UDARA CHIKITSA – Treatment of enlargement of the abdomen / Ascites – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter – 15


अथातो उदरचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter – Udara chikitsa treatment of enalrgement of the abdomen; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Udara samanya chikitsa


सम्भवत्युदरं तस्मान्नित्यमेनं विरेचयेत् ॥ १ ॥

Udara (enlargement of the abdomen) arises from great increase of the dosas and consequent obstruction of the orifices of the channels. Hence the patient of udara should be given purgative therapy every day. 1.

पाययेत्तैलमैरण्डं समूत्रं सपयोऽपि वा । मासं द्वौ वाऽथवा गव्यं मूत्रं माहिषमेव वा ॥ २ ॥

पिबेगोक्षीरभुक् स्याद्वा करभीक्षीरवर्तनः । दाहानाहातितृणमूर्च्छापरीतस्तु विशेषतः ॥ ३ ॥

Eranda taila mixed with cows urine or cows milk should be consumed for one month or two months; or cows urine or buffalo urine may be consumed partaking either milk of cow or of camel only as food; especially so when he is afflicated with burning sensation, distention, severe thirst and fainting.

रूक्षाणां बहुवातानां दोषसंशुद्धिकाङ्क्षिणाम् । स्नेहनीयानि सर्पींषि जठरघ्नानि योजयेत् ॥ ४ ॥

Those who are dry, having great increase of vata, who desire to be cleared of the dosas should be administered medicated ghee recipes which produce unctousness inside and cure enlargement of the abdomen.

षट्पलं दशमूलाम्बुमस्तुद्व्याढकसाधितम् ।

Satpala ghrita ( chapter 5 / 22 of chikitsasthana) prepared with two adhaka of decoction of dasamula and mastu (one adhaka each) should be made use of. 4.

नागरत्रिपलं प्रस्थं घृततैलात्तथाऽऽढकम् ॥५॥ साधयित्वैतत्पिबेत्सर्वोदरापहम् । मस्तुनः कफमारुतसम्भूते गुल्मे च परमं हितम् ॥ ६॥

Three palas of nagara, one prastha each of ghrta and taila and one adhaka of mastu (whey) are cooked to form a medicated ghee and consumed for the cure of all varieties of abdominal enlargement. It is especially suitable in abdominal tumour arising from kapha and maruta (vata). 5-6.

चतुर्गुणे जले मूत्रे द्विगुणे चित्रकात्पले । कल्के सिद्धं घृतप्रस्थं सक्षारं जठरी पिबेत् ॥ ७ ॥

Medicated ghee is prepared with four parts of water, two parts of cows urine, paste of one pala of citraka and one prastha of ghrta. This should be consumed mixed with kshara (yavaksara) by the person having enlargement of the abdomen.

यवकोलकुलत्थानां पञ्चमूलस्य चाम्भसा । सुरासौवीरकाभ्यां च सिद्धं वा पाययेद्धृतम् ॥ ८ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of yava, kola, kulattha and pancamula, added with sura and sauviraka can also be consumed. 8.

एभिः स्निग्धाय सञ्जाते बले शान्ते च मारुते । स्त्रस्ते दोषाशये दद्यात्कल्पदृष्टं विरेचनम् ॥ ९ ॥

The person who, by the use of these recipes has become well lubricated, gained strength, maruta (vata) mitigated and the seats of dosas debilitated, then virechana (purgative) recipes mentioned in kalpasthana (chapter 2) should be administered. 9.

पटोलमूत्रं त्रिफलां निशां वेल्लं च कार्षिकम् । कम्पिल्लनीलिनीकुम्भभागान् द्वित्रिचतुर्गुणान् ॥ १०॥

पिबेत्सञ्चूर्ण्य मूत्रेण पेयापूर्वं विरिक्तो जांगलैरद्यात्ततः षड्दिवसं पयः ॥ ११ ॥

शृतं पिबेद्व्योषयुतं पीतमेवं पुनःपुनः । हन्ति सर्वोदराण्येतच्चूर्णं जातोदकान्यपि ॥ १२ ॥

Root of patola, triphala, nisa, vella-each one karsa, kampilla, nilini, and kumbha two, three and four parts respectively-are made into a nice powder and consumed mixed with cows urine.

After purgations, the patient should drink peya (thin gruel) first, followed by partaking rice mess mixed with soup of meat of animals of desert-like land; for the next six days, milk boiled with vyosa only should be taken as food. This powder and regimen repeated again and again cure all the varieties of abdominal enlargement even after the collection of fluid inside. 12.

गवाक्षीं शङ्खिनीं दन्तीं तिल्वकस्य त्वचं वचाम् । पिबेत्कर्कन्धुमृद्वीकाकोलाम्भोमूत्रसीधुभिः ॥ १३॥

(Powder of) gavaksi, sankhini, danti, bark of tilvaka and vaca should be consumed with either juice of karkandhu, mrdvika, kola, mutra ( cows urine) or sidhu ( fermented sugarcane juice). 13.

Narayana churna

यवानी हपुषा धान्यं शतपुष्पोपकुञ्चिका । कारवी पिप्पलीमूलमजगन्धा शठी वचा ॥ १४ ॥

चित्रकोऽजाजिकं व्योषं स्वर्णक्षीरी फलत्रयम् । द्वौ क्षारौ पौष्करं मूलं कुष्ठं लवणपञ्चकम् ॥ १५ ॥

विडङ्गं च समांशानि दन्त्या भागत्रयं तथा । त्रिवृद्विशाले द्विगुणे सातला च चतुर्गुणा ॥ १६ ॥

एष नारायणो नाम चूर्णो रोगगणापहः । नैनं प्राप्याभिवर्धन्ते रोगा विष्णुमिवासुराः ॥ १७ ॥

तक्रेणोदरिभिः पेयो गुल्मिभिर्बदराम्बुना । आनाहवाते सुरया वातरोगे प्रसन्नया ॥ १८ ॥

दघिमण्डेन विट्सङ्गे दाडिमाम्भोभिरर्शसैः । परिकर्त सवृक्षाम्लरुष्णाम्बुभिरजीर्णके ॥ १९ ॥

भगन्दरे पाण्डुरोगे कासे श्वासे गलग्रहे । हृद्रोगे ग्रहणीदोषे कुष्ठे मन्देऽनले ज्वरे ॥ २० ॥

