अथातो मुखरोगप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्यामः ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।
We shall now expound the chapter Mukharoga Pratisedha-treatmetn of diseases of the mouth; thus said Atreya and other great sages.
Khandostha chikitsa
खण्डौष्ठस्य विलिख्यान्तौ स्यूत्वा व्रणवदाचरेत् । यष्टीज्योतिष्मतीरोधश्रावणीसारिवोत्पलैः ॥१॥
पटोल्या काकमाच्या च तैलमभ्यञ्जनं पचेत् ।
नस्यं च तैलं वातघ्नमधुरस्कन्धसाधितम् ॥ २ ॥
The edges of the broken (divided) lip should be given oleation and fomentation first, then scraped (to cause a wound), the two ends sutured from inside and then treated like a ( traumatic) wound.
Oil cooked with yasti, jyotismati, rodhra, sravani, sariva utpala, patola and kakamaci should be used for anointing (the wound). Oil cooked with drugs which mitigate vata and drugs of sweet group should be made use of as nasal drops.
Osthakopa chikitsa
महास्नेहेन वातौष्ठे सिद्धेनाक्तः पिचुर्हितः । देवधूपमधूच्छिष्टगुग्गुल्वमरदारुभिः ॥३॥
तेनैव प्रतिसारणम् । यष्ट्याह्वचूर्णयुक्तेन नाड्योष्ठं स्वेदयेद्दुग्धसिद्धैरेरण्डपल्लवैः ॥ ४ ॥
खण्डौष्ठविहितं नस्यं तस्य मूर्ध्नि च तर्पणम् । पित्ताभिघातजावोष्ठौ जलौकोभिरुपाचरेत् ॥ ५ ॥
रोध्रसर्जरसक्षौद्रमधुकैः प्रतिसारणम् । गुडूचीयष्टिपत्तङ्गसिद्धमभ्यञ्जने घृतम् ॥ ६॥
पित्तविद्रधिवच्यात्र क्रिया शोणितजेऽपि । इदमेव नवे कार्यं कर्म ओष्ठे तु कफातुरे ॥ ७ ॥
पाठाक्षारमधुव्योषैर्हृतास्त्रे प्रतिसारणम् । धूमनावनगण्डूषाः प्रयोज्याश्च कफच्छिदः ॥ ८ ॥
स्विन्नं भिन्नं विमेदस्कं दहेन्मेदोजमग्निना । प्रियङ्गरोध्रत्रिफलामाक्षिकैः प्रतिसारयेत् ॥ ९ ॥
In osthakopa caused by vata, cotton swab soked in mahasneha (mixture of four fats) cooked with devadhupa, madhucchista, guggulu and amaradaru-should be kept on the lips. Pratisarana (rubbing a paste) with the same (mahasneha) added with powder of yastyahva, steam of milk boiled with tender leaves of eranda should be allowed over the lips through a tube. Nasal medication prescribed for khandostha should be used, tarpana (anointing with oil) should be done for the head also.
In othakopa of pitta origin treatment is by appling the leeches, (to remove vitiated blood) a paste of rodhra, sarjarasa, ksaudra (honey) and madhuka should be rubbed, ghee cooked with guduci, yasti and patanga is to be used for anointing, other treatments are similar to that of vidradhi caused by pitta.
In osthakopa caused by kapha, blood should be removed from the lips, paste of patha ksara (yavaksara) madhu (honey) and vyosa should be rubbed, dhuma (inhalation of smoke), navana (nasal medication) and gandusa (holding liquids in the mouth) therapies which mitigate kapha should administered.
In osthakopa caused by medas (fat) the lips should be fomented, incised, excess of fat removed and cauterised by fire, a paste of priyangu, rodhra, triphala and maksika (honey) should be rubbed. 3-9.
Jalarbuda chikitsa
सक्षौद्रा घर्षणं तीक्ष्णा भिन्नशुद्धे जलार्बुदे | अवगाढेऽतिवृद्धे वा क्षारोऽग्निर्वा प्रतिक्रिया ॥ १० ॥
Jalarbuda should be pricked and cleaned, then a paste of pungent drugs (such a marica, pippali etc.) made with honey should be rubbed into it. If the mass is deep seated and greatly increased in size it should be treated either with alkali or fire cauterisation. 10.
Gandalaji chikitsa
आमाद्यवस्थास्वलजीं गण्डे शोफवदाचरेत् ।
Gandalaji in its unripe stage should be treated just as any swelling. 11a.
Sitadanta chikitsa
स्विन्नस्य शीतदन्तस्य पालीं विलिखितां दहेत् ॥ ११ ॥
तैलेन प्रतिसार्या च सक्षौद्रघनसैन्धवैः । दाडिमत्वग्वरातार्क्ष्यकान्ताजम्ब्वस्थिनागरैः कवलः क्षीरिणां क्वाथैरणुतैलं च नावनम् । ॥१२॥
In sitadanta the gums should be fomented, than scraped and burnt with heated oil; paste of ghana, saindhva, bark of dadima, vara, tarksya, kanta, seed of jambu and nagara, mixed with honey should be rubbed to the gums, kavala (mouth gargles) with decoction of bark of trees having milky sap and navana (nasal medication) using anutaila should be done. 11b-13a.
Dantaharsa and Dantabheda chikitsa
दन्तहर्षे तथा भेदे सर्वा वातहरा क्रिया ॥ १३ ॥ तिलयष्टीमधुश्रुतं क्षीरं गण्डूषधारणम् ।
In dantaharsa and dantabheda, all therapies mitigating vata should be done. Milk boiled with tila and madhuyasti should be held in the mouth. 13b-14a.
