Ksina Baliya VajiKarana – treatment for increasing the strength and virile power of weak persons – Sushrutasamhita Chikitsasthana Chapter 26

षड्विंशोऽध्यायः । अथातः क्षीणबलीयं वाजीकरणचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः, यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः।।१।।

Now we shall discourse on the medical treatment for increasing the strength and virile power of weak persons (Ksina-Baliya VajiKarana). 1

कल्यस्योदग्रवयसो सर्वेष्वृतुष्वहरहर्व्यवायो वाजीकरणसेविन: । निवारितः ।। २ ।। स्थविराणां रिरंसूनां स्त्रीणां वाल्लभ्यमिच्छताम् । योषित्प्रसङ्गात् क्षीणानां क्लीबानामल्परेतसाम् ॥ ३ ॥ विलासिनामर्थवतां रूपयौवनशालिनाम् । नृणाञ्च बहुभार्याणां योगा वाजीकरा हिताः ॥ ४ ॥

A youth in sound health taking regularly some sort of VajiKarana (aphrodisiac) remedy may enjoy the pleasures of youth every night during all the seasons of the year. Old men, those wishing to enjoy sexual pleasures or to secure the affections of women, as well as those suffering from senile decay or sexual incapacity, and persons weakened with sexual excesses, should do well to submit themselves to a course of Vaji-karana remedies. They are highly beneficial to gay, handsome and opulent youths and to persons who have got many wives. 2-4

Definition of VajiKarana

सेवमानो यदौचित्याद् वाजीवात्यर्थवेगवान् । नारीस्तर्पयते तेन वाजीकरणमुच्यते ।। ५॥

Definition of VajiKarana : If duly taken, the Vaji-karanal remedies make a man sexually as strong as a horse (Vaji), and enable him to cheerfully satisfy and heat ardours of young maidens, a fact which has determined the nomenclature of this class of (medicinal) remedies. 5

भोजनानि विचित्राणि पानानि विविधानि च । वाचः श्रोत्रानुगामिन्यस्त्वचः स्पर्शसुखास्तथा ॥ ६ ॥ यामिनी सेन्दुतिलका कामिनी नवयौवना । गीतं श्रोत्रमनोहारि ताम्बूलं मदिरा: स्त्रजः । गन्धा मनोज्ञा रूपाणि चित्राण्युपवनानि च। मनसश्चाप्रतीघातो वाजीकुर्वन्ति मानवम्।। ७ ।।

Means of Vaji-Karana : Various kinds of ( nutritious and palatable) food and (sweet, luscious and refreshing ) liquid cordials. speech that gladdens the ears, and touch which seems delicious to the skin, clear nights mellowed by the beams of the full moon and damsels young, beautiful and gay, dulcet songs that charm the soul and capivate the mind, use of betel-leaves, wine and wreaths of (sweetscented) flowers pleasant smell, various attractive scenes, beautiful gardens and absence of mental traumat produce aprodisiac effect in men. 6-7

तैस्तैर्भावैरहद्यैस्तु रिरंसोर्मनसि क्षते । द्वेष्यस्त्रीसम्प्रयोगाच्च क्लैब्यं तन्मानसं स्मृतम् ॥ ८॥ कटुकाम्लोष्णलवणैरतिमात्रोपसेवितैः सौम्यधातुक्षयो दृष्ट क्लैब्यं तदपरं स्मृतम् ।। ९ ।। अतिव्यवायशीलो यो न च वाजीक्रियारतः । ध्वजभङ्गमवाप्नोति तच्छुक्रक्षयहेतुकम् ।।१०।। महता मेढ्ररोगेण मर्मच्छेदेन वा पुनः ।

1. The Vaji-Karana remedies are of three kinds, viz., (1) those producing the semen, (2) those secreting the semen, and (3) those producing as well as secreting the semen.

