We will now expound the chapter known as Tarpana – putapaka vidhi procedure of Tarpana and putapaka (bathing the eye with liquids); thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)
अथ तस्तर्पणपुटपाकविधिं नामाध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥१॥
Akshi tarpana- eye bath
यन्नयनं परिताम्यति परिशुष्कं रूक्षं स्तब्धं जिह्यं निम्नमाविलमवनद्धं शीर्णपक्ष्मं तथा कृच्छ्रोन्मीलसिरोत्पातसिराहर्षार्जुनशुष्कतिमिराभिष्यन्दाधिमन्थान्यतोवातवातपर्ययशुष्का ल्पशोफादिरोगातुरमपगत रागाश्रुदूषिकावेदनं तत्र तर्पणं योजयेत् । न त्वशान्तोपद्रवेऽक्षिण नातिशीतोष्णवर्षदुर्दिने न नस्यार्हेषु च । तद्वत् पुटपाकमपि ॥२॥
Tarpana is to be administered for persons whose eyes get tired quickly, are dry, have no movements, are irregular, dropped down, dirty, covered (with accretions, blood vessels, pus etc.) and which have lost their lashes; and in diseases such as krchornmila, sirotpata, siraharsa, arjuna, suska, timira, abhisyanda, adhimantha, anyatovata, vataparyaya, suskalpasopha and others; after the disappearance of redness, excess of lacrimation, accumulation of dirt and pain.
It should not be done when these complications have not disappeared, not during very cold, very hot, rainy and bad days (cloudly and without sunlight) and for those who are ineligible for nasal medication. So also the putapaka therapy ( 2 )
Tarpana vidhi – procedure of eye bath
अथ दिवसस्याष्टमे भागे गते शेष वा निवातातपरजोधूमे कृतनीलपीतान्यतरयवनिके वेश्मनि जीर्णभक्तस्य सुखशयनगतस्य उत्तानस्य मृदितमाषपिष्टकल्केन नेत्रकोशाद् बहिर्व्यङ्गुलोच्छ्रा याधारौ परिमण्डलावसम्बाधौ समावपरित्राविणौ कृत्वा तत्रोष्णोदकप्रविलीनं निमीलिते नेत्रे यथास्वौषधविपक्कं क्षीरं सर्पिः सर्पिर्मण्डं वावसेचयेत् । यावन्निमग्नान्यक्षिपक्ष्माणि भ्रूरोमाणि च । ततः शनैरस्योन्मेषमाचरतो मात्रां गणयेत् । वर्त्मजेषु विकारेषु शतं सन्धिजेषु त्रीणि शुक्लजेषु पञ्च कृष्णजेषु सप्त दृष्टिजेष्वष्टौ सहस्रमधिमन्थेषु । प्रतिदोषं तु वाते सहस्रं पित्ते षट् शतानि कफे पञ्च स्वस्थकर्मणि च ॥३॥
When one-eighth part of the day has elapsed (that is after a lapse of three hours from sunrise) or during the rest of the day, the patient is made to lie on a cot comfortably, facing upwards, after the digestion of food, in a room devoid of breeze, sunlight, dust and smoke and furnished with screens of blue, yellow or other colours.
A circular wall, of the height of two angulas (fingers breadth) is constructed surrounding the eye socket, with the help of paste of black-gram flour and made leakproof and even: The patient should be asked to close his eye.
Milk, ghee or the supernatant fluid of ghee processed with appropriate drugs, made warm over hot water, should be poured into the well, over the eye till the eye lashes and hairs of the brow are fully immersed in the fluid.
The patient should then be asked to open the lids slowly and the physician start counting the matras (units of time described in chapter 31);
in diseases of the eyelids it should be one hundred matra;
in those of the joints of the eye, it shall be three hundred;
in those of the sclera, five hundred;
in those of the cornea seven hundred;
in those of vision – eight hundred and
in adhimantha one thousand.
