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ashtanga hridayaRASAYANA VIDHI - Rejuvenation therapy - Ashtanga Hridaya Chapter 39

RASAYANA VIDHI – Rejuvenation therapy – Ashtanga Hridaya Chapter 39

We shall now expound the chapter Rasayana vidhiprocedure of rejuvination therapy; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

अथातो रसायनविधिमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः । महर्षयः । ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो इति

Rasayana phala – benefits of rejuvination therapy

दीर्घमायुः स्मृतिं मेधामारोग्यं तरुणं वयः । प्रभाववर्णस्वरौदार्य देहेन्द्रियबलोदयम् ॥ १ ॥

वाक्सिद्धिं वृषतां कान्तिमवाप्नोति रसायनात् । लाभोपायो हि शस्तानां रसादीनां रसायनम् ॥ २ ॥

Long life (good), memory, (great ) intellegence, (perfact) health, youthfulness, ( bright ) complexion and colour, (bold) voice and magnanimity, increase of strength of the body and the sense organs, perfection in speech, sexual prowess and brilliance-are all obtained from Rasayana therapy. It is the best means of keeping the rasa other dhatus in excellent condition. 1-2.

पूर्वे वयसि मध्ये वा तत्प्रयोज्यं जितात्मनः । स्निग्धस्य स्रुतरक्तस्य विशुद्धस्य च सर्वथा ॥ ३ ॥

It should be administered to persons in their early age or middle age and always to those who are self-controlled, who have undergone oleation, blood letting and purificatory therapies. 3.

अविशुद्धे शरीरे हि युक्तो रासायनो विधिः ।

वाजीकरो वा मलिने वस्त्रे रङ्ग इवाफलः ॥ ४॥

Rasayana (rejuvination) or vajikara ( aphrodisiac ) therapies administered to those whose body has not been purified becomes useless, just as colouring a dirty cloth. 4.

Rasayana bheda – types of rejuvination

रसायनानां द्विविधं प्रयोगमृषयो विदुः ।

कुटीप्रावेशिकं मुख्यं वातातपिकमन्यथा ॥ ५ ॥

Rasayana (rejuvination) therapy is of two kinds-as known to the sages. (1) Kutipravesika-the important one (greatly beneficial) and (2) Vatatapika-the other (less beneficial). 5.

Kutipravesika krama

पुरे प्राप्योपकरणे हर्म्यनिर्वातनिर्भये । दिश्युदीच्यां शुभे देशे त्रिगर्भं सूक्ष्मलोचनाम् ॥ ६॥

धूमातपरजोव्यालस्त्रीमूर्खाद्यविलङ्गिताम् सज्जवैद्योपकरणां सुमृष्टां कारयेत्कुटीम् ॥७॥ ।

In a city, at an auspicious place, where articles required are available and which is devoid of too much of breeze and other causes of fear, a white house (made white by painting with slaked lime) having three apartments one inside the other; with small openings (doors and windows) should be got constructed, facing north (or in the north side of the city), free from smoke, sunlight, dust, wild animals, women, idots etc. It should be equipped with all the necessary medical equipments (including the medicines) and made clean (by washing, painting etc.). 6-7.

अथ पुण्येऽह्नि सम्पूज्य पूज्यांस्तां प्रविशेच्छुचिः । तत्र संशोधनैः शुद्धः सुखी जातवलः पुनः ॥ ८ ॥

ब्रह्मचारी धृतियुतः श्रद्दधानो जितेन्द्रियः । दानशीलदयासत्यव्रतधर्मपरायणः ॥९॥

देवतानुस्मृतौ युक्तो युक्तस्वप्नप्रजागरः । प्रियौषध: पेशलवाक् प्रारभेत

रसायनम् ॥ १० ॥ Next, on an auspicious day, after worshipping those who are to be worshipped; he should enter that house (specially built), clean (in body and mind). There he should get purified by prificatory therapies (emesis and purgation) become comfortable (free from diseases) and obtain his earlier strength. He should lead a life of celibacy, courage, faithfulness, controlling the senses, granting gifts, compassion, truthfulness and righteous activities; always thinking of divine beings, sleeping and keeping awake in proper manner; be fond/ desirous of medicine and speaking pleasant wordssuch a person should then start consuming medicines. 8-10.

हरीतकीमामलकं सैन्धवं नागरं वचाम् ।

हरिद्रां पिप्पलीं वेल्लं गुडं चोष्णाम्बुना पिबेत् ॥ ११ ॥ स्निग्धस्विन्नो नरः पूर्वं, तेन साधु विरिच्यते ।

(Then the person who has undergone snehana (oleation) and svedana ( sudation ) therapies earlier should drink hot water added with the paste of hritaki, amalaki, saindhava, nagara, vaca, haridra, pippali, vella and guda; by this, he purges without any difficulty. 11-12a.

ततः शुद्धशरीराय कृतसंसर्जनाय च ॥ १२ ॥

च त्रिरात्रं पञ्चरात्रं वा सप्ताहं वा घृतान्वितम् । दद्याद्यावकमाशुद्धेः पुराणशकृतोऽथवा ॥ १३ ॥

Next, the person who has thus been purified and who has followed the samsarjana (regimen of liquid diet after pruification) should be given food prepared from yava only added with ghee for there, five or seven days till the old faeces (lurking inside ) gets purified. 12b-13.

संस्कृतकोष्ठस्य इत्थं यस्य यद्यौगिक पश्येत्सर्वमालोच्य सात्म्यवित् ॥ १४ ॥

Having conditioned the alimentary tract in this manner, the person should begin to consumed that rasayana (rejuvinatory medicine) whichever formula is found suitable, after considering his habits etc. 14.

Brahma rasayana

रसायनमुपाहरेत् । पथ्यासहस्त्रं त्रिगुणधात्रीफलसमन्वितम् । पञ्चानां पञ्चमूलानां सार्धं पलशतद्वयम् ॥ १५ ॥

जले दशगुणे पक्त्वा दशभागस्थिते रसे । आपोथ्य कृत्वा व्यस्थीनि विजयामलकान्यथ ॥ १६ ॥

विनीय तस्मिन्निर्यूहे योजयेत्कुडवांशकम् । त्वगेलामुस्तरजनीपिप्पल्यगुरुचन्दनम् ॥१७॥

मण्डूकपर्णीकनकशङ्खपुष्पीवचाप्लवम् यष्ट्याह्वयं विडङ्गं च चूर्णितं तुलयाऽधिकम् ॥ १८ ॥

सितोपलार्धभारं च पात्राणि त्रीणि सर्पिषः । द्वे च तैलात् पचेत्सर्वं तदनौ लेहतां गतम् ॥ १९ ॥

अवतीर्णं हिमं युञ्ज्याद्विशैः क्षौद्रशतैस्त्रिभिः । ततः खजेन मथितं निदध्याद् घृतभाजने ॥ २० ॥

या नोपरुन्ध्यादाहारमेकं मात्राऽस्य सा स्मृता । षष्टिकः पयसा चात्र जीर्णे भोजनमिष्यते ॥ २१ ॥

वैखानसा वालखिल्यास्तथा चान्ये तपोधनाः । ब्रह्मणा विहितं धन्यमिदं प्राश्य रसायनम् ॥ २२ ॥

तन्द्राश्रमक्लमवलीपलितामयवर्जिताः । मेधास्मृतिबलोपेता बभूवरमितायुषः ॥ २३ ॥

Pathya, one thousand by count, dhatriphala three times (of pathya i. e. three thousand) and drugs of the five pancamula-two and half pala (by weight) are boiled in ten times of water and decoction reduced to one-tenth part. To this decoction is added a paste of vijaya (haritaki) and amalaki stirred well and then filtered. Next, one kudava (by weight) of the powder of tvak, ela, musta, rajani, pippali, aguru, candana, mandukaparni, kanaka, sankhapuspi, vaca, plava, yastahva and vidanga; sitopala ( sugarcandy) half a bhara and one hundred pala more; three patra of ghee and two of taila (oil of sesame) are added and cooked over fire to form a confection. After it cools, three hundred and twenty pala of honey is added, stirred well with a churner and put into a pot smeared inside with ghee. It should be consumed daily. Its dose is that which does not make for skipping of meal of even one time. The food should consist of sastika and milk should be taken after proper digestion (ofthe medicines ) Vaikhanasa, Valakhilya and other great sages have made use of this auspicious rasayana (rejuvinatory confection) formulated by Brahma and became free of stupor, exertion, exhaustion, wrinkles of the skin, grey hairs and disease, gained great intellegence, memory strength and unlimited life. 15-23.

