We will now expound the chapter called Mahakasaya Sangraha – larger collection of efficacious recipes; thus said Atreya and other great sages (1).
अथातो महाकषायसङ्ग्रहमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥१॥
आनन्त्यादौषधानामामयानां चानन्ता एव कषायाः । यः तु सुतरामुपयोगवन्तः प्रकर्षवर्तिनो वा ते जीवनीयादिसंज्ञाः प्रत्येकं दशकषायसंयोगात् पञ्चचत्वारिंशन्महाकषाया वक्ष्यन्ते । तत्प्रतिपत्यर्थमेव मन्दबुद्धीनाम् । बुद्धिमतामुदाहरणमात्रप्रदर्शनार्थम् । शक्यं हि बुद्धिमद्भिः स्वादुशीतस्निग्धादीन् जीवन्त्यादिषु साधारणान् गुणानालोच्य क्षीरेक्षुद्राक्षाक्षोड विदारीकन्दादि ध्वपि तद्गुणेषु जीवनीयादित्वमवधारयितुम् । यथोक्तानुसरणमेव तु श्रेयो मन्दबुद्धेरपि । व्यस्ताश्च ते चत्वारि शतानि पञ्चाशदधिकानि तदभिधानान्येव । यद्यपि तानि तान्येव द्रव्याणीति द्रव्यसङ्करः कषायेषु तथापि न संज्ञाविरोध: । एकस्यापि बहुकार्यनिर्वर्तनात् । तत्र लवणवर्ज्या रसाः कल्पनायां कषाया इत्युच्यन्ते । तद्योनित्वात् । लवणस्य यतो निर्यासादिकल्पनानामसम्भवः । पृथगुपयोगोपकाररहितत्वाच्च नैरर्थक्यमिति ॥२॥
Drugs and diseases being innumerable , the recipes also are innumerable. Those which are very efficacious and so used widely, are given specific names like Jivaniya (promoters of longevity) etc. Herein are described 45 such recipes, each group containing 10 drugs. This is only to serve as a guide to those of poor intellect and as an example only for the highly intellegent. Intellegent persons by noting the general properties like sweetness, cold potency, unctousness etc., found in the drugs of Jivaniya group etc., will be able to understand and indentify such properties even in other materials like ksira (milk) iksu (sugercane) draksa, aksoda, vidarikanda etc. But it will be wise on the part of the less intelligent to adhere to these groups only.
Counted separtely, the total number of drugs will be 450. Even though each one by itself is a recipe, yet grouping them together under specific names do not contradict their actions; because each one can be used for more than one purpose.
Drugs of all the tastes except salt, are known as kasayas in the context of preparing recipes, because they are the source (materials); preparations of extracts (decoction) etc., from salt, not being possible, usage and utility of salt individually being little, it is not useful (for preparing recipes). (2)
Jivaniya gana – group of promoters of longevity
भवन्ति चात्र । जीवन्तीकाकोल्यौ द्वे मेदे मुद्द्रमाषपर्ण्यो च । ऋषभकजीवकमधुकं चेति गणो जीवनीयाख्यः ॥३॥
Jivanti, the two kakoli, the two meda, mudgaparni, masaparni, rsabhaka, jivaka and madhuka-all these together is known as Jivaniya gana (group of promoters of longevity). (3)
Notes: The two kakoli are kakoli and ksira kakoli; the two meda are meda and maha meda.
Brimhaniya gana – group which makes the body stout
वाट्याबला पयस्याकाकोल्याविक्षुवाजिगन्धे च ।
क्षीरिणिराजक्षवके भारद्वाजी च बृंहणीयोऽयम् ॥४॥
Vatya, bala, payasya, the two kakoli, iksu vajigandha, ksirini rajaksavaka, bharadvaji – these together form the Brmhaniya gana (group which makes the body stout). (4)
Lekhaniya gana – scarificators
हैमवती चिरिबिल्वं मुस्ता कुष्ठं वचा हरिद्रे च । चित्रककटुकातिविषा वर्गोयं लेखनीयाख्यः ॥५॥
Haimavati, cirabilva, musta, kustha, vaca, the two haridra, citraka, katuka and ativisa – together form the Lekhaniya gana (scarificators). ( 5 )
Notes: The two haridra are haridra and daruharidra.
