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ashtanga hridayaVATASONITA / VATARAKTA CHIKITSA Treatment of gout - Ashtang Hridaya Chapter –...

VATASONITA / VATARAKTA CHIKITSA Treatment of gout – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter – 22

अथातो वातशोणितचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । स्माहुरात्रेयादयो इति ह महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter Vatasonita (vatarakta) Chikitsa-treatment of gout; thus, said Atreya and other great sages.

वातशोणितिनो रक्तं स्निग्धस्य बहुशो हरेत् । अल्पाल्पं पालयन् वायुं यथादोषं यथाबलम् ॥ १॥

The blood of the patient of vatosonita (gout) should be let out, in small quantities, at many times after giving him oleation therapy, protecting him from ( aggravation of) vata; (blood-letting being) appropriate to the dosa and strength (of the body). 1.

रुग्रागतोददाहेषु जलौकोभिर्विनिर्हरेत् ।

शृङ्गतुम्बैश्चिमिचिमाकण्डूरुग्दूयनान्वितम् ॥२॥ प्रच्छानेन सिराभिर्वा देशाद्देशान्तरं व्रजत् ।

When pain, redness, pricking pain and burning sensation are present blood should be got sucked by jalauka (leeches); when tingling sensation, itching, pain and burning sensation are present, by using the Srnga-alabu (sucking horn or gourd), when the disease/lesion is found spreading from place to place, by either pracchana (scratching the skin ) or siravyadha (venesection). 2-3a.

अङ्गलानौ तु न स्राव्यं रूक्षे वातोत्तरे च यत् ॥ ३॥

गम्भीरं श्वयथुं स्तम्भं कम्पं स्नायुसिरामयान्। ग्लानिमन्यांश्च वातोत्थान् कुर्याद्वायुसृक्क्षयात् ॥ ४॥

Blood should not be let out when there is debility of the body, dryness and predominance of vata; vata getting aggravated (increased) by loss of blood (from blood-letting) produces profound swelling, stiffness, tremors, diseases of tendons, and veins, debility and many other disorders of vata origin. 3b-4.

विरेच्यः स्नेहयित्वा तु स्नेहयुक्तैर्विरेचनैः ।

He, who is suitable for purgation therapy should be given oleation therapy first and then administered purgative drugs mixed with fats ( medicated ghee / oil).

Vataja Vatarakta Chikitsa

वातोत्तरे वातरक्त पुराणं पाययेद्धृतम् ॥ ५ ॥

In vatarakta (gout) having predominance of vata, the patient should be made to drink old ghee. 5b.

श्रावणीक्षीरकाकोलीक्षीरिणीजीवकैः समैः ।

सिद्धं सर्षभकैः सर्पि: सक्षीरं वातरक्तनुत् ॥ ६ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of equal quantity of each of sravani, ksirakakoli, ksirini, jivaka and rsabhaka, mixed with milk, equal in quantity of the decoction and ghrta-cures vataraka. 6.

द्राक्षामधूकवारिभ्यां सिद्धं वा ससितोपलम् । घृतं पिबेत्तथा क्षीरं गुडूचीस्वरसे शृतम् ॥ ७॥

तैलं पयः शर्करां च पाययेद्वा सुमूर्च्छितम् । बलाशतावरीरास्त्रादशमूलैः श्यामैरण्डस्थिराभिश्च वातार्तिघ्नं शृतं पयः ।

धारोष्णं मूत्रयुक्तं वा क्षीरं दोषानुलोमनम् ॥ ९ ॥ सपीलुभिः ॥ ८ ॥

Ghrta prepared with decoction of draksa and madhuka, added with sitopala (sugar candy) should be consumed; or milk boiled with addition of fresh juice of guduci; or drink the mixture of taila ( oil), milk and sarkara ( sugar ) boiled together.

