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ashtanga hridayaNASA ROGA VIJNANIYA - Knowledge of diseases of the nose - Ashtang...

NASA ROGA VIJNANIYA – Knowledge of diseases of the nose – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter 19

अथातो नासारोगविज्ञानीयं व्याख्यास्यामः ।

इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We will now expound the chapter-Nasa roga vijnaniyaknowledge of diseases of the nose; thus said Atreya and other great sages.


अवश्यायानिलरजोभाष्यातिस्वप्नजागरैः वारिणा ॥ १ ॥

नीचात्युच्चोपधानेन पीतेनान्येन अत्यम्बुपानरमणच्छर्दिबाष्पग्रहादिभिः क्रुद्धा वातोल्बणा दोषा नासायां स्त्यानतां गताः ॥ २ ॥

जनयन्ति प्रतिश्यायं वर्धमानं क्षयप्रदम् ।

Exposure to dew (mist, fog), breeze and dust, too much of speaking, sleeping and keeping awake, keeping the pillow either very low or very high under the head, drinking more quantity of water, indulging more in water sports, suppression of vomiting and tears etc; by these and other similar causes the dosas dominated by vata become solidified in the nose and produce Pratsyaya which when advanced leads to ksaya (consumption ). 1-3a.

तत्र वातात्प्रतिश्याये मुखशोषो भृशं क्षवः ॥ ३ ॥


कीटिका इव सर्पन्तीर्मन्यते परितो ध्रुवौ ॥ ४ ॥

स्वरसादश्चिरात्पाकः शिशिराच्छकफस्स्रुतिः ।

In pratisyaya caused the mouth, profuse sneezing, ing pain; pain in the teeth, vata, there appears dryness of blocking of the nose and pricktemples, and head, feeling of insects crawling around the eyebrows, weak voice, delayed ripening, discharge of cold and thin fluid from the nose.

पित्तात्तृष्णाज्वरघ्राणपिटिकासम्भवभ्रमाः ॥५॥

नासाग्रपाको रूक्षोष्णताम्रपीतकफस्रुतिः ।

In that caused by pitta, there is thirst, fever, possibility of eruptions developing inside the nose, giddiness, ulceration of the nasal tip and discharge of fluid which is dry (nonsticky) warm, coppery or yellow in colour. 5b-6a.

कफात्कासोऽरुचिः श्वासो वमथुर्गात्रगौरवम् ॥६॥ माधुर्यं वदने कण्डूः स्निग्धशुक्लकफस्स्रुतिः ।

In that caused by kaph, there is cough, loss of taste, dysponea, vomiting, feeling of heaviness of the body, sweet taste in the mouth, itching ( in the nose ) and discharge of unctuous (sticky ) white fluid. 6b-7a.

सर्वजो लक्षणैः सर्वैकस्माद्वृद्धिशान्तिमान् ॥ ७ ॥

In that caused by all the dosas, all the symptoms manifest and undergo increase or get subsided without any reason. 7b.

दुष्टं नासासिराः प्राप्य प्रतिश्यायं करोत्यसृक् । सुप्तता ताम्रनेत्रत्वं उरस: श्वासपूतिता ॥ ८ ॥

कण्डू: श्रोत्राक्षिनासासु पित्तोक्तं चात्र लक्षणम् ।

Asrk (blood) getting vitiated and localised in the veins of the nose produce (raktaja ) pratisyaya, charectorised by loss of movement of the chest, coppe coloured eyes, foul smelling breath, itching in the ears, eyes and nose and other symptoms of pittaja kind. 8-9a.

Dusta pratisyaya

सर्व एव प्रतिश्याया दुष्टतां यान्त्युपेक्षिताः ॥ ९॥

यथोक्तोपद्रवाधिक्यात्स सर्वेन्द्रियतापनः ।

साग्निसादज्वरश्वासकासोर: पार्श्ववेदनः कुप्यत्यकस्माद्बहुशो मुखदौर्गन्ध्यशोफकृत् ।

नासिकाक्लेदसंशोषशुद्धिरोधकरो मुहुः ॥ ११ ॥ ॥१०॥


मूर्च्छन्ति चात्र कृमयो दीर्घस्निग्धसिताणवः ॥ १२॥

All the varieties of pratisyaya when neglected lead on to dustapratisyaya, having many of the following complications and so tormenting all the organs of the body. Weakness of digestion, fever, dyspnoea, caough, pain in the chest and flanks; gets greatly aggravated without any reason, produces foul smellling mouth and swelling (of the face), drying of the moisture of the nose, opening and blocking of the passage of the nose often, discharge of fluid resembling pus, black and red in colour and nodular, in this fluid long, unctuous, white and minute worms (bacteria etc.) develop. 9b-12.

पक्कलिङ्गानि तेष्वङ्गलाघवं क्षवथोः शमः । श्लेष्मा सचिक्कणः पीतोऽज्ञानं च रसगन्धयोः ॥ १३ ॥

In all of them (pratisyaya) the symptoms of ripening are-feeling of lightness of the body, subsiding of sneezing, slesma (fluid discharge ) is slimy (unctuous) and yellow and inability to understand taste and smell. 13.


