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Charaka SamhitaCharaka Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 19 - Ashtoudariya Adhyaya - Types of Diseases

Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 19 – Ashtoudariya Adhyaya – Types of Diseases


अथातोऽष्टोदरीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ॥ १ ॥ इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः ॥ २ ॥

We shall now expound the chapter on “Eight Abdominal Diseases” { dealing with the classification of diseases ). Thus said Lord Atreya. [ 1-2 ] As indicated in verse 43 of the preceding chapter, the various types of abdominal and other diseases are now being enumerated.

Number of the various types of diseases

इह खल्वष्टावुदराणि, अष्टौ मूत्राघाताः, अष्टौ क्षीरदोषाः, अष्टौ रेतोदोषाः; सप्त कुष्ठानि, सप्त पिडकाः, सप्त वीसर्पाः; षडतीसाराः, षडदावर्ताः; पञ्च गुल्माः, पञ्च प्लीहदोषाः, पञ्च कासाः, पञ्च श्वासाः, पञ्च हिक्काः, पञ्च तृष्णाः, पञ्च छर्दयः, पञ्च भक्तल्यानशनस्थानानि, पञ्च शिरोरोगाः, पञ्च हृद्रोगाः, पञ्च पाण्डुरोगा, पञ्चोन्मादाः; चत्वारोऽपस्माराः, चत्वारोऽक्षिरोगाः, चत्वारः कर्णरोगाः, चत्वारः प्रतिश्यायाः, चत्वारो मुखरोगाः, चत्वारो ग्रहणीदोषाः, चत्वारो मदाः, चत्वारो मूर्च्छायाः, बत्वारः शोषाः, चत्वारि क्लैन्यानि; त्रयः शोफाः, त्रीणि किलासानि, त्रिविधं लोहितपित्तं; द्वौ ज्वरौ, द्वौ व्रणौ, द्वावायामौ, द्वे गृध्रस्यौ, द्वे कामले, द्विविधमामं, द्विविधं वातरक्तं, द्विविधान्यशसि; एक ऊरुस्तम्भः, एकः संन्यासः, एको महागद; विंशतिः क्रिमिजातयः, विंशतिः प्रमेहाः, विंशतिर्योनिव्यापदः; इत्यष्टचत्वारिंशद्रोगाधिकरणान्यस्मिन् संग्रह समुद्दिष्टानि ॥ ३ ॥

There are eight types of abdominal diseases, eight types of urinary suppressions, eight types of milk diseases and eight types of semenal disorders; there are seven types of leprosy seven types of carbuncles and seven types of cellulitis; There are six types of diarroheas and six types of constipations. There are five types of abdominal lumps, five types of spleen diseases, five types of cough, five types of dyspnoea, five types of hiccup, five types of thirst, five types of vomiting, five types of anorexia, five types of the diseases of head, five types of the diseases of heart and five types of anemias. There are four types of eplepsy, four types of eye diseases, four types of ear diseases, four types of rhinitis, four types of buccal diseases, four types of sprue syndrome, four types of intoxication, four types of fainting, four types of consumption and four types of sterility. There are three types of oedema, three types of leucoderma and three types of haemorrhagic diseases. There are two types of fever, two types of ulcers, two types of body bending, two types of sciatica, two types of jaundice, two types of indigestion disordes, two types of gout and two types of piles. There is one type of urusthambha, one type of coma, and one type of pshyconeurosis.

There are twenty types of worms and parasites, twenty types of prameha (a kind of urinary disorder) and twenty types of gynecological disorders. Classification of those forty eight diseases have been described in this chapter. [ 3 ]

Classification of diseases having eight types

अष्टावुदराणीति वातपित्तकफ सन्निपातप्लीहबद्धच्छिद्रदकोदराणि, अष्टौ मूत्राघाता इति वातपित्तकफसन्निपाताश्मरीशर्कराशुकशोणितजाः, अष्टौ क्षीरदोषा इति वैवर्ण्य वैगन्ध्यं वैरस्यं पैच्छिल्यं फेनसङ्घातो रौक्ष्यं गौरवमतिलेहश्च, अष्टौ रेतोदोषां इति तनु शुष्कं फेनिलमश्वेतं पूत्यतिपिच्छलमन्यधातू पहितमवसादि च’ ( १ );

1. Eight abdominal diseases Vatika, paittika, laismika, sannipatika, plihodara, ( due to splenic disorder ), baddhodara ( due to intestinal obstruction), chidrodara ( due to intestinal perforation ) and dakodara ( ascitis ).

