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ashtanga hridayaMUSIKA-ALARKA VISA PRATISEDHA - Treatment of poison of mouse and dog bite...

MUSIKA-ALARKA VISA PRATISEDHA – Treatment of poison of mouse and dog bite – Ashtanga Hridaya Chapter 38

अथातो मूषिकालर्कविषप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्यामः । स्माहुरात्रेयादयो इति ह महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter-Musika-alarka visa pratisedha-treatment of poison of mouse and ( rabid ) dog; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Musika bheda – types of mice / rats

लालनश्चपलः पुत्रो हसिरश्चिक्किरोऽजिरः । कषायदन्तः कुलकः कोकिल: कपिलोऽसितः ॥ १ ॥

अरुणः शबलः श्वेतः कपोतः पलितोन्दुरः। छुच्छुन्दरो रसालाख्यो दशाष्टौ चेति मूषिकाः ॥ २ ॥

Lalana, capala, putra, hasira, cikkira, ajira, kasayadanta, kulaka, kokila, kapila, asita, aruna, sabala, sveta, kapota, palitaundura, chuchundara and rasala-these are the eighteen kinds of mice/rats. 1-2.

Musika sukra sparsa laksana – symptoms from contact of semen

शुक्रं पतति यत्रैषां शुक्रदिग्धैः स्पृशन्ति वा । यदङ्गमङ्गैस्तत्रास्त्रे दूषिते पाण्डुतां गते ॥ ३ ॥

ग्रन्थयः श्वयथुः कोठो मण्डलानि भ्रमोऽरुचिः । शीतज्वरोऽतिरुक्सादो वेपथुः पर्वभेदनम् ॥ ४ ॥

रोमहर्ष: स्रुतिर्मूर्च्छा दीर्घकालानुबन्धनम् । श्लेष्मानुबद्धबह्वाऽऽखु ऋच्छर्दनं सतृट् ॥ ५ ॥

The part of the body which comes in contact with their semen directly or through cloth contaminated by it, there the blood becomes vitiated and pale ( white); small nodules, swelling, rashes and pigmented patches appear, accompanied with dizziness, loss of taste / apptite, cold and fever, severe pain, debility, rigors, cutting pain in the joints, horripilations, bleeding, fainting, persistence of symptoms

for long time, vomiting of kapha with plenty of masses resembling rats and thirst. 3-5.

व्यवाय्याखुविषं कृच्छ्रं भूयो भूयश्च कुप्यति |

Poison of mice is vyavayi (spreads all over the body quickly), difficult to cure, gets aggravated often. 6a.

मूर्च्छाङ्गशोफवैवर्ण्यक्लेदशब्दाश्रुतिज्वराः ॥६॥

शिरोगुरुत्वं लालासृक्छर्दिश्चासाध्यलक्षणम्।

Fainting, swelling of the body, discolouration, exudation / moistness, loss of hearing, fever, feeling of heaviness of the head, excess of salivation and vomiting of blood-are the symptoms of incurable stage. 6b-7a.

शूनबस्तिं विवर्णोष्ठमाख्वाभैर्ग्रन्थिभिश्चितम् ॥ ७ ॥ छुच्छुन्दरसगन्धं वर्जयेदाखुषितम् ।

Swelling of the urinary bladder, discolouration of the lips, body covered with nodules resembling rats and emitting smell like that of rat-such a patient should be rejected. ‘7b-8a.

Alarka – rabid dog

शुनः श्लेष्मोल्बणां दोषाः संज्ञा संज्ञावहाश्रिताः ॥ ८ ॥

मुष्णन्तः कुर्वते क्षोभं धातूनामतिदारुणम् । लालावानन्धबधिरः सर्वतः सोऽभिधावति ॥ ९ ॥

स्त्रस्तपुच्छहनुस्कन्धः शिरोदुःखी नताननः ।

The dosas among which kapha is predominant get aggravated, invade the samjnavaha srotas-(channels carrying sensation vis a vis nerves) and produce serious disorders of the mind and the tissues in the body of the dog. It runs all over the place with saliva dribbling, blind and deaf, with its tail, lower jaw and and shoulders drooping ( hanging loose ) troubled in the head, and with its face bent down. 8b-10a.

