अथातः सिद्धबस्तिकल्पं व्याख्यास्यामः । इतिह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।
We will now expound Siddha Basti Kalpa-preparation of enemas of proven efficacy; thus said Atreya and other great sages. (1)
सिद्धबस्तीन् प्रयुञ्जीत सर्वदा सर्वदेहिनाम् । निर्व्यापदो बहुफलान् बलपुष्टिकरान् सुखान् ।।१।।
At all times and for all persons, Siddha basti (enemas of proven efficacy) should be administered; these do not produce any complications, yeild great benefits, improve strength and nourishment and are comfortable. (2)
Madhutailika basti
मधुतैले समे कर्षः सैन्धवात्द्विपिचुर्मिसिः । एरण्डमूलक्वाथेन निरूहो माधुतैलिकः ।।
रसायनंप्रमेहार्शः कृमिगुल्मान्त्रवृद्धिनुत् ।। सयष्टिमधुकश्चैष चक्षुष्यो रक्तपित्तजित् || २ ||
Decoction enema is prepared with the decoction of roots of eranda, equal quantities of honey and oil, one karsa of saindhava and two picu of (paste of) misi. This known as Madhutailika basti, is a rejuvinator and cures diabetes, piles, worms, abdominal tumors and intestinal hernia (inguinal or scrotal ). It (madhu tailika) with yastimadhuka (paste) is good for the eyes and cures bleeding disease. (3.a)
Yapana basti
यापनोघनकल्केनमधुतैलरसाज्यवान् ||३||
पायुजानूरुवृषणबस्तिमेहनशूलजित् प्रसृतांशैर्घृतक्षौद्रवसातैलैः प्रकल्पयेत् । यापनं सैन्धवार्धाक्षहपुषार्धपलान्वितम् ॥४॥
With the addition of paste of ghana (musta ) honey, oil, meat juice and ghee it becomes a yapana basti which cures pain of the rectum, knee, thigh, testes (and scrotum) and genitals.
Yapana basti prepared with one prasrita each of ghee, honey, muscle fat and oil, half aksa of saindhava and (paste of) half pala of hapusa. (3b-4) Yuktaratha basti –
एरण्डमूलनिष्क्वाथो मधुतैलं ससैन्धवम् । एष युक्तरथो बस्तिः सवचापिप्पलीफलः ॥ ५ ॥
Decoction of roots of eranda, honey, oil, saindhava (and paste of) vacha, pippali and phala (madana) are made into an enema. This is known as Yuktaratha basti. ( 5 )
Doshahara basti
सक्वाथोमधुषड्ग्रन्थाशताह्वाहिङ्गुसैन्धवः । सुरदारु चरास्त्रा च बस्तिर्दोषहरःशिवः ।।६।।
The same decoction (of eranda) along with honey (paste of) sadgrantha, satahva, hingu, saindhava, suradaru, and rasna forms a best Doshahara basti (enema with subdues the doshas). (6)
Siddha basti
पञ्चमूलस्यनिष्क्वाथस्तैलंमागधिकामधु । ससैन्धवः समधुकः सिद्धबस्तिरिति स्मृतः ॥७॥
Decoction of panchamula, taila, magadhika, honey, saindhava and madhuka forms an enema known as Siddha basti (enema of proven efficacy). (7)
द्विपञ्चमूलत्रिफलाफलबिल्वानिपाचयेत् । गोमूत्रेतेन पिष्टैश्चपाठातोयदवत्सकैः ॥ ८ ॥
सफलैः क्षौद्रतैलाभ्यां क्षारेण लवणेन च । युक्तो बस्तिः कफव्याधिपाण्डुरोगविषूचिषु । शुक्रानिलविबन्धेषु बस्त्याटोपेचपूजितः ।। ९ ।।
The two panchamula, triphala, phala and bilva are boiled in cows urine, to this are added the paste of patha, toyada, vatsaka, phala, honey, kshara, oil and lavana and enema liquid prepared. Administered as enema it is best for diseases of kapha origin, anaemia, visuci (gastro-enterities) obstruction of semen and anila (flatus) and distention of the urinary bladder. (8-9)
Raja yapana basti
मुस्तापाठामृतैरण्डबलारास्त्रापुनर्नवम् । मञ्जिष्ठारग्वधोशीरत्रायमाणाक्षरोहिणीः ।।१०।।
