RASABHEDIYA ADHYAYA – Differentiation of tastes – A.S.S Chapter 18

We will now expound the chapter called Rasabhediya (differentiation of tastes) – thus said atreya and other great sages. (1)

अथातो रसभेदीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥ १॥

Rasotpatti – the origin of tastes

रसः खल्वाप्यः प्रागव्यक्लश्च ।

स षड्ढतुकत्वात् कालस्य महाभूतगुणैरूनातिरिक्तैः संसृष्टो विषमं विद्र्धः षोढा पृथग्विपरिणमते मधुरादिभेदेन ॥ २ ॥

Rasa ( taste ) is apya (born from Ap mahabhuta ) and is unmanifest in the beginning. Due to the ( effect of) six rtus ( seasons) of time, the mahabhutas (primary elements) combine in varying proportions in dissimilar unions (in substances) undergo processing further (by tejas or heat) and thus the Rasa (taste) gets differentiated into six kinds such as sweet etc. (2)

Notes:- Ap bhuta is the primary cause for taste and without its presence taste cannot manifest at all. When Ap bhuta remains alone, the taste, though present in it cannot be perceived because it is so very subtle (unmanifest). Mahabhutas (the moities of five primary elements) combine in different proportions and become converted into gross substances, this process continues uninturrupted, in time. When substances become grosser and grosser the qualities of each of the mahabhutas become manifest ( patent) and perceptible (recognisable). The combinations of mahabhatas in a substance is the cause for the presence and manifestation of tastes. The disproportionate union of mahabhutas is the cause for innumerable kinds of substances, so also their peculiar qualities including the tastes. Depending upon the predominance of one or other bhutas substances as classified as Parthiva, apya, Taijasa, Vayaviya, and Nabhasa. Even in each category there are innumerable variations in respect of qualities and also the tastes.

तत्र भूजलयोर्बाहुल्यान्मधुरो रसः । भूतेजसोरम्लः । जलतेजसोर्लवणः ।

वाय्वाकाशयोस्तिक्तः । वायुतेजसोः कटुकः । वायूर्व्योः कषायः ॥३॥

Sweet taste is formed by the predominance of Bhu (prthvi) and Jala (ap) (during the union of mahabhutas to form gross substances); predominance of Bhu (prthvi) and Tejas is the cause for sour taste; Jala (ap) and Tejas produce salt taste; Vayu and Akasa produce bitter taste; Vayu and Tejas produce pungent taste; Vayu and urvi (prthvi) produce astringent taste.(3)

Rasa gunah – qualities and actions of tastes

तेषां स्वादुरास्वाद्यमानो मुखमुपलिम्पतीन्द्रियाणि प्रसादयति । देहं प्रह्लादयति । षट्पदपिपीलि कादीनामपीष्टतमः।

अम्लस्तु जिह्वामुद्वेजयत्युरः कण्ठं विदहति । मुखं स्रावयत्यक्षिध्रुवं सङ्कोचयति दशनान् हर्षयति रोमाणि च ।

लवणो मुखं विष्यन्दयति कण्ठकपोलं विदहति अनं प्ररोचयति । तिक्को विशदयति वदनं विशोधयति कण्ठं प्रतिहन्ति रसनम् ।

कटुको भृशमुद्वेजयति जिह्वाग्रं चिमिचिमायति कण्ठकपोलं स्रावयति मुखाक्षिनासिकं विदहति देहम् ।

कषायस्तु जडयति जिह्वां बध्नाति कण्ठं पीडयति हृदयम् ॥४॥

Among them, Svadu (sweet taste) forms a coating inside the mouth, gives pleasure to the sense organs, provides happiness to the body and is very much liked by flies, ants. etc.

Amla (sour taste) stimulates (irritates) the tongue, produces burning sensation in the chest and throat, causes watering of the mouth (salivation), makes the person close his eyes and brows (tightly), produces a feeling of chills (pins and needles) inside the teeth and causes horripilations (body hairs standing on their ends).

