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Sushruta SamhitaDravya-Sangrahaniya adhyaya - Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 38

Dravya-Sangrahaniya adhyaya – Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 38

अष्टत्रिंशोऽध्यायः अथातो द्रव्यसंग्रहणीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः, यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ॥ १॥

Now we shall discuss the Chapter, which deals with the general classification of drugs according to their therapeutical properties (Dravya-Sangrahaniya adhyaya). 1

समासेन सप्तत्रिंशद्रव्यगणा भवन्ति । तद्यथा- विदारिगन्धा विदारी सहदेवा विश्वदेवा श्वदंष्ट्रा पृथकूपर्णी शतावरी सारिवा कृष्णसारिवा जीवकर्षभकौ महासहा क्षुद्रसहा बृहत्यौ पुनर्नवैरण्डौ हंसपादी वृश्चिकाल्यृषभी चेति ।

विदारिगन्धादिरयं गणः पित्तानिलापहः । शोषगुल्माङ्गमर्दोर्ध्वश्वासकासविनाशनः ।।२।।

These drugs are usually made into thirty-seven different groups (Gana) which are as follows :

The Vidarigandhadi Group: The drugs known as Vidarigandhadi are Vidari, Sahadeva, Visvadeva, Svadanstra, Prthakparni, Satavari, Sariva,blackSariva, Jivaka, Rsabhaka, Mahasaha, Ksudra-Saha, Brhati, Kantakari, Punarnava, Eranda, Hansapadi, Vrscikali, and Rishabhi, from the group known as the Vidari-gandhadi.

Metrical Text: The present group of drugs subdues the action of the deranged Vayu and Pitta and proves beneficial in phthisis (sosa), Gulma, aching of the limbs, Urdhva-svasa and cough. 2

आरग्वधमदनगोपघोण्टाकण्टकीकुटजपाठापाटलामूर्केद्रयवसप्तपर्णनिम्बकुरुण्टकदासी कुरुण्टकगुडूचीचित्रकशार्ङ्गष्टाकरञ्जद्वयपटोलकिराततिक्तकानि सुषवी चेति । आरग्वधादिरित्येष गण: श्लेष्मविषापहः ।

मेहकुष्ठज्वरवमीकण्डूघ्नो व्रणशोधनः ।। ३ ।।

The Aragvadhadi Group: The drugs known as Aragvadhadi are Madana, Gopaghonta, Kutaja, Patha, Kantaki, Patala, Murva, Indrayava, Saptaparna, Nimba Kuruntaka, Dasi kuruntaka, the two kinds of Karanja, Patola, Kirattikta, Guduci, Citraka, Sharngsta, and Susavi form the group known as the Aragvadhadi.

Metrical Text: The group under discussion destroys the deranged Kapha and the effects of poison and proves beneficial in cases of Meha (morbid discharges from the urethra), Kustha, fever vomiting and itching of the body and acts as a purifying (aseptic) agent in the case of an ulcer. 3

वरुणार्त्तगलशिग्रुमधुशिनुतर्कारीमेषश्रृङ्गीपूतिकनक्तमालमोरटाग्निमन्थसैरेयकद्वयबिम्बीवसुकवसिरबृहतीद्वयञ्चेति ।

चित्रकशतावरीबिल्वाज शृङ्गीदर्भा वरुणादिर्गणो ह्येष कफमेदोनिवारणः । विनिहन्ति शिरःशूलं गुल्माभ्यन्तरविद्रधीन् । ॥ ४ ॥

The Varunadi Group The drugs known as Varunadi are Artagala, Sigru, Madhu-Sigru, Tarkari, Mesa-Smgi, Putika, Naktamala, Morata, Agnimantha, the two kinds of Sairiyaka, Bimbi, Vasuka, Vasira, Citraka, Satavari, Bilva, Ajasrngi, Darbha, and the two kinds of Brhati form the group known as the Varunadi.