2. Fight mutraghatas (Urinary disorder ) Vatika, paittika, slaismika, sannipatika, asmarija (due to stone in urinary tract), Sarkaraja ( due to gravels in urinary tract ), Sukraja ( due to semen ) and Sonitaja ( due to blood ).

3. Eight ksira doshas ( Vitiation of milk ), Discoloration, bad smell, bad taste, sliminess, foaminess, ununctuousness, heaviness and over unctuousness.

4. Eight Retodoshas (seminal disorder) Thinness, dryness, foaminess, absence of whiteness, putrid smell, oversliminess, combination with other dhatus (tissue elements) and high specific gravity.

Classification of diseases having seven types

सप्त कुष्ठानीति कपालोदुम्बर मण्डलर्घ्य जिह्वपुण्डरीकसिध्मकाकणानि, सप्त पिडंका इति शराविका कच्छपिका जालिनी सर्षप्यलजी विनता विद्रधी च, सप्त विसर्पा इति वातपित्तकफाग्निकर्दमकग्रन्थिसन्निपाताख्या : ( २ );

5. Seven kusthas ( obstinate ) skin diseases including leprosy. Kapala, udumbara, mandala, rsyajihva, pundarika, sidhma and kakana, 6. Seven pidakas ( abscess or carbuncle ) Saravika, kacchapika, jalim, sarsapi, alaji, vinata and vidradhi.

7. Seven visarapas (skin diseases characterised by an acute spread ) Vatika, paittika, slaismika-agnivisarpa, kardamaka, granthi visarpa and sannipatika visarpa.

Classification of diseases having six types

षडतीसारा इति वातमूत्रपुरीपशुक्रच्छर्दिक्षवथुजाः ( ३ ); वातपित्तकफसन्निपातभयशोकजाः, पडदावर्ता इति

8. Six diarrhoeas Vatika, paittika, laismika. sannipatika, bhaJaja ( due to fear ) and sokaja ( due to grief ).

9. Six udavartas ( abdominal diseases characterised by retention of faeces ), Vataja ( due to flatus ), mutraja ( due to urine ), purisaja ( due to faeces ), sukraja ( due to semen ), chardija ( due to vomiting ) and ksavathuja ( due to sneezing ).

Classification of diseases having five types

पञ्च गुल्मा इति वातपित्तकफसन्निपातशोणितजाः; पञ्च छीहदोषा इति गुल्मैर्व्याख्याताः, पञ्च कासा इति वातपित्तकफक्षतक्षयजाः, पञ्च भ्वासा इति महोर्ध्वच्छिन्नतमकक्षुद्राः, पञ्च हिक्का इति महती गम्भीरा व्यपेता क्षुद्राऽन्नजा च, पञ्च तृष्णा इति वातपित्तामक्षयोपसंसर्गात्मिकाः, पञ्च छर्दय इति द्विष्टार्थसंयोगजा वातपित्त कफसन्निपातोद्रेकोत्थाञ्च, पञ्च भक्तस्यानशनस्थानानीति वातपित्तकफसन्निपातद्वेषाः, पञ्च शिरोरोगा इति पूर्वोद्देशमभिसमस्य वातपित्त कफसन्निपातक्रिमिजाः, पञ्च हृद्रोगा इति शिरोरोगैर्व्याख्याताः, पञ्च पाण्डुरोगा इति वातपित्त कफसन्निपातमृद्भक्षणजाः; पञ्चोन्मादा इति वातपित्तक फसन्निपातागन्तुनिमित्ताः ( ४ );

10. Five gulmas ( abdominal tumour ) Vatika, paittika, slaismika, sannipatika and raktaja ( due to blood ).

11. Five Splenic disorders ( as above )

12. Five Kasas ( coughing ), Vatika, paittika, slaismika ksataja ( due to ulceration ) and ksayaja ( due to wasting ).

13. Five Svasas (dyspnoea), Mahasvasa, urdhvasvasa, chinnasvasa, tamaka svasa and ksudra svasa.

14. Five Hikkas ( hiccup ), Mahahikka, gambharahikka, vyapeta ( intermittent ), ksudra and annaja ( due to food ).

15. Five Trsnas (Thirst), Vatika, paittika, amja ( due to improper digestion), ksayaja ( due to consumption) and upasargatmika (as a secondary development).

