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Ashtanga samgrahaAGRYASANGRAHANIYA ADHYAYA - Collection of the best - A.S.S Chapter 13

AGRYASANGRAHANIYA ADHYAYA – Collection of the best – A.S.S Chapter 13

We will now expound the chapter called Agryasangrahaniya (collection of the best) : Thus said atreya and other great sages. (1)

अथातोऽग्रयसङ्ग्रहणीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।।१।।

श्रेष्ठमुदकमाश्वासनस्तम्भनक्लेदनानाम् । स्रानं सुरा च श्रमहराणाम् । क्षीरं जीवनीयानाम् । मांसं बृंहणीयानाम् । रसः प्रीणनानाम् । लवणमन्नद्रव्यरुचिकराणाम् । तिन्दुकमन्नद्रव्याऽरुचि कराणाम्। अम्लं हृद्यानाम् । कुक्कुटो बल्यानाम् । तैलं वातश्लेप्मप्रशमनानाम् । सर्पिर्वातपित्तप्र शमनानाम् | मधु श्लेष्मपित्तप्रशमनानाम् । स्वेदो मार्दवकराणाम् । व्यायामः स्थैर्यकराणाम् । क्षारः पुंस्त्वोपघातिनाम् । आमं कपित्थमकण्ठ्यानाम् । आविकं सर्पिरहृद्यानाम् । महिषीक्षीरं स्वप्नजननानाम् । मन्दकं दध्यभिप्यन्दकराणाम् । इक्षुर्मूत्रजननानाम् । यवा: पुरीषजनना नाम् । जाम्बवं वातजननानाम् । कुलत्थोऽम्लपित्तजननानाम् । माषा: शुप्फुल्योऽविक्षीरं च पित्तश्लेष्मजननानाम् । दुरालभापित्तश्लेप्मोपशोपणानाम् । उपवासो ज्वरहराणां । वृपो रक्तपित्त प्रशमनानाम्। कण्टकारिका कासनानाम् । लाक्षा सद्यःक्षतघ्नानाम् । नागबलाभ्यास: क्षतक्षयघ्नानाम् । पुष्करमूलं हिध्माश्वासकासपार्श्वशूलारुचिहराणाम् । अजापयः शोषघ्नस्तन्य कररक्तसङ्ग्रहणप्रशमनानाम् । मृद्धृष्टलोष्टप्रसादः छर्दितृष्णातियोगप्रशमनानाम् । अरुष्कर चित्रकमूलं च शुष्कार्श: प्रशमनानाम् । कुटजो रक्लर्श: प्रशमनानाम् । लाजाश्छर्दिघ्नानाम् । यावशूकः स्रंसनीयपाचनीयार्शोघ्नानाम् | तक्राभ्यासोऽर्शःश्वयथुग्रहणीदोपघृतव्यापत्प्रशमना नाम्। क्रव्यान्मांसाभ्यासोऽर्शः शोषग्रहणीदोपघ्नानाम् । मुस्तं सङ्ग्रहणीय दीपनीयपाचनीया नाम् । अतिविषा सङ्ग्रहणीयपाचनीयसर्वदोपहराणाम् । बिल्वं सङ्ग्रहणीयदीपनीयवातकफ प्रशमनानाम्। उदीच्यं निर्वापणदीपनीयछर्घतीसार हराणाम् । कट्वङ्गं सङ्ग्रहणीयदीपनीया नाम् । कुटजत्वक् श्लेष्मपित्तरक्तसङ्ग्रहणीयोपशोषणीयानाम् । उत्पलकुमुदकिअल्कोऽनन्ता च सङ्ग्रहणीयरक्लपित्तप्रशमनानाम् । काश्मर्यफलं रक्तसङ्ग्रहणीयरक्तपित्तप्रशमनानाम् । गन्धप्रियङ्गुः शोणितपित्तातियोगप्रशमनानाम् । पृश्रिपर्णी रक्तसङ्ग्रहणीयदीपनीयपाचनीय बातहरवृप्याणाम्। सालपर्णी वृप्यसर्वदोपहराणाम् । बला सङ्ग्रहणीयबल्यवातहराणाम् ।

