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ashtanga hridayaVIRECHANA KALPA - Purgative recipes - Ashtang Hriday Chapter – 2

VIRECHANA KALPA – Purgative recipes – Ashtang Hriday Chapter – 2

अथातो विरेचनकल्पं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter Virechana kalpa preparation of purgative recipes; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Trivrit-syama kalpa – recipes of trivrit and syama

अथ त्रिवृच्छ्यामयोः कल्पः ।

कषायमधुरा रूक्षा विपाके कटुका त्रिवृत् । कफपित्तप्रशमनी रौक्ष्याच्चानिलकोपनी

Trivrt is astringent, sweet, dry, pungent at the end of digestion mitigates kapha and pitta and causes increases of anila (vata) by its dryness. 1.

॥ १ ॥ सेदानीमौषधैर्युक्ता वातपित्तकफापहैः।

कल्पवैशेष्यमासाद्य जायते सर्वरोगजित् ॥ २ ॥

This, when combined with drugs which mitigate vata, pitta and kapha, prepared in different kinds of recipes, becomes capable of curing all diseases. 2.

द्विधा ख्यातं च तन्मूलं श्यामं श्यामाऽरुणं त्रिवृत् । त्रिवृदाख्यं वरतरं निरपायं सुखं तयोः ॥ ३ ॥

सुकुमारे शिशौ वृद्धे मृदुकोष्ठे च तद्धितम् । मूर्च्छासम्मोहहृत्कण्ठकषणक्षणनप्रदम् ॥४॥

श्यामं तीक्ष्णाशुकारित्वादतस्तदपि शस्यते । करे कोष्ठे बहौ दोषे क्लेशक्षमिणि चातुरे ॥ ५ ॥

Its root is known to be of two kinds of a) syama (blue ) (known as syama) and b) syamaruna (bluish red) known as trivrt. Among the two that known as trivrt is very good, harmless and easy ( to administer), best for persons of tender constitution, children, the aged and for those have soft bowels.

Syama variety produces fainting, delusion, scratching sensation in the region of the heart and throat and also ulcerations (in the throat); by its properties like penetrating and quick action; even this is best suited for patients who have hard bowels great increase of the dosas and who can with stand the fatigue ( of purgations). 3-5.

गम्भीरानुगतं श्लक्ष्णमतिर्यग्विसृतं च यत् । गृहीत्वा विसृजेत्काष्ठं त्वचं शुष्कां निधापयेत् ॥ ६ ॥

The roots which are deep inside, smooth, not spread sidewards should be gathered, the bark of the root collected and the pith (of the root) discarded, the bark is then dried and preserved. 6.

अथ काले ततश्चर्णं किञ्चिन्नागरसैन्धवम् । वातामये पिबेदम्लैः पैत्ते साज्यसितामधु ॥ ७ ॥

क्षीरद्राक्षेक्षुकाश्मर्यस्वादुस्कन्धवरारसैः । पीलुरसमूत्रमद्याम्लकाञ्जिकैः ॥ ८ ॥

कफामये पञ्चकोलादिचूर्णैश्च युक्त्या युक्तं कफापहैः |

Next, at the proper time, its powder mixed with little quantity of nagara and saindhava is consumed followed by any sour liquid as an afterdrink, in diseases caused by vata. In diseases caused by pitta it is consumed mixed with ghee, sugar and honey followed by driking of milk, juice of draksa, iksu, kasmarya, drugs of the groups of sweet taste (vide, chapter 10 of sutrasthana) of juice (decoction) of vara. In diseases of kapha origin, it is consumed mixed with the powder of pancakola, followed by drinking of juice of pilu, cow’s urine, sour gruel or such others which mitigate kapha. 7-9a.

त्रिवृत्कल्ककषायाभ्यां साधितः ससितो हिमः ॥ ९ ॥ मधुत्रिजातसंयुक्तो लेहो हृद्यं विरेचनम् ।

Leha (confection) prepared from the paste and decoction of trivrt and sugar added with honey and trijata; after it gets cool, is a cordial purgative. 9b-10a.

अजगन्धा तवक्षीरी विदारी शर्करा त्रिवृत् ॥ १० ॥

चूर्णितं मधुसर्पिय लीढ्वा साधु विरिच्यते । सन्निपातज्वरस्तम्भपिपासादाहपीडितः ॥११॥

Ajagandha, tavaksiri, vidari, sarkara and trivrt powdered nicely and consumed along with honey and ghee produces easy purgations in sannipata jvara (fever caused by the increase of all the three dosas together), stiffness of the body parts, thirst and burning sensation. 10b-11.