Lavana (salt taste) causes too much of salivation in the mouth, burning sensation in the throat and cheeks and makes the food tasty.

Tikta (bitter taste) cleanses the mouth (of its sticky accumulations), clears the throat and hinders perception of other tastes.

Katu (pungent taste) gives severe stimulation, irritates the tip of the tongue, throat and cheeks; causes watery discharge from the mouth, eyes and nose; and a feeling of burning sensation in the body.

Kasaya (astringent taste) inactivates the tongue, obstructs the throat and produces discomfort in the heart (region of the heart). (4)

Madhuraskandha – group of sweet substances

अथ मधुरस्कन्धो घृतमधुतैलक्षीरमेदोमज्जेक्षुविकृतिद्राक्षाक्षोडखर्जूरमोचचोचपनससिञ्चतिका प्रियालराजादनखर्जूरीतालमस्तककाश्मर्यमधूकपरूष कतामलकीवीराविदारीशतावरीतुगाक्षी रीजीवकर्षभक्षीरशुक्लामधूलिकात्मगुप्ताबलातिबलाविश्वदेवासहदेवासालपर्णीमुद्गपर्णीपृश्निप र्णीमाषपर्णीमहासहा क्षुद्रसहाऋद्धिवृद्धिश्रावणीच्छत्रातिच्छत्रर्यप्रोक्लाश्च गन्धाश्वदंष्ट्रामृणालि कापुष्करबीजशृङ्गाटककशेरुकतक कनकबिम्बीप्रपौण्डरीकप्रभृतीनि जीवनीयो गणस्तृणपञ्च मूलं च ॥ १९ ॥

And now the Madhuraskandha (group of sweet substances), such as- Ghrta, Madhu, Taila, Ksira, Medas, Majja, Iksuvikrti, Draksa, Aksoda, Kharjura, Moca, Coca, Panasa, Sincatika, Priyala, Rajadana, Kharj uri, Kasmari, Madhuka, Parusaka, Tamalaki, Vira, Vidari, Satavari, Tugaksari, Jivaka, Rsabha, Ksirasukla, Madhulika, Atmagupta, Bala, Atibala, Visvadeva, Sahadeva, Salaparni, Mudgaparni, Prisniparni, Masaparni, Rddhi, Vrddhi, Sravani, Chatra, Atichatra, Rsyaprokta, Asvagandha, Svadamstra, Mrnalika Puskara bija, Srigatka, Kaseru, Kataka, Kanaka, Bimbi, Prapaundardka; drugs of Jivaniya gana, and drugs of Trnapancamula (19).

Madhura Rasa Karma – Sweet Taste Benefits

तत्र मधुरो रसो जन्मप्रभृतिसात्म्यात् सर्वधातुविवर्धनः आयुष्यो बालवृद्धक्षतक्षीणबलवर्णेन्द्रिय त्वक्केशकण्ठहितः

प्रीणनो बृंहणो जीवनस्तर्पणः स्थैर्यसन्धानः स्तन्यकरो वातपित्तविषदाह मूर्छा तृष्णाप्रशमनः स्निग्धः शीतो मृदुर्गुरुश्च ||५||

Sweet taste, being accustomed since birth, makes for the growth (development) of all the tissues of the body, prolongs the life-span; is good for children, the aged, the wounded, and the emaciated; also for improving the strength, colour (complexion) keenness of sense organs, health of the skin, hairs and throat; it provides contentment, stoutness, supports life activities, nourishes the body, gives stability; produces breast milk, mitigates vata, pitta, poisons, burning sensation, fainting and thirst; is.snigdha (unctuous), sita ( cold in potency), mrdu ( soft) and guru (heavy, hard to digest) (5).