Metrical Text: The group is possessed of the efficacy of reducing the deranged Kapha and fat and proves efficacious in cases of cephalaegia, Gulma and internal abscesses. 4

चेति । वीरतरुसहचरद्वयदर्भवृक्षादनीगुन्द्रानलकुशकाशाश्मभेदकाग्निमन्थमोरटावसुकवसिरभल्लूककुरुण्टकेन्दीवरकपोतवङ्काः श्वदंष्ट्रा ।।५।।

वीरतर्वादिरित्येष गणो वातविकारनुत् । अश्मरीशर्करामूत्रकृच्छ्राघातरुजापहः

The Viratarvadi Group: The drugs known as Viratarvadi are the two kinds of Sahacara, Darbha, Vrksadani, Gundra, Nala, Kusa, Kasa, Asmabhedaka, Agnimantha, Morata Vasuka, Vasira, Bhalluka, Kuruntaka, Indivara, Kapotavanka, and Svadanstra enter into the composition of the group known as the Viratarvadi.

Metrical Text: The group subdues all disorders incidental to the deranged state of Vata and proves curative in Asmari, Sarkara, Mutrakrchhra, Mutraghata and urinary troubles 5

सालसाराजकर्णखदिरकदरकालस्कन्धक्रमुकभूर्जमेषश्रृङ्गीतिनिशचन्दनकुचन्दनशिंशपाशिरीषासनधवार्जुनतालशाकनक्तमालपूतिकाश्वकर्णागुरूणि कालीयकञ्चेति । सालसारादिरित्येष गण: कुष्ठविनाशनः । मेहपाण्ड्वामयहरः कफमेदोविशोषणः ।।६।।

The Salasaradi Group : The group of medicinal drugs, known as the Salasaradi, consists of Salasara, Ajakarna, Khadira, Kadara, Kalaskandha, Kramuka, Bhurjja, Mesasrngi, Tinisa, Candana, Kucandana, Sinsapa, Sirisa, Asana, Dhava, Arjuna, Tala, Saka, Naktamala, Putika, Asvakarna, Aguru and Kaliyaka.

Metrical Texts: The group of the drugs, known as the Salasaradi Gana, destroys the germ of Kustha, absorbs the deranged fat and Kapha and proves beneficial in morbid discharges from the urethra (Meha), chlorosis or Jaundice (Pandu ). 6

रोघ्रसावररोध्रपलाशकुटन्नटाशोकफञ्जीकट्फलैलवालुकशल्लकीजिङ्गिनीकदम्बसाला: कदली चेति ।

एष रोघ्रादिरित्युक्तो मेदःकफहरो गणः । योनिदोषहरः स्तम्भी व्रण्यो (वर्ण्यो) विषविनाशनः ।।७।।

The Rodhradi Group: The group of medicinal drugs known as the Rodhradi consists of Rodhra, Savararodhra Palasa Kutannata, Asoka, Phanji, Katphala, Elavaluka, Sallaki, Jingini, Kadamba, Sala and Kadali.

Metrical Texts: The group is antidotal to the deranged Kapha and fat, is astringent in its properties, removes vaginal and uterine disorders, neutralises the effects of poison (anti toxic) and acts as a styptic and purifying agent in a case of ulcer and arrests all secretions and excretions of the body. 7

अर्कालर्ककरञ्जद्वयनागदन्तीमयूरकभार्गीरास्नेन्द्रपुष्पीक्षुद्रश्वेतामहाश्वेतावृश्चिकाल्यलवणास्तापसवृक्षश्चेति ।

अर्कादिको गणो ह्येष कफमेदोविषापहः । क्रिमिकुष्ठप्रशमनो विशेषाद् व्रणशोधनः ।।८।।

The Arkadi Group: The drugs known as the Arka, Alarka, the two kinds of Karanja, Nagadanti, Mayuraka, Bhargi, Rasna, Indrapuspi, Ksudrasveta, Mahasveta, Vrschikali, Alavana and Tapasa, Vrksa enter into the composition of the group known as the Arkadi Gana.

