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Ashtanga samgrahaMARMA VIBHAGA - Classification of vital spots - Ashtanga Sangraha Sharira Sthana...

MARMA VIBHAGA – Classification of vital spots – Ashtanga Sangraha Sharira Sthana Chapter 7

We will now expound Ashtanga Sangraha Sharira Sthana Chapter 7 called Marma Vibhaga – classification of vital spots; thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)

अथातो मर्मविभागं नामाध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥१॥

Marma nama-sthana – name and location of vital spots

सप्तोत्तरं मर्मशतम् । तत्र चतुश्चत्वारिंशच्छाखासु । षड्विंशतिरन्तराधौ । सप्तत्रिंशदूर्ध्वम् ॥ २ ॥

Marmas (vital spots) are one hundred and seven; of them, fortyfour are in the extremities, twentysix in the trunk, and thirtyseven in the head. (2)

– अथैकस्मिन् सक्श्नि मध्यमाङ्गुलिमभितो मध्ये पादतलस्य तलहृदयं नाम मर्म । तत्र विद्धस्य रुजया मरणम् ।

अङ्गुष्ठाङ्गुयोर्मध्ये क्षिप्रं । तत्राक्षेपकेन मरणम् । क्षिप्रस्योपरि द्व्यङ्गुल उभयतः कूर्चः । तत्र पादस्य भ्रमणवेपने भवतः ।

गुल्फसन्धेरधः कूर्चशिरः । तत्र रुजाशोफौ | पादजङ्घयोः सन्धाने गुल्फः । तत्र रुक् स्तब्धसक्थिता षण्ढता वा |

पाणिप्रभृतिद्वादशभिरङ्गलैर्जङ्घामध्ये इन्द्रबस्तिः । तत्र शोणितक्षयान्मरणम् । जङ्घोर्वो: सन्धाने जानु तत्र खञ्जता ॥३॥

Now, in one leg, vital spot known as Talahridaya is in the centre of the sole, facing the root of the central ( third) toe; injury to this will lead to death from (severe) pain. In between the big toe and the first toe, is a vital spot known as Ksipra; injury to this leads to death from convulsions. Above the ksipra, two angula (fingers breadth) on either side is Kurca; injury to this will produce inability to move and rotate the foot. Just below the ankle joint is Kurcasira; its injury causes pain and swelling. At the junction of the foot and calves is Gulpha; its injury causes pain, stiffness (or loss of control) of the leg or impotence. In line with the heel, twelve angula above, in the centre of the calf muscles is Indrabasti; its injury leads to death by loss of blood. At the junction of calves and thighs is the Janu, its injury produces lameness. ( 3 )

जानुनस्त्र्यङ्गलादूर्ध्वमुभयत आणिः । तत्र शोफाभिवृद्धिः स्तब्धसक्थिता च । ऊरुमध्ये उर्वी । तत्र रक्तक्षयात्सक्थिशोषः ।

उर्व्यास्तूर्ध्वमधो वक्षणसन्धेरूरुमूले लोहिताक्षम् । तत्र रक्तक्षयात् पक्षाघातः । वक्षणवृषणमध्ये विटपम् । तत्र षाण्ढ्यमल्पशुक्रता वा ।

सक्थिवद् बाह्रोः । विशेषस्तु गुल्फो मणिबन्धः तथा जानु कूर्परम् । तयोर्व्यधे कुणिता ।

विटपवच्च कक्षाक्षमध्ये कक्षधरः तत्र कुणित्वम् ॥४॥

Three angula above, on either side of the janu is the Ani; its injury causes increase of swelling and stiffness (or loss of control) of the leg, At the centre of the thighs is Urvi; its injury causes emaciation of the thigh from loss of blood. Above the urvi, below the angle of the groin and at the root of the thigh is Lohitaksa; its injury causes hemiplegia from loss of blood. In between the groin and scrotum is Vitapa; its injury causes impotence or deficiency of semen. Marmas of the arms are similar to those of the thighs, especially gulpha is known as Mannibandha and janu as Kurpara; injury to these causes distortion of the arm. In between the axilla and collar bone is Kaksadhara similar to vitapa, its injury also causes distortion of arm. (4)

वातवर्चोनिरसनः स्थूलान्त्रप्रतिबद्धो गुदः । तत्र सद्योमरणम् । अल्पमांसशोणितोऽभ्यन्तरतः कट्या धनुर्वक्र एकद्वारोऽधोमुखो बस्तिः ।

