अथातोऽर्शसां चिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।
We shall now expound the chapter – Arshas chikitsa – treatment of piles – haemorrhoids; thus said Atreya and other great sages.
Kshara – agnikarma in piles – haemorrhoids (cauterisation )
काले साधारणे व्यभ्रे नातिदुर्बलमर्शसम् । विशुद्धकोष्ठं लघ्वल्पमनुलोमनमाशितम् ॥ १ ॥
शुचिं कृतस्वस्त्ययनं मुक्तविण्मूत्रमव्यथम् । शयने फलके वाऽन्यनरोत्सङ्गे व्यपाश्रितम् ॥ २ ॥
पूर्वेण कायेनोत्तानं प्रत्यादित्यगुदं समम् । समुन्नतकटीदेशमथ यन्त्रणवाससा ॥ ३॥
सक्नोः शिरोधरायां च परिक्षिप्तमृजु स्थितम् । आलम्बितं परिचरैः सर्पिषाऽभ्यक्तपायवे ॥ ४ ॥
ततोऽस्मै सर्पिषाऽभ्यक्तं निदध्यादृजु यन्त्रकम् । शनैरनुसुखं पायौ, ततो दृष्टवा प्रवाहणात् ॥ ५॥
यन्त्रे प्रविष्टं दुर्नाम प्लोतगुण्ठितयाऽनु च । शलाकयोत्पीड्य भिषक् यथोक्तविधिना दहेत् ॥ ६ ॥
क्षारेणैवार्द्रमितरत्क्षारेण ज्वलनेन वा । महद्वा बलिनश्छित्वा वीतयन्त्रमथातुरम् ॥ ७ ॥
स्वभ्यक्तपायुजघनमवगाहे निर्वातमन्दिरस्थस्य एकैकमिति निधापयेत् । ॥ ८ ॥
ततोऽस्याचारमादिशेत् सप्ताहात्सप्ताहात्समुपाचरेत् । प्राग्दक्षिणं ततो वाममर्श: पृष्ठाग्रजं ततः ॥ ९ ॥
During sadharana kala (moderate seasons such as sarada and vasanta-spring) on a cloudless day, the patient of piles, who is not very weak, whose alimentary tract has been purified, who has consumed easily digestible and laxative foods in little quantity, who is clean, who has performed auspicious rites, eliminated the faeces and urine, who is free from worries, who is sitting either on a cot or plank, with the upper portion of the body placed a little high, the rectum facing the sun, the region of the waist raised up, the thighs and necks restrained, by tieing them with cloth (made as rope), and placed straight and held tight by attendents. The rectum is bathed with ghee, then, the yantra (arso yantra rectal speculum) which is smeared with ghee is introduced slowly into the rectum; then observing the pile mass getting into the instrument (into the slit of the rectal speculum) after straining, it is raised with the help of a probe which is covered at its tip with a cotton swab; then the physician should cauterise it with caustic alkali only if it (piles) is of the moist kind (bleeding piles) and the other kind (non-bleeding) with either caustic alkali or fire (touching a red hot metal probe etc.) or excising (with a sharp instrument) if the pile mass is big.
Afterwards, the instruments is removed, the rectum and pelvis smeared with fats (ghee or oil) and the patient asked to sit in a tub (containing luke-warm or cold water (processed with drugs) kept in a chamber devoid of breeze. (for sometime) and then instructed to adhere to the procedures (vide verses 26 and 27 of chapter 16 of sutrasthana). The pile masses should be treated one by one, week after week in this manner, that situated on the right side treated first and next, that situated on the left when there are multiple masses. 1-9.
बह्वर्शस: सुदग्धस्य स्याद्वायोरनुलोमता । रुचिरन्नै ऽग्निपटुता स्वास्थ्यं वर्णबलोदयः ॥ १० ॥
When the cauterisation is proper, there is downward movement of vayu (vata), desire of food, keenness of digestive fire, health and increase of strength and colour/complexion.
बस्तिशूले त्वधो नाभेर्लेपयेच्छ्लक्ष्णकल्कितैः । वर्षाभूकुष्ठसुरभिमिशिलोहामराह्वयैः
If there is pain in the region of the bladder, thin paste of varsabhu, kustha, surabhi, misi, loha (aguru) and amarahva should be applied, below the umbilicus. 11.
शकृन्मूत्रप्रतीघाते वरणालम्बुषैरण्डगोकण्टकपुनर्नवैः परिषेकावगाहयोः । ॥१२॥
सुषवीसुरभीभ्यां च क्वाथमुष्णं प्रयोजयेत् । सस्नेहमथवा क्षीरं तैलं वा वातनाशनम् ॥ १३ ॥
युञ्जीतान्नं शकृद्भेदि स्नेहान् वातघ्नदीपनान् ।
If there is difficulty for elimination of faeces and urine, decoction of varana, alambusa, eranda, gokantaka, punarnava, susavi and surabhi should be made use of for pouring over the part (pelvis) and immersing in it, warm and mixed with fat (oil); or milk or oil which mitigate vata should be used (for pouring and immersing). The food which is purgatory and fats (ghee) which mitigate vata and carminative should be administered. 12-14a.
अथाप्रयोज्यदाहस्य निर्गतान् कफवातजान् ॥ १४ ॥
सस्तम्भकण्डूरुक्षोफानभ्यज्य गुदकीलकान् । बिल्वमूलाग्निकक्षारकुष्ठैः सिद्धेन सेचयेत् ॥ १५ ॥
Fuitller, those (pile masses) which are unsuitable for cauterisation, which are protruding, painful and swollen should be bathed by pouring the oil boiled with root of bilva, agnika, ksara and kustha or with the fat of the snake, cat, camel or boar. 14b-16a.
स्वेदयेदनु पिण्डेन द्रवस्वेदेन वा पुनः ॥ १६ ॥
सक्तूनां पिण्डिकाभिर्वा स्निग्धानां तैलसर्पिषा । रास्त्राया हपुषाया वा पिण्डैर्वा काष्र्ण्यगान्धिकैः ॥ १७ ॥
Next, the pile masses should be given fomentation either with the bolus (of drugs) or liquids or with balls of flour mixed with oil and ghee or with bolus of rasna or hapusa or krsnagandha mixed with oil and ghee. 16b-17.
Kasisadi taila in piles
कासीसं सैन्धवं रास्त्रा शुण्ठी कुष्ठं च लाङ्गली । शिलाभ्रकाश्वमारं च जन्तुहृद्दन्तिचित्रकौ ॥ १ ॥
हरितालं तथा स्वर्णक्षीरी तैश्च पचेत्समैः । तैलं सुधार्कपयसी गवां मूत्रे चतुर्गुणे ॥२॥
एतदभ्यङ्गतोऽर्शांसि क्षारवत्पातयेद्भुतम् । क्षारकर्मकरं ह्येतन्न च दूषयते वलिम् ॥ ३ ॥
Medicated oil is prepared from decoction of equal quantities of kasisa, saindhava, rasna, sunthi, kustha, langali, sila, abhraka, asvamara, jantuhrt, danti, citraka, haritala, and svarnaksiri; oil ( of sesame) four parts each of milky sap of sudha, arka and cows urine. By anointing with this oil, the pile masses fall of as though touched by alkali; it performs the actions of the alkali and does not harm the folds of the rectum. 1-3.
अर्कमूलं शमीपत्रं नृकेशा: सर्पकञ्चकम् | मार्जारचर्म सर्पिश्च धूपनं हितमर्शसाम् ॥ १८ ॥
तथाऽश्वगन्धा सुरसा बृहती पिप्पली घृतम् ।
Fumigation with roots of arka, leaves of sami, human hairs, snake peel and skin of cat, mixed with ghee is good for piles. Similarly ashwagandha, surasa, brhati and pippali mixed with ghee. 18-19 a.
Gudavarti in plies
धान्याम्लपिष्टैर्जीमूतबीजैस्तज्जालकं मृदु ॥ १९ ॥
लेपितं छायया शुष्कं वर्तिर्गुदजशातनी । सजालमलजीमूतलेहे वा क्षारसंयुते ॥ २० ॥
Seeds of jimuta and its jalaka (web-like portion present inside jimuta fruit) macerated with fermented gruel, made into a nice paste, is applied over a reed and dried in shade. This wick (rectal suppository) destroys the piles.