Metrical Texts: The group known as the Arkadi destroys Kapha, fat. and the effects of poison. It acts as a vermifuge and a specific aseptic agent in the case of an ulcer and proves curative in diseases of the skin. 8

सुरसाश्वेतसुरसाफणिज्झकार्जकभूस्तूणसुगन्धकसुमुखकालमालकासमर्द्दक्षवकखरपुष्पाविडङ्गकट्फलसुरसीनिर्गुण्डी कुलाहलोन्दुरुकर्णिकाफञ्जीप्राचीबलकाकमाच्यो विषमुष्टिकश्चेति ।

सुरसादिगणो होष कफहृत् क्रिमिसूदनः । प्रतिश्यायारुचिश्वासकासघ्नो व्रणशोधनः ।। ९ ।।

The Surasadi Group The drugs known as Surasa, white Surasa, Fanijjhaka, Arjaka, Bhustrina, Sugandhaka, Sumukha, Kalamala, Kasamarda, Ksavaka, Kharpuspa Vidanga, Katphala, Surasi, Nirgundi, Kulahala, Indurukarnika, Phanji, Prachibala, Kakamachi and Visamustika form the group known as the Surasadi Gana.

Metrical Texts: The group acts as a vermifuge and is an aseptic agent. It subdues the deranged Kapha and proves beneficial in catarrh, non-relish for food, asthma and cough. 9

मुष्ककपलाशधवचित्रकमदनवृक्षकशिंशपावज्रवृक्षास्त्रिफला चेति ।

मुष्ककादिर्गणो ह्येष मेदोघ्नः शुक्रदोषहृत् । मेहार्शः पाण्डुरोगघ्नः शर्कराश्मरीनाशनः । ॥ १० ॥

The Muskakadi Group: The group of medicinal drugs known as the Muskakadi consists of Muskaka, Palasa, Dhava, Citraka, Madana, Vrksaka Simsapa, Vajra Vrksa and Triphala.

Metrical Text: The present group is possessed of the therapeutic virtue of destroying fat and removing the defects of semen. Meha, piles, jaundice, chlorosis, gravels and urinary calculi in the bladder are the diseases which yield to its curative efficacy. 10

पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलचव्यचित्रकशृङ्गवेरमरिचहस्तिपिप्पलीहरेणुकैलाजमोदेन्द्रयवपाठाजीरकसर्षपमहानिम्बफलहिङ्गुभार्गीमधुरसातिविषावचाविडङ्गानि कटुरोहिणी चेति । पिप्पल्यादिः कफहर: प्रतिश्यायानिलारुचीः । निहन्याद् दीपनो गुल्मशूलघ्नश्चामपाचनः ।।११।।

The Pippalyadi Group: The group of medicinal drugs known as the Pippalyadi consists of Pippali, Pippali mula, Cavya, Citraka, Srngavera, Marica, Hasti-Pippali, Harenuka, Ela, Ajamoda, Indrayava, Patha, Jiraka, Sarsapa, Maha- Nimba – Phala, Hingu, Bhargi, Madhurasa, Ativisa, Vaca, Vidanga and Katurohini.

Metrical Text: The present group acts as a good appetiser and is an absorbant of intestinal mucous and unassimilated lymph chyle. The range of its therapeutical application includes catarrh, deranged Kapha and Vata, non-relish for food, abdominal glands, colic and gastralgia. 11

एलातगरकुष्ठमांसीध्यामकत्वक्पत्रनागपुष्पप्रियङ्ग्रहरेणुकाव्याघ्रनखशुक्तिचण्डास्थौणेयकश्रीवेष्टकचोचचोरकवालुकगुग्गुलुसर्जरसतुरुष्ककुन्दुरुकाऽगुरुस्पृक्कोशीरभद्रदारुकुङ्कमानि पुन्नागकेशरञ्चेति । एलादिको वातकफौ निहन्याद् विषमेव च । वर्णप्रसादनः कंण्डूपिडकाकोठनाशनः ।।१२।।

The Eladi Group: The group of medicinal drugs known as the Eladi-Gana consists of Ela, Tagara, Kustha, Mansi, Dhyamaka, Tvak, Patra, Naga-puspa, Priyangu, Harenuka, Vyaghranakha, Sukti, Canda, Sthauneyaka, Srivestaka, Coca, Coraka, Valuka, Guggulu, Sarjarasa, Turuska, Kunduruka, Aguru, Sprkka, Usira, Bhadradari, Kumkuma, Punnaga and Kesara.

