अथातः सर्वाक्षिरोगविज्ञानीयं व्याख्यास्यामः । स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥ इति ह
We shall now expound the chapter-Sarvaksiroga vijnaniya—knowledge of diseases affecting the whole eye; thus said Atreya and other great sages.
Knowledge of diseases of the whole eye
वातेन नेत्रेऽभिष्यण्णे नासानाहोऽल्पशोफता । शङ्खाक्षिभूललाटस्य तोदस्फुरणभेदनम् ॥ १ ॥
शुष्काल्पा दूषिका शीतमच्छं चाश्रु चला रुजः । निमेषोन्मेषणं कृच्छ्राज्जन्तूनामिव सर्पणम् ॥ २ ॥
अक्ष्याध्मातभिवाभाति सूक्ष्मैः शल्यैरिवाचितम् । स्निग्धोष्णैचोपशमनं सोऽभिष्यन्दः ॥२॥
By (increase of ) vata the eye becomes moist, there is distention and slight swelling of the nose, pricking, pulsating and splitting pain in the temples, eyes, brows and forehead; the excretion of the eye is dry (non-sticky) and little in quantity, tears are cold and thin, unsteady pain in the eyes, difficulty in opening and closing the eyelids, feeling as though bloated (increased in size) and as though filled with foreign bodies, comfort is obtained by the use of unctuous and hot things. This disease is Abhisyanda. 1-3.
Vataja Adhimantha
उपेक्षितः ॥ ३ ॥
अधिमन्थो भवेत्तत्र कर्णयोर्नदनं भ्रमः । अरण्येव च मध्यन्ते ललाटाक्षिभ्रुवादयः ॥ ४ ॥
This (abhisyanda) if neglected leads to Adhimantha characterised by noise in the ears, giddiness and churning like pain in the forehead, eye brows etc. 4.
हताधिमन्थः सोऽपि स्यात् प्रमादात्तेन वेदनाः । अनेकरूपा जायन्ते ब्रणो दृष्टौ च दृष्टिहा ॥ ५ ॥
This also if neglected leads to Hatadhimantha, in which pain of different kinds develops, there are ulcers on the area of vision and loss of vision also. 5.
मन्याक्षिशङ्खतो वायुरन्यतो व प्रवर्तयन् । व्यथां तीव्रामपैच्छिल्यरागशोफं विलोचनम् ॥ ६ ॥
सङ्कोचयति पर्यश्रु सोऽन्यतोवातसंज्ञितः ।
Vayu (vata) moving in wrong paths, from the neck, eyes and temples produces severe pain; sliminess, redness and swelling of the eyes, constriction (decrease in size) and increased flow of tears; this is known as Anyatovata. 6-7a.
तद्वज्जिां भवेन्नेत्रमूनं वा वातपर्यये ॥७॥ In Vataparyaya, symptoms are the same (as that of anyatovata) and in addition; the eyes become curved (irregular) or difficient (in size ). 7b.
दाहो धूमायनं शोफः श्यावता वर्त्मनो बहिः । अन्तक्लेदोऽश्रु पीतोष्णं रागः पीताभदर्शनम् ॥ ८ ॥
क्षारोक्षितक्षताक्षित्वं पित्ताभिष्यन्दलक्षणम्।
Burning sensation, feeling of hot fumes coming out, swelling, bluishness of the eyelids externally and moistness internally; tears are yellow and warm; redness, seeing all things as yellowish in colour, appearance of ulcers as though the eye is smeared with caustic alkali-are the featrues of abhisyanda caused by pitta. 8-9a.
ज्वलदङ्गारकीर्णाभं अधिमन्थे भवेन्नेत्रं यकृत्पिण्डसमप्रभम् ॥ ९ ॥
In adhimantha the eyes appear as though covered with burnt-out coal, and resemble a piece of liver ( in colour).
जाड्यं शोफो महान् कण्डूर्निद्राऽन्ननभिनन्दनम् ॥ १० ॥ सान्द्रस्निग्धबहुश्वेतपिच्छावहूषिकाश्रुता ।
In abhisyanda caused by kapha, there is sluggishness, profound swelling, itching, sleepiness, dislike for food. The excretion from the eyes and tears are thick, unctuous, copious, white and slimy. 10b-11a.
स्यन्दे तु कफसम्भवे ।
अधिमन्थे नतं कृष्णमुन्नतं शुक्लमण्डलम् ॥ ११ ॥ प्रसेको नासिकाध्मानं पांशुपूर्णमिवेक्षणम् ।
In adhimantha caused by kapha, the black portion (cornea) is depressed while the white portion (sclera) is elevated, nasal catarrah, distention of the nose and feeling as though the eyes are full of sand. 11b-12a.
