पञ्चमोऽध्यायः । अथातो महावातव्याधिचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः, यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ॥ १॥
Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the medical treatment of Maha-Vata-vyadhi. 1
द्विविधं वातशोणितमुत्तानमवगाढ़ञ्चेत्येके भाषन्ते, तत् तु न सम्यक्; तद्धि कुष्ठवदुत्तानं भूत्वा कालान्तरेणावगाढीभवति, तस्मान्न द्विविधम् ॥ २॥
Several authorities group the disease Vata-Rakta under two different sub-heads, such as superficial and deep-seated. But such a classification is not correct; as this disease first manifests itself on the surface (layer of the skin) like Kustha and gradually invades the deeper tissues of the body. Hence there are no (two forms of this disease. 2
तत्र बलवद्विग्रहादिभिः प्रकुपितस्य वायोर्गुरूष्णाध्यशनशीलस्य प्रदुष्टं शोणितं मार्गमावृत्य वातेन सहकीभूतं युगपद् वातरक्तनिमित्तां वेदनां जनयतीति वातरक्तम् । तत् तु पूर्वं हस्तपादयोरवस्थानं कृत्वा पश्चाद् देहं व्याप्नोति । तस्य पूर्वरुपाणि – तोददाहकण्डूशोफस्तम्भत्वक्पारुष्यसिरास्नायु-धमनीस्पन्दनसक्थिदौर्बल्यानि श्यावरक्तमण्डलोत्पत्तिश्चाकस्मात् पाणिपादतलाङ्गुलिगुल्फमणिबन्धप्रभृतिषु । तत्राप्रतिकारिणोऽपचारिणश्च रोगो व्यक्ततरः तस्य लक्षणमुक्तम् । तत्राप्रतिकारिणो वैकल्यं भवति ।। ३ ।।
Causes of Vata-Rakta: The Vayu of the body is enraged or agitated by such causes as wrestling with a man of superior and uncommon physical strength, etc., while the blood is vitiated by such causes as constant over-eating of edibles which are of difficult digestion and heat-making in their potency or ingestion of food before the digestion of the previous meal. The Vayu thus enraged and agitated enters the blood-carrying channels of the body and being obstructed in its passage, become mixed with the vitiated blood. The deranged Vayu and the blood thus combine to give rise to pain characterised by the specific symptoms of each, which is known as Vata-Rakta. The characteristic pain, which at first confines itself to the extremities. gradually extends over the whole body.
Premonitory symptoms of Vata-Rakta : The disease is ushered in with a pricking pain, a burning and an itching sensation (in the affected part), a swelling, roughness and numbness (anaesthesia) of the diseased locality, throbbing of the veins, ligaments, nerves and arteries, a weakness in the thighs and sudden appearance of red or brownish circular patches on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. fingers and heels. etc.. (A.R.–wrists). If neglected and immoderately treated in its premonitory stages, the disease soon develops its characteristic symptoms in succession, which have been described before; whereas (a lifelong) deformity (of the affected part) is the penalty for neglecting it (in its fully affection or developed stage). 3
भवति चात्र |
प्रयाश सुकुमाराणां मिथ्याहारविहारिणाम् । स्थूलानां सुखिनाञ्चापि वातरक्तं प्रकुप्यति ।। ४ ।।
Memorable Verse: Persons of a mild and delicate constitution. as well as those who are (inordinately) stout or sedentary in their habits or addicted to unwholesome and incompatible food, etc. are generally found to be susceptible to an attack of Vata-Rakta. 4
तत्र प्राणमांसक्षयपिपासाञ्चरमूर्च्छाश्वासकासस्तम्भारोचकाविपा
1. The person suffering from Vata-Rakta would be the rich, obese one living life of luxury who would not have much todo to earn his living. This would precisely be type to have gouty tendency.
कविसरणसङ्कोचनैरनुपद्रुतं बलवन्तमात्मवन्तमुपकरणवन्तञ्चोपक्रमेत् ॥ ५ ॥
Prognosis: A physician is advised to take in hand the medical treatment of a Vata-Rakta-patient who has as yet not lost much strength and muscle, nor is afflicted with thirst, fever, epileptic fits, dyspnoea, cough, numbness (of the affected part), aversion to food, indigestion, extension and contraction of the limb, as well as of a person who is strong and temperate in his living and can afford to pay for the diet and other necessary accessories of the treatment. 5
तत्रादावेव बहुवातरूक्षम्लानाङ्गादते मार्गावरणाद् दुष्टशोणितमसकृदल्पाल्पमवसिञ्चेद् वातकोपभयात् । ततो वमनादिभिरुपक्रमैरुपपाद्य प्रतिसंसृष्टभक्तं वातप्रबले पुराणघृतं पाययेदजाक्षीरंवार्द्धतैलं मधुकाक्षययुक्तं, शृगालविन्नासिद्धं वा, शर्करामधुमधुरं, शुण्ठीशृङ्गाटककशेरुकसिद्धं वा, श्यामारास्नासुषवीशृगाल-विन्नापीलुशतावरीश्वदंष्ट्राद्विपञ्चमूलीसिद्धं वा ॥ ६ ॥
Preliminary remedial measures : In the first stage of the disease the blood, having become vitiated owing to its being obstructed in its course (by the unusually agitated Vayu in the system), should be let out repeatedly in small quantity and not profusely bled so as not forestall excessive aggravation of Vata except when the body would be found to have become extremely dry or to have lost its natural healthful glow or complexion through the action of the aggravated morbific principle (Vayu), for fear of further aggravating the Vayu. Emetics, purgatives, and Basti (enemas), etc. should be administered and the patient should be made to take a diet consisting of old and matured clarified butter (and boiled rice), in the case where the aggravated condition of the deranged Vayu would be found to predominate. As an alternative, he should be made to drink a potion consisting of goat’s milk mixed with half its quantity of oil, with two Tola weigt of Yasti-madhu or goat’s milk cooked with Prsniparni (two Tola weight) with honey and sugar (added after cooking), or cooked with Sunthi, Sringutaka and Kaseruka, or cooked with Syama, Rasna, Susavi, Prsniparni, Pilu, Satavari, Syadumstra and Dasamuid. 6