Metrical Text: The therapeutic virtue of the group consists in subduing the action of Vayu and Kapha and in neutralising the effects of poison. It is a cosmetic and arrests the eruption of pimples and other vegetations on the skin such as rash, urticaria etc. and checks the itching sensation incidental thereto. 12

वचामुस्तातिविषाभयाभद्रदारूणि नागकेशरञ्चेति । हरिद्रादारुहरिद्राकलशीकुटजबीजानि मधुकञ्चेति ।

एतौ वचाहरिद्रादी गणौ स्तन्यविशोधनौ। आमातीसारशमनौ विशेषाद् दोषपाचनौ ।।१३।।

The Vacadi and Haridradi Groups: The groups known as the Vacadi and Haridradi Ganas, respectively consists of Vaca, Musta, Ativisa, Abhaya, Bhadradaru, Nagakesara (Vacadi), Haridra, Daruharidra, Kalasi, Kutaja seeds and Madhuka (Haridradi).

Metrical Text: These two groups are the purifiers of breast milk and specifically act as the assimilators of the deranged humours of the body, their curative properties being markelly witnessed in cases of mucous dysentery (Amatisara). 13

सुवर्णक्षीरी चेति । श्यामामहाश्यामात्रिवृद्दन्तीशङ्खिनीतिल्वककम्पिल्लकरम्यकक्रमुकपुत्रश्रोणीगवाक्षीराजवृक्षकरञ्जद्वयगुडूचीसप्तलाच्छगलान्त्रीसुधाः

उक्तः श्यामादिरित्येष गणो गुल्मविषापहः । आनाहोदरविडूभेदी तथोदावर्त्तनाशनः।।१४।।

The syamadi Group: The drugs known as syama, MahaSyama, Trivrt Danti, Sankhini, Tilvaka, Kampillaka Ramyaka, Kramuka, Putrasroni, Gavaksi, Rajavrksa the two kinds of Karanja, Guduci, Saptala, Chhagalantri Sudha and Suvarnaksiri, form the group known as the Syamadi Gana.

Metrical Text: This group is possessed of the therapeutic virtue of curing abdominal glands and acts as an anti-toxic. It proves beneficial in Anaha (epistasis), abdominal dropsy and diarrhoea and is one of the most reliable purgatives in cases of obstinate constipation of the bowels with suppression of urine and distention of the abdomen (Udavarta). 14

बृहतीकण्टकारिकाकुटजफलपाठा मधुकञ्चेति । पाचनीयो बृहत्यादिर्गणः पित्तानिलापहः | कफारोचकहल्लासमूत्रकृच्छ्रविनाशनः ।।१५।।

The Brhatyadi Group: The drugs known as Brhati, Kantakarika, Kutajaphala, Patha and Madhuka combinedly from the group known as the Brhatyadi Gana.

Metrical Text: The group is a good digestant or assimilator of the deranged humours. It subdues the deranged Vata, Pitta and Kapha and proves efficacious in cases of nausea, water-brash, dysuria and non-relish for food. 15

पटोलचन्दनकुचन्दनपूर्वागुडूचीपाठाः कटुरोहिणी चेति । पटोलादिर्गणः ज्वरोपशमनो पित्तकफारोचकनाशनः । व्र


The Patoladi Group: The drugs known as Patola, Candana, Kucandana, Murva, Guduci, Patha, and Katurohini form the group known as the Patoladi Gana.

