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ashtanga hridayaKITALUTADI VISA PRATISEDHA - Treatment of Poison of insects - spiders etc...

KITALUTADI VISA PRATISEDHA – Treatment of Poison of insects – spiders etc – Ashtanga Hridaya Chapter 37

We shall now expound the chapter Kitalutadi visa pratisedha-treatment of poison of insects, spiders etc; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

अथातः कीटलूतादिविषप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः । ह

Kita dansa – insect bite

सर्पाणामेव विण्मूत्रशुक्राण्डशवकोथजाः ।

दोषैर्व्यस्तैः समस्तैश्च युक्ताः कीटाश्चतुर्विधाः ॥ १ ॥

Kita (insects) are born from the putrified urine, faeces, semen, egg and cadaver of snakes only and are of four types; viz (three) with the features of individual dosas and the (fourth) with the features of all of them combined together.1.

कीटैर्वायव्यैर्दंशस्तोदरुजोल्बणः । दष्टस्य आग्नेयैरल्पसंस्त्रावो पक्वपीलुफलप्रख्यः कफाधिकैर्मन्दरुजः दाहरागविसर्पवान् ॥ २ ॥

खर्जूसदृशोऽथवा । पक्वोदुम्बरसन्निभः ॥ ३॥

स्त्रावाढ्यः सर्वलिङ्गस्तु विवर्ज्य: सान्निपातिकः ।

When bitten by kita (insects) with the predominance of vayu (vata) pricking and pain are greatly increased; when bitten by agneyi (pitta) predominant insects, there is less of exudation (but more of ) burning sensation, redness, spreading and appears like a ripe fruit of pilu or kharjura; when bitten by kapha predominant insects, there is mild pain and the swelling appears like a ripe fruit of udumbara; when bitten by those of all the dosas, there is copious exudation, presence of all the symptoms, this is to be rejected. 2-4a.

वेगाश्च सर्पवच्छोफो बर्धिष्णुर्विस्त्ररक्तता ॥ ४ ॥

शिरोक्षिगौरवं मूर्च्छा भ्रमः श्वासोऽतिवेदना । सर्वेषां कर्णिका शोफो ज्वरः कण्डूररोचकः ॥ ५ ॥

Stages of poisoning increases just like those of the stages of snake bite poisoning, swelling increases, the blood becomes foul smelling, feeling of heaviness of the head and eyes, fainting, dizziness, dysponea and severe pain also manifest. In all types there is a ring-like swelling, fever, itching and loss of taste/appetite. 4b-5.

Vrischika dansa – scorpion bite

वृश्चिकस्य विषं तीक्ष्णमादौ दहति वह्निवत् । ऊर्ध्वमारोहति क्षिप्रं दंशे पश्चात्तु तिष्ठति ॥ ६ ॥ दंशः

सद्योऽतिरुक् श्यावस्तुद्यते स्फुटतीव च ।

The poison of the scorpion is penetrating, causes burning sensation in the beginning just like fire, spreads upwards quickly and then gets stabilised at the site of the bite; there is severe pain. blue colour, pricking and bursting pain at the site. 6-7a.

ते गवादिशकृत्कोथाद्दिग्धदष्टादिकोथतः॥७॥ सर्पकोथाच्च सम्भूता मन्दमष्यमहाविषाः ।

They (scorpions) are born from the putrified dung of cow etc. cadaver of animals killed by poisoned arrow and cadaver of snakes and are of three kinds, viz manda visa (of mild poison), madhyavisa ( of moderate poison) and mahavisa ( of powerful poison ). 7b-8a.

मन्दाः पीताः सिताः श्यावा: रूक्षाः कर्बुरमेचकाः ॥ ८ ॥

रोमश: बहुपर्वाणो लोहिताः पाण्डुरोदराः । धूम्रोदरास्त्रिपर्वाणो मध्यास्तु कपिलारुणाः॥९॥

पिशङ्गाः शबलाश्चित्रा: शोणिताभा महाविषाः ।

अग्न्याभा द्व्येकपर्वाणो रक्तासितसितोदराः ॥ १० ॥ Manda visa vrscika (scorpions of mild poison) are yellow, white-blue, of many colours of black, dry, hairy, has many joints, and their abdomen being red and pale.