अभयामलकसहस्त्रं निरामयं पिप्पलीसहस्त्रयुतम् । तरुणपलाशक्षारद्रवीकृतं उपयुक्ते च क्षारे छायासंशुष्कचूर्णितं योज्यम् ।

पादांशेन सितायाश्चतुर्गुणाभ्यां मधुघृताभ्याम् ॥ २५ ॥

तद्द्घृतकुम्भे भूमौ निधाय षण्माससंस्थमुद्धृत्य । प्राहे प्राश्य यथानलमुचिताहारो भवेत्सततम् ॥ २६ ॥

इत्युपयुञ्ज्याशेषं वर्षशतमनामयो जरारहितः । स्थापये द्धाण्डे ॥ २४ ॥

जीवति बलपुष्टिवपुः स्मृतिमेधाद्यन्वितो विशेषेण ॥ २७ ॥

Disease-free abhaya and amalaka one thousand (each), pippali one thousand are powdered and added to the solution of ksara (ash) of fresh palasa tree kept in a pot. When the ash become utilised (absorbed) powder of sugar dried in a shade, one-fourth the quantity and honey and ghee four times the quantity are added and filled into a pot smeared inside with ghee, the month of the pot sealed; pot is buried in the ground for six months. Afterwards, it is taken out and consumed daily in the morning depending on the strength of his digestive fire and suitable foods only partaken always. Using this ( confection ) in this manner, the person can live for hundred years without any disease and old age, endowed especially with strength, nourishment, physique, memory and intellegence. 24-27.

नीरुजार्द्रपलाशस्य छिन्ने शिरसि तत्क्षतम् । गम्भीरं पूर्यमामलकैर्नवैः ॥ २८ ॥

अन्तर्द्विहस्तं आमूलं वेष्टितं दर्भैः पद्मिनीपङ्कलेपितम् । आदीप्य गोमयैर्वन्यैर्निर्वाते स्वेदयेत्ततः॥२९॥

स्विन्नानि तान्यामलकानि तृप्त्या खादेन्नरः क्षौद्रघृतान्वितानि | क्षीरं शृतं चानु पिबेत्प्रकामं तेनव वर्तेत च मासमेकम् ॥ ३० ॥

वर्ज्यानि वर्ज्यानि च तत्र यत्नात् स्पृश्यं च शीताम्बु न पाणिनाऽपि । एकादशाहेऽस्य ततो व्यतीते पतन्ति केशा दशना नखाश्च ॥ ३१॥

अथाल्पकैरेव दिनैः सुरूपः स्त्रीष्वक्षयः कुञ्जरतुल्यवीर्यः । विशिष्टमेधाबलबुद्धिसत्त्वो भवत्यसौ वर्षसहस्रजीवी ॥ ३२ ॥

A pit ( crater, hollow ), two hasta in depth is made on the head (top) of a disease-free moist palasa log and filled with fresh amalaka fruits. The whole log should then be wrapped with darbha grass and given a coating of mud from a lotus pond and allowed to dry. Afterwards it is placed inside a heap of cowdung collected from the forest, set fire to and cooked. Later the cooked amalaka are taken out and consumed along with honey and ghee, to the full satisfaction of the person. He should then drink boiled milk as much as he wants. In this manner the person should follow the use of medicine for one month, avoiding the forbidden things with all efforts, not touching cold water even by the hands. After the lapse of eleven days in this way, his (old ) ) hairs, teeth and nails fall off (and new ones erupt); within a few days afterwards he attains beautiful appearance, no defeat with women, vigour resembling that of an elephant, special kind of intellegence, strength, wisdom and right attitude; and he becomes a peson living for a thousand (hundred) years.


दशमूलबलामुस्तजीवकर्षभकोत्पलम् पर्णिन्यौ पिप्पली शृङ्गी मेदा तामलकी त्रुटिः ॥ ३३ ॥

जीवन्ती जोङ्गकं द्राक्षा पौष्करं चन्दनं शठी । पुनर्नवर्द्विकाकोलीकाकनासामृताद्वयम् ॥३४॥

विदारी वृषमूलं च तदैकध्यं पलोन्मितम् । जलद्रोणे पचेत्पञ्च धात्रीफलशतानि च ॥ ३५ ॥

पादशेषं रसं तस्माद्व्यस्थीन्यामलकानि च । गृहीत्वा भर्जर्यत्तैलघृताद् द्वादशभिः पलैः ॥ ३६ ॥

मत्स्यण्डिकातुलार्धेन युक्तं तल्लेहवत् पचेत् । स्नेहार्धं मधु सिद्धे तु तवक्षीर्याश्चतुष्पलम् ॥ ३७ ॥

पिप्पल्या द्विपलं दद्याच्चतुर्जातं कणार्धितम् । अतोऽवलेहयेन्मात्रां कुटीस्थः इत्येष च्यवनप्राशो यं प्राश्य च्यवनो मुनिः ।

जराजर्जरितोऽप्यासीन्नारीनयननन्दनः पथ्यभोजनः ॥ ३८ ॥ ॥ ॥३९॥

कासं श्वासं ज्वरं शोषं हृद्रोगं वातशोणितम्। मूत्रशुक्राश्रयान् दोषान् वैस्वर्यं च व्यपोहति ॥ ४० ॥

बालवृद्धक्षतक्षीणकृशानामङ्गवर्धनः ।

मेधां स्मृतिं कान्तिमनामयत्वमायुः प्रकर्षं पवनानुलोम्यम् । स्त्रीषु प्रहर्षं बलमिन्द्रियाणामग्नेश्च कुर्याद्विधिनोपयुक्तः ॥ ४१ ॥

Dasamula, bala, musta, jivaka, rsabhaka, utpala, the two parni, pippali, srngi, meda, tamalaki, truti, jivanti, jongaka, draksa, pauskara, candana, sathi, punarnava, the two kakoli, kakanasa, amrtadvaya (guduci and hritaki), vidari, root of vrsa-each one pala are boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to one-fourth and filtered. To this decoction is added fruits of dhatri (amalaka) five hundred by count and cooked. When the decoction gets reduced to a quarter, the cooked dhatriphala are squeezed and their seeds removed (obtaining only the soft pulp). This is fried in oil and ghee, twelve pala each and then half tula of matsyandika (sugar candy) is added to the mass and cooked to form a cnfection. After it cools, honey, half the quantity of oil, four pala of tavaksiri, two pala of pippali and caturjata half the quantity of kana (pippali) should be added. This avaleha (confection) should be consumed in suitable dose, daily by the person who is residing in the special apartment and partaking only suitable food. This is Cyavana prasa; by consuming which the sage Cyavana, who though tormented by old age become the darling of the woman. It cures cough, dyspnoea, fever, consumption, heart disease, gout, diseases of urine and semen and disorders of speech. It helps the growth of the body of the children, the aged, the wounded and emeciated. It bestows great intellegence, memory, complexion, healthy state, long life, downward movement (normal) of pavana (vata), sense organs and digestive fire, desire for women (sex), strength of the body, if used in the proper 33-41. manner.

Triphala yagas – recipes of triphala

मधुकेन तवक्षीर्या पिप्पल्या सिन्धुजन्मना | पृथग्लोहै: सुवर्णेन वचया मधुसर्पिषा ॥ ४२ ॥

सिताया वा समा युक्ता समायुक्त रसायनम् । त्रिफला सर्वरोगघ्नी मेधायुः स्मृतिबुद्धिदा ॥ ४३ ॥

Triphala mixed with equal quantity of madhukatavaksiri, pippali, saindhava, each one of the lohas, suvarnavaca added with either honey, ghee or sugar in equal quantity and used acts a rejuvinator, cures all diseases, bestows intellegence, longlife and good memory. 42-43

Mandukaparni – sankhapuspi yoga

मण्डूकपर्ण्या: स्वरसं यथाग्नि क्षीरेण यष्टीमधुकस्य चूर्णम् । रसं गुडूच्याः सहमूलपुष्प्याः कल्कं प्रयुञ्जीत च शङ्खपुष्याः ॥ ४४ ॥

आयुः प्रदान्यामयनाशनानि बलाग्निवर्णस्वरवर्धनानि । मेध्यानि चैतानि रसायनानि मेध्या विशेषेण तु शङ्खपुष्पी ॥ ४५ ॥

Fresh juice of mandukaparni or powder of yastimadhuka should be administered along with milk, considering his digestive fire; similarly fresh juice of guduci mixed with paste of sankhapuspi with its roots and flowers should be given. These recipes give long life, cure diseases, improves the strength digestive power, colour and comlexion, voice and intellegence, acts a rejuvinators; sankhapuspi is medhya (improve intellegence) especially. 44-45.

Naladadi ghrta

नलदं कटुरोहिणी पयस्या मधुकं चन्दनसारिवोग्रगन्धाः । त्रिफला कटुकत्रयं हरिद्रे सपटोलं लवणं च तैः सुपिष्टैः ॥ ४६॥

त्रिगुणेन रसेन शङ्खपुष्प्याः सपयस्कं घृतनल्वणं विपक्वम् । उपयुज्य भवेज्जडोऽपि वाग्मी श्रुतधारी प्रतिभानवानरोगः ॥ ४७ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with the (decoction) nalada, katurohini, payasya, madhuka, candana, sariva, ugragandha, triphala, katutraya, the two haridra, patola and lavana and also the paste of these drugs, three parts of fresh juice of sankhapuspi, payasa (milk ) and one nalvana (adhaka) of ghrta (ghee). By its use even a mute person becomes talkative, gains power of rememberance, talent and health. 46-47.

