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BASTI KALPA – Preparation of recipes for enema – Ashtanga Samgraha Kalpasthana Chapter 4

अथातो बस्तिकल्पं व्याख्यास्यामः । इतिह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।। १ ।।

We will now expound Basti kalpa-preparation of recipes for enema therapy; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

बलां गुडूचीं त्रिफलां सरास्त्रां द्विपञ्चमूलं चपलोन्मितानि । अष्टौ फलान्यध॑तुलां च मांसात् छागात् पचेदप्सु चतुर्थशेषम् ॥ २ ॥

पूतोयवानीफलबिल्वकुष्ठवचाशताह्वाघनपिप्पलीनाम् । कल्कैर्गुडक्षौद्रघृतः सतैलैर्युक्तः सुखोष्णो लवणान्वितश्च ।। ३ ।।

बस्तिः परं सर्वगदप्रमाथीस्वस्थे हितो जीवनबृंहणश्च । बस्तौ च यस्मिन् पठितो न कल्कः सर्वत्र दद्यादमुमेव तत्र || ४ ||

One pala each of bala, guduchi, triphala, rasna, the two panchamula, eight (pala) of phala (madanaphala) half-tula of goats meat-are all boiled in water, decoction reduced to a quarter and then filtered; to this are added the paste of yavani, phala (madana), bilva, kustha, vacha satahva, ghana, pippali, guda (jaggery) ksaudra (honey), ghrita (ghee), taila (oil) and lavana (saindhava ) and administered warm. This enema is best to cure all diseases, good for healthy persons, acting as a sustainer of life and making the body stout.

In such of the enema recipes where paste of drugs is not specifically mentioned in the text, then it should be prepared from these drugs (mentioned now). (2-4)

Notes-Details regarding the quantity of decoction, paste of drugs, honey, fats, salts etc, method of mixing, preparing the enema bag, mode of administration etc.-have been described earlier in chapter 28 of sutrasthana.

द्विपञ्चमूलस्य रसोऽम्लयुक्तः सच्छागमांसस्य सपूर्वपेष्यः । त्रिस्नेहयुक्तः प्रवरो निरूहः सर्वानिलव्याधिहरः प्रदिष्टः ।। ५ ।।

Juice (decoction) of the two pancemula, mixed with sour (liquids), (juice of) goats meat and paste mentioned earlier (in verse no 3 ) and the three fats ( ghee, oil and fat) all prepared as recipe for decoction enema. This is best for curing all the diseases of vata origin. (5)

बलापटोलीलघुपञ्चमूलत्रायन्तिकैरण्डयवात्सुसिद्धात् । प्रस्थो रसाच्छागरसाऽर्धयुक्तः साध्यः पुनः प्रस्थसमः सयावत् ॥६॥

प्रियङ्गुकृष्णाघनकल्कयुक्तः सतैलसर्पिर्मधुसैन्धवश्च । स्याद्दीपनोमांसबलप्रदश्च चक्षुर्बलं चोपदधाति सद्यः ॥७॥

One prastha of decoction prepared with bala, patola, laghu panchamula, trayanti, eranda and yava, half prastha of juice of goats meat, a paste of priyangu, krsna and ghana, oil and ghee, honey and saindhava, all made into a liquid for decoction enema. This enema kindles hunger, bestows strength to the muscles and also to the eyes soon. (6-7)

एरण्डमूलात्रिपलं पलाशात्तथा पलांशं लघुपञ्चमूलम् । रास्त्राबलाछिन्नरुहाश्वगन्धापुर्नवारग्वदेवदारु |॥८॥

फलानि चाष्टौ सलिलाढकाभ्यां विपाचयेदष्टमशेषितेऽस्मिन् । वचाशताह्वाहपुषाप्रियङ्गुयष्टी-कणावत्सकबीजमुस्तम् ।।९।।

दद्यात् सुपिष्टंसहतार्क्ष्यशैलमक्षप्रमाणं लवणांशयुक्तम् । समाक्षिकस्तैलयुतः समूत्रो बस्तिर्जयेल्लेखनदीपनोऽसौ ॥ १० ॥

