Ansa); two in the region of heart and stomach (amasaya); and six in the region of the liver, spleen and caecum (Unduka). 41

ग्रीवायां चतस्त्रः, अष्टौ हन्वोः, एकैका काकलकगलयोः, द्वे तालुनि, एका जिह्वायाम्, ओष्ठयोर्द्वे, घोणायां द्वे, द्वे नेत्रयोः गण्डयोश्चतस्त्रः, कर्णयोर्द्वे चतस्त्रो ललाटे, एका शिरसीति, एवमेतानि पञ्च पेशीशतानि । ॥ ४२ ॥

Muscles of the Head and Neck : (Of the thirty-four muscles found in the region), four are in the throat (Griva); eight in the two jawbones (Hanu); one each in the regions of the throat (Kakalaka and Gala) two in the palate; one in the tongue; two in the lips; two in the nose; two in the eyes; four in the cheeks: two in the ears; four in the forehead; and one in the head. Thus the positions and distributions of the five hundred muscles (Pesis) have been described. 42

शिरास्नाय्वस्थिपर्वाणि सन्धयश्च शरीरिणाम् ।

पेशीभिः संवृतान्यत्र बलवन्ति भवन्त्यतः ।। ४३ ॥

Metrical Text : The nerves, veins, bones and joints etc., of a human body, derive their strength from the fact of their being supported by or covered over by the muscles. 43

स्त्रीणान्तु विंशतिरधिका । दश तासां स्तनयोरेकैकस्मिन् पञ्च पञ्चेति, यौवने तासां परिवृद्धिः, अपत्यपथे चतस्त्रःतासां प्रसृतेऽभ्यन्तरतो द्वे, मुखाश्रिते बाह्ये च वृत्ते द्वे, गर्भच्छिद्रसंश्रितास्तिस्त्रः, शुक्रावप्रवेशिन्यस्तिस्त्र एव । पित्तपक्वाशययोर्मध्ये गर्भाशय्या, यत्र गर्भस्तिष्ठति ।। ४४ ।।

Extra Muscles in Women : Females have twenty extra muscles; ten muscles are to be found about the two breasts, five in each, which (muscles) attain their full growth during puberty; four muscles are present about the parturient passage; and of these (four) two are about the external and two in the internal orifices (of the vagina); three about the region of the os, and three along the passages of the ovum and sperm. The Garbhasaya or uterus is situated in the space bounded by the Pittasaya (small intestine) and Pakvasc (large intestine) and the foetus lies in this during the period of gestation.¹

तासां बहलपेलवाणुस्थूलपृथुवृत्तह्रस्वदीर्घस्थिरमृदुश्लक्ष्णकर्कशभावाः सन्ध्यस्थिसिरास्नायुप्रच्छादका यथाप्रदेशं स्वभावत एव भवन्ति ।। ४५ ॥

According to their position in the system, these muscles are found to be thick, slender, small, large, expanded, circular, short, long, hard, soft smooth or rough. The muscles cover the veins, ligaments. bones and joints; hence their shape and size are determined by the exigencies (organic structures) of their positions. 45

भवति चात्र ?

पुंसां पेश्यः पुरस्ताद् याः प्रोक्ता लक्षणमुष्कजाः ।

स्त्रीणामावृत्य तिष्ठन्ति फलभन्तर्गतं हि ताः ॥ ४६॥ मर्मसिराधमनीस्रोतसामन्यत्र प्रविभागः ॥ ४७ ॥

Memorable Verses: The muscles which are found in the penis and scrotum of a man as described before correspond to the covering of the uterus and ovaries in the case of a woman owing to the presence of those organs in her body. The positions and classifications of the veins, channels, Marmas and arteries will be dealt with in a separate chapter. 46-47

शङ्खनाभ्याकृतिर्थोनिस्त्र्यावर्त्ती सा प्रकीर्त्तिता । तस्यास्तृतीये त्वावर्त्ते गर्भशय्या प्रतिष्ठिता ।। ४८ ।।

यथा रोहितमत्स्यस्य मुखं भवति रूपतः । तत्संस्थानां तथारूपां गर्भशय्यां विदुर्बुधाः ॥ ४९ ॥

आभुग्नोऽभिमुखः शेते गर्भो गर्भाशये स्त्रियाः । स योनिं शिरसा याति स्वभावात् प्रसवं प्रति ॥ ५० ॥