दंशस्तेन विदष्टस्य सुप्तः कृष्णं क्षरत्यसृक् ॥ १० ॥ हृच्छिरोरुग्ज्वरस्तम्भतृष्णामूर्च्छाद्भवोऽनु च ।

Bitten by such a dog, the person gets into stupor (or even unconsciousness), black coloured blood flows out from the site of bite, pain in the ( region of the ) heart and head, fever, rigidity of the body, thirst and fainting develop gradually. 10b-11a.

अनेनान्येऽपि बोद्धव्या व्याला दंष्ट्राप्रहारिणः ॥ ११ ॥ शृगालाश्वतराश्वर्क्षद्वीपिव्याघ्रवृकादयः

By these (symptoms) the bites of other biting animals shuch as the srgala (jackal), asvatara (mule), asva (horse), rksa (bear), dvipi ( leopard), vyaghra ( tiger ), vrka ( wolf) etc. should be recognised. 11b-12a.

कण्डूनिस्तोदवैवर्ण्यसुप्तिक्लेदज्वरभ्रमाः ॥१२॥

विदाहरागरुक्पाकशोफग्रन्थिविकुञ्चनम्दं शावरणं स्फोटा: कर्णिका मण्डलानि च ॥ १३ ॥

सर्वत्र सविषे लिङ्गं, विपरीतं तु निर्विषे ।

Itching, constant pain, discolouration, loss of sensation, exudation, fevere, dizziness, burning sensation all over the body, red colour, pain, ripening ( suppuration) swelling, de velopment of tumour and its receding, tearing of the site of bite, appearance of vescicles, ring like muscular growth and round rashes-are the features of bites if poison is present in them; the opposite of these if poison is not present. 12b-14a.

दष्टो येन तु तच्चेष्टारुतं कुर्वन् विनश्यति ॥ १४ ॥ पश्यंस्तमेव चाकस्मादादर्शसलिलादिषु ।

The person imitates the animal in its actions and cry which has bitten him, sees them accidently in the mirror, water etc. and dies. 14b-15a.

योऽद्व्यस्त्रस्येददष्टोऽपि शब्दसंस्पर्शदर्शनैः ॥ १५ ॥ जलसन्त्रासनामानं दष्टं तमपि वर्जयेत् ।

That person who becomes afraid of water even by its sound, touch and sight, even though not bitten (by rabid dog etc.) is also designated as afflicted by Jalasantrasa and should be refused treatment. 15b-16a.

Musika visa chikisa – treatment of rat bite

आखुना दष्टमात्रस्य दंशं काण्डेन दाहयेत् ॥ १६ ॥ दर्पणेनाथवा, तीव्ररुजा स्यात्कर्णिकाऽन्यथा ।

दग्धं विस्त्रावयेद्दंशं प्रच्छितं च प्रलेपयेत् ॥ १७ ॥ शिरीषरजनीवक्रकुङ्कुमामृतवल्लिभिः

The site of bite by the rat should be burnt either by a stem of plant or a mirror (lens); if not done so there will be severe pain and development of a round muscular growth. After burning the wound it should be incised with a knife (fluid removed) and applied with a paste of sirisa, rajani, vakra, kumkuma and amrtavalli. 16b-18a.

अगारधूममञ्जिष्ठारजनीलवणोत्तमैः ॥ १८ ॥

लेपो जयत्याखुविषं कर्णिकायाश्च पातनः ।

Application of paste of agaradhuma, manjistha, rajani and lavanottama destroys poison of mice and makes the muscular growth to fall off. 18b-19a.

