SVITRA – KRUMI CHIKITSA – Treatment of leucoderma and worms – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter – 20

अथातः श्वित्रकृमिचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We will now expound the chapter-Svitra-krumi chikitsa, treatment of leucoderma and worms (intestinal parasites); thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Leucoderma treatment in ayurveda

कुष्ठादपि बीभत्सं यच्छीघ्रतरं च यात्यसाध्यत्वम् ।

श्वित्रमतस्तच्छान्त्यै यतेत दीप्ते यथा भवने ॥ १ ॥

Svitra (leucoderma) is more dreadful than even kustha (leprosy) and very soon becomes incurable. Hence urgent efforts should be done for its cure, just as a house which is on fire.

संशोधनं विशेषात्प्रयोजयेत्पूर्वमेव देहस्य | श्वित्रे स्स्रंसनमग्रयं मलयूरस इष्यते सगुडः ॥ २ ॥

तं पीत्वाऽभ्यक्ततनुर्यथाबलं सूर्यपादसन्तापम् । सेवेत विरिक्ततनुस्त्र्यहं पिपासुः पिबेत्पेयाम् ॥ ३॥

Samsodhana (purifactory therapies) for the entire body should be administered in the beginning (of treatment), itself; sramsana (mild purgative therapy ) is best for leucoderma, the juice of malayu added with guda (jaggery ) is ideal. After drinking it, the entire body should be anointed with oil and the patient asked to expose himself to the warmth of the rays of the sun, as much as his strength (permits). Then he should undergo purgation therapy once in three days, and when thirsty, should drink peya (thin gruel) for three days.

श्वित्रेऽङ्गे ये स्फोटा जायन्ते कण्टकेन तान् भिन्द्यात् । स्फोटेषु निस्स्रुतेषु प्रातः प्रातः पिबेत् त्रिदिनम् ॥ ४ ॥

मलयूमसनं प्रियङ्गु शतपुष्पां चाम्भसा समुत्क्वाथ्य | पालाशं वा क्षारं यथाबलं फाणितोपेतम् ॥ ५ ॥

Vesicles that get formed on the parts affected by leucoderma should be pricked with thorns ( sharp pin or needle). When the vesicles are drained out, every morning the patient should drink either the decoction of malayu, asana, priyangu and satapuspa or ksara (ash/alkali) of palasa mixed with phanita (half cooked jaggery / molasses) for three days depending on his strength. 4-5.

फल्म्वक्षवृक्षवल्कलनिर्यूहेणेन्दुराजिकाकल्कम्पी त्वोष्णस्थितस्य

Decoction of phalgu, bark of aksa (vibhitaka) mixed with the paste of indurajika (bakuci) should be consumed and the body exposed to sun; leads to appreance of vesicles, he should paratake meals along with takra (buttermilk) and without salt. 6.

जाते स्फोटे तक्रेण भोजनं निर्लवणम् ॥ ६॥

गव्यं मूत्रं चित्रकव्योषयुक्तं सर्पिः कुम्भे स्थापितं क्षौद्रमिश्रम् । पक्षादूर्ध्वं श्वित्रिणा पेयमेतत् कार्यं चास्मै कुष्ठदृष्टं विधानम् ॥ ७ ॥

Cows urine mixed with (powder of) citraka and vyosa and added with honey is poured into a pot smeared with ghee in its interior and kept undisturbed for a fortnight. Then after it should be consumed by the patient of leucoderma and treatments prescribed for leprosy adopted.

मार्कवमथवा खादेद्धृष्टं तैलेन लोहपात्रस्थम् । बीजकशृतं च

Markava fried in oil in an iron vessel should be consumed, next, milk boiled with bijaka should be consumed after meals. This cures leucoderma. 8.

दुग्धं तदनु पिबेच्छित्रनाशाय ॥ ८ ॥

पूतीकार्कव्याधिघातस्नुहीनां मूत्रे पिष्टाः पल्लवा जातिजाश्च । दुष्टनाडीव्रणांश्च ॥ ९ ॥


Tender leaves of putika (Chirabilva), arka, vyadhighata (Arahwadha), snuhi and jati (Chameli/Jasmine), macerated in cows urine and applied on the skin cures leucoderma, hamorrhoids, dadru (ringworm) pama (scabics) kotha (rashes ) and bad sinus ulcers. 9.

द्वेपं दग्धं चर्म मातङ्गजं वा श्वित्रे लेपस्तैलयुक्तो वरिष्ठः ।

पूति: कीटो राजवृक्षोद्भवेन क्षारेणाक्तः श्वित्रमेकोऽपि हन्ति ॥ १० ॥

Skin of the leopard or the elephant, burnt to ashes and applied mixed with oil is best for leuocoderma. Putikita (a kind of foul smelling insect appearing in rainy season) made into a paste along with ash of rajavrksa and applied cures leucoderma solely by itself. 10.

