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ashtanga hridayaMUKHA ROGA VIJNANIYA - Knowledge of diseases of the mouth - Ashtanga...

MUKHA ROGA VIJNANIYA – Knowledge of diseases of the mouth – Ashtanga Hridaya Chapter 21

अथातो मुखरोगविज्ञानीयं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter Mukharoga vijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of the mouth; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Mukha roga Nidana-causes

मात्स्यमाहिषवाराहपिशितामकमूलकम् माषसूपदधिक्षीरसुक्तेक्षुरसफाणितम् ॥१॥

अवाकशय्यां च भजतो द्विषतो दन्तधावनम् । धूमच्छर्दनगण्डूषानुचितं च सिराव्यधम् ॥ २ ॥

क्रुद्धाः श्लेष्मोल्बणा दोषाः कुर्वन्त्यन्तर्मुखं गदान् ।

Partaking meat of fish, buffalo and boar, uncooked mulaka; (greater indulgence ) in soup of masa, dadhi ( cuds ) ksira (milk) sukta (fermented gruel) juice of sugarcane and phanita (half-cooked molassess ) , sleeping with the face down, not cleaning the teeth daily, improper adminstration of therapies like inhalation, emesis, mouth gargles and venesection etc.-by these causes the dosas with the predonimance of slesma (kapha) get aggravated and produc diseases inside the mouth. 1-3a.

Ostha rogas – diseases of the lips


तत्र खण्डौष्ट इत्युक्तो वातेनौष्ठो द्विधा कृतः ॥ ३ ॥

Among those, khandostha is splitting of the lips into two parts and is caused by vata. 3b.


ओष्ठकोपे तु पवनात् स्तब्धावोष्ठौ महारुजौ । दाल्येते परिपाट्येते परुषासितकर्कशौ ॥ ४ ॥

पित्तात्तीक्ष्णासहौ पीतौ सर्षपाकृतिभिश्चितौ । पिटिकाभिर्बहुक्लेदावाशुपाकौ कफात्पुनः ॥५॥

शीतासहौ गुरू शूनौ सवर्णपिटिकाचितौ । सन्निपातादनेकाभौ अकस्मान्म्लानसंशूनरुजौ दुर्गन्धास्रावपिच्छिलौ ॥ ६ ॥ विषमपाकिनौ ।

In osthakopa caused by pavana (vata) the lips are rigid, very painful, as though splitting and bursting, are rough, black and dry.

In that caused by pitta the lips are angry red, intolerant of touch, studded with eruption which are yellow resembleing mustard seeds, full of fluid and suppurating/ulcerating quickly.

In that due to kapha, the lips are cold, do not tolerate cold, heavy, swollen and studded with eruptions of the same colour (as of the lips).

In that caused by sannipata, the eruptions are of many kinds, discharging fluid of foul smell and slimy, sometimes these are lustreless, swollen, painful and ulcerating irregu larly (ulcerating in some places and not so in some other). 4-7a.

रक्तोपसृष्टौ रुधिरं स्त्रवतः शोणितप्रभौ ॥७॥ खर्जूरसदृशं चात्र क्षीणे रक्तेऽर्बुदं भवेत् ।

मांसपिण्डोपमौ मांसात्स्यातां मूर्च्छत्कृमी क्रमात् ॥ ८ ॥

In that caused by association of blood, the lips have bleeding, resemble blood (in colour) appear like the Kharjura (date fruit) after the blood is shed and gives rise to arbuda (tumour). 7b-8.

तैलाभ्श्वयथुक्लेदौ सकण्ड्वौ मेदसा मृदू

In that caused by association of fat tissue, the lips develop swelling which is oily ( in colour) moist, itching and soft. 9a.

क्षतजाववदीर्येते पाट्येते चासकृत्पुनः ॥९॥ ग्रथितौ च पुनः स्यातां कण्डूलौ दशनच्छदौ ।

In that caused by ksata ( injury ) the lips are torn, split, knotted, swollen and having itching. 9b-10a.