लिम्पेदन्तस्त्रिवृतया द्विधाकृत्वेक्षुगण्डिकाम् । एकीकृत्य च तत्स्विन्नं पुटपाकेन भक्षयेत् ॥ १२ ॥

A piece of sugarcane is split and the powder of trivrt filled into the cane, then slices of cane bound together and cooked in the putapaka method (bound slices are enveloped with leaves, given a coating of mud; after it dries, it is placed inside heap of burning coal for a few minutes and removed out when it becomes red hot). After it cools the coatings are removed and the cooked cane is chewed. 12.

भृङ्गैलाभ्यां समा नीली तैत्रिवृत्तैश्च शर्करा | चूर्णं फलरसक्षौद्रसक्तुभिस्तर्पणं पिबेत् ॥ १३ ॥

वातपित्तकफोत्थेषु रोगेष्वल्पानलेषु च । नरेषु सुकुमारेषु निरपायं विरेचनम् ॥ १४ ॥

Nili, equal in quantity with bhrnga ( tvak) end ela, and trivrt equal to these three and sugar equal to all are added, powdered nicely, made into a tarpana ( satiating drink) by adding fruit juices, honey and flour ( of yava). This a harmless purgative in diseases arising from vata, pitta and kapha, for those who have weak digestive activity and those of tender constitution. 13-14.

विडङ्गतण्डुलवरायावशूककणास्त्रिवृत् । सर्वतोऽर्धेन तल्लीढं मध्वाज्येन गुडेन वा ॥ १५ ॥

गुल्मं प्लीहोदरं कासं हलीमकमरोचकम् । कफवातकृतांश्चान्यान् परिमार्ष्टि गदान् बहून् ॥ १६ ॥

Seeds of vidanga, vara, yavasuka, ( ears of barley) -all equal in quantity and kana and trivrt half of the total (of all others) powdered and licked with honey and ghee or jaggery (treacle) wards off abdominal tumours, enlargement of the abdomen due to spleen, cough, halimaka ( advanced stage of jaundice), loss of taste/appetite and many other diseases produced by kapha vata. 15-16.

Kalyanaka guda

विडङ्गपिप्पलीमूलत्रिफलाधान्यचित्रकान् ॥१७॥

मरीचेन्द्रयवाजाजीपिप्पलीहस्तिपिप्पलीः दीप्यकं पञ्चलवणं चूर्णितं कार्षिकं पृथक् । चाष्टपलोन्मितौ ॥ १८ ॥

तिलतैलत्रिवृच्चूर्णभागौ धात्रीफलरसप्रस्थांस्त्रीन् गुडार्ध तुलान्वितान् । पक्त्वा मृद्वग्निना खादेत्ततो मात्रामयन्त्रणः ॥ १९ ॥

कुष्ठार्श: कामलागुल्ममेहोदरभगन्दरान् । ग्रहणीपाण्डुरोगांश्च हन्ति पुंसवनश्च सः ॥ २० ॥ गुड: कल्याणको नाम सर्वेष्वृतुषु यौगिकः ।

One karsa, each of vidanga, pippalimula, triphala, dhanya, citraka, marica, indrayava, ajaji, pippali, hastipippali, dipyaka and panca lavana (five salts) are powdered, added with eight pala each of tila taila, and powder of trivrt, three prastha of juice of dhatriphala and half tula of guda (treacle/ jaggery) all these are cooked over mild fire (to form a confection). It is to be consumed in the prescribed dose without adhering to any controls (of diet or activities). It cures leprosy, haemorrhoids, jaundice, abdominal tumours, dibetes, enlargement of the abdomen, fistula-in-ano, disease of the duodenum and aneamia, acts as a pumsavana (recipe to bedget male child). This Kalyanaka guda is suitable in all 17-21a. seasons.