Similarly, the confection prepared from the web and roots of jimuta mixed with ksara (yavaksara); likewise the rectal suppository prepared from gunja, surana and seeds of kusmanda possesses similar properties. 19b-21a.
Lepa yogah
स्नुक्क्षीरार्द्रनिशालेपस्तथा, गोमूत्रकल्कितैः ॥ २१ ॥
कृकवाकुशकृत्कृष्णानिशागुञ्जाफलैस्तथा स्नुक्क्षीरपिष्टैःषड्ग्रन्थाहलिनीवारणास्थिभिः ॥ २२ ॥
कुलीरशृङ्गीविजयाकुष्ठारुष्करतुत्थकैः । पत्रैरश्वघ्ननिम्बजैः ॥ २३ ॥
शिग्रुमूलकजैर्बीजै: पीलुमूलेन बिल्वेन हिङ्गुना च समन्वितैः । कुष्ठं शिरीषबीजानि पिप्पल्यः सैन्धवं गुडः ॥ २४ ॥
अर्कक्षीरं सुधाक्षीरं त्रिफला च प्रलेपनम् । आर्कं पयः सुधाकाण्डं कटुकालाबुपल्लवाः ॥ २५ ॥
करञ्जो वस्तमूत्रं च लेपनं श्रेष्ठमर्शसाम् ।
Similarly the application of (paste of) milk of snuk and moist nisa, or of excreta of the cock, krsna, nisa and gunja phala macerated with cows urine.
Paste of sadgrantha, halini, bones of the elephant, kulirasrngi, vijaya, kustha aruskara, tuttha, seeds and roots of sigru, leaves of asvaghna and nimba, root of pilu, and bilva, macerated with the milky sap of snuk, mixed with hingu ( applied on the piles act similarly).
Application of paste of kustha, seeds of sirisa, pippali, saindhava guda, milky sap of arka or sudha and triphala (is beneficial).
Application of milky sap of arka, sudhakanda, tender leaves of katukalabu and karanja and goats urine is best for piles. 21b-26a.
आनुवासनिकैर्लेपः पिप्पल्याद्यैश्च पूजितः ॥ २६ ॥ एभिरेवौषधैः कुर्यात्तैलान्यभ्यञ्जनाय च ।
Application of paste of drugs such as pippali etc. meant for anuvasana (oil enema ) ( vide verses 89 to 92) is considered best; oil prepared from these drugs is good for anointing the piles. 26b-27a.
Rakta moksana in haemorrhoids – blood letting therapy
धूपनालेपनाभ्यङ्गैः प्रस्रवन्ति गुदाङ्कुराः ॥ २७ ॥ सिञ्चतं दुष्टरुधिरं, ततः सम्पद्यते सुखी ।
The pile masses eliminate the vitiated blood accumulated inside them by the use of fumigation, topical application and anointing; after that the patient obtains comfort.
अवर्तमानमुच्छूनकठिनेभ्यो अर्शोभ्यो जलजाशस्त्रसूचीकुर्यैः पुनः पुनः। हरेदसृक् ॥ २८ ॥
शीतोष्णस्त्रिग्धरूक्षैर्हि न व्याधिरुपशाम्यति ॥ २९ ॥ रक्ते दुष्टे भिषक् तस्माद्रक्तमेवावसेचयेत् ।
From the pile masses which are coiled, swollen and hard, blood should be removed again and again by the use of either leeches, knife or brush needles. When the blood is vitiated, the disease (piles) does not get relieved by treatments such as cold and hot, unctous and dry. Hence the 28b-30a. physician should remove the blood itself.
Takra prayoga in piles and indigestion
यो जातो गोरसः क्षीराद्वह्निचूर्णावचूर्णितात् ॥ ३० ॥
पिबंस्तमेव तेनैव भुञ्जानो गुदजान् जयेत् । कोविदारस्य मूलानां मथितेन रजः पिबन् ॥ ३१ ॥
अश्नन् जीर्णे च पथ्यानि मुच्यते हतनामभिः ।
He who drinks milk boiled with the powder of vahni (chitraka) and eats food along with it only, gets cured of piles.
He who drinks buttermilk mixed with powder of roots kovidara and eats suitable foods along with it only gets cured of piles.
गुदश्वयथुशूलार्तो मन्दाग्निर्गौल्मिकान् पिबेत् ॥३२॥
हिङ्गवादीननुतकं वा खादेद्गुडहरीतकीम् । तक्रेण वा पिबेत्पथ्यावेल्लाग्निकुटजत्वचः ॥ ३३ ॥
कलिङ्गमगधाज्योतिः सूरणान् वांऽशवर्धितान् । कोष्णामबुना वा त्रिपटुव्योषहिङ्गवम्लवेतसम् ॥ ३४ ॥
He who has swelling and pain in the rectum, poor digestion and abdominal tumor should drink buttermilk with hingvadi curna (chapter 14) or consume guda and haritaki or (powder of) kalinga, magadha, joyti ( citraka) and surana each succeding one increased by one part than its preceding should be consumed with buttermilk; or ( powder of ) the three patu (salts), vyosa, hingu and amlavetasa. 32b-34.
युक्तं बिल्वकपित्थाभ्यां महौषधबिडेन वा । अरुष्करैर्यवान्या वा प्रदद्यात्तक्रतर्पणम् ॥ ३५ ॥
दद्दाद्वा हपुषाहिङ्गुचित्रकं तक्रसंयुतम् । मासं तक्रानुपानानि खादेत्पीलुफलानि वा ॥ ३६॥
पिबेदहरहस्तक्रं निरन्नो वा प्रकामतः । अत्यर्थं मन्दकायाग्नेस्तक्रमेवावचारयेत् ॥ ३७ ॥
Takra tarpana (buttermilk mixed with flour of barley) mixed with either bilva and kapittha or mahausadhi and bida; or aruskara and yavani – should be given to drink especially; or butter-milk mixed with the hapusa, hingu and chitraka; eat the fruits of pilu only for one month with buttermilk as an after drink; or drink buttermilk only, without any food, as much as desired. For him who has very weak digestive power, buttermilk only should be given especially (without any other food). 35-37.
सप्ताहं वा दशाहं वा मासार्धं मासमेव वा । बलकालविकारज्ञो भिषक् तक्रं प्रयोजयेत् ॥ ३८ ॥
सायं वा लाजसक्तूनां दद्यात्तक्रावलेहिकाम् । जीर्णे तक्रे प्रदद्याद्वा तक्रपेयां ससैन्धवाम् ।। ३९ ।।
तक्रानुपानं सस्नेहं तक्रौदनमतः परम् ।
यूषै रसैर्वा तक्राढ्यै: शालीन् भुञ्जीत मात्रया ॥ ४० ॥
The physician who has understood the bala (strength of the patient), kala ( time, season) and vikara (the nautre of the disease) should administer buttermilk only for seven or ten days, half a month or one month; or lajasaktu (powder of fried paddy) made into a paste with buttermilk (can be given) in the evenings. After the buttermilk gets digested, takrapeya (gruel mixed with buttermilk), added with saindhava should be given. Then, boiled rice added with ghee should be consumed followed by buttermilk as an after drink; or boiled rice can be consumed in proper quantity either with soup, meat soup mixed with more of buttermilk. 38-40.
रूक्षमर्धोद्धृतस्त्रेहं यतश्चानुद्धृतं घृतम् । तक्रं दोषाग्निबलवित्त्रिविधं तत्प्रयोजयेत् ॥ ४१ ॥
Buttermilk can be administered in three forms-day ( fatless), removed of half of fat, and not removed of fat at all, depending on the condition of the dosas and strength of the digestive fire. 41.
न विरोहन्ति गुदजाः पुनस्तक्रसमाहताः । निषिक्तं तद्धि दहति भूमावपि तृणोलुपम् ॥ ४२ ॥
Pile masses do not grow again, which have been rooted out by the use of buttermilk, because it (buttermilk) burns away (destroys) even the grass when poured on the ground.
