Kshara is an efficient Ayurvedic treatment for wound healing. Agnikarma can also be used as an instrument used for surgical procedures in Ayurveda. Chapter 30 of the Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana, also known as Kshara Agnikarma Vidhi Adhyaya.
Kshara Sresthata Benefits of alkaline cautery

Kshara Sresthata Benefits of alkaline cautery
Kshara (caustic Alkali) is the most effective of all sharp instruments and accessories. It can perform many functions, including excising, incising, and more.
It is possible to use it even in areas that are not accessible to the public.
It is possible to achieve success through the use of it even in illnesses that are extremely difficult to treat and because it can be utilized even as an alcoholic drink. 1 – 2.
Paneeya Kshara indication

Paneeya Kshara indication
In a drinkable version, it is utilized in Arsha – hemorrhoids, Agnisada– indigestion,
Ashmari – renal calculus, Gulma – Tumors of the abdomen
Udara Ascites or abdominal swelling. Garavisha – chronic poisoning, etc.
Pratisarana Kshara Yogya

Pratisarana Kshara Yogya
In the form of direct use, Kshara can be used to treat Mashaka warts, moles,
Shvitra – leucoderma,
Bahya Arsha – external piles, Kushta – skin diseases
Supti is anesthetic patches
Bhagandara – rectal fistula,
Arbuda – cancerous growth
Granthi – tumor, fibroid
Dushta Nadivrana – Sinus ulcers, foul and sinus ulcers.
Kshara Nisedha – contraindication

Kshara Nisedha – contraindication
Externally, and not internally, Kshara should aggravate Pitta and Rakta and reduced Vata;
Jvara – fever Atisara – diarrhea, dysentery
Hrut Murdha Roga disorders of the head and the heart,
Pandu Anemia
Aruchi Anorexia
Timira – blindness;
Kruta Samshuddha – for the patients who have received Panchakarma treatments (recently), Sarvagatra shvayathu – those who experience an increase in body swelling,
Bheeru – who is a fearful coward, fearful,
the women who are menstruating, with a difficult flow of menstrual or a woman with the vagina being displaced or a uterus
Ajirne Anne – when food is not digested,
for older and young children,
in body parts such as joints, arteries at risk spots in the body, such as the cartilages, veins, sutures, tendons/nerves, umbilicus, throat, and other areas that are deficient in muscle and penis, such as the testes, orifices, passages inside of the nails
Eye diseases other than the eyelids during the cold, wet, and hot months, as well as when the sun is not visible. 4 – 7.
Kshara Nirmana – preparation for caustic Alkali

Kshara Nirmana – preparation of caustic Alkali
Branch, roots, and other branches of trees like Kalamushkaka, Shamyaka, Kadali (Banana), Paribhadraka, Ashvakarna, Mahavriksha, Palasha, Asphota, Vrikshaka, Indravriksha, Arka, Putika, Naktamala, Ashvamaraka, Kakajangha, Apamarga, Agnimantha, Agni or Tilvaka –
are cut into smaller pieces and then placed on clean stone slabs each one in a heap;
Pieces of the four varieties of Koshataki plants. The spikes and reeds from Yava (barley) Plants are also heaped.
In the pile of Kalamushkaka, the pieces of limestone are placed.
The heaps are then ignited using the dried chaff made from the Tila Plant (Sesame Plant).
After the heaps are thoroughly burned, and there is no sign of fire, one Drona (12,288 grams) of lime ash stone, along with ash of Kalamushkaka and one-quarter Drona (3072 g) of the ash from other sources, are taken, mixed, and then dissolved into the half Bhara (48000 kg) in water as well as cow’s urine. It is filtered through a fine cloth until a slimy, transparent, clear, reddish alkaline material is derived.
Then it is transferred to an iron pot and cooked, constantly stirring with a spoon.
On top of that is a Kudava (192 grams) of limestone ash as well as a mother of pearls and Kshirapaka (Khatika or clay) and conch spiral shells – each one red hot in a pot fine powder from excreta from cock, peacock, or falcon, heron, bird bile, the bile of birds and quadrupeds Ala ( Haritala-Orpiment), Manohva (Realgar) and salts. All these are ground into an emulsion and then mixed with the boiling water while stirring it constantly from all angles.
If it starts emitting gas, bubbles rise, and the mixture becomes solid as a confection (Avaleha). The cauldron must be removed from the flame.
Once it is cool when it cools, it is put into an iron vessel, which is kept hidden inside the heap of Yava (barley) for a couple of days.
This is the method of making Madhyama Kshara, an alkali with medium strength. 8 – 191/2.
Preparing Mrudu Kshara – Kshar of Mild Potency
Preparing Mrudu Kshara (Kshar of Mild Potency) –

alkali with moderate power, the admixture shell ash or powder of excreta biles, etc., shouldn’t be transformed into a paste and added to it, but rather put into powder form and then taken out to be filtered before being disposed of.
For making Teekshna-Kshara alkali of high capacity, the admixture must be the same as that of prior Alkali of moderate potency, and also the paste consisting of Langalika, Danti, Chitraka Ativisha Vacha, Svarjika, Kanakaksiri, Hingu, sprouts of Putika Talapatri as well as Bida Alkali and salt that are prepared in the usual manner and then used after 7 days have passed. 20 – 211/2.
Trividha Kshara Yojana – indications of three varieties of Alkali