16. Five Chardis (Vomiting), Dvistartha samyogaja (by coming in contact with abnoxious articles). vatika, paittika, slaismika and sannipatika,

17. Five Anorexias, Vatika, paittika, slaismika, sannipatika and dvesaja (due to repugnance).

18. Five Head diseases, Vatika, paittika, slaismika, sannipatika and krimija (due to infection).

19. Five Heart diseases (as above).

20. Five Pandu ( anemias ), Vatika, paittika, slaismika, sannipatika and mydbhaksanaja ( due to the intake of earth).

21. Five uamadas (insanity), Vatika, paittika, slaismika, sannipatika and agantuja ( due to exogenous causes).

Classification of diseases having four types

प्रहचत्वारोऽपस्मारा इति वातपित्तकफसन्निपातनिमित्ताः, चत्वारोऽक्षिरोगाश्चत्वारः कर्णरोगाश्चत्वारः प्रतिश्यायाश्चत्वारो मुखरोगाश्चत्वारो णीदोषाश्चत्वारो मदाश्चत्वारो मूर्च्छाया इत्यपस्मारैर्व्याख्याताः, चत्वारः शोषा इति साहससन्धारणक्षयविषमाशनजाः, चत्वारि लैन्यानीति बीजोपघातादूध्वजभङ्गाज्जरायाः शुक्रक्षयाच्च ( ५ );

22. Fore Apasmaras (epilepsy ), Vatika, paittika. slaismika and sannipatika. 23. Four Eye diseases, Vatika, paittika, slaismika, and sannipatika.

24. Four Ear diseases, Vatika, paittika, slaismika and sannipatika.

25. Four Pratisyayas (coryza), Vatika, paittika, slaismika and sannnipatika.

26. Four Mouth diseases, Vatika, paittika, slaismika and sannipatika.

27. Four Grahanis, Vatika, paittika, slaismika and sannipatika, 28 Four Madas (intoxication), Vattika, paittika, slaismika and sannipatika.

29. Four Murchas (fainting), Vatika, paittika, slaismika and sannipatika.

30. Four Sosas (consumption), Due to overstrain, suppression of natural urges, wasting and irregular dieting.

31. Four Sterilities, Bijopaghataja, (due to the affliction of sperm ), dhvajabhangaja (due to atonic condition of the genital organ), jaraja (due to old age) and sukraksayaja (due to diminution of semen

Classification of diseases having three types

त्रयः शोथा इति वातपित्तश्लेष्मनिमित्ताः, त्रीणि किलासानीति रक्तताम्रशुक्लानि, त्रिविधं लोहितपित्तमिति ऊर्ध्वभागमधोभागमुभयभागं च ( ६ );

32. Three Sothas (oedema), Vatika, paittika and slaismika. 33. Three Kilasas (an obstinate skin disease) leucoderma, Red, coppery and white coloured.

34. Three Raktapittas (a disease characterised by bleeding from various parts of the body). Urdhvabhaga ( affecting the upper channel ), adhobhaga (affecting the lower channel) and ubhayabhaga (affecting both upper and lower channels). Classification of diseases having two types :

द्वौ ज्वराविति उष्णाभिप्रायः शीतसमुत्थश्च शीताभिप्रायश्चोष्णसमुत्थः द्वौ व्रणाविति निजश्चागन्तुजश्च, द्वावायामाविति बाह्यश्चाभ्यन्तरश्च, द्वे गृध्रस्याविति वाताद्वातकफाच्च, द्वे कामले इति कोष्ठाश्रया शाखाश्रया च, द्विविधमाममिति अलसको विसूचिका च, द्विविधं वातरक्तमिति गम्भीरमुत्तानं च, द्विविधान्यशौसीति शुष्काण्यार्द्राणि च ( ७ );

35. Two Jvaras ( fever) (1) Arising out of cold where the patient is desirous of hot substance, (2) arising out of heat where the patient is desirous of cold substance.

36. Two Vranas ( ulcer) Endogenous and exogenous. 37. Two Ayamas ( body bending) Opisthotonous and emprosthotonous.

38. Two Grdhrasis ( sciatica) Vatika and vataslaismika. 39. Two Kamala (Jaundice) Kosthasraya (Hepatic and prehepatic) and sakhasraya ( obstructive).

40. Two Amas (disorders due to improper digestion and metabolism) Alasaka (intestinal torper) and visucika (choleric diarrhoea).