Pancaravinda ghrita

पेष्यैर्मृणालबिसकेसरपत्रबीजैः सिद्धं सहेमशकलं पयसा च सर्पिः ।

पञ्चारविन्दमिति तत्प्रथितं पृथिव्यां प्रभ्रष्टपौरुषबलप्रतिभैर्निषेव्यम् ॥ ४८ ॥

Paste of mrnala, bisa ( padma ), kesara (padma), patra (lotus petals) and (padma) bija, thin flakes of hema ( gold), payasa (milk) and sarpis ( ghee) cooked together is known as Pancaravinda ghrta, very beneficial to those who have lost their potency, strength and intellegence. 48.

Catuhkuvalaya ghrita

यन्नालकन्ददलकेसरवद्विपक्कं नीलोत्पलस्य तदपि प्रथितं द्वितीयम् ।

सर्पिश्चतुःकुवलयं सहिरण्यपत्रं मेध्यं गवामपि भवेत् किमु मानुषाणाम् ॥ ४९ ॥

Paste of nala ( stalk ), kanda ( tubes ), dala (petal), kesara (stamen) of nilotpala, thin flakes of hiranya (gold) and ghee-all cooked together is known as Catuhkuvalaya ghrta, is a bestower of intellegence even to the cows; then what to say of men. 49.

Brahmayadi ghrita

ब्राह्मीवचासैन्धवशङ्खपुष्पीमत्स्याक्षकब्रह्मसुवर्चलैन्द्रयः । वैदेहिका च त्रियवाः पृथक्स्युर्यवौ सुवर्णस्य तिलो विषस्य ॥ ५० ॥

सर्पिषश्च पलमेकत एतद्योजयेत्परिणते च घृताढ्यम् । भोजनं समधु वत्सरमेवं शीलन्नधिकधीस्मृतिमेधः ॥ ५१ ॥

अतिक्रान्तजराव्याधितन्द्रालस्य । जीवत्यब्दशतं पूर्ण श्रीतेजः कान्तिदीप्तिमान् ॥ ५२ ॥ श्रमक्लमः

विशेषतः कुष्ठकिलासगुल्मविषज्वरोन्मादगरोदराणि | अथर्वमन्त्रादिकृताश्च कृत्याः शाम्यन्त्यनेनातिबलाश्च वाताः ॥ ५३॥

Brahmi, vaca, saindhava, sankhapuspi, matsyaksaka, brahmasuvarcala, aindri and vaidehika-each three yava in quantity, two yava of suvarna, visa ( vatsanabha) equal to one tila and ghee one pala, are mixed and medicated ghee is prepared. Consumed along with honey for one year, the person attains increases of intellegence, memory, courage gets over old age, disease, stupor, lassitude, exertion, exhaustion; lives for full hundred years with wealth, brilliance and reputation. It especially cures leprosy, leucoderma, abdominal tumour, poison, fever, insanity, artificial (homicidal) poisoning, abdominal enlargement, diseases caused by Atharvan (magical rites) sorecery and diseases of great increase of vata. 50-53.

Nagabala yoga

शरन्मुखे नागबलां पुष्पयोगे समुद्धरेत् । अक्षमात्रं ततो मूलाच्चूर्णितात्पयसा पिबेत् ॥ ५४ ॥

लिह्यान्मधुघृताभ्यां वा क्षीरवृत्तिरनन्नभुक् । एवं वर्षप्रयोगेण जीवेद्वर्षशतं बली ॥ ५५ ॥

Roots of nagabala should be dug out and collected at the commencement of sarad rtu (autumn) and in pusya (star constellation). It should then be powdered and preserved, this powder one aksa in quantity should be consumed either mixed with milk or licked with honey and ghee; the person should only consume milk and no solid food. By adhering to this regimen for one year the person lives for hundred years, strong (and healthy). 54-55.

Gokshura yoga

फलोन्मुखो गोक्षरकः समूलश्छायाविशुष्कः सुविचूर्णिताङ्गः । क्षीरेण तेनैव च शालिमश्नन् जीर्णं भवेत्स द्वितुलोपयोगात् ।

शक्तः सुरूपः सुभगः सतायुः कामी ककुद्मनिव गोकुलस्थः ॥ ५७ ॥

Gokshura plant which is going to bear fruit shortly is collected along with its roots and dried in shade. It is powdered nicely and macerated (for one days) in its own juice (fresh juice of gokshura plant). This powder one prasrta in quantity should be consumed along with milk; sali rice well boiled should be partaken as food along with milk; by the time he consumes two tula (two hundred pala) in course of time, he becomes capable of any activity, attains good appearance, long life and sexually active like the bull of Gokula. 56-57.

Varahikanda yoga

वाराहीकन्दमार्द्रार्द्रं क्षीरेण क्षीरपः पिबेत् ।

मासं निरन्नो मासं च क्षीरान्नदो जरां जयेत् ॥ ५८ ॥

Root (rhizome) of varahikanda which is in its moist condition should be consumed along with milk, subsisting on milk only for one month and without solid food and on milk and boiled rice for another month. By this regimen, the person gets over his old age. 58.

तत्कन्दश्लक्ष्णचूर्णं वा स्वरसेन सुभावितम् ।

घृतक्षौद्रप्लुतं लिह्यात्तत्पक्कं वा घृतं पिबेत् ॥ ५९॥

Or, the nice powder of its root (Varahikanda) soaked in it own fresh juice, added with ghee and honey should be licked, or, medicated ghee prepared with it ( root of varahikanda) may be licked. 59.

तद्वद्विदार्यतिबलाबलामधुकवायसीः श्रेयसी श्रेयसीयुक्तापथ्याधात्रीस्थिरामृताः मण्डूकीशङ्खकुसुमावाजिगन्धाशतावरीः। ॥६० ॥

उपयुञ्जीत मेधाधीवयःस्थैर्यबलप्रदाः ॥ ६१ ॥

In the same manner, vidari, atibala bala, madhuka, vayasi, sreyasi (rasna), sreyasi (kakamaci), yukta, pathya, dhatri, sthira, amrta manduki, sankakusama, vajigandha and satavari (each seperately) may be used, to attain great intellegence, courage, long life, steadfastness and strength.

Chitraka yoga

यथास्वं चित्रकः पुष्पैर्ज्ञेयः पीतसितासितैः

यथोत्तरं स गुणवान् विधिना च रसायनम् ॥ ६२॥

Chitraka with flowers of yellow, white and black-more effective in successive order, used in proper procedure, acts as a rejuvinator. 62.

छायाशुष्कं ततो मूल मासं चूर्णीकृतं लिहन् । सर्पिषा मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां पिबन् वा पयसा यतिः॥ ६३॥

अम्भसा वा हितान्नाशी शतं जीवति नीरुजः । मेधावी बलवान् कान्तो वपुष्मान् दीप्तपावकः ॥ ६४ ॥

Its roots dried in shade, converted into nice powder, should be licked with ghee or mixture of ghee and honey or consumed along with milk, or water, for one month and partaking only healthy/suitable foods, the person lives for hundred years without any diseases, endowed with intellegence strength, radiance, pleasant look and good digestive power. 63-64.

तैलेन लीढो मासेन वातन् हन्ति सुदुस्तरान् ।

मुत्रेण श्वित्रकुष्ठानि पीतस्तक्रेण पायुजान् ॥ ६५ ॥

Licked with oil ( of sesame ) for a month it cures diseases caused by increase of vata which are difficult to cure, consumed along with cow’s urine, it cures leucoderma and leprosy and with butter milk it cures diseases arising in the rectum. 65.

Bhallataka yoga

भल्लातकानि पुष्टानि धान्यराशौ निधापयेत् । ग्रीष्मे संगृह्य हेमन्ते स्वादुस्निग्धहिमैर्वपुः ॥ ६६ ॥

संस्कृत्य तान्यष्टगुणे सलिलेऽष्टौ विपाचयेत् । अष्टांशशिष्टं तत्क्वाथं सक्षीरं शीतलं पिबेत् ॥ ६७ ॥

वर्धयेत्प्रत्यहं चानु तत्रैकैकमरुष्करम् । सप्तरात्रत्रयं यावत् त्रीणि त्रीणि ततः परम् ॥ ६८ ॥

आचत्वारिंशतस्तानि ह्रासयेद्वद्भिवत्ततः । सहस्त्रमुपयुञ्जीत सप्ताहैरिति सप्तभिः ॥ ६९ ॥

घृतक्षीरशालिषष्टिक भोजनः । यन्त्रितात्मा तद्वत्रिगुणितं कालं प्रयोगान्तेऽपि चाचरेत् ॥ ७० ॥

आशिषो लभतेऽपूर्वा वर्दीप्तिं विशेषतः । प्रमेहकृमिकुष्ठार्शोमेदोदोषविवर्जितः ॥ ७१ ॥

Well grown Bhallataka (fruits) should be collected during grisma (summer) and buried in a heap of corn. During hemanta (autumn ) the person who has got his body conditioned by the use of sweet, unctuous and cold things (foods) etc. should boil bhallataka fruits-eight in number-in eight times of water and reduce the decoction to one-eight part and when it cools it should be mixed with milk and consumed. One bhallataka should be increased every day, till three weeks and after that period it should be increased by three, every day till it becomes forty; then onwards, it should be decreased in the same way it was increased. In this manner in a course of seven weeks one hundred bhallataka should be made use of. The person should control himself, partake ghee, milk, sali, or sastika rice only as food. Even after the therapy this regimen of diet should be followed for two or three days. By this unique recipe, the person gets great benefits, increase of digestive power more than previously, gets cured of diabetes, worms, leprosy, heamorrhoids and disorders of fat tissue. 66-71.