Causes of Sexual Incapacity

बलिन: क्लैब्यमेतच्चतुर्थं स्यान्नृणां पुंस्त्वोपघातजम् ॥ ११ ॥ जन्मप्रभृति यः क्लीब: क्लैब्यं तत् सहजं स्मृतम् ॥ १२ ॥ क्षुब्धमनसो निरोधाद् ब्रह्मचर्यतः । षष्ठं क्लैब्यं मतं तत् तु स्थिरशुक्रनिमित्तजम् ॥ १३ ॥ असाध्यं सहजं क्लैब्यं मर्मच्छेदाच्च यद् भवेत् । साध्यानामितरेषान्तु कार्यो हेतुविपर्ययः ।।१४।।

Causes of Sexual Incapacity: A ceassation of the sexual desire owing to the rising of bitter thoughts of recollection in the mind of a man, or a forced intercourse with a disagreeable woman (who fails to sufficiently rouse up the sexual desire in the heart of her mate) illustrates an instance of mental impotency. Excessive use of articles of pungent, acid, or saline taste, or of heat-making articles of food leads to the loss of the Saumya Dhatu (watery principle) of the organism. This is another kind of impotency. Virile impotency resulting from the loss of semen in persons addicted to excessive sexual pleasure without using any aphrodisiac remedy is the merit form of virile impotency. A long-standing disease of the male generative organ (syphilis, etc.), or the destruction of a local Marma such as the spermatic cord) destroys the powers of coition altogether. This is the fourth form of impotency. Sexual incapacity from the very birth is called the congenital (Sahaja ) impotency. Voluntary suppression of the sexual desire by a strong man observing perfect continence, or through utter apathy produces a hardness of the spermatic fluid, and is the cause of the sixth form of virile impotency. Of the six foregoing types of impotency, the congenital form as well as the one due to the destruction of any local Marma (spermatic cord) should be regarded as incurable, the rest being curable and amenable to the measures and remedies antidotal to their respective originating causes. 8-14

विधिर्वाजीकरो यस्तु तं प्रवक्ष्याम्यतः परम् । तिलमाषविदारीणां शालीनां चूर्णमेव वा । पौण्ड्रकेक्षुरसैरार्द्रं मर्दितं सैन्धवान्वितम् ॥ १५ ॥ वराहमेदसा युक्तां घृतेनोत्कारिकां पचेत् । तां भक्षयित्वा पुरुषो गच्छेत् तु प्रमदाशतम् ।। १६ ।।

Their Remedies: Now we shall describe the different VajiKarana (aphrodisiac ) remedies. Powders of sesamum. Masa-pulse, Vidari or Sali-rice should be mixed with Saindhava salt and pasted with a copious quantity of the expressed juice of the sugarcane of the Paundarika species. It should then be mixed with hog’s lard, and Utkarika should be prepared by cooking with clarified butter. By using this (medicinal) Utkarika, a man would be able to visit a hundred women. 15-16

बस्ताण्डसिद्धे पयसि भावितानसकृत् तिलान् । शिशुमारवसापक्वाः शकुल्यस्तैस्तिलैः यः खादेत् स पुमान् गच्छेत् स्त्रीणां पिप्पलीलवणोपेते बस्ताण्डे साधिते भक्षयेद् यस्तु स गच्छेत् कृताः । शतमपूर्ववत् ॥ १७ ॥ क्षीरसर्पिषा । प्रमदाशतम् ॥ १८ ॥

The testes of a he-goat should be boiled in milk. Sesamum seeds should then be successively treated with this milk in the manner of a Bhavana saturation. Cakes should be made of these sesamum seeds with the lard of a porpoise. This medicine exerts the same action as the preceding one without producing any exertion whatever. By eating the testes of a he-goat with (an adequate quantity of) salt and powdered long-pepper (Pippali) fried in clarified butter prepared from churning milk (and not from curd), a man is enabled to visit a hundred women. 17-18