Bhedaniya gana – purgatives
अर्कैरण्डौ चित्रा चित्रकचिरिबिल्वशङ्खिनीसरला । हेमक्षीरी कटुका वह्निमुखी भेदनीयोऽयम् ॥ ६ ॥
Arka, eranda, citra, citraka, cirabilva, sankhini, sarala, hemaksiri, katuka and vahnimukhi-together form the Bhedaniya gana (purgatives) (6)
Sandhaniya gana – promoters of healing
मधुमधुकपृश्निपर्णीकट्फललोध्रप्रियङ्गुधातक्यः । अम्बष्ठकी समझा मोचरसश्चेति सन्धानः ॥७॥
Madhu, madhuka, prsniparni, katphala, lodhra priyangu, dhataki, ambastaki, samanga and mocarasa together form the Sandhaniya gana (promoters of healing) (7)
Dipaniya gana – which kindle hunger
हिङ्गुमरिचाम्लवेतस, दीप्यकभल्लातकास्थिसंयोगात् । वर्गः सपञ्चकोलोनिर्दिष्टो दीपनीयोऽयम् ||८||
Hingu, marica, amlavetasa, dipyaka, bhallataka asthi, and drugs known as pancakola- all together form the Dipaniya gana (which kindle hunger). (8)
Notes: Pancakola includes pippali, pippalimula, cavya, citraka and nagara.
Balya gana – which provide strength
एैन्द्रयतिरसा पयस्या ऋष्यप्रोक्का स्थिरा बलातिबला ।
इति बल्यो दशकोऽयं हयगन्धा रोहिणी ऋषभः ॥९॥
Aindri, atiras, payasa rsyaprokta, sthira, bala, atibala hayagandha, rohini and rsabhi- together from the Balya gana (which provide strength).(9)
Varnya gana – which impart normal colour and complexion
चन्दनतुङ्गपयस्या सितालतामधुकपद्मकोशीरिम् ।
वर्ण्यो गणोयमुदितो मञ्जिष्ठासारिवा सहितः ॥१०॥
Candana, tunga, payasya, sita, lata, madhuka, padmaka, usira, manjista and sariva – these togeter form the Varnya gana (which impart normal colour and complexion). (10)
Kantha Janana gana – which restore the voice
हंसपदीबृहतीद्वयमृद्वीकासारिवेक्षुमूलांनि । कैडर्यमधुककृष्णाः सविदार्यः कण्ठजननानि ॥११॥
Hamsapadi, the two brhati, mrdvika, sariva, root of iksu, kaidarya, madhuka, Krsna and vidari-these together form the Kantha Janana gana (which restore the voice). (11)
Notes: The two brhati are are brhati and kantakari.
Hrudya gana – good to the heart
sour rasa dravyas are hrudya..
वृक्षाम्लबदरदाडिमकुवलाम्राग्रातलिकुचकरमर्दम् । हृद्यं समातुलुङ्गाम्लवेतसं विद्धि वर्गमिमम् ॥ १२॥
Vrksamla, badara, dadima, kuvala, amra, amrataka, likuca, karamarda, matulunga and amlavetasa; understand this as the group of Hrdya (good to the heart). (12)
Triptighna gana – which destroys the abnormal feeling of contentment or lack of desire in any thing
नागरचविकाचित्रकविडङ्गमूर्वामृतावचामुस्ताः ।
सहपिप्पलीपटोलास्तृप्तिघ्नोऽयं गणः प्रथितः ॥१३॥
Nagara, cavika, citraka, vidanga, murva, amrta, vaca, musta, pippali and patola- are together known as Triptighna gana (that which destroys the abnormal feeling of contentment or lack of desire in any thing ). (13)
Arshoghna gana – which cures haemorrhoids
कुटजफलबिल्वचित्रकमहौषधप्रतिविषावचाचविकाः ।
धन्वयवासं पथ्या दारुहरिद्रागणोऽयमर्शोघ्नः ॥१४॥
Kutaja phala, bilva, citraka, mahausadha, prativisa, vaca, cavika, dhanvayavasa, pathya and daruharindra – this group is known as Arsoghna gana (which cures haemorrhoids) (14)
Kusthaghna gana (which cures leprosy and other skin diseases
खदिरामलकारुष्करनिशाभयासप्तपर्णकरवीराः । कुष्ठाघ्नाश्वतुरङ्गुलविडङ्गजातिप्रवालाश्च ।। १५ ।।
Khadira, amalaka, aruskara, nisa, abhaya, saptaparna, karavira, caturangula, vidanga and jati pravala- this group is Kusthaghna gana (which cures leprosy and other skin diseases). (15)
Kandughna gana – which cures itching, irritation
नलदकृतमालचन्दनसर्षपघननिम्बकुटजमधुकानि । कण्डूं दारुहरिद्रासनक्लमालानि निघ्नन्ति ॥१६॥
Nalada, krtamala, candana, sarsapa, ghana, nimba, kutaja, madhuka, daruharidra and naktamala this group is known as Kandughna gana (which cure itching, irritation etc.). (16)