Caladanta chikitsa
सस्नेहं दशमूलाम्बु गण्डूषः प्रचलद्द्विजे ॥ १४ ॥
तुत्थरोध्रकणा श्रेष्ठापत्तङ्गषटुघर्षणम् । स्निग्धाः शील्या यथावस्थं नस्यान्नकवलादयः ॥ १५ ॥
Gandusa with the decoction of dasamula added with fat is to be done, paste of tuttha, rodhra, kana srestha, pattanga and patu should be rubbed. Nasal medication, foods (and drinks) mouth gargles etc. should be unctuous, cold and suitable to the stage of the disease. 14b-15.
Adhidanta chikitsa
अधिदन्तकमालिप्तं यदा क्षारेण जर्जरम् । कृमिदन्तमिवोत्पाट्य तद्वच्चोपचरेत्तदा ॥ १६ ॥
अनवस्थितरक्ते च दग्धे व्रण इव क्रिया ।
Adhidanta should be given a coating of ksara (caustic alkali), when it becomes loose, it should be pulled out like pulling out a krmidanta and treated in the same way. If the bleeding does not stop, it (the site) should be burnt by fire (thermal cautery ) and then treated as an ulcer.
Sarkara chikitsa
अहिंसन् दन्तमूलानि दन्तेभ्यः शर्करां हरेत् ॥ १७॥ क्षारचूर्णैर्मधुयुतैस्ततश्च प्रतिसारयेत् ।
Sarkara should be removed from the teeth without harming the roots of the teeth, then a paste of powder of ksara and honey should be applied. 17b-8a.
Kapalika chikitsa
कपालिकायामप्येवं हर्षोक्तं च समाचरेत् ॥ १८ ॥ In kapalika also the same treatment should be done, and also that described in dantaharsa. 18b.
Krmidanta chikitsa
जयेद्विस्त्रावणैः स्विन्नमचलं कृमिदन्तकम्। स्निग्धैश्चालेपगण्डूषनस्याहारैश्चलापहैः ॥ १९ ॥
गुडेन पूर्णं सुषिरं मधूच्छिष्टेन वा दहेत् । सप्तच्छदार्क क्षीराम्भां पूरणं कृमिशूलजित् ॥ २० ॥
Krmidanta which is not shakey should be given fomentation and its contents drained out: application of paste, holding liquid in the mouth; nasal medication and food which are unctuous and mitigating vata should be made use of; the cavity of the teeth should be fiilled with heated guda (jaggery, treacle) or madhucchista (bees-wax) so as to burn, fiilling the cavity with the milky sap of saptacchada or arka cures the pain due to worms. 19-20.
हिंङ्गुकट्फलकासीसस्वर्जिकाकुष्ठवेल्लजम् । रजो रुजं जयत्याशु वस्त्रस्थं दशने धृतम् ॥ २१ ॥
Powder of hingu, katphala, kasisa, svarjika, kustha and vella-tied in cloth and held together by the teeth relieves the pain quickly. 21.
गण्डूषं ग्रहयेत्तैलमेभिरेव च साधितम् । युक्तमेरण्डद्विव्याघ्रीभूकदम्बजैः ॥ २२ ॥ क्वाथैर्वा
Gandusa (holding liquid in the mouth) may be done either with the oil cooked with the same drugs or with the oil mixed with decoction of eranda, the two vyaghri and bhukadamba. 22.
क्रियायोगैर्बहुविधैरित्याशान्तरुजं भृशम् । दृढमप्युद्धरेद्दन्तं पूर्वं मूलाद्विमोक्षितम् ॥ २३ ॥
सन्दंशकेन लघुना दन्तनिर्घातनेन वा । तैलं सयष्ट्याह्वरजो गण्डूषो मधु वा ततः ॥ २४॥
In spite of different kinds of therapies, if the pain does not subside, the tooth should be pulled out though firm, by seperating it from its root either by a small sandamsa yantra or a dantanirghatana yantra; then oil added with powder of yasti or honey should be held in the mouth. 23-24.
ततो विदारियष्ट्याह्वशृङ्गाटककसेरुभिः ।
तैलं दशगुणक्षीरं सिद्धं युञ्जीत नावनम् ॥ २५ ॥
Next, nasal medication should be done with medicated oil prepared with vidari, yasti, Srngataka, kaseru and ten parts of milk. 25.
कृशदुर्बलवृद्धानां वातार्तानां च नोद्धरेत् । नोद्धरेच्चोत्तरं दन्तं बहूपद्रवकृद्धि सः ॥ २६ ॥
एषामप्युद्धृतौ स्निग्धस्वादुशीतक्रमो हितः ।
Tooth should be not be extracted in persons who are emaciated, debilitated, aged and suffering from diseases of vata origin, not that of the upper row because it leads to many complications. Even if these are pulled out treatment (medicines) which are unctuous, sweet ( in taste) and cold (in potency) are best suited. 26-27a.
Sitada chikitsa
विस्त्रावितास्त्रे शीतादे भक्षौद्रैः प्रतिसारणम् ॥ २७ ॥
मुस्तार्जुनत्वत्रिफलाफलिनीतार्क्ष्यनागरैः । तत्क्वाथः कवलो, नस्य तैलं मधुरसाधितम् ॥ २८ ॥
In sitada, blood should be let and gums rubbed with the paste of musta, bark of arjuna, triphala, phalini, tarksya and nagara added with honey, gargling the mouth should be done with the decoction of the drugs of sweet taste. 27b-28.
