KUSTHA CHIKITSA – Treatment of Skin Diseases/ leprosy – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter – 19


अथात: कुष्ठचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः ।

इति ह ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter-Kustha chikitsa – treatment of Leprosy; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Notes : The terms ‘kustha’ usually translated as leprosy, does not stand for that disease only. While mahakustha are the different forms of leprosy, the other kusthas are some diseases of the skin, minor and major including even cancer.

Ayurvedic treatment of skin diseases

कुष्ठिनं स्नेहपानेन पूर्वं सर्वमुपाचरेत् । तत्र वातोत्तरे तैलं घृतं वा साधितं हितम् ॥ १ ॥


The patient of kustha (leprosy) should be treated first with snehapana – drinking of fat (as part of oleation therapy); when vata is the predominant dosha such oil or ghee medicated with (the decoction of) dasamula, amrta, eranda, sarngesta and mesasringi. 1-2a.

Tikta ghrita

पटोलनिम्बकटुकादार्वीपाठादुरालभाः पर्पटं त्रायमाणां च पलांशं पाचयेदपाम् ।

ह्याढकेऽष्टांशशेषेण तेन त्रायन्तीमुस्तभूनिम्बकलिङ्गकणचन्दनैः ।

सर्पिषो द्वादशपलं पचेत्ततिक्तकं जयेत् ॥ ४ ॥ पित्तकुष्ठपरीसर्पपिटिकादाहतृभ्रमान् ॥२॥ कर्षोन्मितैस्तथा ॥ ३ ॥

कण्डुपाण्ड्वामयान् गण्डान् दुष्टनाडीव्रणापचीः ॥ ५ ॥ । ॥६॥

विस्फोटविद्रधीगुल्मशोफोन्मादमदानपि हृद्रोगतिमिरव्यङ्गग्रहणीश्वित्रकामलाः भगन्दरमपस्मारमुदरं प्रदरं गरम्।

अर्शोऽत्रपित्तमन्यांश्च सुकृच्छ्रान् पित्तजान् गदान् ॥ ७ ॥

One pala each of patola, nimba. katuka, darvi, patha, duralabha, parpata and trayamana are boiled in two adhaka of water and decoction reduced to one-eight quantity; to this are added the powder of one karsa each of trayanti, musta, bhunimba, kalinga,kana, and candana, and twelve pala of sarpi (ghee) and medicated ghee prepared.

This Tiktaka ghrta cures kustha arising from pitta, parisarpa (visarpa), pustules, burning sensation, thirst, dizziness, itching, anaemia, glandular enlargement, bad sinus ulcer, goitre, small-pox, abscess, abdominal tumour, oedema, insanity, intoxication, heart disease blindness, discoloured patches on the face, disease of the duodenum, leucoderma, jaundice, rectal fistula, epilepsy, enlargement of the abdomen, menorrhagia, homicidal poisoning, haemorrhoids; bleeding disease and other difficult diseases of pitta origin. 2b-7.

Mahatiktaka ghrita

सप्तच्छदः पर्पटकः शम्याकः कटुका वचा । त्रिफला पद्मकं पाठा रजन्यौ सारिवे कणे ॥ ८ ॥


किराततिक्तकं सेव्यं वृषो मूर्वा शतावरी ॥ ९ ॥

पटोलातिविषामुस्तात्रायन्तीधन्वयासकम् । सर्पिर्द्विगुणामलकीरसे ॥ १० ॥

तैर्जलेऽष्टगुणे सिद्धं तिक्तान्महातिक्तं गुणैरभ्यधिकं मतम् ।

Saptacchada (Saptaparna), parpataka, samyaka, katuka, vaca, triphala, padmaka, patha, the two rajani, the two sariva, the two kana, nimba, candana, yasthyahva, visala, indrayava, amrita, kiratatiktaka, sevya, vrsa, murva, satavari, patola, ativisa, musta, trayanti and dhanvayasaka, are made into decoction. Eight parts of this decoction, one part of sarpis (ghee), two parts of juice of amalaki are added and medicated ghee cooked.

This Mahatiktaka ghrita is greater in properties than the previous one. 8-11a.

कफोत्तरे घृतं सिद्धं निम्बसप्ताह्वचित्रकैः ॥ ११॥ कुष्ठोषणवचाशालप्रियालचतुरङ्गुलैः 1

When kapha is predominant, medicated ghee prepared with (decoction of) nimba, saptahva, citraka, kustha, usana, vaca, sala, priyala and caturangula, should be used. 11b-12a.

सर्वेषु चारुष्करजं तौवरं सार्षपं पिबेत् ॥ १२ ॥ स्नेहं घृतं वा कृमिजित्पथ्याभल्लातकैः शृतम् ।

In all (varieties ) , oil of either aruskara, tuvaraka, sarsapa; or ghee boiled with krmijit, pathya and bhallataka, should be consumed. 12b-13a.

आरग्वधस्य मूलेन शतकृत्वः शृतं घृतम् ॥ १३ ॥

पिबन् कुष्ठं जयत्याशु भजन् सखदिरं जलम् | एभिरेव यथास्वं च स्नेहैरभ्यञ्जनं हितम् ॥ १४ ॥

Ghee boiled for hundred times with the root of aragvadha, consumed daily, followed by drinking of decoction of khadira, cures leprosy quickly.

It is beneficial to anoint the body with fats (oil or ghee) processed by these drugs itself. 13b-14.