Madhyavisa vrscika-scropions of moderate poison-have smoke coloured abdomen, three joints, brown, slight red, reddish brown body-spotted, variegated and resembling blood.

Mahavisa vrscika-scorpions of powerful poison-appear like fire, have one joint, their belly is either red, black or white. 8b-10.

तैर्दष्टः शूनरसनः स्तब्धगात्रो ज्वरार्दितः । खैर्वमन् शोणितं कृष्णमिन्द्रियार्थानसंविदन् ॥ ११ ॥

स्विद्यन् मूर्च्छन् विशुष्कास्यो विह्वलो वेदनातुरः । विशीर्यमाणमांसश्च प्रायशो विजहात्यसून् ॥ १२ ॥

Bitten by them ( scorpions) the person develops swelling of the tongue, rigidity of the body, fever, black coloured blood comes out from all the orifices, there is loss of sensory perception, sweating, fainting, dryness of the mouth, unsound mind; suffers from discomfort, wasting of the muscles (emaciation) and probably even death. 11-12. Uccitiga dansa- (bite of poisonous crab )

उच्चिटिङ्गस्तु वक्त्रेण दशत्यभ्यधिकव्यथः । साध्यतो वृश्चिकात् स्तम्भं शेफसो हृष्टरोमताम् ॥ १३ ॥

करोति सेकमङ्गानां दंश: शीताम्बुनेव च । उष्टधूमः स एवोक्तो रात्रिचाराच्च रात्रिकः ॥ १४ ॥

Uccitinga (crab) bites by this its mouth which causes severe pain, curable easily than the bite of scorpion, produces loss of movement/rigidity of the penis, horripilation and the person bitten pours cold water on the site of the bite. It (crab) is also known as ustradhuma and also as ratrika since it prowls only at nights. Visa dosa relationship. 13-14.

वातपित्तोत्तराः कीटाः, श्लैष्मिकाः कणभोन्दुराः ।

प्रायो वातोल्बणविषा वृश्चिकाः सोष्ट्र्धूमकाः ॥ १५ ॥

Kita visa has predominance of vata pitta, that of kanabha (wasp) and undura ( mouse ) has predominance of slesma (kapha), that of vrscika ( scorpion ) and ustradhumaka ( crab) probably has predominance of vata. 15.

यस्य यस्यैव दोषस्य लिङ्गाधिक्यं प्रतर्कयेत् ।

तस्य तस्यौषधैः कुर्याद्विपरीतगुणैः क्रियाम् ॥ १६ ॥

The dosa, which soever presents, more nuber of symptoms should be assessed and treatment done for it, with drugs possessing opposite qualities. 16.

हृत्पीडोर्ध्वानिलस्तम्भः शिरायामोऽस्थिपर्वरुक् । वातिके

धूर्णनोद्वेष्टनं गात्रश्यावता विषे ॥ १७॥

Pain in the (region of the ) heart, stoppage of movement of anila (vata) in the upward direction (expiration), engorgement, dilation or formation of net work of veins, pain in the bones and joints; rolling on the ground, twisting pain in the calves and blue discolouration of the body-are the features of poison ( of scorpions) predominant of vata.

संज्ञानाशोष्णनिश्वासौ हृद्दाहः कुटकास्यता ।

मांसावदरणं शोफो रक्तपीतश्च पैत्तिके ॥ १८ ॥

Loss of consciousness, warm expiration, burning sensation in the heart, bitter taste in the mouth, scales in the muscles, swelling which is reddish yellow in colour, are the features of predominance of pitta. 18.

छर्घरोचकहल्लासप्रसेकोत्क्लेशपीनसैः सशैत्यमुखमाधुर्यैर्विद्याच्छ्लेष्माधिकं विषम् ॥ १९॥

Vomiting, loss of taste/appetite; nausea, excess of salivation, running in the nose, feeling of cold and sweet taste in the mouth-by these the predominance of kapha in the poison should be understood. 19.

Vruschika visa chikitsa – treatment of scorpion bite

पिण्याकेन व्रणालेपस्तैलाभ्यङ्गश्च वातिके | स्वेदो नाडीपुलाकाद्यैबृंहणश्च विधिर्हितः ॥ २० ॥

पैत्तिकं स्तम्भयेत्सेकैः प्रदेहैश्चातिशीतलैः । लेखनच्छेदनस्वेदवमनैः श्लैष्मिकं जयेत् ॥ २१ ॥

In poison predominant of vata, the wound should be smeared with pinyaka (oil cake tila ) anointing with (medicated) oil, fomentation by steam coming out from a tube or by application of boiled rice etc. and therapies which are brmhana (nourishing ) are beneficial.