पिष्टस्वेदनमरुजैः पूर्णे भल्लातकैविर्जर्जरितैः । भूमिनिखाते कुम्भे प्रतिष्ठितं कृष्णमृल्लिप्तम् ॥ ७२ ॥

परिवारितं समन्तात्पचेत्ततो गोमयाग्निना मृदुना । तत्स्वरसो यश्च्यवते गृह्णीयात्तं दिनेऽन्यस्मिन् ॥ ७३ ॥

अमुमुपयुज्य स्वरसं मध्वष्टमभागिकं द्विगुणसर्पिः । पूर्वविधियन्त्रितात्मा प्राप्नोति गुणान् स तानेव ॥ ७४ ॥

A vessel used for cooking the paste (of rice etc.) is filled with good bhallataka, slightly crushed. It is placed on a pot buried in the ground and both sealed with black mud. (After it dries) it is cooked by mild fire of a small heap of cowdung cakes. The juice that drops into the pot is taken out the next day. This is used mixed with eight parts of honey and two parts of ghee; the person should follow the regimen described previously. By this recipe also he obtains all the benefits as told earlier. 72-74.

Notes: Two earthen saucers are requied. Three or four small holes should be made in the saucer into which bhallataka is to be filled. This should be covered with another saucer which has no holes. Both these should be sealed with mud and kept on the pot buried in the ground. So that the saucer with holes sits tight on the mouth of the pot.

पुष्ट पाकेन परिच्युतानि भल्लातकान्याढकसम्मितानि । घृष्ट्वेष्टिकाचूर्णकर्णैर्जलेन प्रक्षाल्य संशोष्य च मारुतेन ॥ ७५ ॥

जर्जराणि विपचेज्जलकुम्भे पादशेषधृतगालितशीतम् । तद्रसं पुनरपि श्रपयेत क्षीरकुम्भसहितं चरणस्थे ॥ ७६ ॥

सर्पिः पक्कं तत्र तुल्यप्रमाणं युञ्ज्यात्स्वेच्छं शर्कराया रजोभिः । एकीभूतं तत्खजक्षोभणेन स्थाप्यं धान्ये सप्तरात्रं सुगुप्तम् ॥ ७७॥

तममतरसपाकं यः प्रगे प्राशमश्रन् अनु पिबति यथेष्टं वारि दुग्धं रसं वा ।

स्मृतिमतिबलमेधासत्त्वसारैरुपेतः कनकनिचयगौरः सोऽश्नुते दीर्घमायुः ॥ ७८ ॥

Well-grown bhallataka, one adhaka in quantity is boiled in water, dried, macerated along with the powder of a brick, washed in water and dried in the air. It should then be crushed and boiled in one kumbha of water and decoction reduced to a quarter and filtered. This liquid is boiled again adding one kumbha of milk, when it gets reduced to a quarter equal quantity of ghee and powdered suger are added. It is taken out, put into a container which is kept hidden inside a heap of corn for a week.

This, similar to nector, consumed in the morning daily, followed by drinking either warm milk or meat juice, bestows good power of memory, intellect, strength, ingeneity, good thought, golden colour to the skin and long life. 75-78.

द्रोणेऽम्भसो व्रणकृतां त्रिशताद्विपक्वात् क्वाथाढके पलसमैस्तिलतैलपात्रम् ।

तिक्ताविषाद्वयवरागिरिजन्मताक्ष्यैः सिद्धं परं निखिलकुष्ठनिबर्हणाय ॥ ७९ ॥

Three hundred (by number) of bhallataka, slightly crushed are boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to one adhaka. To this are added one patra (adhaka) of taila and a paste of one pala each of tikta, the two visa, vara, girijanma and tarksya and medicated oil cooked. This cures all types of leprosy. 79.

सहामलकशुक्तिभिर्दधिसरेण तैलेन वा । गुडेन पयसा घृतेन यवसक्तुभिर्वा सह ।

तिलेन सह माक्षिकेण पललेन सूपेन वा वपुष्करमरुष्करं परममेध्यमायुष्करम् ॥ ८० ॥

aruskara (bhallataka) consumed (in suitable form of recipes) with either the husk of amalaka, dadhisara, taila, guda, payas, ghrta, yavasaktu, tila, maksika, palala, or supa makes the body strong, bestows great intellegence and long life. 80.

भल्लातकानि तीक्ष्णानि पाकीन्यग्निसमानि च ।

भवन्त्यमृतकल्पानि प्रयुक्तानि यथाविधि ॥ ८१ ॥

Bhallataka possesses the property of tiksna (penetrating) and similar to fire in digestion; used in proper manner, it is similar to nector in effect. 81.

कफजो न स रोगोऽस्ति न विबन्धोऽस्ति कश्चन ।

यं न भल्लातकं हन्याच्छीघ्रमग्निबलप्रदम् ॥ ८२॥

There is no disease born of kapha and no obstruction which bhallataka does not cure and bestow strength to the digestive fire quickly. 82.

वातातपविधानेऽपि विशेषेण विवर्जयेत् । कुलत्थदधिशुक्तानि तैलाभ्यङ्गाग्निसेवनम् ॥ ८३ ॥

Even in vatatapika ( rasayana) method (where bhallataka is used ) the following should be specially avoided, kulattha, dadhi, sukta, tailabhyanga (oil bath) and agnisevana (sitting near the fire). 83.

Tuvaraka yoga

पश्चिमार्णवतीरजाः । वृक्षास्तुवरका नाम वीचीतरङ्गविक्षोभमारुतोद्धूतपल्लवाः फलान्याददीत ।। ८४ ॥

तेभ्यः सुपक्वान्यम्बुदागमे । मज्ज्ञः फलेभ्यश्चादाय शोषयित्वाऽवचूर्ण्य च ॥ ८५ ॥

तिलवत् पीडयेद् द्रोण्यां, क्वाथयेद्वा कुसुम्भवत् । तत्तैलं सम्भृतं भूयः पचेदासलिलक्षयात् ॥ ८६ ॥

अवतार्य करीषे च पक्षमात्रं निधापयेत् । स्निग्धस्विन्नो हृतमलः पक्षादुद्धृत्य तत्ततः ॥ ८७ ॥

चतुर्थभक्तान्तरितः प्रातः पाणितलं पिबेत् । ॥ ८९॥” मन्त्रेणानेन पूतस्य तैलस्य दिवसे शुभे ॥ ८८ ॥

“मज्जसार महावीर्य सर्वान् धातून् विशोधय ।

शङ्खचक्रगदापाणिस्त्वामाज्ञापयतेऽच्युतः तेनास्योर्ध्वमधस्ताच्च दोषा यान्त्यसकृत्ततः । सायमस्नेहलवणां यवागूं शीतलां पिबेत् ॥ ९० ॥

पञ्चाहानि पिबेत्तैलमित्थं वर्ज्यान् विवर्जयन् । मुद्गरसान्नाशी पक्षं सर्वकुष्ठैर्विमुच्यते ॥ ९१ ॥

Trees by name tuvaraka, grow on the coast of western ocean, their tender leaves swinging by the winds caused by the tidal waves. Well ripened fruits of these trees should be collected during cloudy or rainy season. The marrow of the fruits should then be seperated, dried, powdered and oil extracted from it in the manner of pressing tila (sesame) in a mill or of boiling in the manner of kusumbha. This oil is again boiled in the fire of cowdung till all the water gets evaporated. It is filled into a container which is concealed in a heap of (ash of ) cowdung for a fornight.

The person who has undergone oleation, sudation and purificatory therapies, should consume this oil, one panitala (karsa) in quantity in the morning, in between the morsels of foods, after sanctifying the oil with the following sacred

hymn, Oh, you, the essence of the marrow, the valiant, purify all the dhiatus (tissue) you are ordered thus by Achyuta who holds the sankha, cakra and gada in his hands”.

Soon after wards, the dosas begin to come out (of the body) from above (through vomiting) and below (through purgation). In the evening he should drink yavagu ( thin gruel) without fats and salts and made cool. In this manner, oil (of tuvaraka) should be consumed for five days, avoiding the forbidden (foods etc.) consumed for a fortnight and partaking soup of mudga and boiled rice as food and the person gets relieved of all the varieties of leprosy. 84-91.