Krimighna gana – kills the worms, bacteria
अक्षीवमरिचकेबुकविडङ्गगण्डीरकिणिहिनिर्गुण्ड्यः ।
प्रन्तिक्रिमीन् श्वदंष्ट्राविषाखुपर्ण्यस्तथा न चिरात् ॥ १७॥
Aksiva, marica, kebuka, vidanga, gandira, kinihi, nirgundi, swadamstra, visa and akhuparni this group known as Krimighna gana (kills the worms, bacteria etc.) quickly ( 17 )
Visaghna gana – antipoisonous drugs
मञ्जिष्ठा श्लेष्मातकरजनीसुवहाशिरीषपालिन्द्यः । सैलाचन्दनकतकाः ससिन्दुवारा विषं प्रन्ति ॥ १८ ॥
Manjista slesmataka, rajani, suvaha, Sirisa, palindi, ela, candana, kataka and sindhuvara-this group is Visaghna gana (antipoisonous ) (18)
Stanya janana gana – galactogogues
शालिकुशकाशषष्टिकवीरणदर्भेक्षुवालिकेक्षूणाम् ।
तद्वद् गुन्द्रोत्कटयोर्मूलमलं स्तन्यजननाय ॥१९॥
Sali, kusa, kasa, sastika, virana, darbha, iksuvalika, iksu, gundra mula and itkata mula – these form the Stanya janana gana (galactogogues). (19)
Stanyasuddhikara gana – purifies the breast milk
पाठानागरसुरतरुघनामृतासारिवेन्द्रयवमूर्वाः ।
कटुकाकिराततिक्लं वर्गोऽयं स्तन्यशुद्धिकरः ॥२०॥
Patha, nagara, surataru, ghana, amrta, sariva, indrayava, murva, katuka and kiratatikta this group is called Stanyasuddhikara gana (purifies the breast milk).(20)
Sukra janana gana – cause production of semen
मेदाकाकोलीद्वयवृक्षरुहाजीवकर्षभकुलिङ्गाः ।
शुक्रजननो गणोऽयं सह जटिलाशूर्पपर्णीभिः ॥ २१ ॥
Meda, the two kakoli, vrksaruha, jivaka, rsabhaka, kulinga, jatila, and surpaparni dwaya, this group is known as sukra janana gana (cause production of semen).(21)
Notes: Kakoli and kssirakakoli are the two kakolis; surpaparnidwaya are mudga parni and maasa parni.
Sukra sodhana gana – which purifies the vitiated semen
कुष्ठैलवालुककट्फलकाण्डेक्ष्विक्ष्वब्धिफेनकोशीँरैः वसुकेक्षुरकै: शुक्रं शुध्येत् सकदम्बनिर्यासैः ||२२||
Kustha, elavaluka, katphala, kandeksu, iksu, abdiphena, usira, vasuka, iksuraka and kadamba niryasa – this group is sukra sodhana gana (which purifies the vitiated semen ) . ( 22 )
Snehopaga gana – adjuvants to oleation therapy
द्राक्षाकाकोलीद्वय मधुपर्णीमधुकजीवकविदार्यः । स्नेहोपगा: समेदा जीवन्तीशालिपर्णीकाः ||२३||
Draksa, the two kakoli, madhuparni, madhuka, jivaka, vidari, meda, jivanti and saliparni – together form Snehopaga gana (adjuvants to oleation therapy). (23)
Svedopaga gana – adjuvants to sudation therapy
सौभञ्जनकपुनर्नववृथीवकुलत्थमाषबदराणि स्वेदोपगानि विद्यात् सयवतिलारुपगानि ॥२४॥
Sobhanjanaka, punarnava, vrsciva, kulattha, masa, badara, yava, tila, arka and urupuga – form the Svedopaga gana (adjuvants to sudation therapy ) ( 24 )
Vaminigrahana gana – antiemeties
लाजाम्रबदरदाडिमयवषष्टिकमातुलुङ्गसेव्यानि जम्ब्वाम्रपल्लवानि च वमिनिग्रहणानि मृत्सा च ॥ २५॥
Laja amra, badara, dadima, yava, sastika, matulunga, sevya, jambu, amra and mrt together form the Vaminigrahana gana, (antiemeties ) ( 25 )
Trisaghna gana – which relieves excessive thirst
नागरधन्वयवासकवालकपर्पटकचन्दनगुडूच्यः । भूनिम्बघनपटोली कुस्तुम्बर्यस्तृषं प्रन्ति ||२६||
Nagara, dhanvayavasa, valaka, parpata, candana, guduci, bhunimba, ghana, patoli and kustumburu these together form Trsaghna gana (which relieve excessive thirst).(26)
Hikka nigrahana – which stops hiccup
बृहतीद्वयवृक्षरुहापुष्करमूलाभयाकणाशृङ्ग्यः । हिमा निघ्नन्ति शटी दुरालभा बदरबीजं च ||२७||
The two brhati, vrksaruha, puskaramula, abhaya, kana, Srngi, sati, duralabha and badara bija – these form Hikka nigrahana (which stop hiccup): (27)
Notes: The two brhati are brhati and kantakari.