The vagina of a woman resembles the navel of a conch-shell in shape and is, possessed of three involuted turns (Avartas) like the interior of mollusc. The uterus (Garbhasaya-foetal bed ) is situated at the third posterior involuted turn. The shape of the uterus resembles the mouth of a Rohit-fish (narrow at the mouth and expanded in the

1. If we read Mutrasaya (bladder) in place of Pittasaya it explains the anatomy better. upper end). The foetus lies in a crouched or doubled up posture in the uterus and thus naturally at the time of parturition its head is presented at the entrance to the vagina, 48-50

त्वक्पर्यन्तस्य देहस्य योऽयमङ्गविनिश्चयः । शल्यज्ञानादृते नैष वर्ण्यतेऽङ्गेषु केषुचित् ।। ५१ ।।

तस्मान्निः संशयं ज्ञानं हर्त्रा शल्यस्य वाञ्छता । शोधयित्वा मृतं सम्यग् द्रष्टव्योऽङ्गविनिश्चयः ॥ ५२ ॥

प्रत्यक्षतो हि यद् दृष्टं शास्त्रदृष्टञ्च यद् भवेत् । समासतस्तदुभयं भूयो ज्ञानविवर्धनम् ॥ ५३॥

Superiority of Salya-Tantra : The different parts or members of the body as mentioned before including even the skin cannot be correctly described by any one who is not versed in Anatomy. Hence, any one desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of anatomy should prepare a dead body and carefully observe (by dissecting it) and examine its different parts. For a thorough knowledge can only be acquired by comparing the accounts given in the Sastras (books on the subject) and by direct personal observation. 51-53

तस्मात् समस्तगात्रमविषोपहतमदीर्घव्याधिपीडितमवर्षशतिकं निःसृष्टान्त्रपुरीषं पुरुषमावहन्त्यामापगायां निबद्धं पञ्जरस्थं मुञ्ज – वल्कलकुशशणादीनामन्यतमेनावेष्टिताङ्गमप्रकाशे देशे कोथयेत् । सम्यक् प्रकुथितञ्चोद्धृत्य ततो देहं सप्तरात्रादुशीरबालवेणुवल्कलकूर्चानामन्यतमेन शनैः शनैरवघर्षयंस्त्वगादीन् सर्वानेव बाह्याभ्यन्तरानङ्गप्रत्यङ्गविशेषान् यथोक्तान् लक्षयेच्चक्षुषा ।। ५४॥

Mode of dissection: A dead body selected for this purpose should not be wanting in any of its parts, should not be a person who had lived up to a hundred years (i.e. too old age) or of one who died from any protracted disease or of poison. The excrementa should be first removed from the entrails and the body should be left to decompose in the water of a solitary and still pool, and secruely placed in a cage (so that it may not be eaten away by fish nor drift away), after having covered it entirely with the outer sheaths of Munja grass, Kusa grass, hemp or with rope etc. After seven days the body would be thoroughly decomposed, then the observer should slowly scrape off the decomposed skin etc. with a whisk made of grass-roots, hair, Kusa blade or with a strip of split bamboo and carefully observe with his own eyes all the various different organs, external and internal, beginning with the skin as described before. 54

श्लोकौ चात्र भवतः । न शक्यश्चक्षुषा द्रष्टुं देहे सूक्ष्मतमो विभुः । श्यते ज्ञानचक्षुर्भिस्तपश्चक्षुभिरेव च ।। ५५ ।।

शरीरे चैव शास्त्रे च दृष्टार्थ: स्याद्विशारदः । दृष्टश्रुताभ्यां सन्देहमवापोह्याचरेत् क्रियाः ।। ५६ ।।

Memorable Verses: The Self, the occult or invisible Lord of the body cannot be detected except with the psychic eye or with that of the eyes of penance. He, who has observed the internal mechanism of the human body and is well read in the works bearing on these subjects and has thus all his doubts expelled from his mind is alone qualified in the science of Ayurveda and has a rightfull claim to practise the art of healing. 55-56

इति सुश्रुतसंहितायां शारीरस्थाने शरीरसंख्याव्याकरणशारीरं नाम पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ।। ५ ।।

Thus ends the fifth Chapter of the Sharira-sthana in the Susruta Samhita which treats of the anatomy of the human body.


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