दंष्ट्राविषे मूलविषे सगरे कृत्रिमे विषे ।

यथार्हं स्निग्धकोष्ठेन पेयमेतद्विरेचनम् ॥ २१ ॥

Equal quantities of yavani, hapusa, dhanya, satapuspa, upakuncika, karavi, pippalimula, ajagandha, sathi, vaca, citraka, ajaji, vyosa, svarnaksiri, phalatraya, the two ksaras, puskaramula, kustha, the five salts and vidanga ( all together forming one part) three parts of danti, two parts each of trivrt and visala, four parts of satala-are all powdered together. This powder known as Narayana curna destroys bunch of diseases, diseases won’t increase after consuming this just like asuras (demons) in front of Visnu. It should be consumed with takra (buttermilk) by patients of enlargement of the abdomen; with juice of badara by patients of abdominal tumour; with sura ( beer ) in flatulence, with prasanna (scum of wine) in diseases caused by vata, with dadhimanda ( scum of curds ) in constipation, with juice of dadima in haemorrhoids, with vrksamla in cutting pain of the rectum, with hot water in indigestion, with suitable liquids in rectal fistula, anaemia, cough, dyspnoea, hoarseness, heart diseases, disorders of the duodenum, leprosy, poor digestion, fever, poisonous bites, root poisons, homicidal poisoning, and artificial poision; it should be consumed after making the alimentary tract well lubricated (by drinking of fats). This acts as an ideal purgative. 14-21.

हपुषां काञ्चनक्षीरीं त्रिफलां नीलिनीफलम् ।

त्रायन्तीं रोहिणी तिक्तां सातलां त्रिवृतां वचाम् ॥ २२ ॥

सैन्धवं काललवणं पिप्पलीं चेति चूर्णयेत् । दाडिमत्रिफलामांसरसमूत्रसुखोदकैः पेयोऽयं सर्वगुल्मेषु प्लीहि सर्वोदरेषु च ।

श्वित्रे कुष्ठेष्वजरके सदने विषमेऽनले ॥ २४ ॥ शोफार्श: पाण्डुरोगेषु कामलायां हलीमके । ॥२३॥

वातपित्तकफांश्चाशु विरेकेण प्रसाधयेत् ॥ २५ ॥

(Equal quantities of) hapusa kancanaksiri, triphala, niliniphala, trayanti, rohini, satala, trivrt, vaca, saindhava, kalalavana and pippali-all should be powdered nicely and consumed with either the juice of dadima, triphala, soup of meat, cows urine, or warm water; this cures all the varieties of abdominal tumour, diseases of spleen, all types of enlargement of the abdomen, leucoderma, leprosy, weak digestion, erratic digestion, dropsy, haemorrhoids, anaemia, jaundice, halimaka (advanced state of jaundice) and increase of vata, pitta and kapha also, by producing purgations.

नीलिनीं निचुलं व्योषं क्षारौ लवणपञ्चकम् । 22-25.

चित्रकं च पिबेच्चूर्णं सर्पिषोदुरगुल्मनुत् ॥ २६ ॥

Powder of nilini, nicula, vyosa, the two ksara, the five lavana and citraka, consumed with ghee cures enlargement of the abdomen and abdominal tumours.

पूर्ववच्च पिबेदुग्धं क्षामः शुद्धोऽन्तराऽन्तरा । कारभं गव्यमाजं वा

The patient who has become thin/weak by these (purgative recipes) should drink milk of either the camel, cow or goat, in between, in the same manner as described earlier (in verses 11-12). 27.

दद्यादात्ययिके गदे ॥ २७ ॥

स्नेहानेव विरेकार्थे दुर्बलेभ्यो विशेषतः ।

In case of urgency in the disease, fat ( any pugative oil) only can be given to produce purgations, especially so to weak patients. 28.

हरीतकीसूक्ष्मरजः प्रस्थयुक्तं घृताढकम् ॥ २८ ॥

अग्नौ विलाप्य मथितं खजेन यवपल्लके । निधापयेत्ततो मासादुद्धृतं गालितं पचेत् ॥ २९ ॥

हरीतकीनां क्वाथेन दक्षा चाम्लेन संयुतम् । उदरं गरमष्ठीलामानाहं गुल्मविद्रधी ॥ ३० ॥ हन्त्येतत्कुष्ठमुन्मादमपस्मारं च पानतः ।

One prastha of powder of haritaki is added to one adhaka of ghee, melted by fire, churned well with a churner, put into a pot and kept cancealed in heap of barley. After one month it is taken out, mixed with decoction of haritaki, and amladadhi ( sour curds ) and boiled for some time. This ghee consumed ( daily ) cures enlargement of the abdomen, homicidal poisoning, prostatic enlargement, flatulence abdominal tumour, abscess, leprosy, insanity and epilepsy. 28b-31a.

स्नुक्क्षीरयुक्ताद्गोक्षीराच्छृतशीतात् खजाहतात् ॥ ३१ ॥

यज्जातमाज्यं स्नुक्क्षीरसिद्धं तच्च तथागुणम् । क्षीरद्रोणं सुधाक्षीरप्रस्थार्धसहितं दधि ॥३२ ॥

जातं मथित्वा तत्सर्पिस्त्रिवृत्सिद्धं च तदगुणम्। तथा सिद्धं घृतप्रस्थं पयस्यष्टगुणे पिबेत् ॥ ३३ ॥

स्नुकक्षीरपलकल्केन त्रिवृताषट्पलेन च।

एषां चानु पिबेत्पेयां रसं स्वादु पयोऽथवा ॥ ३४ ॥

Ghee, obtained by churning cows milk mixed with milky sap of snuk boiled and cooled or ghee processed (boiled) with milky sap of snuk, have the same properties (cure diseases enumerated above).

Ghee obtained from curds, by churning one drona of milk mixed with half prastha of a milky sap of sudha and boiled again with (powder of ) trivrt, also acts similarly.

One prastha of ghee, boiled with eight parts of milk; one pala of milky sap of snuk and its paste and six pala of trivrt should be consumed (in suitable dose daily).

Each of these recipes should be consumed followed with peya (thin gruel), sweat juices or milk. 31b-34.

घृते जीर्णे विरिक्तश्च कोष्णं नागरसाधितम् । पिबेदम्बु ततः पेयां ततो

यूषं कुलत्थजम् ॥ ३५ ॥ After the ghee has been digested, the patient had good purgations, lukeworm water boiled with nagara should be consumed first, next the peya (thin gruel) and the soup of kulattha. 35.

