षष्ठोऽध्यायः । अथातो दुन्दुभिस्वनीयं कल्पं व्याख्यास्याम; यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ः।।१।।
Now we shall discourse on the Chapter which treats the sounds of a (medicated) drum, etc., possessed of anti-venomous virtues (Dundubhi-Svaniya). 1
धवाश्वकर्णशिरीषतिनिशपलाशपिचुमर्दपाटलिपारिभद्रकाम्रोदुम्बरकरहाटकार्जुनककुभसर्जककपीतनश्लेष्मातकाङ्कोठामलकप्रग्रह कुटजशमीकपित्थाश्मन्तकार्कचिरबिल्वमहावृक्षारुष्करारलुमधुकमधुशिग्रुशाकगोजीमूर्वाभूर्जतिल्वकेक्षुरकगोपघोण्टारिमेदानां भस्मान्याहृत्य गवां मूत्रेण क्षारकल्पेन परिस्त्राव्य विपचेत्, दद्याच्चात्र पिप्प्लीमूलतण्डुलीयकवराङ्गचोचमञ्जिष्ठाकरञ्जिकाहस्तिपिप्पलीमरिचविडङ्गगृहधूमानन्तासोमसरलावाह्लीकगुहाकोशाम्रश्वेतसर्षपवरुणलवणप्लक्षनिचुलकवक्रालवर्धमानवञ्जुलपुत्रश्रेणीसप्तपर्णटुण्टुकैलवालुकनागदन्त्यतिविषाभयाभद्रदारुकुष्ठहरिद्रावचाचूर्णानि समभागानि । ततः क्षारवदागतपाकमवतार्य लोहकुम्भे निदध्यात् ।। २ ।। लोहानाञ्च
Ksaragada : The woods of Dhava, Asva-karna, Sirisa, Tinisa, Palasa, Picu-marda, Patali, Paribhadraka, Amra, Udumbara, Karahataka, Arjuna, Kakubha, Sarja, Kapitana, Slesmataka, Armkotha, amalaka, Pragraha, Kutaja, Sami, Kapittha, Asvmantaka, Arka, Cira-bilva, Maha-vrksa, Aruskara, Aralu, Madhuka, Madhu-sigru, Saka, Goji, Murva, Tilvaka, Iksuraka, Gopa-ghanta and Arimeda’ should be taken (in equal parts) and burnt down to ashes. The said ashes should be dissolved in the urine of a cow and filtered (through a piece of linen) in the manner of preparing an alkali. This alkaline solution should then be duly boiled (till it would assume a transparent blood-red hue and slimy character), and the powders of Pippali-mula, Tanduliyaka, Varanga, Coca, Manjistha, Karanja. Hasti-Pippali, Marica, Vidanga, Grha-dhuma (soot of a room). Ananta, Soma, Sarala, Vahlika, Guha, Kosamra, white mustard seeds, Varuna, Lavana, Plaksa, Nicula, Vakra, ala, Vardhamana, Vanjula, Putra-sreni, Sapta-parna, Tuntuka, Ela-valuka, Naga-danti, Ativisa, Abhya, Bhadra-daru, Kustha, Haridra and Vaca together with pulverised (dead) iron ( taken in equal parts ) 2 should be added to it. Then it should be boiled again and preserved in an iron pitcher after it had been duly prepared in the manner of an alkali. 2
अनेन दुन्दुभिं लिम्पेत् पताकांतोरणानि च। श्रवणाद् दर्शनात् स्पर्शात् विषात् सम्प्रतिमुच्यते ।। ३ ।। एष क्षारागदो नाम शर्करास्वश्मरीषु च। अर्श:सु वातगुल्मेषु कासशूलोदरेषु अजीर्णे ग्रहणीदोषे भक्तद्वेषे च दारुणे । शोफे सर्वसरे चापि देयः श्वासे च दारुणे ||५ सदा सर्वविषार्त्तानां एष तक्षकमुख्यानामयं च।।४।। सर्वथैवोपयुज्यते । दर्पाङ्कुशोऽगदः ।। ६ ।।
Metrical Texts : Dundhubhis (drums ), banners and the gate ways of houses be smeared with this alkaline preparation, hearing the sound as well as the sight and touch would lead to the complete elimination of the poison from the system of the patient. This medicine is known as the Ksaragada which is equally efficacious in cases of Sarkara (gravel), stones in the bladder, Haemorrhoids, Vata-Gulma, cough, Sula (colic), Udara (abdominal dropsy), indigestion, Grahani, extreme aversion to food, general oedema of the body, Stomatitis and violent asthma. The remedy is always applicable in all cases of poisoning of whatsoever type and acts as a sure antidote to the poison of the serpents headed by the dreadful Taksaka. 3-6
1. The plants of these shoould be taken in full i.e. with their leaves, roots, branches, etc. The prepared ash should be dissolved in cow’s urine weighing six times the combined weight of the ashes. Dalhana says that Gayadasa does not read ‘‘Sirisa, Picumarda, Kakubha, Aruskara and Madhu Sigru” in the list.