Avipattikara yoga

व्योषत्रिजातकाम्भोदकृमिघ्नामलकैस्त्रिवृत् ॥२१॥

सर्वैः समाः समसिताः क्षौद्रेण गुटिकाः कृताः । मूत्रकृच्छ्रज्वरच्छर्दिकासशोषभ्रमक्षये ॥ २२ ॥

तापे पाण्ड्वामयेऽल्पेऽग्नौ शस्ताः सर्वविषेषु च । अविपत्तिरयं योगः प्रशस्तः पित्तरोगिणाम् ॥ २३ ॥

and Vyosa, trijataka, ambhoda, krimighna, amalaka trivrt-all equal in quantity mixed with sugar equal to the total of all (are powdered well) and rolled into bolus making use of honey. It is best suited in dysuria, fever, vomiting, cough, consumption, giddiness, emaciation, burning sensation, anaemia, weak digestion and all kinds of poisons. This recipe known as Avipattikara yoga is ideal for patients of diseases caused by pitta. 21b-23.

त्रिवृता कौटजं बीजं पिप्पली विश्वभेषजम् । क्षौद्रद्राक्षारसोपेतं वर्षाकाले विरेचनम् ॥ २४ ॥

Trivrt, seeds of kutaja, pippali, visvabhesaja mixed with honey and juice of draksa is a purgative in varsa (rainy season). 24.

त्रिवृद्दुरालभामुस्तशर्करोदीच्यचन्दनम् ।

द्राक्षाम्बुना सयष्ट्याह्नसातलं जलदात्यये ॥ २५ ॥

Trivrt, duralabha, musta, sarkara, udicya, candana, yastyahva and satala consumed along with juice of draksa is suitable in autumn. 25.

पाठामजाजीं सरलं वचाम् । स्वर्णक्षीरीं च हेमन्ते चूर्णमुष्णाम्बुना पिबेत् ॥ २६ ॥

Trivrt, citraka, patha, ajaji, sarala, vaca and svarnaksiri all powdered together and consumed with warm water is suitable for hemanta (cold season). 26.

त्रिवृतां चित्रकं ॥२७॥

त्रिवृता शर्करातुल्या ग्रीष्मकाले विरेचनम् ।

त्रिवृत्त्रायन्तिहपुषासातलाकटुरोहिणी: स्वर्णक्षीरीं च सञ्चूर्ण्य गोमूत्रे भावयेत्त्र्यहम् ।

एष सर्वर्तुको योगः स्निग्धानां मलदोषहृत् ॥ २८ ॥

Trivrt with equal quantity of sarkara is a purgative ideal) in grismakala (summer).

Trivrt, trayanti, hapusa, satala, katurohini and svarnakasiri-are powdered well and kept soaked/macerated for three days. This recipe is suitable in all seasons and removes the malas (dosas) in those who have been lubricated (by oleation therapy). 27-28.

श्यामात्रिवृद्दुरालम्भाहस्तिपिप्पलिवत्सकम् ।

नीलिनीकटुकामुस्ता श्रेष्ठायुक्तं रसाज्योष्णाम्बुभिः शस्तं रूक्षाणामपि सर्वदा । सुचूर्णितम् ॥ २९ ॥

इति त्रिवृच्छ्यामयोः कल्पः ।

Syama, trivrt, duralambha hastipippaii, vatsaka, nilini, katuka, musta, along with srestha-well powdered and consumed with juice of meat, ghee and warm water is suited even for those who are dry (not undergone oleation therapy), and at all times ( in all seasons). 29-30a.

Thus ends Syamatrivrt kalpa.

Rajavruksa kalpa – recipes of rajavruksa

अथ राजवृक्षकल्पः । ज्वरहृद्रोगवातासृगुदावर्तादिरोगिषु ॥३०॥

राजवृक्षोऽधिकं पथ्यो मृदुर्मधुरशीतलः । बाले वृद्धे क्षते क्षीणे सुकुमारे च मानवे ॥ ३१ ॥

योज्यो मृद्वनपायित्वाद्विशेषाच्चतुरङ्गुलः ।

In diseases like fever, heart diseases, gout, upward movement vata etc. rajavrksa is more suitable beneficial since it is soft (mild), sweet ( in as taste ) and cold (in potency); since, caturangula (rajavrksa) is mild in action and harmless, it is especially useful for children, old persons, who are injured in the chest (lungs), who are emaciated and who are of tender constitution.