स्निग्धस्य शोधनं योज्यं विसर्पे यदुदाहृतम् ।

After administering oleation therapy he should be given sodhana (purificatory therapies) as has been described for visarpa. 15a.

ललाटहस्तपादेषु सिराश्चास्य विमोक्षयेत् ॥ १५ ॥ प्रच्छानमल्पके कुष्ठे शृङ्गाद्याश्च यथायथम् ।

The veins on the forhead, arms and legs should be cut to let out blood (Raktamokshana); if leprosy is of minor variety pracchana (scrapping with lancet) and in others with the use of srnga ( sucking horn ) etc. as is suitable. 15b-16a.

स्नेहैराप्याययेच्चैनं मुक्तरक्तविरिक्तस्य रिक्तकोष्ठस्य कुष्ठिनः । प्रभञ्जनस्तथा ह्यस्य न स्याद्देहप्रभञ्जनः ॥ १७ ॥

कुष्ठघ्नैरन्तराऽन्तरा ॥ १६ ॥

Patients of leprosy should be nourised with fats (medicated ghee or oil) during intervals; otherwise the alimentary tract becoming empty in those who had blood-letting and purgations, leads to aggravation of prabhanjana (vata) which might even destroy the body. 16b-17.

Vajraka ghrita

वासामृतानिम्बवरापटोलव्याघ्रीकरञ्जोदककल्कपक्वम् । सर्पिर्विसर्पज्वरकामलास्त्रकुष्ठापहं वज्रकमामनन्ति ॥ १८ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction and paste of vasa, amrta, nimba, vara, patola, vyaghri, and karanja cures visarpa (herpes), fevers, jaundice, bleeding disease and leprosy. This is known as Vajraka ghrta. 18.

Mahavajraka ghrta

त्रिफलात्रिकटुद्विकण्टकारीकटुकानिकुम्भराजवृक्षैः सवचातिविषाग्निकैः सपाठैः पिचुभागैर्नववज्रदुग्धमुष्ट्या ॥ १९ ॥

पिष्टै: सिद्धं सर्पिष: प्रस्थमेभिः क्रूरे कोष्ठे स्नेहनं च। कुष्ठिश्वित्रप्लीहवर्माश्मगुल्मान् हन्यात्कृच्छ्रांस्तन्महावज्रकाख्यम् ॥ २० ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with decoction and paste of one pala each of triphala, trikatu, the two kantakari, katuka, kumbha, nikumbha, rajavrksa, vaca, ativisa, agnika, and patha, one musti ( pala) of fresh milky sap of vajra (snuhi) and one prastha of ghee; it acts as lubricant purgative to persons of hard bowel movements and cures leprosy, leucoderma, splenic disease, scrotal enlargement, urinary stone, and abdominal tumour which are difficult to cure. This is known as Mahavajraka ghrta.. 19-20.

दन्त्याढकमपां द्रोणे पक्त्वा तेन घृतं पचेत् । धामार्गवपले पीतं तदूर्ध्वाधो विशुद्धिकृत् ॥ २१ ॥

One adhaka of danti is boiled in one drona of water and decoction obtained; to this, are added one pala of paste of dhamargava and medicated ghee prepared. This ghee consumed purifies the body both the upper and lower parts (by causing vomitting and purging). 21.

आवर्तकीतुलां द्रोणे पचेदष्टांशशेषितम् । तन्मूलैस्तत्र निर्यूहे घृतप्रस्थंविपाचयेत् ॥ २२ ॥

पीत्वा तदेकदिवसान्तरितं सुजीर्णे भुञ्जीत कोद्रवमसंस्कृतकाञ्जिकेन ।

कुष्ठं किलासमपचीं च विजेतुमिच्छन् इच्छन् प्रजां च विपुलां ग्रहणं स्मृतिं च ॥ २३ ॥

One tula of avartaki is boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to one-eight the quantity. To this are added the paste of its own root and one prastha of ghrta and medicated ghee cooked. This should be consumed with interval of one day followed by eating mess of kodrava along with unprocessed kanjika (sour gruel without addition of salt, spices, and fats) by the person who wishes to be cured of leprosy, leucoderma and goitre, and desires many children, intellegence and memory. 22-23.

यतेर्लेलीतकवसा क्षौद्रजातीरसान्विता ।

सगायत्र्यसनोदका ॥ २४ ॥ कुष्ठघ्नी समसर्पिर्वा

Lelitaka vasa mixed with honey and juice of jati or decoction of gayatri and asana mixed with equal quantity of ghee destroys leprosy, of the person who leads the life of a yati (saint). 24.

Notes The commentator Arunadatta identifies lelitaka vasa as sauvarca-lavana taila (oil cooked with sauvarcala salt) and gives the opinion of some others as gandhaka (sulpher). Cakrapanidatta in his commentary calls it as a kind of stone found in northern regions of India. Indu states that it is found in the form of liquid in northern regions. Nighantu texts consider it as a mineral ore. and treatises on Rasa sastra have considered it as gandhaka (sulpher). In ancient times sulpher ore was being obtained from mines. Hence it is sulpher only that is meant here.

