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Ashtanga samgrahaDVIVIDHAUSHADHA VIJNANIYA ADHYAYA - Two kinds of treatment - A.S.S chapter 13

DVIVIDHAUSHADHA VIJNANIYA ADHYAYA – Two kinds of treatment – A.S.S chapter 13

We will now expound on the chapter entitled Dvividhaushadha Vijnaniya (knowledge of the two kinds of therapy). Thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)

अथातो द्विविधौषधविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति हस्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥१॥

Dvividha aushadha – two kinds of therapies

द्विविधमौषधमूर्जस्करं रोगघ्नं च । उभयमपि चोभयात्मकम् । बाहुल्येन तु निर्देशः । तत्रोर्जस्करं द्विविधं रसायनं वाजीकरणं च । रोगघ्नमपि द्विविधम् । रोगस्य प्रशमनमपुनर्भव करं च । पुनश्चद्विविधम् । द्रव्यमद्रव्यम् च । तत्र द्रव्यम् त्रिविधम् । भौममौद्भिदं जङ्गममिति । तेषु वक्ष्यमाणं हेमादि लवणान्तं प्रायेण भौमम् । औद्भिदं पुनर्वनस्पतिवानस्पत्यवीरुदौषधिभे देन चतुर्विधं भवति । तत्र फलिनो वनस्पतिः । पुष्पफलवान् वानस्पत्यः । वल्ली गुल्मवीरुत् । फलपाकान्ताश्चौषध्य इति । जङ्गमोद्भवं मधुघृतादि जङ्गमद्रव्यमाहुः ॥२॥

Treatment (therapy, medicament ) is of two kinds; Urjaskara-that which promotes health and vigour and Rogaghna – that which cures diseases; though each one serves the purpose of the other also, their separate mention in view of their importance.

Urjaskara (which promotes health and vigour) is again of two kinds; Rasayana (rejuvination) and Vajikarana(virilification ).

Rogaghna (that which cures diseases) is also of two kinds, Prasamana (that which mitigates the disease) and Apunarbhavakara (that which prevents the recurrence of disease).

They are again of two kinds; Dravya (with the use of drugs) and Adravya (without the use of drugs).

Trividha aushadha dravya – three kinds of drugs

The drug is of three kinds; Bhauma (mineral), Audbhida ( vegetable) and Jangama (animal); those enumerated further, starting with gold and ending with salt are all bhauma (mineral) generally; audbhida (vegetable drugs) is again four kinds; Vanaspati, Vanaspatya, Virudh and Osadhi. Those which bear fruits are vanaspati, those which bear flowers and (then) fruits are vanaspatya; creepers and bushes are Virudh and those which perish after their fruits mature are Aushadhi; Honey, ghee and other products of animals are Jangama. (2)

अद्रव्यं पुनरुपवासानिलातपच्छायामन्त्रसान्त्वनदानभयोत्रससङ्क्षोभणहर्षणभर्त्सनहसनस्वप्न जागरण संवाहनादीनि ।

Adravya (drugless treatments) are – fasting, exposure to breeze, sunlight, shade, sacred spells, appeasing (gods), charity, threatening, terrorising, shock, creating happiness, tormenting, laughing, sleep, avoidance of sleep, riding etc.

Trividha chikitsa – three kinds of treatments

पुनरपि च त्रिविधं दैवव्यपाश्रयं युक्तिव्यपाश्रयं सत्वावजयश्चेति ।

तत्र दैवव्यपाश्रयं मन्त्रौषधिमणिमङ्गलबल्युपहारहोमनियमप्रायश्चित्तोपवासस्वस्त्ययनप्रणिधानगमनादि । युक्तिव्यपाश्रयमाहारौषधयोजनादि । सत्वावजयः पुनरहितान्मनोनिग्रहः ।

Treatment is again of theree kins; Daivavyapasrya (invoking the grace of gods ). Yuktivypasraya (intelligent use of drugs) and Satvavajaya (controlling of the mind).

Chanting of hymns, wearing of plants, and gems; auspicious ceremonies, oblations, sacrifices, vows, expiatory rites, fasting, reciting holy chants (scriptures), surrendering to gods and pilgrimage are all Daivavyapasraya.

Adminstration of foods and drugs is Yuktivyapasraya (method of drug treatment);

Satvavajaya is control of the mind, keeping it away from unhealthy thoughts. (3)

पुनरपि च त्रिविधम् । अपकर्षणं प्रकृतिविघातो निदानत्यागश्च ॥३॥

तेपुनरपकर्षणादयो द्विविधाः बाह्याभ्यन्तरभेदेन तत्र बाह्यमपकर्षणं ग्रन्थ्यर्बुदोपपक्ष्मक्रिमिश ल्यादिषु शस्त्रहस्तयन्त्रादिभिः ।

आभ्यन्तरं पुनर्वमनविरेचनादिभिः । प्रकृतिविघातः संशमनम्। तत् बाह्यमभ्यङ्गस्वेदप्रदेहपरिषेकोपमर्दनादि ।

आभ्यन्तरं यदन्तरमनुप्रविश्याविक्षो भयद्दोषान् शमयति ।

निदानत्यागो यथादोषं शीतोष्णाशनव्यायामादीनां वर्जनं स्त्रिग्धरुक्षाद्या नभ्य

वहारंश्च। तत्र शस्त्रादिसाध्ये भेषजमनुक्रमते न तु भेषजसाध्ये शस्त्रादि ॥४॥

Treatment is again of three kinds; Apakarsana (elimination), Prakrti vighata (mitigation) and Nidanatyaga (avoidance of cause); each of these three are again of two kinds – Bahya (external) and Abhyantara (internal). External elimination (removal) is done in diseases like tumors, malignant growths, extra eye-lashes, parasites and foreign bodies by the use of the instruments, hands and other applicances; internal elimination is by emesis, purgation and other methods.