कनीय: पञ्चमूलं चपालिकं मदनाष्टकम् । जलाढके पचेत्तच्च पादशेषं परिस्स्रुतम् ॥ ११ ॥
क्षीरद्विप्रस्थसंयुक्तं क्षीरशेषंपुनः पचेत् । सपादजाङ्गलरसः ससर्पिर्मधुसैन्धवः ।।१२।।
पिष्टैर्यष्टीमिसिश्यामाकलिङ्गकरसाञ्जनैः । बस्तिः सुखोष्णोमांसाग्निबलशुक्रविवर्धनः ।।१३।।
वातासृड्मोहमेहार्शोगुल्मविण्मूत्रसग्रहम् । विषमज्वरवीसर्पवर्ध्याध्मानप्रवाहिकाः ॥ १४ ॥
वड्ङ्क्षणोरुकटीकुक्षिमन्याश्रोत्रशिरोरुजः | हन्यादसृग्दरोन्मादशोफकासाश्मकुण्डलान् ।
चक्षुष्यः पुत्रदो राजा यापनानां रसायनम् ।। १५ ।।
One pala each of musta, patha, amrita eranda, bala, rasna, punarnava, manjistha, aragvadha, usira, trayamana, aksa rohini and drugs of kaniya ( laghu) panchamula, madana eight by number, are all boiled in one adhaka of water, decoction reduced to ore-fourth and filtered; to it are added two prastha of milk, one-fourth that quantity of the juice of meat of animals of desert-like regions, ghee, honey, sandhava and a paste of yasti, misi, syama, kalingaka, and rasanjana; liquid reduced to the quantity of milk and enema liquid prepared. Administered comfortably warm it increases the growth of muscles, digestive activity, diabetes, haemorrhoids, abdominal tumor, strength, semen, cures gout, obstruction of faeces and urine, intermittant fevers, herpes, scrotal enlargement, flatulence, dysentery, pain in the groins, thighs, waist, abdomen, neck, ears and head menorrhogia, insanity, oedema, cough, urinary calculii, pain of the urinary bladder; is good for the eyes, bestows sons; is rejuvinator and the king (chief) of yapana bastis. (10-15)
पृथक्पलांशंविपचेत्पञ्चमूलमगोक्षुरम् । क्षीराढके चतुर्थस्थं पिष्टैर्यष्ट्यादिभिर्युतम् ।।१६।।
क्षौद्रतैलाज्यसिन्धूत्थयुक्तं बस्तिः सुपूजितः । विशेषाद्बालवृद्धस्त्रीसुकुमारसुखात्मनाम् ।।१७।।
One pala of each of the drugs of panchamula without goksura (remaining four drugs only) are boiled in one adhaka of milk, reduced to a quarter, to which are added paste of yasti and others (mentioned in the previous recipe), honey, oil, ghee and saindhava and enema liquid prepared. Administered as enemait is ideal, specially for children, the aged, women, the tender and who lead a happy (luxurious) life;. (16-17)
तद्वत् सहाचरबलासारिवादर्भसाधितम् । क्षीरंबस्तिस्तथाभीरुगुडूचीबृहतीद्वयैः ॥ सिद्धंपयो मागधिकायष्टीमधुककल्कवत् ।।१८।।
Similarly, also the enema prepared with (decoction of) sahachara, bala, sariva and darbha, mixed with milk, and paste of the same drugs; likewise, that prepared with the decoction of abhiru, gudiuci, the two brihati, mixed with milk and a paste of magadhika and yastimadhuka. (18)
पञ्चमूलं बृहत्यादि प्रतिद्रव्यं पलोन्मितम् । द्विपलं शालिगोधूमयवमाषंसयष्टिकम् ।।१९ ।। तैः सिद्धं छागलं क्षीरं कुक्कुटाण्डरसः सिता | साज्यक्षौद्रद्विलवणस्तैर्बस्तिः शुक्रकृत्परम् । कल्पोऽयंशिखिगोनर्दमत्स्याद्यण्डरसेष्वपि ॥ २० ॥
One pala of each of the drugs of brhat panchamula, two pala each of sali, godhuma, yava, masa and yasti, boiled in goats milk and mixed with juice of hens egg, sugar, ghee, honey and the two lavana. This enema is best to produce semen. This recipe can be prepared using even the juice of egg of peacock, gonarda (a kind of bird), fish etc. (19-20)