Teekshna Kshara– Alkali with strong power should be utilized in illnesses resulting out of Vata, Kapha, Meda’s fat,
Arbuda – cancerous growth and other cancerous growths that are difficult to treat.
Madhyama Kshara Madhyama Kshara alkali with moderate potency is beneficial in these conditions that are moderate in strength and not very difficult to treat.
Mrudu Kshara Mild Alkali can be used in conditions resulting from Pitta or Asra (also known as Rakta and hemorrhoids.
If the Alkali has lost its water content, some alkali solution must be added to increase its strength. 22 – 23.
Ksharaguna Alkali’s properties, actions, and property–

- Na ati Teekshna – Not too strong
- na aati Mrudu, nor too light,
- Shlakshna – smooth,
- Picchila – slimy,
- Sheeghraga – quick in spreading
- Sita white color,
- Shikhar – remains like a tower at the place of application.
- Sukha Nirvapya, which is easily removed,
- Na vishyandi produces neither excessive amounts of exudation nor the feeling of moistness.
- Na ati ruk is not likely to cause much pain.
These are the ten best characteristics of caustic Alkali.
It performs all the duties that a sharp instrument performs and has fire.
In the form of actions, such as fast sucking, healing effects all over the body, and spreads all over, it draws out all Doshas (vitiating substances) at their source;
When the disease is gone, Kshara also subsides on itself. 24 – 26.
Kshara Prayoga – a procedure for Alkaline cauterization :

Kshara Prayoga – the procedure of Alkaline cauterization
The condition that can be treated with Alkali must be either cut or scraped or made to release fluid first.
Then, the Alkali incorporated into an iron rod is put on the site. The surrounding body parts are in a protective and covered area by cotton swabs, and an interval of one hundred Matras is anticipated. 27.

In the case of hemorrhoids, when the top of the pile is hidden and unable to be seen, it must be moved with the hand so that the Alkali is placed inside the canal of the anal.
When there is a problem with the eyelids, the lids must be kept open, with the cornea’s black surface covered with cotton swabs to protect the eyes. Then, Alkali is placed as fine as a lotus petal on the inner lining and the lids.
For nasal cancer, patients are made to face the sun. The tip of the nostril is lifted upwards, Alkali is injected into the nostril, and a period over 50 Matra Kala awaited;
If there are piles, the ear’s polyps will also be the same. 28 – 30.

Following the prescribed time, after which the Alkali is removed using the help of a cotton swab or similar. And observing that the Alkali adequately burns the area, a mix of honey and Ghee must be applied. This is done through the pouring of milk or sour gruel. Then, apply an oil of the drug of sweetness and cold potency.
The patient must eat foods that produce more dosha in the cells of the tissue to help humidify the area of the burn. If the area of the burn doesn’t be ripped open by an ulcer due to it being deeply rooted, the application of a paste consisting of seeds from Dhanyamala-(sour Greek), Yashti (licorice), and tila (sesame) is recommended;

A paste made of Tila (sesame) and Madhuka in combination with Ghee helps heal the ulcer. 31-33 1/2
Samyaka Dagdhalakshana

The signs of good burning are caused by Kshara and the blackish color that is similar to the mature fruit of Jambu (Jamun Fruit),
Depression of the site is the hallmark of the Samyag Dagdha.
The reverse of it is the appearance
Tamravarna – coppery red color
Itching, pain, and itching. Are symptoms of Durdagdha insufficient burning, This area must be burned over and over. 34
Atidagdha Lakshana- over-burning symptoms due to kshara

Atidagdha Lakshana- over-burning symptoms due to share
Atidagdha- over-burning produces bleeding, fainting, burning sensation, fever, etc. The over-burning of the Anus- rectum obstructs the flow of urine and feces or causes excessive elimination in the form of loss of muscle and sexual energy (impotence) and even death.
In the case of the nose, it will cause an intense burning sensation, swelling in the bridge of the nasal passage, and a loss of smell. This is also the case for ears and other organs of the senses. 35-37