जलबुद्बुदवद्वातकफादोष्ठे जलार्बुदम् ॥ १० ॥

From vatakapha arises jalarbuda which resemble a bubble of water. 10b.


गण्डालजी स्थिर: शोफो गण्डे दाहज्वरान्वितः । Gandalaji is a static ( immovable ) swelling in the cheek, accompanied with burning sensation and fever. 11a.

Danta roga-diseases of the teeth

Sitadanta or Dalana

वातादुष्णसहा दन्ताः शीतस्पर्शेऽधिकव्यथाः ॥ ११ ॥ दाल्यन्त इव शूलेन शीताख्यो दालनश्च सः ।

From vata, is produced the diseases known as sitadanta or dalana in which the teeth tolerate only hot things, causes severe pain by the touch of cold things the pain appearing as though splitting the teeth. 11b-12a.


दन्तहर्षे प्रवाताम्लशीतभक्षाक्षमा द्विजाः ॥ १२ ॥ भवन्त्यम्लाशनेनेव सरुजाश्चलिता इव ।

In dantaharsa the teeth become intolerant (cold) to breeze, sour and cold eatables, painful and feel to be loose, caused by eating of (too much of ) sour thing only. 12b-13a.


दन्तभेदे द्विजास्तोदभेदरुक्स्फुटनान्विताः ॥ १३॥

In dantabheda, the teeth are having pricking, cutting and bursting like pains. 13b.



Dantacala is shaking of the teeth, causing severe pain during eating. 14a.

Karala danta

करालस्तु करालानां दशनानां समुद्रमः ॥ १४ ॥

Karala danta is eruption of teeth in ugly improper way.


दन्तोऽधिकोऽधिदन्ताख्यः स चोक्तः खलु वर्धनः । जायमानेऽतिरुग् दन्ते, जाते तत्र तु शाम्यति ॥ १५ ॥

Adhidanta also known as vardhana is eruption of extra teeth, pain severe during eruption and subside after eruption. 15.

Danta sarkara, Kapalikaअधावनान्मलो दन्ते कफो वा वातशोषितः ।

पूतिगन्धिः स्थिरीभूतः शर्करा साऽप्युपेक्षिता ॥ १६ ॥ शातयत्यणुशो दन्तात्कपालानि कपालिका |

Accumilation of dirt on the teeth by not cleaning them (daily) or of kapha dehydrated by vata, adhereing to the teeth, becoming hard and emitting bad odour, this is known as ( danta) sarkara. This neglected makes the crown of the teeth fall of little by little. This disease is kapalika. 16-17a.


श्यावः श्यावत्वमायातो रक्तपित्तानिलैर्द्विजः ॥ १७ ॥ In syavadanta, caused by rakta, pitta and vata, the teeth assume blue (black) colour. 17b.

Dantamamsa roga-diseases of the gums


समूलं दन्तमाश्रित्य दोषैरुल्बणमारुतैः । शोषिते मज्ज्ञि सुषिरे दन्तेऽन्नमलपूरिते ॥ १८ ॥

पूतित्वात्कृमयः सूक्ष्मा जायन्ते, जायते ततः । अहेतुतीव्रार्तिशमः ससंरम्भोऽसितश्चलः ॥ १९ ॥

प्रलूनः पूयरक्तस्त्रुत् स चोक्तः कृमिदन्तकः ।

The dosas with the predominance of maruta (vata) undergoing increase, invade the teeth along with its root dries up the marrow, creates a cavity into which the waste products of the food fill up; because of the putrefaction, minute (invisible) warms develop inside; severe pain appears and disappear without any reason, there is swelling, black coluration, shaking of the teeth, and discharge of pus and blood on shaking. This diseases is krmidantaka. 18-20a.