Atimadhura Rasa Sevana Lakshana – Sweet Taste Disadvantages

एवंगुणोऽपि स सदात्युपयुज्यमानः स्थौल्याग्निसादगुरुतालसकातिनिद्राः ।

सप्रमेहगलरोग विसंज्ञतास्य माधुर्यलोचनगलार्बुदगण्डमालाः ||६||

छर्युदर्दमूर्द्धरुक्कासपीनसक्रिमीन् श्लीपदज्वरोदरष्ठीवनानि चावहेत् ||७||

Though possessing all these (good) qualities, used in large amounts always, it produces obesity, weak digestion, heaviness, stasis of food for long time inside the alimentary canal, excessive sleep, dyspnoea, polyurea, diseases of the throat, loss of consciousness, sweet taste in the mouth (always ), malignant tumors of the eyes and throat; scrofula, vomitting, rashes on the skin, headache, cough, running in the nose, worms, filariasis, fevers, enlargement of the abdomen and profuse expectoration. (6-7)

Amlaskandha – group of sour substances

अम्लद्रव्यस्कन्धो पारा वतभव्यकरमर्दधवधन्वनकोलबदरैरावतकपित्थदन्त दाडिमामलकाम्रांम्रातककोशाम्रमातुलुङ्गवृक्षाम्लाम्लीकाम्लवेतसकुवललकुच शठप्राचीनामलकनारङ्गतिलकण्टक रूप्यदधिमस्तुतक्रधान्याम्लमयशुक्लप्रभृतीनि ॥२०॥

Amlaskandha (group of sour substances ) includes Dadima, Amalaka, Amra, Amrataka, Kosamra, Matulunga, Vrksamla, Amlika, Amlavetasa, kuvala, Lakuca, Paravata, Bhavya, Karamarda, Dhava, Dhanvana, Kola, Badara, Airavata, Kapittha, Dantasatha, Pracinamalaka, Naranga, Tilakantaka, Rupya, Dadhi, Mastu, Takra, Dhanyamla, Madya, Sukta and such others (20).

Amla Rasa Karma – Sour Taste Benefits

अम्लोऽनिलनिबर्हणोऽनुलोमनः कोष्ठविदाही रक्तपित्तकृदुष्णवीर्यः शीतस्पर्शोबोधयतीन्द्रि याणि ।

रोचनः पाचनो दीपनो बृंहणस्तर्पणः प्रीणनः क्लेदनो व्यवायी लघुः स्निग्धो हृद्यश्च ॥८॥

जनयति शिथिलत्वं सेवितः सोतिदेहे कफविलयनकण्डूपाण्डुतादृग्विघातान् ।

क्षतविहितविसर्पं रक्तपित्तं पिपासां वयथुमपि कृशानां तैजसत्वात् भ्रमं च ॥ ९ ॥

Sour taste mitigates vata, causes movement of faeces and flatus, burning sensation inside the abdomen, raktapitta (bleeding diseases); hot in potency, cold to touch, stimulates the sense organs, improves taste, helps digestion, kindles hunger; produces stoutness, satisfaction, nourishment and moistness to the body, spreads to all the parts quickly, is light (easily digestible), unctuous and good for the heart.

Atiamla Rasa Sevana Lakshana – Sour Taste Disadvantages

Used in excess, it produces looseness of the body, liquification of kapha, itching, paleness ( pallor), defects of vision, visarpa ( herpes ) through (spreading ) ulcers, bleeding diseases, severe thirst; dropsy even in emaciated persons and giddiness due to its hot potency. (8-9)

Lavana skandha – group of salts

लवणद्रव्यस्कन्धः सैन्धवादीनि क्षारान्तानि त्रपुसीसप्रभृतीनि ॥२१॥

Lavanaskandha (group of salty substances) includes all salts and alkalies commencing with Saindhava and ending with alkalies, Trapu ( tin ) , sisa ( lead) and such others. ( 21 )