2. The total weight of these powders to be added should be one thirtieth part of the prepared alkaline solution. Dalhana says that Gayadasa counts only thirty and he does not read “Marica, Soma, Guha, Lavana, Cakra and Ala in the text. We do not, however, find Cakra and Ala in the text. We have, on the other hand, the names of some more drugs which are believed to be mere interpolation from the marginal notes of some manuscripts.
Kalyanaka Ghrita
विडङ्गत्रिफलादन्ती – भद्रदारुहरेणवः तालीशपत्रमञ्जिष्ठा-केशरोत्पलपद्मकम्
दाडिमं मालतीपुष्पं प्रियङ्गस्तगरं सचन्दनगवाक्षीभिरेतैः ।।७।।
रजन्यौ सारिवे स्थिरे । कुष्ठं कुष्ठं बृहत्यौ बृहत्यौ सिद्धं । चैलवालुकम् । विषापहम् ।। ८ ।।
सर्पिः कल्याणकं ह्येतद् ग्रहापस्मारनाशनम् । पाण्ड्वामयगरश्वास-मन्दाग्निज्वरकासनुत् शोषिणां स्वल्पशुक्राणां बन्ध्यानाञ्च प्रशस्यते ।। ९ ।।
Kalyanaka Ghrita: An adequate quantity of clarified butter duly cooked with (the decoction and Kalka of) the drugs known as Vidanga, Tri-phala, Danti, Bhadra-daru, Harenu, Talisa-patra, Manjistha, Kesara, Utpala, Padmaka, Dadima, Malati flower, the two kinds of Rajani, the two kinds of Sariva, the two kinds of Sthira, Priyangu, Tagara, Kustha, the two kinds of Brhati, Elavaluka, sandal wood and Gavaksi, is known as the Kalyanaka Ghrita. The curative efficacy of this Ghrita extends to cases of poisoning, Grahapasmara (hysteria due to the influence of malignant stars and planets), Anaemea, Gara dosa ( slow chemical poisoning), asthma, sluggishness of appetite, fever and cough. It is recommended to consumptive patients, as well as to men suffering from scantiness of semen and women afflicted with sterility. 7-9
Amrita Ghrita
अपामार्गस्य बीजानि शिरीषस्य तथैव च । श्वेते द्वे काकमाचीञ्च गवां मूत्रेण पेषयेत् ।। १० ।।
सर्पिरतैस्तु संसिद्धं विषसंशमनं परम्। अमृतं नाम विख्यातमपि सञ्जीवयेन्मृतम् ।। ११ ।।
Amrita Ghrita: An adequate quantity of a clarified butter duly cooked with the seeds of Apamarga and of sirisa, the two kinds of Sveta, and Kakamaci (previously) pasted with the urine of a cow is known as the Amrta-Ghrita. It embraces within the pale of its therapeutic virtues all cases of poisoning and is capable of bringing back an apparently dead man to life. 10-11
Maha-sugandhi Agada
चन्दनागुरुणी कुष्ठं तगरं प्रपौण्डरीकं तिलपर्णिकम् । नलदं सरलं देवदारु च ।। १२ ।।
भद्रश्रियं यवफलां भार्गी नीलीं सुगन्धिकाम् । कालेयकं पद्मकञ्च मधुकं नागरं पुन्नागैलैलवालूनि गैरिकं ध्यामकं जटाम् बलाम् ।
तोयं सर्जरसं मांसीं शितपुष्पां तालीशपत्रं क्षुप्रैला सशैलेयं प्रियङ्गु पत्रं शिलापुष्पं सशैलेयं ।। १३ ।।
हरेणुकाम् । कटुत्रिकं शीतशिवं काश्मर्यं कटुरोहिणीम् ।। १५ ।।