41. Two Vataraktas (gout) Gambhira (deep) and uttana (superficial).

42. Two Arsas (piles ) Suska (non-bleeding ) and ardra ( bleeding ).

Diseases having only one type

एक ऊरुस्तम्भ इत्यामत्रिदोषसमुत्थः एकः संन्यास इति त्रिदोषात्मको मनःशरीराधिष्ठानः, एको महागद इति अतत्त्वाभिनिवेशः (८); 43. One Urustambha ( caused by ), Amatridoshaja.

44. One Sannyasa ( Coma ) Sainnipatika.

45. One Mahagada ( psychic perversion ) Due to mental and moral perversion.

Classification of diseases having twenty types

विंशतिः कृमिजातय इति यूका पिपीलिकाश्चेति द्विविधा बहिर्मलजाः, केशादा लोमादा लोमद्वीपाः सौरसा औदुम्बरा जन्तुमातरश्चेति षढ़ शोणितजाः, अन्त्रादा उदरावेश हृदयादाश्चरवो दर्भपुष्पाः सौगन्धिका महागुदाश्चेति सप्त कफजाः, ककेरुका मकेरुका लेलिहाः सशुलकाः सौसुरादाश्चेति पञ्च पुरोषजाः; विंशतिः प्रमेहा इत्युदकमेहश्चेक्षुबालिकारसमेहश्व सान्द्रमेहञ्च सान्द्रप्रसादमेहश्च शुक्रमेहश्च शुक्रमेहश्च शीतमेहश्च शनैर्मेहश्च सिकतामेहश्च नीलमेद्दश्च लोहितमेहत्र मजिष्ठामेहश्च हरिद्रामेहश्चेति षट् पित्तनिमित्ताः, वसामेहश्च मज्जामेहश्च हस्तिमेहश्च मधुमेहश्चेति चत्वारो वातनिमित्ताः, इति विशतिः प्रमेहाः; विंशतिर्मोनिव्यापद इति वातिकी पैत्तिकी इलैष्मिकी सान्निपातिकी चेति चतस्रो दोषजाः, दोषदूष्यसंसर्गप्रकृतिनिर्देशैरवशिष्टाः षोडश निर्दिश्यन्ते, तद्यथा- रक्तयोनिश्चारजस्का चाचरणा चातिचरणा च प्राक्चरणा चोपप्लुता च परिप्लुता चोदावर्तिनी च कर्णिनी च पुत्रघ्नी चान्तर्मुखी च सूचीमुखी च शुष्का च वामिनी च षण्ढयोनिश्च महायोनिश्चेति विंशतिर्योनिव्यापदो भवन्ति ( ९ );

46. Twenty Krimis ( germs including parasites ), Yuka and pipilika both reside outside the body in the excreta, Kesada, lomada, lomadvipa, saurasa, audumbara and jantumaty-these six reside in the blood.

Antrada, udaravesta, hrdayada, curu, darbhapuspa, saugandhika and mahaguda-these seven are due to kapha. Kakeruka makeruka, leliha, sasulaka, and sauserada — these five inhabit faeces.

47. Twenty Pramehas ( a kind of urinary disorder), Udakameha, iksubalikarasameha, Sandrameha, sandraprasadameha, suklameha, sukrameha, sitameha, Sanairmeha, sikatameha, and lalameha— these ten are due to flesma.

Ksarameha, kalameha, nilameha, lohitameha, manjisthameha and haridrameha-these six are due to pitta.

Vasameha, majjameha, hastimeha and madhumeha-these four types are due to vata.

48. Twenty Yonirogas ( diseases of the female genital tract), Vatika, paittika, slaismika, samnipatika, raktayoni (menorrhagia) arajaska (amenorrhoea), acarana (colpitis mycotica), aticarana (chronic vaginitis), prakcarana ( deflorative vaginitis), upapluta (sceondary dysmenorrheoa ), paripluta (acute vaginitis), udavartini (primary dysmenorrhoea), karnini (endo-cervicitis), putraghni (abortive tendency), antarmukhi ( inversion of uterus), sucimukhi ( pin hole os ), suska (colo-xerosis), vamini (profluvium seminis), sandhayoni (undeveloped female sex organs) and mahayoni (prolapse of the uterus)

केवलश्चायमुद्देशो यथोद्देशमभिनिर्दिष्टो भवति ॥ ४ ॥

The above are the forty-eight diseases described in brief.