Lavana Rasa Karma – Salt Taste Benefits

लवणः स्तम्भबन्धसङ्घातविध्मापनः सर्वरसप्रत्यनीको दीपनो रोचनः पाचन: क्लेदनः शोषण: स्रेहनः

स्वेदनो भेदनः छेदनः सरो व्यवायी विकाषी हरति पवनं विष्यन्दयति कफं विशोधयति स्रोतांसि नातिगुरुः स्निग्धतीक्ष्णोष्णश्च ॥ १० ॥

खलतिपलिततृष्णातापमूर्च्छाविसर्पश्वयथुकिटिभकोठाक्षेपरोधात्रपित्तम् ।

क्षतविषमदवृद्धिं वातरक्लं करोति क्षपयति बलमोजः सोति वा सेवनेन ॥११॥

Salt taste removes stiffness (loss or difficulty of movement), obstruction and hardness (compactness ), is antagonistic to all other tastes; kindles hunger, increases appetite, helps digestion, moistens, dries, produces unctuousness and purgation; tears the doshas, causes movement of fluids, spreads quickly all over; causes intoxication, mitigates vata, liquefies the Kapha, clears the tissue pores ( channels, orifices); neither very heavy nor very unctuous; is penetrating and hot in potency.

Atilavana Rasa Sevana Lakshana – Salt Taste Disadvantages

Used in excess, it produces baldness, grey hairs, thirst, burning sensation, fainting, visarpa (herpes ), dropsy, kitibha (a variety of skin disease ) rashes on the skin, convulsions, obstructions, raktapitta (bleeding disease), increases wounds (ulcers), effects of poison and intoxication; produces vatarakta ( gout), reduces strength and ojas ( essence of the tissues ) (10-11)

Tiktaskandha – group of bitter substances

तिक्लद्रव्यस्कन्धोऽगरुतगरोशीरवालकचन्दननलदकृतमालनक्तमालापामार्गहरिद्राद्वय मुस्तम् र्वामदनफलाजशृङ्गीत्रायमाणाकटुकाकिराततिक्लककरवीरविशालासुषव्यतिविषायवासकज्यो तिष्मतीपाठाविकङ्कतार्ककाकमाचीवचावरणवत्सकवैजयन्तीवेतससप्तपर्णसोमवल्कसुमनः

कांस्यलोहप्रभृतीनि पटोलादिश्चशाकवर्गः ||२२||

Tiktaskandha (group of substances of bitter taste) includes Aguru, Tagara, Usira, Valaka, Candana, Nalada, Krtamala, Naktamala, Apamarga, Haridra, Daruharidra, Musta, Murva, Madanaphala, Ajasrigi, Trayamana, Katuka, Kiratatiktaka, Karavira, Visala, Susavi, Ativisa, Yavasaka, Jyotismati, Patha, Vikankata, Arka, Kakamaci, Vaca, Varana,Vatsaka, Vaijayanti, Vetasa, Saptaparna, Somavalka, Sumanah, Karmsya, Loha, drugs of Patoladisaka group and others. ( 22 )

Tikta Rasa Karma – Bitter Taste Benefits

तिक्लः स्वयमरोचिष्णुररुचिविषकृमिमूर्च्छात्क्लेदज्वरदाहतृट्कुष्ठकण्डूहरः क्लेदमेदोवसामज्जवि

मूत्रपित्त श्लेष्मोपशोषणो दीपनः पाचनो लेखनः स्तन्यकण्ठविशोधनो मेध्यो नातिरूक्षः शीतो लघुश्च ॥१२॥

धातुबलक्षयमूर्च्छाग्लानिभ्रमवातरोगपरुषत्वम् । खरविशदरौक्ष्यभावैः सोति समासेवितः कुर्यात् ॥ १३ ॥

Bitter by itself is bad to taste but cures anorexia, poison, worms (bacteria), fainting, nausea, fever, burning sensation, thirst, leprosy ( and other skin diseases ) and itching; causes a decrease of moisture, fat, muscle fat, bonemarrow, faeces, urine, pitta and kapha; kindles hunger, helps digestion, scratches out the adherents, purifies the breastmilk and throat, increases intelligence, is not very dry, is cold in potency and light.