तीक्ष्णाघ्राणोपयोगार्करश्मिसूत्रतृणादिभिः । वातकोपिभिरन्यैर्वा नासिकातरुणास्थनि ॥ १४ ॥

विघट्टितेऽनिलः क्रुद्धो रुद्धः शृङ्गाटकं व्रजेत् । क्षवथुं स भृशक्षवः ॥१५॥

निवृत्तः कुरुतेऽत्यर्थं Inhaling strong smell (of pungent nature such as powder of chillies, soapnut, ginger, tobacco etc.) exposure to suns rays, inserting threads, grass etc. into the nose and other causes which aggravate vata, when the cartilage of the nose gets scratched, vata getting obstructed, moves upwards to the srngataka (a vital spot inside the head) and getting dislodged from that spot, gives rise to too much of sneezing. This disease is called Bhrsaksava. 14-15.


शोषयन्नासिकास्त्रोतः कफं च कुरुतेऽनिलः । शूकपूर्णाभनासात्वं कृच्छ्रादुच्छ्छ्रसनं ततः ॥ १६ ॥

स्मृतोऽसौ नासिकाशोषो


Anila (vata) getting increased produces drying of kapha (moistness of the nose) feeling of thorns filling in the nose, and difficulty in breathing. This is known as Nasika sosa. 16.

नासानाहे तु जायते । नद्धत्वमिव नासायाः श्लेष्मरुद्धेन वायुना ॥ १७ ॥ निःश्वासोच्छ्वाससंरोधात् स्रोतसी संवृते इव ।

Vayu (vata) produces Nasanaha distention of the nose by blocking it with kapha, associated with obstruction to inspiration and expiration; the nasal passage feels as though constricted. 17-18a.


पचेन्नासापुटे पित्तं त्वङ्मांसं दाहशूलवत् ॥ १८ ॥ स घ्राणपाकः

Pitta ( getting aggravated) produces ulceration by cooking the skin and muscles, accompanied with burning sensation and pain. This is Ghranapaka. 18.


स्त्रावस्तु तत्संज्ञः श्लेष्मसम्भवः ।

अच्छो जलोपमोऽजस्त्रं विशेषान्निशि जायते ॥ १९ ॥

Srava is produced by kapha, there is discharge of thin, watery fluid, continuously especially during nights. This is Ghranasrava. 19.


कफः प्रवृद्धो नासायां रुद्धवा स्त्रोतांस्यपीनसम् । कुर्यात्सघुर्घुरश्वासं पीनसाधिकवेदनम् ॥ २० ॥

अवेरिव स्त्रवत्यस्य प्रक्लिन्ना तेन नासिका । अजस्त्रं पिच्छिलं पीतं पक्कं सिङ्गाणकं घनम् ॥ २१ ॥

Kapha gets increased, blocks the passage of the nose produces apinasa, associated with breathing with rembling sounds which is more painful than pinasa, there is continuous discharge of fluid from his nose like that of a sheep, the fluid being slimy, yellow and when ripe the nasal excretion becomes solidified. 20-21.


रक्तेन नासा दग्धेव बाह्यान्तः स्पर्शनासहा । भवेद्धूमोपमोच्छ्वासा सा दीप्तिर्दहतीव च ॥ २२ ॥

By aggravation of rakta (blood) the nose appears as though burnt by fire, both externally and internally, unable to tolerate touch and expiration is like hot fumes coming out. This is called Dipti. 22.


तालुमूले मलैर्दुष्टैर्मारुतो मुखनासिकात् । श्लेष्मा च पूतिर्निर्गच्छेत् पूतिनासं वदन्ति तम् ॥ २३ ॥

The root of the palate vitiated by the malas (dosas) chief of them, vata and slesma (kapha) make for emmission of bad smelling slesma (nasal secretion) this is called as Putinasa. 23.


निचयादभिघाताद्वा पूयासृङ् नासिका स्रवेत् । तत्पूयरक्तमाख्यातं शिरोदाहरुजाकरम् ॥ २४ ॥

Either by combination of all the dosas or by injury there is discharge of pus and blood from the nose, producing burning sensation and pain in the head; this disease is known as Puyarakta. 24.


पित्तश्लेष्मावरुद्धोऽन्तर्नासायां शोषयेन्मरुत् । कफं, स शुष्कः पुटतां प्राप्नोति पुटकं तु तत् ॥ २५ ॥ Vata obstructed by pitta and slesma (kapha) inside the nose, dries up the kapha; the dried up kapha assumes the shape of a leather bag, this is called Putaka. 25.

Arsas — Arbuda

अर्शोर्बुदानि विभजेद्दोषलिङ्गैर्यथायथम् ।

सर्वेषु कृच्छ्रोच्छ्छ्रसनं पीनसः प्रततं क्षुतिः ॥ २६ ॥ सानुनासिकवदित्वं पूतिनास: शिरोव्यथा |

Arsas (nasal polyp) and Arbuda (malignant tumour) should be understood by the charactoristic symptoms of the dosas. In all of them there is difficult breathing, running in the nose, continuous sneezing, nasal voice, foul smell from the nose and headache. 26-27a.

अष्टादशानामित्येषां यापयेद्दुष्टपीनसम्॥ २७॥

Among the eighteen diseases described so far only dusta pinasa is to be treated for long period (all the others are curable). 27b.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां

षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने नासारोगविज्ञानीयो नामैकोनविंशोऽध्यायः ॥ १९ ॥

Thus ends the chapter-Nasaroga Vijnaniya—the nineteenth in uttarasthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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