ततोऽम्लैः क्षालयित्वाऽनु तोयैरनु च लेपयेत् ॥ १९ ॥ पालिन्दीश्वेतकटभीबिल्वमूलगुडूचिभिः ।

अन्यैश्च विषशोफघ्नैः सिरां वा मोक्षयेद्रुतम् ॥ २० ॥

Next, it should be washed with any sour liquid and applied with the paste of palindi, svetakatabhi, root of bilva and guduci or other drugs which destroys poison and mitigate swelling; then the vein should be cut (to let out blood ) urgently. 19-20.

छर्दनं नीलिनीक्काथैः शुकाख्याङ्कोल्लयोरपि ।

Vomiting should be produced by administering the decoction of nilini, sukakhya and or ankola. 21a.

कोशातक्याः शुकाख्यायाः फलं जीमूतकस्य च ॥ २१ ॥ दध्ना पीत्वा विषं वमेत् ।

मदनस्य च सञ्चूर्ण्य Poison should be got vomitted out by drinking curds (yoghart) added with the powder of fruits of kosataki, sukakhya, jimutaka and madana. 21b-22a.

वचामदनजीमूतकुष्ठं वा मूत्रपेषितम् ॥ २२ ॥ पूर्वकल्पेन पातव्यं सर्वोन्दुराविषापहम् ।

Vaca, madana, jimuta and kustha macerated with cow’s urine consumed in the earlier method cures the poison of all kinds of rats. 22b-23a.

विरेचनं त्रिवृन्नीलीत्रिफलाकल्क इष्यते ॥ २३ ॥

Purgation is desirable by the administration of trivrtnili and triphala made into a paste. 23b

शिरोविरेचने सारः शिरीषस्य फलानि च। अञ्जनं गोमयरसो व्योषसूक्ष्मरजोन्वितः ॥ २४ ॥

कपित्थगोमयरसो मधुमानवलेहनम् ।

For purgation of the head, sirisa sara and phala; for use as collyrium juice of fresh cowdung mixed with fine powder of vyosa are suitable. 24.

तन्दुलीयकमूलेन सिद्धं पाने हितं घृतम् ॥ २५ ॥ द्विनिशाकटभीरक्तायष्ट्याह्रैर्वाऽमृतान्वितैः ।

आस्फोतमूलसिद्धं वा, पञ्चकापित्थमेव वा ॥ २६ ॥

Kapittha and juice of fresh cowdung mixed with honey is good for licking; ghee cooked with the root of tanduliyaka is suitable for drinking; or ghee prepared with the two nisa, katabhi, raktayasti and amrta or that prepared with roots of asphota or that prepared with the five products (root, bark, leaves, flower, fruit ) of kapittha is suitable for drinking.

सिन्दुवारं नतं शिग्रुबिल्वमूलं पुनर्नवा | वचाश्वदंष्ट्राजीमूतमेषां काथं समाक्षिकम् ॥ २७ ॥

पिबेच्छाल्योदनं दना भुञ्जानो मूषिकार्दितः ।

तक्रेण शरपुङ्खाया बीजं सञ्चूर्ण्य वा पिबेत् ॥ २८ ॥

The person suffering from rat bite poison should drink the decoction of sinduvara, nata, sigru, root of bilva, punarnava, vaca, svadamstra and jimuta added with honey; partake boiled sali rice along with dadhi (curds) or drink the powder of seeds of sarapunkha mixed with takra (butter milk). 27-28.

अंकोल्लमूलकल्को वा बस्तमूत्रेण कल्कितः । पानालेपनयोर्युक्तः सर्वाखुविषनाशनः ॥ २९ ॥

कपित्थमध्यतिलकतिलाइकोल्लजटाः पिबेत् । गवां मूत्रेण, पयसा मञ्जरीं तिलकस्य वा ॥ ३० ॥

अथवा सैर्यकान्मूलं सक्षौद्रं तन्दुलाम्बुना । कटुकालाबुविन्यस्तं पीतं वाऽम्बु निशोषितम् ॥ ३१ ॥

Root of ankola made into a paste with goat’s urine and used for drinking and external application destroys the poison of all varieties of rats. Or drink the paste of the marrow of kapittha fruit, tilaka, tila and root of ankola along with cow’s urine or paste of tilakamanjari along with milk. Or paste of roots of saireyaka along with rice-wash added with honey, or drink the water put inside the shell of katukalabu fruit and kept overnight. 29-31.