पिबेद्रुक्षस्त्र्यहं त्वेवं भूयो वा प्रतिभोजितः । पुनः पुनः पिबेत्सर्पिरानुपूर्व्याऽनयैव च ॥ ३६ ॥

The patient who is dry (abstaining from food) should drink ghee as above, for three days or drink it in large doses if taking meals daily, in this manner ghee should be consumed again and again. 36.

घृतान्येतानि सिद्धानि विदध्यात्कुशलो भिषक् । गुल्मानां गरदोषाणामुदराणां च शान्तये ॥ ३७॥

These medicated ghee recipes are of proven efficacy, the wise physician should administer them for the cure of abdominal tumours, homicidal poisoning and elargement of the abdomen. 37.

पीलुकल्कोपसिद्धं वा घृतमानाहभेदनम् ।

तैल्वकं नीलिनीसर्पिः स्नेहं वा मिश्रकं पिबेत् ॥ ३८ ॥

Ghee processed with paste of pilu relieves distention of the abdomen; either tilvaka ghrta ( vide chapter 21) nilini sarpis (chapter 14 ) or misraka sneha (vide chapter 14) may be consumed (for the same purpose).. 38.

हृतदोषः क्रमादश्नन् लघुशाल्योदनप्रति । उपयुञ्जीत जठरी दोषशेषनिवृत्तये ॥ ३९ ।

हरीतकीसहस्त्रं वा गोमूत्रेण पयोनुपः । सहस्रं पिप्पलीनां वा स्नुक्क्षीरेण सुभावितम् ॥ ४० ॥

पिप्पलीवर्धमानं वा क्षीराशी वा शिलाजतु । तद्वद्वा गुग्गुलुं क्षीरं तुल्यार्द्रकरसं तथा ॥ ४१ ॥

After the elimination of the dosas, the patient should eat little quantity of rice mess in a gradual way.

To eliminate the residue of the dosas, the patient of udara should consume either haritaki- a thousand of which, is soaked and macerated with cows’ urine; or pippali a thousand of which, is soaked and macerated with milky sap of snuhi; or pippali vardhamana (by increasing the quantity daily) as described for Rasayana therapy (in chapter 39 of uttarasthana); or silajatu or guggulu or milk mixed with equal quantity of jucie of ardraka; each of these recipes should be consumed followed by drinking of milk. 39-41.

चित्रकामरदारुभ्यां कल्कं क्षीरेण वा पिबेत् ।

मासं युक्तस्तथा हस्तिपिप्पलीविश्वभेषजम् ॥ ४२ ॥

Paste of citraka and amaradaru may be consumed along with milk, or paste of hastipippali and visabhesaja may be consumed with milk for a month.

विडङ्गं चित्रको दन्ती चव्यं व्योषं च तैः पयः । कल्कैः कोलसमैः पीत्वा प्रवृद्धमुदरं जयेत् ॥ ४३ ॥

Paste of vidanga, citraka, danti, cavya and vyosa, one kola in quantity consumed with milk, cures abdominal enlargement though advanced. 43.

भोज्यं भुञ्जीत वा मासं स्नुहीक्षीरघृतान्वितम् । उत्कारिकां वा स्नुक्क्षीरं पीतपथ्याकणाकृताम् ॥ ४४ ॥

Food mixed with milky sap of snuhi and ghee should be partaken for one month; or utkarika (bread/cake) prepared with addition of yellow coloured milky sap of snuk, pathya and kana. 44.

पार्श्वशूलमुपस्तम्भं हृद्ग्रहं च समीरणः । यदि कुर्यात् ततस्तैलं बिल्वक्षारान्वितं पिबेत् ॥ ४५ ॥

पक्कं वा टिण्टुकबलापलाशतिलनालजैः । क्षारैः कदल्यपमार्गतर्कारीजैः पृथक्कृतैः ॥ ४६ ॥

When samirana (vata) has given rise to pain in the flanks, slight rigidity and catching pain in the (region of) the heart, then oil ( of sesame) mixed with ksara ( ash) of bilva should be consumed or oil boiled with kshara of anyone of tintuka, bala, palasa, tilanala, apamarga or tarkari may be consumed. 45-46.

कफे वातेन पित्ते वा ताभ्यां वाऽप्यावृतेऽनिले । बलिन: स्वौषधयुतं तैलमेरण्डजं हितम् ॥ ४७ ॥

When either kapha or pitta are covered/hindered by vata; or anila ( vata ) being covered by them (kapha and pitta ), the patient, if strong, drinking eranda taila mixed with suitable drugs appropriate to the covering dosa is beneficial.

देवदारुपलाशार्कहस्तिपिप्पलिशिग्रुकैः साश्वकर्णैः सगोमूत्रैः प्रदिह्यादुदरं बहिः ॥ ४८ ॥

The abdomen should be covered externally with a warm paste of devadaru, palasa, arka, hastipippali, sigru and asvakarna macerated with cows urine. 48.

वृश्चिकालीवचाशुण्ठीपञ्चमूलपुनर्नवात् । वर्षाभूधान्यकुष्ठाच्च क्वाथैर्मूत्रैश्च सेचयेत् ॥ ४९ ॥

Decoction of vrscikali, vaca, sunthi, pancamula, punarnava, varsabhu, dhanya, and kustha or cows urine should be used for secana (pouring over the abdomen). 49.

विरिक्तम्लानमुदरं स्वेदितं साल्वणादिभिः । वाससा वेष्टयेदेवं वायुर्नाध्मापयेत्पुनः ॥ ५० ॥

The abdomen which has decreased in size by purgations, should be given svedana ( sudation / fomentation ) by salvana sveda (Upanaha) etc. and wrapped with a band of cloth so that vayu (air/gas) does not the fill-up the abdomen distending it again. 50.

सुविरिक्तस्य यस्य स्यादाध्मानं पुनरेव तम् । सुस्निग्धैरम्ललवणैर्निरूहैः समुपाचरेत् ॥ ५१ ॥

He who develops distention of the abdomen even after purgations should be treated with the administration of niruha (decoction enema) with the liquid containing fats, sours and salts. 51.

सोपस्तम्भोऽपि वा वायुराध्मापयति यं नरम् । तीक्ष्णा: सक्षारगोमूत्राः शस्यन्ते तस्य बस्तयः ॥ ५२ ॥

When vayu (vata) is which is obstructed found to produce distention of the abdomen, then for such a person strong basti (enemas) with liquid mixed with ksara (alkalies) and cows urine are ideally suited. 52.