पिप्पलीमाषशालीनां यवगोधूमयोस्तथा । चूर्णभागैः समस्तैस्तु घृते पूपलिकां पचेत् ।। १९ ।। तां भक्षयित्वा पीत्वा तु शर्करामधुरं पयः । नरश्चटकवद् गच्छेद् दश वारान् निरन्तरम् ॥ २० ॥

Powders of Pippali, Masa-pulse, Sali-rice wheat and barley, should be taken in equal parts. Cakes (Pupalika) should be prepared with this compound and fried in clarified butter. By taking these cakes and a potion of milk sweetened with (a copious quantit of) sugar, a man becomes potent enough, to do intercourse continuously ten times like a sparrow (Cataka). 19-20

विदार्या: सुकृतं चूर्णं स्वरसेनैव भावितम् । सर्पिर्मधुयुतं लीद्वा दश स्त्रीरधिगच्छति ।। २१ ।।

एवमामलकं चूर्णं स्वरसेनैव भावितम् । शर्करामधुसर्पिर्भिर्युक्तं एतेनाशीतिवर्षोऽपि लीढ्वा पयः पिबेत् । परिहृष्यति ।। २२ ॥ युवेव

Powdered Vidari successively soaked in the expressed juice of the same and dried, should be licked with honey and clarified butter, whereby a man would be able to visit ten women sccessively (at a time). Similarly powders of (dried) Amalaka successively soaked in its own expressed juice should be licked with honey, sugar¹ and clarified butter, after which a quantity of milk should be taken. This compound would make even an old man of eighty sexually as vigorous as a youth. 21-22

पिप्पलीलवणोपेते बस्ताण्डे घृतसाधिते । शिशुमारस्य वा खादेत् ते तु वाजीकरे भृशम् ॥ २३ ॥ कुलीरकूर्मनक्राणामण्डान्येवन्तु भक्षयेत् । नरः ॥ २४ ॥ महिषर्षभबस्तानां पिबेच्छुक्राणि वा

The testes of a he-goat or of a porpoise mixed with sait and powdered long-pepper, and fried in clarified butter should be taken for speedy and effective aphrodisiac purposes. The eggs of a tortoise, of an alligator or of a crab, or the semen’ of a male buffalo, of a bull, or of a he-goat should be similarly taken for the same purpose. 23-24

पयो इव विदारिमूलकल्कन्तु घृतेन पयसा अश्वत्थफलमूलत्वक्-शुङ्गासिद्धं पीत्वा सशर्कराक्षौद्रं कुलिङ्ग उड्डुम्बरसमं पीत्वा वृद्धोऽपि माषाणां पलमेकन्तु संयुक्तं अवलिह्य पयः पीत्वा तेन नरः । हृष्यति ।। २५ ।। नरः । तरुणायते ।। २६ ।। क्षौद्रसर्पिषा । वाजीभवेन्नरः ।। २७।। क्षीरपक्वांस्तु गोधूमानात्मगुप्ताफलैः सह । शीतान् घृतयुतान् खादेत् ततः पश्चात् पयः पिबेत् ॥ २८ ॥

1. According to Sivadasa it may also be taken with honey and clarified butter only.

2. Some explain “कुलीर” as house-sparrows.

3. Here semen wouid mean the testes, the receptacle of the semen.

Milk boiled and cooked with the sprouts, bark, roots and fruit of an Asvattha tree, should be sweetened with sugar and honey, and taken; this enables a man to enjoy sexual pleasures like a sparrow. The powdered bulbs of Vidari, weighing an Udumbara (one Tola), in measure, and taken with milk and clarified butter, would make an old man young again. A Pala measure of the pulverised Masa pulse, mixed with honey and clarified butter should be licked and tion of milk should then be taken; this would make a man sexually as strong as a horse. Wheat and Atmagupta seeds should be boiled in milk, and taken, when cold, with clarified butter, and a potion of milk should then be taken for the same purpose. 25-28