जङ्घोरुपादत्रिकपृष्ठकोष्ठहृद्गुह्यशूलं गुरुतां विबन्धम् । गुल्माश्मवर्ध्मग्रहणीगुदोत्थांस्तांस्तांश्च रोगान् कफवातजातान् ।।११ ।।

Three pala of roots of eranda, the same quantity of roots of palasa, one pala of each of laghu panchamula, rasna, bala, cchinnarudha, ashwagandha punarnava, aragvadha, devadaru, phala (madana) eight by number-are all boiled in two adhaka of water, decoction reduced to ore-eighth that quantity; to this are added, the paste of vacha, satahva, hapusa, priyangu, yasthi, kana, vatsaka bija, musta, and takrsyasaila, one aksa of lavana, (saindhava), maksika (honey), taila (oil) and cows urine-and enema recipe prepared. This enema acts as a scarificant and kindles hunger, cures pain of the calves, thighs, legs, upper back, back, abdominal tumors, urinary calculii, scrotal enlargement, duodenal disease, haemorrhoids and many other diseases arising from kapha and vata. (8-11)

चतुष्पले तैलघृतस्य भृष्टः छागाच्छतार्थो दधिदाडिमाम्लः । रसः सपेष्योबलवर्णमांसरेतोग्नितैमिर्यशिरोरुजीष्टः ॥१२॥

Half a hundred (fifty) pala of juice of goats meat, mixed with four pala of oil and ghee (two pala each), dadhi (curds) and sour juice of dadima and the paste of yavani etc, enemarated earlier are all made into a enema recipe; this enema is beneficial to enhance strength, complexion, muscles, semen, digestive activity, blindness and headaches. (12)

यष्ट्याह्वयस्याष्टपलेन सिद्धं पयः शताह्वाफलपिप्पलीभिः । युक्तं ससर्पिर्मधुवातरक्तविसर्पवैस्वर्यहितो निरूहः ॥ १३ ॥

Decoction enema prepared from eight pala of yasti boiled inmilk mixed with a paste of Satahva, phalapippali (seeds of madana phala), ghee and honey, is beneficial in vatarakta (gout), herpes and disorders of voice. (13)

यष्ठ्याह्वलोध्राभयचन्दनैश्च शृतं पयोऽग्र्यं कमलोत्पलैश्च । सशर्कराक्षौद्रघृतं सुशीतं पित्तामयान् हन्ति सजीवनीयम् ॥१४॥

Decoction of yasti, lodhra, abhaya and chandana mixed with milk, paste of kamala and utpala, sugar, honey and ghee-all made into a enema recipe and administered cold, cures diseases of pitta origin and acts as a sustainer of life. (14)

॥ १५ ॥ गोपाङ्गनाचन्दनशीतपाकीद्राक्षर्धिकाश्मर्यमधूकसेव्यैः । पयः शृतं श्रावणिमुद्गपर्णीबलास्वगुप्तामधुयष्टिकल्कैः

गोधूमचूर्णैश्चपिचुप्रमाणैरिक्षोर्विदार्याश्चरसेन युक्तम् ! तैलेन यष्टीमधुसाधितेनसितोपलाक्षौद्रघृतैश्चशीतः ।।१६।।

बस्तिः प्रशस्त : ससमस्तदेहदाहे सशूलेऽवयवाश्रिते वा । गुल्मातिसारभ्रममूत्रकृच्छ्र क्षीणे क्षतौजोबलसङ्क्षये च ।। १७ ।।

Enema recipe prepared from the decoction of gopangana, chandana, sitapaki, draksa, rddhi, kasmarya, madhuka and sevya mixed with milk, paste of Sravani, mudgaparni, bala, svagupta, madhuyasti and powder of godhuma (wheat flour) all together making one picu in quantity, and juice of iksu and vidari, oil prepared with yasthimadhu, sitopala (sugarcandy) ksaudra (honey) and ghee; itis administered cold, is an ideal enema in cases of the burning sensation associated with pain, of the entire body or of any part, and difficult micturition, for persons who are wasted, wounded poor in ojas and loss of strength. (15-17)