Upakusa chikitsa
दन्तामांसान्युपकुशे स्विन्नान्युष्णाम्बुधारणैः । मण्डलाग्रेण शाकादिपत्रैर्वा बहुशो लिखेत् ॥ २१ ॥ ततश्च प्रतिसार्याणि घृतमण्डमधुद्रुतैः ।
लाक्षाप्रियङ्गपत्तङ्गलवणोत्तमगैरिकैः सकुष्ठशुण्ठीमरिचयष्टीमधुरसाञ्जनैः ॥३०॥
सुखोष्णो घृतमण्डोऽनु तैलं वा कवलग्रहः ॥ ३१ ॥ सिद्धं हितं कवलनस्ययोः ।। घृतं च मधुरैः
In upakasa, the gums should be fomented by holding hot water in the mouth and then scraped many times either with mandalagra sastra (lancet) or leaves of saka tree etc; next the paste of laksa, priyangu, pattanga, lavanottama, gairika, kustha, sunthi, marica, yasthimadhu and rasanjana added with scum of ghee and honey should be rubbed; then either the scum of ghee or oil should be held in the mouth lukeworm; ghee prepared with drugs of sweet taste is beneficial, both for holding in the mouth and nasal medication.
Dantapupputaka chikitsa
दन्तपुप्पटके स्विन्नछिन्नभिन्नविलेखिते ॥ ३२ ॥ यष्ट्याह्वस्वर्जिकाशुण्ठीसैन्धवैः प्रतिसारणम् ।
Danta pupputaka should be fomented, torn, punctured and scraped, followed by rubbing the paste of yastyahva svarjika, sunthi and saindhava. 32b-33a.
Danta vidradhi chikitsa
विद्रधौ कटुतीक्ष्णोष्णरूक्षैः कवललेपनम् ॥ ३३ ॥
कटुकाकुष्ठवृश्चिकालीयवोद्भवैः । घर्षणं रक्षेत्पाकं हिमैः पक्वः पाट्यो दाह्योऽवगाढकः ॥ ३४ ॥
In vidradhi, kavala ( mouth gargling) and lepa (application of paste) should be done using drugs possessing pungent, penetrating, hot and dry properties; paste of katuka, kustha, vrscikali and yava should be rubbed on the swelling, ripening prevented by application of cold; if ripe, it should be cut open and that which is deep seated should be burnt.
Susira chikitsa
सुषिरे छिन्नलिखिते सक्षौद्रैः प्रतिसारणम् ।
रोधमुस्तमिशिश्रेष्ठातार्क्ष्यपत्तङ्गकिंशुकैः सकट्फलैः कषायैश्च तेषां गण्डूष इष्यते ।
यष्टीरोधोत्पलानन्तासारिवागुरुचन्दनैः सगैरिकसितापुरैः सिद्धं तैलं च नावनम् । ॥३५॥ ॥ ३६॥
Susira should be cut, scraped and then rubbed with the paste of rodhra, musta, misi, srestha, tarksya, pattanga, kimsuka, and katphala; decoction of these drugs should be used for holding in the mouth, Medicated oil prepared with yasti, rodhra, utpala, ananta, sariva, aguru, candana, gairika, sita (sugar) and pundra is to used for nasal medication,
Adhimamsaka chikitsa
छित्त्वाऽधिमांसकं चूर्णैः सक्षौद्रैः प्रतिसारयेत् ॥ ३७॥ वचातेजोवतीपाठास्वर्जिकायवशूकजैः ।
पटोलनिम्बत्रिफलाकषायः कवलो हितः ॥ ३८ ॥
Vidarbha chikitsa
Adhimamsaka should be excised and the the gums rubbed with the paste of vaca, tejovati, patha, svarjika, yavasukaja ksara added with honey; decoction of patola, nimba and triphala is beneficial for gargling. 37b-38.
विदर्भे दन्तमूलानि मण्डलाग्रेण शोधयेत् ।
क्षारं युञ्ज्यात्ततो नस्यं गण्डूषादि च शीतलम् ॥ ३९ ॥
In vidarbha the roots of teeth should be cleaned with mandalagra sastra (lancet) and then caustic alkali applied to the site. Nasal medication, holding liquids in the mouth etc. should be done cold. 39.
Dantanadi chikitsa
संशोध्योभयतः कायं शिरश्चोपचरेत्ततः । नाडीं दन्तानुगां दन्तं समुद्धृत्याग्निना दहेत् ॥ ४० ॥
कुब्जां नैकगतिं पूर्णां गुडेन मदनेन वा । धावनं जातिमदनखदिरस्वादुकण्टकैः ॥ ४१ ॥
क्षीरिवृक्षाम्बुगण्डूषो, नस्यं तैलं च तत्कृतम् । Dantanadi should be treated by purificatory therapies of both directions (emesis and purgation) and also the head (nasal medication); the affected tooth should be pulled out and the place burnt by fire. The sinus which is curved, and which has many openings should be burnt by filling it with either (hot) guda ( jaggery / treacle) or madana (bees wax), it should be washed with the decoction of jati, madana, khadira and svadukntaka; decoction of bark of trees having milky sap should be used for gargling the mouth, oil prepared from it should be used for nasal medication. 40-42a.
Dusta jihva chikitsa
कुर्याद्वातौष्ठकोपोक्तं कण्टकेष्वनिलात्मसु ॥ ४२ ॥
जिह्वायां पित्तजातेषु घृष्टेषु रुधिरे स्रुते । प्रतिसारणगण्डूषनावनं मधुरैर्हितम् ॥ ४३ ॥
तीक्ष्णैः कफोत्थेष्वेवं च सर्षपत्र्यूषणादिभिः ।
In vatadusta jihva the treatment advocated in vataja osthakopa should be resorted to, in pittadusta jihva blood letting should be done by scrubbing the tongue, rubbing the paste of drugs, holding liquids in the mouth and nasal medication should be done with drugs of sweet taste. In kapha dusta jihva also the same treatment be done, rubbing the paste of drugs having penetrating property such as sarsapa, tryusana etc. should be resorted to. 42b-44a.