श्लेष्मरक्तेन पूतीनि वहन्त्यस्त्रमहेतुकम् ॥ २० ॥ शीर्यन्ते दन्तमांसानि मृदुक्लिन्नासितानि च । शीतादोऽसौ

By aggravation of slesma ( kapha ) and rakta, the gums discharge blood without any reason, become torn, softspongy and black. This is known as sitada. 20-21a


उपकुश: पाक: पित्तासृगुद्भवः ॥ २१ ॥

दन्तमांसानि दह्यन्ते रक्तान्युत्सेधवन्त्यतः । कण्डूमन्ति स्त्रवन्त्यस्त्रमाध्यन्तेऽसृजि स्थिते ॥ २२ ॥

चला मन्दरुजो दन्ता पूति वक्त्रं च जायते ।

Upakusa is ulceration arising from (aggravation of) pitta, and asrk (blood), the gums have burning sensation, are red, swollen, itching; exude blood, gets distended after the bleeding stops; teeth are shaky, slightly painful and the month emits bad odour. 21b-23a.

Danta pupputa

दन्तयोस्त्रिषु वा शोफो बदरास्थिनिभो घनः ॥ २३ ॥ कफास्त्रात्तीव्ररुक् शीघ्रं पच्यते दन्तपुप्पुटः ।

Thick swelling like the stone of a badara fruit, (hard, round) of two or three teeth, with severe pain and quick ripening-are the features of the diseases danta puppta caused by aggravated kapha and asra (blood). 23b-24a.

Danta vidradhi

दन्तमांसे मलैः सास्त्रैर्बाह्यान्तः श्वयथुर्गुरुः ॥ २४ ॥ सरुग्दाहः स्रवेद्भिन्नः पूयास्रं दन्तविद्रधिः ।

Big swelling either outside or inside the gums, caused by all the dosas together with blood, accompanied with pain, burning sensation and discharging pus and blood after bursting. This is Danta vidradhi. 24b-25a.

Susira- Mahasusira

श्वयतुर्दन्तमूलेषु रुजावान् पित्तरक्तजः ॥ २५ ॥

लालास्त्रावी स सुषिरो दन्तमांसप्रशातनः । स सन्निपाताज्जवरवान् सपूयुधिरस्स्रुतिः ॥ २६ ॥

महासुषिर इत्युक्तो विशीर्णद्विजबन्धनः ।

Painful swelling at the root of the teeth caused by aggra vated pitta and rakta, associated with too much of saliva and falling off of the gums. This disease is Susira, the same caused by sannipata (aggravation of all the dosas simultaneously) accompanied with fever, discharge of pus and blood and causing loosening of the joint of the theeth is known as Mahasusira. 25b-27a.


दन्तान्ते कीलवच्छोफो हनुकर्णरुजाकरः ॥ २७॥ प्रतिहन्त्यभ्यवहृतिं श्लेष्मणा सोऽधिमांसकः ।

Swelling resembling a nail at the end of the (row of) teeth causing pain in the lower jaw, and ears and obstructing the food (during swallowing) is known as Adhimamsaka and is caused by kapha. 27b-28a.


घृष्टेषु दन्तमांसेषु संरम्भो जायते महान् ॥ २८ ॥ यस्मिंश्चलन्ति दन्ताश्च स विदर्भोऽभिघातजः ।

The gums getting scratching (during brushing of the teeth) giving rise to profound swelling and shaking of the teeth. This disease known as Vidarbha is due to trauma. 28b-29a.


दन्तमांसाश्रितान् रोगान् यः साध्यानप्युपेक्षते ॥ २९ ॥

अन्तस्तस्यास्त्रवन् दोषः सूक्ष्माः सञ्जनयेद्गतिम् । पूयं मुहुः स्रवति त्वड्मांसास्थिप्रभेदिनी ॥ ३० ॥

ताः पुनः पञ्च विज्ञेया लक्षणैः स्वैर्यथोदितैः ।

He ( the patient) who genlects even the curable diseases of the gums in such a patient the dosas remaining inside, not coming out, create minute fissures, pus comes out of these often, the skin, muscles and bones get destroyed; these nadi ( fissures) are of five kinds, having the features of the dosas respectively. 29b-31a.