In the predominant of pitta, the poison should be restrained with cold baths and application of paste which are very cold.

That predominant of kapha should be won by scraping, incising, fomentations and emesis therapies. 20-21.

कीटानां त्रिप्रकाराणां त्रैविध्येन क्रिया हिता । स्वेदालेपनसेकांस्तु कोष्णान् प्रायोऽवचारयेत् ॥ २२ ॥

अन्यत्र मूर्च्छिताद्दंशपाकत कोथतोऽथवा ।

For the three kinds of insects ( vata, pitta, kapha pradhana) three kinds of treatments ( usual to each dosas) are suitable, sudation / fomentation, application of drugs and bathing (the leison) should be done warm, except when the person has lost consciousness, when there is ulceration by the bite or putrefaction by the bite. 22-23a.

नृकेशाः सर्षपाः पीता गुडो जीर्णश्च धूपनम् ॥ २३ ॥ विषदंशस्य सर्वस्य काश्यपः परमब्रवीत् ।

Nrkesa (human hairs), pitasarsapa and jirnaguda— used for fumigation (of the bite) is best for him bitten by all kinds of poisonous animals, so said Kasyapa. 23b-24a.

विषघ्नं च विधिं सर्वं कुर्यात्संशोधनानि च ॥ २४ ॥

All antipoisonous therapies should be administered along with purificatory therapies. 24b.

साधयेत्सर्पवद्दष्टान् विषोग्रैः कीटवृश्चिकैः । तन्दुलीयकतुल्यांशां त्रिवृतां सर्पिषा पिबेत् ॥ २५ ॥

याति कीटविषैः कम्पं न कैलास इवानिलैः ।

Equal quantities of tanduliyaka and trivrt should be consumed mixed with ghee, such a person does not get shaken by the poison of insects just as the mountain Kailasa by the wind. 25-26a.

क्षीरिवृक्षत्वगालेपः शुद्धे कीटविषापहः ॥ २६ ॥

Application of paste of bark of trees of milky sap (on the site of bite) after the person has undergone purificatory therapies, destroys the poison of insects. 26b.

मुक्तालेपो वरः शोफतोददाहज्वरप्रणुत् ।

Applications of paste of mukta (pearls) is best to cure swelling, pricking pain, burning and fevere. 27a.

Dasanga agada

वचा हिङ्ग विडङ्गानि सैन्धवं गजपिप्पली ॥ २७ ॥

पाठा प्रतिविषा व्योषं काश्यपेन विनिर्मितम् । दशाङ्गमगदं पीत्वा सर्वकीटविषं जयेत् ॥ २८ ॥

Vaca, hingu, vidanga, saindhava, gajapippali, patha, prativisa and vyosa (are made into nice paste and rolled into pills); this Dasanga agada formulated by Kasyapa cures the poison of all kinds of insects. 27b-28.

सद्यो वृश्चिकजं दंशं चक्रतैलेन सेचयेत् । विदारिगन्धासिद्धेन कवोष्णेनेतरेण वा ॥ २९ ॥

लवणोत्तमयुक्तेन सर्पिषा वा पुनः पुनः । सिञ्चेत्कोष्णारनालेन सक्षीरलवणेन वा ॥ ३० ॥

The site of scorpion bite should be bathed with cakra taila (oil fresh from the oil mill which is warm) or by oil boiled with drugs of vidarigandhagana (vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana) or any other which is slightly warm or with warm ghee added with lavanottama (saindhava salt) or with rice gruel added with milk and salt, this process repeated often. 29-30.

उपनाहो घृते भृष्टः कल्कोऽजाज्याः ससैन्धवः । .

Application of warm poultice of ajaji fried in ghee and added with saindhava is ideal. 31a

आदंशं स्वेदितं चूर्णैः प्रच्छाय प्रतिसारयेत् ॥ ३१ ॥ रजनीसैन्धवव्योषशिरीषफलपुष्पजैः

The site of bite should be incised (to cause bleeding) and then rubbed with the nice powder of rajani, saindhava, vyosa, furits and flowers of sirisa. 31b-32a.