स्त्रोत: सु तक्रशुद्धेषु रसो धातूनुपैति यः । तेन पुष्टिर्बलं वर्णः परं तुष्टिश्च जायते ॥ ४३ ॥
वातश्लेष्मविकाराणां शतं च विनिवर्तते । भाजने क्षुद्रबृहतीफललेपिते ॥ ४४ ।।
मथितं निशां पर्युषितं पेयमिच्छद्भिर्गुदजक्षयम् ।
Rasa dhatu moving through the channels purified by buttermilk easily reaches all the tissues; by this nourishment, strength, complexion, and best of satiation are produced, and hundreds of diseases caused by vata and slesman (kapha) get cured.
Buttermilk kept overnight in a pot smeared inside with the paste of fruits of ksudra brhati and well churned the next morning should be consumed by those who wish to get cured of piles. 43-45a.
धान्योपकुञ्चिकाजाजीहपुषापिप्पलीद्वयैः कारवीग्रन्थिकशठीयवान्यग्नियवानकैः ॥ ४५ ॥ ।
चूर्णितैघृतपात्रस्थं नात्यम्लं तक्रमासुतम् ॥ ४६ ॥
तक्रारिष्टं पिबेज्जातं व्यक्ताम्लकटु कामतः । दीपनं रोचनं वर्ण्य कफवातानुलोमनम् ॥ ४७ ॥
गुदश्वयथुकण्ड्वर्तिनाशनं बलवर्धनम् ।
Buttermilk kept in a pot smeared inside with the ghee, is mixed with (powder of) dhanyaka, upakuncika, ajaji, hapusa, the two pippali, karavi, granthika sathi, yavani, agni and yavanaka-is allowed to ferment.
When it becomes not very sour but of perceptible sour and pungent tastes, it should be consumed as much as desired. This recipe known as Takrarista is a carminative, appetiser, good for colour/complexion, makes for downward movement of kapha and vata,
cures the swelling, itching and pain of the rectum and increaes strength. 45b-48a.
त्वचं चित्रकमूलस्य पिष्ट्वा कुम्भं प्रलेपयेत् ॥ ४८ ।।
तक्रं वा दधि वा तत्र जातमर्शोहरं पिबेत् । भार्ग्यास्फोतामृतापञ्चकोलेष्वप्येष संविधिः ॥ ४९ ॥
A pot should be smeared inside with the paste of bark of chitramula, buttermilk or curds put into it and kept overnight; it should be consumed for the cure of piles.
Similarly, those prepared with (paste of ) bharngi, asphota, amrta and pancakola. 48b-49.
पिष्टैर्गजकणापाठाकारवीपञ्चकोलकैः । तुम्बर्वजाजाधनिकाबिल्वमध्यैश्च कल्पयेत् ॥ ५० ॥
फलाम्लान् यमकस्नेहान् पेयायूषरसादिकान् ।
एभिरेवौषधैः साध्यं वारि सर्पिश्च दीपनम् ॥ ५१ ॥
Paste of gajakana, patha, karavi, pancakola, tumburu, ajaji, dhanika and marrow of bilva is to be made use of to prepare sour syrup of fruits, mixture of two fats, peya (thin gruel), yusa (soup) of rasa (meat-soup), drinking water and medicated ghee prepared by these drugs are carminative. 50-51.
क्रमोऽयं भिन्नशकृतां वक्ष्यते गाढवर्चसाम् ।
These treatments are meant for persons who have loose faeces; further on, will be described to those of hard faeces.
स्नेहाढ्यैः सक्तुभिर्युक्तां लवणां वारुणीं पिबेत् ॥ ५२ ॥ लवणा एव वा तक्रसीधुधान्याम्लवारुणीः ।
Varuni (a kind of wine) should be consumed mixing it more of fats, cornflour and salt; or rakta; sidhu, dhanyamla; or varuni added with salt only. 52b-53a.
प्राग्भक्तान् यमके भृष्टान् सक्तुभिश्चावचूर्णितान् ॥ ५३ ॥ खादेद्वातवर्चोनुलोमनान् । करञ्जपल्लवान्
Tender leaves of karanja, fried in a mixture of two fats (oil and ghee) added with flour should be consumed before the first meal; it moves the flatus and faeces downwards.
सगुडं नागरं पाठां गुडक्षारघृतानि वा ॥ ५४ ॥
गोमूत्राध्युषितामद्यात्सगुडां वा हरीतकीम् ।
Nagara, and patha, added with guda; or guda with ksara and ghrta or haritaki soaked in cows urine should be consumed with guda. 54b-55a.
पथ्याशतद्वयान्मूत्रद्रोणेनामूत्रसङ्क्षयात् ॥५५॥
पक्कात् खादेत्समधुनी द्वे द्वे हन्ति कफोद्भवान् ।
दुर्नामकुष्ठश्वयथुगुल्ममेहोदरकृमीन् ग्रन्थ्यर्बुदापचीस्थौल्यपाण्डुरोगाढ्यमारुतान्। ॥ ५६॥
Pathya, two hundred in number, is cooked in one drona of cows urine till the urine gets evaporated. Two such pathya mixed with honey consumed at each time cures piles, leprosy, dropsy, abdominal tumor, diabetes, enlargement of the abdomen, intestinal worms, tumors, malignant tumours, goitre, obesity, anaemia and rigidity of the thighs arising from kapha. 55b-57a.
अजशृङ्गीजटाकल्कमजामूत्रेण यः पिबेत् ॥ ५७ ॥ गुडवार्ताकभुक् तस्य नश्यन्त्याशु गुदाङ्कुराः ।
Piles of the person who drinks goats urine mixed with the paste of root of ajasrngi and consuming guda and vartaka as food, gets cured quickly. 57b-58a.
श्रेष्ठारसेन त्रिवृतां पथ्यां तक्रेण वा सह ॥ ५८ ।।
पथ्यां वा पिप्पलीयुक्तां घृतभृष्टां गुडान्विताम् । अथवा सत्रिवृद्दन्तीं भक्षयेदनुलोमनीम् ॥ ५९ ॥
हते गुदाश्रये दोषे गुदजा यान्ति सङ्क्षयम् ।
Trivrta consumed with decoction of srestha (triphala) or pathya with takra; or pathya fried in ghee along with pippali and mixed with guda or pathya mixed with trivrt and danti, consumed acts as an anulomana ( laxative); when the doshas localised in the rectum are mitigated, the rectal sprouts also get subsided.58b-60a.
दाडिमस्वरसाजाजीयवानीगुडनागरैः ॥६०॥
पाठया वा युतं तक्रं वातवर्चोनुलोमनम् । सीधुं वा गौडमथवा सचित्रकमहौषधम् ॥ ६१ ॥
पिबेत्सुरां वा हपुषापाठासौवर्चलान्विताम् ।
Takra, mixed with juice of dadima, ajaji, yavani, guda and nagara or patha, moves the flatus and faeces downwards. Similarly sidhu or guda (kinds of liquor) mixed with chitraka and mahausadha; or sura (beer) should be consumed mixed with hapusa, patha and sauvarcala. 60b-62a.
Vardhamana pippali
दशादिदशकैर्वृद्धाः पिप्पलीर्द्विपिचुं तिलान् ॥ ६२ । पीत्वा क्षीरेण लभते बलं देहहुताशयोः।
Commencing with ten, increased by ten daily, pippali mixed with two picu (karsa) of tila-boiled in milk and consumed; by this the person attains strength of the body and of the digestive fire. 62b-63a.
दुःस्पर्शकेन बिल्वेन यवान्या नागरेण वा ॥ ६३॥ एकैकेनापि संयुक्ता पाठा हन्त्यर्शसां रुजम् ।
Patha consumed along with dussparsa, bilva, yavani or nagara each one seperately (or all together) cures the pain of the piles. 63b-64a.