According to the doshas, it shall be one thousand for vata, six hundred for pitta, five hundred for kapha and also for the healthy. (3)
ततोऽस्यापाङ्गदेशे शलाकया द्वारं कृत्वा स्नेहं भाजने स्त्रावयेत् । आधारौ चापनीय यवकल्केनाक्षिकोशौ प्रमृज्य स्त्रेहेरितकफोपशान्तये यथार्हं धूमं पाययेत् । सुखोदकप्रक्षालितमुखं चैनं यथाव्याधि भोजयेत् । आतपाकाशभास्वद्दर्शनानि च परिहरेत् ॥४॥
After the prescribed time, a small hole is made with a metal rod near the outer angle of the eye; the conents of the well should be collected into a vessel, the walls removed. To mitigate the increase of kapha due to the presence of lubricating materials, the patient is given an inhalation of smoke, suitable (to him and the disease).
Afterwards, he should be asked to wash his face with warm water and take foods suitable to the disease. He should strictly avoid seeing sunlight, open sky, and bright and shining objects (Mobile,Tv,Laptop Etc). (4)
अनेन विधिना प्रत्यहं वायावेकान्तरं रक्तपित्तयोर्व्यन्तरं कफे स्वस्थे च । यदादोषोत्कर्षं संसर्गसन्निपातयोः । एवमेकाहं त्र्यहं पञ्चाहं वा कुर्यादातृप्तेर्वा । तृप्तातृप्तातितृप्तलिङ्गानि तु क्रमात् स्वास्थ्यवातकफविकारैरादिशेत् ॥५॥
In this manner, tarpana, should be done daily in diseases of vata origin, with interval of one day in those of pitta and rakta origin and in health, and in diseases of kapha with interval of two days; in conditions of increase of two or three doshas together as appropriate to the condition of the doshas. Like this it can be done daily on the third day, on the fifth day or till the physician gets satisfied with the therapy. The symptoms of adequate, inadequate and excessive satisfaction should be understood by the appearance of symptoms of health, and disorders (symptoms) of vata and kapha respectively. (5)
Akshi putapaka
यदा तु सम्यग्योगप्राप्तं तर्पणं भवति तदा तद्विधेष्वेव रोगेषु पुटपाकं विदध्यात् । स त्रिविधः । स्नेहनो लेखनः प्रसादनश्च ॥ ६ ॥
When symptoms of adequate tarpana therapy have appeared Putapaka therapy should be done in the same diseases.
It is of three kinds – Snehana (lubricating), Lekhana (scarifying) and Prasadana ( purifying, cleansing) (6).
तत्र स्नेहनमानूपसाधारणमांसमेदोमज्जवसाभिः तता स्वादुद्रव्यैश्च क्षीरपिष्टै रूक्षेऽक्षिण प्रयोजयेत् ॥७॥
लेखनं जाङ्गलमृगपक्षिमांसयकृद्भिर्मुक्ताप्रवालशङ्खताम्रायस्समुद्रफेनकासीसस्रोतोजसैन्धवादि भिश्च लेखनद्रव्यैर्दधिमस्तुमधुपिष्टैः स्निग्धे ॥ ८ ॥
Snehana (lubricating ) is done with (juice of) meat, fat, bone-marrow and muscle-fat of animals living in marshy and temparate regions, along with drugs possessing sweet taste macerated in milk and for the eyes which are dry. (7)
Lekhana (scarifying) is done with (juice of) meat and liver of animals or birds living in desert-like regions, along with (ash of) pearls, coral, conchshell, copper, iron, sea-foam, kasisa, srotoja, saindhava and such other scarifying substances macerated with whey and honey and used for the eyes which are moist. (8)
प्रसादनीयं तु जाङ्गलमृगपक्षियकृद्धृदयमज्जवसाभिर्मधुरद्रव्यैश्च स्त्रीस्तन्यक्षीराज्यपिष्टैः । स तु वातपित्तरक्तदृष्टिदौर्बल्यव्रणनाशनः कफविरुद्धः॥९॥