मातुलुङ्गाम्लगोमूत्रपिष्टं च लेपः सुखोष्णश्च हितः पिण्याको गोमयोऽपि वा । सुरसाग्रजम् ॥ ३२ ॥

The flowers of surasa made into a paste with matulunga and cow’s urine, or pinyaka (oil cake of tila) or fresh cowdung—these may be applied warm over the site. 32b-33a.

पाने सर्पिर्मधुयुतं क्षीरं वा भूरिशर्करम् ॥ ३३॥ Ghee mixed with honey or milk added with more of sugar are best for drinking, (milk added with ghee and honey or with more quantity of sugar is best for drinking).

पारावतशकृत् पथ्या तगरं विश्वभेषजम् । बीजपूररसोन्मिश्रः परमो वृश्चिकागदः ॥ ३४ ॥

Paravata sakrt (excreta of pigeon) pathya, tagara and visvabhesaja mixed with juice of bijapura is a best antidote 34. for scorpion bite.

सशैवलोष्ट्रदंष्ट्रा च हन्ति वृश्चिकजं विषम् ।

Ustra damstra (tooth of a camel paste) mixed with saivala destroys, the poison of scropion. 35a.

हिङ्गना हरितालेन मातुलुङ्गरसेन ॥ ३५ ॥ लेपाञ्जनाभ्यां गुटिका परमं वृश्चिकापहा ।

Pill prepared with hingu and haritala along with the juice of matulunga, used for application on the bite and collyrium is best to remove the poison of scorpion. 35b-36a.

करञ्जार्जुनशेलूनां कटभ्याः कुटजस्य च ॥ ३६॥

शिरीषस्य च पुष्पाणि मस्तुना दंशलेपनम् ।

Karanja, arjuna, selu, katabhi, kutaja and flowers of sirisa macerated with mastu (water of curd)-is a paste to be 36b-37a. applied on the site of the bite.

यो मुह्यति प्रश्वसिति प्रलपत्युग्रवेदनः ॥ ३७॥

तस्य पथ्यानिशाकृष्णामञ्जिष्ठातिविपोषणम् । सालाबुवृन्तं वार्ताकरसपिष्टं प्रलेपनम् ॥ ३८ ॥

The patient who becomes unconscious, breathes heavily, talks irrelevently and has sever pain should be anointed with the paste of pathya, nisa, krsna, manjistha, ativisa, usana and alabu vrnta macerated with juice of vartaka.

सर्वत्र चोग्रालिविषे पाययेद्दधिसर्पिषी । विध्येत्सिरां विदध्याच्च वमनाञ्जननावनम् । उष्णस्निग्धाम्लमधुरं भोजनं चानिलापहम् ॥ ३९ ॥

In severe cases of scorpion poisoning, the patient should be made to drink dadhi (curds) and sarpi ( ghee ); vein should be cut and blood let out emesis, collyrium and nasal medication therapies should be administered, partake food which is warm, unctuous, sour, sweet and mutigating vata.

नागरं गृहकपोतपुरीषं बीजपूरकरसो हरितालम् । सैन्धवं च विनिहन्त्यगदोऽयं लेपतोऽलिकुलजं विषमाशु ॥ ४० ॥

Nagara, excreta of a domestic pigeon, haritala and saindhava, macerated in the juice of bijapura; this agada (antidote) immediately destroys the poison of the scorpions of all kinds. 40.

अन्ते वृश्चिकदष्टानां समुदीर्णे भृशं विषे । विषेणालेपयेद्दंशमुच्चिटिङ्गेऽप्ययं विधिः ॥ ४१ ॥

In the end (when other treatments have failed) if the poison is found to be increasing in its effects, then the site of the bite should be applied with a paste of visa (sthavara visa or vegetable poison); even in case of bite of uccatinga (poisonous) this is the treatment. 41.

नागपुरीषच्छत्रं रोहिषमूलं च शेलुतोयेन । कुर्याद्गुटिकां लेपादियमलिविषनाशनी श्रेष्ठा ॥ ४२ ॥

Mushroom growing on elephant’s dung and root of rohisa, are made into a paste with water (decoction) of selu and then rolled into pills. This is best to remove the poison of scorpion etc. by external application. 42.