सलिलस्य वहे पक्त्वा प्रस्थार्धमभयात्वचाम् ॥ ६४ ॥
प्रस्थं धात्र्या दशपलं कपित्थानां ततोऽर्धतः । विशालां रोधमरिचकृष्णावेल्लैलवालुकम् ॥ ६५ ॥
द्विपलांशं पृथक्पादशेषे पूते गुडात्तुले । दत्त्वा प्रस्थं च धातक्याः स्थापयेद्घृतभाजने ॥ ६६ ॥
पक्षात्स शीलितोऽरिष्टः करोत्यग्निं, निहन्ति च ।
गुदजग्रहणीपाण्डुकुष्ठोदरगरज्वरान् श्वयथुप्लीहहृद्रोगगुल्मयक्ष्मवमिकृमीन् ॥६७॥
Half prastha of abhaya tvak (outer portion of the nut), one prastha of dhatri, ten pala of kapittha, half of it of visala, rodhra, marica, krsna, vella and elavaluka-each two pala are boiled in two vaha (four drona) of water, decoction reduced to a quarter, filtered and mixed with one tula of guda and one prastha of dhataki. It is then filled into a pot smeared inside with ghee and kept undisturbed for a fortnight.
This arista consumed daily, increases digestive power and cures
piles, duodenal diseases, anemia, leprosy, abdominal enlargement, artificial poison, fever, dropsy, splenic disorders, heart diseases, tuberculosis, vomitting and worms. 64b-68a.
जलद्रोणे पचेद्दन्तीदशमूलवराग्निकान् ॥ ६८ ॥
पालिकान् पादशेषे तु क्षिपेद्गुडतुलां परम् । पूर्ववत्सर्वमस्य स्यादानुलोमितरस्त्वयम् ॥ ६९ ॥
Danti, dashamula, vara and agnika- each one pala are boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to quarter; after filtering, one tula of guda and all the drugs enumerated earlier (in abhayarista) are added, and kept undisturbed for a fortnight and then used. This is a better anulomana (laxative). 68b-69.
पचेद्दुरालभाप्रस्थं द्रोणेऽपां प्रासृतैः सह । दन्तीपाठाग्निविजयावासामलकनागरैः
तस्मिन् सिताशतं दद्यात्पादस्थेऽन्यच्च पूर्ववत् । लिम्पेत्कुम्भं तु फलिनीकृष्णाचव्याज्यमाक्षिकैः ॥ ७१ ॥
One prastha of duralabha along with one prastha, each of danti, patha, vijaya, agni, vasa, amalaka and nagara are boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to a quarter; to this is added one hundred pala of sita ( suagr) and other drugs as enumerated previously and poured into a pot smeared inside with a paste of phalini, krsna, cavya, ajya (ghee) and maksika (honey); this recipe acts similarly. 70-71.
Ghrta yogas in indigestion – constipation
प्राग्भक्तमानुलोम्याय फलाम्लं वा पिबेघृतम् । चव्यचित्रकसिद्धं वा यवक्षारगुडान्वितम् ॥ ७२ ॥ पिप्पलीमूलसिद्ध वा सगुडक्षारनागरम् ।
Medicated ghee processed with sour fruits should be consumed before midday meal in order to cause downward movement; or that ( ghee) prepared with chavya and chitraka, added with yavaksara and guda; or that (ghee) prepared with pippalimula added with guda, ksara ( yavaksara) and nagara. 72-73a.
पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलधानकादाडिमैर्घृतम् ॥ ७३॥ दध्ना च साधितं वातशकृन्मूत्रविबन्धनुत् ।
Medicated ghee prepared with ( decoction of ) pippali, pippalimula, dhanaka and dadima and mixed with dadhi (curds) and consumed relieves the obsruction of flatus, faeces and urine. 73b-74a.
पलाशक्षारतोयेन त्रिगुणेन पचेद्धृतम् ॥ ७४ ॥ वत्सकादिप्रतीवापमर्शोघ्नं दीपनं परम् ।
Medicated ghee prepared from three parts of solution of palasa ksara (ash of palasa) and powder of drugs of vatsakadi gana (chapter 15 sutrasthana ) destroys piles and is a best carminative. 74b-75a.
पञ्चकोलाभयाक्षारयवानीबिडसैन्धवैः सपाठाधान्यमरिचैः सबिल्वैर्दधिमद्घृतम् ।
साधयेत् तज्यत्याशु गुदवङ्क्षणवेदनाम् ॥ ७६ ॥ प्रवाहिकां गुदभ्रंशं मूत्रकृच्छ्रं परिस्त्रवम् | ॥७५॥
Medicated ghee should be prepared with (decoction of) drugs of pancakola, abhaya, ksara, yavani, bida, saindhava, patha, dhanya, marica and groins, dysentery, prolaps of the rectum, dysuria and slimy discharge from the rectum. 75b-77a.
पाठाजमोदधनिकाश्वदंष्ट्रापञ्चकोलकैः ॥ ७७॥
सबिल्वैर्दनि चाङ्गेरीस्वरसे च चतुर्गुणे | हन्त्याज्यं सिद्धमानाहं मूत्रकृच्छ्रं प्रवाहिकाम् ॥ ७८ ॥ गुदभ्रंशार्तिगुदजग्रहणीगदमारुतान्
Medicated ghee prepared with (decoction) of patha, ajamoda, dhanika, svadamstra, pancakola and bilva added with four parts of dadhi and juice of cangeri, cures flatulence, dysuria, dysentery; prolapse of the rectum and pain, haemorrhoids, duodenal disease and maruta (increase of vata). 77b-79a.
Ahara in Arsha – diet in piles
शिखितित्तिरिलावानां रसानम्लान् सुसंस्कृतान् ॥ ७९ ॥ दक्षाणां वर्तकानां वा दद्याद्वड्वातसङ्ग्रहे ।
When there is obstruction of faeces and flatus, juice (soup) of meat of sikhi (peacock ), tittiri (black partridge), lava (common quail), daksa (cock) or vartaka (button quail) processed with sours should be administered. ’79b-80a.
वास्तुकाग्नित्रिवृद्दन्तीपाठाम्लीकादिपल्लवान् ॥ ८० ॥
अन्यच्च कफवातघ्नं शाकं च लघु भेदि च । सहिङ्ग यमके भृष्टं सिद्धं दधिसरैः सह ॥ ८१ ॥
धनिकापञ्चकोलाभ्यां पिष्टाभ्यां दाडिमाम्बुना । आर्द्रिकायाः किसलयैः शकलैरार्द्रकस्य च ॥ ८२ ॥
हृद्येन सुरभीकृतम्। युक्तमङ्गारधूपेन सजीरकं समरिचं बिडसौवर्चलोत्कटम् ॥ ८३ ॥
वातोत्तरस्य रूक्षस्यै मन्दाग्नेर्बद्धवर्चसः | कल्पेयद्रक्तशाल्यन्नव्यञ्जनं शाकवद्रसान् ॥ ८४ ॥
गोगोधाछगलोष्ट्राणां विशेषात्क्रव्यभोजिनाम् ।
Tender leaves of vastuka, agni, trivrt, danti, patha, amlika and other greens which mitigate kapha and vata, which are easily digestable and purgative in action, should be given, fried in two fats mixed with hingu, dadhisara (cheese from curds) mixed with paste of dhanika, pancakola macerated with juice of dadima, tender leaves of ardrika (dhanyaka), pieces of ardraka made fragrant by the fumes of fire, added with jiraka, marica, and little more of bida and sauvarcala should be given as adjuvants to staple food, to persons of vata predominance, who are dry, have weak digestive power and constipation soup processed with greens ( mentioned above) prepared from the meat, of the cow, iguana lizard, goat, camel or of carnivorous animals especially. 80-85a.
मदिरां शार्करं गौडं सीधुं तक्रं तुषोदकम् ॥ ८५ ॥
अरिष्टं मस्तु पानीयं, पानीयं वाऽल्पकंवृतम् । धान्येन धान्यशुण्ठीभ्यां कण्टकारिकयाऽथवा ॥ ८६ ॥
अन्ते भुक्तस्य मध्ये वा वातवर्चोनुलोमनम् ।
Madira (wine) prepared with sarkara or guda, sidhu (wine prepared from sugarcane juice), takra (buttermilk), tusodaka (fermented water soaked with husk of grains), arista (fermented decoction) or mastu (whey) should be used for drinking or water boiled slightly with dhanya (ka) or dhanya (ka) and sunthi or kantakari should be drunk either at the end or middle of the meals; this helps downward movement of flatus and faeces. 85b-87a.