Milk boiled with bala, satavari rasna, dasamula, pilu, syama, eranda and sthira cures pain produced by vata. Milk, warm from the udder, added with cows urine causes downward movements of vata. 7-9.

Pittaja vatarakta Chikitsa

पैत्ते पक्त्वा वरीतिक्तापटोलत्रिफलामृताः । पिबेघृतं वा क्षीरं वा स्वादुतिक्तकसाधितम् ॥ १० ॥

In vatarakta caused by pitta, decoction of vari, tikta, patola, triphala and amrta should be consumed; or ghee or milk boiled with drugs of sweet and bitter tastes (be consumed). 10.

क्षीरेणैरण्डतैलं च प्रयोगेण पिबेन्नरः । बहुदोषो विरेकार्थं जीर्णे क्षीरौदनाशनः ॥ ११ ॥

Eranda taila should be consumed mixed with milk to produce purgations in the patient who has great increase of dosa; after it gets digested (and after prugations ) he should eat boiled rice along with milk. 11.

कषायमभयानां वा पाययेद्घृतभर्जितम् । क्षीरानुपानं त्रिवृताचूर्णं द्राक्षारसेन वा ॥ १२॥

Decoction of abhaya fried in ghee should be consumed followed by drinking of milk; or drink powder of trivrt mixed with juice of draksa. 12.

निर्हरेद्वा मलं तस्य सघृतैः क्षीरबस्तिभिः । न हि बस्तिसमं किञ्चिद्वातरक्तचिकित्सितम् ॥ १३ ॥


The malas (dosas) may also be removed by ksirabasti (milk enema) added with ghrta (ghee). There is nothing equal to basti (enema therapy) in the treatment of vatarakta flanks, thighs, joints, bones and abdomen. 13-14a.

Kaphaja vatarakta Chikitsa

मुस्ताधात्रीहरिद्राणां पिबेत्क्वाथं कफोल्वणे ॥ १४ ॥

सक्षौद्रं त्रिफलाया वा गुडूचीं वा यथातथा । यथार्हस्नेहपीतं च वामितं मृदु रूक्षयेत् ॥ १५ ॥

When kapha is predominant, the decoction of musta, dhatri and haridra or of triphala or guduci, whichever is suitable, should be consumed mixed with ksaudra (honey).

After administering the appropriate sneha (fat) to drink, he should be given mild vamana (emetic ) drugs and then ruksana (therapy creating dryness inside). 14b-15.

त्रिफलाव्योषपत्रैलात्वक्क्षीरीचित्रकं ववाम् । विडङ्गं पिप्पलीमूलं लोमशां वृषकं त्वचम् ॥ १६ ॥

ऋद्धिं लाङ्गलिक चव्यं समभागानि पेषयेत् । कल्ये लिप्त्वाऽऽयसीं पात्रीं मध्याह्ने भक्षयेदिदम् ॥ १७ ॥

वातास्त्रे सर्वदोषेऽपि परं शूलान्विते हितम् ।

Triphala, vyosa, patra, ela, tvakksiri, citraka, vaca, vidanga, pippalimula, lomasa, vrisaka, tvak, rddhi, langaliki and cavya, each equal in quantity is made into a paste (with water) and smeared to an iron vessel in the morning and (taken out and) consumed in the midday. This is best suited in gout even caused by all the dosas and accompanied with pain. 16-18a.

कोकिलाक्षकनिर्यूहः पीतस्तच्छाकभोजिना ॥ १८ ॥ कृपाभ्यास इव क्रोधं वातरक्तं नियच्छति ।

Decoction of kokilaksak consumed followed by partaking its leaves only as food, cures gout just like the practice of compassion cures anger. 18b-19a.