शालयो यवगोधूमा: कोरदूषाः प्रियङ्गवः । मुद्रा मसूरास्तुवरी तिक्तशाकानि जाङ्गलम् ॥ २५ ॥

वरापटोलखदिरनिम्बारुष्करयोजितम् मद्यान्यौषधगर्भाणि मथितं चेन्दुराजिमत् ॥ २६ ॥

अन्नपानं हितं कुष्ठे, त्वम्ललवणोषणम् । दधिदुग्धगुडानूपतिलमाषांस्त्यजेत्तराम्

Diet prepared from sali (rice), yava (barley), godhuma (wheat), koradusa, priyangu, mudga, masura, tuvari, bitter vegetables, meat of animals of desertlike lands, processed with vara, patola, khadira, nimba or aruskara; wine prepared with addition of medicinal drugs, will churned juice of induraji (bakuci); these foods and drinks are ideal for (patients of) leprosy; but not foods which are sour, salty and pungent; dadhi (curds) dugdha (milk), guda (jaggery), meat of animals of marshy lands, tila and masa these should be avoided especially. 25-27.

पटोलमूलत्रिफलाविशाला: पृथक्त्रिभागापचितत्रिशाणाः । स्युस्त्रायमाणा कटुरोहिणी च भागार्धिके नागरपादयुक्ते ॥ २८ ॥

एतत्पलं जर्जरितं विपक्कं जले पिबेद्दोषविशोधनाय । जीर्णे रसैर्धन्वमृगद्विजानां पुराणाशाल्योदनमाददीत ॥ २९ ॥

कुष्ठं किलासं ग्रहणीप्रदोषमर्शासि कृच्छ्राणि हलीमकं च ।

षड्रायोगेन निहन्ति चैतद् हृद्वस्तिशूलं विषमज्वरं च ॥ ३० ॥

Roots of patola, triphala and visala, three sana less by one third (in other words two and two-thirds sana each ) seperately, trayamana and katukarohini-together half part, nagara one fourth part-all these together making one pala are curshed and boiled in water (and decoction obtained). It should be consumed to purify ( eliminate) the dosas. After its digestion, the patient should partake mess prepared from old rice along with soup of meat of animals and birds of desertlike lands. This recipe cures, leprosy, leucoderma, duodenal disorder, haemorrhoids which is difficult to cure, halimaka, (advanced stage of jaundice) pain of the heart and urinary bladder and remittant fevers with in six days. 28-30.

Manibhadra guda

विडङ्गसारामलकामयानां पलत्रयं, त्रीणि पलानि कुम्भात् ।

गुडस्य च द्वादश, मासमेष जितात्मनां हन्त्युपयुज्यमानः ॥ ३१ ॥

कुष्ठश्वित्रश्वासकासोदरार्शोमेहप्लीहग्रन्थिरुग्जन्तुगुल्मान् । सिद्धं योगं प्राह यक्षो मुमुक्षोर्भिक्षोः प्राणान् माणिभद्र किलेमम् ॥ ३२ ॥

Vidangasara (good vidanga), amalaka and abhaya together three pala, kumbha. (Careya abrorea ), three pala, guda, twelve pala, mixed together and avaleha (confection) prepared.

Consumed daily (in suitable dose) for three months by the person who is self-controlled (in respect of food driks etc) it cures leprosy, leucoderma, dyspnoea, cough, enlargement of the abdomen, haemorrhoids, diabetes, disease of the spleen, pain of tumours, intestinal worms and abdominal tumours. This efficacious and restorative formula was revealed by yaksa Manibhadra for the benefit of bhiksus (mendicants) who desire moksa (freedom from cycle of births and deaths) 31-32.

Bhunimbadi churna

भूनिम्बनिम्बत्रिफलापद्मकाति विषाकणाः । मूर्वापटोलीद्विनिशापाठातिक्तेन्द्रवारुणीः ॥ ३३ ॥

सकलिङ्गवचास्तुल्या द्विगुणाश्च यथोत्तरम् । लिह्याद्दन्तीत्रिवृद्ब्राह्मीश्चूर्णिता मधुसर्पिषा ॥ ३४॥

कुष्ठमेहप्रसुप्तीनां परमं स्यात्तदौषधम् ।

Equal quantities of bhunimba, nimba, triphala, padmaka, ativisa, kana, murva, patoli, the two nisa, patha, tikta, indra varuni, kalinga and vaca; powder of danti, trivrt and brahmi each succeeding one double in quantity of its preceding-are together converted into nice powder, consumed daily along with honey and ghee. This acts as the best medicine for leprosy, diabetes and loss of tactile sensation. 33-35a.

वराविडङ्गकृष्णा वा लिह्यात्तैलाज्यमाक्षिकैः ॥ ३५ ॥

Powder of vara, vidanga and krsna may be licked with oil, ghee and honey. 35b.

काकोदुम्बरिकावेल्लनिम्बाद्वव्योषकल्कवान् ।

हन्ति वृक्षकनिर्यूहः पानात्सर्वांस्त्वगामयान् ॥ ३६ ॥

Decoction of vrksaka added with paste of kakodumbarika, vella, nimba, abda and vyosa and consumed cures all the diseases of the skin. 36.

कुटजाग्निनिम्बनृपतरुखदिरासनसप्तपर्णनिर्यूहे ।

सिद्धा मधुघृतयुक्ताः कुष्ठघ्नीर्भक्षयेदभयाः ॥ ३७॥

Abhaya boiled in the decoction of kutaja, agni, nimba and nrpataru, khadira, asana and saptaparna and consumed mixed with honey and ghee cures leprosy. 37.

दावी॑खदिरनिम्बानां त्वक्क्वाथः कुष्ठसूदनः ॥ ३७५ ॥

Decoction of barks of darvi, khadira and nimba cures leprosy.