विड्वातकफपित्तानामानुलोम्ये हि निर्मले ॥ ८७ ॥ गुदे शाम्यन्ति गुदजाः पावकश्चाभिवर्धते ।
When the rectum becomes free of faeces, flatus, kapha and pitta by the downward movement, piles subside and digestive power becomes increased. 87b-88a.
Anuvasana Basti – oil enema therapy
उदावर्तपरीता ये ये चात्यर्थं विरूक्षिताः ॥ ८८ ॥ विलोमवाताः शूलार्तास्तेष्विष्टमनुवासनम् ।
For those who are having udavarta (upward movement), who are greatly dried who have upward movement of vata accompanied with pain, anuvasana (oil enema) is desirable. 88b-89a.
पिप्पलीं मदनं बिल्वं शताह्वां मधुकं वचाम् ॥ ८९ ॥
कुष्ठं शठीं पुष्कराख्यं चित्रकं देवदारु च । पिष्ट्वा तैलं विपक्तव्यं द्विगुणक्षीरसंयुतम् ॥ ९० ।।
अर्शसां मूढ़वातानां तच्छ्रेष्ठमनुवासनम् । गुदनि:सरणं शूलं मूत्रकृच्छ्रं प्रवाहिकाम् ॥ ९१ ॥
कट्यूरुपृष्ठदौर्बल्यमानाहं वडक्षणाश्रयम् । पिच्छास्त्रावं गुदे शोफं वातवर्चोविनिग्रहम् ॥ ९२ ॥
उत्थानं बहुशो यच्च जयेत्तच्चानुवासनात् ।
Medicated oil should be prepared with the paste of pippali, madana, bilva, satahva, madhuka, vaca, kustha, sathi, puskarakhyam, citraka and devadaru and two parts of milk. This oil is best for oil-enema therapy-piles, inactivity of vata, prolapse of the rectum, the pain of the abdomen, dysuria, dysentery, weakness of the waist, thighs, and back; abdominal distention localised in the groins, slimy discharge from the rectum, swelling of the rectum, obstruction of flatus and faeces and frequent elimination of faeces get cured by this oil used for oil-enema therapy. 89b-93a.
निरूहं वा प्रयुञ्जीत सक्षीरं पाञ्चमूलिकम् ॥ ९३ ॥ समूत्रस्नेहलवणं कल्कैर्युक्तं फलादिभिः ।
Even a niruha ( decoction enema ) may be administered, prepared with milk decoction of pancamula, ( cows) urine, fat (oil), salt and paste of phala (madana) etc. 93b-94a.
Rakta Arsha chikitsa – treatment of bleeding piles
अथ रक्तार्शसां वीक्ष्य मारुतस्य कफस्य वा ॥ ९४ ॥ अनुबन्धं ततः स्निग्धं रूक्षं वा योजयेद्धिमम् ।
Finding the presence of raktarshas (piles arising from a vitiation of blood) having maruta ( vata) or kapha as the secondary dosas, therapies (drugs, diet etc.) which are unctous or dry (for vata and kapha respectively) but cold (in potency/ nature/effect) should be administered. 94b-95a.
शकृच्छ्यावं खरं रूक्षमधो निर्याति नानिलः ॥ ९५ ॥
कट्यूरुगुदशूलं च हेतुर्यदि च रूक्षणम् । तत्रानुबन्धो वातस्य श्लेष्मणो यदि विश्लथा ॥ ९६ ॥
श्वेता पीता गुरुः स्निग्धा, सपिच्छ : स्तिमितोगुदः ।
हेतुः स्निग्धगुरुर्विद्याद्यथास्वं चास्त्रलक्षणात् ॥ ९७ ॥
If the faeces is black, hard and dry, anila (flatus ) does not come down, there is pain in the waist, thighs and rectum when there is cause for dryness (by using dry things as foods) then vata is the secondary dosa;
if the faeces is loose, white or yellow, unctous, mixed with slimy material, the rectum is static (without movement), when there is cause for unctousness and heavyness (by using foods of these properties) then kapha is the secondary dosa, associated with the symptoms of vitiated blood. 95b-97.
दुष्टेऽस्त्रे शोधनं कार्यं लङ्घनं च यथाबलम् ।
यावच्च दोषैः कालुष्यं स्रुतेस्तावदुपेक्षणम् ॥ ९८ ॥
When the blood is vitiated, sodhana (purifactory therapy) and also langhana (fasting and other thinning therapies) should be done depending on the strength of the person.
Discharge of blood (from the piles) should be neglected (not stopped) till it has signs of vitiation by the dosas. 98.
दोषाणां पाचनार्थं च वह्निसन्धुक्षणाय च।
सङ्ग्रहाय च रक्तस्य परं तिक्तैरुपाचरेत् ॥ ९९ ॥
Afterwards the person should be treated with drugs which are bitter, in order to cook/ripen the dosas, augment the digestive fire and control bleeding. 99.
यत्तु प्रक्षीणदोषस्य रक्तं वातोल्बणस्य वा । स्नेहैस्तत्साधयेद्युक्तैः पानाभ्यञ्जनबस्तिषु ॥ १०० ॥
Discharge of blood in a person who has great decrease/ depletion of the dosas, or who has great aggravation of vata, should be treated with fats, (medicated ghee or oil) used in the form of drinking, anointing and enema. 100.
यत्तु पित्तोल्बणं रक्तं घर्मकाले प्रवर्तते ।
स्तम्भनीयं तदेकान्तान्न चेद्वातकफानुगम् ॥ १०१ ॥
When the discharge of blood caused by increase of pitta, occurs during summer it should be stopped essentially, but not so when it is associated with vata or kapha. 101.
सकफेऽस्त्रे पिबेत्पाक्यं शुण्ठीकुटजवल्कलम् । किराततिक्तकं शुण्ठीं धन्वयासं कुचन्दनम् ॥ १०२ ॥
दार्वीत्वनिम्बसेव्यानि त्वचं वा दाडिमोद्भवाम् । कुटजत्वक्फलं तार्क्ष्यं माक्षिकं घुणवल्लभाम् ॥ १०३ ॥
पिबेत्तण्डुलतोयेन कल्कितं वा मयूरकम् ।
If the blood is mixed with kapha, decoction of either sunthi and bark of kutaja, or kiratatiktaka, sunthi, dhanvayasa, and kucandana; or of darvitvak, nimba, sevya, and bark of dadima should be consumed.
(Power of) the bark and fruit ( seeds) of kutaja, tarksya (rasanjana), maksika (honey) and ghunavallabha (ativisa ) should be consumed along with rice-wash or the paste of mayuraka (apamarga) in the same manner. 102-104a.
तुलां दिव्याम्भसि पचेदार्द्रायाः कुटजत्वचः ॥ १०४ ॥
नीरसायां त्वचि क्वाथे दद्यात्सूक्ष्मरजीकृतान् । समङ्गाफलिनीमोचरसान् मुष्ट्यंशकान्समान् ॥ १०५ ॥
तैश्च शक्रयवान् पूतो ततो दर्वीप्रलेपनम् । पक्त्वाऽवलेहं लीढ्वा च तं यथाग्निबलं पिबेत् ।। १०६ ।।
पेयां मण्डं पयश्छागं गव्यं वा छागदुग्धभुक् । होऽयं शमयत्याशु रक्तातीसारपायुजान् ॥ १०७ ।।
बलवद्रक्तपित्तं च स्त्रवदूर्ध्वमधोऽपि वा ।
One tula of moist bark of kutaja is boiled in water from heaven (rain water) till the bark becomes fully devoid of its essence, to this decoction is added nice powder of samanga, phalini, and mocarasa each one musti (pala) and sakrayava ( seeds of kutaja ) equal ( to the total quantity of the above drugs) and cooked over fire till the material adheres to the laddle, and perpared into a leha (confection). Consumed in doses suitable to the strength of the digestive fire and followed with drinking of either peya (thin gruel), manda (very watery gruel), milk of goat or a cow and consuming only goats milk as food, this leha ( confection) quickly cures diarrhoea with bleeding, piles severe bleeding, diseases with the discharge of blood either from upper or lower passages.