द्विपञ्चमूलीक्वाथाष्टगुणसिद्धेन च पयसा मधुकमेषशृङ्गी – श्वदं – ष्ट्रासरल-भद्रदारुवचासुरभिकल्कप्रतीवापं तैलं पाचयित्वा पानादिषूपयुञ्जीत, शतावरी – मयूरककिणिह्यजमोदामधुकक्षीरविदारीबलातिब लातृणपञ्चमूलीक्वाथसिद्धं वा, काकोल्यादिप्रतिवापं बलातैलं शतपाकञ्चेति । वातहरमूलसिद्धेन च पयसा परिषेचनमम्लैर्वा कुर्वीत । यवमधुकैरण्डतिलवर्षाभूभिर्वा प्रदेहः कार्यः ।। ७ ।।
Oil, cooked with the addition of milk previously boiled with the decoction of Dasa-mula eight times its own weight and a Kalka of Madhuka, Mesa-sringi (A.R.Sarngasta), Svadanstra, Sarala, Bhadradaru, Vaca and Surabhi pasted together, should be administered as drinks, etc., (viz., anointment, sprinkling, etc. As an alternative, the oil cooked with the decoction of Satavari, Mavuraka, Kinihi, Ajmoda, Madhuka, Ksira-Vidari, Bala, Ati bala and Trna-Pancha-mula, with the paste of the drugs belonging to the Kakolyadi group, or the oil¹ cooked with the ecoction and Kalka of Bala for a hundred times should be prescribed for the patient. The affected part should be washed with the milk. boiled with the roots of the Vata-hara (Vayusubduing) drugs (i.e., Dasa-mula), or simply with Amla (gruel, etc.). or a plaster composed o barley, Madhuka, Erainda (castor ) Tila and Varsabhu (pasted together and heated), should be applied to the part. 7
तत्र चूर्णितेषु यवगोधूमतिलमुद्गमाषेषु प्रत्येकश: काकोलीक्षीरकाकोली- जीवकर्षभक – बलातिबला-बिसमृणाल-शृगालविन्नामेषशृङ्गी- प्रियाल शर्करा कशेरुकसुरभिवचाकल्कमिश्रेषूपनाहार्थं सर्पिस्तैलवसामज्जदुग्धसिद्धाः पञ्च पायसा व्याख्याताः । स्नैहिकफलसारोत्कारिका वा, चूर्णितेषु यवगोधूम-तिलमुद्गमाषेषु मत्स्यपिशितवेशवारो वा, बिल्वपेशिकातगरदेवदारु-सरलारास्नाहरेणुकुष्ठशतपुष्पैलासुरादधिमस्तुयुक्त उपनाहः, मातुलुङ्गाम्ल- सैन्धवघृतमिश्रं मधुशिग्रुमूलमालेपस्तिलकल्कश्चेति वातप्रबले ।। ८ ।।
Plasters, etc. : Barley, wheat sesamum, Mudga pulse and Masa pulse should be taken in equal parts and powdered separately; and the paste of the following drugs, viz.. Kakoli, Ksira-kakoli, Jivaka,
1. According to Jejjata acarya, the “Bala-Taila”, which is administered in the medical treatment of Mudha-garbha, should be prescribed in this case.
Rsabhaka, Bala, Ati-bala, Bisa-mrnala (lotus stem), Prsniparni, Mesa-singi, Priyala, Sarkara (sugar), Kaseruka, Surabhi and Vaca should be mixed with each of the preceding powders and each of these compounds (so formed) should be boiled with milk, oil, lard, marrow and clarified butter. The five compounds, thus prepared, are called Payasas, which should be applied as a hot poultice (Upanaha) to the affected part; or an Utkarika, made of the pulp of oily fruit (seeds)¹ (prepared by cooking them with milk) should be applied; or powders of wheat, barley, sesamum, Mudga pulse, or Masa pulse, and Vesavara, made of various kinds of fish and flesh, should be used as a plaster. Bilvapesika, Tagara, Deva-daru, Sarala, Rasna, Harenu, Kustha, Sata-puspa, Ela, Sura and cream of milk-curd pasted together, should be applied to the affected part as a plaster (Upanaha). As an alternative, the expressed juice of Matulunga, mixed with Kanjika, Saindhava salt and clarified butter, pasted together with the root of the Madhu-sigru and with sesamum,² should be used in a similar way. The preceding remedies should be administered in a case of Vata-Rakta marked by a preponderance of the aggravated Vayu. 8
पित्तप्रबले द्राक्षारेवतकट्फलपयस्यामधुकचन्दनकाश्मर्यकषायं शर्करामधु-मधुरं पाययेत्, शतावरीमधुकपटोलत्रिफलाकटुरोहिणीकषायं, गुडूचीकषायं वा, पित्तज्वरहरं वा चन्दनादिकषायं शर्करामधुमधुरं मधुरतिक्तकषाय-सिद्धं वा सर्पिः ॥ ९ ॥
Vata-Rakta with a preponderance of Pitta : In cases of VataRakta where the Pitta preponderates, the patient should be made to drink a potion consisting of a decoction of Draksa, Aragvadha, Katphala, Ksira-vidari, Yasti-madhu, Candana and Kasmarya sweetened with a quantity of sugar and honey. As an alternative, a decoction of Satavari, Yasti-madhu, Patola, Triphala, and Katurohini, or a decoction of Guduci, or a decoction of the drugs belonging to the Candanadi group, which are possessed of virtues for allaying pittaja fever, should be administered to the patient, sweetened with sugar and honey. Clarified butter, cooked and prepared with a decoction of bitter and astringent drugs³ also proves beneficial in such cases. 9
1. Such as sesamum, castor-seed, linseed, Vibhitaka-seeds, etc.
2. Some say that a paste of sesamum only should be used as a separate plaster. 3. D. R. –Sweet, bitter, and astringent drugs.