Atitikta Rasa Sevana Lakshana – Bitter Taste Disadvantages

Used in excess, it produces weakness of the tissues, fainting, debility (exhaustion), giddiness, diseases caused by vata, hardness, roughness, non-stickiness and dryness. (12-13)

Katurasa skandha – group of pungents

कटुकद्रव्यस्कन्धो मरिचहिङ्गुतेजोवतीहस्तिपिप्पलीविडङ्गभल्लातकास्थिमूलकसर्षपलशुनपला ण्डुकरञ्जमनश्शिलादेवदारुकुष्ठैलासुरसचोरकहरेणुकामूत्रपित्तप्रभृतीनि कुठेराचि हरितवर्गः पञ्चकोलं च ॥ २३॥

Katukaskandha (group of substances which are pungent) includes Marica, Hingu, Tejawati, Hastipippali, Vidanga, Bhallatatakasthi, Mulaka, Sarspa, Lasuna, Palandu, Karanja, Manasila, Devadaru, Kustha, Ela, Surasa, Coraka, Harenuka, Mutra, pitta, drugs of Kutheradi harita varga and others. (23)

Katu Rasa Karma – Pungent Taste Benefits

कटुकोऽलसकश्वयथूदर्दस्थौल्याभिष्यन्दकृमि वक्ररोगविषकुष्ठकण्डूप्रसाधनो व्रणावसादनः स्नेह क्लेदशोषणो रोचनः

पाचनो दीपनो लेखनः शोधनः शोषयत्यन्नं स्फुटयतीन्द्रियाणि भिनत्ति शोणितसंघातं छिन्नत्ति बन्धान् विवृणोति

स्रोतांसि क्षपयति लेप्माणं लघुरूक्षती क्ष्णोष्णश्च ॥ १४॥

Pungent taste cures alasaka (stasis of food in the stomach without undergoing digestion), dropsy, swelling due to exposure to cold (allergy); obesity, ophthalmia, worms, diseases of the mouth, poisoning, leprosy (and other skin diseases) and itching, hinders the healing of ulcers, dries up the unctuousness and moistness; improves taste perception, helps digestion, kindles hunger, scratches out sticky materials, cleanses the body, causes burning sensation during digestion of food, increases the acuity of the sense organs, breaks the clotting of blood; removes the constrictions, opens up (causes widening) the tissue pores. (passages, channels), mitigates kapha and is light, dry, penetrating and hot in potency.

Atikatu Rasa Sevana Lakshana – Pungent Taste Disadvantages

कुरुतेऽतिनिषेवितः स तृष्णामदमूर्च्छावमिमोहदेहसादान् । बलशुक्रगलोपशोषकम्पभ्रमतापग्लपनातिकर्शनानि ॥ १५ ॥ करचरणपार्श्वपृष्ठप्रभृतिष्वनिलस्यकोपमतितीव्रम् । सङ्कोचतोदभेदैर्वाय्वग्निगुणाधिकत्वेन ||१६||

Used in excess, it produces thirst, intoxication, fainting, vomiting, delusion, weakness of the body, strength, semen, dryness of the throat, tremors, giddiness, feeling of warmth, exhaustion, severe emaciation, severe burning sensation (as though touched by fire) in the hands, feet, flanks and back; constricting, twisting or pricking pain in them are all caused due to the predominant qualities of vayu and agni ( tejas ) (14-16).