सोमराजीमतिविषां पृथ्विकामिन्द्रवारुणीम् । उशीरं वरुणं मुस्तं नखं कुस्तुम्बुरुं तथा ।। १६ ।।
श्वेते हरिद्रे स्थौणेयं लाक्षाञ्च लवणानि च । कुमुदोत्पलपद्मानि चम्पकाशोकसुमनस्तित्वकप्रसवानि पुष्पञ्चापि तथाऽर्कजम् ।। १७ ।।
पाटलीशाल्मलीशैलु-शिरीषाणां च । कुसुमं तृणमूल्याश्च सुरभीसिन्धुवारजम् । धवाश्वकर्णपार्थानां पुष्पाणि तिनिशस्य च ।। १९ ।।
गुग्गुलुं कुङ्कुमं बिम्बीं सर्पाक्ष गन्धनाकुलीम् । एतत् सम्भृत्य सम्भारं सूक्ष्मचूर्णानि कारयेत् ।। २० ।।
गोपित्तमधुसर्पिभिर्युक्तं शृङ्गे निधापयेत् । भग्नस्कन्धं विवृत्ताक्षं सकुटन्नटाम् ।। १४ ।।
कालानुसारिवाम् । तथैव च । । १८ । ।
मृत्योर्दष्ट्रान्तरं गतम् । अनेनागदमुख्येन मनुष्यं पुनराहरेत् ।। २१ ।।
एषोऽग्निकल्पं दुर्वारं क्रुद्धस्यामिततेजसः । विषं नागपतेर्हन्यात्प्र सभं वासुकेरपि ||२२||
महासुगन्धिनामायं पञ्चाशीत्यङ्गयोजितः । राजाऽगदानां सर्वेषां राज्ञो हस्ते भवेत् सदा || २३ ||
स्नातानुलिप्तस्तु नृपो भवेद् सर्वजनप्रियः । भ्राजिष्णुताञ्च लभते शत्रुमध्यगतोऽपि सन् ॥ २४ ।।
Maha-sugandhi Agada : The following drugs viz., (red) sandal wood, Aguru, Kustha, Tagara, Tila-parnika, Prapaundarika, Nalada, Sarala, Deva-daru, Bhadra-sri (white sandal wood), Yava-phala, Bhargi, Nili, Sugandhika, Kaleyaka, Padmaka, Madhuka, Nagara, Jata (a variety of Jata-mamsi), Punnaga, Ela, Elavalu, Gairika, Dhyamaka, Bala, Toya, Sarjarasa, Mamsi, Sata-puspa, Harenuka, Talisa-patra, small Ela, Priyangu, Kutannata, Saila puspa, Saileya, Patra, Kalanu-Sariva, Tri-katu, Sita-siva,¹ Kasmarya, Katu-rohini, Somaraji, Ati-visa, Prthvika, Indra-varuni, Usira, Varuna, Musta, Nakha, Kustum-buru, the two kinds of Sveta,²2 the two kinds of Haridra, Sthauneya, Laksa, the five kinds of officinal salts, Kumuda, Utpala, Padma, flower of Arka, flowers of Campaka, Asoka, Sumanas, Tilvaka, Patali, Salmali, Selu, Sirisa, flowers of Trna-sula, surabhi Sindhuvara, flowers of Dhava, Asvakarna and Tinisa, Guggula, Kumkuma, Bimbi, Sarpa-ksi and Gandha-Nakuli should be carefully collected and pasted with honey, clarified butter and the bile of a cow and should be kept inside a horn (or a receptacle made of that material). This medicine, which is the best of all anti-venomous medicinal preparations, would rescue from the jaws of death, a patient even with drooped down shoulders and sunk and upturned eyes. It is capable of destroying in a moment the irresistible fire-like poison even of the dreadful infuriated Vasuki, the king of serpents. This Agada which consists of eighty-five ingredients is called the Maha sugandhi Agada and is the most potent of all anti-venomous remedies. It should constantly be in the possession of a king. Smeared with the present preparation he is sure to be a favourite to all his subjects and to shine with his sovereign majesty even amidst his enemies. 12-24