रात्रौ गोमूत्रे वासितान् जर्जराङ्गानह्नि च्छायायां शोषयेत्स्फोटहेतून् ।

एवं वारांस्त्रीस्तैस्तः श्लक्ष्णपिष्टैः स्नुह्याः क्षीरेण श्वित्रनाशाय लेपः ॥ ११ ॥

Sphota hetu (bhallataka) crushed well, is kept immersed in cows urine at night and dried in shade during day; after doing so for three days it should be made into a nice paste along with milky sap of snuhi and applied to the skin for destroying leucoderma. 11.

अक्षतैलद्रुता लेपः कृष्णसर्पोद्भवा मषी । शिखिपित्तं तथा, दग्धं ह्रीबेरं वा तदाप्लुतम् ॥ १२ ॥

Ash of a black serpant mixed with aksa taila (oil of vibhitaka) likewise, the sikhi pitta (bile of a peacock) mixed with it (aksa taila) or ash of hribera ( mixed with aksa taila ) applied on the skin cures leucoderma. 12.

कुडवोऽवल्गुजबीजाद्धरितालचतुर्थभागसम्मिश्रः । मूत्रेण गवां पिष्टः सवर्णकरणं परं श्वित्रे ॥ १३ ॥

One kudava of avalguja seeds, one-fourth quantity haritala together macerated with cows urine is best to bestow the normal colour of the skin in leucoderma. 13

क्षारे सुदग्धे गजलिण्डजे च गजस्य मूत्रेण परिस्रुते च । द्रोणप्रमाणे दशभागयुक्तं दत्त्वा पचेद्वीजमवल्गुजानाम् ॥ १४ ॥

श्वित्रं जयेच्चिक्कणतां गतेन तेन प्रलिम्पन् बहुश: प्रघृष्टम् । कुष्ठं मषं वा तिलकालकं वा यद्वा व्रणे स्यादधिमांसजातम् ॥ १५ ॥

Ash of well burnt dung of an elephant in boiled in one drona of urine of the elephant, added with ten parts of seeds of avalguja, till the mass becomes waxlike. This paste applied on the skin which has been made rough by rubbing, cures leprosy, warts, black moles and ulcer arising from mascular tumour.

भल्लातकं द्वीपिसुधार्कमूलं गुञ्जाफलं त्र्यूषणशङ्खचूर्णम् ।

तुत्थं सकुष्ठं लवणानि पञ्च क्षारद्वयं लाङ्गलिकां च पक्त्वा ॥ १६ ॥

स्नुगर्कदुग्धे घनमायसस्थं शलाकया तद्विदधीत लेपम् । कुष्ठे किलासे तिलकालकेषु मषेषु दुर्नामसु चर्मकीले ॥ १७ ॥

Bhallataka, roots of dvipi ( citraka), sudha and arka, seeds of gunja, tryusana, powder of sankha, tuttha, kustha, panca lavana, the two ksara and langalika-are cooked along with the milky sap of snuhi and arka, and preserved in a thick iron vessel. Taken out with an iron rod and applied, this paste cures leprosy, leucoderma, black moles, warts, haemorrhoids and warts. 16-17.

शुद्धया शोणितमोक्षैर्विरूक्षणैर्भक्षणैश्च सक्तूनाम् । श्वित्रं कस्यचिदेव प्रशाम्यति क्षीणपापस्य ॥ १८ ॥ इति श्वित्रचिकित्सितम् ।

By purifactory therapies, blood-letting, use of dry (moisture free and fat free) corn flour as food, leucoderma gets cured, of the person whose sins have decreased. 18. Thus ends the treatment of leucoderma.

Treatment of intestinal worms in Ayurveda – Krumi chikitsa

अथ कृमिचिकित्सितम् । स्निग्धस्विन्ने गुडक्षीरमत्स्याद्यैः कृमिणोदरे | उत्क्लेशितकृमिकफे शर्वरीं तां सुखोषिते ॥ १९ ॥

सुरसादिगणं मूत्रे क्वाथयित्वाऽर्धवारिणि । तं कषायं कणागालकृमिजित्कल्कयोजितम् ॥ २० ॥

सतैलस्वर्जिकाक्षारं युञ्ज्याद्वस्तिं ततोऽहनि । तस्मिन्नेव निरूढं तं पाययेत विरेचनम् ॥ २१ ॥

त्रिवृत्कल्कं फलकणाकषायालोडितं ततः । ऊर्ध्वाधः शोधिते कुर्यात्पञ्चकोलयुतं क्रमम् ॥ २२ ॥

कटुतिक्तकषायाणां कषायैः परिषेचनम् । काले विडङ्गतैलेन ततस्तमनुवासयेत् ॥ २३ ॥

The patient of worms in the abdomen (intestines administered oleation and sudation therapies first, then both the worms and kapha made excited by consuming guda (jaggery), ksira (milk), matsya (fish) etc. and the patient allowed to sleep comfortably in the night. Next morning, a niruha basti (decoction enema) should be administered using the decoction of drugs of surasadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) boiled in cows urine and reduced to half, added with the paste of kana, gala and krumijit, taila (oil of sesame) and sarjikaksara. On the same day of such a niruha (decoction enema) he should be given a virecana (purgation therapy) using paste of trivrt mixed with decoction of phala (madana) and kana. After purification of the both the upper and lower parts of the body, he should follow the regimen of liquid diet (peya, vilepi, yusa etc.) processed with pancakola. He should take bath with the decoction of drugs which are pungent, bitter and astringent. Then at the appropriate time he should be given an anuvasana (oil enema). 19-23.