Kashayaskandha – group of astringents

कषायद्रव्यस्कन्धो हरीतकीप्रियङ्ग्वनन्ताक्षौ द्रलोध्रकट्फलधवधन्वनधात्रीफलधातकी पुष्पपद् मापद्मक पद्मपुष्पनाग केसरकुमुदोत्पलतुङ्गतिन्दुककदम्बो दुम्बरजम्ब्बाग्रप्लक्षवटबिभीतक विकङ्कतजम्ब्वाम्रास्थ्यामक पित्थावत्थमोचरस समङ्गासोमवल्कसप्तपर्ण स्यन्दनासनसल्लकीसा लताल प्रियालैलावास्तुकपरिपेलव जिङ्गिणीबदरीखदिरकद रारिमेदकाशकशेरुकवंशा श्मन्तकाशोकशिरीषशिंशपापलाश शमशिणशङ्खनाभिमेषभृङ्गीतरुण खर्जूरस्फूर्जकभूर्जार्जु नाज कर्णवरणप्रियाल मुक्ताञ्जनगैरिकविसमृणालप्रभृतीनि ॥२४॥

Kasayaskandha (group of substances having astringent taste) are Haritaki, Priyangu, Ananta, Ksaudra, Lodhra, Katphala, Dhava, Dhanwana, Dhatriphala, Dhataki Pusa, Padma, Padmaka, Padmapuspa, Nagakesara, Kumuda, Utpala, Tunga, Tinduka, Kadamba, Udumbara, Jambava, Amra, Plaksa, Vata, Vibhitaka, Vikankata, Jambvasthi, Amrasthi, amakapittha, Aswattha, Mocarasa, Samariga, Somavalka, Saptaparna, Syandana, Asana, Sallaki, Sala, Tala, Priyala, Ela, Vastuka, Paripelava, Jingini, Badari, Khadira, Kadara, Arimeda, Kasa, kaseruka, Vamsa, Asmantaka, Asoka, Sirisa, Simsipa, Palasa, Sami, Sana, Sankhanabhi, Mesasrigi, Taruna kharjura, Spurjaka, Bhurja, Arjuna, Ajakarna, Varna, Priyala, Mukta, Anjana, Gairika, Bisa, Mrnala and others. (24)

Kashaya Rasa Karma – Astringent Taste Benefits

कषायो बलासं सपित्तं सरक्तं निहन्त्याशु बध्नाति वर्चोतिरूक्षः ।

गुरुस्त्वक्सवर्णत्वकृत् क्लेदशोषी हिमः प्रीणनो रोपणो लेखनश्च ||१७||

Astringent taste mitigates kapha, pitta and rakta (blood) quickly, withholds elimination of faeces, causes severe dryness; it is heavy, restores the normal colour to the skin, dries up the moisture, cold in potency, gives a feeling of contentment, heals the ulcers and scratches out (removes) adhering materials.

Atikashaya Rasa Sevana Lakshana – Astringent Taste Disadvantages

अत्यभ्यासात् सोऽपि शुक्रोपरोधं तृष्णाध्मानस्तम्भविष्टम्भकार्यम् । स्रोतोबन्धं वातविण्मूत्रसङ्गं पक्षाघाताक्षेपकादींच कुर्यात् ॥ १८ ॥

Indulged into in excess, it also causes obstruction of the semen, produces thirst, flatulence, stiffness, stasis of food without digestion, emaciation, obstruction of tissue pores, withholding of flatus, faeces and urine; hemiplegia, convulsions and other diseases. (17-18)

तत्र प्रायो मधुरं श्लेष्मलमन्यत्र पुराणशालियवगोधूममुटुमधुशर्कराजाङ्गलमांसात् ।

प्रायोऽम्लं पित्तलमन्यत्र दाडिमामलकात् । प्रायोलवणमचक्षुष्यमन्यत्र सैन्धवात् ।

प्रायस्तिक्लकटुकं वातलमवृष्यं चान्यत्रामृतापटोलीनागरपिप्पलीलशुनात् । प्रायः कषायं शीतं स्तम्भनं चान्यत्र हरीतक्याः ।।२५।।

Generally sweet substances increase kapha except old rice, barley, wheat, greengram, honey, sugar and meat of animals of the arid regions;

sour substances generally increase pitta except dadima and amalaka;

salts are generally bad for the eyes except saindhava;

substances possessing bitter and pungent tastes generally increase vata and are non-aphrodisiacs, except amrta, patoli nagara, pippali and lasuna;

Astringent substances are generally cold in potency and cause obstruction except haritaki (25).