अर्कस्य दुग्धेन शिरीषबीजं त्रिर्भावितं पिप्पलिचूर्णमिश्रम् । एषोऽगदो हन्ति विषाणि कीटभुजङ्गलूतोन्दुरवृश्चिकानाम् ॥ ४३ ॥

Seeds of sirisa soaked and mecerated for three times in the milky sap of arka and then mixed with powder of pippali; this agada (antidote ) destroys the poison of insects, snakes, spiders, mice and scorpions. 43.

शिरीषपुष्पं सकरञ्जबीजं काश्मीरजं कुष्ठमनः शिले च । एषोऽगदो रात्रिकवृश्चिकानां संक्रान्तिकारी कथितो जिनेन ॥ ४४ ॥

Flowers of sirisa, seeds of karanja, kasmiraja, kustha and manssila are converted into paste and rolled into pills; this agada (antidote) described by Jina, destroys the poison of scropions which prowl in the night. 44.

Luta – spiders

कीटेभ्यो दारुणतरा लूताः षोडश ता जगुः । अष्टाविंशतिरित्येके ततोऽप्यन्ये तु भूयसीः ॥ ४५ ॥

सहस्त्ररश्म्यनुचरा बदन्त्यन्ये सहस्त्रशः । बहूपद्रवरूपा तु लूतैकैव विषात्मिका ॥ ४६ ॥

Luta (spider) are more dreadful than kita ( insects) and are said to be sixteen kinds; somed others say they are of twenty-eight kinds; some that they are innumerable; yet others say that they are the retinue of the sun and of thousands of kinds; since they produce many diseases (by their venom45-46. ous bite) they are of one kind only viz poisonuos.

रूपाणि नामतस्तस्या दुर्जेयान्यतिसङ्करात |

नास्ति स्थानव्यवस्था च दोषतोऽतः प्रचक्षते ॥ ४७ ॥

very Knowing/distinguishing them by their name is difficult since they are heterogeneous, there is no specificity regarding their habitat, hence they are described only on the dosa (predominent following the bite ). 47

कृच्छ्रसाध्या पृथग्दोषैरसाध्या निचयेन सा ।

Aggravation of each dosa individually is difficult to cure and of all the dosas together is incurable. 48a.

तद्दंश: पैत्तिको दाहतृट्स्फोटज्वरमोहवान् ॥ ४८ ॥ भृशोष्मा रक्तपीताभ: क्लेदी द्राक्षाफलोपमः ।

Bite causing aggravation of pitta producing burning sensation, thirst, vescicles, fever, delusion, great heat ( at the site) red and yellowish colour, exudation, swelling resembling a grape fruit. 48b-49a.

श्लैष्मिकः कठिनः पाण्डुः परूषकफलाकृतिः ॥ ४९ ॥ निद्रां शीतज्वरं कासं कण्डूं च कुरुते भृशम् ।

Bite causing aggravation of slesma (kapha) produces hard pale swelling resembling a fruit of parusaka, more of sleep, rigors and fever, cough and severe itching. 49b-50a. वातिकः परुषः श्यावः पर्वभेदज्वरप्रदः ॥ ५० ॥

Bite causing aggravation of vaata is rough, blue accompanied with cutting pain in the joints and fevere. 50b.

तद्विभागं यथास्वं च दोषलिङ्गैर्विभावयेत् । असाध्यायां तु हृन्मोहश्वासहिध्माशिरोग्रहाः ॥ ५१॥

श्वेतपीतासितारक्ताः पिटिका: श्वयथूद्भवः । वेपथुर्वमथुर्दाहस्तृडान्ध्यं बक्रनासता ॥५२॥

श्यावौष्ठवक्त्रदन्तत्वं पृष्ठग्रीवावभञ्जनम् । पक्कजम्बूसवर्णं च दंशात्स्त्रवति शोणितम् ॥ ५३ ॥

By these symptoms the subdivisions of the dosas should be determined.

All kinds produce aggravation of all the dosas generally, but disignation is by the predominant dosa.

In case of spider bites which are incurable there is delusion, dyspnoea, hiccup, catching pain in the head, appearance of eruptions which are white, yellow, black or red, swelling, shivering, vomiting, burning sensation, thirst, blindness, distortion of the nose, blue colour of the lips, mouth and teeth, bending of the back and neck, blood of the colour of ripe jambu fruit (dark blue) flows from the site of the bite. 51-53.