पिप्पलीमूलं दीपनीयपाचनीयाऽऽनाहहराणाम् चित्रकमूलं दीपनीयपाचनीयगुदशोफशूलहरा णाम् । गोक्षुरको मूत्रंकृच्छ्रानिलहराणाम् । हरिद्रा प्रमेहहराणाम् । रक्तावसेको विद्रधिविसर्पपि टकागण्डमालपहराणाम् । एरण्डतैलाभ्यासो वर्मगुल्मानिलशूलहराणाम् । लशुनो गुल्मानिलह राणाम् । हिङ्गुनिर्यासः श्छेदनीयपाचनीयानुलोमिकवातकफप्रशमनानाम् । अम्लवेतसो भेद नीयदीपनीयानुलोमिकवातकफप्रशमनानाम् । उष्ट्रीक्षीरमुदरश्वयथुघ्नानाम् । अयोरजः पाण्डुरो गघ्नानाम् । खदिर: कुष्ठघ्नानाम् । विडङ्गः कृमिघ्नानाम् । रास्त्रा वातहराणाम्। एरण्डमूलं वृष्यवातहराणाम् । गुग्गुलुर्मेदोनिलहराणाम् । अमृता सङ्ग्रहणीयदीपनीयवात श्लेष्मशोणित विबन्धप्रशमनानाम्। मदनफलं वमना स्थापनानुवासनोपयोगिनाम् | त्रिवृत्सुखविरचेना नाम्। चतुरङ्गुलोमृदुविरेचनानाम् । स्रुक्पयस्तीक्ष्णविरेचनानाम् । प्रत्यक्पुप्पी शिरोविरेचना नाम् । त्रिफलातिमिरघ्नानाम् । गुग्गुलुर्ब्रण्यानाम् । शिरीषो विषघ्नानाम् । आमलकं वयस्थापना नाम् । हरीतकी पथ्यानाम् । क्षीरघृताभ्यासो रसायनानाम् । समघृतसक्नुप्राशाभ्यासो वृप्योदाव र्तहराणाम् । सङ्कल्पो नक्ररेतश्च वृष्याणाम् ॥२॥

सेव्यानाम् । दौर्मनस्यमवृष्याणाम्। तैलगण्डूषाभ्यासो दन्तबलरुचिकराणाम् । चन्दनोदुम्बरं दाहनिर्वापण लेपनानाम् । रास्त्रागरुणी शीतापनयनप्रलेपनानाम् । लामज्जकोशीरे दाहत्वग्दोपस्वेदापनयनप्र लेपनानाम्। कुष्ठं वातहराभ्यङ्गोपनाहोपयोगिनाम् । मधुकं चक्षुष्यवृष्यकेश्यकण्ठ्यबल्यविरेच नीयरोपणीयानाम्। अजीर्णाशनं ग्रहणीदूषणानाम् । विरुद्धवीर्याशनं निन्दितव्याधिकरा णाम् । गुरुभोजनं दुर्विपाकानाम् । अति मात्राशनमामदोपहेतूनाम् । यथाग्यभ्यवहारोऽग्नि सन्धुक्षणानाम् । यथासात्म्यमाहारविहारौ एकासनशयनभोजनं सुखनाशकराणाम् । विषमाशनमग्निवैषम्यकराणाम् । काले भोजनमारोग्यकराणाम् । सुदर्शन मनं श्रद्धजननानाम् । वेगधारणमनारोग्यकराणाम् । तृप्तिराहारगुणानाम् । अनशनमायुषोहा सकराणाम् । प्रमिताशनं गवेधुकानं च कर्शनीयानाम् । उद्दालकानं रूक्षणीयानाम्। मद्यं सौमनस्यजननानाम्। मद्याक्षेपो धीधृतिस्मृतिहराणाम् । स्त्रीष्वतिप्रसङ्गः शोषकराणाम् ।। शुक्रवेगविनिग्रहः षाण्ठ्यकराणाम् । पादाभ्यामुद्वर्तनमनश्रद्धाजननानाम् । सूनादर्शनमन्नाश्र द्धाजननानाम् ॥३॥