इति यथास्थूलं नित्योपयोगिनां प्रधानतमानां चोपसङ्ग्रहः ।।२६।।

घृतामलकसिन्धूत्थपटोलीनागराभयाः ।

श्रेष्ठा यथास्वं स्कन्धेषु रसदेशस्तु वक्ष्यते ||२७||

Thus the enumeration of substances which are in daily use and also most important.

Ghrta (butterfat), Amalaka, Saindhava, Patoli, Nagara and Abhaya are the best among each of the taste groups respectively. (27)

Trividha desa – three kinds of lands

अथ यः शिशिरपवनधरणीधरंविविधवनगहननदीतटाकपल्वलोदपानकमलकुमुदकुवलयाव कीर्णोरम्यः स्थिरस्निग्धभूमिर्भूरिहरिततृणोऽतिदूरविस्तृतप्रतानप्रवालोपसंच्छन्नपादपः सस्यस रीसृपखगबहुल:

श्लेष्मपित्तप्रायो गुर्वौषधिसलिलः श्लीपदगलरोगापचींज्वराद्यामयोपद्रुतजन पदः सोऽनूपो मधररसयोनिः ||२८||

Further, the description of regions of land (which produce these substances.)

Anupa desa – forest region / marshy land

The region, which has abundance of cold wind, mountains, different kinds of thick forests; rivers, lakes, ponds and wells full of lotus, lily and other flowers, pleasant landscape, hard and unctuous soil, bush green grass, trees with wide spreading branches, decked with tender leaves and flowers; numerous categories of flora, reptiles (animals) and birds; producing grains and water which are hard (not easily digestible) and which cause increase of kapha and pitta; large number of persons in the community suffering from diseases like filariasis, diseases of the throat, scrofula/enlarged lymph glands and fever etc., is known as Anupa desa (forest region) and it is the producer of sweet substances. (28)

Jangala desa – desert land

यस्तु विषमविपुलसिकतास्थलबहुलोऽतिदूरावगाढविरससलिल: क्लेशसहारोगशरीरदीर्घायुः प्रायोजनपदोऽनूपरीतश्च

स जाङ्गलः कटुकरसयोनिः । अत एव चानूपसाधारणो जाङ्गलसाधार णश्चविकल्प्यः ।

तयोराद्यो लवणाम्लयोर्योनिरितरश्चेतरयोः । संयोगास्त्वेषां सप्तपञ्चाचाशद्ध वन्ति । भवन्ति चात्र ॥ २९ ॥

The land which is abundant in uneven and vast sand dunes; sources of water very far, deep (concealed) and water not tasty; inhabited by people who are capable of enduring hardship, not suffering from any disease, and long lived; the land having features opposite of those of Anupa (forest land) is known as Jangala (desert/arid land) and is the source of pungent substances. (28)

Between them, two other subdivisions are to be noticed, Anupa-Sadharana and Jangala- sadharana; the former is the source of salt and sour substances and the latter of the remaining (bitter and astringent) substances. (29)

Notes: The word ‘Sadharana’ denotes the land with mixed features of both kinds. Region which will have more features of Anupa and less of Jangala is called as Anupa-sadharana (semi-forest) and that with more features of Jangala and less of Anupa will be Jangala-sadharana (semidesert).

