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ashtanga hridayaVAMANA KALPA - Emetic recipes - Ashtang Hridaya Chapter-1

VAMANA KALPA – Emetic recipes – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter-1

अथातो वमनकल्पं व्याख्यास्यामः ।

इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter-Vamana kalpa preparation of recipes for vamana (producing vomiting); thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Madana Kalpa – recipes from madana phala

अथ मदनकल्पः ।

वमने मदनं श्रेष्ठं, त्रिवृन्मूलं विरेचने । नित्यमन्यस्य तु व्याधिविशेषेण विशिष्टता ॥ १ ॥

For producing vomitting, madana is the best and for producing purgation the roots of trivrt, always; whereas others are special to specific diseases. 1.

Notes : The term ‘always’ connotes for all diseases, all kinds of patients and all the seasons generally since these are harmless also.

फलानि नातिपाण्डूनि न चातिहरितान्यपि। आदायाहि प्रशस्त मध्ये ग्रीष्मवसन्तयोः ॥ २ ॥

प्रभृज्य कुशमुत्तोल्यां क्षिप्त्वा बद्धवा प्रलेपयेत् । गोमयेनानु मुत्तोलीं धान्यमध्ये निधापयेत् ॥ ३ ॥

मृदुभूतानि मध्विष्टगन्धानि कुशवेष्टनात् । । निष्कृष्टानि गतेऽष्टाहे शोषयेत्तान्यथातपे ॥ ४ ॥

तेषां ततः सुशुष्काणामुद्धृत्य फलपिप्पलीः । दधिमध्वाज्यपललैर्मृदित्वा शोषयेत्पुनः ॥ ५ ॥ ततः सुगुप्तं संस्थाप्य कार्यकाले प्रयोजयेत् ।

Fruits (of madana) which are neither very white (due over-riping) nor very green (being unripe) are collected on auspicious day between summer and spring, placed inside bundle of kusa grass and tied with threads, the bundle given a coating of cowdung and (after it dries) is concealed to an a is inside a heap of corn; when these (fruits) become soft and start emitting pleasnt smell like honey, after a lapse of eight days they should be taken out and dried in the sun. then the phala pippali-seeds of the fruits-are seperated, soaked in either curds/yoghart, honey, ghee or meat juice and dried in the sun. Afterwards it is preserved in a secret (safe) place and made used of at the time of treatment. 2-6a.

अथादाय ततो मात्रां जर्जरीकृत्य वासयेत् ॥ ६ ॥

शर्वरीं मधुयष्ट्या वा कोविदारस्य वा जले। कर्बुदारस्य विम्ब्या वा नीपस्य विदुलस्य वा ॥ ७ ॥

शणपुष्प्याः सदापुष्याः प्रत्यक्पुष्प्युदकेऽथवा । ततः पिबेत्कषायं तं प्रातर्मृदितगालितम् ॥ ८ ॥ सूत्रोदितेन विधिना साधु तेन तथा वमेत् ।

Next, that much quantity (determined as the suitable dose) is taken out, powdered nicely and kept soaked for one night in the decoction of either madhuyasti, kovidara, karbudara, bimbi, nipa, vidula, sanapuspi, sadapuspi or pratyakpuspi, next morning it is filtered and consumed followed by drinking of the same decoction, in the manner as described, in sutrasthana (chapter 18 ); by this, the patient vomits without any difficulty. 6b-9a.

श्लेष्मज्वरप्रतिश्यायगुल्मान्तर्विद्रधीषु च ॥ ९ ॥ प्रच्छर्दयेद्विशेषेण यावत्पित्तस्य दर्शनम् ।

In diseases such as fever of kapha origin, nasal catarrah, abdominal tumour and internal abscess, vomitting should be allowed especially till the appearance of pitta (gastric juice & bile in the vomitus). 9-10a.