Alasa chikitsa
नवे जिह्वालसेऽप्येवं तं तु शस्त्रेण न स्पृशेत् ॥ ४४ ॥
For alasa which is new, the treatment is the same. It should not be touched with sharp instruments. 44b.
Adhijihva chikitsa
उन्नम्य जिह्वामाकृष्टां बडिशेनाधिजिह्विकाम् । छेदयेन्मण्डलाग्रेण तीक्ष्णोष्णैर्घर्षणादि च ॥ ४५ ॥
The tongue should be held by the badisa yantra, lifted up and the extra growth of muscle cut off with the mandalagra sastra (lancet) the site being rubbed with the paste of drugs which possess penetrating and hot properties. 45.
Upajihva chikitsa
उपजिह्वां परित्राव्य यवक्षारेण वर्षयेत् ।
Upajihva should be drained out by the application of yavaksara. 46a.
Galasundi chikitsa
कफघ्ने: शुण्डिका साध्या नस्यगण्डूषघर्षणैः ॥ ४६ ॥
एर्वारुबीजप्रतिमं वृद्धायामसिराततम् । अग्रं निविष्टं जिह्वाया बडिशाद्यवलम्बितम् ॥ ४७ ॥
छेदयेन्मण्डलाग्रेण नात्यग्रे न च मूलतः । छेदेऽत्यसृक्क्षयान्मृत्युर्हीने मरिचातिविषापाठावचाकुष्ठकुटन्नटैः व्याधिर्विवर्द्धते ॥ ४८ ॥
छिन्नायां सपटुक्षौद्रैर्घर्षणं, कवलः पुनः ॥४९॥ कटुकातिविषापाठानिम्बरास्नावचाम्बुभिः ।
Sundika should be treated by nasal mdication, holding liquids in the mouth and rubbing the paste of drugs which mitigate kapha. That which has developed to the size of a seed of ervaru, which is not interspersed with sira (blood vessels), located nearer to the tongue, should be pulled by the badisa (forceps) etc. and excised with the mandalagra sastra (lancet) niether at its tip not at its root; death might occur from severe loss of blood from deep cutting and the disease may exacerbate from inadequate cutting. After cutting, the site should be rubbed with the paste of marica, ativisa, patha, vaca, kustha, kutannata, patu, added with honey; gargling should be done with the decoction of katuka, ativisa, patha, nimba, rasna and vaca. 46b-50a.
Talu samghata, pupputa and kacchapa chikitsa
सङ्घाते पुप्पुटे कूर्मे विलिख्यैवं समाचरेत् ॥ ५० ॥
Talu sanghata, talupupputa kurma-should be treated by scraping in the same manner. 50b.
Talupaka chikitsa
अपक्के तालुपाके तु कासीसक्षौद्रतार्क्ष्यजैः । घर्षणं, कवलः शीतकषायमधुरौषधैः ॥ ५१ ॥
In talupaka which is unripe, the site should be rubbed with the paste of kasisa, honey and tarksya and gargling the mouth with decoct on of drugs of cold, astringent and sweet properties. 51.
पक्केऽष्टापदवद्भिन्ने तीक्ष्णोष्णैः प्रतिसारणम् । वृषनिम्बपटोलाद्यैस्तिक्तैः कवलधारणम् ॥५२॥
That which is ripe and divided into parts like the eight legged stool, should be rubbed with the paste of drugs of penetrating and hot properties. Decoction of vrsa, nimba, patola and other bitter drugs should be used for gargling the mouth. 52.
Talusosa chikitsa
तालुशोषे त्वतृष्णस्य सर्पिरुत्तभक्तिकम् । कणाशुण्ठीशृतं पानमम्लैर्गण्डूषधारणम् ॥ ५३॥ धन्वमांसरसाः स्निग्धाः, क्षीरसर्पिश्च नावनम् ।
In talusosa, where thirst is not present, ghee boiled with kana and sunthi, should be consumed after food, sour liquids should be used for holding in the mouth; juice of meat of animals of desert lands added with fats must be used as food, milk and ghee for nasal medication. 53-54a.
Kantha roga samanya chikitsa-common treatment for diseases of the throat
कण्ठरोगेष्वसृङ्मोक्षस्तीक्ष्णैर्नस्यादि कर्म च ॥ ५४॥ क्वाथ: पानं च दार्वीत्वङ्निम्बतार्क्ष्यकलिङ्गजः । हरीतकीकषायो वा पेयो माक्षिकसंयुतः ॥ ५५ ॥ In diseases of the throat, blood letting, strong nasal medication etc. drinking the decoction of bark of darvi, nimba, tarksya and kalingaja mixed with honey or decoction of haritaki mixed with honey should be adopted. 54b-55.
श्रेष्ठाव्योषयवक्षारदार्वीद्वीपिरसाञ्जनैः सपाठातेजिनीनिम्बै: सुक्तगोमूत्रसाधितैः ॥५६॥
कवलो, गुटिका वाऽत्र कल्पिता प्रतिसारणम् ।
Decoction of srestha, vyosa, yavaksara, darvi, dvipi, rasanjana, patha, tejini and nimba, mixed with sukta (fermented grain wash) and cow’s urine to be used for gargling the mouth, paste of theses drugs may used for rubbing to the throat. 56-57a.