Details there of will be enumerated subsequently. [4]

Diseases having eight varieties have been explained first because being of 8 varieties such diseases are very important. There after, diseases, having seven, six, five, four, three, two and one varieties have been explained in order. Then comes the description of diseases having twenty types. As it will be seen, the enumeration of diseases have been done in regressive order from eight to one. For want of diseases having 19 to 9 varieties in regressive order, diseases having twenty varieties are enumerated at the end rather than in the beginning. Even though there are eighteen types of obstinate skin diseases including leprosy, only the most obstinate ones of seven types are enumerated here.

Six types of udavarta ( abdominal diseases characterized by retention of faeces) refer to such diseases arising out of the suppression of the urge for purgation, etc., as explained in the seventh chapter of this section.

Thirst is of six types; even the one arising out of the intake of sumptuous and unctuous diet is covered by the types explained here.

The head diseases as described in the seventeenth chapter of this section are all included in the five-fold classification of this disease as furnished here.

Fever is of two types :

(1) arising out of cold when the patient develops a liking for hot things; and

(2) arising out of heat when the patient develops a liking for cold things.

A patient suffering from fever arising out of cold or heat as the case may be as a rule develops a liking for something which is in contradistinction with the quality of the cause, i.e. cold or hot substance. So apparently, there was no occasion to specify these symptoms viz., desire for hot and cold substance in the cases of fever arising out of cold and heat. But this has been specified in order to exclude the cases like palttika fever which even though arising out of heat might occur in winter. If the clause regarding the desire for heat or cold is omitted, such a fever will be classified as the one arising of cold, simply because it has occurred during the cold season.

Diseases due to indigestion (uma) are of two types viz; alasaka (intestinal torpor) and visucika (choleric diarrhoea). There is, however, another variety of this diseases known as amavisa (poisonous effect of indigestion and improper metabolism) which will be described in the second chapter of Vimana section. In fact it has been included there under alasaka ( intestinal torpor) and as such it has not been separately enumerated in this chapter. Some scholars are of the view that being related to poison, it is a separate subject matter pertaining to another specialised branch of the science, for which it is not included here.

The mental diseases include psychic indulgence in sinful acts ( atattvabhinivesa) as all living beings are afflicted with the miseries arising out of such psychic perversions. Names of germs are conventional rather than etymological.

The diseases mentioned above may be classified in different ways. For example, according to another classification, fever is of eight types (rather than two); insainty is of two types viz., exogenous and endogenous (instead of five ). But the present classification is based on predominent distinctive features of the various types included. Details about other possible types may be seen in respective chapters in other sections.

Simile regarding the role of doshas in aetio-pathogenesis of diseases

सर्व एव निजा विकारा नान्यत्र वातपित्तकफेभ्यो निर्वर्तन्ते, यथाहि शकुनिः सर्व दिवसमपि परिपतन् स्वां छायां नातिवर्तते, तथा स्वधातुवैषम्यनिमित्ताः सर्वे विकारा घातपित्तकफान्नातिवर्तन्ते । वातपित्तश्लेष्मणां पुनः स्थानसंस्थानप्रकृतिविशेषानभिसमीक्ष्य तदात्मकानपि च सर्वविकारांस्तानैवोपदिशन्ति बुद्धिमन्तः ॥ ५ ॥

All the endogenous diseases occur invariably due to the vitiation of vata, pitta and kapha. As the bird can not transgress its own shadow even though flying throughout the day, so also no endogenous disease caused by the disturbance of the equilibrium of dhatus can occur without the vitiation of vata, pitta and kapha. So, considering the location, signs, symptoms and causes of vitiation of vata, pitta, and kapha, all the diseases caused by them are diagnosed on the basis of the vitiation of respective doshas. [5]

The vata, pitta and kapha alone, either separately or jointly constitute the causative factors of all diseases mentioned in this and the next chapter as well as of other endogenous diseases whether mentioned in this work or not. Even though exogenous diseases may also be accompanied by the vitiation of any of these doshas, still so far as their treatment is concerned, doshas are generally not taken into account. So it is only with regard to the endogenous diseases that their close relationship with the doshas has been established in the above passage as a guiding principle for their treatment. For this purpose, the disturbance of the equilibrium of dhatus caused by external factors is not taken into account.