इति सामान्यतः प्रोक्ताः सिद्धा जठरिणां क्रियाः ।

Thus was decribed the general (common to all varities) treatments and also those of proven efficacy for the management of patients of abdominal enlargement. 53a.

Vataja udara chikitsa

वातोदरेऽथ बलिनं विदार्यादिश्रुतं घृतम् ॥ ५३ ॥

पाययेत् ततः स्निग्धं स्वेदिताङ्गं विरेचयेत् । ‘बहुशस्तैल्वकेनैनं सर्पिषा मिश्रकेण वा ॥ ५४॥

In vataja udara (abdominal enlargement arising from vata) if the patient is strong, he should be asked to drink ghee boiled with drugs of vidaryadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana), next after giving him oleation and sudation therapies, virecana (purgative therapy) should be given either by using tilvaka ghrta (chapter 21/32) or misraka sneha (chapter 14/89 ) in higher doses. 53b-54.

कृते संसर्जने क्षीरं वलार्थमवचारयेत् । प्रागुत्क्लेशान्निवर्त्य च बले लब्धे क्रमात्पयः ॥ ५५ ॥

After sansarjana (regimen of liquid diet ) , milk should be consuemd, to regain strength and before the appearance of nausea. After obtaining strength, milk should be consumed gradually. 55.

यूषै रसैर्वा मन्दाम्ललवणैरेधितानलम् । सोदावर्तं पुनः स्निग्धस्विन्नमास्थापयेत्ततः ॥ ५६ ॥

तीक्ष्णाधोभागयुक्तेन दाशमूलिकबस्तिना । तिलोरुबूकतैलेन वातघ्नाम्लभृतेन च॥ ५७ ॥

स्फुरणाक्षेपसन्ध्यस्थिपार्श्वपृष्ठत्रिकार्तिषु । रूक्षं बद्धकृद्वातं दीप्ताग्निमनुवासयेत् ॥ ५८ ।।

The anala (digestive fire) having been augmented by use of soups which possess slight sour and salt tastes, but udavarta (upward movement inside the alimentary tract) persisting, the patient should be given oleation and sudation and then administered asthapana (decoction enema) with dasamulika basti (chapter 4 of kalpasiddhisthana) processed with drugs of strong action capable of eliminating the dosas in the downward route.

The patient who has throbbings, convulsions, pain in the joints, bones, flanks, back and upper back, dryness and obstruction of faeces and flatus, and whose digestive fire is keen (strong) should be given anuvasana (oil enema) using tila taila and urubuka taila boiled with drugs which mitigate vata and which are sour. 56-58.

Pittaja udara chikitsa

अविरेच्यस्य शमना बस्तिक्षीरघृतादयः । बलिनं स्वादुसिद्धेन पैत्ते संस्नेह्य सर्पिषा ॥ ५९॥

श्यामात्रिभण्डीत्रिफलाविपक्केन विरेचयेत् । सितामधुघृताढ्येन निरूहोऽस्य ततो हितः ॥ ६० ॥

न्यग्रोधादिकषायेण स्नेहबस्तिश्च तच्छृतः । दुर्बलं त्वनुवास्यादौ शोधयेत्क्षीरबस्तिभिः ॥ ६१ ॥

In pittaja udara (enlargement of the abdomen caused by pitta) the patient who is strong should be given oleation therapy using ghee processed with drugs of sweet taste and then given virecana (purgative therapy) with ghrta boiled with syama, tribhandi and triphala Next, niruha (decoction enema) with decoction of drugs of nyagrodhadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana ) added with more quantity of sugar, honey and ghee is beneficial so also the snehabasti (oil enema) cooked with the same (nyagrodhadi quatha). The person who is weak should given anuvasana (oil enema) first and sodhana (purificatory therapy especially purgation) effected by ksira-basti (enema with milk etc.). 59b-61.

जाते चाग्निबले स्निग्धं भूयो भूयो विरेचयेत् । क्षीरेण सत्रिवृत्कल्केनोरुबूकशृतेन वा ॥६२ ॥

सातलात्रायमाणाभ्यां शृतेनारग्वधेन वा । सकफे वा समूत्रेण सतिक्ताज्येन सानिले ॥ ६३ ॥

पयसाऽन्यतमेनैषां विदार्यादिशृतेन वा । भुञ्जीत जठरं चास्य पायसेनोपनाहयेत् ॥ ६४ ॥

When the strength of the digestive fire is found to increase, the patient should be given oleation therapy followed by repeated purgation therapy using milk boiled with the paste of trivrt or of urubuka, with the paste of satala and trayamana or of aragvadha.

If it ( pitta ) is associated with kapha, milk processed with the above drugs should be consumed added with cows urine, and if associated with anila (vata) it should mixed with ghee processed with bitter drugs; or purgation may be produced by any other recipe or boiled with drugs of vidaryadi gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana); he should take food with milk boiled with these drugs, the abdomen should be given fomentation with this milk. 62-64.

पुनः क्षीरं पुनर्बस्तिं पुनरेव विरेचनम् | क्रमेण ध्रुवमातिष्ठन् यत्नः पित्तोदरं जयेत् ॥ ६५ ॥

Ingestion of milk, enema, purgation therapies administered, one after the other, repeatedly with great care, cures enlargement of the abdomen caused by pitta. 65.

Kaphaja udara chikitsa

वत्सकादिविपक्केन कफे संस्नेह्य सर्पिषा |

स्विन्नं स्त्रुक्क्षीरसिद्धेन बलवन्तं विरेचितम् ॥ ६६ ॥ संसर्जयेत्कटुक्षारयुक्तैरन्नैः कफापहैः ।

In kaphaja udara (abdominal enlargement caused by kapha) the patient should be given oleation therapy using ghee boiled with decoction of drugs of vatsakadi gana (vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana) and then sudation therapy; next virecana (purgation therapy) using ghee processed with milky sap of snuk and milk should be given if the patient is strong, this should be followed by samsarjana (regimen of liquid diet) with foods processed with drugs of pungent and alkaline actions and which mitigate kapha. 66-67a.