Kutajavaleha – 2
कुटजत्वक्तुलां द्रोणे पचेदष्टांशशेषितम् ॥ १०८ ॥
कल्कीकृत्य क्षिपेत्तत्र तार्क्ष्यशैलं कटुत्रयम् । रोध्रद्वयं मोचरसं बलां दाडिमजां त्वचम् ॥ १०९ ॥
बिल्वकर्कटिकां मुस्तं समङ्गां धातकीफलम् । पलोन्मितं दशपलं कुटजस्यैव च त्वचः ॥ ११० ॥
त्रिंशत्पलानि गुडतो घृतात्पूते च विंशतिः । तत्पक्कं लेहतां यातं धान्ये पक्षस्थितं लिहन् ॥ १११ ॥
सर्वार्शोग्रहणीदोषश्वासकासान्नियच्छति ।
One tula of bark of kutaja is boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to one-eight part; to this is added the paste of one pala each of tarksyasaila, katutraya, rodhradyava, mocarasa, bala, tvak of dadima, bilva karkatika (tender fruits of bilva) musta, samanga and dhataki phala, ten pala of bark of kutaja itself, thirty pala of guda and twenty pala of ghrta and cooked to the consistence of a leha (confection) and after cooling kept concealed in a heap of corn for a fortnight; this recipe cures all kinds of piles, duodenal disease, dyspnoea and cough. 108b-112a.
॥ ११३ ॥ रोधं तिलान्मोचरसं समङ्गां चन्दनोत्पलम् ॥ ११२ ।।
पाययित्वाऽऽजदुग्धेन शालींस्तेनैव भोजयेत् ।
यष्ट्याह्वपद्मकानन्तापयस्याक्षीरमोरटम् ससितामधु पातव्यं शीततोयेन तेन वा ।
रोध्रकट्वङ्गकुटजसमङ्गाशाल्मलीत्वचम् ॥ ११४ ॥ हिमकेसरयष्ट्याह्वसेव्यं वा तण्डुलाम्बुना ।
Powder of rodhra, tila, mocarasa, samanga, candana and utpala should be consumed along with goats milk and boiled rice with it ( goats milk ) only partaken as food.
Powder of yastyahva padmaka, ananta payasya and ksira morata should be consumed mixed with sita (sugar) and madhu (honey along with either) cold water or itself (goats milk ).
Powder of rodhra, katvanga, kutaja, samanga, bark of salmali, kesara, yastyahva and sevya should be consumed along with rice-wash. 112b-115a.
यवानीन्द्रयवाः पाठा बिल्वं शुण्ठी रसाञ्जनम् ॥ ११५ ॥
चूर्णश्चले हितः शूले प्रवृत्ते चाति शोणिते । दुग्धिकाकण्टकारीभ्यां सिद्धं सर्पिः प्रशस्यते ॥ ११६ ॥
धातकीरोधकुटजत्वक्फलोत्पलैः । वा ॥ ११७ ॥ अथवा सकेसरैर्यवक्षारदाडिमस्वरसेन
Powder of yavani, indrayava, patha, bilva, sunthi, rasanjana is useful in pain caused by vata and copius bleeding; or ghee prepared from dugdhika and kantakari or that from dhataki, rodhra, bark and fruit of kutaja, utpala or that from kesara, yavaksara and juice of dadima. 115b-117.
शर्कराम्भोजकिञ्जल्कसहितं सह वा तिलैः ।
अभ्यस्तं रक्तगुदजान् नवनीतं नियच्छति ॥ ११८ ॥
Habitual eating of navanita (butter) mixed with either sarkara and ambhoja kinjalka or with tila, cures piles caused by blood. 118.
छागानि नवनीताज्यक्षीरमांसानि, जाङ्गलः । । अनम्लो वा कदम्लो वा सवास्तुकरसो रसः ।। ११९ ।।
रक्तशालिः सरो दध्नः षष्टिकस्तरुणी सुरा । तरुणश्च सुरामण्ड: शोणितस्यौषधं परम् ॥ १२० ॥
Butter, ghee, milk and meat of goat, juice (soup) of meat of animals of desert-like regions either without addition of sours, or with addition of small quantity of sours; or juice of vastuka consumed habitually, is beneficial. Red rice, water of curds, sastika rice, nascent sura and suramanda are the best medicines for piles caused by blood. 119-120.
पेयायूषरसाद्येषु पलाण्डुः केवलोऽपि वा ।
स जयत्युल्बणं रक्तं मारुतं च प्रयोजितः ॥ १२१ ॥
Palandu (onion) used habitually either along with peya (thin gruel) yusa (soup ) and rasa ( meat soup) or alone, cures severe form of piles caused by blood and maruta (vata) greatly aggravated. 121.
वातोल्बणानि प्रायेण भवन्त्यस्त्रेऽतिनिःसृते । अर्शांसि तस्मादधिकं तज्जये यत्नमाचरेत् ॥ १२२ ॥
दृष्टाऽस्त्रपित्तं प्रबलमबलौ च कफानिलो । शीतोपचारः कर्तव्यः सर्वथा तत्प्रशान्तये ॥ १२३ ॥
न चेदेवं शमस्तस्य स्निग्धोष्णैस्तर्पयेत्ततः । रसैः, कोष्णैश्च सर्पिर्भिरवपीडकयोजितैः ॥ १२४ ॥ सेचयेत्तं कवोष्णैश्च कामं तैलपयोघृतैः ।
Piles having aggravation of vata, usually occur because of severe bleeding, hence great efforts should be made, to win it (mitigate vata).
Finding severe raktapitta (bleeding) and decrease of strength of kapha and anila (vata), cold treatment should be done greatly to control it. If it does not subside, it (bleeding) should be controlled by giving rasa tarpana (flour of corns mixed with more of meat juice and added with sugar, ghee and honey) to the person to drink, by administering ghee to drink in the avapidaka method (drinking ghee in the maximum dose both before and after the midday meals (chapter 4 of Sutrasthana) the piles mass should be poured over with oil, milk or ghrita made slightly warm.
Piccha basti – slimy enema
यवासकुशकाशानां मूलं पुष्पं च शाल्मलेः ॥ १२५ ॥
न्यग्रोधोदुम्बराश्वत्थशुङ्गश्च द्विपलोन्मिताः । त्रिप्रस्थे सलिलस्यैतत्क्षीरप्रस्थे च साधयेत् ॥ १२६ ॥
क्षीरशेषे कषाये च तस्मिन् पूते विमिश्रयेत् । कल्कीकृतं मोचरसं समङ्गां चन्दनोत्पलम् ॥ १२७ ॥
प्रियङ्गं कौटजं बीजं कमलस्य च केसरम् । पिच्छाबस्तिरयं सिद्धः सघृतक्षौद्रशर्करः ॥ १२८ ॥ प्रवाहिकागुदभ्रंशरक्तस्त्रावज्वरापहः
Two pala each of root of yavasa, kusa and kasa, flowers of salmali, tender sprouts of nyagrodha, udumbara and asvattha, three prastha of water and one prastha of milk, are boiled together and decoction reduced to the quantity of milk (one prastha) and filtered. To this decoction, paste of mocarasa, samanga, candana, utpala, priyangu, kutajabija and kesara of kamala, ghee, honey and sugar are added and mixed well by churning and administered as an enema. This picchabasti (slimy enema) cures dysentary, prolapse of the rectum, haemorrhage (per rectum due to any cause ) and fever. 125b-129a.
यष्ट्याह्व पुण्डरीकेण तथा मोचरसादिभिः ॥ १२९ ॥
क्षीरद्विगुणितः पक्को देयः स्नेहोऽनुवासनम् ।
Medicated fat (oil) prepared with decoction of yastyahva and pundrika, paste of drugs commenting with mocarasa (enumerated in the above verses) cooked with double the quantity of milk should be administered as anuvasana (oil enema). 129b-130a.