In these conditions, you can burn the affected area using sour fluids or applications of honey-based pastes Ghee, honey, and Tila (sesame),
Activities-foods, other comforts that reduce Vata, Pitta, and all other conditions that create cold should be followed.
Since sour is cold to the touch, and when combined with Alkali, it rapidly acquires sweet characteristics, Alkali causes the burning that must be removed with sour ingredients quickly. 38-39.
improper application of kshara karma

A doctor of a weak intellect administers Kshara, similar to death caused by poison, fire, or a sharp weapon. thunderbolts;
When done by a qualified physician, it will quickly cure even the most difficult illnesses.
Agni Karma- thermal cautery-branding

Fire-thermal cautery is superior to Kshara because the conditions treated with Agnikarma are not recurrence-prone, and it is a viable option even for diseases that are not successfully treated with Drugs Shastrakarma or Kshara (surgery). 40
Agnikarma Yojana – indications and contraindications of Agnikarma
The followings are the indications and contraindications for thermal cautery:

It’s used on the skin, muscles, tendons, veins, joints, and bones.
For diseases such as black moles, weakening of body parts, headaches, Adhimantha– a disease of the eye, eye warts, cysts, and so on. The burning of the skin must be treated with an alighted tooth, wick, cow or a rock crystal, archer’s head, or any other like Pippali excrement of goat and iron rod pieces of Bangles. 41

Rectal fistula, hemorrhoids, sinus ulcers, bad chronic and foul ulcers, etc., are treated by burning the muscles, hot honey, or fats. Jambavosthaan iron instrument with a spoon-shaped tip, jaggery-trouble, and so on. 42

The slishtavartma-exudative disease of the eyelids, bleeding, blue mole, improper cutting- a surgical wound, etc. Burning of the veins must be performed employing the same tools as the ones mentioned in the earlier section. 43
Contraindication for Agni Karma

It is not recommended to burn those who aren’t suitable for Kshara Karma, have injuries that have foreign bodies, or have an accumulation of blood inside.
Patients with abdominal visceral perforation and
people who suffer from serious injuries. 44

The area that has been burned properly – through fire – should be treated with a layer of Ghee and honey. Then, it is applied a paste of the drugs that are cold and unctuous in power. (Snigdha, sheeta)
सम्यक दग्ध लक्षण & असम्यक दग्ध लक्षण – Daha laksana- characteristics of burning that is correct and not.

The following are the characteristics of proper and improper burning
Daha laksana- features of proper and improper burning
The indicators of samyak Dagdha proper burning are the stopping of bleeding, the appearance of a crackling sound accompanied by lymphatic drainage, and the area displaying a hue that resembles mature Tala fruit or pigeon’s dark gray. The wound heals quickly and without much discomfort .45
The warning signs of insufficient burning and excessive burning

The signs of inadequate burning and excess burning
The symptoms of poor burning and excessive burning are similar to the signs of burning improperly. The four types of burning are along, with
Tuccha Dagdha- bad/ mean/ undesirable/ inadequate burning.

The symptoms of Tuccha Dagdhaare skin discoloration and a severe burning sensation. signs of atidagdha over burning are
Mamsalambana is the dropping into the muscles,
sankha – constriction,
Daha – a burning sensation
Dhupana is the sensation of hot fumes escaping, and Vedanta is the pain
Siradi Nascha – the destruction of veins, etc.
Truth is a term used to describe excessive thirst.
Murcha Affebrile and loss of consciousness. Gambhira Vrana is worsening the wound. Mrutyu death. 46-48 1/2

The Tuccha Dagdha poor, or inadequate burning, should be burned over and over again. A paste of the drugs with a high degree of heat is recommended to treat blood coagulation. When blood coagulates, there is intense pain; when it dissolves, there is mild pain. 49

If you are suffering from Durdagdha- incorrectly burning, hot and cold treatments must be applied, first the hot treatment and then the cold treatment. 50

In the event of Samyagdadhaor burns, an oil consisting of Tavaksiri, Plaksha, Chandana (Sandalwood), Gairika (Red ochre), and Amrita (Tinospora) combined with Ghee must be applied to the area affected by the burn and the treatments indicated for abscesses that are of Pitta or other origin are recommended. 51

In the event of Atidagdha over-burning, all therapeutic measures recommended by the doctor for Visarpa from Pitta origin must be completed promptly.
If you are burning fats – hot oil, Ghee, etc., measures that are extremely dry and can cause extreme dryness should be taken. 52

Knife, Alkali, as well as fire constitute the principal weapons of the lord of death. Therefore, the doctor should take care when administering them.
This concludes this part is a part of Astanga Hrudaya, which is full of secrets since in it are enumerated all the principal doctrines explained in detail throughout the entire treatise. 53
The chapter concludes with the name Ksharagni Karma Vidhi, the thirty-third chapter of Suthrasthana in Astangahrdaya Samhita.