Jihva roga-diseases of the tongue

Dosa dusta jihva

शाकपत्रखरा सुप्ता स्फुटिता वातदूषिता ॥ ३१ ॥

जिह्वा पित्तात् सदाहोषा रक्तैर्मांसाङ्कुरैश्चिता । शाल्मलीकण्टकाभैस्तु कफेन बहलां गुरुः ॥ ३२॥

The tongue becoming rough like the leaf of saka tree, having loss of sensation (of taste ) and cracked/fissured is vitiated by vata, that vitiated by pitta has burning sensation, feeling of heat and studded with red muscular eruptions; that vitiated by kapha, has elevations like the throns of a salmali tree, becomes thick and heavy. 31b-32.


कफपित्तादधः शोफो जिह्वास्तम्भकृदुन्नतः । मत्स्यगन्धिर्भवेत्पक्वः सोऽलसो

मांसशातनः ॥ ३३ ॥ A raised swelling, underneath of the tongue, caused by kapha and pitta, causing rigidity ( loss of movement) of the tongue, emitting fishy smell after ripening and causing denudation of the muscle; this diseases is Alasa. 33.


प्रबन्धनेऽधो जिह्वायाः शोफो जिह्वाग्रसन्निभः ।

साङ्करः कफपित्तास्त्रैर्लालोषास्तम्भवान् खरः ॥ ३४ ॥

अधिजिह्वः सरुक्कण्डूर्वाक्याहारविघातकृत् ।

A swelling resembling the tip to the tongue, developing under the root of the (binding septum) tongue studded with sprouts, leading to more of salivation, feeling of heat, loss of movement, rough on touch, painful, itching and obstructing speaking and swallowing of food. This disease called Adhijihva is caused by kapha, pitta and asra (blood). 34-35a. Upajihva—

तादृगेवोपजिह्वस्तु जिह्वाया उपरि स्थितः ॥ ३५॥

A similar one developing over the tongue is known as Upajihva. 35b.

Talu roga-diseased of the palate


तालुमांसेऽनिलाद्दुष्टे पिटिकाः सरुजः खराः | बढ्योघनाः स्त्रावयुतास्तास्तालुपिटिकाः स्मृताः ॥ ३६॥

Eruptions on the muscle of the palate, painful, rough, multiple, exuding thick fluid are known as Talupitika and caused by aggravated anila (vata). 36.


तालुमूले कफात्सास्त्रात् मत्स्यबस्तिनिभो मृदुः । प्रलम्ब: पिच्छिल: शोफो नासयाऽऽहारमीरयन् ॥ ३७॥

कण्ठोपरोधतृट्कासवमिकृत् गलशुण्डिका ।

A swelling caused by kapha developing in the root of the palate, resembling the urinary bladder of the fish, soft, elongated, slimy, causing obstruction to the throat, making particles of food to come out through the nose, producing thirst, 37-38a. cough and vomiting, this diseases is Galasundika.


तालुमध्ये निरुड्मांसं संहतं तालुसंहतिः ॥ ३८ ॥

painless growth of muscle tissue in the middle of the palate is Talusamhati. 38b.

Talu arbuda

पद्माकृतिस्तालुमध्ये रक्ताच्छ्यथुरर्बुदम् ।

A swelling caused by vitiated blood in the middle of the palate, resembling lotus flower is Arbuda. 39a.


कच्छप: कच्छपाकारश्चिरवृद्धिः कफादरुक् ॥ ३९ ॥

Kacchapa is a swelling resembling the tortoise shell developing slowly and painless, it is caused by kapha. 39b. Talu pupputa

कोलाभ: श्लेष्ममेदोभ्यां पुप्पुटो नीरुजः स्थिरः

From kapha and medas (fat) arises Talupupputa, a swelling resembling kola fruit, painless and static.


पित्तेन पाकः पाकाख्यः पूयास्त्रावी महारुजः ॥ ४० ॥

From pitta arises the diseases known as Talupaka, which is a paka ( ulcer) discharging pus and very painful. 40b.


वातपित्तज्वरायासैस्तालुशोषस्तदाह्वयः ।

Talusosa arises from vata, pitta with fever and exertion.