रसः कुलीरमांसस्य चटकाण्डरसान्वितः । सशर्कराघृतमधुर्बस्तिर्वृष्यतमोमतः ।। २१ ।।
Enema prepared with juice of meat of crabs, mixed with juice of eggs of the sparrow, sugar, ghee and honey acts as an excellent aphrodisiac. (21)
बस्तसूकरजैर्मुष्कैः कुलीरचटकामिषैः । सिद्धं पयो बस्तशुक्रमुच्चटेक्षुरकं मधु ॥२२॥
तैर्घृताढ्योऽल्पलवणो बस्तिर्वृष्यतमः परम् । सिद्धेन पयसा भोज्यमात्मगुप्तोच्चटेक्षुरैः ॥ २३ ॥
Flesh of the scrotum (with the testes) of goat and pig, flesh of crabs and sparrow, boiled in milk and added with the semen of goat, uccata, honey, iksuraka, more quantity of ghee and less of salt (saindhava) are prepared into a enema liquid. This is also an excellent aphrodisiac. The person should take food along with milk processed with atmagupta, uccata and iksura. (22-23)
अतो दशदशाहेन यस्तु बस्ती निषेवते |वाजीव पुष्टः सवृषो गच्छति प्रमदाशतम् ।। एतेमाक्षिकसंयुक्ताः कुर्वन्त्यतिवृषनरम् ॥ २४ ॥
He who takes these aphrodisiac enema, once in every ten days becomes nourished like a horse, rich in sexual vigour and capable of copulating with hundred women; these enemas (liquids) mixed with honey and administered make the person very vigorous in sex. ( 24 )
नातियोगं नचायोगं स्तम्भिन स्ते च कुर्वते ॥ २५ ॥
These enemas produce neither excess, difficult nor inactive therapies. ( 25 )
निरूहा लेखनाः प्रायोबृंहणाः स्नेहबस्तयः । यापनेषूभयं तस्मान्नेष्टं तेष्वनुवासनम् ॥ २६ ॥
Generally niruha (decoction enemas) are lekhana (sacrificients) and snehabasti (fatty enemas) are brimhana ( stoutening); yapana enermas possess both the qualities, henee they do not need anuvasana (oil enema ) again. ( 26 )
मृदुत्वान्न निवर्तन्ते यस्य त्वेते प्रयोजिताः । समूत्रैर्बस्तिभिस्तीक्ष्णैरास्थाप्यः क्षिप्रमेव सः ॥ २७ ॥
These (yapana enemas) when administered do not come out as they are mild, hence they should be brought out soon by the administering decoction enema consisting of urines and strong drugs. ( 27 )
शोफारि नाशपाण्डुत्वशूलार्शः परिकर्तिकाः | स्युर्ज्वराश्चातिसाराश्चयापनात्यर्थसेवनात् ॥ २८ ॥
अरिष्टक्षारशीध्वाद्यैस्तत्रेष्टा दीपनी क्रिया | युक्त्या तस्मान्निषेवेत यापनान् न प्रसङ्गतः ॥ २९ ॥
Oedema, loss of digestive activity, yellowish white discolouration pain in the abdomen, piles, pricking pain in the rectum, fever and diarrhoarise from over indulgence of yapana enemas; kindling of digestive activity is then desirable, by the use of fermented decoctions, kshara (alkalies), sidhu (fermented liquor) etc. Hence yapana enemas should be administered judiciously without giving room to excess therapy. (28-29)
मृद्वल्पौषधसंयोगात्पादहीनप्रमाणतः । अल्पकालोपयोगाच्च तेषु निष्परिहारता ॥३०॥
Being prepared by the combinations of mild drugs, being only one fourth in quantity (as compared to the decoction enema) and being used only for short periods of time, these (yapana) enemas do not need any other remedial measures. ( 30 )
द्रव्येषुयापनीयेषु सिद्धान्स्नेहान्पृथक्पृथक् । बस्तीन्सर्वेषु वायुञ्ज्यात्परिहारविवर्जितान् ॥ ३१ ॥
Medicated fats (ghee or oil) may be prepared seperately, from each of the drugs mentioned for yapana enemas and can be administered to all persons, as these do not require any other remedial measures. (31)