Prakrtivighata is Samsamana (mitigation or alleviation of the disease); use of oil massage, sudation (fomentation), applying poultices, pouring decoction or other liquids and mild massage are the internal methods of mitigation; these methods acting inside the body mitigate the disease without increasing the doshas.

Nidanatyaga (avoidance of cause) is avoidance of cold, heat, food, exercise and use of things which are unctous, dry etc., in accordance with doshas.

In diseases which require surgical treatment, the use of medicine is also applicable but in diseases which can be treated by medicines, surgery is not applicable. (4)

पुनरपि त्रिविधं हेतुविपरीतं व्याधिविपरीतमुभयार्थकारि च ।

तत्र हेतुविपरीतं गुरुस्निग्धशीता दिजे व्याधौ लघुरूक्षोष्णादि । तथेतरस्मिन्नितरत् ।

व्याधिविपरीतम् । द्वौ मूलोपक्रमौ लङ्घनबृंहणे । पञ्च कर्माणि वमनादीनि सधूमधूपाञ्जनादीनि च ।

तथा विम्लापनोपनाहनपाटनादीनि ॥५॥

Again, it (treatment) is of three kinds; Hetuviparita (opposite of the cause), Vyadhi viparita (opposite of the disease) and Ubhayarthakari (serving the purpose of both); Hetuviparita (opposite of the cause) is the use of materials which are light, dry and hot in diseases caused by materials which are heavy, unctious, and cold; likewise for the others; Vyadhiviparita (opposite of the disease) is of two kinds (a) mulopakrama (chief methods) being the langhana (making the body thin) and brmhana (making the body stout): (b) the panca karmas (five purificatory therapies) such as Vamana etc., inhalation, fumigation, collyrium and others; so also squeezing (mild massage) poultices (fomentation), cutting and others ( in case of surgical treatments) – are all Vyadhi viparita. (5)

Notes: Pancakarmas are the five purificatory therapies such as Vamana (emesis) Virecana (purgation) Anuvasana-basti (oil enema) Niruha basti (decoction enema) and Nasya (nasal medication).

यच्च दोषशमनत्वे सत्यपि ज्वरे विशेषतो हितंमुस्ता पर्पटकं यवाग्वश्च प्रमेहे रजनी यवान्नं चेत्यादि ।
रक्तपित्ते चोर्ध्वगे विरेचनमधोगे वमनम् । उभयार्थकारि पुनदैवव्यपाश्रयमौषधम् ।

तथा छ छर्दनमतिसारे विरेचनं मदात्ययेमद्यपानं तुत्थदग्धेऽग्निप्रतपनं पित्तेऽन्तर्न्निगूढे विमार्गगे

वा स्वेदः कट्वम्ललवणतीक्ष्णोष्णाभ्यवहारश्च बहिः प्रवर्त्तनाय स्वमार्गापादनाय च। श्लेष्मणि चान्तर्निगूढे स्तब्धे बहिः

शीतोपचारस्तत्पीडितस्योष्मणोऽन्तः प्रवेशेन कफोविलयातामुपयति । एवंविधं ह्यविपरीतमेव सत् भेषजं हेतुव्याधिविपरीतमर्थं करोति ॥६॥

*Some materials (drugs, foods or activities) though possessing the property of mitigating the increased doshas in general, are found to be specifics for certain diseases; for exmple, musta, parpataka and yavagu (thin rice gruel) are best suited for Jvaras ( fevers); rajani and yava in prameha (polyurea); purgation therapy in upward bleeding, and emesis therapy in downward bleeding etc.

Ubhayarthakari (treatment which serves the purpose of both – hetuviparita (opposite of the cause) and vyadhi Viparita (opposite of the disease) – includes all the methods enumerated under Daivavyapasraya; emesis to cure vomiting, purgation to cure diarrhoea, alcoholic drinks to cure alcoholism, application of heat to remove the burn caused by tuttha (copper sulphate), sudation therapy or use of pungent, sour, salty, penetrating and hot substances to bring out the pitta which is either hidden inside, or localised in any one place and restore it to its normal routes; application of cold and other cold comforts which makes the body heat to move deep inside and liquify the kapha which is deep seated and immobile. These and many such methods even though not opposite in nature act as opposite of both the cause and the disease. (6)


अनौषधं पुनर्द्विविधं बाधनमनुबाधनं च । तत्र सद्यः प्राणहरं बाधनम् । कालान्तरेणानुबाधनमिति।

Anaushadha (non-medicament, or non-therapy) is also of two kinds; Badhana and Anubadhana; Badhana is that which causes death quickly and Anubadhana causes death after a long time. (7)

Pradhana aushadhi gana – important drugs and their properties

परं चातो रसवीर्यादिभेदेन यथास्थूलमौषधैकदेश उपदिश्यते ॥७॥

सुवर्णं बृंहणं स्त्रिग्धं मधुरं रसपाकयोः । विषदोषहरं शीतं सकषायं रसायनम् ॥८॥

Further on, will be described some medicines (drugs) along with their taste, potency etc., in brief.