मूत्रत्र्यूषणतलाढ्यो निरूहोऽस्य ततो हितः ॥ ६७॥

मुष्ककादिकषायेण स्नेहबस्तिश्च तच्छृतः । भोजनं व्योषदुग्धेन कौलत्थेन रसेन वा ॥ ६८ ॥

Next, niruha (decoction enema) with more quantity of cows urine, tryusana and taila is beneficial; snehabasti (oil enema) with the ghee processed with decoction of drugs of muskakadi gana (vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana) is beneficial; food should be partaken either with milk boiled with vyosa or with soup of kulattha. 67b-68.

स्तैमित्यारुचिहृल्लासे मन्देऽग्नौ मद्यपाय च। दद्यादरिष्टान् क्षारांश्च कफस्त्यानस्थिरोदरे ॥ ६९ ॥

When lassitude, loss of taste, nausea and weakness of digestive fire is present and the abdomen being rigid due to solidified kapha, if the patient is accustomed to drinking wine, he should be given aristas and ksaras (fermented decoctions and alkalies). 69.

हिङ्गपकुल्ये त्रिफलां देवदारु निशाद्वयम् । भल्लातकं शिग्रुफलं कटुकां तिक्तकं वचाम् ॥ ७० ॥

शुण्ठीं माद्रीं धनं कुष्ठं सरलं पटुपञ्चकम् । दाहयेज्जर्जरीकृत्य दधिस्नेहचतुष्कवत् ॥ ७१ ॥

अन्तर्धूमं ततः क्षाराद्विडालपदकं पिबेत् । मदिरादधिमण्डोष्णजलारिष्टसुरासवैः ॥ ७२ ॥

उदरं गुल्ममष्ठीलां तून्यौ शोफं विसूचिकाम् | प्लीहहृद्रोगगुदजानुदावर्तं च नाशयेत् ॥ ७३ ॥

Hingu, upakulya, triphala devadaru, the two nisa, bhallataka, sigruphala, katuka, tiktaka, vaca, sunthi, madri, ghana, kustha, sarala, and the five patu, should be curshed together, mixed with dadhi (curds) and the four fats (oil, ghee, fat and marrow) put into a pot and burnt to ashes sealing the mouth of the pot.

This ksara (ash) consumed in dose as of one bidala padaka (karsa) in quantity along with either madira ( wine ), dadhi, manda (water of curds), warm water, arista, sura or asava (fermented liquids ) cures enlargement of the abdomen, abdominal tumour, enlargement of the prostate, the two kinds of pain of the bladder, dropsy, visucika (severe form of indigestion), disease of the spleen, heart disease, haemorrhoids and upward movement inside the alimentary tract. 70-73.

जयेदरिष्टगोमूत्रचूर्णायस्कृतिपानतः । सक्षारतैलपानैश्च दुर्बलस्य कफोदरम् ॥ ७४ ॥

Kaphaja udara present in weak persons should be won over by the drinking of arista, cows urine, powders of drugs ayaskrti (chapter 12 ) and oils mixed with ksara ( alkalies). 74.

उपनाह्यं ससिद्धार्थकिण्वैर्बीजैश्च मूलकात् ।

कल्कितैरुदरं स्वेदमभीक्ष्णं चात्र योजयेत् ॥ ७५ ।।

The abdomen should be fomented with paste made of siddhartha, kinva and mulaka bija applied as warm poultice, without break (daily). 75.

Sannipataja udara chikitsa

सन्निपातोदरे कुर्यान्नातिक्षीणबलानले । दोषोद्रेकानुरोधेन प्रत्याख्याय क्रियामिमाम् ॥ ७६ ॥

For the patient of sannipataja udara (abdominal enlargement caused by all the three dosas) in whom the strength of the body and of the digestive fire are not decreased very much, the following methods of treatment required to control the aggravation of the dosas should be adopted, after informing (the patient and his kin) the incurability of the disease. 76.

दन्तीद्रवन्तीफलजं तैलं पाने च शस्यते ।

Oil obtained from the fruits (seeds) of danti and dravanti is ideally suited for drinking (as oleation therapy). 77a.

क्रियानिवृत्ते जठरे त्रिदोषे तु विशेषतः ॥ ७७ ॥

दद्यादापृच्छ्यतज्ज्ञातीन् पातुं मद्येन कल्कितम् । मूलं काकादनीगुञ्जाकरवीरकसम्भवम् ॥ ७८ ॥

If abdominal enlargement arising from all the three dosas, has gone beyond the scope of treatment, then the physician after informing the relatives of the patient (of the uncertainty of action of the medicine) administer wine mixed with the paste of roots of kakadani, gunja and karavira (all these are minor poisons). 77b-78.

पानभोजनसंयुक्तं दद्याद्वा स्थावरं विषम् । यस्मिन् वा कुपितः सर्पो विमुञ्चति फले विषम् ॥ ७९ ॥

तेनास्य दोषसङ्घातः स्थिरो लीनो विमार्गगः । बहिः प्रवर्तते भिन्नो विषेणाशु प्रमाथिना ॥ ८० ॥ तथा व्रजत्यगदतां शरीरान्तरमेव वा ।

Or administer any one of the sthavara visa (vegetable poisons) such as roots, leaves etc. of vatsanabha, kalakuta, halahala etc. mixed with foods and drinks; or the fruit in to which an enraged serpent has deposited its poison. By the pramathi property (expelling the dosas from their places forcebly) of the poison, the dosas which are adherent, dissolved (in the tissues) and moving in wrong passages are expelled out quickly or rendered incapable of producing any diseases though remaining inside the body. 79-81a.

हृतदोषं तु शीताम्बुस्नातं तं पाययेत्पयः ॥ ८१ ॥

पेयां वा त्रिवृतः शाकं मण्डूक्या वास्तुकस्य वा ।

कालशाकं यवाख्यं वा खादेत्स्वरससाधितम् ॥ ८२ ॥

निरम्ललवणस्नेहं स्विन्नास्विन्नमनन्नभुक् । मासमेकं ततश्चैव तृषितः स्वरसं पिबेत् ॥ ८३ ।।

After the dosas have been eliminated out, the person should bathe in cold water and drink the milk or peya (thin gruel), eat the leaves of trivrt, manduki, vastuka, kalasaka, processed in their own fresh juices, without adding sours, salt and fats, either steam cooked or not steamed; and without partaking any other solid food, for a period of one month; if thirsty he should drink the fresh juice (of the above plants) only. 81b-83.