पञ्चमूलस्य धात्र्या वा रसैर्लेलीतकीं वसाम् ॥ १९ ॥

खुडं सुरूढमप्यङ्गे ब्रह्मचारी पिबन् जयेत् । इत्याभ्यन्तरमुद्दिष्टं कर्म बाह्यमतः परम् ॥ २० ॥

Lelitaka vasa (sulpher) consumed along with the juice (decoction) of pancamula or dhatri by the patient adhering to celibacy (avoiding sexual intercourse ) cures khuda / vatarakta (gout) though deep rooted in the body. Thus for were described, the internal treatment; further, the external treatments. 19b-20.

आरनालाढके तैलं पादसर्जरसं श्रुतम् ।

प्रभूते खजितं तोये ज्वरदाहार्तिनुत्परम् ॥ २१ ॥ Taila (oil) boiled in one adhaka of aranala (sour ricewash) added with sajarasa, one fourth of the quantity (of oil) and well churned mixed with water, is best to cure fever, burning sensation and pain. 21.

Pinda taila

समधूच्छिष्टमञ्जिष्ठं पिण्डतैलं ससर्जरससारिवम् । तदभ्यङ्गाद्वातरक्तरुजापहम् ॥ २२ ॥

Medicated oil prepared with madhucchista (bees vax), manjistha sarjarasa and sariva-known as pinda taila-used for abhyanga (anointing and massage) relieves the pain of vatarakta (gout). 22.

दशमूलभृतं क्षीरं सद्यः शूलनिवारणम् । परिषेकोऽनिलप्राये तद्वत्कोष्णेन सर्पिषा ॥ २३ ॥

Milk boiled with drugs of dasamula poured warm over the body relieves the pain quickly when, anila (vata ) is predominant; similarly so when warm ghee is poured. 23.

स्नेहैर्मधुरसिद्धैर्वा चतुर्भिः चतुर्भिः परिषेचयेत् ।

स्तम्भाक्षेपकशूलार्तं कोष्णैर्दाहे तु शीतलैः ॥ २४ ॥

(The mixture of) the four fats ( ghee, oil, muscle fat and marrow) processed with drugs of sweet taste, should be poured warm over the body of the patient who has rigidity, convulsions and pain; and cold when there is burning sensation. 24.

तद्वद्गव्याविकच्छागैः क्षीरैस्तैलविमिश्रितैः। निःक्वाथैर्जीवनीयानां पञ्चमूलस्य वा लघोः ॥ २५ ॥

Similarly the milk of cow, sheep or goat mixed with oil (should be poured on the body) or the decoction of drugs of either jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) or of laghu pancamula (chapter 6 sutrasthana). 25.

द्राक्षेक्षुरसमद्यानि दधिमस्त्वम्लकाञ्जिकम् । सेकार्थं तण्डुलक्षौद्रशर्कराम्भश्च शस्यते ॥ २६ ॥

Juice of draksa and iksu, madya ( wines ), dadhi mastu (water of curds), amlakanjika (fermented gruel) rice-wash honey-water or sugar-water are suitable for pouring over the body. 26.

प्रियाः प्रियंवदा नार्यश्चन्दनार्द्रकरस्तनाः । स्पर्शशीताः सुखस्पर्शा घ्नन्ति दाहं रुजं क्लमम् ॥ २७ ॥

The women, who are liked, who speak pleasant who have moistened their hands and breasts by anointing the paste of candana, thereby cold to touch, relieve burning sensation, pain and exhaustion by their comforting touch (embrace).

सरागे सरुजे दाहे रक्तं हृत्वा प्रलेपयेत् । प्रपौण्डरीकमञ्जिष्ठादार्वीमधुकचन्दनैः सितोपलेरकासक्तुमसूरोशीरपद्मकैः ॥ २८ ॥ ।

लेपो रुग्दाहवीसर्परागशोफनिवर्हणः ॥ २९ ॥

When there is redness, pain and burning sensation, the blood should be let out first and the paste of prapaundarika, manjistha, darvi, madhuka and candana applied on the body; paste of sitopala, eraka, saktu, masura, usira, and padmaka cures pain, burning sensation, visarpa (herpes), redness, and swelling. 28-29.