Suvarna (gold) produce stoutnes and unctousness of the body; is sweet in taste and also at the end of digestion, removes the poisonous effects, cold in potency, slightly astringent in taste and is rejuvinator. (8)

रूप्यं स्निग्धं कषायाम्लं विपाके मधुरं रसम् ।

वयसः स्थापनं शीतं लेखनं वातपित्तजित् ॥९॥

Rupya (silver) is unctous, astringent and sour in taste but sweet at the end of digestion, retards ageing, cold in potency, is scarifying and mitigates vata and pitta. (9)

ताम्रं सतिक्तमधुरं कषायं लेखनं लघु । कटुपाकरसं शीतं रोपणं कफपित्तजित् ॥१०॥

Tamra ( copper) is slightly bitter, sweet and astringent, is scarfying, light, pugnent at the end of digestion, cold in potency, heals ulcers and mitigates kapha and pitta. (10)

कांस्यं कषायानुरसं विशदं लेखनं लघु । दृष्टिप्रसादनं रूक्षं तिक्तं पित्तकफापहम् ॥११॥

Kamsyam (bronze ) has astringent as the secondary taste, is non-sticky, scarifying, light, improves vision, is dry, bitter in taste and mitigates pitta and kapha. (11)

सतिक्तलवणं भेदि पाण्डुत्वंकृमिवातनुत् । लेखनं पित्तलं किञ्चित् त्रपु सीसं च तद्गुणम् ॥१२॥

Pittala (brass) is slightly bitter and salty, purgative, cures anaemia, worms, diseases caused by vata, is slightly scarifying; Trapu (tin) and Sisa ( lead) are also similar in properities. (12)

चक्षुष्यं कृष्णलोहं तु कषायं स्वादुतिक्तकम् । लेखनं वातलं शीतं कृमिकुष्ठकफप्रणुत् ॥१३॥

गात्रशौथिल्यपालित्यपाण्डुघ्नं शोषशोफजित् । तद्वत्तीक्ष्णं विशेषेण तद्विकाषि सुदुर्जरम् ॥१४॥

Krsnaloha (blackmetal, iron ) is good for the eye, astringent, sweet and bitter in taste, scarifying, increases vata, cold in potency and cures worms, leprosy and diseases caused by kapha, looseness of the body,grey hairs anaemia, consumption and dropsy; Tiksnaloha (magnetic iron) is also similar in properties and specially possesses the property of spreading to all the parts of the body quickly and undergoes digestion with great difficulty. (13-14)

पद्मरागमहानीलपुष्परागविदूरकाः । मुक्ताविद्रुमवज्रेन्द्रवैडूर्यस्फटिकादिकम् ॥१५॥

मणिरत्नं सरं शीतं कषायं स्वादुलेखनम् । चक्षुष्यं धारणात्तत्तु पाप्मालक्ष्मीविषापहम् ॥१६॥

धन्यमायुष्यमोजस्यं हर्षोत्साहकरं शिवम् । सक्षारं उष्णवीर्यश्च काचो दृष्टिकृदञ्जनात् ॥१७॥

Precious stones and gems such as Padmaraga ( ruby ) Mahanila ( sapphire ) Pusparaga (topaz) Viduraka (cat’s eye) Mukta (pearl) Vidruma (coral) Vajrendra (diamond) Vaidurya (beryl) sphatika ( quartz ) and others are laxatives, cold in potency, astringent and sweet, scarifying and improves vision; by wearing on the body they destroy sin, inauspiciousness (witchcraft) and poison, bestow wealth, long life, vigour, happiness, enthusiasm and all such good effects. Quartz (rockcrystals and glass) are slightly astringent, hot in potency and improves vision by use as eyesalves. (17)

शङ्खोदघिमलौ शीतौ कषायावतिलेखनौ । तुत्थकं कटु सक्षारं कषायं विशदं लघु ॥१८॥

लेखनं भेदि चक्षुष्यं कण्डूकृमिविषापहम् । विशदो गैरिकः स्निग्धः कषायमधुरो हिमः ॥१९॥

Sankha (conch shell) and udadhimala (sea-foam) are cold in potency, astringent and scarifying predominantly; Tuttha ( copper sulphate ) is pungent, slightly alkaline and astringent in taste, acts like poison, light, scarifying, purgative, good for the eyes, removes itching, worms (bacteria) and poison; Gairika (redochre ) is anhydrous, smooth, astringent and sweet in taste and cold in potency. (18-19)

कफघ्नी तिक्तकटुका मनोह्रा लेखनी सरा। स्त्रिग्धं कषायकटुकं हरितालं विषप्रणुत् ॥ २०॥

Manohva (realgar) mitigates kapha, bitter and pungent in taste, scarifying and laxative; Haritala (orpiment) is unctous, astringent and pungent in taste and destroys poison. (20)

कषायं मधुरं शीतं लेखनं स्त्रिग्धमञ्जनम् । रक्तपित्तविषच्छर्दिहिध्माघ्नं दृक्प्रसादनम् ॥ २१ ॥

स्त्रोतोऽञ्जनं वरं तत्र ततः सौवीरकाञ्जनम् ।

कफघ्नं तिक्तकटुकं छेदि सोष्णं रसाञ्जनम् ॥२२॥

Anjana (antimony) is astringent and sweet in taste, cold in potency, sacrifying, unctous, cures bleeding diseases, poison, vomiting, hiccup and improves vision. Srotonjana (antimony) is the best and next inferior is sauviranjana. Rasanjana mitigates kapha, bitter and pungent in taste, tears the doshas and hot in potency. (2122)