तदेव खदिरक्वाथे त्रिगुणे साधु साधितम् । निहितं पूर्ववत्पक्षं पिबेन्मासं सुयन्त्रितः ॥ ९२ ॥

तेनाभ्यक्तशरीरश्च कुर्वन्नाहारमीरितम् । ( भिन्नस्वरं रक्तनेत्रं शीर्णाङ्गं कृमिभक्षितम् ।)

अनेनाशु प्रयोगेण साधयेत्कुष्ठिनं नरम् ॥ ९३ ।।

The same (oil of tuvaraka) boiled with three times of its quantity of decoction of khadira, kept in the heap of (ash of) cowdung for a fortnight and then consumed for a period of one month, adhering to the regimen of diet etc. as earlier and anointing the body with this oil itself; by this method the patient of leprosy should be treated quickly. 92-93.

सर्पिर्मधुयुतं पीतं तदेव खदिराद्विना । पीतं पक्षं मांसरसाहारं करोति द्विशतायुषम् ॥ ९४ ॥

The same (oil of tuvaraka) added with ghee and honey, without adding decoction of khadira, consumed for a fortnight, partaking meat juice (soup) as food; makes the life of man to be two hundred years. 94.

तदेव नस्ये पञ्चाशद्दिवसानुपयोजितम् । ( वलीपलितनिर्मुक्तं स्थिरस्मृतिकचाद्विजम् ।) वपुष्मतं श्रुतधरं करोति त्रिशतायुषम् ॥ ९५ ॥

The same used, in the form of nasal drops, for fifty days, makes the person free of wrinkles of the skin and grey hairs, have firm and smooth hair, good physique, good memory and three hundred years of life. 95.

Pippali yoga

पञ्चाष्टौ सप्त दश वा पिप्पलीर्मधुसर्पिषा । रसायनगुणान्वेषी समामेकां प्रयोजयेत् ॥ ९६ ॥

He who is desirous of rasayanaguna (effect for rejuvination) should consume for one year, daily, pippali five, eight, seven or ten in number added with honey and ghee.

तिस्त्रस्तिस्त्रस्तु पूर्वाहे भुक्त्वाऽग्रे भोजनस्य च | पिप्पल्यः किंशुकक्षारभाविता घृतभर्जिताः ॥ १७॥

प्रयोज्या मधुसम्मिश्रा रसायगुणैषिणा ।

Pippali soaked and macerated with the solution of ksara (ash) of kimsuka and fried in ghee, should be consumed in the morning daily before food, there in number mixed with honey, by the person who is in search of rejuvination effect. 97-98a.

Sahasra pippali yoga

क्रमवृद्ध्या दशाहानि दशपैप्पलिकं दिनम् ॥ ९८ ॥

वर्धयेत्पयसा सार्धं तथैवापनयेत्पुनः । जीर्णौषधश्च भुञ्जीत षष्टिकं क्षीरसर्पिषा ॥ ९९ ॥

पिप्पलीनां सहस्त्रस्य प्रयोगोऽयं रसायनम् । पिष्टास्ता बलिभिः पेयाः श्रुता मध्यबलैर्नरैः ।। १०० ।।

(शीतीकृता हीनबलैर्वीक्ष्य दोषामयान् प्रति ।)

Pippali, commencing with ten by number increased by ten on each succeeding day, should be consumed along with milk for ten days. It should be decreased in the same manner (reducing by ten each day ). After it gets digested, sastika rice boiled well should be consumed with milk and ghee. This sahasra pippali recipe is a rasayana (rejuvinator). It can be taken in the form of a paste by persons who are strong. (By the weak it can be taken, in the form of cold infusion, considering the condition of the dosas and the diseases. 98-100.

तद्वच्च छागदुग्धेन द्वे सहस्त्रे प्रयोजयेत् ।

In the same way, two thousand pippali can be adminis101a. tered along with goat’s milk.

एभिः प्रयोगैः पिप्पल्यः कासश्वासगलग्रहान् ॥ १०१ ॥

यक्ष्ममेहग्रहण्यर्शः पाण्डुत्वविषमज्वरान् । घ्नन्ति शोफं वमिं हिध्मां प्लीहानं वातशोणितम् ॥ १०२ ॥

By these recipes of pippali, diseases such as cough, dyspnoea, pain in the throat, consumption, diabetes, disease of the duodenum, haemorrhoids, anaemia, intermittent fevers, swelling, vomiting, hiccup, diseases of the spleen and gout, get cured. 101b-102.

बिल्वार्धमात्रेण च पिप्पलीनां पात्रं प्रलिम्पेदयसो निशायाम् । प्रातः पिबेत्तत्सलिलाञ्जलिभ्यां वर्षं यथेष्टाशनपानचेष्टः ॥ १०३ ॥

(The paste of) pippali, half-bilva in quantity (two karsa) should be smeared to the interior of an iron vessel, which is filled with water and kept over-night. Next morning two anjali of this water should be consumed. This should be continued for one year, the person iudulging in foods and drinks of his liking. 103.

शुण्ठीविडङ्गत्रिफलागुडूचीयष्टीहरिद्रातिबलाबलाश्च मुस्तासुराह्वागुरुचित्रकाश्च सौगन्धिकं पङ्कजमुत्पलानि ॥ १०४ ॥

धवाश्वकर्णासनबालपत्रसारास्तथा पिप्पलिवत् प्रयोज्याः । लोहोपलिप्ताः पृथगेव जीवेत्समाः शतं व्याधिजराविमुक्तः ॥ १०५ ॥

Sunthi, vidanga, triphala, guduci, yasti, haridra, atibala, bala, musta, surahva, aguru, citraka, saugandhika, pankaja, utpala, dhava asvakarna, asana and balapatrasara-each one can be used individually like pippali, coated to iron vessel; by their use the person lives for a hundred years without diseases and old age. 104-105.

क्षीराञ्जलिभ्यां च रसायनानि युक्तान्यमून्यायसलेपनानि । कुर्वन्ति पूर्वोक्तगुणप्रकर्षमायुः प्रकर्षं द्विगुणं ततश्च ॥ १०६ ॥

These (above mentioned rejuvinators drugs) coated to iron vessel and consumed along with two anjali of milk, augment the benefits enumerated earlier and double the span of life. 106.

Somaraji yoga

असनखदिरयूषैर्भावितां सोमराजीं मधुघृतशिखिपथ्यालोहचूर्णैरुपेताम् ।

शरदमवलिहानः परिणामान् विकारांस्त्यजति मितहिताशी तद्वदाहारजातान् ॥ १०७॥

in the decoction of Somaraji soaked and macerated asana and khadira, added with the powder of sikhi, pathya and lohacurna, cooked to form a avaleha ( confection) honey and ghee are added after it cools. Consumed for one year this confection Cures disorders of old age and by partaking suitable foods in limited quantity, it relieves even the 107. disease caused by bad diet.

तीव्रेण कुष्ठेन परीतमूर्तिर्यः सोमराजीं नियमेन खादेत् । संवत्सरं कृष्णतिलद्वितीयां स सोमराजीं वपुषाऽतिशेते ॥ १०८ ॥

He who is suffering from leprosy all over the body, should consume somaraji added with krsna tila in the prescribed manner for one year, become not only cured of it 108. but even exceels moonlight in complexion.

ये सोमराज्या वितुषीकृतायाश्चर्णैरुपेतात् पयसः सुजातात् । उद्धृत्य सारं मधुना लिहन्ति तक्रं तदेवानु पिबन्ति चान्ते ॥ १०९ ॥

कुष्ठिनः शीर्यमाणाङ्गास्ते जाताङ्गुलिनासिकाः । भान्ति वृक्षा इव पुनः प्ररूढनवपल्लवाः ॥ ११० ॥

Somaraji seeds, dehusked and powdered are added to milk, which is curdled and churned. Its essence ( ghee) is then prepared and licked along with honey, followed by drinking of the same buttermilk. By doing this, patients of leprosy whose body parts are withering away, who have loss of fingers and nose, regain them soon, like trees bringing 109-110. new sprouts.

Lasuna yoga

(शीतवातहिमदग्धतनूनां स्तब्धभग्नकुटिलव्यथितास्थ्नाम् । भेषजस्य पवनोपहतानां वक्ष्यते विधिरतो लशुनस्य ॥ १ ॥)

(Now, will be described the recipes of lasuna which is the best remedy for those suffering from diseases due to cold breeze and snow, whose body is rigid ( loss of movement) fractured, curved and painful bone and joints, who are struck by aggravated vata ( diseases of vata).

राहोरमृतचौर्येण लूनाद्ये पतिता गलात् । अमृतस्य कणा भूमौ ते रसोनत्वमागताः ॥ १११ ॥

द्विजा नाश्नन्ति तमतो दैत्यदेहसमुद्भवम् । साक्षादमृतसम्भूतेर्ग्रामणोः स रसायनम् ॥ ११२ ॥

Drops of nector which fell on the ground from the severed neck of Rahu who stole the nector become transformed into rasona; the twice born ( brahmanas) do not eat it because it is born from the body of a demon. Since it is actually born out of nector, it is a best rasayana (rejuvinator). 111-112.