वातघैः साधितः स्निग्धः कृशरो मुद्रपायसः | तिलसर्षपपिण्डैश्च शूलघ्नमुपनाहनम् ॥ ३० ॥

Krsara (rice boiled along with green gram) or payasa (milk pudding) processed with drugs which mitigate vata and added with fats; or bolus prepared from tila or sarsapa are pain killing upanaha (warm poultice). 30.

औदकप्रसहानूपवेसवारा: सुसंस्कृताः । जीवनीयौषधैः स्नेहयुक्ताः स्युरुपनाहने ॥ ३१ ॥

स्तम्भतोदरुगायामशोफाङ्गग्रहनाशनः जीवनीयौषधैः सिद्धा सपयस्का वसाऽपि वा ॥ ३२ ॥

Vesavara (minced and spiced meat) prepared from meat of animals living in water prasaha group or of marshy lands ( chapter 6 of sutrasthana ) processed well with drugs of jivaniya gana ( chapter 15 of sutrasthana ) added with fats (oil) are useful as warm poultice. Vasa ( musclefat) of the above kinds of animals processed with drugs of jivaniya gana and added with milk (and applied as warm poultice) relieve rigidity, pricking pain, constant pain, dilation, swelling and catching pain of the body. 31-32.

घृतं सहचरान्मूलं जीवन्ती छागलं पयः । लेपः पिष्टास्तिलास्तद्वद्धृष्टाः पयसि निर्वृताः ॥ ३३ ॥

Ghee boiled with roots of sahacara and jivanti mixed with goats milk is a good poultice; so also the paste of fried tila, made with milk. 33.

क्षीरपिष्टक्षुमां लेपमेरण्डस्य फलानि वा । कुर्याच्छूलनिवृत्त्यर्थं शताह्वां वाऽनिलेऽधिके ॥ ३४ ॥

Application of paste of ksuma; or of the seeds of eranda or of satahva macerated with milk, cures pain when anila (vata ) is greatly increased. 34.

घृतमभ्यञ्जने घृतमभ्यञ्जने मूत्रक्षारसुरापक्कं हितम् ।

सिद्धं समधु शुक्तं वा सेकाभ्यङ्गे कफोत्तरे ॥ ३५ ॥

Ghee boiled with addition of cows urine, ksara (yavaksara) and sura (beer ) is good for abhyanga (oil massage and bath) or sukta (sour gruel) mixed with honey is good for pouring on the body and anointing. 35.

गृहधूमो वचा कुष्ठं शताह्वा रजनीद्वयम् । प्रलेपः शूलनुद्वातरक्ते वातकफोत्तरे मधुशिग्रोर्हितं तद्वद्वीजं मुहूर्तलिप्तमम्लैश्च ॥ ३६ ॥

धान्याम्लसंयुतम् । सिञ्चेद्वातकफोत्तरे ॥ ३७॥

Application of paste of grhadhuma, vaca, kustha, satahva and the two rajani relieves the pain in gout having predominance of kapha; similarly the paste of seeds of madhusigru, macerated with dhanyamla (fermented water in which grains have been washed) in gout having predominance of vata kapha; this paste should be allowed to remain for one muhurta ( 48 minutes ) and then sprinkled with sour liquids when vata and kapha are predominant. 36-37.

उत्तानं लेपनाभ्यङ्परिषेकावगाहनैः ।

विरेकास्थापनस्नेहपानैर्गम्भीरमाचरेत् ॥ ३८ ॥

The uttana kind of vatarakta (gout) should be treated with lepana ( application of pastes), abhyanga (anointing with fats) pariseka (pouring liquids on the body) and avagaha (immersing the body in liquids) and the gambhira kind ( of gout) by vireka ( purgation), asthapana (decoction enema ) and snehapana (drinking of fats). 38.