शिरोरोगनिषेधोक्तमाचरेन्मूर्धगेष्वनु उद्रिक्ततिक्तकटुकमल्पस्नेहं च भोजनम् ॥ २४ ॥

fats. In case of worms residing in the head, treatments mentioned for prevention of diseases of the head (chapter 24 of uttarasthana) should be administered. His meals should be predominant with bitter and pungent tastes and less with 24.

विडङ्गकृष्णामरिचपिप्पलीमूलशिग्रुभिः पिबेत्सस्वर्जिकाक्षारैर्यवागूं तक्रसाधिताम् ॥ २५ ॥

Yavagu (gruel) processed with vidanga, krsna, marica, pippalimula, sigru, and sarjika ksara and takra (buttermilk).

रसं शिरीषकिणिहीपारिभद्रककेम्बुकात् । पलाशबीजपत्तूरपूतिकाद्वा पृथक् पिबेत् ॥ २६ ॥

सक्षौद्रं, सुरसादीन् वा लिह्यात्क्षौद्रयुतान् पृथक् ।

Juice (decoction) of sirisa, kinihi, paribhadraka, kebuka, palasa bija, pattura or putika, each one seperately mixed with honey should be consumed; or of drugs of surasadi gana (chapter 15 fo sutrasthana) each seperately should be licked mixed with honey. 26-27a.

शतकृत्वोऽश्वविट्चूर्णं विडङ्गक्वाथभावितम् ॥ २७ ॥ कृमिमान् मधुना लिह्याद्भावितं वा वरारसैः ।

Powder of horses dung soaked and macerated several times in the decoction of viddanga or of vara rasa (decoction of triphala) should be licked with honey by the patient of 27b-28a. worms.

शिरोगतेषु कृमिषु चूर्णं प्रधमनं च तत् ॥ २८ ॥

In case of worms of the head, pradhamana (blowing the powder of drugs into the nose through a tube) as described in the prevention of disease of the head. (chapter 24 of uttarasthana) should be done. 28b.

आखुकर्णीकिसलयैः सुपिष्टैः पिष्टमिश्रितैः । पक्त्वा पूपलिकां खादेद्धान्याम्लं च पिबेदनु ॥ २९ ॥

सपञ्चकोललवणमसान्द्रं तक्रमेव वा । नीपमार्कवनिर्गुण्डीपल्लवेष्वप्ययं विधिः ॥ ३० ॥ विडङ्गचूर्णमिश्रैर्वा पिष्टैर्भक्ष्यान् प्रकल्पयेत् ।

Tender leaves of akhukarni macerated well with corn flour and pan cake prepared. This should be consumed followed by drinking of dhanyamla (fermented water in which corns are soaked) or thin buttermilk added with pancakola and lavana. The same procedure holds good even with tender leaves of nipa, markava or nirgundi, eatables (snacks) may be prepared with cornflour mixed with powder of vidanga. 29-31a.

विडङ्गतण्डुलैर्युक्तमर्धांशैरातपे स्थितम् ॥ ३१ ॥

दिनमारुष्करं तैलं पाने बस्तौ च योजयेत् । सुराह्वसरलस्नेहं पृथगेवं च कल्पयेत् ॥ ३२ ॥

Oil of aruskara mixed, with half its quantity of vidanga, tandula, kept in the sun for one day should be made use of for drinking (of fats) and enema therapies; oil of surahva or sarala may be used seperately (processed in the same way). 31b-32.

दद्याद्वस्तिविरेचने । पुरीषजेषु सुतरां शिरोविरेकं वमनं शमनं कफजन्मसु ॥ ३३ ॥

रक्तजानां प्रतीकारं कुर्यात्कुष्ठचिकित्सितात् । इन्द्रलुप्तविधिश्चात्र विधेयो रोमभोजिषु ॥ ३४ ॥

In case of worms arising in the faeces, enema and purgation therapies should be admininstered mainly.

For worms arising from kapha, sirovireka (purgation for the head) vamana (emesis) and samana (palliative therapy) are the chief treatments.

For worms arising from blood, treatments described in the treatment of leprosy ( previous chapter) should be done.

For worms which destroy the hair, the treatments prescribed for (the desease) indralupta (chapter 24 of uttarasthana) should be followed. 33-34.

क्षीराणि मांसानि घृतं गुडं च दधीनि शाकानि च पर्णवन्ति । समासतोऽम्लान्मधुरान् रसांश्च कृमीन् जिहासुः परिवर्जयेत् ॥ ३५ ॥

He, who desires to get rid of worms should avoid, partaking milk, meat, ghee, jaggery, curds, leafy vegetables, sour and sweet foods, and drinks. 35.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने श्वित्रकृमिचिकित्सितं नाम विंशोऽध्यायः ॥ २० ॥

Thus ends the chapter Svitra-krumi chikitsa-the twentieth in chikitsa sthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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