Kantha rohini

जिह्वाप्रबन्धजाः कण्ठे दारुणा मार्गरोधिनः ॥ ४१ ॥ मांसाङ्कराः शीघ्रचया रोहिणी शीघ्रकारिणी ।

Sprouts of muscles, at the root of the tongue in the throat, unbearable, obstructing the passage of the throat, developing (and progressing) fast and killing the patient quickly is called Rohini. 41b-42a.

कण्ठास्यशोषकृद्वातात् सा हनुश्रोत्ररुक्करी ॥ ४२ ॥

पित्ताज्ज्वरोषातृण्मोहकण्ठधूमायनान्विता । क्षिप्रजा क्षिप्रपाकाऽतिरागिणी स्पर्शनासहा ॥ ४३ ॥

कफेन पिच्छिला पाण्डुः असृजा स्फोटकाचिता । तप्ताङ्गरनिभा कर्णरुक्करी पित्तजाकृतिः॥४४॥

गम्भीरषाका निचयात् सर्वलिङ्गसमन्विता ।

If vata is predominant if (rohini) causes dryness of the throat and mouth and pain in the lower jaw and ears. If pitta is predominant, there is fever, feeling of a heat, thirst, delusion, feeling of hot fumes coming out of the throat, developing fast, ripening quick, very red in appearance, and does not tolerate touch ( tenderness ). If kapha is predominant it is slimy, and pale; when arisen from blood, it is studded with eruptions/blebs resembling burning coal, produces, pain in the ears and has other features of that type caused by pitta. That arising from all the dosas, undergoes ripening deep inside and presents the features of all the dosas simultaneously. 42b-45a.

Kantha saluka

दोषैः कफोल्बणैः शोफ: कोलवद् ग्रथितोन्नतः ॥ ४५ ॥ शूककण्टकवत्कण्ठे शालूको मार्गरोधनः ।

Arising from all the dosas with the predominance of kapha, a swelling in the throat resembling a kola fruit, tumour like, elevated, creating a feeling of presence of spikes and thorns in the throat and obstructing the passage; this disease is called Saluka. 45b-46a.


वृन्दो वृत्तोन्नतो दाहज्वरकृद् गलपार्श्वगः ॥ ४६॥

Vrnda is round, elevated mass, at the side of the throat giving rise to burning sensation and fever.


हनुसन्ध्याश्रितः कण्ठे कार्पासीफलसन्निभः। पिच्छिलो मन्दरुक् शोफः कठिनस्तुण्डिकेरिका ॥ ४७ ॥

A swelling in the throat located at the meeting place of the lower jaw, resembling the fruit of a karpasa, slimy, with mild pain and hard to touch, this is known as Tundikerika.


बाह्यन्तः श्वयथुर्घोरो गलमार्गार्गलोपमः । गलौघो मूर्द्धगुरुतातन्द्रालालाज्वरप्रदः ॥ ४८ ॥

Profound swelling both outside and inside the throat, remaining like a bolt in the passage of the throat, producing heaviness of the head, stupor, more of salivation and fever; this diseases is Galaugha. 48.


वलयं नातिरुक् शोफस्तद्वदेवायतोन्नतः ।

Valaya is a similar kind of swelling, of the same shape (of valaya or ring) not very painful, and of similar width and elevation. 49a.


मांसकीलो गले दोषैरेकोऽनेकोऽथवाऽल्परुक् ।। ४९ ।। कृच्छ्रोच्छ्वासाभ्यवहृतिः पृथुमूलो गिलायुकः ।

Sprouts of muscle, one or more in the throat, with either more pain or less pain, causing difficulty in breathing and swallowing and with thick root, is known as Gilayuka and caused by all the dosas. 49b-50a.


तीव्रतृड्ज्वरमूर्द्धरुक् ॥ ५० ॥ भूरिमांसाङ्करवृता शतघ्नी निचिता वर्तिः शतघ्नीवातिरुक्करी ।

An accumulation ( elevation ) like a wick (thick roll of cloth) studded with multiple sprouts of muscle tissue, accompanied with severe thirst, fever and headache and causing very severe pain like the sataghni (a weapon used in war, a club with plenty of sharp spikes). This disease is called as Sataghni. 50b-51a.