बिसमृणालभद्रश्रियपद्मककषायेणार्धक्षीरेण परिषेक: । क्षीरेक्षुरसमधु शर्करातण्डुलोदकैर्वा द्राक्षेक्षुकषायमिश्रैर्वामस्तुमद्यधान्याम्लैः, जीवनीयसिद्धेन वा सर्पिषाऽभ्यङ्गः शतधौतघृतेन वा, काकोल्यादिकल्ककषायविपक्वेन वा सर्पिषा ।। १० ।।
The affected part should be washed (Pariseka) with a decoction of Bisa-mrnala. Candana and Padmaka ( taken in equal parts and) mixed with half its quantity of milk. As an alternative, the affected part should be sprinkled with a compound composed of milk, the expressed juice of lksu (sugar-cane), honey, sugar, and washings of rice ( taken in equal parts); or with curd-cream, honey, and Dhanyamla (fermented paddy-gruel), mixed with a decoction of grapes and lksu; or the affected part should be anointed with clarified butter cooked with the drugs of the Jivaniya group, or with the clarified butter washed a hundred times in water, or with clarified butter cooked with the Kalka of the Kakolyadi group. 10
शालि- षष्टिक-नलवञ्जुलतालीश-शृङ्गाटक-गलोड्यगौरी-गैरिकशैवलपद्मक-पद्मपत्रप्रभृतिभिर्धान्याम्लपिष्टै प्रदेहो घृतमिश्रः, वातप्रबलेऽप्येष सुखोष्णः प्रदेहः कार्यः । रक्तप्रबलेऽप्येवं, बहुशश्च शोणितमवसेचयेत् शीततमाश्च प्रदेहाः कार्या इति ।। ११ ।।
Pradeha (plaster) composed of Sali. Sastika, Nala, Vanjula, Talisa, Srigataka, Galodya, Haridra, Gairika, Saivala, Padmakastha, leaves of padma (lotus), pasted with Dhanyamla and mixed with clarified butter, should be applied to the affected part. This plaster (Pradeha) may be applied lukewarm even in cases of Vata – Rukta, marked by a preponderance of the aggravated Vayu. All the remedial measures (laid down above) may also be advantageously applied in cases marked by a pre-ponderance of the vitiated blood, with this exception that cold plasters and repeated blood-lettings should be resorted to in the latter (Raktaja-Vata-Rakta). 11
श्लेष्मप्रबले त्वामलकहरिद्राकषायं मधुमधुरं पाययेत् । त्रिफलाकषायं वा, मधुकशृङ्गवेरहरीतकीतिक्तरोहिणीकल्कं वा सक्षौद्रं मूत्रतोययोरन्यतरेण गुड हरीतकीं वा भक्षयेत् ।। १२ ।।
Bitter drugs–Patoladi group; Kasaya drugs-Triphaladi group, sweet drugs-Kakalvada group.
तैलमूत्रक्षारोदकसुराशुक्तकफघ्नौषधनिःक्वाथैश्च परिषेकः, आरग्वधादि-कषायैर्वोष्णैः । मस्तुमूत्रसुराशुक्तमधुकसारिवापद्मकसिद्धं वा घृतमभ्यङ्गः । तिलसर्षपातसीयवचूर्णानि श्लेष्मातककपित्थमधुशिग्रुमिश्राणि क्षारमूत्रपिष्टानि प्रदेहः ।। १३ ।।
Vata-Rakta with a preponderance of Kapha : In cases where the Kapha preponderates, the patient should be made to drink a potion consisting of a decoction of Haridra and Amalaka, sweetened with honey; or a decoction of Triphala, or a Kalka of Madhuka, Srngavera, Haritaki and Tikta-rohini mixed with honey. As an alternative. Haritaki and treacle with either cow’s urine or water, should be given to him.
The affected part or limb should be sprinkled or washed with cow’s urine, oil, alkaline water. Sura, Sukta, or with a decoction of Kapha-destroying drugs. A hot decoction of the drugs constituting the Aragvadhadi group may be used with benefit in sprinkling the affected part. The body of the patient should be lubricated or anointed with clarified butter, boiled with the cream of milk-curd, cow’s urine, wine. Sukta and with the Kalka of Yasti-madhu, Sariva and Padma-kastha; A plaster (Pradeha), composed of pounded sesamum, mustard seed, linseed and barley (taken in equal parts) and mixed and pasted with Slesmataka, Kapittha, Madhu-sigru and cow’s urine, and Yava-ksara should be applied (hot to the seat of the disease). 12-13
श्वेतसर्षपकल्कः तिलाश्वगन्धाकल्कः प्रियालसेलुकपित्थकल्कः मधुशि – पुनर्नवाकल्कः व्योषतिक्तापृथक्पर्णीबृहतीकल्क इत्येतेषां पञ्च प्रदेहा: सुखोष्णा: क्षारोदकपिष्टा: । शालिपर्णी पृश्निपर्णी बृहत्यौ वा क्षीरपिष्टास्तर्पण-मिश्राः ।। १४ ।।
The Five Pradehas: (1) A paste of white mustard seed, (2) that of sesamum and Asvagandha, ( 3 ) a similar paste of Priyala, Selu and Kapittha bark. (4) that of Madhu-si ru, Punarnava and ( 5 ) a paste of Vyosa, Tikta, Prthakparni and Brihati, these five kinds of Pradehas should be separately pasted with alkaline water and (any of them) applied lukewarm on the affected locality. As an alternative, a plaster composed of Salaparni, Prsniparni, Brihati and Kantakari, pasted together with milk and mixed with Tarpana,¹ should be applied (to the seat of the disease). 14
संसर्गे सन्निपाते च क्रियापथमुक्तं मिश्रं कुर्यात् ।। १५ ।।
In cases of Vata-Rakta involving the concerted action of two or three of the Dosas, the remedy consists in applying such drugs in combination as are possessed of the efficacy of subduing the action of each of them. 15
सर्वेषु च गुडहरीतकीमासेवेत, पिप्लीर्वा क्षीरपिष्टा वारिपिष्टा वा पञ्चाभिवृद्धया दशाभिवृद्धया वा पिबेत् क्षीरौदनाहारो दशरात्रं, भूयश्चापकर्षयेत्, एवं यावत् पञ्च दश वेति । तदेतत् पिप्पलीवर्धमानकं वातशोणित-विषमज्वरारोचक-पाण्डुरोग-प्लीहोदरार्श:-कासश्वासशोफशोषाग्निसाद-हृद्रोगोदराण्यपहन्ति ।। १६ ।।
Guda – Haritaki and Pippali-Vardhamana Yogas : Haritaki with treacle may be used in all types of Vata-Rakta. As an alternative, the patient should be enjoined to use Pippali, pasted with milk or water, every day ( in the following way ). The number of Pippali should be increased by five or ten respectively on each successive day till the tenth day of its use; after which period the number of Pippali should be decreased (by a similar number) on each successive day till it is reduced to the original five or ten. the patient should live on a diet of milk and rice only (during the entire course of this treatement). This medicine which is known as the Pippali-Vardhamana,³ proves efficacious in cases of Vata Rakta, chronic fever (Visama – Jvara), aversion to food, anaemia, enlarged spleen, piles, cough, asthma. oedema, phthysis, loss of appetite, heart-disease and ascitis. 16
जीवनीयप्रतिवापं सर्पिः पयसा पाचयित्वाऽभ्यज्यात् ।। १७ ।।
सहासहदेवाचन्दन – मूर्वामुस्ताप्रियालशतावरीकशेरुपद्मकमधुकशतपुष्पाविदारिकुष्ठानि क्षीरपिष्टः प्रदेहो घृतमण्डयुक्तः, सैरेयकाटरूष
1. Flour of barley or fried grain, dissolved in water, is known as Tarpana. 2. The dosage should begin originally with five or ten Piappalis according to the strength of the patient.
3. Maharsi Charaka mentions this Yoga in the chapter on Rasayana and prescribes it also in the treatement of Udara. Cakradatta mentions the use of this medicine in the treatment of liver and spleen and of fever.