फलपिप्पलिचूर्णं वा क्वाथेन स्वेन भावितम् ।। १०

त्रिभागत्रिफलाचूर्णं कोविदारादिवारिणा | पिबेज्ज्वरारुचिष्ठीवग्रन्थ्यपच्यर्बुदोदरी ॥ ११

Powder of the seeds macerated in the decoction of its own (of the seeds) mixed with three parts of the powder of triphala should be consumed along with decoction of kovidara etc. (any one ), by patients of fever, anorexia, expectoration of sputum, tumours, goitre, malignant tumour enlargement of the abdomen. 10b-11.

पित्ते कफस्थानगते जीमूतादिजलेन तत् । हृद्दाहेऽधोत्रपित्ते च क्षीरं तत्पिप्पलीश्रृतम् ॥ १२ ॥ क्षैरेयीं वा

When pitta is found localised in the seats of kapha, it (seeds of madana) should be consumed with the decoction of jimuta etc. In heart-burn or bleeding disease of downward routes they (seeds of madana) boiled in milk or milk pudding should be consumed. 12-13a.

कफच्छर्दिप्रसेकतमकेषु तु ।

दध्युत्तरं वा दधि वा तच्छृतक्षीरसम्भवम् ॥ १३ ॥

In vomitting due to kapha, excess of salivation tamaka (a variety of dyspnoea), water of curds or curds itself prepared from milk boiled with it ( seeds of madana) is ideal. 13b.

फलादिक्वाथकल्काभ्यां सिद्धं तत्सिद्धदुग्धजम् । सर्पिः कफाभिभूतेऽनो शुष्यद्देहे च वामनम् ॥ १४ ॥ Ghee prepared from milk boiled with the decoction or paste of madanaphala, etc. good to produce vomitting in persons who have their agni (digestive fire) diminished by kapha and for those who are emaciated.14.

स्वरसं फलमञ्ज्ञो वा भल्लातकविधिशृतम् । आदर्वीलेपनात्सिद्धं लीढ्वा प्रच्छर्दयेत्सुखम् ॥ १५ ॥

तं लेहं भक्ष्यभोज्येषु तत्कषायांश्च योजयेत् ।

Fresh juice of phala majja (marrow of madana fruits) prepared in the same manner as that of bhallataka (vide chapter 39 of uttarasthana) in that consistance of sticking to the ladle (avaleha/confection). If that is licked ( in suitable dose) it produces vomitting without difficulty. This confection and the decoction may be used along with other eatables (foods and drinks ). 15-16a.

वत्सकादिप्रतीवापः कषायः फलमज्जजः ॥ १६ ॥

निम्बार्कान्यतरक्वाथसमायुक्तो नियच्छति । बद्धमूलानपि व्याधीन् सर्वान् सन्तर्पणोद्भवान् ॥ १७ ॥

Decoction of marrow of madana fruit mixed with the powder of drugs of vatsakadi gana (chapter 15 of sutra sthana) consumed along with the decoction of nimba, arka or others, cures all diseases caused by over nutrition even though they are deep rooted. 16b-17.

राठपुष्पफलश्लक्ष्णचूर्णैर्माल्यं सुरूक्षितम् । वमेन्मण्डरसादीनां तृप्तो जिघ्रन् सुखं सुखी ॥ १८ ॥

एवमेव फलाभावे कल्प्यं पुष्पं शलाटु वा ।

इति मदनकल्पः ।

The happy man (he who is incapable of withstanding strain) will vomit easily by smelling the garland of flowers which have been sprinkled with the fine powder of flowers or fruits of ratha (madana), after he is made contented by ingestion of scum of beer, juice of meat etc.

In the same manner, recipes can be prepared with either the flowers of tender fruits (of madana), when ripe fruits are not available. 18-19a.

Thus ends Madana kalpa.

Jimuta kalpa – recipes of jimuta

अथ जीमूतकल्पः । जीमूताद्याश्च फलवत् जीमूतं तु विशेषतः ॥ १९ ॥ प्रयोक्तव्यं ज्वरश्वासकासहिध्मादिरोगिणाम् ।

Jimuta and others are also similar to phala (madana), (recipes prepared in the same manner). Jimuta is to be administered especially for patients of fevers, dyspnoea, cough, hiccup and such other diseases. 19b-20a.