Metrical Text : The group is a febrifuge and anti-toxic, and its therapeutic action consists in destroying the action of the deranged Pitta and Kapha. It restores the natural relish of the patient for food, removes vomiting, and proves beneficial in ulcers, and itching erythematous eruptions. 16


कर्कटङ्गीतुगाक्षीरीपद्मकप्रपौण्डरीकर्द्धिवृद्धिमृद्वीकाजीवन्त्यो मधुकञ्चेति । काकोल्यादिर पित्तशोणितानिलनाशनः ।

जीवनो बृंहणो वृष्यः स्तन्यश्लेष्मकरस्तथा ।।१७।।

The Kakolyadi Group: The drugs known as Kakoli-KsiraKakoli, Jivaka, Rsabhaka, Mudga-Parni, Masaparni, Meda, Mahameda, Chhinna-ruha, Karkata Srngi, Tugaksiri, Padmaka Prapaundarika, Rddhi, Vrddhi, Mrdvika, Jivanti and Madhuka, combinedly form the group known as the Kakolyadi Gana,

Metrical Text: The group of medicinal drugs under discussion subdues the action of the deranged Pitta, blood and Vayu. It increases the quantity of milk in the breast (galactagogue) and favours the accumulation of phlegm (Kapha) in the body. It is a restorative and an elixir and is endued with the therapeutic virtue of augmenting the virile potency of a man. 17

ऊषकसैन्धवशिलाजतुकासीसद्वयहिङ्गनि तुत्थकञ्चेति । ऊषकादिः कफं हन्ति गणो मेदोविशोषणः । अश्मरीशर्करामूत्रकृच्छ्रगुल्मप्रणाशनः ।।१८।।

The Usakadi Group: The medicinal drugs and substances known as Usaka (alkaline earth) Saindhava salt, Silajatu, the two kinds of Kasisa, Hingu and Tutthaka enter into the composition of the group known as the Usakadi Gana.

Metrical Text : It destroys kapha (mucous), absorbs the fat of the body and proves curative in cases of stone or gravel in the bladder (urinary calculi), dysuria and abdominal glands (Gulma). 18

शीरञ्चेति । सारिवामधुकचन्दनकुचन्दनपद्मककाश्मरीफलमधूकपुष्पाण्यु

सारिवादिः पिपासाघ्नो रक्तपित्तहरो गणः । पित्तज्वरप्रशमनो विशेषाद् दाहनाशनः ।। १९ ।।

The Sarivadi Group: The drugs known as Sariva, Madhuka, Candana, Kucandana, Padmaka, Kasmari phala, Madhuka-Puspa and Usira, combinedly form the group known as the Sarivadi Gana.

Metrical Text: The group under discussion allays thirst and proves curative in a case of haemoptysis. Its therapeutic virtue consists in curbing an attack of bilious (Pittaja) fever and in specifically alleviating the burning sensation (Daha) of the body. 19

अञ्जनरसाञ्जननागपुष्पप्रियङ्गुनीलोत्पलनलदनलिनकेशराणि मधुकञ्चेति ।

अञ्जनादिर्गणो ह्येष रक्तपित्तनिबर्हणः । विषोपशमनो दाहं निहन्त्याभ्यन्तरं तथा ।।२०।।

The Anjanadi Group: The group known as the Anjanadi Gana consists of Anjana, Rasanjana, Nagapuspa, Priyangu, Nilotpala, Nalada, Nalina, Kesara and Madhuka.

Metrical Texts: At attack of haemoptysis readily yields to the curative virtue of the group under discussion. It is anti-toxic in its character and allays the internal burning sensation of the body. 20

चेति । परूषकद्राक्षाकट्फलदाडिमराजादनकतकफलशांकफलानि त्रिफला

परूषकादिरित्येष गणोऽनिलविनाशनः । मूत्रदोषहरो हृद्यः पिपासाघ्नो रुचिप्रदः । ॥ २१ ॥

The Parusakadi Group: The group known as the Parusakadi Gana consists of Parusaka, Draksa, Kat-phala, Dadima, Rajadana, Kataka-phala Saka-phala and Triphala.