रक्ताश्रुराजीदूषीकारक्तमण्डलदर्शनम् ॥१२॥ रक्तस्यन्देन नयनं सपित्तस्यन्दलक्षणम् ।
In abhisyanda caused by blood, the tears and excretion are red there are red lines in the eye, the person sees red coloured discs around the objects, and also the features of abhisyanda of pitta origin-are found. 12b-13a.
ताम्रपर्यन्तमुत्पाटनसमानरुक् ॥ १३ ॥
मन्थेऽक्षि रागेण बन्धूकनिभं ताम्यति स्पर्शनाक्षमम् । असृड्निमग्नारिष्टाभं कृष्णमग्न्याभदर्शनम् ॥ १४॥
In adhimantha caused by blood, the edges are coppery, severe pain as though when pulled out, resembles (the flower of) bandhuka; because of redness, there is loss of vision, intolerence to touch, appears (a fruit of) a arista, immersed in blood; the person sees things as black or fire like. 13b-14.
अधिमन्था यथास्वं च सर्वे स्यन्दाधिकव्यथाः । शङ्खदन्तकपोलेषु कपाले चातिरुक्कराः ॥ १५ ॥
Adhimantha caused by rakta is also similar in features but has severe pain, produces pain of great intensity in the temples, teeth; cheeks and skull (head). 15.
वातपित्तातुरं घर्षतोदभेदोपदेहवत्। रूक्षदारुणवर्त्माक्षि कृच्छ्रोन्मीलनिमीलनम् ॥ १६ ॥
विकूणनविशुष्कत्वशीतेच्छाशूलपाकवत् उक्तः शुष्काक्षिपाकोऽयं ।
The patient is having the symptoms of vatapitta (increased together ) in the eyes; friction, pricking and piercing pain, increased thickness, dryness, fearful appearance of the lids and the eye, difficulty in opening and closing of the lids, severe_dryness, desire for cold comforts, pain and ulceration—this disease is Suskaksipaka. 16-17.
सशोफः स्यात्त्रिभिर्मलैः ॥ १७ ॥
सरक्तैस्तत्र शोफोऽतिरुग्दाहष्ठीवनादिमान् । पक्कोदुम्बरसङ्काशं जायते शुक्लमण्डलम् ॥ १८ ॥
अश्रूष्णशीतविशपिच्छिलाच्छघनं मुहुः ।
(The disease called) Sasopha is caused by all the three dosas (increased together ) along with rakta (blood) and its symptoms are swelling, severe pain and burning sensation (in the eyes), expectoration, the white portion (sclera) assumes the appearance of a ripe fruit of udumbara (in colour and size) tears are warm or cold, viscus or slimy, clear (thin) or thick alternately. 18-19a.
अल्पशोफेऽल्पशोफस्तु पाकोऽन्यैर्लक्षणैस्तथा ॥ १९ ॥
In the disease Alpasopha there is mild swelling and other symptoms of paka (the disease —aksipakatyaya). 19b.
अक्षिपाकात्यये शोफः संरम्भः कलुषाश्रुता । कफोपदिग्धमसितं सितं प्रक्लेदरागवत् ॥ २० ॥ दाहो दर्शनसंरोधो वेदनाश्चानवस्थिताः ।
In the disease Aksipakatyaya, there is swelling, increased pain, turbidity of the tears, the white portion ( sclera) is coated with kapha, black, very moist and red; burning sensation, obstruction to vision and unsteady pain. 20-21a.
अन्नसारोऽम्लतां नीतः पित्तरक्तोल्बर्णैर्मलैः ॥ २१ ॥
शिराभिनेत्रमारूढः करोति श्यावलोहितम् । सशोफदाहपाकाश्रु भृशं चाविलदर्शनम् ॥ २२ ॥ अम्लोषितोऽयम्
The essence of food made very sour by the dosas with the predominance of pitta and rakta (blood) brought to the eyes through the veins makes the eye bluish, associated with slight swelling, burning sensation, ulceration, profuse flow of tears and dirty vision. This disease is Amlosita. 21b-22.
इत्युक्ता गदाः षोडश सर्वगाः । हताधिमन्थमेतेषु साक्षिपाकात्ययं त्यजेत् ॥ २३ ॥
Thus were described, the sixteen disease, affecting the whole eye; among these hatadhimantha and aksipakatyaya should be refused treatment. 23.
वातोद्भूतः पञ्चरात्रेण दृष्टिं सप्ताहेन श्लेष्मजातोऽधिमन्थः ।
रक्तोत्पन्नो हन्ति तद्वत्रिरात्रात् मिथ्याचारात् पैत्तिकः सद्य एव ॥ २४ ॥ Adhimantha, born from vata destroys the vision in five days, that born from blood in three days and that born from pitta, improperly treated, immediately. 24.
षष्ठे इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां
उत्तरस्थाने सर्वाक्षिरोगविज्ञानीयो नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः ॥ १५ ॥
Thus ends the chapter – Sarvaksiroga vijnaniya-the fifteenth in Uttarasthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.