सिन्दुवारस्य मूलानि बिडालास्थि विषं नतम् ।

जलपिष्टोऽगदो हन्ति नस्याद्यैराखुजं विषम् ॥ ३२ ॥ Root of sinduvara, bones of the cat, visa and nata, made into paste with water and used as nasal medication etc. destroys the poison of rats. 32.

सशेषं मूषिकविषं

प्रकुप्यत्यभ्रदर्शने ।

यथायथं वा कालेषु दोषाणां वृद्धिहेतुषु ॥ ३३ ॥

Residue of rat poison remaining inside the body gets aggravated when the clouds accumilate in the sky or at such time when the dosas become increased by causes which increase them. 33.

तत्र सर्वे यथावस्थं प्रयोज्याः स्युरुपक्रमाः ।

यथास्वं ये च निर्दिष्टास्तथा दूषीविषापहाः ॥ ३४ ॥

At such time, all treatments appropriate to the dosas should be administered and also those indicated in the treatment of dusivisa ( chapter 35 of uttarasthana). 34.

Alarka dansa chikitsa – treatment of rabid dog bite

दंशं त्वलर्कदष्टस्य दग्धमुष्णेन सर्पिषा । प्रदिह्यादगदैस्तैस्तैः पुराणं च घृतं पिबेत् ॥ ३५ ॥

The site of bite by the rabid dog should be burnt by hot ghee and covered with warm paste of agada (anti-poisonous recipe); old ghee should be given to drink. 35.

अर्कक्षीरयुतं चास्य योज्यमाशु विरेचनम् ।

He should be given a purgative therapy quickly, mixing the milky sap of arka with the purgative drug. 36a.

अङ्कोल्लोत्तरमूलाम्बु त्रिपलं सहविःपलम् ॥ ३६ ॥ पिबेत्सधत्तूरफलां श्वेतां वाऽपि पुनर्नवाम् ।

Juice of root ankola spreading northwards, three pala in quantity mixed with one pala of ghee, or juice of fruit of svetadhattura, or punarnava with water-should be consumed. 36b-37.

ऐकध्यं पललं तैलं रूपिकायाः पयो गुडः ॥ ३७॥ भिनत्ति विषमालर्कं घनवृन्दमिवानिलः ।

sesame Palala (dry meat) or powder of fried (Arunadatta) taila (sesame oil) milky sap of rupika ( arka) and guda-all mixed together and consumed breaks (destroys) the poison of rabid dog just like the wind break the clouds. 37b-38a.

समन्त्रं सौषधीरत्नं स्नपन च प्रयोजयेत् ॥ ३८ ॥

(Wearing of) herbs and precious stones and bathing fortified with mantra ( sacred hymns) should be admnistered. 38b.

चतुष्पाद्भिर्द्विपाद्भिर्वा नखदन्तपरिक्षतम् । शूयते पच्यते रागज्वरस्त्रावरुजान्वितम् ॥ ३९ ॥

Scratches/abrasions/wounds caused by the nails and teeth of quadrapeds or bipeds, become swollen, undergoes suppuration accompanied with the redness, fever, exudation and pain. 39.

सोमवल्कोऽश्वकर्णश्च गेजिह्वा हंसपादिका ।

नखदन्तविषापहः ॥ ४० ॥ Application of paste of somavalka, asvakarna, gojihva, hamsapadika, the two rajani and gairika wards off the poison of nails and teeth. 40.

रजन्यौ गैरिकं लेपो

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने मूषिकालर्कविषप्रतिषेधो नामाष्टत्रिंशोऽध्यायः ॥ ३८ ॥

Thus ends the chapter Musika-alarka visa pratisedhathe thirtyeighth in Uttarasthana of Astangahrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

समाप्तम् । Thus ends Damstra (visa) cikitsa-the sixth branch of Ayurveda.

इति विषतन्त्रं नाम षष्ठमङ्गं


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