Prasadana ( purifying ) is done with the (juice of) liver, heart, marrow, musclefat of animals and birds living in desert-like region, along with drugs of sweet taste macerated with breastmilk, milk or ghee. This therapy mitigates vata, rakta, weakness of vision, ulcerations and is antagonistic to kapha. (9)
Putapaka Vidhi Procedure
अथ बिल्वमात्रं वेशवारीकृतं मांसपिण्डं तन्मात्रेणैवौषधपिण्डेन संसृज्यैरण्डवटोत्पलपत्रैः स्नेहनादिषु क्रमाद्वेष्टयित्वा कुशमुञ्जसूत्रान्यतमेन बध्नीयात् । मृत्प्रलेपनं चात्र दृव्यङ्गुलोत्सेधं कृत्वा धवधन्वमधूकन्यग्रोधकाश्मर्यराजादनार्जुननक्तमालपाटलीनामन्यतमैः काष्ठैः शकृता वा गोमहिषयोः पचेत् । अग्निवर्णं चैनमपनीय विगतमृत्सूत्रपत्रं कृत्वा वस्त्रेण पीडयेत् । तेन रसेन सायं तर्पणवत् पूरयेन्नेत्रे । धारयेच्च स्नेहने शतद्वयं मात्राणां लेखने शतं प्रसादने त्रीणि शतानि ॥ १०॥
Meat (and other animal products) one bilva (48gms) in weight added with equal quantity of the appropriate drugs are converted into a thick paste, rolled into a ball, covered with leaves of erannda, vata and utpala for snehana, lekhana and prasadana putapakas respectively, tied with thread and given a coating of mud to the thickness of two angulas (fingers breadth) and dried.
The ball is then put into the fire of burning coal of wood of dhava, dhanwana, madhuka, nyagrodha, kasmarya, rajadana, arjuna, naktamala, patala and such others or with dried dung of cow or buffalo. After the mud ball becomes red, it is taken out from the fire, its covering of mud and leaves removed and held inside a clean cloth, and its juice squeezed out. It is administered in the same way as prescribed for tarpana, filled into the eyes in the evenings.
It should be retained for a period of two hundred matras, if it is snehana ( lubricating ); for one hundred matras, if it is lekhana (scarifying) and
for three hundred matras if it is prasadana ( cleansing ) ( 10 )
तर्पणवदेव धूमपानं प्रसादनवर्ज्यम् । सुखोष्णौ च पूर्वी । शीतः प्रसादनः । पुटपाकस्त्वेकाहं द्व्यहंत्र्यहं वा योज्य: । द्विगुणश्च तर्पणपुटपाकयोः परिहारः । बद्धाक्षैश्च मालतीमल्लिकाकुसुमै र्निवसेत् । तथा पक्कातिसारेऽपि पुटपाकस्यायमेव विधिरिति । भवति चात्र श्लोकः ॥ ११ ॥
After putapaka therapy dhumapana (inhalation of smoke) should be done similar to tarpana therapy except for prasadana (variety); the earlier two (snehana and lekhana putapaka) should be done with comfortably warm (liquids), whereas prasadana with cold (juices).
Putapaka is administered daily, or with intervals of two and three days.
The period of avoidance of exposure of sunlight etc., should be double as that of tarpana. The eyes should be tied keeping a pad of flowers like malati and mallika over it.
The procedure of preparing the juice is similar to the one described under the treatment of chronic diarrhoea (chapter II of chikitsasthana. para 22). (11)
Further some more verses:
सेकेऽञ्जने तर्पणे च पुटपाके च ये गदाः । जायेरन् विधिविभ्रंशाद्यथास्वं तान् प्रसाधयेत्॥१२॥
The diseases which develop during the course of Pariseka, Anjana, Tarpana and Putapaka due to violation of their procedures should be managed with appropriate treatment. (12)
॥ इति त्रयस्त्रिंशोऽध्यायः ॥
Thus ends the thirty-third chapter.