निशोत्तमानिम्बपटोलमूलतिक्तावचालोहितयष्टिकाभिः । कृतः कषायः कफपित्तकुष्ठं सुसेवितो धर्मइवोच्छिनत्ति ॥ ३८ ॥

एभिरेव च शृतं घृतमुख्यं भेषजैर्जयति मारुतकुष्ठम् । कल्पयेत्खदिरनिम्बगुडूचीदेवदारुरजनीः पृथगेवम् ॥ ३९ ॥

Decoction prepared from nisa, uttama (triphala), nimba, patolamula, tikta, vaca and lohitayastika, cures leprosy arising from kapha-pitta just as righteousness rigidly followed (saves the person). Medicated ghee prepared from these drugs-itself cures leprosy arising from vata. In the same way decoction and medicated ghee may be prepared seperately from khadira, nimba, guduci, devadaru, and rajani. 38-39.

पाठादार्वीवह्निघुणेष्टाकटुकाभिर्मूत्रं युक्तं शक्रयवैश्चोष्णजलं वा ।

कुष्ठी पीत्वा मासमरुक् स्याद्गुदकीली मेही शोफी पाण्डुरजीर्णी कृमिमांश्च ॥४०॥

(Powder of) patha darvi, vahni, ghunesta, katuka and sakrayava, mixed with either cows urine or warm water, consumed for a period of one month, makes the patients of leprosy, haemorrhoids, diabetes, oedema, anaemia, indigestion and intestinal worms, free of their diseases. 40.


प्रत्यक्पुष्पीत्रिकटुरजनीसप्तपर्णाटरूषम् ।

रक्ता निम्बं सुरतरु कृतं पञ्चमूल्यौ च चूर्णं

पीत्वा मासं जयति हितभुग्गव्यमूत्रेण कुष्ठम् ॥ ४१

Laksa, danti, madhurasa, vara, dvipi, patha, vidanga, pratyakpuspi, trikatu, rajani, saptaparna, atarusa, rakta (manjistha), nimba, surataru, and the two pancamula, made into powder and consumed with cows urine for one month adhereing to suitable foods, cures leprosy. 41.

निशाकणानागरवेल्लतौवरं सवह्निताप्यं क्रमशो विवर्धितम् ।

गवाम्बुपीतं वटकीकृतं तथा निहन्ति

Saptasama gutika

कुष्ठानि सुदारुणान्यपि ॥ ४२ ॥

Nisa, kana, nagara, vella, tauvara (tuvara bija) vahni, and tapya each succeeding one increased by one part than its preceding, made into pills and consumed along with cows urine cures leprosy though severe and difficult to cure. 42.

त्रिकटूत्तमातिलारुष्कराज्यमाक्षिकसितोपलाविहिता ।

गुलिका रसायनं कुष्ठजिच्च वृष्या च सप्तसमा ॥ ४३ ॥

Trikatu, uttama (triphala), tila, aruskara, ajya (ghee), maksika (honey ) and sitopala ( sugar candy ) together are made into pills. This known as Saptasama gutika, is a rejuvinator, cures leprosy and acts as an aphrodisiac. 43.

चन्द्रशकलाग्निरजनीविडङ्गतुवरास्थ्यरुष्करत्रिफलाभिः । वटका गुडांशक्लृप्ताः समस्तकुष्ठानि नाशयन्त्यभ्यस्ताः ॥ ४४ ॥

Candrasakala (bakuci), agni, rajani, vidanga, tuvarasthi (seed of tuvarak), aruskara, and triphala made into pills and consumed along with guda (jaggery) habitually cures all varieties of leprosy. 44.

विडङ्गभल्लातकबाकुचीनां सद्वीपिवाराहिहरीतकीनाम् । सलाङ्गलीकृष्णतिलोपकुल्या गुडेन पिण्डी विनिहन्ति कुष्ठम् ॥ ४५ ॥

Vidanga, bhallataka, bakuci, dvipi, varahi, haritaki, langali, krsna-tila and upakulya made into pills adding guda (jaggery) and consumed cures leprosy. 45.

शशाङ्कलेखा सविडङ्गसारा सपिप्पलीका सहुताशमूला।

सायोमला सामलका सतैला कुष्ठानि कृच्छ्राणि निहन्ति लीढा ॥ ४६ ॥

Sasanka lekha (bakuci), vidangasara, pippali, hutasmula (citramula), ayomala (iron flax), amalaka all powdered and consumed mixed with oil cures lepsory even that which is difficult to cure. 46.

पथ्यातिलगुडै: पिण्डी कुष्ठं सारुष्करैर्जयेत् । गुडारुष्करजन्तुघ्नसोमराजीकृताऽथवा ॥४७॥

Pills made from pathya, tila, guda, and aruskara; or from guda, aruskara, jantughna, and somaraji cure leprosy.

विडङ्गाद्रिजतुक्षौद्रसर्पिष्मत्खादिरं किटिभश्वित्रददुघ्नं रजः । खादेन्मितहिताशनः ॥ ४८ ॥

Powder of vidanga, adrijatu, and khadira is a mixed with honey and ghee consumed by the person who partakes little quantities of healthy food only, gets cured of kitibha, svitra (leucoderma) and dadru ( eczema). 48.