कबला – तिबलाजीवन्तीसुषवीकल्को वा छागक्षीरपिष्टः, गोक्षीरपिष्ट: काश्मर्यमधुकतर्पणकल्को वा, मधूच्छिष्टमञ्जिष्ठासर्जरससारिवाक्षीरसिद्धं पिण्डतैलमभ्यङ्गः ।। १८-२० ।।
Clarified butter, cooked in milk with the paste of the drugs of the Jivaniya group, should be used in anointing (the body of the patient). A plaster, composed of Saha, Sahadeva, Candana, Murva, Musta, Priyala, Satavari, Kaseru, Padma-kastha, Yasti madhu, Sata-puspa (A. D. Vidari) and Kustha, pasted together with milk and mixed with the cream of clarified butter, should be applied (hot) to the affected locality. A plaster composed of Saireyaka, Ataruaka, Bala, Ati bala, Jivanti and Susavi, pasted together with the milk of a she-goat, should be likewise applied ( to the seat of the disease). As an alternative, the diseased locality should be plastered with the pastes of Kasmarya, Vasti-madhu and Tarpana mixed together and pasted with cow’s milk, or it should be treated with Pinda-Taila, prepared by cooking Madhucchista (bees’s wax). Manjistha, resin, and Ananta-mila in milk’ (and oil taken together). 17-20
सर्वेषु च पुराणघृतमामलकरसविपक्वं वा पानार्थे; जीवनीयसिद्धं परिषेकार्थे, काकोल्यादिक्वाथकल्कसिद्धं वा, सुषवीक्वाथकल्कसिद्धं वा, कारवेल्लकक्वाथमात्रसिद्धं वा; बलातैलं वा परिषेकावगाहबस्तिभोजनेषु । शालिषष्टिकयवगोधूमान्नमनवं भुञ्जीत पयसा जाङ्गलरसेन वा मुद्गयूषेण वाऽनम्लेन ।। २१ ।।
In all cases of Vata-Rakta, old clarified butter boiled with the expressed juice of Amalaka should be prescribed as drinks. The affected part should be washed or spinkled with old clarified butter, boiled with a decoction and paste (Kalka) of the drugs belonging to the Kakolyadi group, or with those of the Jivaniya group, or with the decoction of Susavi, or of Karavellaka. The Bala- Taila should be used for sprinkling and immersing purposes, and as drink and Bastikarma (enemas).
Diet: The diet should consist of articles made of old and matured
1. Milk four times of oil should be taken.
2. The Bala-Taila” described in the medical treatment of Mudha-garbhu, Sali or Sastika rice, wheat or barley, taken with milk’ or with the soup of Mudga pulse or soup of flesh of Jangala animals and devoid of any acid combination. 2 21
शोणितमोक्षञ्चाभीक्ष्णं कुर्वीत । उच्छ्रितदोषे च वमनविरेचनास्थापनानुवासनकर्म कर्तव्यम् ।। २२ । ।
Frequent blood-letting should be resorted to and measures, such as, emetics, purgatives, Asthapana and Anuvasana should be adopted in cases of the aggravated Dosas 3 (involved in the case). 22
भवन्ति चात्र । एवमाद्यैः क्रियायोगैरचिरोत्पतितं सुखम् । वातासृक् साध्यते वैद्यैयाप्यते तु चिरोत्थितम् ॥ २३ ॥
उपनाहपरीषेक-प्रदेहाभ्यञ्जनानि च। शरणान्यप्रवातानि मनोज्ञानि महान्ति च ॥ २४ ॥
मृदुगण्डोपधानानि शयनानि सुखानि च। वातरक्ते प्रशस्यन्ते मृदुसंवाहनानि च ॥ २५ ॥
व्यायामं मैथुनं कोपमुष्णाम्ललवणाशनम्। दिवास्वप्नमभिष्यन्दि गुरु चान्नं विवर्जयेत् ॥ २६ ॥
Memorable Verses : A case of Vata Rakta of recent growth, proves readily amenable to the remedial measures described before. Long-standing, i.e., chronic cases (of Vata-Rakta) are never perfectly cured, but can only be palliated. The application of poultices (Upanaha), of medicinal washes or sprinkles (Pariseka), hot-plasters, massage (Abhyanga), spacious and comfortable bed – chambers which do not
1. In the case of Vata-roga with preponderant Pitta, the patient should take the food with milk; in the preponderance of Vayu, with the soup of Jangala meat; and in the preponderance of Kapha, with Mudga-soup, devoid of any acid combination.
2. In the case of Vata-roga, with a preponderance of Pitta. the patient should take his food with milk; in the preponderance of Vayu, with the soup of Jangala meat; and in the preponderance of Kapha, with Mudga-soup. devoid of any acid combination.
3. In the preponderance of Kapha, emetics should be employed: in the preponderance of Pitta, purgatives should be given; and in the preponderance of Vayu, Anuvasana and Asthapana measures should be resorted to admit of too large an influx of air, shampooing, and the use of soft and pleasant beds and soft pillows, are chiefly recommended in a case of Vata-Rakta; whereas physical exercise, sexual intercourse display of anger the use of heat-making, saline, acid and difficult digestible food and eatables producing effusion of serus or slimy matter in the bodily channels, and sleep in the day-time (should be deemed extremely injurious and hence) should be studiously refrained from. 23-26
अपतानकिनमस्त्रस्ताक्षमवक्रभ्रुवमस्तब्धमेढ्रमस्वेदनमवेपनमप्रलापिनमखट्वापातिनमबहिरायामिनञ्चोपक्रमेत् ।। २७ ।।
तत्र प्रागेव स्नेहाभ्यक्तं स्विन्नशरीरमवपीडनेन तीक्ष्णेनोपक्रमेत शिरः शुद्धयर्थम् । अनन्तरञ्च विदारीगन्धादिक्वाथमांसरसक्षीरदधिपक्वं सर्पिरच्छं पाययेत्, तथाहि नातिमात्रं वायुः प्रसरति । ततो भद्रदार्वादिवातघ्नगणमाहृत्य सयवकोलकुलत्थं सानूपौदकमांसं पञ्चवर्गमेकतः प्रक्वाथ्य तमादाय कषायमम्लक्षीरैः सहोन्मिश्य सर्पिस्तैलवसामज्जभिः सह विपचेन्मधुरकप्रतीवायम् । तदेतत् त्रैवृतमपतानकिनां परिषेकावगाहाभ्यङ्गपानभोजनानुवासननस्येषु विदध्यात्। यथोक्तंश्च स्वेदविधानैः स्वेदयेत् । बलीयसि वाते सुखोष्णतुषबूसकरीषपूर्ण कूपे निदध्यादा मुखात् । तप्तायां वा रथकारचुल्ल्यां तप्तायां वा शिलायां सुरापरिषिक्तायां पलाशदलच्छन्नायां शाययेत् । कृशरावेशवारपायसैर्वा स्वेदयेत् ।। २८ ।।
The Medical Treatment of Apata-naka: The medical treatment of a patient suffering from Apatanaka (hysterical convulsions), not exhibiting fixedness of gaze and arched eye-brows, with an absence of perspiration, quivering, delirium and the numbness of genitals, found not to fall on the ground from the bed but capable of being supported on his arms ( Akhatta patiw) and whose trunk is not bent or arched on its posterior (dorsal) side (Bahirayama), may be attempted (with success). The body of the patient should be first anointed with emulsions (Sueha) and then fomented; strong medicated snuff should then be administered for purifying (the accumulated mucus in) the head. After that the patient should be made to drink a clear potion prepared of clarified butter, cooked in combination with a decoction of the drugs constituting the Vidari-gandhadi group, extract of meat.