पयः पुष्पेऽस्य निर्वृत्ते, फले पेया पयस्कृता ॥ २०॥

लोमशे क्षीरसन्तानं, दध्युत्तरमलोमशे शृते पयसि दध्यम्लं जातं हरितपाण्डुके ॥ २१ ॥

आसुत्य वारुणीमण्डं पिबेन्मृदितगालितम् । कफादरोचके कासे पाण्डुत्वे राजयक्ष्मणि ॥ २२ ॥

When its flowers are available, they should be consumed boiled with milk; when emerging fruits are available with peya (thin gruel) prepared with milk; when fruits with fine hairs on them (tender, unripe ) are available, with the cream of milk; when fruits without hair ( ripe ) are available, with the water of curds (whey); when fruits which have become greenish-white (stage in between ripe and over ripe ) with sour curds; fruits may be squeezed in varuni manda (scum of varuni wine) filtered, then fermented and consumed in diseases like loss of taste/appetite due to kapha, cough anaemia and pulmonary tuberculosis. 20b-22.

इयं च कल्पना कार्या तुम्बीकोशातकीष्वपि । पर्यागतानां शुष्काणां फलानां बेणिजन्मनाम् ॥ २३ ॥

चूर्णस्य पयसा शुक्तिं वातपित्तार्दितः पिबेत् । द्वे वा त्रीण्यपिवाऽऽपोथ्य क्वाथे तिक्तोत्तमस्य वा ॥ २४ ॥

आरग्वधादिनवकादासुत्यान्यतमस्य वा । विमृद्यं पूतं तं क्वाथं पित्तश्लेष्मज्वरी पिबेत् ॥ २५ ॥

Similar recipes can be prepared with those of tumbi and kosataki. One sukti of powder of fruits of veni (jimuta) which have become dry should be consumed with milk by the patient who is troubled by vata-pitta (undergoing increase together), the patient of fever caused by pitta slesman ( kapha ) should drink the decoction of either tiktottama (nimba or patola) or any one of the nine drugs commencing with aragvadha (in the aragvadhadi gana-vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana) in which two or three fruits are squeezed and then fluid allowed to ferment. 23-25.

जीमूतकल्कं चूर्णं वा पिबेच्छीतेन वारिणा |

ज्वरे पैत्ते, कवोष्णेन कफवातात्कफादपि ॥ २६ ॥ इति जीमूतकल्पः ।

Paste or powder of jimuta may be consumed with cold water in fever of pitta origin; with lukewarm water in fever arising from kapha, vata or only kapha. 26.

Thus ends Jimuta kalpa.

Iksvaku kalpa – recipes of ikshvaku

अथेक्ष्वाकुकल्पः । कासश्वासविषच्छर्दिज्वरार्ते कफकर्शिते । इक्ष्वाकुर्वमने शस्तः प्रताम्यति च मानवे ॥ २७ ॥

Iksvaku, is best for producing vomitting in persons suffering from cough, dyspnoea, poison, vomitting, fever, increase of kapha and patients of tamaka (bronchial asthma) who become unconscious. 27.

फलपुष्पविहीनस्य प्रवालैस्तस्य साधितम् ।

पित्तश्लेष्मज्वरे क्षीरं पित्तोद्रिक्ते प्रयोजयेत् ॥ २८ ॥ When the plant (of iksvaku) is not having either fruits or flowers, its tender leaves boiled in milk should be administered in fever caused by pitta-slesman ( kapha) and in case of increase of pitta. 28.

हृतमध्ये फले जीर्णे स्थितं क्षीरं यदा दधि । स्यात्तदा कफजे कासे श्वासे वम्यं च पाययेत् ॥ २९

Milk is filled into the cavity made in the ripe fruit (of iksvaku) by removing its marrow and allowed to get curdled. This should be administered for producing vomitting in cough and dyspnoea arising from kapha. 29.