मिथ्यायोगो व्याधिमुखानाम् । रजस्वलागमनमलक्ष्मीमुखानाम् । ब्रह्मचर्यमायुप्याणाम् । परदा रगमनमनायुष्याणाम् । अयथाप्राणमारम्भः प्राणोपरोधिनाम् । विषादो रोगवर्द्धनानाम् । हर्षः प्रीणनानाम् । शोकः शोषणानाम् । आश्वासो बलकराणाम् । निर्वृतिः पुष्टिकराणाम् । पुष्टि स्वप्नकराणाम् । स्वप्नः तन्द्रीकराणाम् । सर्वरसाभ्यासो बलकराणाम् । एकरसाभ्यासो दौर्बल्या

रोचकान्यतमदोषप्रकोपकराणाम् । गर्भशल्यमाहार्याणाम् । अग्निरामस्तम्भशीतशूलोद्वेष्टकप्रश मनानाम्। अजीर्णमुद्धार्याणाम् । बालोमृदुभेषजार्हाणाम् । वृद्धो याप्यानाम् । गर्भिणी तीक्ष्णौषधव्यवायव्यायामवर्जनीयानाम् । सौमनस्यं गर्भधारणानाम् । असौमनस्यं दुःखजना नाम् । सन्निपातो दुश्चिकित्स्यानाम् । आमविषमचिकित्स्यानाम् । ज्वरः शीघ्ररोगाणाम् । कुष्ठं दीर्घरोगाणाम् । राजयक्ष्मा रोगसमूहानाम् । प्रमेहोऽनुषङ्गिणाम् । जलौकसोऽनुशस्त्राणाम् । बस्तिर्यन्त्राणाम् । हिमवानौषधभूमीनाम् । सोम औषधीनाम् । मरुभूमिरारोग्यदेशानाम् । आनूपभूमिरहितदेशानाम् । निर्देशकारित्वामातुरगुणानाम् । अनिर्देशकारित्वमरिष्टानाम् । भिषकिकित्साङ्गानाम् । सिद्धि वैयाङ्गानाम् । नास्तिको वर्ज्यानाम् । लौल्यं क्लेशकराणाम् । आत्मवत्तोपकारिणाम् । शास्त्रसहितस्तर्क: साधकानाम् । दृष्टकर्मता निस्संशयकराणाम् । असमर्थता भयंकराणाम् । तद्वियसम्भाषा बुद्धिवर्द्धनानाम् । आचार्यः शास्त्राधिगमहेतूनाम् । आयुर्वेदोऽमृतानाम् । सद्वैद्यद्वेषः प्राणत्यागहेतूनाम् । सद्वचनमनुष्ठेयानाम् । वायुः प्राणसंज्ञा प्रदानहेतूनाम्। सर्वसन्यासः सुखानामिति । तत्रोदकाग्निमृद्भृष्टलोष्टप्रसादतक्राभ्यासरक्लवसे कैरण्डतैलाभ्यासोष्ट्रीक्षरमदनफलमद्याक्षेपैकरसगर्भिणीनामेकैकस्मात् समुदायाच्च निर्द्धार णम् । पुष्करमूलादीनां तु समुदायादेवेति || ४ ||