शीलयेल्लशुनं शीते, वसन्तेऽपि कफोल्बणः । घनोदयेऽपि वातार्तः सदा वा ग्रीष्मलीलया ॥ ११३ ॥

शीतमधुरोपस्कृताशयः । चर्चितानुचराजिरः ॥ ११४॥ स्निग्धशुद्धतनुः तदुत्तंसावतंसाभ्यां

Lasuna should be consumed during cold season, even during spring if kapha is greatly increased, during rainy seasons by persons suffering from aggravation of vata, or at all seasons if the regimen advocated for summer is adhered to. The person should have his body oleated and purified, partake foods which are cold (in potency) sweet in taste etc. surrounded by attendants who have adorned themselves with garlands, ear-ring and ungents, moving quickly nearby. 113-114.

तस्य कन्दान् वसन्तान्ते हिमवच्छकदेशजान्। अपनीतत्वचो रात्रौ तत्कल्कस्वरसं प्रातः शुचितान्तवपीडितम् ।

मदिराया: सुरूढायास्त्रिभागेन समन्वितम् ॥ ११६ ॥

मद्यस्यान्यस्य तक्रस्य मस्तुनः काञ्जिकस्य वा । तत्काल एव वा युक्तं युक्तमालोच्य मात्रया ॥ ११७॥

तैलसर्पिर्वसामज्जक्षीरमांसरसैः तिमयेन्मदिरादिभिः ॥ ११५ ॥

पृथक् । क्वाथेन वा यथाव्याधि रसं केवलमेव वा ॥ ११८ ॥

पिबेद्गण्डूषमात्रं प्राक् कण्ठनाडीविशुद्धये ।

Its tubers (bulbs of lasuna) obtained at the end of spring season either from the regions of the Himavat of Saka country, should be removed of its husk and soaked in madira ( a kind of wine ) etc. in the night. Next morning it should be macerated with the same liquid, filtered through cloth. The filtered juice mixed with three times its quantity of either wine, buttermilk, water of curd, or gurel or oil, ghee muscle, fat, marrow, milk, meat juice or any decocion of durgs appropritate to the diseases or the filtered juice alone should be consumed in the morning. Before this, gandusa (holding liquids in the mouth) should be done to purify the passage of the throat. 115-119a.

प्रततं स्वेदनं चानु वेदनायां प्रशस्यते ॥ ११९ ॥ शीताम्बुसेकः सहसा वमिमूर्च्छाययोर्मुखे ।

If the person develops pain, frequent fomentations and in case of vomitting and fainting sprinkling/cold water on the face should be done. 119-120a.

शेषं पिबेत् क्लमापाये स्थिरतां गत ओजसि ॥ १२० ॥

The remaining portion of the juice should be consumed after steadiness and relief of exhaustion. 120b.

विदाहपरिहाराय परं शीतानुलेपनः । धारयेत्साम्बुकणिका मुक्ताकर्पूरमालिकाः ॥ १२१ ॥

The get rid of burning sensation all over the body it is ideal to smear the paste of drugs in cold condition, wear garland of pearls and camphor sprinkled with water.

कुडवोऽस्य परा मात्रा तदर्धं केवलस्य तु | पलं पिष्टस्य तन्मज्ज्ञः सभक्तं प्राक् च शीलयेत् ॥ १२२ ॥

Its juice (of lasuna ) along with madira, maximum dose, is one kudava and half of it, the minimum dose, one pala is the dose of the paste of its marrow which should be consumed before food and along with food also. 122.

जीर्णशाल्योदनं जीर्णे शङ्खकुन्देन्दुपाण्डुरम् । भुञ्जीत यूषैः पयसा रसैर्वा धन्वचारिणाम् ॥ १२३ ॥

After its digestion, boiled rice of old sali which is white like the conchshell, jasmine and moon, should be consumed either with soups, milk or juice of meat of animals living in desert like lands. 123.

मद्यमेकं पिबेत्तत्र तृद्प्रबन्धे जलान्वितम् । अमद्यपस्त्वारनालं फलाम्बु परिसिक्थकाम् ॥ १२४ ॥

Wine mixed with water only should be consumed to relieve the thirst; those not addicted to wine should drink fermented ricewash, fruit juices and thin gruel. 124.

तत्कल्कं वा समघृतं घृतपात्रे खजाहतम् ।

स्थितं दशाहादश्नीयात्तद्वद्वा वसया समम् ॥ १२५ ॥

Its paste (of lasuna) added with equal quantity of ghee mixed well by churning it inside a vessel, should be kept undisturbed for ten days and then consumed later, similarly vasa (muscle fat) may also be added and used. 125.

विकञ्चकप्राज्यरसोनगर्भान् सशूल्यमांसान् विविधोपदंशान् । निमर्दकान् वा घृतशुक्तयुक्तान् प्रकाममद्याल्लघु तुच्छमश्नन् ॥ १२६ ॥

He who consumes, meat containing dehusked lasuna inside, pierced with an iron rod and roasted on fire along with different kinds side dishes, or who consumes nimardaka (a menu of cooked meat added with spices) along with sukta (vinegar) and ghee to his utmost satisfaction, should eat very light foods in very less quantity ( on that day). 126.

पित्तरक्तविनिर्मुक्तसमस्तावरणावृते ।

शुद्धे वा विद्यते वायौ न द्रव्यं लशुनात्परम् ॥ १२७ ॥

There is no drug better than lasuna for the treatment of all types of avarana vata except from pitta and rakta and of all kinds of suddhavata (diseases caused by vata not associated with other dosas). 127.

प्रियाम्बुगुडदुग्धस्य मांसमद्याम्लविद्विषः ।

अतितिक्षोरजीर्णं च रसोनो व्यापदे ध्रुवम् ॥ १२८ ॥

Rasona (lasuna) is definitely harmful to those who are fond of water, jaggery and milk, who hate meat, wine and sour and who neglect indigestion. 128.

पित्तकोपभयादन्ते युञ्यान्मृदु विरेचनम् । रसायनगुणानेवं परिपूर्णान् समनुते ॥ १२९ ॥

At the end of rasona ( lasuna) therapy, a mild purgation should be administered, to dispel the fear of increase of pitta. By this, the effect of rejuvinatory therapy becomes complete. 129.

Silajatu yoga

ग्रीष्मेंऽर्कतप्ता गिरयो जतुतुल्यं वमन्ति यत् । हेमादिषड्धातुरसं प्रोच्यते तच्छिलाजतु ॥ १३०॥

In summer, due to the heat of the sun, the mountains vomit out (exude ) a juice of the six metals such as gold etc. resembling lac; that is spoken of as silajatu. 130.

सर्वं च तिक्तकटुकं नात्युष्णं कटु पाकतः ।

छेदनं च विशेषेण लौहं तत्र प्रशस्यते ।। १३१ ।।

All (varieties of it) are bitter, pungent, not very hot in potency, pungent at the end of digestion and especially possess the propery of chedana (excision), among these, that coming out from iron is best. 131.

गोमूत्रगन्धि कृष्णं गुग्गुल्वाभं विशर्करं मृत्स्नम् ।

स्निग्धमनम्लकाषायं मृदु गुरु च शिलाजतु श्रेष्ठम् ॥ १३२ ॥

Smell like that of cow’s urine, black colour, resembling guggulu (in consistence ) , devoid of stones, softness, unctuousness, non-sour, non-astringent, soft and heavy-are the properties of a good silajatu. 132.

व्याधिव्याधितसात्म्यं समनुस्मरन् भावयेदयः पात्रे ।

प्राक् केवलजलधौतं शुष्कं क्वाथैस्ततो भाव्यम् ॥ १३३ ॥ It should be washed first with only water and dried and then soaked in the decoction of drugs suitable to the disease and the diseased, and then kept in an iron vessel. 133.

समगिरिजमष्टगुणिते निःक्वाथ्यं भावनौषधं तोये । तन्निर्यूहेऽष्टांशे पूतोष्णे प्रक्षिपेद गिरिजम् ॥ १३४ ॥

तत्समरसतां यातं संशुष्कं प्रक्षिपेद्रसे भूयः । स्वैः स्वैरेवं क्वाथैर्भाव्यं वारान् भवेत्सप्त ।। १३५ ।।

Girija (silajatu) one part should be soaked in eight times that quantity of decoction, boiled till the decoction gets reduced to one-eight part, then it is filtered and silajatu dried. In this way it should soaked in own decoction (of the same drugs prepared fresh) for seven times (afterwards it is dried and preserved for use). 134-135.

अथ स्निग्धस्य शुद्धस्य घृतं तिक्तकसाधितम् । त्र्यहं युञ्जीत गिरिजमेकैकेन तथा त्र्यहम् ॥ १३६ ॥

फलत्रयस्य यूषेण पटोल्या मधुकस्य च। योगं योग्यं ततस्तस्य कालापेक्षं प्रयोजयेत् ॥ १३७ ॥

शिलाजमेवं देहस्य भवत्यत्युपकारकम् । गुणान् समग्रान् कुरुते सहसा व्यापदं न च ॥ १३८ ॥

Next, the person who has been administered oleation and purificatory therapies, should be made to consume ghee prepared with drugs of bitter taste three days; then he should consume girija (slajatu) with the decoction of triphala, patola and madhuka, for three days (each one seperately and on succeeding days) this is the way of silajatu administration which is highly beneficial to the body, bestows all the good effects immediately but not any disease.