सहाचराभीरुबलारास्त्रागोक्षुरकात्पृथक् । तुलांजलद्रोणशते पचेत् द्रोणावशेषिते ॥ ३२ ॥
पूतशीते बिसद्राक्षातवक्षीरीनिदिग्धिकाः । महासहाक्षुद्रसहायष्टीमधुमधूलिकाः ॥ ३३ ॥
जीवकर्षभकोदीच्यमृणालोत्पलचन्दनम् । खर्जूरतालमज्जात्मगुप्तातामलकीकणाः ॥ ३४ ॥
पटोलमेदात्वक्पत्रशीतपाक्योदनाह्वयाः । कल्कीकृत्यक्षिपेत्तस्मिन्पृथक्चप्रस्थसम्मितम् ॥ ३५ ॥
रसं वराहमहिषबस्तमुष्कोद्भवं तथा । शिखिकुक्कुटहंसाण्डसम्भवं तैलसर्पिषी ||३६ ॥
धात्रीविदारीस्वरसंगव्यक्षीराढकद्वयम् । ब्रह्मभेरीमृदङ्गादिनिनादैः साधितं च तत् ॥३७॥
सितच्छत्रकृतच्छायं सितवस्त्रावगुण्ठितम् । आरोपितं गजस्कन्धेपूजयित्वा वृषध्वजम् ॥ ३८ ॥
कृत्वा स्वस्त्ययनं दद्यात् स्नेहबस्तिमयन्त्रणम् । प्राप्तस्तेनातिवृषतां श्रमयेद्वनिताशतम् ॥ ३९ ॥
निर्वलीपलितः कान्तश्चिरजीवी भवेत् सच | नष्टशुक्रक्षतक्षीणविषमज्वरिणां हितः । व्यापन्नार्तवशुक्राणांपुत्रदाता रसायनम् ॥४०॥ ।
One tula each of sahachara, abhiru, bala, rasna and goksura are boiled in one hundred drona of water, decoction reduced to one drona and filtered, after it cools, a paste of one prastha of each of bisa, draksa, tavaksiri, nidigdhika, mahasaha, ksudrasaha, yastimadhu, madhulika, jivaka, rsabhaka, udicya, mpala, utpala, chandana, kharjura, talamajja, atmagupta, tamalaki, kana, patola, meda, tvak, patra, sitapaki, and odanahvaya, juice of flesh of the sctorum (including the testes) of boar, buffalo, goat, of the eggs of peahen, hen and swam, oil, ghee, fresh juice of dhatri, and vidari, and two adhaka of cows milk are all mixed with and cooked to form a medicated fat; afterwards the pot containing it is covered with a clean white cloth, placed on the back of an elephant (and taken on a procession) accompanied by chanting of vedic hymns, beating of drums, cymbals, etc protected by the shade of a white umbrella and waving of whiskers, offering prayer to lord Siva. Later, this oil should be used for administering enema to persons, after performing auspicious rites. By this enema, which is devoid of strict regimen, the person attains great virility to copulate with hundred women, gets rid of wrinkles and grey hairs, obtains good colour (complexion) and long life. It is suitable to persons who are suffering from loss of semen, weakness due to injury to the chest, intermittant fevers, disorders of menstruation and semen, it bestows sons and acts also as a rejuvinator. (32-40)
एवं च बस्तयो ऽन्ये ऽपि कल्प्याः पाक्याश्च नैकशः । शतं वारान् सहस्त्रं वा पाचयेत् सम्भवे सति ॥४१ ॥
In this manner, many other kinds of enemas can be prepared, and if possible they can be cooked a hundred or a thousand times (adding fresh liquids each time). (41)
Sneha basti – lubricant enema/fat enema/ oil enema/ retention enema
दोषघ्नाः सपरीहारावक्ष्यन्तेस्त्रेहबस्तयः ॥ ४२ ॥
Further on, will be described fat enemas which subdue the doshas, along with their remedial measures. (42)
दशमूलंबलां रास्नामश्वगन्धां पुनर्नवाम् । गुडूच्यैरण्डपूतीकभाङ्गवृषकरोहिषम् ।।४३ ॥
शतावरीं सहचरंकाकनासांपलांशकम् । यवमाषातसीकोलकुलत्थान्प्रसृतोन्मितान् ॥४४॥
वहे विपाच्य तोयस्य द्रोणशेषेण तेन च । पचेत्तैलाढकं पेष्यैर्जीवनीयैः पलोन्मितैः ॥ ४५ ॥
अनुवासनमित्येतत् सर्ववातविकारनुत् । आनूपानांवसातद्वज्जीवनीयोपसाधिता | ॥४६॥