1. Udaka (water) is best / chief among those which revive, withhold and moisten.

2. Snana (bath) and Sura (wincs ) is best / chief among those which relieve fatigue.

3. Ksira (milk ) is best / chief among those which invigorate the body.

4. Mamsa (meat ) is best / chief among those which produce stoutness.

5. Rasa (meat juice ) is best / chief among those which produce satisfation.

6. Lavana (salt) is best / chief among those which give good taste to food.

7. Tinduka is best / chief among those which spoil the taste of food.

8. Amla (sour) is best / chief among those which are good for the heart.

9. Kukkuta (meat of cock ) is best / chief among those which give strength.

10. Taila (sesamum oil) is best / chief among those which mitigate vata and kapha.

11. Sarpi (ghee, butterfat) is best / chief among those which mitigate vata and pitta.

12. Madhu (honey) is best / chief among those which mitigate kapha and pitta.

13. Sveda (sudation, fomentation) is best / chief among those which produce softness.

14. Vyayama (physical exercise) is best / chief among those which produce firmness.

15. Ksara (alkalies) is best / chief among those which destroy virility.

16. Ama kapittha is best / chief among those which are not good for the throat.

17. Avika sarpi (ghee prepared from ewe’s milk) is best / chief among those which are not good for the heart.

18. Mahisiksira (buffalow’s milk is best / chief among those which produce sleep.

19. Mandaka dadhi (curds not well formed) is best / chief among those which cause obstruction of tissue pores by secretion of more moisture.

20. Iksu (sugar cane juice) is best / chief among those which cause more production of urine.

21. Yava (barley) is best / chief among those which cause more production of feces.

22. Jambava is best / chief among those which cause increase of vata.

23. Kulattha is the best / chief among those which produce amlapitta (hyperacidity in the stomach).

24. Masa, saskuli (fried pastry) and Aviksira (ewes milk) is best / chief among those which cause increase of pitta and kapha.

25. Duralabha is best / chief among those which dry up the moisture of pitta and kapha.

26. Upavasa (fasting) is best / chief among those which cure fevers.

27. Vrsa is best / chief among those which cure bleeding disease.

28. Kantakari is best / chief among those which cure cough.

29. Laksa is best / chief among those which cure fresh traumatic wounds.

30. Nagabala (habitual use of) is best / chief among those which cure Tuberculosis / consumption due to wounds.

31. Puskaramula is best / chief among those which cure hiccup, dyspnoea, cough, pain in the flanks and anorexia.

32. Ajapaya (goat’s milk) is best chief among those which cures consumption, produce breast milk, stop bleeding and mitigate the doshas.

33. Mrdbhrasta losta udaka (water into which heated mud balls have been immersed) is best / chief among those which cure excessive vomiting and severe thirst.

34. Aruskara and chitramula is best / chief among those which cure dry haemorrhoids.

35. Kutaja is best / chief among those which cure bleeding haemorrhoids.

36. Laja (fried paddy) is best / chief among those which cure vomiting.

37. Yavasuka (barley corn) is best / chief among those which cause soft elimination of feces, digest the food and cure haemorrhoids.

38. Takrabhyasa (habit of drinking buttermilk) is best / chief among those which cure haemorrhoids, dropsy and duodenal disorders.

39. Kravyadamamsabhyasa is best chief among those which cure haemorrhoids, consumption and duodenal disorder.

40. Musta is best / chief among those which cause absorption of water kindle hunger and help digestion.

41. Ativisa is best / chief among those which cause absorption of water, help digestion and mitigate of all the three doshas.

42. Bilva is best / chief among those which cause absorption of water help digestion and mitigate vata and kapha.

43. Udicya is best / chief among those which cause mitigation of the doshas, help hunger, cure vomiting and diarrhoea.

44. Katvanga (aralu) is best / chief among those which absorb water and kindle digestion.

45. Kutajatwak is best / chief among those which mitigate kapha, pitta, stop bleeding and allieviate the doshas.

46. Utpala, Kumuda, Kinjalka, Anantha is best / chief among those which absorb water and mitigate rakta and pitta or cure raktapitta (bleeding disease).