सर्वाऽपि सर्वजा प्रायो व्यपदेशस्तु भूयसा । तीक्ष्णमध्यावरत्वेन सा त्रिधा हन्त्युपेक्षिता ॥ ५४ ॥

सप्ताहेन दशाहेन पक्षेण च परं क्रमात् ।

It ( bite ) is of three kinds (1) Tiksna-powerful / strong severe, (2) Madhya-medium/moderate and (3) Avara-poormild/weak; by neglecting (without treating ) these kill person in seven, ten or fifteen days respectively. 54-55aLutadansa lahsana (feature of spider bite)

लूतादंशश्च सर्वोऽपि दद्रुमण्डलसन्निभः॥५५॥ सितोऽसितोऽरुणः पीतः श्यावो वा मृदुरुन्नतः ।

मध्ये कृष्णोऽथवा श्यावः पर्यन्ते जालकावृतः ॥ ५६ ॥ विसर्पवांश्छोफयुतस्तप्यते बहुवेदनः ।

ज्वराशुपाकविक्लेदकोथावदरणान्वितः ॥५७॥ क्लेदेन यत्स्पृशत्यङ्गं तत्रापि कुरुते व्रणम् ।

In the bite of all types of spiders, the site develops swelling like a dadrumandala (circular, raised patch) white, blackish, red, yellow or blue; soft, elevated, black or blue in the centre and sieve like at the edges, swelling spreads sidewards, torments the body greatly, fever, quick suppuration, exudation putrefaction and tissue loss, all develop; ulcers form on that part which comes is contact with the pus.

श्वासदंष्ट्राशकृन्मूत्रशुक्रलालानखार्तवैः अष्टाभिरुद्वमत्येषा विषं वक्त्राद्विशेषतः

They ( spiders ) emit poison through thier breath, teeth, excreta, urine, semen, saliva, nail and menstrual blood; especially by the mouth (bite), 58b-59a.

लूता नाभेर्दशत्यूर्ध्वमूर्ध्व चाधश्च कीटकाः ॥ ५९ ॥ तदूषितं च वस्त्रादि देहे पृक्तं विकारकृत् ।

Spiders bite (man) above the (level of the) umbilicus whereas insects bite both above and below; cloth and others contaminated by its ( spiders ) poison, produce diseases when these come in contact with the body. 59b-60a.

दिनार्धं लक्ष्यते नैव दंशो लूताविषोद्भवः ॥ ६० ॥

सूचीव्यधवदाभाति ततोऽसौ प्रथमेऽहनि । अव्यक्तवर्णः प्रचलः किञ्चित्कण्डूरुजान्वितः ॥ ६१ ॥

The leison of spider bite does not manifest till half a day, then on the first day it appears like a mark made by a needle, without any manifest colour, it is very unsteady with mild itching and pain. 60b-61.

द्वितीयेऽभ्युन्नतोऽन्तेषु पिटिकैरिव वाऽऽचितः । व्यक्तवर्णो नतो मध्ये कण्डूमान् ग्रन्थिसन्निभः ॥ ६२ ॥

On the second day there is elevation atthe edges or gets covered by numerous eruptions, with well manifest colour, depressed in the centre, has itching and appears like a tu62. mour.

तृतीये सज्वरो रोमहर्षकृद्रक्तमण्डलः । शरावरूपस्तोदाढ्यो रोमकूपेषु सात्रवः ॥ ६३॥

On the third day, there is fever, horripilation, red coloured, saucer shaped rashes with severe pricking pain and bleeding appear at the hair follicles. 63.

महांश्चतुर्थं श्वयथुस्तापश्वासभ्रमप्रदः ।

विकारान् कुरुते तांस्तान् पञ्चमे विषकोपजान् ॥ ६४ ॥

षष्ठे व्याप्नोति मर्माणि सप्तमे हन्ति जीवितम् । इति तीक्ष्णं विषं मध्यं हीनं च विभजेदतः ।। ६५ ।।

On the fourth day there is profound swelling, great heat, dyspnoea and dizziness; on the fifth day it gives rise to many symptoms of poisoning (enumerated so far) and on the sixth day, it spreads to the vital spots and on the seventh day, if destroys the life; this is mode of action of strong poison, from this the (modes of) moderate and mild poisons should be classified. 64-65.