तत्रापि सद्योमरणमश्मरीव्रणादृते । तत्राप्युभयतो विद्धे न जीवति एकतो भिन्ने मूत्रस्रावी व्रणो भवति स तु यत्नेनोपक्रान्तो रोहति ।

पक्कामाशयमध्ये नाभिः । तत्रापि सद्योमरणम् ॥५॥

The expeller of flatus and faeces and attached to the large intestine is Guda; its injury leads to quick death. Made up of very little of muscle and blood, located inside thepelvis, curved like a bow with one orifice pointed downwards is Basti; injury to it causes death quickly, even without formation of ulcer of calculi, if it is injured on both sides the person does not survive, if injured on one side an ulcer develops through which urine flows out, it heals with difficulty after great effort (treatment). In between the large intestine and the stomach is Nabhi, even its injury causes death quickly. (5)

कोष्ठवक्षसोः स्तनयोश्च मध्ये सत्वरजस्तमोधिष्ठानमामाशयद्वारं हृदयं । तत्रापि सद्योमरणम् । स्तनयोरधस्ताद्व्यङ्गलमुभयतः स्तनमूले ।

तयोः कफपूर्णकोष्ठस्य मरणम् । स्तनचूचुकयोरुर्ध्वं व्यङ्गुलमुभयतः स्तनरोहिते। तयोः शोणितपूर्णकोष्ठस्य मरणम् ।

उभयत्रोरसोर्नाड्यौ वातवहे अपस्तम्भौ । तयोः शोणितपूर्णकोष्ठतया कासश्वासाभ्यां च मरणम् । अंसकूटयोरधः पार्श्वयोरुपरिभागयोरपालापौ । तयोः पूयत्वमापन्नेन रक्तेन मरणम् ॥६॥

In between the abdomen and the chest, between the two breasts and at the opening of the stomach is the Hridaya, which is the seat of satva, rajas and tamo gunas; injury to it also causes death quickly. Two angula below the breasts on both sides are the two Stanamula; unjury to these leads to death from accumulation of kapha in the chest. Two angula above the nipples on either side are the two Stanarohita, injury to these causes death from accumilation of blood inside the chest. On either side of the tube of the chest (trachea) are the two tubes which carry air known as Apasthambha; injury to these causes death from accumulation of blood inside the chest, cough and dyspnoea. Below the shoulder joints, on the upper part of each flank are the two Apalapa; their injury cause death from blood turning into pus. ( 6 )

पृष्ठवंशमुभयतः प्रतिश्रोणीकर्णावस्थिनी कटीकतरुणे। तयोः शोणितक्षयात् पाण्डुर्विवर्णो हीनरूपो म्रियते।

पार्श्वयोर्जघनबहिर्भागे पृष्ठवंशमुभयतः कुकुन्दरौ। तयोः स्पर्शाज्ञानमध:काये चेष्टानाशश्च ।

श्रोणीकर्णयोरुपर्याशयच्छादनौ पार्श्वान्तरप्रतिबद्धौ नितम्बौ । तयोरधःकाये शोफो दौर्बल्यं मरणं च ।

अधः पार्श्वान्तरप्रतिबद्धौ जघनपार्श्वमध्ये तिर्यगूर्ध्वं च पार्श्वसन्धी । तयोः शोणितपूर्णकोष्ठतया मरणम् ॥७॥

On either side of the vertebral column, on the earlike bones of the pelvis, are the two Katikataruna; injury to these causes pallor due to loss of blood, emaciation and death. On the two flanks, outside the buttocks and on either side of the vertebral column are the two Kukundara; injury to these leads to loss of sensation and of movement in the lower parts of the body. Above the earlike bones of the pelvis, concealing the visceral organ, attached to the centre of the two sides are the two Nitamba, their injury leads to swelling and debility of the lower parts and death. At the lower end of the flanks and attached to centre of the sides of the front part of the pelvis, located sideward and upwards are the Parsvasandhi; injury to these leads to death from accumulation of blood in the abdomen. (7)

स्तनमूलयोरार्जवेनोभयतः पृष्ठवंशं बृहत्यौ । तयोः शोणितातिप्रवृत्तिनिमित्तैरुपद्रवैर्मरणम् ।