One pala each of dashamoola, bala, rasna, ashwagandha, punarnava, guduchi, eranda, putika, bharangi, vrsaka, rohisa, satavari, sahacharaand kakanasa, one prastha each of yava, masa, atasi, kola, and kulattha-are boiled in one vaha of water and decoction reduced to one drona; to this are added one adhaka of oil and paste of one pala each of the drugs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) and medicated oil cooked. This oil used as an anuvasana (oil enema) cures all the diseases of vata origin. The enema material prepared in the same manner with the addition of muscle-fat of animals of marshy regions also acts likewise. (43-46)
शताह्वायवबिल्वाम्लैस्तैलं सिद्धं समीरणे | सैन्धवेनाग्निवर्णेन तप्तं चानिलजितम् ॥४७॥
Medicated oil cooked with satahva, yava, bilva and sour liquids, used as enema cures disorders of anila (vata); the medicated ghee prepared, by the addition of saindhava heated red hot, also subdues anila ( vata). ( 47 )
जीवन्तीं मदनं मेदां श्रावणीं मधुकं बलाम् । शताहर्षभकौ कृष्णां काकनासां शतावरीम् ॥४८॥
स्वगुप्तां क्षीरकाकोलीं कर्कटाख्यां शठीं वचाम् । पिष्ट्वा तैलंघृतं क्षीरे साधयेत चतुर्गुणे ॥४९ ॥
बृंहणं वातपित्तघ्नं बलशुक्राग्निवर्धनम् । रजःशुक्रामयहरंपुत्रीयं चानुवासनम् ।॥५०॥
Medicated oil prepared with jivanti, madana, meda, sravani, madhuka, bala, satahva,rsabhaka, krsna, kakanasa, satavari, svagupta, kshirakakolikarkata (Srifngi), Sathi and vacha (used both for decoction and paste) along with addition of oil, ghee and four parts of cows milk. This oil used as enema is stoutening, subdues vata and pitta, increases strength, semen and digestion; cures disease of menstuation and semen, and bestows offspring. (48-50)
शिशिरस्पर्शवीर्यैश्चपिष्टैः क्षीरे चतुर्गुणे । तैलपादंघृतं सिद्धं पित्तघ्नमनुवासनम् ॥५१ ।।
Medicated ghee prepared with drugs which are cold both to touch and in potency, four parts of milk and one-fourth part of oil and used as oil enema subdues pitta. (51)
सैन्धवं मदनं कुष्ठं शताह्वा निचुलो वचा | ह्रीबेरंमधुकं भाङ्ग देवदारुसकट्फलम् ॥५२ ।।
नागरंपुष्करंमेदा चविका चित्रकः शठी । विडङ्गातिविषे श्यामा हरेणुर्नीलिनी स्थिरा ॥५३॥
बिल्वाजमोदचपला दन्ती रास्त्रा च तैः समैः । साध्यमेरण्डतैलं वा तैलं वा कफरोगनुत् ॥५४॥
वर्मोदावर्तगुल्मार्श: प्लीहमेहाढ्यमारुतान् । आनाहमश्मरीं चाशुहन्यात्तदनुवासनम् ॥५५ ।।
Equal parts of saindhava, madana, kustha, satahva, nicula, vacha, hribera, madhuka, bharangi, devadaru, katphala, nagara, puskara, meda, cavika, chitraka, sathi, vidanga, ativisa, syama, harenu, nilini, sthira. bilva, ajamoda, capala and danti, cooked either with eranda taila or taila (of tila) and used. This oil-enema cures diseases of kapha origin, scrotal enlargement, upward movement of vata, abdominal tumors, diseases of the spleen, diabetes, stiffness of the legs, distention of the abdomen and urinary calculii, quickly. (52-55)
साधितं पञ्चमूलेन तैलं बिल्वादिनाथवा | अन्वासनं श्रेष्महरं द्रव्यैर्वा कफघातिभिः ।
फलैरष्टगुणे चाम्ले सिद्धमन्वासनं कफे | शूलानाहे तु तद्युक्तो निरूहः पटुमूत्रवान् ॥ ५६ ॥
Medicated oil prepared by using the drugs of bilvadi panchamula or with drugs which subdue kapha or with eight parts of sour fruits used as oil-enema is suitable to subdue kapha.