व्याप्तसर्वगलः शीघ्रजन्मपाको महारुजः ॥ ५१ ॥ श्वयथुर्गलविद्रधिः । पूतिपूयनिभस्त्रावी

A swelling occupying the entire throat, developing and ripening quickly, having severe pain, discharge fluid of bad smell resembling pus, is Galavidradhi. 51b-52a.


जिह्वावसाने कण्ठादावपाकं श्वयथुं मलाः ॥ ५२ ॥ जनयन्ति स्थिरं रक्तं नीरुजं तद्गलार्बुदम् ।

All the dosas together produce a swelling at the root of the tongue and beginning of the throat, which does not ripen (suppurate ) is static, red in colour and painless, this is Galarbuda. 52b-53a.


पवनश्लेष्ममेदोभिर्गलगण्डो भवेद्बहिः । वर्धमानः स कालेन मुष्कवल्लम्बतेऽतिरुक् ॥ ५३॥

Galaganda arises from vata-kapha and medas, outside the throat (on the sides of the neck), growing in size in course of time it hangs like the scrotum and causes severe pain. 53.

कृष्णोऽरुणो वा तोदाढ्यः स वातात्कृष्णराजिमान् ।

वृद्धस्तालुगले शोषं कुर्याच्च विरसास्यताम् ॥ ५४ ॥

If in its production vata is predominant the ganda (tumour) is blackish or light red, has severe pricking pain and black lines on it; when full grown it causes dryness of the palate and throat and bad taste in the mouth. 54.

स्थिरः सवर्णः कण्डूमान् शीतस्पर्शो गुरुः कफात् । घृद्धस्तालुगले लेपं कुर्याच्च मधुरास्यताम् ॥ ५५ ॥

If kapha is predominant the tumour is static, of the same colour if the skin, has itching, cold to touch, heaviness, when full grown it causes coating of the palate and the throat and sweet taste in the mouth. 55. मेदसः श्लेष्मवद्धानिवृद्धयोः सोऽनुविधीयते ।

देहं वृद्धश्च कुरुते गले शब्दं स्वरेऽल्पताम् ॥ ५६ ॥

If medas (fat) is predominant, the tumour has features similar to that of kapha origin, imitates the body in its development and regression; when full grown gives rise to abnormal sound in the throat and less sound of the voice. 56. Svaraha

श्लेष्मरुद्धाऽनिलगतिः शुष्ककण्ठो हतस्वरः । ताम्यन् प्रसक्तं श्वसिति येन च स्वरहाऽनिलात् ॥ ५७ ॥

Movement of vata hindered by kapha, dryness of the throat, loss of voice, loss of consciousness and obstrction to breathing are the features of the disease-Svaraha which is caused by anila (vata). 57.

Mukha paka

करोति वदनस्यान्तर्व्रणान् सर्वसरोऽनिलः । सञ्चारिणोऽरुणान् रूक्षानोष्ठौ ताम्रौ चलत्वचौ ॥ ५८ ॥ जिह्वा शीतासहा गुर्वी स्फुटिता कण्टकाचिता । विवृणोति च कृच्छ्रेण मुखं पाको मुखस्य सः ॥ ५९ ॥ Anila (vata) moving throughout the interior of the mouth gives rise to ulcers which shift from place to place, dry make the lips coppery red and looseness of the skin, the tongue becomes intolerant to cold, feels heavy, cracked and feels as though full of thorns; there is difficulty to open the mouth-this is Mukhapaka. 58-59.