स्वादु हिध्माप्रशमनं कासमेहक्षयापहम् । कफघ्नमुष्णं कटुकं शिलाजतु रसायनम् ॥२३॥

तिक्तं च छेदनं योगवाहित्वात्सर्वरोगजित् । विशेषात् कृछ्रमेहार्शः पाण्डुशोफकफापहम् ॥२४॥

Silajatu (bitumen) is sweet in taste, cures hiccup, cough, diabetes, consumption; mitigates kapha, hot in potency, pungent and is a rejuvinator. It is bitter in taste, the doshas, cures all diseases by its property of acting in both ways (as cold and also as hot), specially it cures dysurea, diabetes, haemorrhoids, anaemia, dropsy, and diseases caused by kapha. (23-24)

कषाया मधुरा रूक्षा कासनी वंशरोचना । तुगाक्षीरी क्षयश्वासकासघ्नी मधुरा हिमा ॥२५॥

Vamsarocana (bamboo manna) is astringent, sweet in taste, dry and cures cough; Tugaksiri cures consumption, dyspnoea, cough and is sweet in taste and cold in potency. (25)

विष्यन्दि लवणं सर्वं सूक्ष्मं सृष्टमलं विदुः ।

वातघ्नं पाकि तीक्ष्णोष्णं रोचनं कफपित्तकृत् ॥ २६॥

All varieties of salts produce more moisture inside the body, enter through minute pores, cause release of wastes, mitigate vata, helps digestion, penetrate deep, hot in potency, improve taste and increase kapha and pitta. (26)

सैन्धवं तत्र सस्वादु वृष्यं हृद्यं त्रिदोषनुत् । लध्वनुष्णं दृशः पथ्यमविदाह्यग्निदीपनम् ॥२७॥

Saindhava (rock salt) is slightly sweet, aphrodisiac, good for the heart, mitigate all the three doshas, light, not hot in potency, good for vision, does not cause burning sensation during digestion but increases the digestive activity. (27)

लघु सौवर्चलं हृद्यं सुगन्ध्युद्गारशोधनम् । कटुपांक विबन्धघ्नं दीपनीयं रुचि प्रदम् ॥२८॥

Sauvarcala is easily digestable, good for heart, has good smell, purifies the belchings, pungent at the end of digestion, removes constipation, increases hunger. and appetite. (28)

ऊर्ध्वाधः कफवातानुलोमनं दीपनं बिडम् । विबन्धानाहविष्टम्भशूलगौरवनाशनम् ॥२९॥

Bida lavana (black salt) causes downward movement of kapha located in the head and of vata in the abdomen, increases digestion, cures constipation, distention of the abdomen, stasis of food inside for a long time, colic and feeling of heaviness. (29)

विपाके स्वादु सामुद्रं गुरु श्लेष्मविवर्धनम् । सतिक्तकटुकक्षारं तीक्ष्णमुत्क्लेदि चौद्धिदम् ॥३०॥

Samudra (sea salt, common salt) is sweet at the end of digestion, hard to digest and causes increase of kapha greatly; Audbhida slt (salt obtained from alkaline soil) is bitter, pungent and alkaline in taste, penetrating and causes nausea. ( 30 )

कृष्णे सौवर्चलगुणा लवणे गन्धवर्जिताः । रोमकं लघु पांसूत्थं सक्षारं श्लेष्मलं गुरु ॥३१॥

Krsna lavana (black salt obtained from mines) possess all the properties of sauvarcala except the smell, Romaka lavana (salt from soil) is easily digestable; pamsulavana (salt obtained from soil) is alkaline, increases kapha and hard to digest ( 31 )

लवणानां प्रयोगे तु सैन्धवादीन् प्रयोजयेत् । गुल्महत् ग्रहणीपाण्डुप्लीहानाहगलामयान् ॥३२॥

श्वासार्शः कफवातांश्च शमयेद्यवशूकजः । स्वर्जिका तद्गुणान्यूना क्षारेण तु ततोऽधिका॥ ३३ ॥

(possess all the other five tastes), easily digestable, stimulates digestion, digests the food, increases intellegence, retards old age, hot in potency, laxative, prolongs life, strengthens the mind, sense organs; cures leprosy ( and other skin diseases), discolorration, hoarseness of voice, chronic intremittant fevers, diseases of the head and eyes, anaemia, heart disease, jaundice, disease of the doudenum, consumption, dropsy, diarrhoea, diabetes, delusion, vomitting, worms ( internal parasites) dyspnoea, cough, nasal catarrh, haemorrhoids, splenic disorders, enlargement of abdomen, enlargement of abdomen due to homicidal poison, obstruction of the tissue pores, abdominal tumor, stiffness of the thighs, anorexia and many other diseases caused by increased kapha and vata. ( 35-39)

तद्वदामलकं शीतं माधुर्यात् पित्तजित् परम् ॥३९॥

कफं कटुविपाकित्वादम्लत्वान्मारुतं जयेत् । परं च कण्ठ्यं चक्षुष्यं हृद्यं दाहज्वरापहम् ॥४०॥

Amalaka is similar to it (haritaki) but is cold in potency, effectively mitigates pitta by its sweetness, kapha by its pungent taste at the end of digestion and vata by its sourness, it is very good for the throat, eyes, heart and fevers accompanied by burning sensation or burning sensation and fevers. ( 40 )