Metrical Text : It subdues the deranged Vayu, allays thirst, acts as a cordial, increases one’s relish for food and cures the diseased or abnormal components of urine or its defects. 21

प्रियङ्गसमङ्गाधातकीपुन्नागनागपुष्पचन्दनकुचन्दनमोचरसरसाञ्जनकुम्भीकस्रोतोऽञ्जनपद्मकेशरयोजनवल्ल्यो दीर्घमूला चेति ।

अम्बष्ठाधातकीकुसुमसमङ्गाकट्वङ्गमधुकबिल्वपेशिकारोध्रसावररोध्रपलाशनन्दीवृक्षाः पद्मकेशराणि चेति ।

गणौ प्रियङ्ग्गवम्बष्ठादी पक्वातीसारनाशनौ । सन्थानीयौ हितौ पित्ते व्रणानाञ्चापि रोपणौ ॥ २२ ॥

The Priyangvadi Group: The group of medicinal drugs known as the Priyangvadi Gana consists of Priyangu, Samanga, Dhataki, Punnag Naga-puspa, Candana, Kucandana, Mocarasa, Rasanjana, Kumbhika, Srotonjana, Padma-kesara, Yojanvalli and Dirghamula.

The Ambasthadi Group: Drugs known as Ambasthadi Gana consists of Dhataki flowers, Samanga, Katvanga, Madhuka, Bilvapesika, Rodhra, Savara-Rodhra, Palasa, Nandi-Vrksa and Padma Kesara, enter into the composition of the group known as the Ambasthadi Gana.

Metrical Text: The two medicinal recipes or groups prove beneficial in a case of deranged Pitta, favour the healing of ulcers, bring about the adhesion of fractured bones and prove curative in cases of dysentery where the stools are found to consist of lumps of thick and matured mucous (Pakvatisara). 22

न्यग्रोधोदुम्बराश्वत्थप्लक्षमधुक कपीतनककुभाम्रकोशाप्रचोरकपत्रजम्बूद्वयप्रियालमधूकरोहिणीवञ्जुलकदम्बबदरीतिन्दुकीसल्लकीरोध्रसावररोध्रभल्लातकपलाशा नन्दीवृक्षश्चेति । न्यग्रोधादिर्गणो व्रण्यः संग्राही भग्नसाधकः । रक्तपित्तहरो दाहमेदोघ्नो योनिदोषहृत् ॥ ॥ २३ ॥

The Nyagrodhadi Group: The drugs known as Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Asvattha, Plaksa, Madhuka, Kapitana, Kakubha, Amra, Kosamra, Corakapatra, the two sorts of Jambus, Priyala, Madhuka (Mahua), Rohini, Vanjula, Kadamba, Badari, Tinduki, Sallaki, Rodhra, Savara-Rodhra Bhallataka, Palasa and Nandi Vrksa, combinedly form the group known as the Nyagrodhadi Gana.

Metrical Texts: This group proves beneficial in cases of ulcer, cures all disorders of the uterus and vagina, favours the adhesion of fractured bones and all sorts of secretions of the body in addition to its astringent properties (Sangrahi) and proves curative in a case of haemoptysis. It is an anti-fat and assuages the burning sensation of the body. 23

गुडूचीनिम्बकुस्तुम्बुरुचन्दनानि पद्मकञ्चेति ।

एष सर्वज्वरान् हन्ति गुडूच्यादिस्तु दीपनः । हृल्लासारोचकच्छर्दिपिपासादाहनाशनः ।।२४।।

The guducyadi Group : The drugs known as Guduci, Nimba, Kustumburu, Candana, and Padmaka, combinedly form the group known as the Guducyadi Gana.

Metrical Text: It is a good appetiser, and acts as a general febrifuge and successfully combats such symptoms as nausea, want of relish for food, vomiting, thirst and burning sensation of the body. 24

उत्पलरक्तोत्पलकुमुदसौगन्धिककुवलयपुण्डरीकाणि मधुकञ्चेति। उत्पलादिरयं दाहपित्तरक्तविनाशनः ।

पिपासाविषहृद्रोगच्छर्दिमूर्च्छाहरो गणः ।। २५ ।।

The Utpaladi Group: The durgs known as Utpala Raktotpala, Kumuda Saugandhika, Kuvalaya, Pundarika and Madhuka constitute the group known as the Utpaladi Gana.