एवं विनिर्हते शाकैर्दोषे मासात् परं ततः । दुर्बलाय प्रयुञ्जीत प्राणभृत्कारभं पयः ॥ ८४ ॥

By this regimen of partaking leafy vegetables for one month, the dosas get expelled (or mitigated) completely, and then the person who has become debilitated should be given camels milk which restores life. 84.

Plihodara chikitsa

प्लीहोदरे यथादोषस्त्रिग्धस्य स्वेदितस्य च ।

सिरां भुक्तवतो दना वामबाहौ विमोक्षयेत् ॥ ८५ ॥

In plihodara (enlargement of the abdomen due to enlargement of spleen) the patient should be given oleation and sudation therapies appropriate to the dosha, made to take meals along with dadhi (curds) and then the vein in the left arm should be cut (to let out blood). 85.

लब्धे बले च भूयोऽपि स्नेहपीतं विशोधितम् । समुद्रशुक्तिजं क्षारं पयसा पाययेत्तथा॥८६॥

अम्लस्स्रुतं बिडकणाचूर्णाढ्यं नक्तमालजम् । सौभाञ्जनस्य वा क्वाथं सैन्धवाग्निकणान्वितम् ॥ ८७ ॥

हिङ्ग्ग्वादिचूर्णं क्षाराज्यं युञ्जीत च यथाबलम् ।

After he gains strength, he should be given more quantity of fat (oil or ghee) to drink (as oleation therapy) and then administered purificatory therapies. Then, he should be made to drink milk mixed with ksara (ash) of ocean oyster shells, or ksara (ash) of naktamala mixed with sour liquids added with more of powder of bida and kana; or drink the decoction of sobhanjana mixed with the powder of saindhava, agni and kana; or consume hingvadi curna (chapter 14/31-36) added with ksara (yavaksara) and ajya (ghee) 86-88a. depending on his strength.

पिप्पलीनागरं दन्तीसमांशं द्विगुणाभयाम् ॥ ८८ ॥ बिडार्धांशयुतं चूर्णमिदमुष्णाम्बुना पिबेत् ।

Equal quantities of pippali, nagara and danti (together making one part) two parts of abhaya and half part of bida are powdered together; this should be consumed with warm 88b-89a. water.

विडङ्गं चित्रकं सक्तून् सघृतान् सैन्धवं वचाम् ॥ ८९ ॥ दग्ध्वा कपाले पयसा गुल्मप्लीहापहं पिबेत् ।

Vidanga, citraka, saktu ( corn flour) mixed with ghee, saindhava and vaca should be burnt to ashes on the pan and consumed with milk cures abdominal tumour and splenic enlargement.

समुपनद्धः मुसलेन पीडितोऽनु च याति प्लीहा पयोभुजो नाशम् ।

Leaves of badaraka cut into smalll pieces mixed with oil, beaten by a pestle (thus made into a soft paste) applied as a warm poultice over the spleen, the person partakes milk only (as food) gets cured of the diseases of the spleen. 90b-91a.

रोहीतकलता क्लृप्ताः खण्डशः साभया जले ॥ ९१ ॥

मूत्रे वाऽऽसुनुयात्तच्च सप्तरात्रस्थितं पिबेत् । कामलाप्लीहगुल्मार्श: कृमिमेहोदरापहम् ।। ९२ ।।

‘मूत्रे वाऽऽसुनुयात्तच्च सप्तरात्रस्थितं पिबेत् । कामलाप्लीहगुल्मार्श: कृमिमेहोदरापहम् ।। ९२ ।।

तैलोन्मिश्रैर्बदरकपत्रः सम्मर्दितैः ॥ ९० ॥

Creeper of rohitaka, cut into bits is soaked either in the docoction of abhya or in cows urine for seven days, and then consumed; it cures jaundice, disease of the spleen, abdominal tumour, haemorrhoids, intestinal worms, diabetes, and 91b-92. enlargement of abdomen.

Rohitaka ghrita

रोहीतकत्वचः कृत्वा पलानां पञ्चविंशतिम् । कोलद्विप्रस्थसंयुक्तं कषायमुपकल्पयेत्॥ ९३ ॥

पालिकैः पञ्चकोलैस्तु तैः समस्तैश्च तुल्यया | रोहीतकत्वचा पिष्टैर्घृतप्रस्थं विपाचयेत् ॥ ९४ ॥

प्लीहाभिवृद्धिं शमयत्येतदाशु प्रयोजितम् ।

Twenty five pala of bark of rohitaka, two prastha of kola (badara) are put together and decoction prepared, a paste is prepared with five pala each of the drugs of pancakola and equal quantity of bark of rohitaka and one prasta of ghrta (ghee) are added to the decoction and medicated ghee cooked. This recipe consumed ( daily) quickly cures enlargement of spleen. 93-95a.

कदल्यास्तिलनालानां क्षारेण क्षुरकस्य च ॥ ९५ ॥ तैलं पक्कं जयेत्पानात्प्लीहानं कफवातजम् ।

Medicated oil prepared by cooking with the ksara (ash) of kadali, tilanala and ksuraka. This oil by drinking ( daily), cures, enlargement of the spleen caused by kapha and vata. 95-96a.

अशान्तौ गुल्मविधिना योजयेदग्निकर्म च ॥ ९६ ॥

अप्राप्तपिच्छासलिले प्लीह्नि वातकफोल्बणे । पैत्तिके जीवनीयानि सपषि क्षीरबस्तयः ॥ ९७ ॥

रक्तावसेकः संशुद्धिः क्षीरपानं च शस्यते ।

If by these methods, the disease does not subside, then Agni karma (branding by fire) should be resorted to, following the procedure described in the treatment of gulma (abdominal tumour), when slimy fluid has not collected (inside the abdomen) in enlargement of spleen arising from increase of vata and kapha.

In the splenic disease of pitta origin, use of ghee boiled with drugs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) ksirabasti (enema with milk etc.) blood-letting, purificatory therapies (purgation especially) and drinking of milk are idealy suited. 96b-98a.

यकृति प्लीहवत्कर्म दक्षिणे तु भुजे सिराम् ॥ ९८ ॥

In enlargement of yakrit (liver), the treatments same as of the spleen inclusive of cutting the vein of the right arm.