कोशातकारग्वधदेवदारुमूर्वाश्वदंष्ट्राकुटजार्कपाठाः । पक्त्वा कुलत्थान् बृहतीं च तोये रसस्य तस्य प्रसृता दशस्युः ।।१८।।

तान् सर्षपैलामदनैः सकुष्ठैरक्षप्रमाणैः प्रसृतैश्च युक्तान् । क्षौद्रस्य तैलस्य फलाह्वयस्य क्षारस्य तैलस्य च सार्षपस्य ||१९||

दद्यान्त्रिरूहं कफरोगिताय मन्दाग्नये चाशनविद्विषेच ॥ २० ॥

Kosataka, aragvadha, devadaru, murva, svadamstra, kutaja, arka, patha, kulattha and brihati are boiled in water and ten prasrta of decoction obtained. To this are added a paste of sarsapa, ela, madana and kustha one aksa in quantity, two prasrta each of oil of phalahvaya (madanaphala), kshara (yavakshara) and oil of sarsapa-all mixed well and enema recipe prepared. This enema should be administered to persons suffering from diseases of kapha origin, of weak digestive power and aversion to food. (18-20)

पुनर्नवैरण्डवृषाश्मभेदवृश्चीवभूतीकबलापलाशान् । द्विपञ्चमूलं चपलांशकानि क्षुण्णानि धौतानि फलानि चाष्टौ ॥ २१ ॥

बिल्वंयवाङ्कोलकुलत्थधान्यफलानि च स्युः प्रसृतोन्मितानि । पयो जलद्व्याढकसाधितं तत् क्षीरावशिष्ट॑शुचिवस्त्रपूतम् ॥ २२ ॥

वचाशताह्वामरदारुकुष्ठयष्ट्याह्वसिद्धार्थकपिप्पलीनाम् । कल्कैर्यवान्या मदनैश्च युक्तं नात्युष्णशीतं गुडसैन्धवाक्तम् ॥ २३ ॥

क्षौद्रस्य तैलस्य च सर्पिषश्च नवस्य युक्तं प्रसृतित्रयेण । दद्यान्निरूहं विधिना विधिज्ञः ससर्वसंसर्गकृतामयः ॥ २४ ॥

One pala of each of punarnava, eranda, vrsa, asmabheda, vrsciva, bhutika, bala, palasa and the two panchamula, eight number of phala (madanaphala) cut to pieces and washed, one prastha each of bilva, yava, ankola, kulattha, dhanyaphala are put in two adhaka of milk and water (each one adhaka) boiled and decoction reduced to the quantity of milk (one adhaka) and filtered through a clean cloth. To this are added a paste of vacha, satahva, amaradaru, kustha, yasthyahva, siddharthaka, pippali, yavani and madana; guda (jaggery) saindhava, one prastha each of honey, oil and fresh ghee all prepared into a enema recipe. This enema administered by the person who is conversant of the procedure, cures all diseases produced by samsarga (combination of two desas aggravated concurrently). (21-24)

अर्धार्धविहितान् बस्तीनतश्चित्रान्प्रवक्ष्यते । कोशातकीद्वयेक्ष्वाकुफलजीमूतवत्सकाः ॥ २५ ॥

श्यामात्रवृतयोर्मूलं तथा दन्तीद्रवन्तिजम् । प्रकीर्या चोदकीर्या च क्षीरिणी नीलिनीफलम् ॥ २६ ॥

सप्तलाशङ्खिनीलोध्रं फलं कम्पिल्लकस्य च । स्वकल्कसैन्धवयुताः पक्वाशयविशोधनाः ।।२७।।

Different kinds of enemas are described here in each of the following half verses1. The two kosataki, iksvaku, jimutaphala and vatsaka; 2) Roots of syama and trivrit and also of danti and dravanti, 3) Prakirya, udakirya, ksirini, niliniphala. 4) Saptala, sankhini, lodhra and kampillaka phala.