एकत्रिसप्तसप्ताहं कर्षमर्धपलं पलम् । हीनमध्योत्तमो योगः शिलाजस्य क्रमान्मतः ॥ १३९ ॥

The minimum, moderate and maximum dose of silajatu are karsa, half-pala and pala respectively; and the duration of use, one week, three weeks and seven weeks respectively. 139

संस्कृतं संस्कृते देहे प्रयुक्तं गिरिजाह्वयम् । युक्तं व्यस्तैः समस्तैर्वा ताम्रायोरूप्यहेमभिः ॥ १४० ॥

क्षीरेणालोडितं कुर्याच्छीघ्रं रासायनं फलम् । कुलत्थान् काकमाचीं च कपोताश्च सदा त्यजेत् ॥ १४१ ॥

Girija (silajatu) properly processed, administered to pirsons who have been properly prepared/purified either alone or mixed with bhasma ( ash) of tamra (copper) ayas (iron) rupya (silver) hema (gold) stirred in milk bestows the benefits of rejuvination quickly. During its use, kulattha, kakamaci and kapota (pigeon meat ) should be avoided (as food) always. 140-141.

न सोऽस्ति रोगो भुवि साध्यरूपो जत्वश्मजं यं न जयेत् प्रसह्य ।

तत् कालयोगैर्विधिवत् प्रयुक्तं स्वस्थस्य चोर्जां विपुलां दधाति ॥ १४२ ॥

son. There is no curable disease on earth which silajatu does not cure, used in proper manner and time; it bestows uncomparable strength and vigour even to the healthy per142.

Vatatapika rasayana vidhi

कुटीप्रवेशः क्षणिनां परिच्छदवतां हितः । अतोऽन्यथा तु ये तेषां सौर्यमारुतिको विधिः ॥ १४३ ॥

Kutipravesa method is suitable only to those who are free of all encumberances and who can afford all the paraphernalia required. for others who do not have these, the best is suryamarutika (vatatapika) method. 143.

योगा वक्ष्यन्तेऽतो विशेषतः ।

वातातपसहा सुखोपचारा भ्रंशेऽपि ये न देहस्य बाधकाः ॥ १४४ ॥

Hence, further on will be described, medicinal formulae which can be consumed especially by those pesons who are prone to be exposed to sun and wind and which do not cause harm to the body ene though deficiencies occur in 144. providing comfort ( during the treatment).

शीतोदकं पयः क्षौद्रं घृतमेकैकशो द्विशः ।

त्रिशः समस्तमथवा प्राक् पीतं स्थापयेद्वयः ॥ १४५ ॥ Cold water, milk, honey and ghee- each one sparately or in combination of two. Three or all together, consumed befor food with holds ageing. 145.

Haritaki yoga

गुडेन मधुना शुण्ठ्या कृष्णया लवणेन वा ।

द्वे द्वे खादन् सदा पथ्ये जीवेद्वर्षशतं सुखी ॥ १४६ ॥

Consuming two pathya daily along with either jaggery, honey, sunthi, krsna or lavana (saindhava) lives happily for hundred years. 146.

हरीतकीं सर्पिषि सम्प्रताप्य समश्नतस्तत् पिबतो घृतं च । भवेच्चिरस्थायि बलं शरीरे सकृत् कृतं साधु यथा कृतज्ञे ॥ १४७ ॥

Frying haritaki in ghee, eating it, followed by drinking ghee, makes the strength to stay long in the body, just as the memory of help done even once, stays long in a grateful person. 147.

धात्रीरसक्षौद्रसिताघृतानि हिताशनानां लहितां नराणाम् । प्रणाशमायान्ति जराविकारा ग्रन्था विशाला इव दुर्गृहीताः ॥ १४८ ॥

Diseases of old disappear in the person who licks the juice of dhatri, added with honey, sugar and ghee and then consumes healthy/suitable foods only, just as the person (perishes) who does not read a great treaties properly. 148.

धात्रीकृमिघ्नासनसारचूर्णं सतैलसर्पिर्मधुलोहरेणु ।

निषेवमाणस्य भवेन्नरस्य तारुण्यलावण्यमविप्रणष्टम् ॥ १४९ ॥

The person regains his youth and good complexion though lost, by consuming daily the powder dhatri, krmighna and asana sara mixed with oil of sesame, ghee, honey and powder ( ash) of loha (iron). 149.

लोहं रजो वेल्लभवं च सर्पिः क्षौद्रद्रुतं स्थापितमब्दमात्रम् । समुद्गने बीजकसारक्लृप्ते लिहन् बली जीवति कृष्णकेशः ॥ १५० ॥

Powder (ash) of loha and of vella mixed with ghee and honey, kept sealed inside saucers prepared from bijasara and. kept for one year. Used afterwards, the person lives with good strength and black hairs. 150.

विडङ्गभल्लातकनागराणि येऽश्नन्ति सर्पिर्मधुसंयुतानि ।

जरानदीं रोगतरङ्गिणीं ते लावण्ययुक्ताः पुरुषास्तरन्ति ॥ १५१ ॥

Persons who habitually, consume vidanga, bhallataka and nagara added with ghee and honey can swim across the river of old age and ocean of disease and live happily. 151.

खदिरासनयूषभावितायास्त्रिफलाया घृतमाक्षिकप्लुतायाः । नियमेन नरा निषेवितारो यदि जीवन्त्यरुजः किमत्र चित्रम् ॥ १५२ ॥

What wonder is there if the persons who consume triphala soaked and macerated in the decoction of khadira and asana and then added with ghee and honey, in the proper manner, lead a life free of diseases ? 152.

बीजकस्य रसमङ्गलिहार्यं शर्करां मधु घृतं त्रिफलां च । शीलयत्सु पुरुषेषु जरत्ता स्वगताऽपि विनिवर्तत एव ॥ १५३ ॥

Juice of bijaka made suitable to be lifted by the finger (made solid by boiling) added with sugar, honey, ghee and powder of triphala and consumed daily as a habit by a person who afflicted by old age even dislikes welcome (honourable welcome) as a old man (but prefers to be called 153. young).

पुनर्नवस्यार्धपलं नवस्य पिष्टं पिबेद्यः पयसाऽर्धमासम् । मासद्वयं तत्रिगुणं समां वा जीर्णोऽपि भूयः स पुनर्नवः स्यात् ॥ १५४ ॥

Hafl-pala of fresh punarnava made into a paste and consumed with milk for half a mouth, two months, six months or one year-such a person though old, becomes young again. 154.


कालानुसार्यागुरुचन्दनानां वदन्ति पौनर्नवमेव कल्पम् ॥ १५५ ॥

Murva, brhati, amsumati, bala, usira, patha asana, sariva, kalanusari, aguru and candana-each can also be used in the same manner as of punarnava. 155.

शतावरीकल्ककषायसिद्धं ये सर्पिरश्नन्ति सिताद्वितीयम् । तान् जीविताध्वानमभिप्रपन्नान्न विप्रलुम्पन्ति विकारचौराः ॥ १५६ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with the paste and decoction of satavari added with two parts of sugar-consumed by the person daily will not be waylaid by theives/robbers known as diseases. 156.

पीताऽश्वगन्धा पयसाऽर्धमासं घृतेन तैलेन सुखाम्बुना वा ।

कृशस्य पुष्टिं वपुषो विधत्ते बालस्य सस्यस्य यथा सुवृष्टिः ॥ १५७ । 157.

Asvagandha consumed along with either ghee, oil or warm water for a period of half a month makes a emaciated body of a child well grown just as the rain makes the plant. 408

दिने दिने कृष्णतिलप्रकुञ्चं समश्नतां शीतजलानुपानम् । पोषः शरीरस्य भवत्यनल्पो दृढीभवन्त्यामरणाच्च दन्ताः ॥ १५८ ।।

He who consumes one prakunca (pala) of krsna tila followed by drinking cold water every day gets his body, norished well and his teeth becomes firm till death. 158.

चूर्णं श्वदंष्ट्रामलकामतानां लिहन् ससर्पिर्मधुभागमिश्रम् । वृष: स्थिरः शान्तविकारदुःखः समाः शतं जीवति कृष्णकेशः ॥ १५९ ।।

He who consumes the powder of svadamstra, amalaka and amrta, added with ghee and honey daily, leads a life of virility, stability, free of both disease and misery, having black hair and hundred years. 159.

सार्धं तिलैरामलकानि कृष्णैरक्षाणि संक्षुद्यः हरीतकीर्वा ।

येऽधुर्मयुरा इव ते मनुष्या रम्यं परीणाममवाप्नुवन्ति ॥ १६० ॥

Amalaka should be boiled along with krsnatila and also with either aksa (vibhitaki) or haritaki and (all these made into a confection ) ; he who consumes this, becomes transformed like a peacock (become pleasing to look at). 160.

शिलाजतुक्षौद्रविडङ्गसर्पिर्लोहाभयापारदताप्यभक्षः दुर्बलदेहधातुस्त्रिपञ्चरात्रेण यथा आपूर्यते

Silajatu, honey, vidanga, ghee, loha ( iron ), abhaya, parada (mercury) and tapya-consumed replenishes the debilitated tissues of the body within fifteen days just like the moon. 161.