पृष्ठवंशमुभयतो बाहुमूलसम्बद्धे अंसफलके । तयोर्बाहुस्वापशोषौ ।

ग्रीवाबाहुशिरोमध्येंऽसपीठस्कन्धबन्धनावंसौ । तयोः स्तब्धबाहुता ॥८॥

In straight line with stanamula, on either side of the vertebral column are the two Brihati; injury to these leads to death by complication arising from too much of haemorrhage. On either side of the vertebral column at the root of the arms are the two Amsaphalaka; injury to these causes loss of tactile sensation and emaciation. In the region betwen the neck, arms and head and binding the root of the shoulders with the nape of the neck are the two Amsa; injury to these causes stiffness (or loss of control of the arms). (8)

कण्ठनाडीमुभयतश्चतस्त्रो धमन्यः । तासां द्वे नीले द्वे मन्ये । तासु मूकता स्वरवैकृत्यं रसाग्राहिता वा भवति ।

ग्रीवायामुभयतः पृथक् चतस्त्र: सिरामातृकास्तासु सद्योमरणम् । शिरोग्रीवयोः सन्धाने कृकाटिके । तयोश्चलमूर्धता ।

कर्णपृष्ठयोरधस्संश्रिते विधुरे । तयोर्बाधिर्यम्। घ्राणमार्गमुभयतः श्रोत्रमार्गप्रतिबद्धावभ्यन्तरतः फणौ । तयोर्गन्धाज्ञानम् ।

भ्रुवोः पुच्छान्तयोरधोक्ष्णोर्बाह्यतोऽपाङ्गौ । तयोरान्ध्यम् । भ्रुवोः पुच्छान्तयोरुपर्यनुकर्णं ललाटे शङ्खौ ।

तयोः सद्योमरणम् । भ्रुवोरुपरि निम्नयोरावर्ती तयोरान्ध्यम् दृष्ट्युपघातो वा ॥९॥

On the two sides of the trachea, there are four dhamanis (arteries) of these two are called Nila and other two Manya; injury to these produces dumbness, disorders of speech or loss of taste perception. On either side of the throat are the four siras (veins) seperately, known as Matrka; their injury leads to quick death. At the junction of the throat and the head are the two Krkatika; injury to these causes shaking of the head. Below the back of theears, are the two Vidhura, injury to these causes deafness. On either side of the nostrils, adjoining the opening of the ears, inside, are the two Phana; injury to these causes loss of perception of smell. At the tail end of the eye brows, below at the outer angle of the eye are the two Apanga; injury to these results in blindness. Above the tailend of the brows near the ears on the forehead are the two Sankha; their injury causes death quickly. Above the depression of the forehead are the two Avarta; injury to these causes either blindness or disorders of vision. ( 9 )

शङ्खयोरुपरि केशान्ते उत्क्षेपौ । तयोः सशल्यः पाकात् पतितशल्यो वा जीवेन्नोद्धृतशल्यः । भ्रुवोर्मध्ये स्थपनी ।

तत्रोत्क्षेपवत् । पञ्च सन्धयः शिरसि तिर्यगूर्ध्वं च सीमन्ताः नाम । तेषून्मादध्रमचित्तनाशैर्मरणम् ।

जिह्वाघ्राणाक्षिश्रोतर्पणीनां सिराणां तालुनि सन्निपातः । तासां मुखानि चत्वारि शृङ्गाटकसंज्ञानि ।

तेषु सद्योमरणम् | मस्तकाभ्यन्तर उपरिष्टात्सिरासन्धिसत्रिपातो रोमावर्तः सोऽधिपतिर्नाम । तत्रापि सद्योमरणं भवतीति ॥१०॥

Above the sankha, at the lower border of the hairs, are the two Utksepa; the person can survive so long as any foreign body is imbedded therein, or if it comes out after undergoing putrefaction but not if pulled out by force. Between the two eyebrows is Sthapani; the effect of its injury is similar to that utksepa. The five joints in the head (skull), spread sidewards and upwards known as Simanta; injury to these leads to death from insanity, giddiness and loss of mind. At the meeting place of veins supplying the tongue, nose, eyes and ears in the palate, is their confluence, their four orifices are known as Srigataka; injury to these causes quick death. Inside the head, at the meeting place of the joints of veins, on the top and at the spiral of hairs is located the Adhipati; injury even to this causes quick death. (10)