अक्षं तु तद्गुणात् न्यूनं कषायमधुरं हिमम् । कासश्वासगलश्लेष्मपित्तशुक्रहरं लघु ॥४१॥

परं केश्यस्तु तन्मज्जा शुक्रघ्नं च ततोऽञ्जनम् ।

Aksa (vibhitaki) is slightly inferior to it ( haritaki) in qualities, astringent sweet in taste, cold in potency, cures cough, dyspnoea, throat disease; mitigates kapha, pitta and sukra (corneal ulcer) and is light (easily digestable). Its marrow is best for the hairs, destroys the sukra (corneal ulcer) and good as an eye-salve. (41)

इयं रसायनवरा त्रिफलाक्ष्यामयापहा । रोपणी त्वग्गदक्लेदमेदोमेहकफास्त्रजित् ॥४२॥

These three (haritaki, amalaka and vibhtaki) are together known as Triphala, is very good rejuvinator, cures all the diseases of the eyes, heals ulcers, removes diseases of the skin, accumulation of moisture, fat, diabetes, diseases caused by increased kapha and blood. (42)

Chaturjataka – trijataka

सकेसरं चतुर्जातं त्वक्पत्रैलं त्रिजातकम् । पित्तप्रकोपि तीष्णोष्णं रूक्षं रोचनदीपनम् ॥४३॥

रसे पाके च कटुकं कफघ्नं मरिचं लघु । श्लेष्मलास्वादुशीतार्द्रा गुर्वी स्त्रिग्धा च पिप्पली ॥४४॥

सा शुष्का विपरीतातः स्निग्धा वृष्या रसे कटुः । स्वादुपाकानिलश्लेष्मश्वासकासापहा सरा ॥४५॥

न तामत्युपयुञ्जीत रसायनविधिं विना ।

Kesara, (nagakesara) Twak, Patra and Ela are together. known as Caturjataka, while combination of twak, patra and ela is Trijataka; they cause increase of pitta, are penetrating, hot in potency, dry, improve taste and digestion. (43)

Marica is pungent both in taste and at the end of digestion, mitigates kapha, and is easily digestable.

Pippali when still tender (green) cause increase of kapha, is sweet, cold in potency, hard to digest and unctous; when fully dried, is opposite of the tender one in qualities, is dry, aphrodisiac, pungent in taste, sweet at the end of digestion, mitigates vata and kapha, cures dyspnoea and cough, and is laxative; it should not be used for long periods without observing the regimen prescribed for rejuvination therapy. (44-45 )

नागरं दीपनं वृष्यं ग्राहि हृद्यं विबन्धनुत् ॥४६॥

रुच्य लघु स्वादुपाकं स्त्रिग्धोष्णं कफवातजित् । तद्वदार्द्रकमेतच्च त्रयं त्रिकटुकं जयेत् ॥४७॥

स्थौल्याग्निसदनश्वासकासश्लीपदपीनसान् । चविका पिप्पलीमूलं मरिचाल्पान्तरं गुणैः ॥४८॥


Nagara (dry ginger) promotes hunger, is aphrodisiac, water absorbant, good for the heart, relives constipation, stimulates taste, easly digestable, sweet at the end of digestion, unctious, hot in potency and mitigates kapha and vata; Ardraka (green ginger) is also similar in properties.


These three (marica, pippali and nagara) together are known as Trikatu, it cures obesity, dyspepsia, dyspnoea, cough, filariasis and rhinitis.

Cavika and the root of Pippali plant are slightly inferior to marica in properties. (46-48)

चित्रकोऽग्निसमः पाके शोफार्श: कृमिकृष्ठहा । पञ्चकोलकमेतच्च मरिचेन विना स्मृतम् ॥

गुल्मप्लीहोदरानाहशूलघ्नं दीपनं परम् ॥४९॥

Chitraka is similar to fire for digetion, cures dropsy, haemorrhoids, worms (bacteria) leprosy ( and other skin diseases).


All the above except marica are together known as Pancakola, it cures abdominal tumors, splenic disorders, enlargement of abdomen, distention and colic and is a best stimulator of digestion. (49)


Mahat panchamula

विल्वकाश्मर्यतर्कारीपाटलाटुण्टुकैर्महत् ।

जयेत् कषायं तिक्तोष्णं पञ्चमूलं कफानिलौ ॥५०॥

A combination of Bilva, Kasmarya, Trakari, Patala, and Tuntuka is known as Mahat Pancamula. It is astringent bitter in taste, hot in potency and mitigates kapha and vata. (50)

Hrasva Panchamula

ह्रस्वं बृह॒त्यंशुमतीद्वयगोक्षुरकैः स्मृतम् । स्वादुपाकरसं नाति शीतोष्णं सर्वदोषजित् ॥५१॥

Combination of the two Brhatis (brhati and kantakari) the two amsumatis (Saliparni and prsniparni) and Goksura is known as Hrasva Pancamula. It is sweet in taste and at the end of digestion, neither very cold nor hot in potency and mitigates all the three doshas. (51)

Madhyama Panchamula

बलापुनर्नवैरण्डशूर्पपर्णीद्वयेन च ।

मध्यमं कफवातघ्नं नातिपित्तकरं लघु ॥५२॥

Bala, Punarnava, Eranda, the two surpaparnis (masaparni and mudgaparni ) – are together known as Madhyama Pancamula. It mitigates kapha and vata, does not cause increase of pitta very greatly and is easily digestible. (52)