वातश्लेष्मोत्तरे कोष्णा लेपाद्यास्तत्र शीतलैः । विदाहशोफरुक्कण्डूविवृद्धिः स्तम्भनाद्भवेत् ॥ ३९ ॥

When vata and slesman (kapha) are predominant, warm applications of pastes etc. are beneficial; if cold application are made, burning sensation, swelling, pain and itching will increase, due to regidity ( caused by cold). 39.

पित्तरक्तोत्तरे वातरक्ते लेपादयो हिमाः । उष्णैः प्लोषोषरुग्रागस्वेदावदरणोद्भवः ॥ ४० ॥

In gout, when there is predominance of pitta and rakta cold application are beneficial, plosa ( blisters, blebs) osa (localised burning sensation) pain, redness, sweating and avadarna (laceration, abrasion) will develop by heat (of warm applications). 40.

Madhuyastyadi taila

मधुयष्ट्याः पलशतं कषाये पादशेषिते । तैलाढकं समक्षीरं पचेत्कल्कैः पलोन्मितैः ॥ ४१ ॥

स्थिरातामलकीदूर्वापयस्याभीरुचन्दनैः लोहहंसपदीमांसीद्विमेदामधुपर्णिभिः । ॥ ४२ ॥

काकोली क्षीरकाकोलीशतपुष्पर्द्धिपद्मकैः ।

जीवकर्षभजीवन्तीत्वपत्रनखवालकैः प्रपौण्डरीकमञ्जिष्ठासारिवैन्द्रीवितुन्नकैः चतुष्प्रयोगं वातासृक् पित्तदाहज्वरार्तिनुत् ॥ ४४ ॥ ॥ ४३ ॥

One hundred pala of madhuyasti is boiled in one drona of water and decoction reduced to one-fourth the quantity. To this are added, one adhaka of taila (oil), equal (same) quantity of milk and paste of one pala each of sthira, tamalaki, durva, payasya, abhiru, candana, loha (aguru), hamsapadi, mamsi, the two meda, madhuparni, kakoli, ksirakakoli, satapuspa, rddhi, padmaka, jivaka, rsabha, jivanti, tvak, patra, nakha, valaka, prapaundarika, manjistha, sariva, aindri, and vitunnaka and medicated oil cooked. This oil used in the four ways ( drinking, nasal medication, oilenema and decoction-enema) cures gout, diseases of pitta origin, burning sensation and fever. 41-44.

Sahasrapaka bala taila

बलाकषायकल्काभ्यां तैलं क्षीरसमं पचेत् । सहस्त्रशतपाकं रसायनं मुख्यतममिन्द्रियाणां प्रसादनम् ।

जीवनं बृंहणं स्वर्यं शुक्रासृग्दोषनाशनम् ॥ ४६ ॥ तद्वातासृग्वातरोगनुत् ॥ ४५ ॥

Decoction and paste of bala, taila (oil) and equal quantity of milk are cooked a thousand times, (or hundred times) and medicated oil prepared. This cures gout and diseases of vata origin, is a rejuvinator foremost, bestows comfort to the sense organs, enlivens and stoutens the body, good for the voice, dispels the disorders of semen, and blood. 45-46.

कुपिते मार्गसंरोधान्मेदसो वा कफस्य वा । अतिवृध्द्याऽनिले शस्तं नादौ स्नेहबृंहणम् ॥ ४७ ॥

कृत्वा तत्राढ्यवातोक्तं वातशोणितिकं ततः ।

भेषजं स्नेहनं कुर्याद्यच्च रक्तप्रसादनम् ॥ ४८ ॥

When anila (vata) gets aggravated due to obstruction of its channels by great increase of either the medas (fat) or kapha, administration of snehana (oleation therapy) and brmhana (stoutening therapy) are not suitable in the beginning. The treatments prescribed for adhyavata (urustambha /stiffness of the thigh) should be done first and then the treatments of vatasonita ( gout) such as snehana (oleation ) 47-48. and also such treatments which purifies the blood.