निचुलं कटभी मुस्तं देवदारु महौषधम् ॥ ५७ ॥ वचा दन्ती च मूर्वा च लेपः कोष्णोऽर्तिशोफहा ।
Paste of nicula, katabhi, musta, devadaru mahausadha, vaca, danti and murva applied lukewarm relieves pain and swelling. 57b-58a.
अथान्तर्बाह्यतः स्विन्नां वातरोहिणिकां लिखेत् ॥ ५८ ॥
पटुयुक्तनखेन अङ्गुलीशस्त्रकेणाशु पञ्चमूलाम्बु कवलस्तैलं वा । गण्डूषनावनम् ॥ ५९ ॥
In Kantharohini produced by vata, after giving fomentation both outside and inside, it (sprouts) should be scraped with the anguli sastra (finger knife) quickly or with the nail, smeared with patu (salt); decoction of pancamula should be used for gargling and oil (boiled wth pancamula) for holding in the mouth and nasal medication. 58b-59.
वित्राव्य पित्तसम्भूतां सिताक्षौद्रप्रियङ्गुभिः। घर्षेत्सरोधपत्तङ्गैः कवलः क्वथितैश्च तैः ॥ ६०॥ द्राक्षापरूषकक्काथो हितश्च कवलग्रहे।
In that born from pitta, blood should be let out, site rubbed with the paste of sita ( sugar) ksaudra (honey)priyangu, rodhra and patanga, gargling done with the decoction of the same drugs, decoction of draksa and parusaka is suitable for gargling. 60-61a
उपाचरेदेवमेव प्रत्यख्यायास्त्रसम्भवाम् ॥ ६१ ॥
That born from asra (blood) should be treated in the same manner, intimating its incurability. 61b.
That born from kapha should be rubbed with the paste of agaradhuma and katuka. Oil prepared with fruits (seeds) of apamarga, sveta (girikarnika), danti, jantughna and saindhava to be used for nasal medicaion and holding in the mouth. 62-63a.
Vnda, saluka, tundikeri and gilayu chikitsa
तद्वच्च वृन्दशालूकतुण्डिकेरीगिलायुषु
Vrnda, saluka, tundikeri and gilayu should be treated in the same manner. 63b.
Vidradhi chikitsa
बिद्रधौ स्त्राविते श्रेष्ठारोचनातार्क्ष्यगैरिकैः । सरोध्रपटुपत्तङ्गकणैर्गण्डूषघर्षणे ॥ ६४॥
In vidradhi, blood letting should be done followed by holding in the mouth the decoction of srestha, rocana, tarksya, gairika, rodhra, patu, pattanga and kana and rubbing their paste to the throat. 64.
Galaganda chikitsa
गलगण्ड: पवनजः स्विन्नो निःस्रुतशोणितः । लितैर्वीजैश्च लट्वोमाप्रियालशणसम्भवैः ।। ६५ ।
उपनाह्यो, व्रणे रूढे प्रलेप्यश्च पुनः पुनः । शिग्रुतिल्वकतर्कारीगजकृष्णापुनर्नवैः कालामृतार्कमूलैश्च पुष्पैश्च करहाटजैः ।
एकैषिकान्वितैः पिष्टेः सुरया काञ्जिकेन वा ॥ ६७॥ गुडूचीनिम्बकुटजहंसपादीबलाद्वयैः ॥ ६६॥ ।
साधितं पाययेत्तैलं सकृष्णादेवदारुभिः ॥ ६८ ॥
सागारधूमैः कटुकैः कफजां प्रतिसारयेत् । नस्यगण्डूषयोस्तैलं साधितं च प्रशस्यते ॥ ६२ ॥ अपामार्गफलश्वेतादन्तीजन्तुघ्नसैन्धवैः ।
Galaganda arising from pavana ( vata) should given fomentation and blood letting done, a warm poultice with tila, seeds of latva, uma, priyala and sana; after the wound heals the paste of sigru, tilvaka, tarkari, gajakrsna, punarnava, kala, amrta, root of arka, flower of karahata and ekaisika macerated either with sura or kanjika should be applied, medicated oil prepared with guduci, nimba, kutaja, hamsapadi, the two bala krsna and devadaru should be consumed (daily). 65-68.
कर्तव्यं कफजेऽप्येतत्स्वेदविम्लापने त्वति । लेपोऽजगन्धातिविषाविशल्या: सविषाणिकाः ॥ ६९ ॥
गुञ्जालाबुशुकाह्वाश्च पलाशक्षारकल्किताः ।
Even in that arising from kapha, the same treatment should be done more so of fomentation and vimlapana (squeezing to make it soft). Paste of ajagandha, ativisa, visalya, visanika, gunja, alabu, sukahva and palasa ksara should be applied. 69-70a.
मूत्रशृतं हठक्षारं पक्त्वा कोद्रवभुक् पिबेत् ॥ ७० ॥
साधितं वत्सकाद्यैर्वा तैलं सपटुपञ्चकैः । कफघ्नान् धूमवमननावनादींश्च शीलयेत् ॥ ७१ ॥
Ksara (alkali) should be prepared from hatha boiled in cow’s urine and consumed, partaking only kodrava as food; or medicated oil prepared with a drugs of vatsakadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) mixed with the five salts. Inhalation of smoke, emesis, nasal medication etc. which mitigate kapha should be followed (daily). 70b-71.
मेदोभवे सिरां विध्येत्कफघ्नं च विधिं भजेत् । असनादिरजश्चैनं प्रातर्मूत्रेण पाययेत् ॥ ७२ ॥
In that arising from medas (fat), vein should be cut (to let out blood) and all treatments mitigating kapha should be done. He should be made to drink cow’s urine added with the powder of drugs of asanadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) in the morning. 72.