Jivana Panchamula

अभीरुवीराजीवन्तीजीवकर्षभकैः स्मृतम् । जीवनाख्यं तु चक्षुष्यं वृष्यं पित्तानिलापहम् ॥५३॥

Abhiru (satavari) – Vira – Jivanti, Jivaka and Rsabhaka – are together known as Jivana pancamula. It is good for the eyes, aphrodisiac and mitigates pitta and vata. (53)

Trina Panchamula

तृणाख्यं शरदर्भेक्षुशालिकाशैस्तु पित्तजित् । अजशृङ्गी हरिद्रा च विदारीशारिवाऽमृताः ॥५४॥

वल्याख्यं कण्टकाख्यं तु श्वदंष्ट्राभीरुसैर्यकैः । सहिंस्राकरमर्दीकैस्सर्वदोषहरे च ते ॥५५॥

Sara, Darbha, Iksu, sali and kasa together form Trina panchamula. It mitigates pitta.

Valli and Kantaka panchamula

Ajasmgi, Haridra, Vidari, Sariva, Amruta are together known as Valli Pancamula; Svadamstra, Abhiru, Sairyaka, Himsra and Karamardika together are known as Kantka Pancamula. Both these mitigate all three doshas. (54-55)

कारवीकुञ्चिवाजाजीकवरीधान्यतुम्बरु । अन्नगन्धहरं रुच्यं दीपनं कफवातजित् ॥५६॥

Karavi, Kunci, Ajaji, Kavari (Satapuspa) Dhanya and Turmburu-these remove the bad smell of foods, increase their taste, kindle digestion and mitigate kapha and vata. (56)

बाष्पिका कटुतिक्तोष्णा कृमिश्लेष्महरा परम् । तद्वच्च राजिका विघ्नसादनी दीपनी परम् ।

शूलाटोपहरा रुच्या दीप्यकः कोष्ठशूलजित् ॥५७॥

Baspika is pungent, bitter, hot in potency, kills worms and mitigates kapha effictively. Likewise is Rajika, it removes the obstacles (caused by evil spirits etc.) kindles digestion effectively. Dipyaka relieves colic, flatulence, increases taste and cures abdominal pain. ( 57 )

अहृद्याः सर्षपाः स्निग्धा बाष्पिकावच्च कीर्त्तिताः । हिङ्गु वातकफानाहशूलघ्नं पित्तकोपनम् ॥५८ ॥

कटुपाकरसं रुच्यं दीपनं पाचनं लघु । पित्तास्त्रकोपि तच्चैवं श्रेष्ठं बोष्काणदेशजम् ॥ ५९॥

ततो न्यूनगुणं त्वन्यद्द्रव्यव्यञ्जनधूपनम् ।

Sarsapa is not good to the heart, unctous, and similar to baspika in other qualities.

Hingu mitigates vata and kapha, relieves distention and pain of the abdomen and cause increase of pitta, is pungent in taste and at the end of digestion, improves taste, kindles hunger, helps digestion, light (easly digestable), increases pitta and rakta; that obtained from Boskana country is the best. All others which resemble it in form, smell and taste (meaning artificially prepared) are inferior. (58-59 )

शताह्वाकुष्ठतगरसुरदारुहरेणवः ॥६०॥

एलैलवालुसरलत्वग्व्याघ्रनखचोरकाः । लघूष्णाः कटुकाः पाके कफवातनिबर्हणाः ॥६१ ॥

Satahwa, kustha, tagara, suradaru, harenu, ela, elavalu, sarala, twak, vyaghranakha, coraka are all easily digestable, hot in potency, pungent at the end of digestion and mitigate kapha and vata. (60-61)

सैर्यकस्तिक्तमधुरः स्निग्धोष्णः कफवातजित् । बस्तिमूत्रविबन्धघ्नो वृष्यो गोक्षुरको हिमः ॥६२॥

Sairyaka is bitter, sweet in taste, unctous, hot in potency, mitigates kapha and vata; Goksuraka relieves the obstruction of urine in the bladder, is aphrodisiac and cold in potency. (62)

पाचनं कफपित्तघ्नं तिक्तं शीतं विषाद्वयम् । कफघ्नं तिक्तकटुकं मुस्तं संग्राहि पाचनम् ॥६३॥

The two Visas (visa and ativisa) are digestives, mitigate kapha and pitta, bitter in taste and cold in potency.

Musta mitigates kapha, bitter – pungent in taste, absorbs water and helps digestion. (63)

तिक्ताऽमृता त्रिदोषघ्नी ग्राहिण्युष्णा रसायनी । दीपनी ज्वरतृड्दाहकामलावातरक्तनुत् ॥६४॥

Amrita is bitter, mitigates all three doshas, absorbs water, is hot in potency is a rejuvinator, helps digestion, and cures fever, thirst, burning sensation, jaundice and vatarakta (gout). (64)

तिक्तशीतौ ज्वरहरौ लघू भूनिम्बपर्पटौ । निम्बस्तिक्तो हिमः कुष्ठकृमिपित्तकफापहः ॥६५॥ 273 AS35

Bhunimba and Parpata are bitter, cold in potency, cures fever and easily digestable.