Marma viddha lakshana

सामान्यलक्षणं पुनर्मर्मणां पीडिते रुजोत्पत्तिर्विषमं च स्पन्दनम् सामान्येनैव च ॥११॥

देहप्रसुप्तिर्गुरुता सम्मोहः शीतकामिता । स्वेदो मूर्छा वमिः श्वासो मर्मविद्धस्य लक्षणम् ॥ १२ ॥

General symptoms when the vital spots are injured are – appearance of pain and irreregular (abnormal, unusual) throbbings (pulsations, tremors, movement etc). some others are – loss of sensation and heaviness of the body (or its parts ) , delusion, desire for cold comforts, perspiration, faintings, vomiting and dyspnoea, are the symptoms of injury to vital spots. (11-12)

Marma nirukti – definition

अपि च मरणकारित्वान्मर्म । तत् पुनर्मांससिरास्त्रावास्थिसन्धिसन्निपातः । तेन तस्मिन्

पीड्यमाने विशेषतः प्राणाबाधः । बाहुल्येन तु निर्देशः । तस्मान्मांसाद्याश्रयतो मर्माणि पञ्चधा भिन्ते ॥१३॥

Further, the marmas ( vital spots) are so called because they cause death; again because, they are the meeting place of muscles, veins, tendons and (nerves), bones and joints. Hence injury or assult to them especially causes danger to life.

They are classified on the predominant structure found in them; on this basis the marmas (vital spots) are of five kinds, viz, mamsa marma etc. (13)

Marmabheda – Types of vital spots

तद्यथा । तलहृदयेन्द्रबस्ति गुदस्तनरोहितान्येकादश मांसमर्माणि ।


चत्वारिंशत् सिरामर्माणि | क्षिप्रकूर्चकूर्चशिरोविटपकक्षाधराणि बस्त्यंसविधुरोत्क्षेपाः सप्तविंशतिः स्त्राव र्माणि।

कटीकतरुणनितम्बांसफलकशङ्खास्त्वष्टावस्थिमर्माणि ।

गुल्फमणिबन्धजानुकूर्परकुकुन्दरकृकाटिकावर्तसीमन्ताधिपतयो विंशतिः सन्धिमर्माणि ॥१४॥

– They are as follows; talahridaya, indrabasti, guda and stanarohita these eleven are Mamsa marmas (muscular spots). urvi, lohitaksa, nabhi, hridaya, stanamula, apasthambha, apalapa, parsvasandhi, brihati, nila, manya, matrka, phana, apanga, sthapani, and Srngataka these fortyone are Sira marmas ( venous spots ). ksipra, kurca, kurcasira, vitapa, kaksadhara, basti, arnsa, vidhura and utksepa – these twentyseven are Snayu marmas (tendenous/nerve spots ). katika taruna, nitamba, amsaphalaka and sankha these eight are Asthi marmas (bony spots). gulpha, manibhandha janu, kurpara, kukundara, krkatika, avarta, simanta and adhipati – these twenty are Sandhi marmas (spots on joints). (14)

Anya prakarah of Marma – another classification

पुनश्च पञ्चधा गुदबस्तिनाभिहृदयमातृकाशङ्खशृङ्गाटकाधिपतय एकोनविंशतिः सद्यः प्राणहाराण्याग्नेयत्वात्तेषां सप्तरात्राभ्यन्तरं कालः ॥१५॥

Again (they are) of five kinds-guda, basti, nabhi, hridaya, matrka, sankha, Srngataka and adhipati – these twentyone are known as Sadyah – pranahara (those which cause death quickly) because they are agneya in nature (having predominance of fire element), duration of life (when they are injured) is less than seven days. (15)

तलहृदयक्षिप्रेन्द्रबस्तिवक्षोमर्मकटीकतरुणनितम्बपार्श्वसन्धिबृहतीसीमन्तास्त्रयस्त्रिंशत् कालान्तरप्राणहराणि

सौम्याग्नेयत्वात्तेषां पक्षाभ्यन्तरं कालः । तेष्वति तु क्षिप्राणि .कदाचिदाशु ॥१६॥