47. Kasmarya phala is best / chief among those which stop bleeding and cure bleeding disease.

48. Gandhapriyangu is best / chief among those which control the excessive discharge of blood in the bleeding disease.

48. Prsniparni is best / chief among those which stop bleeding, kindle hunger, help digestion, mitigate vata and act as aphrodisiac.

49. Saliparni is best / chief among those which are aphrodisiac and mitigate all the doshas.

50. Bala is best / chief among those which absorb water, strengthening and mitigate vata.

51. Pippalimula is best / chief among those which kindle hunger, help digestion, and relieve flatulence.

52. Citramula is best / chief among those which kindle hunger, help digestion, cure swelling and pain of the rectum.

53. Goksura is best / chief among those which cure dysurea and mitigate vata.

54. Haridra is best / chief among those which cure diabetes.

55. Raktavaseka (blood letting) is best / chief among those which cure abscess, herpes, boils and scrofula.

56. Eranda taila abhyasa (habitual use of) is best / chief among those which cure scrotal swelling (hernia), abdominal tumor and colic caused by increased vata.

57. Lasuna is best / chief among those which cure abdominal tumor and aggravated vata.

58. Hingu niryasa is best / chief among those which pierce the tissues, help digestion, laxative and mitigate vata and kapha.

59. Amlavetasa is best / chief among those which are purgatives, kindle hunger, laxatives and mitigate vata and kapha.

60. Ustriksira (camel’s milk) is the best / chief among those which cure abdominal enlargement and dropsy.

61. Ayoraja (iron filings) is the best / chief among those which cure anaemia.

62. Khadira is best / chief among those which cure leprosy and other skin diseases.

63. Vidanga is best / chief among those which cure worms (intestinal parasites).

64. Rasna is best / chief among those which cure diseases caused by vata.

65. Eranda mula is best / chief among those which act as aphrodisiac and cure diseases caused by vata.

66. Guggulu is best / chief among those which cure obesity and mitigate vata.

67. Amrta is best / chief among those which absorb water, kindle hunger, mitigate vata, kapha, rakta and constipation.

68. Madanaphala is best / chief among those which are useful in emesis, decoction enema and oil enema.

69. Trivrit is best / chief among those which cause easy purgations.

70. Caturangula is best / chief among those which are mild purgatives.

71. Snuk paya (sap of snuhi) is best / chief among those which drastic purgatives.

72. Pratyak puspi is best / chief among those which are purgatives to the head.

73. Triphala is best / chief among those which cure blindness.

74. Guggulu is best / chief among those which cure ulcers.

75. Sirisa is best / chief among those which are antipoisonous.

76. Amalaka is best / chief among those which protect from old age.

77. Haritaki is best / chief among those which are good for health.

78. Ksiraghrtabhyasa is best / chief among those which are rejunivators.

79. Samaghrtasaktuprasabhyasa (habitual use of equal quantities of ghee and cornflour meals) is best / chief among those which act as aphrodistic and relieve upward movement (reverse peristalisis).

80. Sankalpa (desire, inclination) and Nakra retas (semen of the crocodile) is best / chief among those which are aphrodisiacs.

81. Daurmanasya (bad mind, non-inclination) is best / chief among those which are non-aphrodisiacs.

82. Tailagandusabhyasa (habit of gargling the mouth with oil) is best / chief among those which give strength to the teeth and impart good taste.

83. Candana and Udumbara is best / chief among those unguents which relieve burning sensation.

84. Rasna and Aguru is best / chief among those unguents which and remove coldness (thus impart warmth).

85. Lamajjaka and Usira is best / chief among those unguents which relieve burning sensation, diseases of the skin and excessive perspiration.

86. Kustha is best / chief among those which are used for oil massage and poultices to mitigate vata.

87. Madhuka is best / chief among those which are good for the eyes, aphrodisiacs good for hairs and throat, give strength, purgations and heal wounds.