milk and milk-curd, so as to arrest the further expansion of the deranged Vayu into the system.
Traivrta Ghrita: A decoction of the Vayu-subduing drugs, such as Bhadra-darvadi, etc., barley, Kulattha pulse, Kola, and the flesh of the Anupa and Audaka animals with the Pancha-Vargas¹ should be made. The decoction, thus prepared, should be mixed with milk and fermented rice-gruel, etc., and then cooked with an adequate quantity of clarified butter, oil, lard and marrow by casting Kalka (paste) of the Madhura (Kakolyadi group) into it. This Traivrta-Ghrita² (lit. consisting of clarified butter with three other lardaceous articles), thus prepared,
1. According to Jettata, “Pancha-Varga” means the flesh of the five kinds of Anupa animals, viz., Kulacura, Plava, Kosastha, Padin and Matsya (fishes). The reading here is doubtful. The term “Audaka” in the compound word **Sanupaudaka-mamsa” seems to be redundant, inasmuch as “Audaka’ animals are included in the “Anupa” class. (Sutra, chap. XLVI. Page 466, VoII). In this case the word “Pancha-varga” also seems to be only an explanation of the term “Anupa meaning the five kinds of Anupa flesh, and it seems to have surreptitiously crept into the body of the text from the marginal notes of some authoritative manuscript copy of the book. If, however, we are to abide by the current reading of the book. “Pancha-varga’ cannot mean the five kinds of flesh in the presence of the word “Audaka”mentioned separately, as Jejjata would have it. In that case it can only mean either the five groups of Panchamulas. viz., the major Pancha-mulas, the minor Pancha-mulas, the Valli-Panchamulas, the Kantaka-Pancha-mulas and the Trina-Pancha-mulas. (Sutra, chap. XXXVIII, Pages 338-40, Vol. I), as some would explain it to mean. Others, however, prefer the reading as it is an explain action of the term “Fancavarga” to be the five kinds of medicinal drugs we mentioned before in the sentence, viz., the Vataghna drugs, Yava, Kola, Kulattha and flesh. Others, again, mean by the term “Pancha-varga” the five parts, viz., leaf, fruit, flower, bark and root, of the Vataghna drugs mentioned in the sentence. We have however, the authority of Vagbhata and Cakradatta in our side to
accept the first view that the term “Audaka” is redundant, inasmuch as they have not read the word “Audaka” in their compilations. –Ed.
2. According to Dalhana, four seers of clarified butter, oil, lard and marrow (each weighing one seer). sixteen seers of Kanji, etc., sixteen seers of milk, sixteen seers of the decoction and one seer of the Kalka (paste) should be taken in its preparation. But Gayadasa is of opinion that four seers of milk should be taken instead of sixteen seers.
Four seers of Ghrita, etc.. four seers of milk, six seers of Kanji, six seers of the decoction and one seer of the Kalka (paste) are generally taken by experienced physicians in its preparation should be administered to Apatanaka-patients as potions and diet as effusions and immersions, as anointings and errhines, as well as in Anuvasana measures. Diaphoretic measures should be applied according to the prescribed rules. In a case marked by an unusually aggravated condition of the Vayu, the patient should be made to stand neck-deep in a pit tolerably warmed or heated with burning husks, and cow-dung. As an alternative, Palasa leaves should be strewn over a hot furnace of blacksmith or over a hot stone slab, after having sprinkled wine over them, and the patient should be laid full length upon these leaves, or fomentations should be made with Vesavara, Krsara and Payasa. 27-28
मूलकोरुबूकस्फूर्जार्जकार्कसप्तलाशङ्खिनीस्वरससिद्धं तैलमपतानकिनां परिषेकादिषूपयोज्यम् ।
अभुक्तवता पीतमम्लं दधिमरिचवचायुक्तमपतानकं हन्ति, तैलसर्पिर्वसाक्षौद्राणि च ।। २९ ।।
An oil, cooked in combination with the expressed juice of Mulaka, Eranda, Sphurja, Arjaka, Arka, Saptala and Samkhini should be used in washing (Pariseka). etc., the body of an Aparanaka-patient. Potions consisting of sour Dadhi (milk-curd) mixed with powdered pepper and Vaca, or of oil, clarified butter, lard, or honey, mixed with the same things and taken in an empty stomach, prove curative in case of Apartanaka. 29
एतच्छुद्धवातापतानकविधानमुक्तम्, संसृष्टे संसृष्टं कर्तव्यम् । वेगान्तरेषु चावपीडं दद्यात्, ताम्रचूड – कर्कट – कृष्णमत्स्यशिशुमारवराहवसाश्चासेवेत, क्षीराणि वा वातहरसिद्धानि, यवकोलकुलत्थमूलकदधिघृततैलसिद्धां वा यवागूम्। स्नेहविरेचनास्थापनानुवासनैश्चैनं दशरात्राहृतवेगमुपक्रमेत् । वातव्याधिचिकित्सितञ्चावेक्षेत, रक्षाकर्म च कुर्यादिति ।। ३० ।।
These remedial measures are applicable in cases of Apatanaka where only the action of the aggravated Vayu preponderates. In a case involving the concerted action of two or more of the Dosas, drugs, remedial to each of them, should be combinedly employed. Medicinal liquid errhines (Avapida) should be employed after the subsidence of a severe attack. The fat or lard of a cock, crab, Krsna-fish, porpoise or of a boar should be taken by the patient. As an alternative, he should be made to drink (a potion consisting of) milk boiled with Vayusubduing drugs (Dasa-mula, etc.), or a gruel (Yavagu) composed of barley, Kola, Kulattha-pulse and Mulaka, cooked with curd, oil and clarified butter. Oily purgatives. Asthapana and Anuvasana measures, should be employed if the paroxysm does not subside even in ten days. Medicies and remedial measures laid down under the head of Vatavyadhi and the process of Raksa-karma, should be likewise adopted (in cases of Apatanaka). 30