अशान्तौ पाचयित्वा च सर्वान् व्रणवदाचरेत् ।
If by these treatment, the disease does not subside, them all of them ( all varieties) should be made to ripe ( suppurate) (and then) cut and treated like an ulcer. 73a.
मुखपाकेषु सक्षौद्रा प्रयोज्या मुखधावनाः ॥ ७३ ॥
क्वथितास्त्रिफलापाठामृद्वीकाजातिपल्लवा: निष्ठेव्या भक्षयित्वा वा कुठेरादिर्गणोऽथवा ॥ ७४ ॥
मुखपाकेऽनिलात् कृष्णापट्वेलाः प्रतिसारणम् । तैलं वातहरैः सिद्धं हितं कवलनस्ययोः ॥ ७५ ॥
पित्तास्त्रे पित्तरक्तघ्नः कफघ्नश्च कफे विधिः । लिखेच्छाकादिपत्रैश्च पिटिकाः कठिनाः स्थिराः ॥ ७६ ॥
यधादोषोदयं कुर्यात्सन्निपाते चिकित्सितम् ।
In mukhapaka caused by anila (vata ) powder of krsna, patu and ela should be rubbed; oil prepared with vata mitigating drugs is beneficial for gargling and nasal medication. In those caused by pitta and asra (blood) treatments which mitigates pitta and rakta (blood) should be done. In that caused by kapha, treatments which mitigate kapha is required; the eruptions which are hard and static should be scraped with (rough) leaves of trees like saka etc. In case of that caused by sannipata (aggravation of all the dosas together) treatment should be to the dosa predominent in order of degree. 75-77a.
Arbuda chikitsa
नवेऽर्बुदे त्वसंवृद्धे छेदिते प्रतिसारणम् ॥ ७७ ॥
स्वर्जिकानागरक्षौद्रेः, क्वाथो गण्डूष इष्यते । गुडूचीनिम्बकल्कोत्थो मधुतैलसमन्वितः ॥ ७८ ॥
यवान्नभुक् तीक्ष्णतैलनस्याभ्यङ्गांस्तथाऽऽचरेत् ।
Arbuda which is of recent onset and not greatly grown should be cut (excised) and the site rubbed with powder of svarjika and nagara mixed with honey; for holding in the mouth, the decoction of guduci, and nimba mixed with
Mukhapaka chikitsa
In mukhapaka gargling the mouth with the decoction of triphala, patha; mrdvika and tender sprouts of jati added with honey should be done or triphala etc. may be chewed and spat out or drugs of kutheradi gana (chapter 16/106 of sutrasthana). ’73b-74.
honey and oil is ideal. He should consume foods prepared from yava, resort to strong nasal medication and oil massage to the body. 77b-79a.
Putiasya-urdhvaguda chikitsa
वमिते पूतिवदने धूमस्तीक्ष्णः सनावनः ॥ ७९ ॥
समङ्गाधातकीरोधफलिनीपद्मकैर्जलम् । धावनं बदनस्यान्तश्चूर्णितैरवचूर्णितम् ॥ ८० ॥ शीतादोपकुशोक्तं च नावनादि च शीलयेत् ।
For putivadana, therapies such as emesis, inhalation of strong smoke of drugs and nasal medication should be adopted; mouth should be washed with the decoction of samanga, dhataki, rodhra, phalini and padmaka, mouth rubbed with the powder of these drugs; recipes of nasal medication etc. described in sitada and upakusa to be adhered to. 79b-81a.
फलत्रयद्वीपिकिराततिक्तयष्ट्याह्वसिद्धार्थकटुत्रिकाणि रोहिणिकास्यशोषगन्धान् विदेहाधिपतिप्रणीताः ।। ८३ ।।
॥ ८१॥ मुस्ताहरिद्राद्वययावशूकवृक्षाम्लकाम्लाग्रिमवेतसाश्च अश्वत्थजम्ब्वाम्रधनञ्जयत्वक् त्वक् चाहिमारात्खदिरस्य सारः ।
क्वाथेन तेषां घनतां गतेन तच्चूर्णयुक्ता गुटिका विधेयाः ॥ ८२ ॥
ता धारिता घ्नन्ति मुखेन नित्यं कण्टौष्ठताल्वादिगदान् सुकृच्छ्रान् । विशेषतो
Phalatraya, dvipi, kiratatikta, yastyahva, siddarthaka, katutrika, musta, the two haridra, yavasuka, vrksamla, amla grima, vetasa, barks of asvattha, jambu, amra, dhananjaya and ahimara, Khadira sara-are made into decoction and when it becomes thick, powder of the above drugs is added and (after cooling) rolled into pills. This kept in the mouth daily cures diseases of the throat, lips, palate etc. which are difficult to cure, especially the rohini, asyasosa and asyagandha. This was formulated by the king of Videha. 81-83.