मस्तुना वा फलान्मध्यं पाण्डुकुष्ठविषार्दितः ।

तेन तक्रं विपक्कं वा पिबेत्समधुसैन्धवम् ॥ ३० ॥

Patients of anaemia, leprosy and poison should consume the marrow of the fruits with mastu (water of buttermilk) or boiled with takra (buttermilk ) and added with honey and saindhava. 30.

भावयित्वाऽऽजदुग्धेन बीजं तैनेव वा पिबेत् । विषगुल्मोदरग्रन्थिगण्डेषु श्लीपदेषु च ॥ ३१ ॥

The seeds soaked macerated with goat’s milk may be consumed followed by drinking the same (goat’s milk ) in diseases such as poisioning, abdominal tumour, enlargement of the abdomen, tumours, enlargement of lymph glands and filariasis. 31.

सक्तुभिर्वा पिबेन्मन्थं तुम्बीस्वरसभावितैः ।

कफोद्भवे ज्वरे कासे गलरोगेष्वरोचके ॥ ३२ ॥

Mantha (groat) prepared from saktu (flour of barley) soaked in the juice of tumbi (iksvaku) is useful in fever of kapha origin, cough, diseases of the throat and loss of appetite/taste. 32.

गुल्मे ज्वरे प्रसक्ते च कल्कं मांसरसैः पिबेत् । नरः साधु वमन्येवं न च दोर्बल्यमश्रुते ॥ ३३ ॥

Paste (of tumbi) along with juice of meat should be consumed by persons suffering from abdominal tumour and long standing fevers, by this will not become weak. 33.

तुम्ब्याः फलरसैः शुष्कैः सपुष्पैरवचूर्णितम् । छर्दयेन्माल्यमाघ्राय गन्धसम्पत्सुखोचितः ॥ ३४ ॥ इतीक्ष्वाकुकल्पः ।

Powder of flowers of tumbi mixed with the juice of its fruits and dried. The dry powder is then sprinkled on the flowers of a garland. By smelling these flowers endowed with good fragrance the person vomits without any difficulty. 34.

Thus ends the Iksvaku kalpa.

Dhamargava kalpa – recipes of dhamargava

अथ धामार्गवकल्पः ।

कासगुल्मोदरगरे वाते श्लेष्माशयस्थिते । कफे च कण्ठवक्त्रस्थे कफसञ्चयजेषु च ॥ ३५ ॥

धामार्गवो गदेष्विष्टः स्थिरेषु च महत्सु च ।

Dhamargava is desirable (best suited) in cough, abdominal tumour, enlargement of the abdomen, artificial poision, when vata is found localised in the seat of kapha, when kapha is accumilated in the throat and mouth and in diseases caused by accumulation of kapha which are long standing and greatly exacerbated. 35-36a.

जीवकर्षभकौ वीरा कपिकच्छू: शतावरी ॥ ३६ ॥

काकोली श्रावणी मेदा महामेदा मधूलिका । तद्रजोभिः पृथग्लेहा धामार्गवरजोन्विताः ॥ ३७॥

कासे हृदयदाहे च शस्ता मधुसिताद्रुताः । ते सुखाम्भोनुपानाः स्युः पित्तोष्मसहिते कफे ॥ ३८ ॥

Leha (confection) prepared from the powder of either of jivaka, rsabhaka, vira, kapikacchu, satavari kakoli, sravani, meda, mahameda, or madhulika, added with the powder of dhamargava and made liquid with the addition of (more of) honey and sugar, is best suited in cough and heart-burn. These are to be consumed followed by drinking of warm water when kapha is associated with (increase of) pitta and usma (heat). 36b-38.