Avarana vata Chikitsa

प्राणादिकोषे युगपद्यथोद्दिष्टं यथामयम् । यथासन्नं च भैषज्यं विकल्प्यं स्याद्यथाबलम् ॥ ४९ ॥

When prana and other divisions of vata are aggravated simultaneously the treatment which are enumerated (chapter 13 of sutrasthana) appropriate to the disease (present now) and which are nearest (to the aggaravated dosa) should be done, considering the strength (of the patient and the aggravated dosas). 49.

नीते निरामतां सामे स्वेदलङ्घनपाचनैः । रूक्षैश्चालेपसेकाद्यैः कुर्यात्केवलवातनुत् ॥५०॥

When vata is sama (associated with ama/presenting symptoms of ama) it should be made nirama (free of symptoms of ama ) by treatments such as sveda ( sudation), langhana (fasting and other thinning therapies), pacana ( digestive drugs), application of pastes and pouring medicinal liquids which are dry (non-fatty) and then the treatments suitable for vata alone. 50.

शोषाक्षेपणसङ्कोचस्तम्भस्वपनकम्पनम् । हनुस्त्रंसोऽर्दितं खाञ्ञ्ज्यं पाङ्गुल्यं खुडवातता ॥५१॥

सन्धिच्युतिः पक्षवधो मेदोमज्जास्थिगा गदाः । एते स्थानस्य गाम्भीर्यात्सिध्येयुर्यत्नतो नवाः ॥ ५२॥

तस्माज्जयेन्नवानेतान्ब लिनो निरुपद्रवान् ।

Consumption ( depletion of tissues), convulsions, contractions, rigidity, loss of tactile sensation, tremors, drooping of the lower jaw, facial palsy, lameness by one leg, lameness of both the legs, khudavata (vatarakta/gout), dislocation of joints and hemiplegia (paralysis of half the body) these are diseases (of vata) localised in the fat, bones and bone-marrow tissues; these by the strength of their seat ( tissues) might get cured if treated with great effort when they are of recent onset. Hence these should be won over ( cured) at their commencement itself, in the patient who is strong and when are not having complications (secondary diseases). 51-53a.

Pittavrta vata Chikitsa

वायौ पित्तावृते शीतामुष्णां च बहुशः क्रियाम् ॥ ५३॥

व्यत्यासाद्योजयेत्सर्पिर्जीवनीयं च पाययेत् । धन्वमांसं यवाः शालिर्विरेकः क्षीरवान् मृदुः ॥ ५४ ॥

सक्षीरा बस्तयः क्षीरं पञ्चमूलबलाशृतम् । कालेऽनुवासनं यष्टीमधुबलातैलघृतक्षीरैश्च तैलैर्मधुरौषधसाधितैः ॥ ५५ ॥

सेचनम् । पञ्चमूलकषायेण वारिणा शीतलेन वा ॥ ५६ ॥

When vayu (vata) is enveloped (hindered from movement, obstructed in actions ) by pitta ( increased) treatment which are cold and hot should be administered alternately, many times; jivaniya ghrta (chapter 24 of Chikitsa sthana of Astanga sangraha) should be consumed; should use meat of animals of desert-like regions, yava (barley) and sali (rice) and milk as food, mild purgative therapy should be administered. Basti (decoction enema therapy ) with decoction of pancamula mixed with milk, and anuvasana (oil-enema therapy) with oil prepared by drugs of sweet taste should be administered at the appropriate time. Secana (pouring liquid) with madhuyasti taila, bala taila (described earlier), ghee, milk, decoction of drugs of pancamula or cold water should be done. 53-56.