खदिरातुलामम्बुघटे पक्त्वा तोयेन तेन विष्टैश्च । चन्दनजोङ्गकङ्कुङ्कुमपरिपेलववालकोर्शीरैः ॥ ८४ ॥
सुरतरुरोध्रद्राक्षामञ्जिष्ठाचोचपद्मकविडङ्गैः । स्पृक्कानतनखकट्फलसूक्ष्मैलाध्यामकैः सपत्तङ्गैः ॥ ८५ ॥
तैलप्रस्थं विपचेत् कर्षांशै: पाननस्यगण्डूषस्तत् । हत्वाऽऽस्ये सर्वगदान् जनयति गार्थी दृशं श्रुतिं च वाराहीम् ॥ ८६ ॥
One tula of khadira is boiled in one ghata of water and decoction reduced to a quarter; to this are added the paste of one karsa each of candana, jongaka, kumkuma, paripelava, valaka, usira, surataru, rodhra, draksa, manjistha, coca, padmaka, vidanga, sphrkka, nata, nakha, katphala, suks-maila, dhyamaka and pittanga and one prastha of oil and then cooked. This used for drinking (oleation therapy), nasal medication and holding in the mouth cures all diseases of the mouth, bestows vision of an eagle and voice of a boar.
उद्वर्तितं च प्रपुनाटरोध्रदार्वीभिरभ्यक्तमनेन वक्त्रम् ।
निर्व्यङ्गनीलीमुखदूषिकादि सञ्जायते चन्द्रसमानकान्ति ॥ ८७ ॥
Face anointed with this medicated oil and massaged with the powder of prapunnata, rodhra, and darvi, makes it free of black coloured patches, blue patches and pimples and bestows complexion similer to the moon. 87.
पलशतं बाणत्तोयघटे पक्त्वा रसेऽस्मिंश्च पलार्धिकैः ।
खदिरजम्बूयष्ट्यानन्ताम्रैरहिमारनीलोत्पलान्वितैः ॥ ८८ ॥
तैलप्रस्थं पाचयेच्छ्लक्ष्णपिष्टैरेभिर्द्रव्यैर्धारितं
तन्मुखेन ।
रोगान् सर्वान् हन्ति वक्त्रे विशेषात्स्थैर्यं धत्ते दन्तपङ्क्तेश्चलायाः॥ ८९॥
One hundred pala of bana is boiled in one ghata of water and decoction prepared, nice paste of half pala each of khadira, jambu, yasti, ananta, amra, ahimara and nilotpala and one prastha of oil are added and medicated oil prepared. Held in the mouth ( daily ) it cures all the diseases, and confers firmness to the shaky teeth especially. 88-89.
खदिरसाराद् द्वे तुले पचेद्वत्कात्तुलां चारिमेदसः । घटचतुष्के पादशेषेऽस्मिन् पूते पुनः क्वथनाद्धने ॥ ९० ॥
आक्षिकं क्षिपेत्सुसूक्ष्मं रजः सेव्याम्बुपत्तङ्गगैरिकम् । चन्दनद्वय ( श्यामा) रोध्रपुण्ड्राह्वयष्ट्याह्वलाक्षाञ्जनद्वयम्
धातकीकट्फलद्विनिशात्रिफलाचतुर्जातजोङ्गकम् मुस्तमीञ्जष्ठान्यग्रोधप्ररोह(वचा)मांसीयवासकम् ॥ ९१ ॥ । ॥ ९२ ॥
पद्मकैलासमङ्गाश्च शीते तस्मिंस्तथा पालिकां पृथक् । जातिपत्रिकां सजातीफलां सह ( नख) लवङ्गकङ्कोलिकाम् ॥ १३ ॥
स्फटिकशुभ्रसुरभिकर्पूरकुडवं च तत्रावपेत्ततः । कारयेद्गुटिकाः सदा चैता धार्या मुखे तद्गदापहाः ॥ ९४ ॥
Two tula of khadira sara and one tula of bark of arimeda are boiled in four ghata of water and decoction reduced to a quarter. It is filtered, boiled again and when it becomes thick, fine powder of one aksa each of sevya, ambu, pattanga, gairika, the two carndana, syama, rodhra, pundrahvaya, yasthyhava, laksa and the two anjana, dhataki, katphala, the two nisa, triphala, caturaja, jongaka, musta, manjistha, sprouts of nyagrodha, vaca marnsi yavasaka, padmaka, ela, and samanga is added. After it cools, powder of one pala each of jatipatra, jatiphala, nakha, lavanga, kankola and one kudava of karpura which is transparent as a crystal and of good smell are added and rolled into pills. This should be kept in the mouth always for the cure of all diseases. 90-94.
क्वाथ्यौषघव्यत्यययोजनेन तैलं पचेत्कल्पनयाऽनयैव । सर्वास्यरोगोधृतये तदाहुर्दन्तस्थिरत्वे त्विदमेव मुख्यम् ॥ ९५ ॥
By changing the drugs meant for decoction in the above formula to their opposite proportion (two tula of bark of arimeda and one tula of khadira sara), the other drugs meant for paste remaining the same, medicated oil should be cooked. This is able to cure all the diseases of the mouth, and is the chief to make the teeth firm. 95.
खदिरेणैता गुटिकास्तैलमिदं चारिमेदसा प्रथितम् । अनुशीलयन् प्रतिदिनं स्वस्थोऽपि दृढद्विजो भवति ॥ ९६ ॥
By making use of theses pills and medicated oil prepared from khadira (described so far ) as a habit daily, makes even a healthy person to have firm teeth. 96.
क्षुद्रागुडूचीसुमनःप्रवालदार्वीयवासत्रिफलाकषायः ।
क्षौद्रेण युक्तः कवलग्रहोऽयं सर्वामयान् वक्त्रगतान्निहन्ति ॥ ९७ ॥
Decoction of ksudra, guduci, tender leaves of sumana, darvi, yavasa and triphala mixed with honey used as mouth gargles cures all the diesases of the mouth. 97.