मधुकोत्पलरोध्राम्बु समङ्गा बिल्वचन्दनम् ॥ १३० ॥
स्त्रविकाऽतिविषा मुस्तं पाठा क्षारो यवाग्रजः। दार्वीत्वङ्नागरं मांसी चित्रको देवदारु च ॥ १३१ ॥
चाङ्गेरीस्वरसे सर्पिः साधितं तैस्त्रिदोषजित् । अर्शोतिसारग्रहणीपाण्डुरोगज्वरारुचौ मूत्रकृच्छ्रं गुदभ्रंशे बस्त्यानाहे प्रवाहणे ।
पिच्छास्त्रावेऽर्शसां शूले देयं तत्परमौषधम् ॥ १३३ ॥ ॥ १३२॥
Medicated ghee prepared with decoction of madhuka, utpala, rodhra, ambu, samanga, bilva, candana, cavika, ativisa, musta, patha, ksara of yava, darvitvak, nagara, mamsi, citraka and devadaru, along with fresh juice of cangeri, mitigates the three dosas and is the best medicine for piles, diarrhoea, duodenal disease, anaemia, fever, loss of appetite, dysuria, prolapse of the rectum, enlargment of the bladder, straining at stools, exudation of slimy material from the rectum and pain of the haemorrhoids. 130b-133.
व्यत्यासान्मधुराम्लानि शीतोष्णानि च योजयेत् ।
नित्यमग्निबलापेक्षी जयत्यर्शः कृतान् गदान् ॥ १३४ ॥
Things (foods, drugs etc. ) which are sweet and sour, cold and hot should be administered alternately by the person who desires good strength of the digestive fire and cure of ailments caused by piles. 134.
उदावर्तार्तमभ्यज्य तलैः शीतज्वरापहैः । सुस्निग्धैः स्वेदयेत्पिण्डैर्वर्तिमस्मै गुदे ततः ॥ १३५ ॥
अभ्यक्तां तत्कराङ्गष्ठसन्निभामनुलोमनीम् । दद्याच्छ्यामात्रिवृद्दन्तीपिप्पलीनीलिनीफलैः ॥ १३६ ॥ ।
विचूर्णितैर्द्विलवणैर्गुडगोमूत्रसंयुतैः —तद्वन्मागधिकाराठगृहधूमैः ससर्षपैः॥१३७॥
एतेषामेव वा चूर्णं गुदे नाड्या विनिर्धमेत् ।
The patient who is suffering from udavarta (upward movement) should be massaged with medicated oil which cures fever with cold, then given fomentation by well lubricated balls of drugs; next a rectal wick (suppository) of the size of his thumb prepared from either syama trivrt, danti, pippali, fruits of an nilini added with powder of the two lavana, guda and cows urine or with magadhika, ratha, grihadhuma and sarsapa-which is laxative in action is introduced into the rectum or the powder of the above drugs blown into the rectum through a tube. 135-138a.
तद्विघाते सुतीक्ष्णं तु बस्तिं स्निग्धं प्रपीडयेत् ॥ १३८ ॥ ऋजू कुर्यागुदशिराविण्मूत्रमरुतोऽस्य सः ।
भूयोऽनुबन्धं वातघ्नेर्विरैच्यः अनुवास्यश्च रौक्ष्यद्धि सङ्गो मारुतवर्चसोः । स्नेहरेचनैः ॥ १३९ ॥
In case of their (of suppository and powder) failure to act a lubricating enema (oil-enema) prepared from drugs of tiksna guna (penetrating into the tissues) should be administered; this will straighten up the head of the rectum and the passages of the faeces, urine and flatus; if these get obstructed again, purgative drugs which are of fatty material should be administered; in case of obstruction of flatus and faeces by dryness, an anuvasana (oil-enema) should be given.
Kalyanaka kshara
त्रिपटुत्रिकटु श्रेष्ठादन्त्यरुष्करचित्रकम् जर्जरं स्नेहमूत्राक्तमन्तर्धूमं विपाचयेत् ।
शरावसन्धौ मल्लिप्ते क्षारः कल्याणकाह्वयः ॥ १४१ ॥
स पीतः सर्पिषा युक्तो भक्ते वा स्निग्धभोजिना । उदावर्तविबन्धार्शोगुल्मपाण्डूदरकृमीन् ।। १४२ ॥
मूत्रसङ्गाश्मरीशोफहृद्रोगग्रहणीगदान् मेहप्लीहरुजानाहश्वासकासांश्च ॥ १४० ॥ नाशयेत् ॥ १४३ ॥
Tripatu. (Stone salt, vid lavana and black salt), trikatu, srestha, danti aruskara, citraka (all equal quantity) are powdered and soaked with fats (oil) and cows urine, and kept overnight; next day it is kept inside two earthen saucers, their joints sealed with mud. (After the mud gets dried, the sealed saucers are kept inside a heap of dry cowdung cakes and set on fire. After cooling the saurces are taken out and the medicine collected).
This medicine known as kalyanaka kshara consumed mixed with either ghee or with food by those who consume fatty foods, cures upward movement of vata, constipation, piles, abdominal tumor, anaemia, enlargement of the abdomen, intestinal worms, obstruction of urine, urinary calculli, dropsy, heart diseases, duodenal disease, diabetes, enlargement of spleen, flatulence, dyspnoea and cough. 140b-143.
सर्वं च कुर्याद्यत्प्रोक्तमर्शसां गाढवर्चसाम् ।
All the treatments prescribed for hard faeces (constipation) should be done even for piles. 144a.
Putikaranja sukta
द्रोणेऽपां पूतिवल्कद्वितुलमथ पचेत्पादशेषे च तस्मिन् देयाऽशीतिर्गुडस्य प्रतनुकरजसो व्योषतोऽष्टौ पलानि ।
एतन्मासेन जातं जनयति परमामूष्मणः पक्तिशक्तिं शुक्तं कृत्वाऽऽनुलोम्यं प्रजयति गुदजप्लीहगुल्मोदराणि ॥ १४४ ॥
Two tula of bark of putika is boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to a quarter; to it are added eighty pala of guda and eight pala of nice powder of yvosa (filled into a pot and kept undisturbed) after one month till it forms into sukta (sour liquid) which greatly augments the strength of the digestive fire and acting as a laxative, it cures 144. piles, diseases of the spleen, and abdominal tumors,
Putikaranja cukra
पचेत्तुलां पूतिकरञ्जवल्काद्वे मूलतश्चित्रककण्टकार्योः ।
द्रोणत्रयऽपां चरणावशेषे पूते शतं तत्र गुडस्यदद्यात् ॥ १४५ ।।
पलिकं च सुचूर्णितं त्रिजातत्रिकटुग्रन्थिकदाडिमाश्मभेदम् ।
हपुषामार्द्रकमम्लवेतसं पुरपुष्करमूलधान्यचव्यं क्षौद्रविंशत्युपेतमार्द्रद्राक्षाबीजपूरार्द्रकैश्च । च । १४६ ॥
शीतीभूतं युक्तं कामं गण्डिकाभिस्तथेक्षौः सर्पिः पात्रे मासमात्रेण जातम् ॥ १४७॥
चुक्रं क्रकचमिवेदं दुर्दाम्नां वह्निदीपनं परमम् ।
पाण्डुगरोदरगुल्मप्लीहानाहाश्मकृच्छ्रघ्नम् ।। १४८ ॥
One tula of bark of putikaranja, two tula (one each) of citraka and kantakari are boiled in three drona of water and decoction reduced to a quarter and filtered. After it cools, one hundred pala of guda and nice powder of one pala each of trijata, trikatu, granthika, dadima, asmabheda, pura, and puskaramula, dhanya, cavya, hapusa ardraka, amlavetasa; twenty pala of ksaudra (honey), moist ( fruits of ) draksa and bijapura, ardraka and pieces of sugarcane as much as desired. Next this decoction is poured into a pot smeared with ghee in its interior and kept undisturbed.
After a month, it become cukra which acts like a saw to piles, an excellent carminative and cures anaemia, enlargement of the abdomen, disease of the spleen, distension of the abdomen, renal calculus and dysuria. 145-148.