फलकाले परिणतं फलं तस्य समाहरेत् ॥ ३२ ॥

तेषां गुणवतां भारं सिकतासु विनिक्षिपेत् । सप्तरात्रात्समुद्धृत्य शोषयेदातपे ततो मज्जानमुद्धृत्य शुचौ पात्रे निधापयेत् । ततः ॥ ३३ ॥

During the fruiting season, ripe fruits (of rajavrksa ) which are good and weighty are collected and buried in sand for seven days. It is then taken out, dried in the sun, its marrow seperated and preserved in a clean container (for) 32b-34a. use whenever required).

द्राक्षारसेन तं दद्याद्दाहोदावर्तपीडिते ॥ ३४ ॥

चतुर्वर्षे सुखं बाले यावद्द्वादशवार्षिके । चतुरङ्गुलमो वा कषायं पाययेद्धिमम् ॥ ३५ ।।

दधिमण्डसुरामण्डधात्रीफलरसैः पृथक् ।

सौवीरकेण वा युक्तं कल्केन त्रैवृतेन वा ॥ ३६॥

It should be administered along with juice of draksa, for patients of burning sensation and upward movement of vata and for children between four and twelve years of age.

Infusion of caturangula (rajavrksa) may be administered along with either water of curds (whey), scum of sura, or juice of dhatri phala, each seperately, or the paste of trivrt, and sauviraka (fermented rice wash). 34b-36.

दन्तीकषाये तन्मज्जो गुडं जीर्णं च निक्षिपेत् । तमरिष्टं स्थितं मासं पाययेत् पक्षमेव वा ॥३७॥ इति राजवृक्षकल्पः ।

Its marrow is put into the decoction of danti, along with old tracle/jaggery and allowed to ferment, for a month or fortnight. This fermented decoction may be given to drink.37.

Thus ends Rajavrksa kalpa.

Tilvaka kalpa – recipes of tilvaka

अथ तिल्वककल्पः

त्वचं तिल्वकमूलस्य त्यक्त्वाऽऽभ्यन्तरवल्कलम् ।

विशोष्य चूर्णयित्वा च द्वौ भागौ गालयेत्ततः ॥ ३८ ॥ रोध्रस्यैव कषायेण तृतीयं तेन भावयेत् ।

कषाये दशमूलस्य तं भागं भावितं पुनः ॥ ३९ ॥

शुष्कं चूर्णं पुनः कृत्वा ततः पाणितलं पिबेत् । मस्तुमूत्रसुरामण्डकोलधात्रीफलाम्बुभिः ॥ ४०॥

The outer bark of tilvaka root, discarding the internal sheath, is collected, dried in sun, made into nice powder (and divided into three parts). Two parts of this powder is soaked in the decoction of rodhra (tilvaka) itself and filtered. The third part (of tilvaka) is again soaked/macerated in the decoction of the same (tilvaka), it is again soaked / macerated in the decoction of dasamula, dried and kept ready. One panitala (karsa) of it is consumed along with mastu ( whey), cow’s urine, scum of sura, juice of kola, or dhatriphala. 38-40.

तिल्वकस्य कषायेण कल्केन च सशर्करः ।

सघृतः साधितो लेहः स च श्रेष्ठं विरेचनम् ॥ ४१ ॥ इति तिल्वककल्पः ।

Leha (confection) prepared with the decoction and paste of tilvaka along with sugar mixed with ghee and consumed is a best purgative recipe. 41.

Thus ends Tilvaka kalpa.

Sudha kalpa – recipes of sudha

अथ सुधाकल्पः । सुधा भिनत्ति दोषाणां महान्तमपि सञ्चयम् ।

आश्वेव कष्टविभ्रंशान्नैव तां कल्पयेदतः ॥ ४२ ॥

मृदौ कोष्ठेउबले बाले स्थविरे दीर्घरोगिणि। गुल्मोदरगरत्वग्रोगमधुमेहिषु ॥ ४३ ॥

पाण्डौ दूषीविषे शोफे दोषविभ्रान्तचेतसि | सा श्रेष्ठा कण्टकैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बहुभिश्च समाचिता ॥ ४४ ॥

द्विवर्षा वा त्रिवर्षी वा शिशिरान्ते विशेषतः । तां पाठयित्वा शस्त्रेण क्षीरमुद्धारयेत्ततः ॥ ४५ ॥

बिल्वादीनां बृहत्योर्वा क्वाथेन सममेकशः । मिश्रयित्वा सुधाक्षीरं ततोऽङ्गारेषु शोषयेत् ॥ ४६ ॥

पिबेत्कृत्वा तु गुटिकां मस्तुमूत्रसुरादिभिः | कल्प्या

Sudha quickly breaks up the accumilation of the dosas, even though very profound and gives rise to difficult and troubles. Hence it should not be administered for persons of soft bowels, the debilitated, the children, the aged and patients of chronic diseases. It can be used in abdominal tumour, enlargement of the abdomen, artificial poisoning, disease of the skin, diabetes mellitus, anaemia, dusivisa (weak poisons), swellings ( dropsy ), disorders of the mind caused by the (increased) dosas.