Nimba is bitter, cold in potency, cures leprosy and worms ( bacteria) and mitigate pitta and kapha. (65)

महानिम्बः परं ग्राही कषायौ रूक्षशीतलः ।

Mahanimba as an efficient water absorber, astringent in taste, dry and cold in potency. (66a)

गुग्गुलुः पिच्छिलुः स्पर्शे विशदोऽभ्यवहारतः ॥६६॥

सस्वादु सकटुस्तिक्तः सकषायो रसायनम् । व्रण्यः स्वर्यः कटुः पाके रुक्षः सूक्ष्मोऽग्निदीपनः ॥६७ ॥

क्लेदमेदोनिलश्लेष्मगण्डमेहापचीक्रिमीन् । पिटकाग्रन्थिशोफांश्च हन्त्युष्णः स्रंसनो लघुः ॥६८ ॥

Guggulu is sticky on touch but clears stickiness when used internally, slightly sweet, pungent, bitter and astringent in taste, rejuvenator, good for ulcers and voice, pungent at the end of digestion, dry, gets into minute pores, improves digestive activity, cures over hydration, fat accumulation, an increase of vata and kapha, enlarged lymph glands, diabetes, scrofula (or goitre), worms ( bacteria), boils, tumors and inflamatory swellings; is laxative and easily digestable. (66-68)

शङ्खपुष्पीसरा तिक्ता मेध्या कृमिविषापहा । कटुतिक्तोष्णमगरु स्निग्धं वातकफापहम् ॥६९॥

Sankhapuspi is laxative, bitter, improves intellegence, cures worms and poison.

Agaru is pungent, bitter, hot in potency, unctous and mitigates vata and kapha (69)

पित्तास्त्रविषतृड्दाहक्लमघ्नं गुरु रूक्षणम् । सर्वं सतिक्तमधुरं चन्दनं शिशिरं परम् ॥ ७० ॥

All varieties of Candana cure diseases caused by pitta, rakta (blood) and poison; relieve thirst, burning sensation, fatigue; hard to digest, dry, bitter sweet in taste and efficiently cold in potency. The red variety is easily digestable. (70)

तथोशीरं वालकं पाचनं च तत् । ज्वारातिसारवमथुरक्तपित्तक्षतापहम्॥७१॥

Usira and Valaka are also similar in qualities, help digestion, cure fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, bleeding disease and injury inside the lungs. (71)

मधुकं रक्तपित्तघ्नं व्रणशोधनरोपणम् ।

गुरु स्वादु हिमं वृष्यं चक्षुष्यं स्वरवर्णकृत् ॥७२॥

Madhuka cures bleeding disease, cleanses and heals ulcers, is hard to digest, sweet, cold in potency, aphrodisiac, and good for the eyes, voice, and colour (complexion). (72)

कटुतिक्ते निशे कुष्ठमेहपित्तकफापहे । प्रलेपाज्जयतः कण्डूं शोकं दुष्टव्रणं विषम् ॥७३॥

The two Nisas (haridra and daruharidra) are pungent-bitter, cure leprosy (and other skin diseases), diabetes, mitigate pitta and kapha, by external application they cure itching, swelling, bad ulcers and poison (swelling etc. caused by poison). (73)

प्रपौण्डरीकं चक्षुष्यं शिशिरं व्रणरोपणम् । कषायतिक्तमधुरं रक्तपित्तप्रसादनम् ॥७४॥

Prapaundarika is good for the eye, cold in potency, heals ulcers, astringent, bitter and sweet in taste and removes the impurities in rakta (blood) and pitta. (74)

बलात्रयं स्वादु वृष्यं स्निग्धं शीतं बलप्रदम् । तत्र नागबला बल्या क्षतक्षीणहिता गुरुः ॥७५॥

The three Balas (bala, atibala, and nagabala) are sweet in taste, aphrodisiac, cause unctousness, cold in potency, strengthening; out of them, nagabala gives stength, good for those emaciated from wounds and is hard to digest.

(75) ताम्बूलं कटु सक्षारं रुच्यमुष्णं कफप्रणुत् । भेदि सम्मोहकृत् पूगं कषायं स्वादु रोचनम् ॥७६ ।।

Tambula is pungent, slightly alkaline, improves taste, hot in potency and mitigates kapha. Puga is purgative, causes intoxication, astringent – sweet in taste and improves taste preception. (76)

जातिपत्री कटुफलं कङ्कोलकलवङ्गकम् । लघु तृष्णापहं हृद्यं वक्त्रदौर्गन्ध्यनाशनम् ।।७७।।

Jatipatri is pungent. Its phala (jatiphala), Kankola and Lavanga are easily digestable, relieve thirst, good for heart and remove the bad smell of the mouth. (77)

सस्वादुतिक्तस्तृष्णाघ्नः कर्पूरश्चछेदनो हिमः | लताकस्तूरिका तद्वन्मुख्शोषहरा परम् ।।७८ ।।

Karpura is slightly sweet and bitter, relieves thirst, tears off (the sticky) kapha and is cold (in potency). (78a)

Latakasturika is also similar and effectively cures dryness of the mouth.

