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ashtanga hridayaDRAVYAKALPA - Ayurveda Pharmaceutics - Ashtang Hridaya Chapter 6

DRAVYAKALPA – Ayurveda Pharmaceutics – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter 6

अथातो द्रव्यकल्पं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We will now expound the chapter Dravya kalpa-pharmaceutics; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Prasasta Ausadha – drugs / herbs best suitable for medical use

धन्वे साधारणे देशे समे सन्मृत्तिके शुचौ ।

श्मशानचैत्यायतनश्वभ्रवल्मीकवर्जिते मृदौ प्रदक्षिणजले कुशरोहिषसंस्तृते । अफालकृष्टेऽनाक्रान्ते पादपैर्बलवत्तरैः ॥ २ ॥ ॥१॥

शस्यते भेषजं जातं, युक्तं वर्णरसादिभिः । जन्त्वजग्धं दवादग्धमविदग्धं च वैकृतैः ॥ ३ ॥

भूतैश्छायातपाम्ब्वाद्यैर्यथाकालं च सेवितम् । दिशमाश्रितम् ॥ ४ ॥ अवगाढमहामूलमुदीचीं

Drugs (herbs) grown in desert regions, temporate regions, regions which are even, which hace good soil, are clean, regions apart from a burial ground, Buddhist monastry (or place near a big tree) roads, ravines, and ant hills, of soft mud, with source of water located on the right side, area covered with kusa and rohisa grasses, not tilled by plough and not occoupied by big trees-are ideal to be used as medicines.

Herbs endowed with good colours, taste etc, not eaten by insects, not burnt by forest fire, not spoiled in any other manner, not abnormal in any respect, which have been nourished well by the bhutas ( five primary elements) shade, sunlight, water etc. at appropriate seasons, those which are spread wide, with big roots spread in the northern direction are ideal. 1-4.

महेन्द्ररामकृष्णानां ब्राह्मणानां गवामपि । तपसा तेजसा वाऽपि प्रशाम्यध्वं शिवाय वै ॥ १ ॥

मन्त्रैणानेन मतिमान् सर्वमप्यौषधं नयेत् । ] अथ कल्याणचरितः श्राद्धः शुचिरुपोषितः ।

गृह्णीयादौषधं सुस्थं स्थितं काले च कल्पयेत् ॥ ५ ॥

सक्षीरं तदसम्पत्तावनतिक्रान्तवत्सरम् । गुडघृतक्षौद्रधान्यकृष्णाविडङ्गतः ॥ ६ ॥

ऋते पयो बाष्कयणं ग्राह्यं विण्मूत्रं तच्च नीरुजाम् । वयोबलवतां धातुपिच्छशृङ्गखुरादिकम् ॥७॥

(The wise physician should collect all the herbs uttering the following hymns-“you benovalent herb; relieve the sufferrings of Mahendra, Rama, Krisna, the Brahmanas the cows, by your power and radiance and do them good”).

Then the physician after performing auspicious rites, with devotion in mind, clean (in dress etc.) having fasted (the previous night), should collect the herbs which are found in a goods place and at the proper season, along with its sap (in green state). If that is not possible, herbs which are aged not more than one year should be collected, except guda (jaggery), ghrta (ghee), ksaudra (honey), dhanya (kustumburu), krsna ( pippali) and vidanga. Milk, dung and urine of a cow which is in its youth and in good health, should be collected for use; tissues (blood, muscle, fat etc.), feathers, horns, hoof etc. of animals and birds, which are in 5-7. their youth and in good strength should be collected.

Pancha kashaya

कषाययोनयः पञ्च रसा लवणवर्जिताः ।

रसः कल्कः शृतः शीतः फाण्टश्चेति प्रकल्पना ॥ ८ ॥ पञ्चधैव कषायाणां पूर्वं पूर्वं बलाधिका ।

Except the salt, the ( drugs of ) five tastes are the source of the kasaya ( formulae ). Rasa ( fresh juice ) , kalka (paste ), Srta (decoction), sita (cold infusion ), phanta ( hot infusion ) are the five kinds of kasaya ( recipes, drug formulations), each preceding one, more stronger than its succeeding. 8-9a.

सद्यः समुद्धृतात् क्षुण्णाद्यः स्त्रवेत्पटपीडितात् ॥ ९ ॥

स्वरसः स समुद्दिष्टः कल्कः पिष्टो द्रवाप्लुतः । चूर्णोऽप्लुतः शृतः क्वाथः शीतो रात्रिं द्रवे स्थितः ॥ १० ॥

सद्योऽभिषुतपूतस्तु फाण्ट: तन्मानकल्पने।

The juice taken out from a fresh (green) herb, well pounded and squeezed through cloth is known as svarasa (fresh juice/native juice). Kalka (paste) is that macerated with any liquid; curna (powder ) is that ( macerated) without any liquid; Srta ( or quatha ) is decoction (boiled in any liquid), sita (cold infusion ) is that soaked in any liquid and kept overnight, (and then filtered), phanta ( hot infusion ) is soaking the drug in any warm liquid, stirring it, filtering through cloth and using it immediately. 9b-11a.