The decoction of the above drugs along with their own paste and saindhava, used as enema are going to purify the pakvasaya (large intestine). (25-27)

घातकीपुष्पतर्कारीजीवन्तीमूलवत्सकाः । प्रग्रहः खदिरः कुष्ठंशमी पिण्डीतको थवाः ॥ २८ ॥

प्रियङ्गुरर्कमूली च तरुणीजातियूथिकाः । वटाद्याः किंशुकं लोध्रमिति सङ्ग्राहिका मताः ।।२९ ।।

ग्राही प्रियङ्ग्वम्बष्ठादिक्वाथकल्कैः क्रमेण च । ऊषकादिप्रतीवापो लेखनस्त्रिफलारसः ।। मधुरक्वाथकल्केन सरसाज्येनबृंहणः ||३०||

1) Dhatakipushpa, tarkari, jivantimula, and vatsaka, 2) Pragraha, khadira, kustha, sami, pinditaka and yava. 3) Priyangu, arkamuli, taruni, jati, yuthika, 4) Vata and other (trees), kimsuka and lodhra.

Enemas prepared with (the decoction of) these drugs are sangrahi (absorb water in the intestines and thus stop diarrhoea).

Enema prepared with decoction of drugs of priyangvadi gana and paste of ambastadigana (chapter 16 of sutrasthana ) acts as grahi (water absorbant).

Enema prepared with decoction of triphala with mixture of drugs of usakadigana (chapter 16 of sutrasthana) acts as lekhana (sacrificant).

Enema prepared with the decoction and paste of drugs of madhura skandha (chapter 18 of sutrasthana) mixed with meat juice and ghee is stoutening. (28-30)

बदर्यैरावणीशेलुशाल्मलीधन्वनाड्कुराः |समाक्षिकाः क्षीरयुताः सासृजः पिच्छिलाः स्मृताः ॥३१॥

Enema prepared with decoction of sprouts of each of badara, airvani, selu, salmali, and sprouts of dhanvana added with honey, milk, and blood is known as picchila basti (slimy enema). (31)

कोलङ्कृतककाण्डेक्षुदर्भपोटेक्षुपालिभिः । दाहघ्नः सघृतक्षीरोद्वितीयश्चन्दनादिभिः ॥ ३२ ॥

Enema prepared with kolankataka (kind of darbha), kandeksu, darbhapota (a kind of reed), Iksupali (an other kind of iksu) mixed with ghee and milk cures burning sensation. The second one (of similar action ) is that prepared from chandana etc. (32)

मुष्टिः शाल्मलिवृन्तानां क्षीरसिद्धोघृतान्वितः । हितःप्रवाहणेतद्वद्वृन्तैः शाल्मलकस्य च ||३३ ||

Enema prepared with one fistful of tender leaves of salmali, boiled in milk and mixed with ghee is beneficial in tenesmus: so also that prepared with sprouts of salmali ( 33 )

कर्बुदाराढकीनीपविदुलैः क्षीरसाधितैः । परिकर्ते तथा वृन्तैः श्रीपर्णीकोविदारजैः ॥३४॥

Enema prepared with decoction of karbudara, adhaki, nipa and vidula and milk is useful in pricking pain of the alimentary tract; similarly that prepared from tender sprouts of Sriparni and kovidara ( 34 )

परित्रवे पयः सिद्धं सवृश्चीवपुनर्नवम्। आखुकर्णिकया तद्वत्तण्डुलीयकयुक्तया ॥ ३५ ॥

For discharges from the rectum, enema prepared from milk boiled with vrsciva and punarnava is useful, so also that prepared with akhukarnika and tanduliyaka. (35)

अश्वावरोहकः काकनासाराजकशेरुकाः । सिद्धाः क्षीरेऽतियोगे स्युः क्षौद्राञ्जनघृतैर्युताः ।।