Vidgrahana gana – which withholds elimination of feces
श्यामानन्ता पद्मा कट्वङ्गः पद्मकेसरं लोध्रम् ।
धातकिकुसुमसमङ्गामोचरसाम्रास्थि विग्रहणम् ।।२८।।
syama, ananta, padma, katvanga, padmakesara, lodhra, dhataki kusu – ma, samanga, mocarasa and amrasthi these form Vidgrahana gana (which withhold elimination of feces. (28)
Vidvirajana gana which impart the normal colour to the faeces
जम्बूसल्लकिमधुकं नीलोत्पलकच्छुरातिलश्रूयाह्वम् । भृष्टा च मृत् पयस्या सशाल्मली विविरजनानि ॥ २९॥
Jambu, Sallaki, madhuka, nilotpala, kachura, tila, Sryahwa, brsta mrt, payasya and salmali form the Vidvirajana gana which impart the normal colour to the faeces (29).
Mutragrahana gana – which withholds excess elimination of urine
जम्ब्वाम्रोदुम्बरवटकपीतनप्लक्षपिप्पलाश्मन्तम् ।
भल्लातसोमवल्कं मूत्रग्रहणाय निर्दिष्टम् ||३०||
Jambu, amra, udumbara, vata, kapitana, plaksa, pippala asmantaka, bhallataka and omavalka – are together known as Mutragrahana gana (which withhold excess elimination of urine). (30)
Mutravirajaniya gana -which impart the normal colour the the urine
कमलनलिनकुमुद मधुकसौगन्धिकधातकीलताकुसुमम् । मूत्रं नयति विरागं सोत्पलशतपत्रपुण्डरीकं च ॥३१॥
Kamalamalina, kumuda, madhuka, saugandhika, latakusuma, dhataki, utpala, satapatra and pundarika together form the Mutravirajaniya gana (which impart the normal colour the the urine).(31)
Mutra virecana gana – which produce large amount of urine
वृक्षादनीश्वदंष्ट्रादर्भेत्कटवसुकवशिरकुशकाशाः । मूत्रं विरेचयेयुर्गुन्द्रा पाषाणभेदश्च ॥३२॥
Vrksadani svadamstra, darbha, utkata, vasuka, vasira, kusa, kasa, gundra, and pasanabheda- together form the Mutra virecana gana (which produce large amount of urine). (32)
Kasaghna gana – drugs cure cough
द्राक्षामलकपुनर्नववृत्रीवदुरालभाभयाकृष्णाः । कासं घ्नन्ति सशृङ्गीतामलकी कण्टकारी च ॥ ३३॥
Draksa, amalaka, punarnava, vrsciva, duralabha, abhaya, krsna, Srngi, tamalaki and kantakari – these together form the Kasaghna gana (which cure cough ). (33)
Svasa samana gana – Drugs relieve difficult breathing
चण्डाम्लवेतसशटी तामलकींसुरसहिङ्गजीवन्त्यः । पुष्करमूलैलागुरुवर्गोऽयं श्वासशमनाय ||३४||
Canda, amlavetasa sati, tamalaki, surasa, hingu, jivanti, puskaramula, ela and aguru this group is Svasa samana gana (which relieves difficult breathing). (34)
Jvaraghna gana – drug cures fevers
द्राक्षापीलुपरूषकमञ्जिष्ठासारिवामृतापाठाः । त्रिफला चेति गणोऽयं ज्वरस्य शमनाय निर्दिष्टः ॥३५॥
Draksa, pilu, parusaka, manjista sariva, amrta, patha and triphala this group is Jvaraghna gana (which cures fevers ) (35)
Notes: Triphala includes haritaki, vibhitaka and amalaka.