That variety (of sudha) is best which has sharp thorns in abundance and two or three years of age; it should be incised with a knife especially at the end of sisira (cold season) and the milky sap obtained. It is then mixed with equal quantity of decoction of drugs of bilvadi pancamula each seperately or brhati, cooked over burning coal and rolled into pills. This is consumed along with mastu (whey), cow’s urine, sura (beer) etc. 42-47a.

त्रिवृतादीन्नव वरां स्वर्णक्षीरीं ससातलाम् ॥ ४७ ॥

सप्ताहं स्नुक्पयः पीतान् रसेनाज्येन वा पिबेत् । तद्वद्व्योषोत्तमाकुम्भनिकुम्भाग्नीन् गुडाम्बुना ॥ ४८ ॥ इति सुधाकल्पः ।

The nine drugs commencing with trivrt (trivrt, syama, aragvadha, tilvaka, snuhi, sankhini, saptala, danti and dravanti), vara ( triphala), svarnaksiri and satala are soaked in the milky sap of snuk, for seven days; then it should be consumed along with either the juice of meat or ghee. Similarly, vyosa, uttama, kumbha, nikumbha and agni (powdered and soaked in the milky sap of snuk) may be consumed along with solution of jaggery/traecle. 47b-48.

Thus ends Sudha kalpa.

Sankhini saptala kalpa – recipes of sankhim and saptala

अथ शङ्गिनीसप्तलयोः कल्पः । नातिशुष्कं फलं ग्राह्यं शङ्खिन्या निस्तुषीकृतम् ।

सप्तलायास्तथा मूलं ते तु तीक्ष्णविकाषिणी ॥ ४९ ॥

श्लेष्मामयोदरगरश्वयथ्वादिषु कल्पयेत् । अक्षमात्रं तयोः पिण्डं मदिरालवणान्वितम् ॥ ५० ॥

हृद्रोगे वातकफजे तद्वद्गुल्मेऽपि योजयेत् । इति शङ्खिनीसप्तलयोः कल्पः ।

Fruits of sankhini which are not very dry are collected and removed of their husk; the roots saptala are collected, (and kept ready for use). Both are powerful to cause dilatation (of the channels of the tissues) hence these should used in diseases produced by kapha, enlargement of the abdomen, artificial poison, etc., their paste, one aksa, should be used along with madira ( wine) and salt ( salted wine) in heart disease arising from vatakapha, similarly even in abdominal tumour.

Thus ends Sankhini saptala kalpa.

Danti – dravanti kalpa – recipes of danti and dravanti

अथ दन्तीद्रवन्त्योः कल्पः । दन्तिदन्तस्थिरं स्थूलं मूलं दन्तीद्रवन्तिजम् ॥ ५१ ॥

आताम्रश्यावतीक्ष्णोष्णमाशुकारि विकाशि च । गुरु प्रकोपि वातस्य पित्तश्लेष्मविलायनम् ॥ ५२ ॥

तत्क्षौद्रपिप्पलीलिप्तं स्वेद्यं मृद्दर्भवेष्टितम् । शोष्यं मन्दातपेऽग्न्यक हतो ह्यस्य विकाशिताम् ॥ ५३ ॥

तत्पिबेन्मस्तुमदिरातक्रपीलुरसासवैः प्रमेही जठरी गरी ॥ ५४॥

अभिष्यण्णतनुर्गुल्मी गोमृगाजरसैः पाण्डु: कृमिकोष्ठी भगन्दरी । सिद्धं तत्क्वाथकल्काभ्यां दशमूलरसेन च॥५५॥

विसर्पविद्रध्यलजीकक्षादाहान् जयेद्धृतम्। तैलं तु महास्नेहः गुल्ममेहार्शोविबन्धकफमारुतान् ॥ ५६ ॥