एकविंशतिरात्रेण विषं शाम्यति सर्वथा ।

Poison (of spider bite) gets mitigated by twentyone days completely. 66a.

Lutadamsa chikitsa – treatment of spider bite

अथाशु लूतादष्टस्य शस्त्रेणादंशमुद्धरेत् ॥ ६६ ॥ दहेच्च जाम्बवौष्ठाद्यैर्न तु पित्तोत्तरं दहेत् ।

The teeth of the spider should be removed with the help of a knife immediately, the place burnt (cauterised) by heated stone etc; that which is pitta predominant should not be burnt (cauterised) 66b-67a.

कर्कशं भिन्नरोमाणं मर्मसन्ध्यादिसंश्रितम् ॥ ६७ ॥ प्रसृतं सर्वतो द्रंशं न छिन्दीत दहेन्न

च। The bite site which is very rough, having damaged hairs, located on vital parts, bony joints etc, with copious exudation-should neither be cut nor burnt. 67b-68a.

लेपयेद्दग्धमगदैर्मधुसैन्धवसंयुतैः ॥ ६८ ॥

सुशीतैः सेचयेच्चानु कषायैः क्षीरिवृक्षजैः ।

After cauterisation the place must be applied with a paste of agada (anitpoisonous recipe) added with honey and saindhava; then the part bathed often with the decoction of (bark of) trees of milky sap made very cool. 68b-69.

सर्वतोऽपहरेद्रक्तं शृङ्गाद्यैः सिरयाऽपि वा ॥ ६९ ॥ सेकलेपास्ततः शीता बोधिश्लेष्मातकाक्षकैः ।

Blood should be let out by the sucking horn etc. or cutting the vein, then bhathing the part with the decoction of (bark of) bodhi, slesmataka and aksaka often and applying their paste in cold condition. 69b-70a

Padmaka agada

फलिनीद्विनिशाक्षौद्रसर्पिर्भिः अशेषलूताकीटानामगदः पद्मकाह्वयः ॥ ७० ॥ सार्वकार्मिकः ।

Phalini, the two nisa, honey and ghee are made into a paste and rolled into pills, this known as Padmaka agada bestows all the good effects in poisons of spiders and insects of all kinds. 70b-71a.

Campaka agada

हरिद्राद्वयपत्तङ्गमञ्जिष्ठानतकेसरैः सक्षौद्रसर्पिः ॥ ७१॥

पूर्वस्मादधिकश्चम्पकाह्वयः ।

The two haridra, pattanga, manjistha, nata, kesara, honey and ghee converted into pills; this known Campaka agada is more efficacious than the earlier. 71b-72a.

तद्वद्गोमयनिष्पीडशर्कराघृतमाक्षिकैः ॥ ७२ ॥

Similarly the juice of fresh cow-dung mixed with sugar, ghee and honey and consumed. 72b.

Mandara agada and Gandhamadana agada

अपामार्गमनोह्वालदार्वीध्यामकगैरिकैः नतैलाकुष्ठमरिचयष्ट्याह्वघृतमाक्षिकैः अगदो मन्दरो नाम तथाऽन्यो गन्धमादनः । नतरोध्रवचाकट्वीपाठैलापत्रकुङ्कुमैः ॥७४॥ । ॥७३॥

Apamarga, manohva, ala, darvi, dhyamaka, gairika, nata, ela, kustha, marica, yasthyahva, ghee and honey is made into agada known as Mandara agada. Nata, rodhra, vaca, katvi, patha, ela, patra and kumkuma ( added with ghee and honey) make Gandhamadana agada. 73-74.

विषघ्नं बहुदोषेषु प्रयुञ्जीत विशोधनम् ।

When there is great increase of dosas, then antipoisonous, purificatory therapies should be administered (as described further). 75a.

यष्ट्याह्वमदनाङ्कोल्लजालिनीसिन्दुवारिकाः ॥ ७५ ॥

कफे ज्येष्ठाम्बुना पीत्वा विषमाशु समुद्वेमेत् । शिरीषपत्रत्वङ्मूलफल वाऽङ्कोल्लमूलवत् ॥ ७६ ॥

Kapha should be removed by producing vomiting by making the patient drink the powder of yasthyahva, madana, ankola, jalini and sinduvarika or of the leaves, bark root and fruit of sirisa added with the root of ankola-mixed with ricewash. 75b-76.