Kaphavrta vata Chikitsa

कफावृते यवान्नानि जाङ्गला मृगपक्षिणः । स्वेदास्तीक्ष्णा निरूहाश्च वमनं सविरेचनम् ॥ ५७ ॥ पुराणसर्पिस्तैलं च तिलसर्षपजं हितम् ।

When vata is enveloped by kapha, boiled yava, meat of animals and birds of desert-like regions, should be used as food, sveda (sudation ), strong niruha (decoction enema ) vamana (emesis) and virecana (purgation), old ghee, and 57-58a. sarsapa are suitable.

संसृष्टे कफपित्ताभ्यां पित्तमादौ विनिर्जयेत् ॥ ५८ ॥

When vata is enveloped by kapha and pitta, pitta should be won over (mitigated) first. 58b.

Dhatu avrta vata Chikitsa

कारयेद्रक्तसंसृष्टे वातशोणितिकीं क्रियाम् । स्वेदाभ्यङ्गरसाः क्षीरं स्नेहो मांसावृते हितम् ॥ ५९ ॥ प्रमेहमेदोवातघ्नमाढ्यवाते भिषग्जितम् । महास्नेहोऽस्थिमज्जस्थे पूर्वोक्तं रेतसाऽऽवृते || ६० ॥ अन्नावृते पाचनीयं वमनं दीपनं लघु । मूत्रावृते मूत्रलानि स्वेदाश्चोत्तरबस्तयः ॥ ६१॥ एरण्डतैलं वर्च:स्थे बस्तिस्नेहाश्च भेदिनः ।

When enveloped by rakta (blood), treatments prescribed for vatasonita ( gout) should be done.

When enveloped by mamsa ( muscle tissue ), sveda (sudation), abhyanga (oil massage ), ingestion of meat soup, milk as food, sneha (oleation therapy) are beneficial. In adhyavata (vata enveloped by medas/fat, producing adhyavata/stiffness of the thighs) treatments prescirbed for diabetes, obesity and vata are best suited.

When enveloped by asthi and majja (bone and bone marrow) administration of mahasneha (mixture of four fats ) and when enveloped by retas (semen) the treatment stated previosuly (verse 20-21 of previous chapter) should

be done. When enveloped by anna (food) administration of pacana (digestives), vamana (emesis), dipana (carminatives) and laghu (drugs & foods which are easily digestable) are ideal.

When enveloped by mutra (urine ), drugs which are mutrala (diuretic), sveda (sudation) and uttarabasti (urethral douche) are to be administered.

When enveloped by varca (faeces) drinking of eranda taila, basti ( enema ) and fats (medicated oil or ghee) which produce purgation are ideally suited. 59-62a.

कफपित्ताविरुद्धं यद्यच्च सर्वस्थानावृतेऽप्याशु तत्कार्यं अनभिष्यन्दि च स्निग्धं स्त्रोतसां यापना बस्तयः प्रायो मधुराः प्रसमीक्ष्य बलाधिक्यं मृदु कार्य रसायनानां सर्वेषामुपयोगः वातानुलोभनम्॥६२॥ मातरिश्वनि । शुद्धिकारणम् ॥ ६३ ॥ सानुवासनाः । विरेचनम् ॥ ६४ ॥ प्रशस्यते । शिलाह्वस्य विशेषेण पयसा शुद्धगुग्गुलोः ॥ ६५ ॥ भार्गवस्तद्वदेकादशसिताशितः । लेहो वा

When matarisvan (vata) is enveloped in all the places (of the body by all the tissues) the treatments which are not opposed to kapha and pitta and which are vatanulomana (make vata move downward) should be done immediately. Foods and drugs which are anabhisyandi (not producing more moisture inside the body tissues), snigdha (unctous), which purifies (clears) the channels, yapana basti (enema therapy of that name-vide chapter 4 of kalpasiddhisthana) anuvasana (oil-enema) prepared from drugs of sweet taste, milk, virecana (purgations) should be administered based upon the good strength of the person. Use of rasayana (rejuvinator/tonics) always is highly desirable, especially of silajatu or purified guggulu along with milk; or purified gugglu along with milk; or Bharagava leha (Cyavanaprasa avaleha chapter 39 of uttarasthana) similarly of that called of Brahmarasayana-chapter 39) 62b-66a.