Metrical Texts: The group is possessed of the therapeutic virtue of allaying thirst and corrects the deranged Pitta and the vitiated blood. It assuages the burning sensation of the body and proves curative in cases of vomiting, thirst, in Hrdroga (Angina pectoris), in syncope, in haemoptysis and in cases of poisoning as well. 25

मुस्ताहरिद्रादारुहरिद्राहरीतक्यामलकबिभीतककुष्ठहैमवतीवचापाठाकटुरोहिणीशार्ङ्गष्टाऽतिविषाद्राविडीभल्लातकानि चित्रकञ्चेति ।

एष मुस्तादिको नाम्ना गणः श्लेष्मनिसूदनः । योनिदोषहरः स्तन्यशोधनः पाचनस्तथा ।।२६।।

The Mustadi Group: The group of drugs known as Mustadi Gana is composed of Musta, Haridra, Dari- Haridra, Haritaki, Amalaki, Bibhitaka, Kustha, Haimavati, Vaca, Patha, Katurohini, Sarangasta, Ativisa, Dravidi, Bhallataka and Citraka.

Metrical Text: The group under discussion destroys the deranged Slesma, cures uterine and vaginal disorders, purifies the breast milk of a mother, and acts as a good digestant (Pacana). 26

हरीतक्यामलकबिभीतकानीति त्रिफला ।

त्रिफला कफपित्तघ्नी (तु त्रिदोषघ्नी) मेहकुष्ठविनाशिनी । चक्षुष्या दीपनी चैव विषमज्वरनाशनी ।।२७ ॥

The Triphala Group: The drugs known Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaka, constitute the group known as the Triphaladi Gana.

Metrical Text: The present group destroys the action of the deranged Vayu, Kapha and Pitta and proves curative in Meha, and in diseases of the skin (Kustha). It is a good appetiser improves the eyesight and proves beneficial in chronic intermittent fever (VisamaJvara). 27

पिप्पलीमरिचश्रृङ्गवेराणीति त्रिकटुकम् ।

त्र्यूषणं कफमेदोघ्नं मेहकुष्ठत्वगामयान् । निहन्याद् दीपनं गुल्मपीनसाग्न्यल्पतामपि ॥ २८ ॥

The Trikatu Group: The Trikatu group consists of Pippali, Marica and Srngavera.

Metrical Text: It destroys fat and Kapha, proves curative in cutaneous affections, leprosy Kustha, and is possessed of the virtue of curing abdominal glands, catarrh, dullness of the appetite and indigestion. 28

आमलकीहरीतकीपिप्पल्यश्चित्रकश्चेति । आमलक्यादिरित्येष गण: गण: सर्वज्वरापहः । चक्षुष्यो दीपनो वृष्यः कफरोचकनाशनः ।। २९ ।।

The Amalakyadi Group: The group known as the Amalakyadi Gana consists of Amalaki Haritaki, Pippali and Citraka.

Metrical Text: The present group of medicinal drugs act as a general febrifuge and may be used with advantage in fevers of whatsoever type. Moreover, it is an aphrodisiac and acts as a general tonic or restorative and appetiser, destroying the deranged Kapha and improving the eyesight. 29

त्रपुसीसताम्ररजतकृष्णलोहसुवर्णानि लोहमलञ्चेति । गणस्त्रप्वादिरित्येष गरक्रिमिहरः परः । पिपासाविषहृद्रोगपाण्डुमेहहरस्तथा ।।३०।।

The Trapvadi Group: The group known as the Trapvadi Gana consists of Trapu, Sisa, Tamra, Rajata, Krsna Lauha, Suvarna and Lohamala.

Metrical Text: The present group is regarded as a good vermifuge and possessed of the virtue of neutralising the effects of chemical poison originated through incompatible combinations. Its therapeutic range covers Anaemea Meha (morbid secretions from the urethra), Hrdroga (heart disease), thirst and maladies incidental to the effects of poison. 30

लाक्षारेवतकुटजाश्वमारकट्फलहरिद्राद्वयनिम्बसप्तच्छदमालत्यस्त्रायमाणा चेति ।

कषायतिक्तमधुरः कुष्ठक्रिमिहरश्चैव कफपित्तार्त्तिनाशनः । दुष्टव्रणविशोधनः ।। ३१ ।।

The Laksadi Group : The drugs known as the Laksa, Arevata, Kutaja, Asvamara, Katphala, Haridra, Daru-Haridra, Nimba, Saptacchada, Malati, and Trayamana form the Laksadi Gana.