Piluphala cukra
।द्रोणं पीलुरसस्य वस्त्रगलितं न्यस्तं हविर्भाजने । युञ्जीत द्विपलैर्मदामधुफलाखर्जूरधात्रीफलैः
पाठामाद्रिदुरालभाम्लविदुलव्योषत्वगेलोल्लकैः स्पृक्काकोललवङ्गवेल्लचपलामूलाग्निकैः पालिकैः ॥ १४९ ॥
गुडपलशतयोजितं निवाते निहितमिदं प्रपिबंश्च पक्षमात्रात् । निशमयति गुदाङ्करान् सगुल्माननलबलं प्रबलं करोति चाशु ॥ १५० ॥
One drona of juice of pilu (pilu phala) filtered through cloth is poured into a pot smeared inside with ghee. Next, two pala each of mada (dhataki), madhuphala (draksa), kharjura, and dhatriphala, nice powder of one pala each of patha, madri ( renuka or ativisa ), duralabha, amlavidula (amla vetasa), vyosa, tvak, ela, ullaka ( katuka), sprkka kola, lavanga, vella capala mula (pippalimula) and agnika (citraka), one hundred pala of guda are added to it and the pot kept in a place devoid of breeze for a fortnight Afterwards this cukra when consumed cures piles especially, as also abdominal tumors and augments the digestive power quickly. 149-150.
Dasamuladi guda
एकैकशो दशपले दशमूलकुम्भपाठाद्वयार्कघुणवल्लभकट्फलानाम् ।
दग्धे स्रुतेऽनु कलशेन जलेन पक्के पादस्थिते गुडतुलां, पलपञ्चकं च ॥ १५१ ॥
दद्यात्प्रत्येकं व्योषचव्याभयानां, वह्नेर्मुष्टी द्वे यवक्षारतश्च ।
दर्वोमालिम्पन् हन्ति लोढो गुडोऽयं गुल्मप्लीहार्श: कुष्ठमेहाग्निसादान् ॥ १५२ ॥
Ten pala each of the drugs of dasamula, kumbha, patha, arkadvaya, ghunavallabha and katphala are burnt and the ash obtained is dissolved in one kalasa (drona) of water and boiled till the water gets reduced to a quarter. Then, one tula of guda and powder of five pala each of vyosa, cavya and abhaya, two musti ( pala) each of vahni (citraka) and yavaksara-are added and cooked on fire till the mass begins to adhere to the laddle (then taken out of the oven and allowed to cool ). This guda (consumed daily) cures abdominal tumors, diseases of the spleen, piles, leprosy and other skin diseases, diabetes, and dyspepsia. 151-152.
Chitrakadi avaleha
तोयद्रोणे चित्रकमूलतुलार्धं साध्यं यावत्पाददलस्थमथेदम् ।
अष्टौ दत्वा जीर्णगुडस्य पलानि क्वाथ्यं भूयः सान्द्रतया सममेतत् ॥ १५३ ॥
त्रिकटुकमिसिपथ्याकुष्टमुस्तावराङ्गकृमिरिपुदहनैलाचूर्णकीर्णोऽवलेहः ।
जयति गुदजकुष्ठप्लीहगुल्मोदराणि प्रबलयति हुताशं शश्वदभ्यस्यमानः ॥ १५४॥
Half a tula of citramula is boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to one eight; next, eight pala of old guda is added and cooking continued till it assumes thick consistance. Then, powder of trikatu, misi, pathya, kustha,, musta, varanga, krimiripu, dahana and ela are also added and avaleha prepared. This avaleha (confection) cures piles, leprosy, splenic diseases, abdominal tumors and enlargement of the abdomen and increases the digestive power, when used habitually. 153-154.
गुडव्योषवरावेल्लतिलारुष्करचित्रकैः ।
अशसि हन्ति गुलिका त्वग्विकारं च शीलिता ॥ १५५ ।।
Gutika (pill) prepared from guda, vyosa, vara, vella, tila, aruskara and citraka, cures piles and diseases of the skin, when used daily. 155.
Suranakanda yoga
मुल्लितं सौरणं कन्दं पक्त्वाऽग्नौ पुटपाकवत् । अद्यात्सतैललवणं दुर्नामविनिवृत्तये ॥ १५६ ॥
Suranakanda ( tuber of surana ) is given a ( thick) coating of mud and cooked in fire in the manner of putapaka. After cooling, it should be consumed (daily) mixed with oil and salt, for getting cured of piles. 156.
मरिचपिप्पलिनागरचित्रकान् क्रमविवर्धितभागसमाहृतान् ।
शिखिचतुर्गुणसूरणयोजितान् कुरु गुडेन गुडान् गुदजच्छिदः ॥ १५७ ॥
Marica, pippali, nagara and citraka, each increased by one part in their successive order, four parts each of sikhi (citraka) and surana, cooked along with guda, cures piles ( when used) daily. 157..
चूर्णीकृताः षोडश सूरणस्य भागास्ततोऽर्धेन च चित्रकस्य । महौषधाद्वौ मरिचस्य चैको गुडेन दुर्नामजयाय पिण्डी ॥ १५८ ॥
Pindi (bolus) prepared with the powder of surana, sixteen parts; citraka half of that ( eight parts ) ; two parts of mahausadha and one part of marica, made into pills mixing them with guda, this cures piles. 158.
पथ्यानागरकृष्णाकरञ्जवेल्लाग्निभिः सितातुल्यैः । वडवामुख इव जरयति बहुगुर्वपि भोजनं चूर्णः ॥ १५९ ॥
Powder of equal parts of pathya, nagara, krsna, karanja, vella and agni (citraka), mixed with equal quantity of sita ( sugar ). This curna (powder) digests even a very heavy meal just like fire. 159.
कलिङ्गलाङ्गलीकृष्णावत्र्यपामार्गतण्डुलैः । भूनिम्बसैन्धवगुडैर्गुडा गुदजनाशनाः ।। १६० ।।
Pills prepared with powder of kalinga, langali, krsna, vahni, apamarga, tandula, bhunimba, saindhava and guda destroys piles. 160.
लवणोत्तमवह्निकलिङ्गयवांश्चिरिबल्वमहापिचुमन्दयुतान् पिब सप्तदिनं मथितालुडितान् यदि मर्दितुमिच्छसि पायुरुहान् ॥ १६१॥
Powder of lavanaottama (saindhava), vahni, kalinga, yava, cirabilva, mahapicumanda, well mixed with churned butter milk should be consumed for seven days, by him who desires to be cured of piles. 161.
शुष्केषु भल्लातकमग्र्यमुक्तं भैषज्यमार्द्रेषु वत्सकत्वक् । सर्वेषु सर्वर्तुषु कालशेयमर्शः सु बल्यं च मलापहं च ॥ १६२ ॥
Bhallataka is said to be the best medicine for dry (non bleeding) piles,
while the bark of vatsaka for the moist (bleeding) piles; for all types ( of piles ) and in all seasons kalaseya (buttermilk well churned) is the best; it gives strength removes the mala ( dosa and wastes). 162.
भित्त्वा विबन्धाननुलोमनाय यन्मारुतस्याग्निबलाय यच्च । तदन्नपानौषधमर्शसेन सेव्यं, विवर्ज्यं विपरीतमस्मात् ॥ १६३ ।
The person suffering from piles should use daily such foods, drinks and medicines which relieve constipation, help downward movement of maruta (vata) and augments the digestive power and avoid that opposite of these effects. 163.
अर्शोतिसारग्रहणीविकाराः प्रायेण चान्योन्यनिदानभूताः । सन्नेऽनले सन्ति, न सन्ति दीप्ते, रक्षेदतस्तेषु विशेषतोऽग्निम् ॥ १६४ ॥
Piles, diarrhoea, diseases of the duodenum are generally interdependent in causative factors (have common aetiology and each one gives rise to the other) and manifest when the digestive fire is weak and not when the digestive power is strong. Hence in those suffering from these diseases the digestive fire should be protected especially. 164.
इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सतस्थानेऽर्शश्चिकित्सितं
नामाष्टमोऽध्यायः॥ ८ ॥
Thus ends the chapter-the eight in Cikitsita sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.