पक्षाघातोपद्रुतमम्लानगात्रं सरुजमात्मवन्तमुपकरणवन्तञ्चोपक्रमेत् । तत्र प्रागेव स्नेहस्वेदोपपन्नं मृदुना शोधनेन संशोध्यानुवास्यास्थाप्य च यथाकालमाक्षेपकविधानेनोपचरेत् । वैशेषिकश्चात्र मस्तिष्क्यः शिरोबस्तिश्चाणुतैलमभ्यङ्गार्थे, शाल्वणमुपनाहार्थे, बलातैलमनुवासनार्थे । एवमतन्द्रितस्त्रींश्चतुरो वा मासान् क्रियापथमुपसेवेत ।। ३१ ।।
Treatment of Paksaghata : A physician is enjoined to taken in hand the medical treatment of a patient laid up with Paksaghata. unattended by a discolouring of the skin.but having pain in the affected part, who habitually observes the rules of diet and regimen and who can afford to pay for the necessary accessories. The affected part should be first anointed and then fomented. Milk emetics and purgatives should be subsequently employed for the purpose of cleansing the system. Medicated Anuvasana and Asthapana measures should then be employed, after which the general directions and remedial measures, laid down under the treatment of Aksepaka, should be followed and employed at the proper time. Applications of the Mastiskya-Siro-basti with Anu-taila for anointing the body, of the articles of Salvana-Sveda for the purpose of poulticing, and of the Bala-taila as an Anuvasana measure, are the marked features of the medical treatment of this disease, and should be followed carefully for a continuous period of three or four months. 31
मन्यास्तम्भेऽप्येतदेव विधानम् । विशेषतो वातश्लेष्महरैर्नस्यै रूक्षस्वेदैश्चोपचरेत् ।। ३२ ।।
These preceding remedies as well as dry fomentations (Ruksa
1. Vyddha Vagbhata recommends external application with these lards. sveda) and errhines, which possess the virtue of subduing the deranged Vayu and Kapha should be likewise employed in cases of Manyasthambha. 32
अपतन्त्रकातुरं नापतर्पयेत् । वमनानुवासनास्थापनानि न निषेवेत । वातश्लेष्मोपरुद्धोच्छ्वासं तीक्ष्णैः प्रमापनैर्मोक्षयेत् । तुम्बुरुपुष्कराह्वहिङ्ग्वम्लवेतसपथ्यालवणत्रयं यवक्वाथेन पातुं प्रयच्छेत्, पथ्याशतार्धे सौवर्चलद्विपले चतुर्गुणे पयसि सर्पिः प्रस्थं सिद्धम्; वातश्लेष्मापनुच्च कर्म कुर्यात् ।। ३३ ।।
Treatment of Apatantraka: Fasting is prohibited in cases of patients suffering from Apatantraka (Epileptic convulsions). Emetic. Asthapana and Anuvasana measures are likewise forbidden. The passage of respiration should be blown open by sharp Pradhmapan Nasya (snuff) in the event of its being choked up with an accumulation of the deranged Vayu and Kapha. The patient should be made to drink a potion consisting of Tumburu, Puskaru, Hingu. Amla vetasa, Haritaki and the three (official) kinds of salts, with a decoction of barley. As an alternative, four seers of clarified butter, cooked in combination with sixteen seers of milk, two Pala weight of Sauvarcala salt and fifty of Haritakis should be prescribed for the use of the patient. All other remedial agents, possessing the virtue of subduing the deranged Vayu and Kapha should be likewise empioved. 33
अर्दितातुर बलवन्तमुपकरणवन्तञ्च वातव्याधिविधानेनोपचरेत्, वैशेषिकैश्च मस्तिष्क्यशिरोबस्तिनस्यधूमोपनाहस्नेहनाडीस्वेदादिभिः । ततः सतृणं महापञ्चमूलं काकोल्यादिं विदारिगन्धादिमौदकानूपमांसं तथैवौदककन्दांश्च संहृत्य द्विगुणोदके क्षीरद्रोणे निःक्वाथ्य पादावशिष्टमवतार्य परिस्राव्य तैलप्रस्थेनोन्मिभ्य पुनरग्नावधिश्रयेत् ततस्तैलं क्षीरानुगतमवतार्य शीतीभूतमभिमथ्नीयात् तत्र यः स्नेह उत्तिष्ठेत् तमादाय मधुरौषधसहाक्षीरयुक्तं विपचेत्, एतत् क्षीरतैलमर्दितातुराणां पानाभ्यङ्गादिषूपयोज्यम् । तैलहीनं वा क्षीरसर्पिरक्षितर्पणमिति ॥ ३४॥ 2
Treatment of Ardita: A patient suffering from Aridita (facial Paralysis) should be treated with the measures and remedies laid down
1. Cakradatia quotes this in the chapter on the “catment of gly day, but does not read Amid-vetasa’ there under the head of Vata-vyadhi in the event of his being found to be sufficienty strong and capable of affording the necessary expenses for his treatment. Errhines, Mastiskya-Siro-basti, inhalation of the smoke (Dhuma-pana) from medicated drugs, poulticing (Upanaha), unguents and Nadi-sveda (sudation therapy), etc., are the special features of the medical treatment of this disease. After that, a decoction should be made of the drugs constituting the groups of Trna-Pancha-mula, MahaPancha-mula, Kakolyadi and Vidari-gandhadi groups, aquatic bulbs, and the flesh of animals which are aquatic in their habits (Audak) and those which frequently live in swampy places (Anupa), by boiling them together with a Drona measure of milk and double the quantity of water. The decoction should be considered boiled when three quarter parts of its original weight of the liquid has been evaporated and should then be strained. The decoction thus prepared should be boiled with a Prastha measures of oil (four seers) and be removed from the fire when the oil is well mixed with the milk. The compound (oil and milk) thus prepared should be allowed to cool down and then churned. The churned off cream (sneha) should be again boiled with the drugs of the Madhura (Kakolyadi) group. Masa-parni and milk (four times that of the original oil). This medicated oil is known as the Ksira-Taila and should be administered as potions and unguents, etc., to an Ardita-patient. The above preparation with clarified butter in the place of oil is known as the Ksira-sarpi and it should be used as an Aksi-tarpana (eye-lotion). 34