Sramanasana gana – drugs relieves exertion
श्रमनाशनानि विद्याद् द्राक्षाखर्जूरसहितानि ॥३६॥
Dadima, phalgu, parusaka, priyala, yava, sastika, iksu, badara, draksa and kharjura – this group is sramanasana gana (which relieves exertion). (36)
Dahahara gana – which relieve burning sensation
पद्मकलाजोशीरं मधुकोत्पलसारिवासितोदीच्यम् । काश्मर्यफलं गणो दाहहा प्रोक्तः ॥३७॥
Padmaka, laja, usira, madhuka, utpala, sariva, sita, udicya, Kasmaryaphala and candana- this group is called Dahahara gana (which relieve burning sensation).(37)
Sitasamana gana – relieves the feeling of cold quickly
नतनागरागुरुवचाधान्यकभूतीकपिप्पलीव्याघ्रयः । शीतं शमयन्त्यचिरात् स्योनाकः साग्निमन्थश्च ॥ ३८ ॥
Nata, nagara, aguru, vaca, dhanyaka, bhutika, pippali, Vyaghri, syonaka and agnimantha, these known as Sitasamana gana (relieves the feeling of cold quickly). (38)
Udardasamana gana – Drugs cure skin rashes, raised patches, swellings of the skin
तिन्दुकप्रियालवीजकसप्तच्छदखदिरकदरबदराणि । अरिमेदवाजिकर्णीककुभवोदर्दशमनानि ॥३९॥
Tinduka, priyalabija, saptachada, Khadira, kadara, badara, arimeda, vajikarna and kakubha, these form the Udardasamana gana (which cure skin rashes, raised patches, swellings etc., of the skin). (39)
Angamarda hara gana – Drugs cures body aches quickly
काकोल्येला सेव्यं निदिग्धिके शालिपृशिनपय च ।
घ्नन्त्यङ्गमर्दमचिराचन्दनमधुकोरुबूकं च ॥ ४० ॥
Kakoli, ela, Sevya, nidigdhika, brhati, saliparni, prsniparni, candana, madhuka and urubuka – this group known as Angamarda hara gana (cures body aches quickly. (40)
Sulaghna gana – relieves pain in the abdomen quickly
दीप्यकमरिचाजाजीगण्डीरं साजगन्धमथ शूलम् । शमयति सपञ्चकोलं शोफं दशमूलमाद्यं च ॥४१॥
Dipyaka, marica, ajaji, gandira, ajagandha and pancakola, this known as Sulaghna gana ( relieves pain in the abdomen quickly. (41).
Notes: Pancakola includes pippali, pippalimula, cavya, citraka and nagara.
Dasamulas comprising of the first two pancamulas (mahat and hrasva pancamulas) -this group is Sophaghna gana (cures dorpsy ) . ( 41 )
Notes : Brhatpancamula includes bilva, agnimantha, Syonaka, Kasmarya and patala; Hrasvapancamula includes Saliparni, prsniparni, Brhati, Kantakari and Goksura, All these ten are together known as Dasamula.
Rudhira Sthapana gana – drugs which stops bleeding
मधुमधुकलाजगैरिकफलिनीमोचरसमृत्कपालानि ।
संस्थापयन्ति रुधिरं रुधिरं च सशर्करं लोध्रम् ॥ ४२ ॥
Madhu, madhuka, aja, gairika, shalini, mocarasa, mrtkapala, rudhira, sarkara and lodhra-these form the Rudhira Sthapana gana (which stops bleeding). (42)
Vedanasthapana gana – drugs which relieves pain quickly
शैलैलवालुकट्फलमोचरसाशोकपद्मकशिरीषम् ।
स्थापयति वेदनामथ सहतुङगकदम्बविदुलं च ॥४३॥
saila, elavaluka, katphala,mocarasa, asoka, padmaka,sirisa, tunga, kadamba and vidula- these form the Vedanasthapana gana (which relieves pain quickly) (43).
Samjnada gana – drugs which restores conciousness
कैडर्यहिङ्गुचोरकपलङ्कषाऽशोकरोहिणिवयस्थाः । पूत्यरिमेदो जटिलागोलोमिवचाश्च संज्ञदाः ॥४४॥
Kaidarya, hingu, Coraka, palankasa, asokarohini, vayastha putyarimeda, jatila, Golomi and vaca these group is Samjnada gana (which restores conciousness). (44)
Garbhasthapana gana – drugs which help maintenance of pregnancy
ऐन्द्री दूर्वामोघाविष्वक्सेनाsaar शिवारिष्टा । ब्राह्मी सवाट्यपुप्पी शतवीर्या स्थापयेद् गर्भम् ॥ ४५ ॥
Aindri, durva, amogha, visvaksena, avyatha siva, arista, brahmi, Vatyapuspi and satavirya – these are known as Garbhasthapana gana (which help maintainance of pregnancy ) . (45)