पाठादार्वीत्वक्कुष्ठमुस्तासमङ्गातिक्तापीतङ्गीरोध्रतेजोवतीनाम् चूर्णः सक्षौद्रो दन्तमांसार्तिकण्डूपाकस्त्रावाणां नाशनो घर्षणेन ॥ ९८ ॥
Nice powder of patha darvi tavk, kustha, musta, sama nga, tikta, pitangi, rodhra and tejovati mixed with honey and rubbed to the gums cures the pain, itching, ulceration and discharges. 98.
Kalaka churna
मुखदन्तगलविकारे सक्षौद्रः कालको विधार्यचूर्णः ॥ ९९ ॥ Grhadhuma, tarksya, patha, vyosa, ksara, agni, ayah, vara and tejohva-powdered nicely mixed with honey and applied to the mouth is ideal in diseases of the mouth, teeth and throat. This is known as kalaka curna. 99.
Pitaka churna
दार्वीत्वक्सिन्धूद्भवमनः शिलायावशूकहरितालैः
धार्य: पीतकचूर्णो दन्तास्यगलामये समध्वाज्यः ॥ १०० ॥
Bark of darvi, sindhudbhava, manahssila, yavasuka, and haritala—powdered, mixed with honey and ghee, held in the mouth cures diseases of the theeth, mouth and throat. This is pitaka curna. 100.
गोमूत्रेण विपक्का गलामयघ्नी रसक्रिया एषा ।। १०१ ॥
The two ksara, ( grha) dhumaka, vara, pancapatu (five salts), vyosa, vella, giritarksya-are cooked in cow’s urine and rasakriya (solid decoction) prepared. This cures diseases of the throat. 101.
गोमूत्रक्वथनविलीनविग्रहाणां पथ्यानां जलमिशिकुष्ठभावितानाम् ।
अत्तारं नरमणवोऽपि वक्त्ररोगाः श्रोतारं नृपमिव च स्पृशन्त्यनर्थाः ॥ १०२ ॥
Pathya are boiled in cow’s urine till they completly lose their shape (become minced) and with this thick liquid, the powder of jala, misi, and kustha, are macerated, The person who consumes even an atom of this medicine will not be troubled by diseases of the mouth just as the king by useless men.
सप्तच्छदोशीरपटोलमुस्तहरीतकीतिक्तकरोहिणीभिः यष्ट्याह्वराजद्रुमचन्दनैश्च क्वाथं पिबेत्याकहरं मुखस्य ॥ १०३ ॥
Saptacchada, usira, patola, musta haritaki, tiktarohini, yastyahva, rajadruma and candana-made into decoction should be consumed for cure of mukhapaka. 103.
पटोलशुण्ठीत्रिफलाविशालात्रायन्तितिक्ताद्विनिशामृतामनाम् । पीतः कषायो मधुना निहन्ति मुखे स्थितश्चास्यगदानशेषान् ॥ १०४ ॥
Decoction of patola sunthi, triphala, visala, trayanti, tikta, the two nisa, and amrta mixed with honey and consumed, cures all the diseases of the mouth. 104.
स्वरसः क्वथितो दार्व्या घनीभूतः सगैरिकः । आस्यस्थ:
Juice of darvi, boiled made thick, mixed with(powder of) gairika and honey rolled into pill and kept in the mouth, cures mukhapaka, danta nadi and vrana. 105.
समधुर्वकापाकनाडीव्रणापहः ॥ १०५ ॥
पटोलनिम्बयष्ट्याह्ववासाजात्यरिमेदसाम् ।
खदिरस्य वरायाश्च पृथगेवं प्रकल्पना ॥ १०६ ॥
In the same way, patola, nimba, yastyahva, vaca, jati, arimeda, khadira and vara-each seperately may be made use of. 106.
गण्डूषोऽम्बुशृतैर्धार्यो दुर्बलद्विजशान्तये ॥ १०७॥
Decoction of khadira, ayah, vara, patha, madayanti and ahimaraka should be held in the mouth for making the weak teeth firm. 107.
मुखदन्तमूलगलजाः प्रायो रोगाः कफास्त्रभूयिष्ठाः । तस्मात्तेषामसकृद् रुधिरं विस्त्रावयेद्दुष्टम् ॥ १०८ ।।
Generally disease of the mouth, root of the teeth and throat are predominantly kapha and asra (blood) in origin. So in these diseases vitiated blood should be eliminate out quickly. 108.
कायशिरसोर्विरेको वमनं कवलग्रहाश्च कटुतिक्ताः । प्रायः शस्तं तेषां कफरक्तहरं तथा कर्म ॥१०९ ।।
Purgation (therapy) of the body and of the head, emesis, mouth gargles with liquids of pungent and bitter taste and therapies which mitigates kapha and rakta (blood) are beneficial in their treatment. 109.
यवतृणधान्यं भक्तं विदलैः क्षारोषितैरपस्नेहाः ।
यूषा भक्ष्याश्च हिता यच्चान्यच्छ्लेष्मनाशाय ॥ ११० ।।
Food prepared with yava and trna dhanya, yusa (soup) and eatables prepared from pulses which are washed in alkali water and removed of/devoid of fat and such others which mitigate kapha are suitable. 110
प्राणानिलपथसंस्थाः श्वसितमपि निरुन्धते प्रमादवतः । कण्ठामयाश्चिकित्सितमतो द्रुतं तेषु तेषु कुर्वीत ॥ १११ ॥
Diseases of the throat, because of their remaining in the path of prana vata, by neglegence may even cause obstruction to breathing; hence these should be treated imme111. diately.
इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने मुखरोगप्रतिषेधो नाम द्वाविंशोऽध्यायः ॥ २२ ॥
Thus ends the chapter-Mukharoga pratisedha-the twenty second in Uttarasthana of Astangadrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.