88. Ajirnasana (eating uncooked foods) is best / chief among those which cause disorders of the duodenum.

89. Viruddhaviryasana (eating foods of opposite potencies mixed together) is best / chief among those which cause undesirable (incurable diseases).

90. Gurubhojana (eating foods which are hard to digest) is best / chief among those which cause improper digestion.

91. Atimatrasana (eating large quantities of food) is best / chief among those which cause production of Amadosha (undigested materials at the end of digestion).

92. Eating foods comensurate with the ability of Agni (digestive capacity) is best chief among those which kindle the digestive activity and keep it properly.

93. Habit of indulging only in accustomed foods and activities is best / chief among those which are to be adhered to.

94. Adopting only one posture in sitting and sleeping; and taking only one meal a day is best / chief among those which destroy happiness.

95. Visamasana (eating foods which are a mixture of healthy and unhealthy substances) is best / chief among those which cause disorders of digestion.

96. Kalabhojana (eating food at the proper time) is best / chief among those which promote health.

97. Sudarsana anna (pleasant looking food) is best / chief among those which cause desire for eating.

98. Vegadharana (suppression of natural urges of the body) is best / chief among those which cause ill health.

99. Tripti (feeling of contentment) is best / chief among those which qualities of food.

100. Anasana (fasting or starvation) is best / chief among those which reduce the span of life..

101. Pramitasana and gavedhukanna (eating very little quantity of food prepared from Gavedhuka) is best / chief among those which cause emaciation of the body.

102. Uddalakanna (food prepared from uddalaka) is best / chief among those which cause dryness of the body.

103. Madya (alcoholic drinks) is best / chief among those which cause exhillaration of the mind.

104. Madyaksepa (too much of drinking alcoholic beverages) is best / chief among those which cause loss of intelligence, fortitude and memory.

105. Atistriprasanga (excessive indulgence in sex) is best / chief among those which cause emaciation (or consumption).

106. Sukraveganigraha (suppression of ejaculation of semen) is best / chief among those which cause impotence.

107. Padodvartana (getting the body pressed mildly by the feet of another person) is best / chief among those which cause inclination for food.

108. Sunadarsana (sight of a dead body assulted by weapons) is best / chief among those which cause disinclination for food.

109. Mithyayoga (improper indulgence in all activities, foods, therapies etc.) is best / chief among those which are the causes of diseases.

110. Rajasvalagamana (sexual intercourse during menstrual period) is best / chief among those which are inauspicious activity.

111. Brahmacarya (celibecy) is best / chief among those which confer long life.

112. Paradaragamana (sexual intercourse with another man’s wife) is best chief among those which cut short life.

113. Ayathaprana-arambha (excertion beyond one’s capacity) is best / chief among those which are risky to life.

114. Visada (dejection, depression,despair) is best / chief among those which cause increase of diseases.

115. Harsa (joy, pleasure, happiness) is best / chief among those which give satisfaction, pleasantness and gratify.

116. Soka (sorrow, grief) is best / chief among those which cause emaciation / consumption.

117. Asvasa (comforting consoling or assuring) is best / chief among those which give strength, courage / fortitude.

118. Nirvrtti (satisfaction, delight pleasure) is best / chief among those which nourish the body.

119. Pusti (nourishment) is best / chief among those which produce sleep.

120. Svapna (sleep) is best / chief among those which cause stupor (lassitude).

121. Sarvarasabhyasa (habit of taking foods of all the tastes) is best / chief among those which give strength.

122. Ekarasabhyasa (habit of taking food of any one taste) is best / chief among those which cause debility, anorexia and increase of one or the other doshas.

123. Garbhasalya (obstructed fetus) is best / chief among those which is to be pulled out quickly.

124. Agni (fire, exposure to heat, fomentation etc.) is best / chief among those which cook the ama (undigested material relieve stiffness, cold, pain and twitchings.