Now the question arises, if all the endogenous diseases are caused by the doshas what about plihodara, i.e. the disease causd by the morbidity of the spleen? Reply is that even such diseases are ultimately caused by the Vitiation of the doshas. The various names given to such diseases are of course according to the site of manifestation like rasa, urinary bladder, etc., the characteristic symptoms and etiology. For example, urustambha (paraplegia of thigh ), raktayoni (menorrhagia) kamala (jaundice ), etc., derive their names from the site of their manifestation; pidaka, gulma, etc., from characteristic symptoms; slesmodara, plihodara, etc., from their cause.

Difference in the exogenous and endogeneous diseases


स्वधातुवैषम्यनिमित्तजा ये विकारसंघा बहवः शरीरे ।

न ते पृथक् पित्तकफानिलेभ्य आगन्तवस्त्वेव ततो विशिष्टाः ॥ ६ ॥ Thus, it is said :

All the bodily diseases arising out of the disturbance of the equilibrium of dhatus are ultimately caused by nothing else but by the disorder of pitta, kapha and or vata. It is only the exogenous diseases which are caused otherwise. [6]

It is the bodily diseases which occur due to the disturbance of the equilibrium of the dhatus. Mental diseases are not included under this category. It may be noted that the dhatus in themselves are not responsible for any disease. It is only when their equilibrium is disturbed, they bring about diseases.

It is true that even the exogenous diseases like fevers from assult (abhighataja) are at a certain stage caused by the disturbance in the equilibrium of dhatus but in such cases, is the external cause like assault, etc. which is predominantly responsible for causing the diseases.

The disturbance in the equilibrium of the dhatus is but too subsidiary a factor to be designated as even an intermediary causative factor, and for the purpose of treatment, the external factor like assult rather than the disturbance in the equilibrium of dhatus is required to be taken into account in all such cases.

In fact, even the disturbance in the equilibrium of dhatus is not to be taken as a disease in itself. It is the outcome of such disturbance (for example, fever, etc.) which constitute the bodily diseases. To sum up: all bodily diseases arising out of the disturbance in the equilibrium of dhatus are ultimately caused by the vitiation of doshas and nothing else.

Coexistence of exogenous and endogenous disease

आगन्तुरन्वेति निजं विकारं निजस्तथाऽऽगन्तुमपि प्रवृद्धः । तत्रानुबन्धं प्रकृतिं च सम्यग् ज्ञात्वा ततः कर्म समारभेत ॥ ७ ॥

The endogenous diseases are at times followed by the exogenous ones and even the exogenous ones are followed by the endogenous ones of the most vehement type. One should accordingly start the treatment paying due regard to the secondary development (anubandha) and the primary nature of the disease. [7]

There is an occasional overlapping in the endogenous and the exogenous types of diseases. Even if a disease is primarily caused as an endogenous one, it may subsequently develop the features of the exogenous diseases. For example, fever or insanity is primarily caused by the vitiation of doshas but it may subsequently be combined with the features of demoniac seizure which is regarded as an exogenous disease. Similarly fever from assault or insanity caused by the demoniac seizure which is regarded as an exogenous disease may subsequently develop features of endogenous diseases depending on certain other factors.

Even in the primary stage the endogenous diseases are responsible for the aggravation of doshas, let alone the stage in which such diseases develop the features of the endogenous diseases. In that stage the doshas are excessively aggravated.

The process of development of the secondary stage from the primary one is equally applicable to the development of another endogenous disease in the case of endogenous diseases and to another exogenous disease in the case of exogenous diseases.

तत्र विशकाश्चैककाश्चैव त्रिकाञ्चोक्तास्त्रयस्त्रयः । द्विकाश्चाष्टौ, चतुष्काश्च दश, द्वादश पञ्चकाः ॥ ८ ॥ चत्वारश्चाष्टका वर्गाः, षट्कौ द्वौ, सप्तकास्त्रयः । अष्टोदरीये रोगाणां रोगाध्याये प्रकाशिताः ॥ ९ ॥

लोकौ –

Summing up the contents :

In the chapter on “Eight types of Abdominal Diseases,” three diseases in each having twenty varieties, one variety and three varieties, eight diseases having two varieties, ten diseases having four varieties, twelve diseases having five varieties, four diseases having eight varieties, two diseases having six varieties and three diseases having seven varieties are described. [ 8-9]

इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृते श्लोकस्थानेऽटोदरीयो नामोनविंशोऽध्यायः ॥ १६ ॥

Thus ends the nineteenth chapter on “Eight Types of Abdominal Diseases” dealing with the classification of diseases, of the Sutra section of Agnivesa’s work as redacted by Charaka. [ 19 ]


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