न्यग्रोधाद्यैश्चतुर्भिश्च तेनैवविधिनाऽपरः ||३६ ||

Enema prepared with decoction of asvavarohaka (asvakarna or ashwagandha), kakanasa, rajakaseruka, mixed with milk, honey, anjana, and ghee is beneficial in excess bouts (of purificatory therapies). Similarly also the enema prepared in the same manner from the four drugs commencing from nyagrodha (nyagrodha, pippala, sadaphala and lodhra). (36)

बृहती क्षीरकाकोली पृश्रिपर्णी शतावरी | काश्मर्यबदरीमूर्वास्तथोशीरप्रियङ्गवः ॥ ३७॥

जीवादाने शृतौ क्षीरे द्वौ घृताञ्जनसंयुतौ । बस्ती प्रदेयौ भिषजा शीतौ समधुशर्करौ ॥

गोव्यजामहिषीक्षीरैर्जीवनीययुतैरपि ॥३८॥

Two enemas prepared with a) decoction of brihati, kshirakakoli, prsniparni and satavari and b) decoction of kasmarya, badara, murva, usira and priyangu, both mixed with ghee, milk, anjana, Foney and sugar and cooled, should be administered by the physician in condition of jivadana (loss of pure blood). It may also be prepared with milk of either cow, goat, or buffalo boiled with drugs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana ) . ( 37-38).

शशैणदक्षमार्जारमहिपाव्यजशोणितैः । सद्यस्कैर्मृदितैर्बस्तिर्जीवादाने प्रशस्यते ॥ ३९ ॥

Enema prepared from fresh blood of either rabbit, antelope, cock, cat, buffalo, sheep or goat churned well and administered is considered best for condition of jivadana (haemorrage). (39)

अथेमान् सुकुमाराणां निरूहान् स्नेहनान् मृदून् । कर्मणा विप्लुतानां च वक्ष्यामि प्रसूतैः पृथक् ॥ ४० ॥

क्षीरात् द्वौ प्रसृतौ कार्यै मधुतैलघृतात्रयः । खजेन मथितो बस्तिर्वातघ्नो बलवर्णकृत् ॥४१ ॥

Furt„er on, I will describe, decoction enemas containing fat (lubricats) which are soft (mild) and suitable to persons of tender constitution and to those debilitated from their activities. Each one is one prastha in quantity.

Enema prepared with two prastha of milk and three of honey, oil and ghee (one prastha each) curned well with a churner and administered subdues vata and bestows strength and colour (complexion). (40-41)

एकैकः प्रसृतस्तैलप्रसन्नाक्षौद्रसर्पिषाम् । बिल्वादिमूलक्वाथात् द्वौ कौलत्थाद्द्वौ स वातजित् ॥ ४२ ॥

Enema prepared with one prastha each of oil, prasanna (scum of liquor) honey, and ghee, two (prastha) of decoction of bilvadi panchamula and two (prastha) of decoction of kulattha also subdues vata. (42)

पटोलनिम्बपूतीकरास्नासप्तच्छदाम्भसः । प्रसृतः पृथगाज्याच्च बस्तिः सर्षपकल्कवान् ।

सपञ्चतिक्तोऽभिष्यन्दकृमिकुष्ठप्रमेहहा ॥४३॥

Enemas prepared from one prastha each of the decoction of patola, nimba, putika, rasna and saptachada, mixed with one prastha of ghee and paste of sarsapa and the panchatikta (five bitters) mixed well and administered cures abhisyanda (conjuctivitis), worms (bacteria), psoriasis ( and other skin diseases) and diabetes. (43)

विडङ्गत्रिफलाशिग्रुफलमुस्ताखुकर्णिजात् । कषायात् प्रसृताः पञ्च तैलादेको विमथ्य तान् ।

निरूहः कृमिहा वेल्लपिप्पलीकल्कयोजितः ॥४४॥

Decoction of vidanga, triphala, sigru, phala (madana), musta and akhukarni, five prastha in quantity, one (prastha) of oil and paste of vella and pippali all mixed with and churned well forms an enema which destroys worms. (44)

पयस्येक्षुस्थिरारास्त्राविदारीक्षौद्रसर्पिषाम् । एकैकः प्रसृतो बस्तिः कृष्णाकल्कोवृषत्वकृत् ॥ ४५ ॥