अपाने त्वावृते सर्वं दीपनं ग्राहि भेषजम् ॥ ६६ ॥ वातानुलोमनं कार्यं मूत्राशयविशोधनम् ।

When apana vata is enveloped (by any other divisions of vata, any other dosa, dhatu, mala etc.) medicines which dipana (water (carminative), grahi absorbent) vatanulomana (mild laxative) and which purify the urinary bladder (diuretics) should be administered. 66b-67a.

इति सङ्क्षेपतः प्रोक्तमावृतानां चिकित्सितम् ॥ ६७ ॥ प्राणादीनां भिषक्कुर्याद्वितर्क्य स्वयमेव तत् ।

Thus were described in breif the treatmetns of envelopment of prana and other dividisions of vata; the physician should select the appropriate one by his intellegent 67b-68. dsecretion.

उदानं योजयेदूर्ध्वमपानं चानुलोमयेत्॥ ६८ ॥

समानं शमयेद्विद्वांस्त्रिधा व्यानं तु योजयेत् । प्राणोरक्ष्यश्चतुर्भ्योऽपि तत्स्थितौ देहसंस्थितिः ॥ ६९ ।।

स्वं स्वं स्थानं नयेदेवं वृतान् वातान् विमार्गगान् ।

Udana vata should be raised (made to act in the upward direction) apana vata should be lowered (made to act in the downward direction), samana vata should be given samana (palliative therapy to mitigate it) by the intellegent physician, vyana vata should be made to act in three directions (upward, downward and sideward). Prana vata should be protected from all the four (remaining divisions of vata) because in its normally rests the very existance of the body (life also), the divisions of vata which are moving in wrong paths (acting abnormally) should be brought back to their own respective 68b-70a. places by suitable treatments.

सर्वं चावरणं पित्तरक्तसंसर्गवर्जितम् ॥ ७० ॥ रसायनविधानेन लशुनो हन्ति शीलितः ।

Lasuna administered, in the procedure, of a resayana (rejuvinatory therapy) cures all the varieties and avarana (envelopment of vata) except those pitta and rakta (blood).

पित्तावृते पित्तहरं मरुतश्चानुलोमनम् ॥ ७१ ॥ रक्तावृतेऽपि तद्वच्च खुडोक्तं यच्च भेषजम् । रक्तपित्तानिलहरं विविधं

When enveloped by pitta, treatments which mitigate pitta and cause downward movement of marut (vata) should be done, when enveloped by rakta (blood) the same treatments together with those prescribed for khuda (gout) and which mititgate rakta, pitta and anila (vata) and different kinds of rasayana (rejuvinators) should be administered. 71b-72.

यथानिदानं निर्दिष्टमिति सम्यक् चिकित्सितम् । आयुर्वेदफलं स्थानमेतत्सद्योऽर्तिनाशनात् ॥ ७३ ॥

In this manner, the treatments of all the diseases described in the nidana sthana were elaborated in this chapter, which yeilds the benefit of Ayurveda and destroys the sufferings (of men). 73.

चिकित्सितं हितं पथ्यं प्रायश्चितं भिषग्जितम् । च रसायनम् ॥ ७२ ॥

भेषजं शमनं शस्तं पर्यायैः स्मृतमौषधम् ॥ ७४ ॥

Ausadha (treatments) is known by many synonyms such as Chikitsa, hita, pathya, prayascitta, bhisagjita, samana, and sasta. 74.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने वातशोणितचिकित्सितं नाम

द्वाविंशोऽध्यायः॥ २२ ॥

Thus ends the chapter-Vatasonita-the twentysecond in Chikitsa sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta. समाप्तं चेदं चतुर्थ चिकित्सितस्थानम् । Thus ends CIKITSITA STHANA-the fourth section on THERAPEUTICS


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