Rasa samyoga – combinations of tastes

स्वादुर्द्विकेषु पञ्चाम्लश्चतुरो लवणस्त्रयम् । द्वौ तिक्तः कटुकथैकं याति पञ्चदशैव ते ॥३०॥

त्रिकेषु मधुरः साम्लश्चतुरो लवणान्वितः । त्रीन्युक्तस्तिक्तकेन द्वौ कटुनैकं निषेवते ॥३१॥

स्वादुर्दशैवमम्लः षट् संयोगान् पूर्ववक्रिया । लवणस्त्रीन् भजत्येकं तिक्क एवं तु विंशतिः ॥ ३२॥

स्वादुश्चाग्लश्चतुष्केषु षट् त्रयं लवणानुगः । एकं तिक्कयुतो याति दशैव मधुरो रसः ||३३||

चत्वारोऽम्लः पटुश्चैकं भेदाः पञ्चदशेति च । एकैकस्य परित्यागात् संयोगाः पञ्चके चषट् ॥ ३४॥

एकश्च षड्सः षट् च पृथगेवं त्रिषष्टिधा ।

The combinations of them ( tastes) will become fifty-seven as described here under:

Sweet in combination of two’s will be five, Sour in combination of twos will be four; Salt in combination of twos will be three,

Bitter in combination of twos will be two, Pungent in combination of twos will be one. Thus combination of Two tastes will be Fifteen.

Sweet and sour in combination of one other taste will be four. Sweet and salt in combination of one other taste will be three. Sweet and bitter in combination of one other taste will be two. Sweet and pungent in combination of one other taste will be one. Sour and salt and combination of one more taste will be six. Salt and bitter and combination of one more taste will be two. Salt and pungent and combination of one more taste will be one. Bitter and pungent and combination of one more taste will be one.

Thus combinations of Three tastes will be Twenty in total. Sweet and sour and two other tastes will be six. Sweet and salt and two other tastes will be three.

Sweet and bitter and two other tastes will be one. Sour and salt and two other tastes will be three. Sour and bitter and two other tastes will be one. Sour and bitter and two other tastes will be one. Thus, combinations of Four tastes will be Fifteen in total. Sweet and sour and three other tastes will be four. Sweet and salt and three other tastes will be one. Sour and salt and three other tastes will be one. Thus, combinations of Five tastes will be Six in total. Combination of all the six tastes together will be one. Each taste taken separately will be six.

Thus, the total number of combinations of tastes will be sixty three. (30-34)

Notes: Though the counting of the combination of tastes is only of mathematical value, for sake of curiosity, the following are detailed hereunder:

1. Each taste counted separately- 6

2. Combination of two tastes – 15.

viz: M + A,M + LM + T,M + K,A + K,A + K,M + K,A + T,L + T,L + K,A + L,L + K,T + K,T + K,T + K

3. Combination of three tastes – 20 M + A + L M + A + T M + A + K M + A + K M+L+T M + L + K M + L + K M + T + K M + T + K M + K + K M + A + L + T M + A + L + K M + A + L + K M+A+T + K M + A + T + K M + A + K + K M+L+T+ K M+L+T+ K

4. Combination of four tastes -15

M + A + L + T + K M + A + L + T + K M + A + L + K + K M+A+T + K + K M+L+T+ K + K M+L+T+ K + K

5. Combination of five tastes – A + T + K A + K + K A + L + K A + L + K A + L+ T A+T+ K L+T+ K L+T+K L + K + K T + K + K M+L+T+ K M+T+ K + K A + L+T+ K A + L + T + K A + L + K + K A+T+ K + K L+T+ K + K

6. Combination of all six tastes – 1

M + A + L + K + T + K

ते रसानुरसतो रसभेदास्तारतम्यपरिकल्पनया च । सम्भवन्ति गणनां समतीता दोषभेषजवशा दुपयोज्याः ॥३५॥

These combinations of primary and secondary tastes taken along with their lesser and greater proportions are to be made use of as suited to the doshas and the modes of treatment. (35)

इति अष्टादशोऽध्यायः

Thus ends the eighteenth chapter. 348


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