शशाङ्कः ः ॥ १६१ ॥

ये मासमेकं स्वरसं पिबन्ति दिने दिने भृङ्गरजःसमुत्थम् ।

क्षीराशिनस्ते बलीवीर्ययुक्ताः समाः शतं जीवितमानुवन्ति ॥ १६२ ॥

Those who drink the fresh juice of bhrngaraja, for one month and consume milk as food attain a life of hundred years endowed with strength and valour. 162.

मासं वचामप्युपसेवमानाः क्षीरेण तैलेन घृतेन वाऽपि । भवन्ति रक्षोभिरधृष्यरूपा मेधाविनो निर्मलमृष्टवाक्याः ॥ १६३ ॥

Those who make use of vacaa with either milk, oil or ghee, for a period of one month, become resistant to possession by demons, obtain great intellegence, good and clear speech. 163.

मण्डूकपर्णोमपि भक्षयन्तो भृष्टां घृते मासमनन्नभक्षाः । जीवन्ति कालं विपुलं प्रगल्भास्तारुण्यलावण्यगुणोदयस्थाः ॥ १६४ ॥

Those who consume even mandukaparni fried in ghee, for a period of one month and not eating boiled rice as food (but drinking only milk) lives for a long time enjoying youth, good appearance and virtues. 164.

लाङ्गलीत्रिफलालोहपलपञ्चाशता कृतम् ।

मार्कवस्वरसे षष्ट्या गुलिकानां शतत्रयम् ॥ १६५ ॥

छायाविशुष्कं गुलिकार्धमद्यात पूर्वं समस्तामपि तां क्रमेण । भजेद्विरिक्तः क्रमशश्च मण्डं पेयां विलेपीं रसकौदनं च ॥ १६६ ॥

सर्पिः स्निग्धं मासमेकं यतात्मा मासादूर्ध्वं सर्वथा स्वैरवृत्तिः । वर्ज्यं यत्नात्सर्वकालं त्वजीर्णं वर्षेणैवं योगमेवोपयुञ्ज्यात् ॥ १६७ ॥

भवति विगतरोगो योऽप्यसाध्यामर्यातः प्रबलपुरुषकारः शोभते योऽपि वृद्धः । उपचितपृथुगात्रश्रोत्रनेत्रादियुक्तः

स्तरुण इव समानां पञ्च जीवेच्छतानि ॥

Langali, triphala and loha (bhasma) together fifty pala, are macerated in the fresh juice of markava and made into three hundred and sixty pills and dried in shade. Half a pill should be consumed first and then gradually. all the pills. When purgations occur, he should drink manda, peya, vilepi, rasuadana added with ghee one after the other, for a period of one month. After one month, he can resort to any food he likes, avoiding indigestion always. By one year of this therapy the person becomes cured of all diseases which are even incurable, obtains good strength his body well developed and firm, sense organs like the ear and eye are keen, the old man shines like a youth and lives for five hundred years. 165-168.

Narasimha rasayana

१६८ ॥ गायत्रीशिखिशिंशिपासनशिवावेल्लाक्षकारुष्करान् ।

पिष्ट्वाऽष्टादशसंगुणेऽम्भसि धृतान् खण्डैः सहायोमयैः ।

पात्रे लोहमये त्र्यहं रविकरैरालोडयन् पाचये दग्नौ चानु मृदौ सलोहशकलं पादस्थितं तत्पचेत् ॥ १६९ ॥

पूतस्यांशः क्षीरतोंऽशस्तथांऽशौ भान्निर्यासाद् द्वौ वरायास्त्रयोंऽशाः ।

अंशाश्चत्वारश्चेह हैयङ्गवीनादेकीकृत्यैतत्साधयेत्कृष्णलौहे ॥ १७० ॥

विमलखण्डसितामधुभिः पृथक् युतमयुक्तमिदं यदि वा घृतम् ।

स्वरुचिभोजनपानविचेष्टितो भवति ना पलश: परिशीलयन् ॥ १७१ ॥

श्रीमान्निधूतपाप्मा वनमहिषबलो वाजिवेगः स्थिराङ्गः केशैर्भृङ्गाङ्गनीलैर्मधुरसुरभिमुखो नैकयोषिन्निषेवी ।

वाङ्मेधाधीसमृद्धः सुपटुहुतवहो मासमात्रोपयोगाद् धत्तेऽसौ नारसिंहं वपुरनलशिखातप्तचामीकराभम् ॥ १७२ ॥

अत्तारं नारसिंहस्य व्याधयो न स्पृशन्त्यपि ।

चक्रोज्जवलभुजं भीता नारसिंहमिवासुराः ॥ १७३ ॥

Gayatri, sikhi, simsipa, asana, siva, vella, aksaka and aruskara are made into a paste, put into eighteen parts of water kept in an iron cauldron placed in sunlight and be stirred constantly with an iron laddle for three days. After wards, it should be cooked with mild fire till the quantity is reduced to a quater. It is then filtered and mixed with equal quantity of milk, two parts of decoction of vara (triphala ) and four parts of ghee-all mixed well and medicated ghee cooked in an iron vessel. This ghee consumed either with the pwoder of pure sugarcandy and honey` or without it, in doses of one pala, the person indulging in foods, drinks and activities which he likes, becomes wealthy, deviod of sins, strong as a wild buffalo, swift like a horse, with steady physque with hair having the blue colour like the bee, face shining like nector, liked by many women, brimming with speech, intellect, wisdom, keen digestive power, strong body like that of Narasimha, shining like the molten gold by use within one month. Diseases will not effect the person who consumes this Narasimha (rasayana) just as the Asuras do not attack Lord Narasimha adorned with the shining disc in his hand, being terrified. 169-173.

भृङ्गप्रवालनमुनैव भृष्टान् घृतेन यः खादति यान्त्रितात्मा । विशुद्धकोष्ठोऽसनसारसिद्धदुग्धानुपस्तत्कृतभोजनार्थः ॥ १७४॥

मासोपयोगात् स सुखी जीवत्यब्दशतत्रयम् । गृह्णाति सकृदप्युक्तमविलुप्तस्मृतिन्द्रियः ॥ १७५ ॥

Tender sprouts of bhrnga fried in this ghee only consumed by the person who has prurified his alimentary tract and drinking milk boiled with asanasara and food along with that milk By its use of month, in this way, the person becomes happy, healthy, lives for three hundred years, remembers things once told or left untold and even extra-sensory knowledge.

अनेनैव च कल्पेन यस्तैलमुपयोजयेत् । तानेवाप्नोति स गुणान् कृष्णाकेशश्च जायते ॥ १७६॥

Even the medicated oil prepared in this manner bestows the same benefits and black hair also. 176.

उक्तानि शक्यानि फलान्वितानि युगानुरूपाणि रसायनानि ।

महानुशंसान्यपि चापराणि प्राप्त्यादिकष्टानि न कीर्तितानि ॥ १७७॥

Only those rejuvinatory recipes which are easily available, which bestow benefits and suitable to the age (period of the athor) were described so far and not other, though 177. yeilding great benefit and are difficult to procure.

रसायनविधिभ्रंशाज्जायेरन् व्याधयो यदि ।

यथास्वमौषधं तेषां कार्यं मुक्त्वा रसायनम् ॥ १७८ ॥

If by lapse or trangression of rules of rejuvinatory therapy, diseases were to appear, then they should be treated suitably, suspending the use of rejuvinatory recipes.

सत्यवादिकनमक्रोधमध्यात्मप्रवणेन्द्रियम् ।

शान्तं सद्वृत्तनिरतं विद्यान्नित्यरसायनम् ॥ १७९ ॥

The person who speak the truth, who does not become angry, who engages his sense organs ( and mind) in the pursuit of knowledge of soul etc. who is calm and who always undulges in good activities only should be considered as receiveing Nitya rasayana (daily) rejuvinatory therapy. 179.

गुणैरेभिः समुदित: सेवते यो रसायनम् ।

स निवृत्तात्मा दीर्घायुः परत्रेह च मोदते ॥ १८० ॥

He who endowed with these qualities, consumes the rejuvinatory recipes, becomes free from the bondage of birth and death, enjoys long life in this life and also in the next.

शास्त्रानुसारिणी चर्या चितज्ञाः पार्श्ववर्तिनः ।

बुद्धिरस्खलिताऽर्थेषु परिपूर्णं रसायनम् ॥ १८१ ॥

Rejuvinatory therapy is complete when indulgence in activities as ordained by the scriptures, under-standing of the mind of the persons nearby, mind unwavering by the (effect of) objects (of sense organs) become possible. 181.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने रसायनविधिर्नाम एकोनचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः ॥ ३९ ॥ Thus ends the chapter Rasayana vidhi-the thirtyninth in Uttara-sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

इति रसायनाख्यं सप्तममङ्गं समाप्तम् ।

Thus ends the Jara cikitsa/ Rasayana tantra-the seventh branch of Ayurveda.


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