Baddhodara chikitsa

स्विन्नाय बद्धोदरिणे मूत्रतीक्ष्णौषधान्वितम् । सतैललवणं दद्यान्निरूहं सानुवासनम्

परिस्त्रंसीनि चान्नानि तीक्ष्णं ॥ ९९ ॥ चास्मै विरेचनम् ।

उदावर्तहरं कर्म कार्यं यच्चानिलापहम् ॥ १०० ॥

The patient of baddhodara (enlargement of abdomen due to intestinal obstruction) should be given sudation therapy, followed by niruha ( decoction enema) with cows urine, decoction of drugs having penetrating and quick acting properties, mixed with oil and salt; and then anuvasana (oil enema), foods which are laxative and strong purgatives; treatments which cure upward movement in the alimentary tract, those which mitigate anila ( vata) should be done.

Chidrodara chikitsa

छिद्रोदरमृते स्वेदाच्छ्लेष्मोदरवदाचरेत् ।

जातं जातं जलं स्त्राव्यमेवं तद्यापयेद्भिषद् ॥ १०१ ॥

In chidrodara (enlargement of the abdomen due to perforation of alimentary tract) all the treatment prescribed for slesmodara (udara arising from increase of kapha) excepting sveda ( sudation ) should be adopted. The fluid should be removed as and when it collects inside; by this way the physician should maintain the patient. 101.

Udakodara chikitsa – Treatment of Ascites in Ayurveda

अपां दोषहराण्यादौ योजयेदुदकोदरे । मूत्रयुक्तानि तीक्ष्णानि विविधक्षारवन्ति च ॥ १०२ ॥

दीपनीयैः कफघ्नैश्च तमाहारैरुपाचरेत् ।

In udakodara (enlargement of the abdomen due to collection of fluid/ascites) treatment/medicines which mitigate/prevent formation of fluid such as strong-acting drugs, different kshara (alkalies) mixed with cows urine-should be administered, he should be nursed, with foods which prove digestive power and mitigate kapha.

क्षारं छागकरीषाणां शृतं मूत्रेऽग्निना पचेत् ॥ १०३ ॥ घनीभवति तस्मिंश्च कर्षांशं चूर्णितं क्षिपेत् ।

पिप्पली पिप्पलीमूलं शुण्ठी लवणपञ्चकम् ॥ १०४॥

निकुम्भकुम्भत्रिफलास्वर्णक्षीरीविषाणिकाः स्वर्जिकाक्षारषड्ग्रन्थासातलायवशूकजम्

कोलाभा गुटिकाः कृत्वा ततः सौवीरकाप्लुताः । पिबेदजरके ॥ १०५ ॥

शोफे प्रवृद्धे चोदकोदरे ॥ १०६ ॥

Ash of excreta of the goat, dissolved in cows urine and filtered, is cooked on fire till it becomes solid, then one karsa each of pippali, pippalimula triphala svarnaksiri, visanika, svarjikaksara sadgrantha satala, yavasukaja ksara-all powdered together is added and made into pill resembling kola (badara fruit). This should be consumed dissolved in sauviraka (fermented barley wash) in ajaraka (loss of digestive power), dropsy, and advanced stage of accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. 103b-106.

Shastra chikitsa in jalodara – surgical operation

इत्यौषधैरप्रशमे त्रिषु बद्धोदरादिषु । प्रयुञ्जीत भिषक् शस्त्रमार्तबनधुनृपार्थितः ॥ १०७॥

If the three kinds of udara, enumerated commencing with baddhodara, (baddhodara, chidrodara and udakodara) do not subside with the above medicines (medical treatment) then the physician should resort to surgical treatment after obtaining permission from the patient, his relatives and the king (or administrative officer). 107.

स्निग्धस्विन्नतनोर्नाभेरधो बद्धक्षतान्त्रयोः । वामतश्चतुरङ्गलात् ॥ १०८ ॥ ॥ १०९॥

पाटयेदुदरं मुक्त्वा मुक्त्वा चतुरङ्गुलमानं तु निष्कास्यान्त्राणि तेन च ।

निरीक्ष्यापनयेद्वालमललेपोपलादिकम् छिद्रे तु शल्यमुद्धृत्य विशोध्यान्त्रपरित्रवम् । मर्कोटैर्दशयेच्छिद्रं तेषु लग्नेषु चाहरेत् ।। ११० ।।

कायं मूर्खोऽनु चान्त्राणि यथास्थानं निवेशयेत् । अक्तानि मधुसर्पिर्ध्यामथ सीव्येद्वहिर्व्रणम् ॥ १११ ॥

ततः कृष्णमृदाऽऽलिप्य बनीयाद्यष्टिमिश्रया । निवातस्थः पयोवृत्तिः स्नेहद्रोण्यां वसेत्ततः ॥ ११२ ॥

In case of baddha ( obstruction) and ksata (perforation ) of the intestine (in baddhodara and chidrodara) the patient should be given oleation and sudation therapies first and then the abdomen is cut, below the umbilicus leaving a space of four angula from the left side (flank), the incised wound being four angula in length. The intestine is pulled out through the wound, is carely examined, the obstructing material such hair, faeces, stone etc. ( in case of caddhodara) and the foreign body ( in case of chidrodara) removed, the intestines cleared, of fluid and other materiais; the wound of the intestines is then closed by marketing big ants bite the edges (holding the cut edges with foreceps-like front jaws of the ants); when they are thus holding the edges tight with their head, their bodies should be cut off. Afterwards the intestines should be inserted into the abdomen, placed in the normal place, anointed with a mixture of honey and ghee and the wound sutured from outside. Then the abdomen should be given a coating of black mud moved mixed with (powder of) yasti. The patient is then moved to a place devoid of breeze and made to lie inside a tub filled with fats 108-112. (oil) consuming only milk as food.

सजले जठरेतैलैरभ्यक्तस्यानिला हैः ।

स्विन्नस्योष्णाम्बुनाऽऽकक्षमुदरे पट्टवेष्टिते ॥ ११३ ॥ ब

द्धच्छिद्रोदितस्थाने विध्येदङ्गलमात्रकम् । विधाय तस्मिन्नाडीं च स्त्रावयेदर्धमम्भसः ॥ ११४ ॥

अथास्य नाडीमाकृष्य तैलेन लवणेन च । व्रणमभ्यज्य बध्वा च वेष्टयेद्वाससोदरम् ॥ ११५ ॥

तृतीयेऽह्नि चतुर्थे वा यावदाषोडशं दिनम् । तस्य विश्रम्य विश्रम्य स्त्रावयेदल्पशो जलम् ॥ ११६ ॥

विवेष्टयेद्गाढतरं जठरं वाससा श्लथम् । निःस्त्रुते लङ्घितः पेयामस्नेहलवणां पिबेत् ॥ ११७ ॥

In case of the abdomen having accumilation of fluid, the patient should be anointed with oil, which mitigates anila (vata) and should be given sudation with hot water. Then his abdomen should be wrapped with bands of cloth upto the level of the axillae, a puncture is made at the same site, as indicated in the treatment of baddhodara and chidrodara, its depth being one angula, a nadi (tube) is inserted into this hole and the water (fluid) drained to half of its quantity;

then the tube is removed; the wound is bathed with oil mixed with salt, and tied with a bandage; then the whole of the abdomen wrapped ( tight) with cloth. On the third or the fourth day the fluid should be drained out in small quantities, with intervals of rest, till a period of sixteen days. The abdomen should be wrapped tight with loose cloth. When the fluid has been completely drained out, the patient should be given peya (thin gruel) without adding fats and salt, to drink. 113-117.