Ausadha matra – dose of recipes

युञ्ञ्ज्याद्व्याध्यादिबलतस्तथा च वचनं मुनेः ॥ ११ ॥

मात्राया न व्यवस्थाऽस्ति व्याधिं कोष्ठं बलं वयः । आलोच्य देशकालौ च योज्या तद्वच्च कल्पना ॥ १२ ॥

The dose of these ( recipes / drug forms) should be decided in accordance with (appropriate to) the strength of disease etc., here in are the words of the muni (Caraka) “there is no fixed / rigid arrangement of the dosa, both for the drug and for the recipe ( drug form ) ; these should be determined on the basis of the disease, nature of the alimentary tract of the patient, his strength and age, the land (nature of ) and time ( season ). 11a-12.

मध्यं तु मानं निर्दिष्टं स्वरसस्य चतुष्पलम् । पेष्यस्य कर्षमालोड्यं तद् द्रवस्य पलत्रये ॥ १३ ॥

क्वाथं द्रव्यपले कुर्यात्प्रस्थार्थं पादशेषितम् । शीतं पले पलैः षड्भि: चतुर्भिस्तु ततोऽपरम् ॥ १४ ॥

The medium dose of svarasa (fresh juice) is prescribed is four pala; of the pesya (paste ) is one karsa macerated with three pala of liquid. Quatha is made with one pala of the drug, boiled in half prastha of liquid and reduced to one fourth the quantity, sita is made with one pala of the drug soaked in six pala of the liquid; the next one (phanta) is made with one pala of the drug and four pala of the liquid. 13-14.

स्नेहपाके त्वमानोक्तौ चतुर्गुणविवर्धितम् । कल्कस्त्रेहद्रवं योज्यम् अधीते

In sneha paka (formulae of medicated ghee or oil) where the quantity of (each component ) is not mentioned, the quantity of kalka (paste), sneha ( fat, ghee, oil etc.) and drava (liquids-decoction) shall be increased four times succeedingly. 15.

Notes : The quantity of kalka (paste ) , sneha (fat) and drava (decoction) are one, four and sixteen parts respectively in formulae of ghee or oil.

शौनकः ः पुनः ॥ १५ ॥

स्नेहे सिद्ध्यति शुद्धाम्बुनिः क्वाथस्वरसैः क्रमात् । कल्कस्य योजयेदंशं चतुर्थ षष्ठमष्टमम् ॥ १६ ॥

Saunaka says-when medicated fat is to be prepared using either pure water, decoction or fresh juice and paste of drugs then their quantity shall be one, four; six and eight parts respectively. 16.

Notes: The quantity of paste will be one part, that of pure water will be four parts, that of decoction will be six parts and that of fresh juice will be eight parts.

पृथक् स्नेहसमं दद्यात्पञ्चप्रभृति तु द्रवम् ।

When the liquids to be used in (cooking the madicated fat) are more than five, then the quantity of these will be the same as that of fat. 17a.

Sneha paka lakshana – method/kinds of cooking fats

नाङ्गलिग्राहिता कल्के न स्नेहेऽग्नौ सशब्दता ॥ १७ ॥ वर्णादिसम्पच्च यदा तदैनं शीघ्रमाहरेत् ।

घृतस्य फेनोपशमस्तैलस्य तु तदुद्भवः ॥ १८ ॥

Paste not sticking to the fingers, fat not emitting any noise when poured on fire and appearance of good colour etc., when these feature manifest, then it ( medicated fat)

should be removed quickly (from the oven). The bubles subside in case of medicated ghee (at the moment of correct cooking) and in case of medicated oil the bubbles begin to appear. 17b-18.

Notes: The tests for deciding the correct stage of cooking of medicated fats described above may be explained further. Little quantity of the paste of drugs is taken out from the boiling liquid and rolled between the thumb and the index finger. The stage at which it does not adhere to the fingers, the boiling fat when poured on fire burns bright without emitting any noise; the bubbles of the boiling ghee, subsiding and that of the boiling oil apppearing great amount-then that should be taken as the correct cooking and the vessel should be removed from the oven.

लेहस्य तन्तुमत्ताऽप्सु मज्जनं सरणं न च ।

The feature of correct cooking of leha (confection) are assuming thready shape, sinking in water, and either motility or non-motility. 19a.

Notes Assuming thread like shape and sinking in water are common to all confections, some confections retain the property of motility (spreading outwards like gel) and some others lose it, (by becoming solid).