गृध्रसीविश्वाचीक्रोष्टुकशिरःखञ्जपङ्गलवातकण्टक-पाददाह-पादहर्षावबाहुक-बाधिर्यधमनीगतवातरोगेषु यथोक्तं यथोद्देशञ्च सिराव्य कुर्यादन्यत्रावबाहुकात; वातव्याधिचिकित्सितञ्चावेक्षेत । । ३५ ।।
Venesection should be duly resorted to in the affected parts, according to the directions given before, in cases of Grdhrasi (Sciatica). Visaci (Synovitis of the knee-joints), Krostuka-sirah, Khanja (lameness), Pangula, Vata-kantaka, Pada-daha, Pada-harsa, Avabahuka and Badhirya and in cases where the deranged Vayu would be found to be seated in a Dhamani except in a case of Avabakuka. Measures and remedies laid down under the head of Vata-vvadhi should be also adopted. 35
कर्णशूले तु शृङ्गवेररसं तैलमधुसंसृष्टं सैन्धवोपहितं सुखोष्णं कर्णे दद्यात्, अजामूत्रमधुतैलानि वा, मातुलुङ्गदाडिमतिन्तिडीकस्वरसमूत्रसिद्धं तैलं, शुक्तसुरातक्रमूत्रलवणसिद्धं वा, नाडीस्वेदैश्च स्वेदयेत्, वातव्याधि-चिकित्साञ्चावेक्षेत् भूयश्चोत्तरे वक्ष्यामः ।। ३६ ।।
The expressed juice of green ginger, made lukewarm after mixing it with ( equal quantities of) oil, honey and Saindhava salt, should be poured into the cavity of the ear in a case of (acute) ear-ache. As an alternative, the urine of a she-goat, or oil and honey, or oil processed with the urine (of a cow) mixed with the expressed juice of Matulunga, pomegranate and tamarind, or the oil boiled and prepared with Sura, Takra, Sukta, salt and the urine (of a cow) should be poured into the cavity of the ear; fomentation should be poured into the cavity of te ear; fomentation should be given (to the interior of the affected organ) in the manner of Nadi-sveda. The remedial measures for Vatavyadhi should be also resorted to. We shall. however, again narrate the subject in the Uttara-Tantra. 36
तूनीप्रतितून्यो: स्नेहलवणमुदकेन पाययेत्, पिप्पल्यादिचूर्णं वा, हिङ्गुयव-क्षारप्रगाढं वा सर्पिः । बस्तिभिश्चैनमुपक्रमेत् ।। ३७ ।।
The patient should be made to drink a potion of Sneha-Lavana¹ dissolved in adequate quantity of water, or the powders of the Pippalyadi group (with adequate quantity of water), or clarified butter, thickened or saturated with pulverised asafoetida and Yava-ksara (Carbonate of Postass ) , in cases of Tuni and Prati-tuni. Applications of Bastis should also be resorted to. 37
आध्माने त्वपतर्पणपाणितापदीपमचूर्णफलवर्तिक्रियापाचनीय (दीपनीय) – बस्तिभिरुपाचरेत् । लङ्घनानन्तरञ्चान्नकाले धान्यकजीरकादिदीपनसिद्धान्यन्नानि । प्रत्याध्माने छर्दनापतर्पणदीपनानि कुर्यात् । अष्ठीलाप्रत्यष्ठीलयोर्गुल्माभ्यन्तरविद्रधिवत् क्रियाविभाग इति ।। ३८ ||
In a case of Adhmana (Tympanitis) the remedy should consist in the applications of powders of the Dipaniya (appetising) group of suppositorics (Phala-varti), Bastis and digestive drugs (Pacanuya group). The patient should also be advised to observe a rigid fast and his abdomen should be fomented with hot palms. After that he should
1. Sneha-Lavana has been described in Chap. 4 (treatment of Vata-vyadhi) break his fast with boiled rice prepared with appetising (Dipana) drugs such as, Dhanyaka, Jiraka, etc. Similarly a case of Pratyadhmana should be treated with fasting, emetics and appetising drugs. Cases of Asthila or Pratyastila should be treated as a case of Gulma and internal abscess, to all intents and purposes. 38
हिङ्गत्रिकटुवचाजमोदाधान्याजगन्धादाडिमतिन्तिडीकपाठाचित्रकयवक्षार सैन्धवविडसौवर्चल – स्वर्जिकापिप्पलीमूलाम्लवेतस-शटीपुष्करमूलहपुषा-चव्याजाजीपथ्याश्चूर्णयित्वा मातुलुङ्गाम्लेन बहुशः परिभाव्याक्षमात्रां गुटिकां कारयेत् ततः प्रातरेकैकां वातविकारी भक्षयेत् । अथैष योग: कासश्वास-गुल्मोदरारोचकहृद्रोगाध्मानपार्श्वोदरबस्तिशूलानाह-मूत्रकृच्छ्रप्लीहार्शस्तूनीप्रतितूनीरपहन्ति ।। ३९ ।।
Hingvadi-Vati : A compound consisting of asafoetida, Trikatu, Vaca, Ajamoda, Dhanya, Aja-gandha, Dadima, Tintidika. Patha, Citraka, Yava-ksara, Saindhavasalt, Vid salt, Sauvarcalasalt, Svarjikaksara, Pippali-mula, Amla-vetasa, Safi, Puskara-mula, Hapusa, Cavya. Ajaji and Pathya, powdered together and treated many times with the expressed juice of Matulunga in the manner of Bhavana saturation. should be made into boluses, each weighing an Akya (one Tolas) in weight. One (such) pill should be taken ( in an empty stomach) every morning in all diseases of the deranged Vayu. This compound proves curative in cough, asthma, internal tumour (Gulma), ascites, heartdisease, tympanitis, aching pain at the sides, in the abdomen and in the bladder, in cases of an aversion to food, retention of stool. strangunary. enlarged spleen piles. Tuni and Prati-tuni. 39
भवन्ति चात्र | केवलो दोषयुक्तो वा धातुभिर्वाऽऽवृतोऽनिलः । विज्ञेयो लक्षणोहाभ्यां चिकित्सा चाविरोधतः ।। ४० ।।
रुजावन्तं घनं शीतं शोफं मेदोयुतोऽनिलः । करोति यस्य तं वैद्यः शोथवत् समुपाचरेत् ।। ४१ ।।
Memorable Verses: From the symptoms or leading indications.
