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ashtanga hridayaKARNAROGA VIJNANIYA - Knowledge of diseases of the ears - Ashtang Hridaya...

KARNAROGA VIJNANIYA – Knowledge of diseases of the ears – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter 17

अथातः सर्वरोगविज्ञानीयं व्याख्यास्यामः ।

इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter-Karna roga vijnaniya knowledge of diseases of the ear; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Karnashula pittaja

प्रतिश्यायजलक्रीडाकर्णकण्डूयनैर्मरुत् मिश्रयायोगेन शब्दस्य कुपितोऽन्यैश्च कोपनैः ॥ १ ॥

प्राप्य श्रोत्रसिराः कुर्याच्छूलं स्रोतसि वेगवत् । अर्धावभेदकं स्तम्भं शिशिरानभिनन्दनम् ॥ २ ॥

चिराच्च पाकं पक्कं तु लसीकामल्पशः स्त्रवेत् ।

श्रोत्रं शून्यमकस्माच्च स्यात्सञ्चारविचारवत् ॥ ३ ॥

Maruta (vata) getting aggravated by pratisyaya (nassal catarrah), water sports and scratching (by inserting sticks etc. into the ears), exposure to improper sound and such other causes; invades the viens ( channels) of the ears and produces pain in the ears suddenly and with great severity, associated with a partial headache, stiffness of the head and non-desire for cold; undergoes suppuration after a long time, when ripe discharges little quantity of lasika ( thin, watery fluid) appears either as empty or ( full), sometimes closed, without any other apparent cause. 1-3

Karnashula – pittaja

शूलं पित्तात् सदाहोषाशीतेच्छाश्वयथुज्वरम् । आशुपाकं प्रपक्कं च सपीतलसिकास्स्रुति ॥ ४ ॥

सा लसीका स्पृशेद्यद्यत्तत्तत्पाकमुपैति च।

By increase of pitta there is pain associated with burning sensation, desire for cold things, swelling, fever; suppurating quick; discharges yellowish thin fluid; the place which this fluids comes in contact with, gets ulcerated (suppurated). 4-5a.

Karnashula – kaphaja

कफाच्छिरोहनुग्रीवागौरवं मन्दता रुजः ॥ ५ ॥

कण्डूः श्वयथुरुष्णेच्छा पाकाच्छ्वेतघनस्स्रुतिः ।

That caused by kapha, has feeling of heaviness of the head, lower jaw and neck; mild degree of pain, itching, swelling, desire for hot comforts and after suppuration discharge of white thick liquid. 5b-6a.

Karnashula – kaphaja

करोति शूमभिघातादिदूषितम् ॥ ६॥ श्रवणे रक्तं पित्तसमानार्ति किञ्चिद्वाऽधिकलक्षम् ।

Blood vitiated by injury etc. produces earache, which has the same symptoms at that caused by pitta, but a little more in severity. 6b-7a.

Karnashula – sannipataja

शूलं समुदितैर्दोषैः सशोफज्वरतीव्ररुक् ॥ ७॥

पर्यायादुष्णशीतेच्छं जायते श्रुतिजाड्यवत् । पक्कं सितासितारक्तघनपूयप्रवाहि च॥८॥

Earache produced by the combination of all the dosas is accompanied with swelling, fever, severe pain, desire for hot and cold comforts alternately, sluggishness of hearing: when ripe (after suppuration) copious quantity of white, black, and red thick pus flows out. 7b-8.


शब्दवाहिसिरासंस्थे शृणोति पवने मुहुः । नादानकस्माद्विविधान् कर्णनादं वदन्ति तम् ॥ ९ ॥

When pavana (vata ) gets localised in the sira (chan – nels) which convey sound, the person hears different kinds of sound often, without any reasons. This is spoken as Karna nada. 9.


श्लेष्मणाऽनुगतो वायुर्नादो वा समुपेक्षितः ।

उच्चैः कृच्छ्राच्छ्रतिं कुर्याद्बधिरत्वं क्रमेण च ॥ १० ॥

Vayu (vata) associated with slesma ( kapha) and getting increased or by neglect of karnanada gives rise to hearing of loud sounds only with difficulty and to deafness gradually. 10.


वातेन शोषितः श्लेष्मा श्रोतोलिम्पेत्ततो भवेत् ।

रुग्गौरवं पिधानं च स प्रतीनाहसंज्ञितः ॥ ११ ॥

Slesma (kapha) dessicated by vata, get coated to the interior of the ears, leading to pain, feeling of heaviness and closure of the ears. This disease is known as Pratinaha. 11. Kandu-Sopha

कण्डूशोफौ कफाच्छ्रोत्रे स्थिरौ तत्संज्ञया स्मृतौ ।

Itching and swelling are caused by kapha in the ears, these persist for some time. 12a.


कफो विदग्धः पित्तेन सरुजं नीरुजं त्वपि ॥ १२ ॥

घनपूतिबहुक्लेदं कुरुते पूतिकर्णकम् ।

Kapha getting improperly cooked by pitta, leads to discharge of thick, foul smelling, copious fluid accompanied with pain or without pain. This is putikarnaka. 12b-13a.

Krumi karnaka

वातादिदूषितं श्रोत्रं मांसासृक्क्लेदजा रुजम् ॥ १३॥ खादन्तो जन्तवः कुर्युस्तीव्रां स कृमिकर्णकः ।

Worms (bacteria ) born in the muscles, blood and fluids of the ears vitiated by vata and other dosas eat away the ears and cause pain. This is Krmikarnaka. 13b-14a.