विरेचयेच्च त्रिफलानीलिनीत्रिवृतादिभिः ।

Purgation should be done by using triphala, nilini, trivrt etc. 77a.

निवृत्ते दाहशोफादौ कर्णिकां पातयेद् व्रणात् ॥ ७७॥

कुसुम्भपुष्पं गोदन्तः स्वर्णक्षीरी कपोतविद् । त्रिवृता सैन्धवं दन्ती कर्णिकापातनं, तथा ॥ ७८ ॥

मूलमुत्तरवारुण्या वंशनिर्लेखसंयुतम् । तद्वच्च सैन्धवं कुष्ठं दन्तीकटुकदौग्धिकम् ॥ ७९ ॥

राजकोशातकीमूलं, किण्वो वा मथितोद्भवः । कर्णिकापातसमये बृंहयेच्च विषापहैः ॥ ८० ॥

After burning sensation and swelling subside, the karnika (ring like muscular growth in the wound) should be made to fall off from the wound; flowers of kusumbha, godanta (cow’s tooth or gypsym ), svarnaksiri, kapotavit (excreta of pigeon), trivrta, saindhava and danti-are best for removing the muscular ring, also the root of uttamarani, added with thin fibres of vamsa; similarly saindhava, kustha, danti, katuka, dugdhika and root of rajakosataki or kinva (yeast) produced from butter milk.

At the time of removal of the muscular ring the person should be given nourishing food and which are antipoisonous. 77b-80.

स्नेहकार्यमशेषं च सर्पिषैव समाचरेत् । विषस्य वृद्धये तैलमग्नेरिव तृणोलुपम् ॥ ८१ ॥

During the treament of spider bite poisoning, only ghee should be used for all oleation/lubrication therapies, since oil increases the poison greatly, like a bundle of hay put on fire. 81.

ह्रीबेरवैकङ्कतगोपकन्यामुस्ताशमीचन्दनटिण्टुकानि । शैवालनीलोत्पलवक्रयष्टीत्वङ्गाकुलीपद्मकराठमध्यम् ॥ ८२ ॥ । ॥ ८३ ॥ रजनीघनसर्पलोचनाकणशुण्ठीकणमूलचित्रकाः वरुणागुरुबिल्वपाटलीपिचुमन्दामयशेलुकेसरम्

बिल्वचन्दननतोत्पलशुण्ठीपिप्पलीनिचुलवेतसकुष्ठम् । शक्तिशाकवरपाटलिभार्गीसिन्दुवारकरघाटवराङ्गम् ॥ ८४॥

पित्तकफानिललूताः पानाञ्जननस्यलेपसेकेन । वारयन्त्येते ॥ ८५ ॥ अगदवरा वृत्तस्थाः कुगतीरिव

Hribera, vikankata, gopakanya, musta, sami, candana, tintuka, saivala, nilotpala, vakra, yasthi, tvak, nakuli, padmaka and seeds of ratha; rajani, ghana, sarpalocana, kanasunthi, kanamula, citraka, varuna, aguru, bilva, patola, picumanda, amaya, selu and kesara; bilva, candana, nata, utpala, sunthi, pippali, nicula, vetasa, kustha, sukti, Sakavara, patoli, bhargi, sinduvara, karaghata and varangam—these three efficacious recipes described in the three kinds of poetical metres-used for drinking, collyrium, nasal medication, external application and bathing the part-cures the poison of spiders predominant of vata, pitta and kapha respectively, just as a prosperous person dispels poverty. 82-85.

रोधं सेव्यं पद्मकं पद्मरेणुः कालीयाख्यं चन्दनं यच्च रक्तम् । कान्तापुष्पं दुग्धिनीका मृणालं लूताः सर्वा घ्नन्ति सर्वक्रियाभिः ॥ ८६ ॥

Rodhra, sevya, padmaka, padmarenu, kaliyaka, raktacandana, kantapuspa, dugdhanika and mrnala-made into agada (antidote) and used in all therapies destroys the 86. poison of all kinds of spiders.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने कीटलूतादिविषप्रतिषेधो नाम सप्तत्रिंशोऽध्यायः ॥ ३७॥

Thus ends the chapter Kita lutadi visa pratisedha-thirty seventh-in Uttarasthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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