In case of pain in the abdomen and distention, the same oil mixed with patu (salts) and mutra (urine of animals) may be administered as a decoction enema. (56)
पृच्छति स्म मुनिमित्यथ धीमानग्निवेश इह किन्तु फलानाम् । बस्तिकर्मणि हितं सततं स्यात् तं पुनर्वसुरिति प्रशशास ॥५७।।
The intellegent Agnivesa, asked the sage (Punarvasu Atreya) to tell him which of the fruits are always useful in enema therapy; to this (the sage) Punarvasu, instructed him as follows. (57)
इह कुष्ठहिता गरागरी हितमिक्ष्वाकुफलं प्रमेहिणाम् । कुटजस्य फलं हृदामये प्रवरं कोशफलं तु पाण्डुषु ॥५८ ।।
उदरे कृतवेधनं हितं मदनं सर्वगदाविरोधिच । मधुरंसकषायतिक्तकं तदरूक्षं सकटूष्णपिच्छिलम् ॥५९ ॥
कफपित्तहृदाशुकारियन्निरपायं पवनानुलोमि च । प्रवरंतदतः फलादिषु स्मृतमास्थापनयोजनास्विति । ॥६० ॥
Hear me now; garagari is ( especially ) beneficial in psoriasis, iksvaku phala in diabetes, kutaja phala is best in heart disease, kosaphala (dharmagava) in anaemia, krutavedhana in enlargement of the abdomen and madana is not antagonistic to any disease. It (madanaphala) is sweet, slightly astringent, bitter, not dry, slightly pungent, hot (heat producing) and slimy, subdues kapha and pitta, quick in action, not creating harm (complications) and makes the pavana (vata) to move in downward direction. Hence it is best among all fruits useful in preparing decoction enema. (58-60)
अथ मुनिवृषभे निगद्य वाक्यं स्थितवति विज्ञपयाम्बभूव भूयः । इदमतिगहनंसहान्यशिष्यैरवनिगतोऽञ्जलिमग्रतो निधाय | ॥६१ ।। चित्रकर्मगुणकृद्गुरुणोक्तो बस्तिरूर्ध्वमथ चैति न नाभेः । शीघ्रमापतति चानु स देहात् सर्वतः कथमपोहति दोषान् ।। ६२ ।।
Having heard these words of the bull (king) of the sages and with handsfolded and touching the ground in respect, he (Agnivesa) along with other desciples, requested him (Atreya), thus;
“It was described by your goodself, our revered preceptor, that enemas act in many ways and bestow many different effects, but it does not go above the level of the umbilicus and comes out of the body quickly”. Then, how does it bring out the dosha from all the parts of the body? (61-62)
ऊचे गुरुस्तिमितमारुतवश्यमेतत् देहस्य यद्बहिरुपाश्रितमन्तरेवा । दुष्टस्य तस्य जनयन्ननुलोमतां तु बस्तिर्हिनस्ति विषमानपि रोगपूगान् ||६३ ।।
शाखागताः कोष्ठगताश्च रोगा मर्मोर्ध्वसर्वावयवाङ्गजाश्च । ये सन्ति तेषां न तु कश्चिदन्यो वायोः परं जन्मनि हेतुरस्ति ।।६४ ।।
विश्लेष्मपित्तादिमलाचयानां विक्षेपसंहारकरो हि वायुः । तस्यातिवृद्धस्य शमाय नान्यद्वस्तेः समं भेषजमस्ति यस्मात् ||६५ ||
शाम्यन्ति यत्नेन जितेऽनिले च तदीरिताः पित्तकफादयोऽपि । तस्माच्चिकित्सार्धमिति ब्रुवन्ति सर्वां चिकित्सामपि बस्तिमे ॥६६॥
To this the preceptor replied “all the activities of the body both external and internalare essentially dependent on maruta (vata) (which is in normal state); enemas makes it (vata) which has become vitiated (aggravated) to move in the downward direction and thereby cures the multitude of disease even if they are difficult to manage.”