स्यात्क्षीरवृत्तिः षण्मासांस्त्रीन् पेयां पयसा पिबेत् । त्रींश्चान्यान् पयसैवाद्यात् फलाम्लेन रसेन वा ॥ ११८ ॥

अल्पशोऽस्त्रेहलवणं जीर्णं श्यामाककोद्रवम् । प्रयतो वत्सरेणैवं विजयेत जलोदरम् ॥ ११९ ॥

He should subsist on milk only as food for six months, the first three months he should drink peya (thin gruel) mixed with milk and the next three months he should eat food prepared from old syamaka or kodrava, along with milk, sour fruit juice, meat juice (soup ) in little quantity, without fats and salt; continue to live in this way for one year the patient gets cured of jalodara (ascitis). 118-119.

वर्ज्येषु यन्त्रितो दिष्टे नात्यादिष्टे जितेन्द्रियः ।

The patient should be under strict control in the use of things (food, drinks and activities) which are mentioned as rejectables (chapter 125) and capable of controlling his senses in the use of things which are not mentioned (as rejectables). 120a.

सर्वमेवोदरं प्रायो दोषसङ्घातजं यतः ॥ १२० ॥

अतो वातादिशमनी क्रिया सर्वत्र शस्यते । वह्निर्मन्दत्वमायाति दोषैः कुक्षौ प्रपूरिते ॥ १२१ ॥

तस्माद्भोज्यानि भोज्यानि दीपनःनि लघूनि च । सपञ्चमूलान्यल्पाम्लपटुस्नेहकटूनि च ॥ १२२ ॥

Gradually the vrieties of enlargement of the abdomen arise from the combination of the dosas; hence in all cases, therapies mitigating the vata and other dosas are highly beneficial. When the dosas get filled in the abdomen the digestive fire becomes weak, hence foods which kindle digestion and easily digestable, should be consumed along with drugs of pancamula, added with less of sour, salt, fats, and pungents.

भावितानां गवां मूत्रे षष्टिकानां च तण्डुलैः । यवागूं पयसा सिद्धां प्रकामं भोजयेन्नरम् ।। १२३ ।।

पिबेदिक्षुरसं चानु जठराणां निवृत्तये | स्वं स्वं स्थानं व्रजन्त्येषां वातपित्तकफास्तथा ॥ १२४ ॥

Yavagu (gruel) prepared from bits of sastika rice, soaked in cows urine can be consumed mixed with milk as much as desired, sugar-cane juice may be used as an after-drink, for the cure of abdominal enlargement. By this, vata, pitta and kapha get back to their own seats.

अत्यर्थोष्णाम्ललवणं रूक्षं ग्राहि हिमं गुरु । गुडं तैलकृतं शाकं वारि पानावगाहयोः ॥ १२५ ॥

आयासाध्वदिवास्वप्नयानानि च परित्यजेत् ।

Things, (foods, drinks, drugs etc.) which are very hot (heat producing ) sour, salt, dry (non-unctuous) grahi (absorbant and constipating ) cold (in potency) and heavy (not easily digestable), guda ( molasses, jaggery) vegetable cooked in oil, water for drinking and immersion, exertionlong distance walk, sleeping during day and riding on vehicles should be avoided. 125-126a

नात्यच्छसान्द्रमधुरं तक्रं पाने प्रशस्यते ॥ १२६ ॥

सकणालवणं वाते, पित्ते सोषणशर्करम् । यवानीसैन्धवाजाजीमधुव्योषैः कफोदरे ॥ १२७ ॥

त्र्यूषणक्षारलवणैः संयुतं निचयोदरे । मधुतैलवचाशुण्ठीशताह्वाकुष्ठ सैन्धवैः ॥ १२८ ॥

प्लीह्नी, बद्धे तु हपुषायवानीपट्वजाजिभिः । सकृष्णामाक्षिकं छिद्रे, व्योषवत्सलिलोदरे ॥ १२९ ॥

Drinking of takra (butter-milk ) which is not very thin, slighty thick in consistence and sweet in taste is highly beneficial, it should be consumed mixed with kana and lavana in vataja udara, mixed with usana and sarkara in pittaja udara; with yavani, saindhava, ajaji. madhu and vyosa in kaphaja udara; along with tryusana, ksara, and lavana in sanni patodara; with madhu, taila, vaca, sunthi, satahva, kustha, and saindhava in plihodara; with hapusa, yavani, patu and ajaji in baddhodara; with krsna and maksika in chidrodara and with vyosa in jalodara. 126-129.

गौरवारोचकानाहमन्दवह्व्यतिसारिणाम् ।

तक्रं वातकफार्तानाममृतत्वाय कल्पते ॥ १३० ॥

For those who are having feeling of heaviness of the body, loss of taste, flatulence, weak digestive fire and diarrhoea, who are suffering from increase of vata and kapha, takra (butter-milk) acts as nector. 130.

प्रयोगाणां च सर्वेषामनु क्षीरं प्रयोजयेत् । स्थैर्यकृत्सर्वधातूनां बल्यं दोषानुबन्धहृत् ॥ १३१ ॥

भेषजापचिताङ्गानां क्षीरमेवामृतायते ॥ १३१% ॥

After every therapy, milk should be administered, it strengthens all the dhatus (tissues), improves the strength of the body, destroys the accompaniment of the dosas; for those who have their body emeciated by drugs and therapies milk alone acts as nector. 131.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां

चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने उदरचिकित्सितं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः ॥ १५ ॥

Thus ends the chapter-Udara chikitsa-the fifteenth in chikitsa sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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