सितातैलकृमिघ्नानि धात्र्ययोमलपिप्पलीः । लिहानः सर्वकुष्ठानि जयत्यतिगुरूण्यपि ॥ ४९ ॥

He, who consumes sita ( sugar ) , taila ( oil) krmighna, dhatri, ayomala and pippali, all together made into pills gets cured of all types of leprosy, though severe. 49.

मुस्तं व्योषं त्रिफला मञ्जिष्ठा दारु पञ्चमूले द्वे । सप्तच्छदनिम्बत्वक सविशाला चित्रको मूर्वा ॥ ५० ॥

चूर्णं तर्पणभागैर्नवभिः संयोजितं समध्वंशम् । नित्यं कुष्ठनिबर्हणमेतत्प्रायोगिकं खादन् ॥५१॥

श्वयथुं सपाण्डुरोगं श्वित्रं ग्रहणीप्रदोषमशसि । वर्ध्मभगन्दरपिडकाकण्डूकोठापचीर्हन्ति ॥५२॥

Equal quantites of musta, vyosa, triphala, manjistha, daru, the two pancamula, saptacchada, nimba tvak, visala, citraka, and murva-powdered nicely mixed with nine parts of tarpana (corn flour) added with honey and consumed daily/ habitually cures leprosy, oedema, anaemia, leucoderma, duodenal disease, heamorrhoids, scrotal enlargement, rectal fistula, eruptions, itching, rashes and goitre. 50-52.

रसायनप्रयोगेण तुवरास्थीनि शीलयेत् ।

भल्लातकं बाकुचिकां वह्निमूलं शिलाह्वयम् ॥ ५३ ॥

Tuvarasthi (seeds of tuvaraka), bhallataka, bakucika, vahnimula or silahvayam (silajatu) may be consumed in the manner prescribed for rasayana (rejuvination therapy) (chapter 39 of uttarasthana). 53.

Bahya chikitsa – external treatment in skin diseases

इति दोषे विजितेऽन्तस्त्वक्स्थे शमनं बहिः प्रलेपादि हितम् ।

तीक्ष्णालेपोत्क्लिष्टं कुष्ठं हि विवृद्धिमेति मलिने देहे ॥ ५४॥

After the dosas inside the body are won over (mitigated) by these (medicines ) , it is beneficial to mitigate the dosas present in the skin by external application of pastes of drugs etc., for leprosy exacerbated by strong external applications gets greatly increased in the body which is impure (by accumilation of dosas). 54.

स्थिरकठिनमण्डलानां कुष्ठानां पोटलैर्हितः स्वेदः ।

स्विन्नोत्सन्नं कुष्ठं शस्त्रैर्लिखितं प्रलेपनैर्लिम्पेत् ॥ ५५ ॥

It is beneficial to give fomentation with potali (bolus of drugs) to patches of leprosy which are static and hard, the patches getting elevated by fomentation should be scrapped with sharp instruments and covered with paste of drugs. 55.

येषु न शस्त्रं क्रमते स्पर्शेन्द्रियनाशनेषु कुष्ठेषु ।

तेषु निपात्यः क्षारो रक्तं दोषं च विस्त्राव्य ॥५६॥

In leprosy which destroy the organ of tactile sensation and in those which are not suitable for instrumentation, application of kshara (caustic alkalies) should be resorted to after the elimination of blood (blood-letting ) and the dosas.

लेपोऽतिकठिनपरुषे सुप्ते कुष्ठे स्थिरे पुराणे च । पीतागदस्य कार्यो विषैः समन्त्रोऽगदैश्चानु ॥ ५७ ॥

In leprosy patches which are very hard, rough insensative, static, and longstanding, application of paste drugs should be done after chanting anti poisonous hymns.

स्तब्धानि सुप्तसुप्तान्यस्वेदनकण्डुलानि कुष्ठानि ।

घृष्टानि शुष्कगोमयफेनकशस्त्रैः प्रदेह्यानि ॥५८ ॥

Leprotic patches which are static, greatly insensative, non-perspiring and itching should be rubbed first either with powder of dry cow dung, cuttle fish/seafoam or with sharp instruments and then warm paste applied over. 58.

मुस्ता त्रिफला मदनं करञ्ज आरग्वधः कलिङ्गयवाः । सप्ताह्वकुष्ठफलिनीदार्व्यः सिद्धार्थकं स्नानम् ॥ ५९॥

एष कषायो वमनं विरेचनं वर्णकस्तथोद्धर्षः । त्वग्दोषकुष्ठशोफप्रबाधनः पाण्डुरोगघ्नः॥६०॥

Bathing in the water boiled with musta, triphala, madana, karanja, aragvadha, kalingyava, saptahva, kustha, phalini, darvi and siddharataka is best suited; decoction of these only acts an emetic, purgative; bestower of colour when rubbed (on the skin ), it cures diseases of the skin, leprosy, oedema and anaemia. 59-60.

करवीरनिम्बकुटजाच्छम्याकाच्चित्रकाच्च मूलानाम् ।

क्वाथो लेपेन कुष्ठघ्नः ॥ ६१॥ मूत्रे दर्वीलेपी

Roots of karavira, nimba, kutaja, samyaka and citraka are boiled in cows urine to the consistency of adhering to the laddle. This thick decoction applied on the skin cures leprosy. 61.

श्वेतकरवीरमूलं कुटजकरञ्जात्फलं त्वचो दार्व्याः ।

सुमनःप्रवालयुक्तो लेपः कुष्ठापहः सिद्धः ॥ ६२ ॥

Root of svetakaravira, fruits (seeds) of kutaja and karanja, bark of darvi, tender leaves of sumanas made into a paste and applied cures leprosy surely. 62.