For the origin of all diseases localised in the sakhas (tissues) kostha (abdomen), marma (vital spots) organs in upper parts, all other organs and parts of the body there is no other cause apart from vata.
Vayu (vata) is the dispeller and also destroyer of accumulations of the faeces, slesma (kapha), pitta and other malas (doshas); to subdue (vata) when it is greatly increased, there is no other treatment equal to enema therapy.
When the anila (vata) is subdued with all out efforts, even pitta, kapha etc, which have become increased also subside. Hence some authorities say that enema (therapy) is half of the treatment of diseases, while some others (say) it is full treatment even. (63-66)
यच्चपक्वाशस्थोऽपि दोषानापादमस्तकम् । वीर्येण बस्तिरादत्ते खस्थोऽर्को भूरसानिव ||६७ ।।
Though, remaining in the pakvasaya (colon), the enema, by its power brings out the doshas from the entire body, just like the sun remaining in the sky draws the moisture from all over the earth. (67)
यत्तत्रौषधवीर्यं हि तदपानेन वायुना । पर्याप्तमचिरादेव समानः प्रतिपद्यते ।।६८ ।।
समानादुत्तरं चैवं व्यानाद्याः पवनाः क्रमात् । ते तृप्ताः प्रकृतिं याताः शरीरानुग्रहे स्थिताः ॥६९ ।।
प्रसह्यपित्तश्लेष्माणौ यथास्थानं निवेश्यच । सन्तर्पयन्ति परितः स्वान्स्वान्भूतगुणांस्तनौ ।।७० ।।
The potency of the drugs (of the enema material) present in the colon is transported quickly by the apanavayu to (the region of) the samana vaya and from there to vyana and others in respective order; these vayus getting satisfied (nourished) become normal and begin to do good to the body; they subdue the aggravated pitta and slesma (kapha) and restore them to their own seats, nourish all the (constituents of) the body by supplying moities of bhutas (elements) required by them. (68-70)
व्यानस्तिर्यगपानोऽधः प्राणश्चोर्ध्वं प्रकर्षति । यथास्वमेव नाडीभिर्हारिणीभिरिवोदकम् ।।७१ ।।
Vyana vata transmits the (actions of the) enema sidewards, apanavata downwards, and pranavata upwards, through their own nadis (channels, vessels etc ) just as the canals transport water in a field. (71)
एवं वातैः सिराभिश्च वपुर्बस्तिः सुयोजितः । व्याप्नुवत् प्रसभं हन्ति सकृछ्रानपि यक्ष्मणः ॥७२॥
Enema therapy properly administered spread throughout the body through (the medium of) vata and the siras (vessels) and cure diseases even though they are very difficult to cure. (72)
बस्तिस्तस्मात् सर्वकर्मप्रधानं सर्वातङ्कान् हन्ति निःशेषतश्च । स्त्रोतांस्यन्तः शोधयित्वा च कुर्यादोजस्तेजः शुक्रमेधाग्निदीप्तिम् ॥७३॥
Hence, enema therapy is the chief among all therapies; cures all the diseases without residue, purifying (clearing) the interior of the channels it increases the ojas (essence of the tissues, vigour), tejas, (brilliance) semen, intellegence and digestive power. (73)
।। इतिपञ्चमोऽध्यायः ॥ Thus ends the Fifth chapter.