“Blhavna’ consists in soaking a powder or a pulverised compound with the expressed juice or decoction of any drugs or with any liquid and in getting it dry (generally). This process should be cotinued many times (generally seven times) in succession. 1.
exhibited in each case and from a close examination thereof, it should be inferred whether the Vayu alone has been deranged or whether it has combined with any other Dosa, or has affected any other fundamental principle (Dhatu) of the organism as well; and the medical treatment should follow a course, so as not to prove hostile to the Dosas or the Dhatus (organic principles ) implicated in the case, in its attempt to subdue the aggravated Vayu. In a case of cold, compact and painful swelling (appearing in any part of the body) owing to the combination of the deranged Vayu with fat, the treatment should be identical with that of a swelling in general. 40-41
कफमेदोवृतो वायुर्यदोरू प्रतिपद्यते । तदाऽङ्गमर्दस्तैमित्य-रोमहर्षरुजाज्वरैः निद्रया चार्दितौ स्तब्धौ शीतलावप्रचेतनौ । गुरुकावस्थिरावूरू न स्वाविव च मन्यते । तमूरुस्तम्भमित्याहुराढयवातमथापरे ।॥ ४२ ॥ ।। ४३।।
Uru-stambha : The deranged Vayu, surcharged with the local fat and Kapha gives rise to a swelling in the region of the thigh which is known as Uru-stambha; others designate it as adhya-Vata. This disease is marked by lassitude and an aching pain in the limbs, by the presence of fever, horripilation and somnolence and by a sensation of coldness, numbness, heaviness, and unsteadiness in the thighs, which seem as foreign to the body. 42-43
शुष्कमूलकयूषेण जाङ्गलैरघृतैर्मासैः स्नेहवर्जं पिबेत् तत्र चूर्णं घडधरणं नरः । हितमुष्णाम्बुना तद्वत् पिप्पल्यादिगणैः कृतम् ॥ ४४ ॥
लिह्याद् वा त्रैफलं चूर्णं क्षौद्रेण कटुकान्वितम् । मूत्रैर्वा गुग्गुलुं श्रेष्ठं पिबेद् वाऽपि शिलाजतु ॥ ४५ ॥
ततो हन्ति कफाक्रान्तं समेदस्कं प्रभञ्जनम् । हृद्रोगमरुचिं गुल्मं तथाऽभ्यन्तरविद्रधिम् ॥ ४६॥
सक्षारमूत्रस्वेदांश्च रूक्षाण्युत्सादनानि च। कुर्याद् दिह्याच्च मूत्राढ्यैः करञ्जफलसर्षपैः ॥ ४७ ॥
भोज्याः पुराणश्यामाक-कोद्रवोद्दालशालयः । पटोलस्य रसेन वा । शाकैश्चालवर्णैर्हितैः ।। ४८ ।।
यदा स्यातां परिक्षीणे भूयिष्ठे कफमेदसी । तदा स्नेहादिकं कर्म पुनरत्रावचारयेत् ।। ४९ ।।
Its Treatment: The patient should be made to drink a potion consisting of the pulverised compound known as the Sad-dharanayoga; or of the drugs constituting the Pippallyadi group, dissolved in (an adequate quantity of) hot water without using any oleaginous substance; pulverised Triphala and Katuka mixed with honey, should be licked; or a potion, consiting of guggulu or Silajatu dissolved in cow’s urine, should be administered. These compounds subdue the aggravated Vayu surcharged with deranged fat and Kapha and prove curative in heart-disease, an aversion to food, Gulma and internal abscesses. A medicinal plaster composed of Karanja fruits and mustard seeds, pasted with a copious quantity of cow’s urine should be applied hot to the affected part, which may be as well fomented with cow’s urine mixed with alkali (Ksara); or the locality should be shampooed with articles devoid of any oily substance. The diet of the patient should consist of old and matured Syamaka, Kodrava. Uddalaka and Sali rice with the soup of dry Mulaka or Patola, or of the flesh of animals of the Jangala group cooked without clarified butter or vegetables (Saka) cooked without salt. The use of oil and lardaceous substances in general (Sneha-karma) should, however, be prescribed after the deranged fat and Kapha have ( totally) subsided. 44-49
सुगन्धिः सुलघुः सूक्ष्मस्तीक्ष्णोष्णः कटुको रसे । कटुपाकः सरो हृद्यो गुग्गुलुः स्निग्धपिच्छिलः।
स नवो बृंहणो वृष्यः पुराणस्त्वपकर्षणः ॥ ५० ॥
तैक्ष्ण्यौष्ण्यात् कफवातघ्नः सरत्वान्मलपित्तनुत् । सौगन्ध्यात् पूतिकोष्ठघ्नः सौक्ष्म्याच्चानलदीपनः ।। ५१ ।।
प्रातरित्रफलादार्वी-पटोलकुशवारिभिः तं । पिबेदावाप्य वा मूत्रैः क्षारैरुष्णोदकेन वा ॥ ५२ ॥
जीर्णे यूषरसैः क्षीरैर्भुञ्जानो हन्ति मासतः । मेहमुदावर्त्तमुदरं गुल्मं सभगन्दरम् ।। ५३ ।।
चं। कृमिकण्ड्वरुचिश्वित्राण्यर्बुदं ग्रन्थिमेव नाड्याढ्यवातश्वयथून् कुष्ठदुष्टव्रणांश्च सः ।
कोष्ठसन्ध्यस्थिगं वायुं वृक्षमिन्द्राशनिर्यथा ॥ ५४॥
Therapeutic properties of Guggulu : Guggulu is aromatic, light, penetrating into the minutest parts of the body, sharp, heatmaking in potency, pungent in taste and digestion, laxative, unctuous, slimy, and wholesome to the heart (Hrdya). New Guggulu is an aphrodisiac and a constructive tonic. Old Guggulu is anti-fat and hence reduces corpulency. It is owing to its sharpness and heat-making potency that Guggulu tends to reduce the Vayu and the Kapha; it is its laxativeness that destroys the Malas (refuge deposits in the Srotas) and the deranged Pitta; its aroma removes the bad odours of the Kostha; and it is its subtle essence that improves the appetising faculty. Guggulu should be taken every morning with a decoction of Triphala, Darvi and Patola or with that of Kusa roots¹; it may also be taken with an adequate quantity of cow’s urine, or with alkaline² or tepid water. The patient should take boiled rice with soup, milk, or extract of meat after the Guggulu has been digested. Diseases such as internal tumour (Gulma), urinary complaints (Meha), Udavarta, ascites, fistula-inano, worms in the intestines, itches, an aversion to food, leucoderma (Svitra), tumour and glands (Arbuda), sinus, Adhya-Vata, swelling (oedema), cutaneous affections (Kustha) and malignant sores and ulcers readily yield to it, if used for a month (with the observance of the regimen of diet and conduct laid down previously). It also destroys the deranged Vayu incarcerated in the Kostha, bones and joints, just as a thunderbolt will destroy trees. 50-54
इति सुश्रुत संहितायां चिकित्सितस्थाने महावातव्याधिचिकित्सितं नाम पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ।। ५ ।।
Thus ends the fifth Chapter of the Chikitsa Sthana in the Susruta-Samhita which deals with the medical treatment of Maha-Vata-Vyadhi.