मुखस्य पित्तजे पाके दाहोषे तिक्तवक्त्रता । क्षारोक्षितक्षतसमा ब्रणा: तद्वच्च रक्तजे ॥६० ॥

कफजे मधुरास्यत्वं कण्डूमत्पिच्छिला व्रणाः । मुखपाको भवेत्सास्त्रैः सर्वैः सर्वाकृतिर्मलैः ॥ ६१॥

पूत्यास्यता च तैरेव दन्तकाष्ठादिविद्विषः ।

In mukhapaka caused by pitta, there is burning sensation, feeling of heat, bitter taste in the mouth and the ulcers resemble those caused by application of caustic alkalies; that caused by rakta (blood) is also similar in its features; in that born from kapha, there is sweet taste in the mouth, itching and sliminess of the ulcers. Mukhapaka caused by all the dosas associated with blood will have all the features together. Putyasyata—bad smell in the mouth — is also caused by these (dosas) only in those who hate the tooth brush (cleasning the teeth). 60-62a.

अधः प्रतिहतो वायुरर्शोगुल्मकफादिभिः ॥ ६२॥ यात्यूर्ध्वं वक्त्रदौर्गन्ध्यं कुर्बन्नूर्ध्वगुदस्तु सः ।

Vata getting obstructed in its downwards movement in the rectum by piles, abdominal tumors, kapha etc. begins to move upwards producing bad smell (faecal smell) in the mouth. This is called as Urdhvaguda. 62b-63a. Mukharbuda

अन्तः कपोलमाश्रित्य श्यावपाण्डु कफोऽर्बुदम् ॥ ६३ ॥

कुर्यात्तद् घट्टितं छिन्नं मृदितं च विवर्धते । Kapha aggravated and getting localised inside the cheeks gives rise to arbuda (big tumour) which is blue and pale yellow in colour, growing again even after beating, cutting or sqeezing it. 63b-64a.

ओष्ठे गण्डे द्विजे मूले जिह्वायां तालुके गले ॥ ६४ ॥

वक्त्रे सर्वत्र चेत्युक्ताः पञ्चसप्ततिरामयाः । एकादशैको दश च त्रयोदश तथा च षट् ॥ ६५ ॥ अष्टावष्टादशाष्टौ च क्रमात्

Thus were described seventyfive diseases, pertaining to the lips, cheeks, teeth, gums, tongue, palate, throat and mouth eleven, one, ten, thirteen, six, eight, eighteen and 64b- 66a. eight respectively, in that order.

तेष्वनुपक्रमाः । जालाद्विना ॥ ६६ ॥

करालो मांसरक्तौष्ठावर्बुदानि कच्छपस्तालुपिटिका गलौधः सुषिरो महान् ।

स्वरघ्नोर्ध्वगुदश्यावशतघ्नीवलयालसाः ॥६७॥

नाड्योष्ठकोपौ निचयात्, रक्तात्सर्वैश्च रोहिणी । दशने स्फुटिते दन्तभेदः, पक्नोपजिह्निका ॥ ६८ ॥

गलगण्ड: स्वरभ्रंशी कृच्छ्रोच्छ्वासोऽतिवत्सरः । Among these the following are incurable; karala (dantaroga) mansa-ostha, raktostha and arbuda except jalarbuda (ostha roga), kacchapa, talupitika (taluroga), mahasusira (danta roga), svaraghna (gala roga ), urdhva guda (mukha roga), syava (dantaroga), sataghni and valaya (kantha roga), alasa ( jihva roga) , nadi ( danta mula roga), osthakopa caused by all the dosas together (ostharoga), rohini caused by rakta and by all the dosas (Kantha roga) dantabheda (danta roga) in which the tooth has been chipped off / cracked, upajihvaka (jihvaroga) which has ripened (suppurated / ulcerated) galaganda (tumour in the sides of the neck) which has caused hoarseness, difficulty in breathing and which has persisted for many years. 66b-69a.

९ ॥ भेदश्च शेषान् शस्त्रौषधैर्जयेत् ॥ ६ याप्यस्तु हर्षो

(Danta) Harsa and bheda ( dantaroga) are yapya (controllable but persist for long time); the remaining should be 69b. cured treated by surgical and medicinal treatments.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे

उत्तरस्थाने मुखरोगविज्ञानीयो नामैकविंशोऽध्यायः ॥ २१ ॥

Thus ends the chapter-Mukharoga vijnaniya-the twentyfirst in Uttarasthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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