Talahridaya, ksipra, indrabasti, marmas in the front of the chest, katikataruna, nitamba, parsvasandhi, brihati and simanta- these thirty-three are known as Kalantara pranahara (those which cause death after some time) because they are both saumya (with presence of ap bhuta) as weil as agneya (tejas bhuta) at the same time ; life expectancy (when they are injured) is less than a fortnight; among them ksipra marmas sometimes may cause death quickly. (16)

उत्क्षेपौ स्थपनी च त्रीणि विशल्यघ्नानि वायव्यत्वात् शल्यमुखावरुद्धो हि यावदत्र वायुस्तिष्ठति तावज्जीवति ॥ १७॥

The two utksepa and sthapani – these three are known as Visalyaghna because they are vayaviya (predominance of vayu bhuta) by nature; as long as the air is prevented from coming out of the orifice of the wound by the impacted weapon, the person lives. (17)

कूर्चजानुकूर्पराण्युर्वीलोहिताख्यविटपकक्षाधरकुकुन्दरांसफलकनीलामन्याकृकाटिकाविधुरफणापाङ्गावर्ताश्चतुश्चत्वारिंशद्वैकल्यकराणि सौम्यत्वात् । सोमो हि स्थैर्यशैत्याभ्यां प्राणान् धारयति । तान्यपि च कदाचिदभिहतानि मारयन्ति ॥१८॥

Kurca, janu, kurpara, ani, urvi, lohitaksa, vitapa, kaksadhara, kukundara, amsaphalaka, nila, manya, krkatika, vidhura, phana, apanga, avarta – these fortyfour are known as Vaikalyakra (which cause deformities) because of their saumya (predominance of ap bhuta) nature, soma (water), supports life by its stability and cold properties, Even these sometime cause death when they are greatly injured. (18)

कूर्चशिरोगुल्फमणिबन्धास्त्वष्टौ रुजाकराण्यग्निवायुसोमगुणबाहुल्यात्। अग्निवायूहि विशेषेण रुजाकरौ ।

सोमस्तु प्राणानवलम्बत इत्युक्तम् ॥१९॥

Kurcasira, gulpha, manibandha- these eight are known as Rujakara (which cause pain) because of the predominance of agni, vayu and soma (ap) bhutas; agni and vayu are especially responsible for causing pain whereas soma (ap) prolongs life. (19)

अन्ये त्वाहुः । मांसादीनां पञ्चानामपि विवृद्धानां समवायात् सद्यः प्राणहराणि ।

एकैकहीनानामल्पानां च क्रमादितराणि स्वभावत एव च ॥२०॥

Others say, predominance of all the five constituents such as mamsa etc, in a marma (vital spot) makes it a sadyahpranahara (causing death quickly), absence of one of them or presence in less proportion will make it (the vital spot) naturally belong to other kinds in respective order. (20)

अन्ये वदन्ति । प्रतिनियतकर्माणि चन्द्रसूर्यायस्कान्तोपलानामिवाम्बुवह्निकाललोहसंश्लेषाः

तथा च छिन्त्रेषु बहुमर्मस्वपि पाणिपादेषु स्वभावत एव न मृत्युः ॥२१॥

Some others say, that the effects (of injury to vital spots) are the natural specific functions just as the moonstone, sunstone and magnetic stone having the effects on water, fire and black metal (iron) respectively; and when the hands and feet having many vital spot present in them are cut off, death is not seen to occur normally. ( 21 )

अपरे पुनरत्रापि हेतुमाहुः । पाणिपादच्छेदे हि सिराः सङ्कोचमायान्ति । ततोल्पासृक्प्रवृत्तेर्जीवितम् ।

मर्मव्यधे त्वतिरक्तस्स्रुतितो वायुवैकृतेन च मरणम् । तस्मान्मर्माभिहतस्य तदङ्गमाशु सन्धिदेशाच्छेदनीयम् ।

अतिहतानां तु मर्मणां यथास्वं पूर्वं पूर्वं च कर्म ईषदन्ते वा हतानामुत्तरोत्तरमेव ॥ २२ ॥

Some others give reasons for this; when the hands and feet are cut off the veins become constricted, then if little amount of blood is lost life is possible, but when the vital spots are injured causing severe haemorrhage then death occurs due to consequent abnormality of vata. So v/hen treating an injury to a vital spot any surgical operation (cutting, peircing, tearing etc) should be done over the region of a joint of that part. When the vital spots are injured greatly or slightly or injured at their periphery (outer edges) then the effects will be the preceding ones or succeeding ones respectively. (22)