नक्रमूषिकमण्डूक-चटकाण्डकृतं घृतम् । पादाभ्यङ्गेन कुरुते बलं भूमिन्तु न स्पृशेत् ॥ २९ ॥ यावत् स्पृशति नो भूमिं तावद् गच्छेन्निरन्तरम् ॥ ३० ॥

Clarified butter should be boiled with eggs or the testes (as the case might be) of alligators, mice, frogs and sparrows. By lubricating the soles of the feet with this Ghrita, a man would be able to visit a woman with undiminished vigour so long as he would not touch the ground with his feet. 29-30

स्वयंगुप्तेक्षुरकयोः फलचूर्णं सशर्करम् । धारोष्णेन नरः पीत्वा पयसा न क्षयं व्रजेत् ।। ३१ ।। क्षीरेणोत्तममिष्यते ।। ३२ ।। उच्चटाचूर्णमप्येवं शतावर्युच्चटामूलं पेयमेवं बलार्थिना । स्वयंगुप्ताफलैर्युक्तं माषसूपं पिबेन्नरः ।। ३३ ।। गुप्ताफलं गोक्षुरकाच्च बीजं तथोच्चटां गोपयसा विपाच्य | खजाहतं शर्करया च युक्तं पीत्वा नरो हृष्यति सर्वरात्रम् ॥ ३४ ॥ माषान् विदारीमपि सोच्चटाञ्च क्षीरे गवां क्षौघृतोपपन्नाम् । पीत्वा नरः शर्करया सुयुक्तां कुलिङ्गवद्धृष्यति सर्वत्रम् ॥ ३५ ॥

The use of pulverised Atma-gupta and Iksuraka (Kokilaksa) seeds mixed with sugar and taken with milk just milched enables a man to indulge in the pleasures of youth for the whole night without any sense of fatigue. The powders of the Uccata should also be taken similarly (with milk and sugar), Satavari and Uccata roots should also be similarly taken by a man wishing to have (sexual) vigour. A soup of Atma-gupta seeds and Masa-pulse (boiled together) should be taken. Atma-gupta-seeds, Goksura seeds and Uccata should be boiled with milk and constantly stirred with a ladle. The use of this preparation (with an adequate quantity of sugar) enables a man to enjoy the pleasures of love all the night long. Likewise the milk boiled with Masa-pulse, Vidari or Uccata should be taken with honey, clarified butter and sugar. By using this a man may indulge in the pleasures of the bed for the whole night like a sparrow. 31-35

1. Some read “श्रृतेन” (boiled) in place of “घृतेन”. In that case the boiled milk only should be taken and no clarified butter should be added thereto.

गृष्टीनां वृद्धवत्सानां माषपर्णभृतां गवाम् । यत् क्षीरं तत् प्रशंसन्ति बलकामेषु जन्तुषु ।। ३६ ।। क्षीरमांसगणाः सर्वे काकोल्यादिश्च पूजितः । वाजीकरणहेतोर्हि तस्मात् तत् तु प्रयोजयेत् ॥ ३७ ।। एते वाजीकरा योगाः प्रीत्यपत्यबलप्रदाः । सेव्या विशुद्धोपचित- देहै: कालाद्यपेक्षया ।। ३८ ।।

The use of the milk of a Grsti (a cow delivered only once) with a grown up calf (one year old) and exclusively fed on the (fresh) leaves of the Masa-parna, is recommended as a sexual tonic. All kinds of meat and milk, as well as the drugs of the Kakolyadi group should be regarded as being highly possessed of the virtue of imparting tone and vigour (to the male productive organs). The medicinal remedies and compounds described in the present chapter should be taken in sound health and proper seasons, as they are exhilarating and invigorating, and help the procreation of children. 36-38

इति सुश्रुत संहितायां चिकित्सितस्थाने क्षीणबलीय-वाजीकरणचिकित्सितं नाम षड्विंशोऽध्यायः ।। २६ ।।

Thus ends the Twenty-sixth Chapter of the Cikitisita Sthana in the Susruta Samhita which deals with the treatment of the virile impotency.


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