धान्यतुम्बुरुयूषेण कल्कस्तस्य विषापहः । विम्ब्याः पुनर्नवाया वा कासमर्दस्य वा रसे ॥ ३९ ॥

एकं धामार्गवं द्वे वा मानसे मृदितं पिबेत् । तच्छ्रतक्षीरजं सर्पिः साधितं वा फलादिभिः ॥ ४० ॥ इति धामार्गवकल्पः ।

Its (dhamagava) paste consumed along with the soup of dhanya and tumburu removes poisons.

One or two (fruits of) dhamargava sqeezed in the juice (or decoction) of either bimbi, punarnava or kasamarda should be consumed in disorders of the mind, or ghee prepared from milk boiled with the fruits (of dhamargava) may be used. 39-40.

Thus ends Dhamargava kalpa.

Ksveda kalpa – recipes of Ksveda

अथ क्ष्वेडकल्पः |

क्ष्वेडोऽतिकटुतीक्ष्णोष्णः प्रगाढेषु प्रशस्यते । कुष्ठापाण्ड्वामयप्लीहशोफगुल्मगरादिषु ॥ ४१ ॥

Ksveda (tikta kosataki) being highly bitter, penetrating and hot (in potency) is best suited for diseases such as leprosy (and other skin diseases), anaemia, splenic disorder, oedema, abdominal tumour and artificial poison, which are severe and longstanding. 41.

पृथक् फलादिषट्कस्य क्वाथे मांसमनूपजम् । कोशातक्यां समं सिद्धं तद्रसं लवणं पिबेत् ॥ ४२ ॥

फलादिपिप्पलीतुल्यं सिद्धं क्ष्वेडरसेऽथवा | क्ष्वेडक्वाथं पिबेत्सिद्धं मिश्रमिक्षुरसेन वा ॥ ४३ ॥ इति क्ष्वेडकल्पः ।

Meat (of animals) of marshy regions along with equal quantity of kosataki are boiled in the decoction of the six (fruits) commencing with phala (madana, jimuta, iksvaku, dhamargava, kosataki and kutaja); that decoction added with salt should be consumed; or equal quantity of seeds of ksveda or the decoction of ksveda mixed with juice of sugarcane (may be made use of). 42-43.

Thus ends Ksveda kalpa.

Kutaja kalpa recipes of kutaja

अथ कुटजफलकल्पः ।

कौटजं सुकुमारेषु पित्तरक्तकफोदये । ज्वरे विसर्पे हृद्रोगे खुडे कुष्ठे च पूजितम् ॥ ४४ ॥

Kutaja (seeds of kutaja) is best suited for persons of tender constitution, when there is increase of pitta, rakta and kapha, in fever, visarpa (herpes), heart diseases, khuda (gout) and leprosy ( and other skin diseases). 44.

सर्षपाणां मधूकानां तोयेन लवणस्य वा । पाययेत्कौटजं बीजं युक्तं कृशरयाऽथवा ॥ ४५ ॥

सप्ताहं वाऽर्कदुग्धाक्तं तच्चूर्णं पाययेत्पृथक् | फलजीमूतके क्ष्वाकु जीवन्तीजीवकोदकैः ॥ ४६ ॥

इति कुटजफलकल्पः।

(Powder or paste of) kutaja seeds should be consumed along with the decoction of either sarsapa, madhuka, or salt water; or along with krsara ( rice boiled with green gram ). The powder of the seeds soaked for seven days in the milky sap of arka, may be consumed with the decoction of either phala (madana), jimutaka, iksvaku, jivanti or jivaka. 45-46.

Thus ends Kutaja kalpa.

वमनौषधमुख्यानामिति कल्पदिगीरिता । बीजेनानेन मतिमानन्यान्यपि च कल्पयेत् ॥ ४७ ॥

Thus was described, in brief, the directions for preparing important emetic recipes from this seed of information, the intellegent person can prepare recipes even from other drugs. 47.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां पञ्चमे कल्पसिद्धिस्थाने वमनकल्पो नाम

प्रथमोऽध्यायः ॥ १॥

Thus ends the chapter-Vaman kalpa – the first in Kalpasiddhi sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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