Anya prakarah – another classification

पुनश्च पञ्चधा भिद्यन्ते । तद्यथा | उर्व्यः कूर्चशिरांसि विटपे कक्षाधरे च द्वादश स्वाङ्गलोन्मितानि । गुल्फौ मणिबन्धौ स्तनमूले च षट् द्व्यङ्गुलानि । जानुनी कूर्परे च चत्वारि त्र्यगुलानि । कूर्चा गुदो बस्तिर्नाभिर्हृदयं नीले मन्ये मातृकाः सीमन्ताः शृङ्गाटकानि चैकोनत्रिंशत् पाणितलसम्मितानि। शेषाणि षट् पञ्चाशदङ्गुलदलप्रमाणानि । अन्ये पुनराहुः । ब्रीहिप्रमाणानि क्षिप्राणि । कलायप्रमाणाः स्तनरोहितोत्क्षेपाः । तथान्ये तिलप्रमाणान्यपि मर्माणीच्छन्ति । भवन्ति चात्र ॥ २३ ॥

Again they (vital spot) are of five kinds – as follows – urvi, kurcasira, vitapa and kaksadhara – these twelve are one angula each in diameter in ones own anguli (fingers breadth) measure; gulpha, manibandha stanamula- these six are two angula each; janu, kurpara – these four are three angulaeach. kurca, guda, basti, nabhi, hridaya, nila, manya, matrka, simanta. srigataka – these twentynine are each of the size of the palm. The remaining fiftysix are each of half angula in size. Others say, ksipra are of the size of the vrhi (rice grain), stanarohita and utksepa are of the size of a kalaya (round pea). Yet others say, that vital spots are even of the size of a tila (sesamum seed). More verses further. (23)

मर्मव्याप्तेऽपि देहेऽस्मिन्नायुर्मर्माणि रक्षति | आयुष्याण्येव सेवेत सदा तस्माद्विचक्षणः ॥२४॥

Though the body is full of vital spots, life protects the vital spots, hence a wise man should always indulge in things which help prolong life. (24)

मर्माभिघातः स्वाल्पोऽपि प्रायशो बाधतेतराम् । रोगा मर्माश्रयास्तद्वत् प्रक्रान्ता यत्नतोपि च ॥ २५ ॥

Injury to vital spots, though slight, will produce severe pain/troubles; similarly the diseases localised in the vital spots; hence they should be treated with great care and effort. (25)

विक्षिप्यते भृशं सीदन् शून्यो भ्रमति वेपते । ऊर्ध्वं श्वसिति कृच्छ्रेण स्त्रस्तगात्रो मुहुर्मुहुः ॥ २६ ॥

हृदयं दह्यते चास्य नैकस्थानेऽवतिष्ठते । मर्मोपघातान्मरणमेतैर्लिङ्गैः समश्नुते ॥२७॥

Symptoms of injury to vital spots are the following – the person rolls in bed with severe pain, feels as though he is entering into emptiness, feels giddiness, restlessness, breathes outwards with difficulty, body parts drop because of debility, feels burning sensation in the heart, does not stay in any posture for long and even be comes a prey to death. (26-27)

अमर्मविद्धोऽपि नरश्छेदभेदादिपीडितः । अतिनिस्सृतरक्तश्च सद्यस्त्यजति जीवितम् ॥ २८ ॥

अतोऽन्यथा जीवति तु विद्धः शरशतैरपि ॥ २१ ॥

Even a person who is not hurt on his vital spots but who loses too much blood, due to severe wounds, cuts etc. may also die quickly. Hurt in any other place, even by a hundred arrows, the person will certainly survive. (28-29)

पुण्यवान्नियतायुश्च न कथञ्चिन्न जीवति । तस्मादाचरमोच्छ्वामाच्चिकित्सेदेव यत्नतः ||३०||

तद्वन्धुमित्रानुमतः प्रत्याख्यायातुरं भिषक् ॥३१॥

Can’t a person who is virtuous and who has a stipulated span of life survive long? ( shall certainly live); so he should be treated till his last breath, with all efforts, the physician informing the incurability of the condition to the relatives and friends of the patient and obtaining their consent. (29-31)

॥ इति सप्तमोऽध्यायः ॥

Thus ends the Seventh chapter.


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