शैरीषी त्वक् पुष्पं कार्पास्या राजवृक्षपत्राणि । पिष्टा च काकमाची चतुर्विधः कुष्ठहा लेपः ॥ ६३ ॥

Paste of bark of shirisa, flowers of karpasi, leaves of rajavrksa (Banyay tree) and of kakamaci – these four kinds of pastes cure leprosy. 63.

व्योषसर्षपनिशागृहधूमैर्यावशूकपटुचित्रककुष्ठैः । कोलमात्रगुटिकाऽर्धविषांशाश्वित्रकुष्ठहरणो वरलेपः ॥ ६४ ॥

Equal quantities of each of vyosa, sarsapa (Mustard), nisa, gruhadhuma-yavasuka, patu, citraka, and kustha- together making one part mixed with half part of visa (vatsanabha) and rolled into pills of the size of kola; paste of this pill applied on the skin is best for the cure of leucoderma and leprosy. 64.

निम्बं हरिद्रे सुरसं पटोलं कुष्ठाश्वगन्धे सुरदारु ससर्षपं तुम्बरुधान्यवन्यं चण्डा च चूर्णानि समानि तैस्तक्रपिष्टैः शरीरं तैलाक्तमुद्वर्तयितुं शिग्रुः । कुर्यात् ॥ ६५ ॥

यतेत । प्रथमं तथाऽस्य कण्डू: पिटिका: सकोठाः कुष्ठानि शोफाश्च शमं व्रजन्ति ॥ ६६ ॥

मुस्तामृतासङ्गकटङ्कटेरीकासीसकम्पिल्लककुष्ठरोधाः । गन्धोपलः सर्जरसो विडङ्गं मनः शिलाले करवीरकत्वक् ॥ ६७ ॥

तैलाक्तगात्रस्य कृतानि चूर्णान्येतानि चूर्णान्येतानि दद्यादवचूर्णनार्थम् । दद्रुःसकण्डूःकिटिभानि पामा विचर्चिका चेति तथा न सन्ति ॥ ६८ ॥

Equal quantities of each of nimba, the two haridra, surasa, patola, kustha, asvagandha, suradaru, sigru, sarsapa, tumburudhanya, vanya and canda are converted into powder, macerated in buttermilk and kept ready. The body of the patient is first anointed with (medicated) and then massaged, with this paste. It cures dadru ( eczema ) with itching, kitibha (psoriasis eczema ) pama ( scabies) and vicarcika (eczema, psoriasis). 65-68.


स्नुग्गण्डे सर्षपात्कल्कः कुकूलानलपाचितः ।

लेपाद्विचर्चिकां हन्ति रागवेग इव त्रपाम् ॥ ६९ ॥

Paste of sarsapa concealed inside a piece of stem of snuk and cooked in the fire of a kukula (a small bundle of hay) applied over the skin cures vicarcika ( psoriasis, eczema ) just like emotions of lust dispels shyness. 69.

मनः शिलाले मरिचानि तैलमार्क पयः कुष्ठहरः प्रदेहः ।

तथा करञ्जप्रपुनाटबीजं कुष्ठान्वितं गोसलिलेन पिष्टम् ॥ ७० ॥

Manahsila, ala, marica, taila, and milky sap of arka made into a paste and applied warm cures leprosy; so also that prepared from seeds of karanja and prapunnata and kustha macerated with cows urine. 70.

॥ ७१॥ गुग्गुलुमरिचविडङ्गैः सर्षपकासीससर्जरसमुस्तैः ।

श्रीवेष्टकालगन्धैर्मनः शिलाकुष्ठकम्पिल्लैः उभयहरिद्रासहितैश्चाक्रिकतैलेन मिश्रिततैरेभिः ।

दिनकरकराभितप्तैः कुष्ठं घृष्टं च नष्टं च ॥ ७२ ॥

Guggulu, marica, vidanga, sarsapa, kasisa, sarjarasa, musta, Srivestaka ala gandha ( ka ), manassila, kustha, kampilla and the two haridra (powdered and) mixed with cakrika taila (warm oil fresh from the oil mill) and heated by the rays of the sun, applied on the skin, wards off leprosy.

मरिचं तमालपत्रं कुष्ठं समनः शिलं सकासीसम् । तैलेन युक्तमुषितं सप्ताहं भाजने ताम्रे ॥ ७३ ॥

तेनालिप्तं सिध्मं सप्ताहाद् धर्मसेविनोऽपैति । मासान्नवं किलासं स्नानेन विना विशुद्धस्य ॥ ७४ ॥

Marica, tamalapatra, kustha, manassila, kasisa, ( are powdered) mixed with oil and kept in a copper vessel for seven days. It is then applied to the skin and the patient asked to bask in the sun. by seven days sidhma (ptyriasis) gets cured, kilasa (leucoderma) of recent onset gets cured by one month in the person who cleanses himself without taking bath. 73-74.

मयूरकक्षारजले सप्तकृत्वः परिस्त्रते। सिद्धं ज्योतिष्मतीतैलमभ्यङ्गात्सिध्मनाशनम् ॥ ७५ ॥

Jyotismati taila (oil of juotismati) boiled for seven times in the solution of mayuraka ksara (alkali/ash / of apamarga) anointed and massaged cures sidhma (ptyriasis). 75.