(78) कषायमधुरं शीतं पद्मं पित्तकफास्त्रजित् । तद्वत् बकुलपुन्नागकुमुदोत्पलपाटलम् ।।७९।।

Padma is astringent sweet in taste, cold in potency, mitigates pitta, kapha and rakta, like-wise are Bakula, Punnaga, Kumuda, Utpala and Patala and Campaka. (79)

सचम्पकं ततो न्यूनं गुणै: कोरण्डकिंशुकम् । मालतीमल्लिकापुष्पं तिक्तं जयति मारुतम् ।।८०।।

Campaka is slightly inferior in qualities to the above; are Koranda and Kimsuka, Malati, Mallika flowers are bitter and mitigate vata. (80)

विषपित्तकफान्नागं सिन्दुवारं च तद्गुणम् । कफघ्नं कैतकं तिक्तं शैरीषं विषहारिच ॥८१ ।।

Nagapuspa and Sinduvara are similar in qualities and mitigate poisons, pitta and kapha, Kaitaka flower mitigates kapha, and is bitter. Flower of Sirisa is antipoisonous. (81)

वातलं पुष्पमागस्त्यं कषायं कफपित्तजित् । चातुर्थिकज्वरहरं नावनेनोपयोजितम् ॥८२ ॥

Flower of Agastya tends to increase vata, is astringent and mitigates kapha and pitta; used as a nasal drop, it cures fever which manifests once in four days. ( 82 )

बन्धूकं श्लेष्मलं ग्राहि तद्वदेव च यूथिका । कफघ्नमुष्णवीर्यं च कुङ्कुमं व्रणशोधनम् ।। अवल्ग्वेडकजं बीजं कटिवातकफप्रणुत ॥८३ ।।

Bandhuka increases kapha and absobs moisture; Yuthika is also similar.

Kumkuma mitigates kapha, hot in potency, and cleanses the wounds; seeds of Avlguja and Edagaja releve lumbago and mitigate kapha. (83)

Vihara – activities

आस्या वर्णश्लेष्ममेदः सौकुमार्यकृदन्यथा । अतोऽध्वाग्निबलांयूषि कुर्याच्चङ्क्रमणं सुखम् ॥८४ ॥

मारुतस्यानुलोम्यं च खुडस्तम्भश्रमापहम् ।

Asya (simply sitting without doing any physical work) imparts colour (complexion), increases kapha and fat, and causes too much of delicateness of the body.

Adhva (walking long distances) is opposite of the above in property, increase digestive power, strength, and lifespan; cankramana (short walk ) is comforting, causes downword movement of vata, cures khuda (gout), stiffness of the limbs and fatigue. (84)

अन्वर्थसंज्ञं पादत्रं बलदृक्शुक्रवर्द्धनम् ।।८५ ।। वर्ण्यं नेत्रहितं छत्रं वातवर्षातपापहम् ।

Padatra (footwear) is true to its name (protects the feet), causes increase of strength, vision and semen. (85)

Chatra (umbrella), improves colour (complexion), good for the eyes, protects from wind, rain and sun. (85)

प्रवातो रौक्ष्यवैवर्ण्यस्तम्भकृद्दाहतृडभ्रमान् ।।८६ ।।

श्रमाग्निमूर्च्छाश्च जयेदप्रवातस्त्वतोऽन्यथा | प्राग्वायुरुष्णोऽभिष्यन्दी त्वग्दोषार्शोविषक्रिमीन् ॥८७ ॥

सन्निपातज्वरं श्वासमामं वायुं च कोपयेत् । पश्चिमः शिशिरो हन्ति मूर्च्छा दाहं तृषं विषम् ॥८८ ॥

दक्षिणो मारुतः श्रेष्ठो नेत्र्योऽङ्गबलवर्द्धनः । रक्तपित्तप्रशमनो न च वातप्रकोपनः ॥८९ ।।

उत्तरो मारुतः स्निग्धो मृदुर्मधुरएव च । कषायानुरसः शीतो दोषाणामप्रकोपनः ॥९० ॥

Pravata (heavy breeze) cause dryness, discolouration, stiffeness, burning sensation, thirst, giddiness and relieves fatigue, excessive hunger and fainting; Apravata (light breeze) is the opposite in properties; the breeze from the east is hot in effect, is abhisyandi (which produces more scretions and cause obstruction of the tissue pores) and increases the diseases of the skin, haemorrhoids, poison, worms, fever, arising from all the three doshas, dyspnoea, undigested food materials and vata; breeze from the west is cold in effect, cures fainting, burning sensation, thirst and effects of poison; breeze from the south is very good (for health), improves the strength of the eyes and the body, mitigates bleeding disease, does not cause increase of vata; breeze from the north cause moistness, mild, sweet and astringent in primary and secondary tastes respectively, cold in effect and does not increase the doshas. (86-90)

आतपो भ्रमतृट्स्वेददाहमूर्च्छाविवर्णताः । कुर्यात् पित्तास्त्रवह्नींश्च छाया चैतानपोहति ।।

तमः कषायकटुकं ज्योत्स्ना मधुरशीतला ।।९१९ ।।

Atapa (sunlight) causes, giddiness, thirst, sweating, burning sensation, fainting, discolouration, increases pitta, rakta and digestive activity.

Chaya (shade) relieves all above distresses; Tamas (darkness) is astringent and pungent in effect, whereas Jyotsna (moonlight) is sweet (pleasant) and cold in effect. (91)

भवति चात्र ।

रसादिभेदैरिति भेषजाना दिङ्मात्रमुक्तं न यतोऽस्ति किंञ्चित् । अनौषधं द्रव्यमिहावबोधो रूपस्य तेषां वनगोचरेभ्यः ।।९२ ।।

So far the taste and other properties of a few drugs were described in brief, only as a pointer; there is nothing (in the world) which is not a medicine, their featuers etc., are to be learnt from the dwellers in the forest. (92)

।। इति द्वादशोध्यायः ॥


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