125. Ajirna (indigestion or uncooked food) is best / chief among those which are to be removed by vomiting.

126. Bala (infants and children) is best / chief among those who are to be given mild-acting medicines or therapies.

127. Vrddha (old persons) is best chief among those which to be protected carefully.

128. Garbhini (pregnant women) is best / chief among those which to be spared from strong medicines (or therapies), sexual intercourse and exercises.

129. Saumanasya (pleasant mind) is best / chief among those which maintain pregnancy.

130. Asaumanasya (unpleasant mind) is best / chief among those which cause miscry, unhappiness.

131. Sannipata (increase of all the three doshas together) is best / chief among those which are difficult to treat.

132. Amavisa (poison undigested material produced in the alimentary tract) is best / chief among those which not to be treated.

133. Jvara (fever) is best / chief among those diseases which manifest quickly.

134. Kustha (leprosy) is best / chief among those which protracted diseases.

135. Rajayaksma (pulmonary tuberculosis) is best / chief among those which disease complex (combination of more than one disease).

136. Prameha (diabetes, polyurca) is best / chief among those which relapsing diseases.

137. Jalauka (leeches) is best / chief among those which secondary instruments.

138. Bastiyantra (enema apparatus) is best / chief among those which among the appliances.

139. Himavan (Himalaya mountain) is best / chief among those which land where herbs grow.

140. Soma (Soma plant) is best / chief among those which medicinal herbs.

141. Marubhumi (desert / dry land) is best / chief among those which land for good health.

142. Anupabhumi (marshy / water logged) is best / chief among those which land for bad health.

143. Nirdesakaritva (adhering to the regimen or carrying out the instruction of the physicians) is best / chief among those which qualities of the patient.

144. Anirdesakaritwa (disobediance of the instructions etc.) is best / chief among those which signs of death.

145. Bhisak (physician) is best / chief among those limbs of treatments.

146. Siddhi (success in treatment) is best / chief among those qualities of the physician.

147. Nastika (atheist) is best / chief among those persons to be rejected.

148. Laulya (too much of attachment, indulgence, involvement) is best / chief among those which cause unhappiness.

149. Atmavat (self confidence or resourcefulness) qualities of the persons who are helpful to others.

150. Sastrasahita tarka (logic supported by scientific doctrines or scriptures) qualities of the persons who vishes to win in debate.

151. Drstakarmata (practical experience) is best / chief among those who do not cause doubt or confusion.

152. Asamarthata (incapacity) is best / chief among those which cause fear.

153. Tadvidyasambhasa (scientific seminar or assembly) is best / chief among those which help enhance knowledge.

154. Acarya (preceptor) is best / chief among those who helps to attain mastery of the science.

155. Ayurveda (science of life) is best / chief among those which the eternal sciences.

156. Sadvaidyadwesa (hating a good physician) is best / chief among those which cause for death.

157. Vayu (respiration, Vata of the body) is best / chief among those which are the signs of life and conciousness.

158. Sarvasanyasa (detachment from all activities) is best / chief among those which are causes of happiness.

Among the above, the following are to be considered best either individually or in the said combination as a whole :

Water, fire, water into which heated potsherds have been immersed, habit of drinking buttermilk, bloodletting, habit of taking costor oil daily, camel’s milk, use of madanaphala (to produce vomitting), too much of alchoholic drinks, use of food of any one taste only habitually, and the pregnant women; Pushkara mula and others are best in groups.

भवति चात्र ।

अग्र्याणां शतमुद्दिष्टं पञ्च पञ्चाशदुत्तरम् । अलमेतद्विजानीयाद्धिताहितविनिश्चये ॥५॥ Further on;

Thus, one hundred-fiftyfive – best things have been enumerated, to be taken as sufficient to determine the good and bad (for health).(5)

इति त्रयोदशोऽध्यायः ।

Thus ends the thirteenth chapter.


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