Trividhapaka – three degrees of cooking

पाकस्तु मन्दश्चिक्कणः

खरचिक्कणः ॥ १९ ॥

मन्दः कल्कसमे fans चिक्कणो मदनोपमे।

किञ्चित्सीदति कृष्णे च वर्त्य (र्ति ) माने च पश्चिमः ॥ २० ॥

दग्धोऽत ऊर्ध्वं निष्कार्यः स्यादामस्त्वग्निसादकृत् । मृदुर्नस्ये, खरोऽभ्यङ्गे, पाने बस्तौ

Paka (cooking) is of three kinds-viz-manda (soft), cikkana (semi-hard/medium) and kharacikhana (very hard); manda-when the residue is similar (in features) to the paste; cikkana-when the residue becomes similar to madana (bees wax); kharacikkana when the residue becomes lustreless, black and not assuming thready shape. After these (three stages), it is dagdha (over-cooked, burnt-out, charred) and not serving the purpose. When medicated fat is not cooked properly it produces weakness of digestive fire. Mrdupaka (mild cooking) for anointing/massaging the body and cikkana paka (moderate cooking) for drinking and enema therapies. 19b-21.

शाणं पाणितलं मुष्टिं कुडवं प्रस्थमाढकम् । द्रोणं वहं च क्रमशो विजानीयाच्चतुर्गुणम् ॥ २२ ॥

sana, panitala, musti, kudava, prastha, adhaka, drona and vaha-these measure are in multiplies of four in their succeeding order. 22.

द्विगुणं योजयेदाईं कुडवादि तथा द्रवम् ।

Moist drugs (herbs in their green state) should be put double in quantity as those of the drug, so also the liquids commencing with kudava etc. (double in quantity of that mentioned in the recipe). 23a.

पेषणालोडने वारि स्नेहपाके च निर्दवे ॥ २३ ॥

कल्पयेत्सदृशान् भागान् प्रमाणं यत्र नोदितम् । कल्कीकुर्याच्च भैषज्यमनिरूपितकल्पनम् ॥ २४ ॥

अङ्गानुक्तौ तु मूलं स्यादप्रसिद्धौ तदेव तु ।

When no liquid is specifically mentioned in a medicated fat formula, water should be used for macerating and stirring (mixing the drugs). Where no specific quantity is mentioned, there all the ingerdients should be taken in equal quantity, where no specific drug formulation is mentioned the drugs should be made into a paste, where the specific part of the herb is not mentioned, there, root only should be used, similary so when any uncommon drug is to be used (its roots only being selected). 23b-25a.

Mana paribhasa – weights and measures

[ षड्वंश्यस्तु मरीची स्यात्, षण्मरीच्यस्तु सर्षपः । तण्डुलः सर्षपास्त्वष्टौ, धान्यमाषस्तु तौ, यवः ॥ १ ॥

तावण्डिका चतुर्भिस्तैर्माषक: शाणकस्तथा । ] द्वौ शाणौ वटक: कोलं बदरं द्रंक्षणश्च, तौ ॥ २५ ॥

अक्षं पिचुः पाणितलं सुवर्णं कवलग्रहः । कर्षो बिडालपदकं तिन्दुकः पाणिमानिका ॥ २६ ॥

शब्दान्यत्वमभिन्नेऽर्थे शुक्तिरष्टमिका पिचू । पलं प्रकुञ्चो बिल्वं च मुष्टिराम्रं चतुर्थिका ॥ २७ ॥

द्वे पले प्रसृतस्तौ द्वावञ्जलिस्तौ तु मानिका | आढकं भाजनं कंसो, द्रोण: कुम्भो घटोऽर्मणम् ॥ २८ ॥

तुला पलशतं, तानि विंशतिर्भार उच्यते ।

Six vamsi make one marici; six marici make one sarsapa; eight sarsapa make one tandula; two of it (tandula) make one dhanyamasa or yava; four of them (dhanyamasa make one anddika, masaka or sana).

Two sana make one vataka/kola/badara or dranksana; two vataka make one aksa/picu/panitala/suvarna/kavalagraha/karsa/bidala padaka/tinduka/panimanika/sukti/ astamika or picu-all these words used in the same meanings; two picu make one sukti; pala, prakunca, bilva, musti, amra, or caturthika; two pala make one prasrata; from one anjali; two anjali make one manika; adhaka, bhajana, kamsa, drona, kumbha, ghata or armana, one hundred pala make one tula, twenty of them (tula) make one bhara. 25b-29a.

Notes Details of these weights and measures together with their modern equalents are furnished in the appendix at the end of vol. III.

हिमवद्विन्ध्यशैलाभ्यां प्रायो व्याप्ता वसुन्धरा ॥ २९ ॥ सौम्यं पथ्यं च तत्राद्यमाग्ने॒यं वैन्ध्यमौषधम् ॥ २९ ॥

The herbs are found in the Himavat and Vindhya mountains gernerally; of them, those from the first (Himvat) are saumya (cold, coolent, mild in action) and good for health; whereas those from Vindhya mountains are agneya (hot, firy, strong in action). 29-29.

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां

पञ्चमे कल्पसिद्धिस्थाने द्रव्यकल्पो नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः ॥ ६॥

Thus ends the chapter Dravyakalpa-the sixth in Kalpa sidhisthana of Astangahrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

Thus ends Kalpasidhisthana-the fifth section.


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