Decoction of payasya, iksu, sthira, rasna and vidari, each one prastha, so also of honey and ghee mixed with the paste of krisna mixed together and administered as enema produces virility (acts as an aprodisiac). (45)

चत्वारस्तैलगोमूत्रदधिमण्डाम्लकाञ्जिकात् । प्रसृताः सर्षपैः पिष्टैर्विट्सङ्गानाहभेदनः ।।४६ ।।

Four prastha of oil, cows urine, whey and sour gruel (each one prastha) mixed with one paste of sarsapa and administered as enema cures constipation and distention of the abdomen. (46)

श्वदंष्ट्राश्मभिदेरण्डक्वाथतैलसुरासवात् । प्रसृताः पञ्च चपलाकौन्तीयष्ट्याह्नकल्कवान् ॥

बस्तिः कवोष्णः सानाहे मूत्रकृच्छ्रे वरो मतः । ॥४७॥

Five prastha of decoction of Svadamstra, asmabheda and eranda, oil (of sesame) and sura (beer) added with apaste of capala (pippali), kaunti, and yastyahva, made into enema liquid and administered lukeworm is best for distention of the abdomen and difficult micuturition. (47)

मृदुबस्तिजडीभूते तीक्ष्णोऽन्यो बस्तिरिष्यते । तीक्ष्णैर्विकर्षिते स्निग्धो मधुरः शिशिरोमृदुः ।।४८ ।।

It is desirable to administer strong enama (enema liquid prepared with drugs of powerful properties) when the dossas are found to have become immobile (not coming out) by the effect of mild enemas. Similarly, when they are found to have been expelled too much by strong enemas; it is desirable to administer mild enemas which are unctous (fatty) sweet and cold. (48)

तीक्ष्णत्वं मूत्रबिल्वाग्निलवणक्षारसर्षपैः । प्राप्तकालं विधातव्यं क्षीराज्याद्यैस्तु मार्दवम् ।।४९ ।।

Enemas which have the addition of urines, bilva, agni, lavana, kshara and sarsapa become strong; while those with the addition of milk, ghee etc are mild. These should be administered at the proper time. (49)

बलकालदोषरोगप्रकृतीः प्रविभज्य योजितो बस्तिः ।

स्वः स्वैरौषधवर्गैः स्वान्स्वान् रोगान् निवर्तयति । ॥ ५० ॥

Enemas prepared with drugs determined as appropriate to the strength (of the patient), time (season ) dosha and nature of the disease and administered (properly) will bestow the actions described in their own drug groups and cure the diseases mentioned in their own groups. (50)

उष्णार्तानांशीतान्शीतार्तानां तथा सुखोष्णांश्च । तद्योग्यौषधयुक्तान् बस्तीन् सन्तर्क्ययुञ्जीत ॥५१॥

Enemas should be administred cold to those suffering from heat and warm to those suffering from cold, prepared with drugs appropriate to those effects selected after careful considerations. (51)

बस्तीन्नबृंहणीयान्दद्याद्व्याधिषुविशोधनीयेषु । मेदस्विनोविशोध्यायेच नराः कुष्ठमेहार्ताः ॥५२॥

Enemas which have the effect of brimhana (making of the body stout) should not be administered in diseases which require sodhana (purificatory therapy), to the persons who are fatty, who are to be treated with purifactory therapies, who are suffering from psoriasis and diabetes. (52)

नक्षीणक्षतदुर्बलमूर्छितकृशशुष्कशुद्धदेहानाम् । दद्याद्विशोधनीयान् दोषनिबद्धायुषोयच ॥५३॥

Enemas which have sodhana (purifactory) effect should not be administered to persons who are wasted (depletion of tissues), wounded, weak, unconscious, emaciated, dry; whose body is pure ( after undergoing purifactory therapies) and whose life is dependent upon the dosha (purisa-faeces in this context). (53)

।। इतिचतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥

Thus ends the Fourth chapter.


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