Karna vidradhi-Sopha-Arsas-Arbuda

श्रोत्रकण्डूयनाज्जाते क्षते स्यात्पूर्वलक्षणः ॥ १४ ॥

विद्रधिः, पूर्ववच्चान्यः शोफोऽर्शोऽर्बुदमीरितम् । तेषु रुक् पूतिकर्णत्वं बधिरत्वं च बाधते ॥ १५ ॥

Karna vidradhi arises as a result of the ulcer caused by scratching the ears ( with sticks etc. inserted into it) having the symptoms as described previously (chapter 11 of nidana sthana). Similarly so. are Sopha, Arsa and Arbuda. In these pain, foul smell and deafness trouble the person. 14b-15.

Kuci karnaka

गर्भेऽनिलात्सङ्कचिता शष्कुली कुचिकर्णकः ।

Anila (vata) constricts the saskuli (pinna of the ears) inside and produces Kucikarnaka. 16a.

Karna pippali

एको नीरुगनेको वा गर्भे मांसाङ्कुरः स्थिरः ॥ १६ ॥ पिप्पली पिप्पलीमान:

One or more painless, immovable sprouts of muscle resembling pippali develop inside the ears, this disease known as Karnapippli. 16b

Karna vidarika

सन्निपाताद्विदारिका । सवर्णः सरुजः स्तब्धः श्ववयथुः स उपेक्षितः ॥ १७॥

कटुतैलम् पक्वः स्त्रवेत् कृच्छ्रेण रोहति । सङ्कोचयति रूढा च सा ध्रुवं कर्णशष्कुलीम् ॥ १८ ॥

Vidarika arising from the combination of all the dosas, is a swelling having the same colour, painful and immovable; when neglected it ripens ( suppurates ) , heals discharges a fluid resembling katutaila ( mustard oil), heals with great difficulty and after healing definitely constricts the karnasaskuli (pinna). 17-18.


सिरास्थः कुरुते वायुः पालीशोषं तदाह्वयम् |

Vayu (vata) localised in the sira ( veins) produces emaciation/drying up, thinning of the lobe of the ears. This is known as palisosa. 19a.


कृशा दृढा च तन्त्रीवत् पाली वातेन तन्त्रिका ॥ १९ ॥

The pinna (or ear lobe) becoming emaciated, and resembling a wire is Tantrika, caused by vata. static 19b.


सुकुमारे चिरोत्सर्गात्सहसैव प्रवर्धिते । कर्णे शोफः सरुक् पाल्यामरुणः परिपोटवान् ॥ २० ॥ परिपोट: स षवनात्

In children the ear neglected for a long time (allowed to remain without puncturing) and punctured all of a sudden, gives rise to swelling in the pinna (ear lobe) accompanied with pain, light red in colour and pulsating, this disease is called Paripota and caused by pavana (vata ). 20.


उत्पात: पित्तशोणितात् । गुर्वाभरणभाराद्यैः श्यावो रुग्दाहपाकवान् ॥ २१ ॥ स्फोटपिटिकारागोषाक्लेदसंयुतः । श्वयथुः

By the weight of heavy ornaments etc. (and other such causes) pitta and sonita (blood) getting vitiated produce swelling of the pinna (or the lobe) which is black, painful, with burning sensation and ulceration, associated with bursting eruptions, red in colour, having burning sensation and collection of fluid inside. This diseases is known as Utpata. 21-22a.

Unmantha or gallira

पाल्यां शोफोऽनिलकफात्सर्वतो निर्व्यथः स्थिरः ॥ २२ ॥ स्तब्धः सवर्ण: कण्डूमानुन्मन्थो गल्लिरश्च सः ।

Swelling of the pinna, (or lobe) arising from vata and kapha, painless, covering the entire pinna, static, of the same colour and having itching. This is known as Unmantha or gallira. 22b-23a.

Duhkha vardhana

दुर्विद्धे वर्धिते कर्णे सकण्डूदाहपाकरुक् ॥ २३ ॥ श्वयथुः सन्निपातोत्थः स नाम्ना दुःखवर्धनः ।

Puncturing not properly done leading to itching, burning sensation, ulceration, pain and swelling caused by sannipata (combination of all dosas) this is by name Duhkhavardhana. 23b-24a.

Lehyakhya pitaka

कफासृक्कृमिजा: सूक्ष्मा: सकण्डुक्लेदवेदनाः ॥ २४ ॥ लेह्याख्याः पिटिकास्ता हि लिह्यः पालीमुपेक्षिताः ।

Small pitaka ( eruptions) having itching, collection of fluid and pain caused by kapha, asrk (blood) and krmi (becteria) appear on the pinna (or lobe) and it neglected eat away the pinna. This is Lehyakhya pitaka. 24b-25a.

पिप्पली सर्वजं शूलं विदारी कुचिकर्णकः ॥ २५ ॥

एषामसाध्याः, यौप्यैका तन्त्रिकाऽन्यांस्तु साधयेत् । पञ्चविंशतिरित्युक्ताः कर्णरोगा विभागतः ॥ २६ ॥

Among these disease of the ears, pippali (pippalimana), sarvaja (sannipata), sula, vidari, kucikarnaka are incurable, tantrika is controllable but persist long and the others should be treated.

Thus were described twenty five diseases of the ears, suitably classified. 25b-26.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने कर्णरोगविज्ञानीयो नाम सप्तदशोऽध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥

Thus ends the chapter — Karnaroga vijnaniya—the seventeenth in Uttar sthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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