1. Dalhana explains “Sita-siva” to mean “camphor”. Others explain to mean “Sami.”
2. The text has “Sveta” in the dual number meaning the two kinds of “Sveta” viz; white Vaca and white Aparajita. Dalhana gives only “Vaca” as its synonym, which shows he takes the word in the singular number and not in the dual as in the printed text. This appears to be the correct reading, for otherwise the number of the drugs in the list would be more than eighty-five.
A physician well versed in the natures of poisons, should adopt all remedial measures excepting the heat-engendering ones in all types of poisoning. But this rule would not be applicable in a case of insectbite as the poison of an insect is cool in its potency and hence would be aggravated by the application of any cooling measures. 25
Rules of diet and conduct
अन्नपानविधावुक्तमुपधार्य शुभाशुभम् । शुभं देयं विषार्तेभ्यो विरुद्धेभ्यश्च वारयेत् ।। २६ ।।
फाणितं शिग्रु सौवीरमजीर्णाध्यशनं वर्जयेच्च समासेन तथा । नवधान्यादिकं दिवास्वप्नं व्यवायञ्च सुरातिलकुलत्थांच गणम् ।। २७ ।।
व्यायामं क्रोधमातपम् । वर्जयेद्धि विषातुरः ।। २८ ।।
Rules of diet and conduct : Wholesome diets which have been enumerated in the chapter on Annapana-Vidhi, should be prescribed in cases of poisoning after a due consideration of the nature, habit, and temperament of the patient who should be warned against the use of unwholesome ones. The use of Phanita (liquid treacle), Sigru, Sauvira, the taking of meals before the digestion of the previous ones, the group of Nava-Dhanya (unmatured corn), wine, sesamum, oil and Kulatthapulse, sleep in the day time, sexual intercourse, physical exercise, fits of anger and exposure to the sun are forbidden in the case of a poisoned patient. 26-28
Symptoms of elimination of poison
प्रसन्नदोषं प्रकृतिस्थधातुमन्नाभिकाङ्क्ष सममूत्रजिह्वम् । प्रसन्नवर्णेन्द्रियचित्तचेष्टं वैद्योऽवगच्छेदविषं मनुष्यम् ।। २९ ।।
Symptoms of elimination of poison : The restoration of the deranged Dosas and of the vital principles (Dhatus of the body) to their normal state, a natural craving for food and drink, the normal colour and condition of the tongue and of the urine and the normal state and functions of the mind and of the sense-organs in a poisoned patient would indicate the full and complete elimination of the poison from his system. 29
इति सुश्रुत संहितायां कल्पस्थाने दुन्दुभिस्वनीयकल्पो नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः ॥ ६॥
Thus ends the Sixth Chapter of the Kalpa-Sthana in the Susruta Samhita which treats of the sounds of medicated drums, etc.