शकृच्छुक्रवातसङ्गानिलव्यथाः ।

इति दन्तीद्रवन्त्योः कल्पः ।

The roots of danti and dravanti which resemble the tusk of an elephant in hardness and thickness, which are coppery, blue in colour, possess properties such a penetrating, hot (in potency), quick acting and causing quick dilation of the channels. These should be smeared with honey and (paste of) pippali, covered with darbha grass, given a coating of mud, dried and placed inside a heap of burning coal. It is taken out after it comes steamed, removed of its coverings, and dried either in mild sunlight or fire; by this the roots lose their power of causing dilatation of the channels. It should then be consumed along with mastu (whey), madira (wine), takra (buttermilk), the juice of pilu or asavas (fermented infusion). Patients who have great accumilation of moisture in their body, those suffering from abdominal tumour, diabetes, enlargement of the abdomen, artificial poison, anaemia, intestinal worms and rectal fistula should consume this along with the juice of meat of the cow, deer or goat. Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction and paste (of the roots of danti and dravanti) and decoction of dasamula cures visarpa (herpes) abscess, alaji ( a kind of skin diseases) kaksa (tumour or inflamed glands in the axilla) and burning sensation. Medicated oil prepared with roots of danti and dravanti, cures abdominal tumour, diabetes, haemorrhoids, constipation and aggravation of kapha and maruta (vata). Mahasneha (mixture of oil, ghee, muscle-fat and marrow) prepared with these, cures disorders caused by the obstruction of faeces, semen and flatus and by increased anila (vata). 51-57a.

Thus ends Dantidravanti kalpa.

विरेचने मुख्यतमा नवैते त्रिवृतादयः ॥ ५७ ॥

For producing purgations ( purgative therapy), these nine (drugs) commencing with trivrt are chiefly used. 57b

Haritaki kalpa – recipes of haritaki

अथ हरीतकी कल्पः । हरीतकीमपि त्रिवृद्विधानेनोपकल्पयेत् । गुडस्याष्टपले पथ्याविंशतिः स्यात्पलं पलम् ॥ ५८ ।।

दन्तीचित्रकयोः कर्षो पिप्पलीत्रिवृतोर्दश । प्रकल्प्य मोदकानेकं दशमे दशमेऽहनि ॥ ५९ ॥

उष्णाम्भोऽनुपिबेत्खादेत्तान् सर्वान्विधिनाऽमुना । एते निष्परिहाराः स्युः सर्वव्याधिनिबर्हणाः ॥ ६० ॥

विशेषाद्ग्रहणीपाण्डुकण्डूकोठार्शसां हिताः । इति हरीतकी कल्पः।

Even haritaki can be made use of in the same way as of trivrt. Eight pala of guda ( jaggery), pathya ( haritaki) twenty (by number), one pala each of danti and citraka, one karsa, each of pippali and trivrt-are all powdered and cooked together and rolled into ten pills. One pill is consumed on every tenth day along with warm water. In this manner all the

ten pills should be consumed. This (regimen) does not require any other remedial measure, cures all diseases, especially beneficial in duodenal disease, anaemia, itching, skin rashes and haemorrhoids. 58-61a.

Thus ends Haritaki kalpa.

अल्पस्यापि महार्थत्वं प्रभूतस्याल्पकर्मताम् ॥ ६१॥ कुर्यात्संश्लेषविश्लेषकालसंस्कारयुक्तिभिः ॥ ६१५ ॥

Medicines produce profound effects even though small in quantity (dose) and very little effect even though large in quantity respectively as a result of association (combination with things of identical action ) and dissociation ( combination of things of opposite action), time of administration, processing (during the preparation of recipes) and plan 61-61. (mode of administration ).

त्वक्वेसराम्रातकदाडिमैलासितोपलामाक्षिकमातुलुङ्गैः ।

मद्येन तैस्तैश्च मनोनुकूलैर्युक्तानि देयानि विरेचनानि ॥ ६२५ ॥ Purgative recipes should be administered along with (powder of) tvak, kesara, amrataka, dadima, ela, or sitopala, maksika, matulunga or madya which ever is pleasing to the mind of the patient. 62.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां

पञ्चमे कल्पसिद्धिस्थाने विरेचनकल्पो नाम मूत्राघातचिकित्सितं द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ॥ २ ॥

Thus ends the chapter Virechana kalpa-the second in Kalpa-siddhisthana of Astangahrdaya samhita, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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