वायसजङ्घामूलं वमनीपत्राणि मूलकाद्वीजम् ।

तक्रेण भौमवारे लेपः सिध्मापहः सिद्धः ॥ ७६ ॥

Root of vayasajangha, leaves of vamani ( sanapuspi), seeds of mulaka macerated with takra (buttermilk) applied on the skin on tuesday is a proven remedy for sidhma (ptyriasis).

जीवन्ती मञ्जिष्ठा दार्वी कम्पिल्लकं पयस्तुत्थम् ।

एष घृततैलपाक: सिद्धः सिद्धे च सर्जरसः ॥ ७७ ॥

देयः समधूच्छिष्टो विपादिका तेन नश्यति ह्यक्ता । चर्मैककुष्ठकिटिभं कुष्ठं शाम्यत्यलसकं च ॥ ७८ ॥

Jivanti, manjistha, darvi, karmpillaka, payas ( milk) and tuttha, are added to ghrta ( ghee) and taila (oil) and cooked. Afterwards sarjarasa and mdhuscchista are added. Applied over the skin, it cures carmakhya kustha, eka kustha, kitibha kustha, and also alasaka kustha. 77-78.

Vajraka taila

मूलं सप्ताह्वात्त्वक् शिरीषाश्वमारादर्कान्मालत्याश्चित्रकास्फोतनिम्बात् ।

बीजं कारचं सार्षपं प्रापुनाटं श्रेष्ठा जन्तुघ्नं त्र्यूषणं द्वे हरिद्रे ॥ ७९ ॥

तैलं तैलं साधितं तैः समूत्रैस्त्वग्दोषाणां दुष्टनाडीव्रणानाम् ।

अभ्यङ्गेन श्लेष्मवातोद्भवानां नाशायालं वज्रकं वज्रतुल्यम् ॥ ८० ॥

Roots of saptahva, barks of sirisa, asvamara, arka, malati, citraka, asphota and nimba, seeds of karanja, sarsapa, and prapunnata, Srestha (triphala) jantughna, tryusana, the two haridra and taila (oil of sesame) mixed with cows urine are cooked to form a medicated oil. This known as Vajraka taila, anointed on the body, acts as a vajra (powerful weapon) for curing the disease of the skin, bad sinus ulcers arising from slesman (kapha) and vata. 79-80.

Mahavajra taila


निर्गुण्ड्यरुष्करसुराह्वसुवर्णदुग्धाश्रीवेष्टगुग्गुलुशिलापटुतालविश्वैः । ॥ ८१ ॥

तुल्यस्नुगर्कदुग्धं सिद्धं तैलं स्मृतं महावज्रम् । अतिशयितवज्रकगुणं श्वित्रार्शोग्रन्थिमालाघ्नम् ॥ ८२ ॥

Medicated oil prepared with ( decoction of) eranda, tarksya, ghana, nipa, kadamba, bharngi, kampilla, vella, phalini, suravaruni (indravaruni ) nirgundi, aruskara, surahva, suvarnadugdha, guggulu, sila, patu, tala (haritala) and visva, added with milky sap of snuk and arka each equal in quantity and cooked. This, known Mahavajra taila possess greater qualities than vajraka taila and cures leucoderma, haemorrhoids, tumours and garland of tumours. ( scrofula). as 81-82.

कुष्ठाश्वमारभृङ्गार्कमूत्रस्नुक्क्षीरसैन्धवैः तैलं सिद्धं विषावापमभ्यङ्गात् कुष्ठजित्परम् ॥ ८३ ॥

Medicated oil prepared with kustha, asvamara, bhrnga, arka, cows urine, sap of snuhi and saindhava, added with visa (vatasanabha) as paste; this by anointing on the skin, is best for the cure of leprosy. 83.

सिद्धं सिक्थकसिन्दूरपुरतुत्थकतार्क्ष्यजैः ।

कच्छ्रं विचर्चिकां चाशु कटुतैलं निवर्हति ॥ ८४ ॥

Medicated oil prepared from sikthaka, sindura, pura, tuttha, tarksyaja and katu taila ( sarsapa taila) quickly cures kacchu and vicarcika (periasis, eczema). 84.

लाक्षा व्योषं प्रापुनाटं च वीजं सश्रीवेष्ट कुष्ठसिद्धार्थकाश्च । तक्रोन्धिश्रः स्याद्धरिद्रा च लेपो दद्रुषूक्तो मूलकोत्थं च बीजम् ॥ ८५ ॥

Laksa, vyosa, seeds of prapunnata, srivestaka, kustha, siddharthaka, and haridra macerated with buttermilk and applied cures dadru (ringworm). 85.

चित्रकसोभाञ्जनकौ, गुडूच्यपामार्गदेवदारूणि । खदिरो धवश्च लेपः, श्यामा दन्ती द्रवन्ती च ॥ ८६ ॥

लाक्षारसाञ्जनैलाः, पुनर्नवा चेति कुष्ठिनां लेपाः । दधिमण्डयुताः पादैः षट् प्रोक्ता मारुतकफघ्नाः ॥ ८७ ॥

Paste of citraka and sobhanjanaka; of guduci, apamarga and devadaru; of khadira and dhava; of syama, danti and dravanti; of laksa, rasanjana and ela; of punarnava-these six paste mixed with dadhimanda (water of curds) and applied cure leprosy arising from maruta (vata) and kapha. 86-87.

जलवाप्यलोहकेसरपत्रप्लवचन्दनमृणालानि । भागोत्तराणि सिद्धं प्रलेपनं पित्तकुफकुष्ठे ॥८८ ॥

Paste of jala ( valaka ), vapya, ( kustha ), loha, kesara, patra, plava, candana, and mrnala-increased by one part in succeeding order, is best application for leprosy arising from pitta and kapha. 88.

तिक्तघृतैर्धौतघृतैरभ्यङ्गो तैलैश्चन्दनमधुकप्रपौण्डरीकोत्पलयुतैश्च दह्यमानकुष्ठेषु । ॥ ८९ ॥

In leprosy with severe burning sensation, the body should be anointed with either tikta ghrta (ghee boiled with bitter drugs) or dhatu ghrta (ghee washed several times in water or decoction of drugs) or with oil boiled with candana, madhuka, prapaundarika and utpala. 89.

क्लेदे प्रपतति चाङ्गे दाहे विस्फोटके च चर्मदले । शीताः प्रदेहसेका व्यधनविरेकौ घृतं तिक्तम् ॥ ९० ॥

When the parts of the body are sloughy and falling off, when there is burning sensation and appearance of blebs, and in carmadala kustha, cold applications and pouring decoctions, cutting, the veins ( for blood-letting ) purgative therapy and use of tikta ghrta-should be administered. 90.

खदिरवृषनिम्बकुटजाः श्रेष्ठाकृमिजित्पटोलमधुपर्ण्यः ।

अन्तर्बहिः प्रयुक्ताः कृमिकुष्ठनुदः सगोमूत्राः ॥ ९९ ॥

Khadira, vrsa, nimba, kutaja, Srestha, krmijit, patola, and madhuparni, along with cows urine, administered both internally and externally, cures leprosy in fested with worms. 91.

वातोत्तरेषु सर्पिर्वमनं श्लेष्मोत्तरेषु कुष्ठेषु । पित्तोत्तरेषु मोक्षो रक्तस्य विरेचनं चाग्रे ॥ ९२ ॥

In leprosy in which vata is predominant (medicated) ghee should be administered first; that in which slesman (kapha) is predominant vamana ( emesis therapy) and that in which pitta is predominant, rakta moksa (blood-letting) and virecana (purgation therapy) are first. 92.

ये लेपाः कुष्ठानां युज्यन्ते निर्हतास्त्रदोषाणाम् । संशोधिताशयानां सद्यः सिद्धिर्भवति तेषाम् ॥ ९३ ॥

The application of pastes made after removal of blood and dosas and purification of the seats (of leprosy). becomes effective immediately. 93.

दोषे हृतेऽपनीते रक्ते बाह्यान्तरे कृते शमने । स्त्रेहे च कालयुक्ते न कुष्ठमतिवर्तते साध्यम् ॥ ९४ ॥

When the doshas have been mitigated, blood-letting done, palliative medications used externally and internally, oleation therapy administered at appropriate times, leprosy does not transgress the border of easy curability. 94.

बहुदोष: संशोध्यः कुष्ठी बहुशोऽनुरक्षता प्राणान्। ह्यतिमात्रहत्ते वायुर्हन्यादबलमाशु ॥ ९५ ॥ दोषे

The patient of leprosy who has great aggravations/increase of the dosas should be administered purificatory therapy many times, protecting his life ( strength) all the time; if the dosas are expelled out in great measure vayu (vata) kills the weakened patient quickly. 95.

पक्षात्पक्षाच्छर्दनान्यभ्युपेयान्मासान्मासाच्छोधनान्यप्यधस्तात् । शुद्धिर्मूर्ध्नि स्यात्रिरात्रात्त्रिरात्रात् षष्ठे षष्ठे मास्यशृड्मोक्षणं च ॥ ९६ ॥

Chardana (emesis therapy) should be done every fortnight, downward purification (purgation therapy) every third day and rakta moksa (blood-letting) every six months. 96.

यो दुर्वान्तो दुर्विरिक्तोऽथवा स्यात् कुष्ठी दोषैरुद्घृतैर्व्याप्यतेऽसौ । निःसन्देहं यात्यसाध्यत्वमेवं तस्मात् कृत्स्नान्निर्हरेदस्य दोषान् ॥ ९७ ॥

The patient of leprosy who does not get vomitting and purgation done properly, who becomes filled with greatly increased dosas, surely gets into the state of incurability; hence the increased dosas should be removed out quickly. 97.

व्रतदमयमसेवा त्यागशीलाभियोगो द्विजसुरगुरुपूजा सर्वसत्त्वेषु मैत्री । कुष्ठमुन्मूलयन्ति ॥ ९८ ॥

शिवशिवसुतताराभास्कराराधनानि प्रकटितमलपापं

Adhering to vows, control of emotions, control of the sense organs, serving others, parting with comforts, maintaining virtues, respecting the twice-born, gods and preceptors, friendship with all living beings, worship of Siva, Sivasuta (Ganesha), Tara, and Bhaskara ( sun ) – these remove the sins of increased dosas and leprosy. 98.

Notes: In Astanga sangraha the words Jina and Jinasuta are found instead of Siva and Sivasuta in the above verse.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने कुष्ठचिकित्सितं नामैकादशोऽध्यायः ॥ १९ ॥

Thus ends the chapter Kustha chikitsa-are the nineteenth in chikitsa sthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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