Metrical Text: This Gana consist of astringent, bitter and sweet taste (Rasa) and acts as a good vermifuge and a purifying (aseptic) agent in cases of bad, malignant or indolent ulcers. Diseases due to the deranged Kapha and Pitta prove amenable to its curative properties, which extend to cases of cutaneous affections Kustha as well. 31

पञ्च पञ्चमूलान्यत ऊर्ध्वं वक्ष्यामः । तत्र त्रिकण्टकबृहतीद्वयपृथकपर्ण्यो विदारिगन्धा चेति कनीयः । कषायतिक्तमधुरं कनीयः

पञ्चमूलकम् । वातघ्नं पित्तशमनं बृंहणं बलवर्द्धनम् ।।३२ ।।

Now we shall describe the five groups of medicinal roots (Mula), each consisting of similar number of components.

The Svalpa Pancamula Group: The group known as the minor group of five roots (Svalpa-Panca-mula) consists of the roots of medicinal plants known as the Trikantaka, the two species of Brhati, Prthakparni, and Vidarigandha.

Metrical Texts: This compound possesses a taste blended of astringent, bitter and sweet. It is a tonic and naurishing, subdues the deranged Vayu and proves soothing to the deranged Pitta. 32

बिल्वाग्निमन्थटुण्टुकपाटलाकाश्मर्यश्चेति महत् ।

सतिक्तं कफवातघ्नं पाके लघ्वग्निदीपनम् । मधुरानुरसञ्चैव पञ्चमूलं महत् स्मृतम् ॥ ३३ ॥

The Mahat Pancamula Group: The one known as the great or the major group of five medicinal root (Mahat-Pancamula) consists of the roots of such trees as Bilva, Agnimantha, Tuntuka, Patala and Kasmari.

Metrical Texts: It is bitter in taste and subdues the deranged Kapha and Vata. It is light (easily digestible) and appetising, and acquires a subsequent sweet taste in its reaction (Anurasa). 33

अनयोर्दशमूलमुच्यते । गणः श्वासहरो ह्येष कफपित्तानिलापहः । आमस्य पाचनश्चैव सर्वज्वरविनाशनः ।।३४ ॥

The Dasamula Group The two preceding groups in combination form the one technically known as the Dasa-Mula (the ten roots), which is possessed of the virtue of destroying the deranged Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It proves beneficial in cases of asthma and difficult respiration. It acts as a good digestant in respect of undigested lymph chycle, etc. and is used with satisfactory results in all types of fever. 34

वल्लीसंज्ञः। विदारीसारिवारजनीगुडूच्योऽजश्रृङ्गी चेति करमर्दत्रिकण्टकसैरीयकशतावरीगृध्रनख्य इति कण्टकसंज्ञः ।।

रक्तपित्तहरौ ह्येतौ शोफत्रयविनाशनौ । सर्वमेहहरौ चैव शुक्रदोषविनाशनौ ।।३५ ।।

The Valli-Pancamula Group The group consisting of the roots of the five medicinal creepers known as Vidari, Sariva, Rajani, Guduci and Aja-srngi is called the Valli-Pancamula.

The Panca-kantaka Group : Similarly, the group consisting of the five medicinal (thorny) shrubs known as Karamardda, Trikantaka, Sairiyaka, Satavari, and Grdhranakhi is called the Panca-Kantaka.

Metrical Texts: The two preceding groups prove curative in Haemoptysis and in all the three types of anasarca or oedema (Sopha). Moreover, it has the incontestable virtue of arresting all sorts of urethral discharges and is a potent remedy in all cases of seminal disorders. 35

कुशकाशनलदर्भकाण्डेक्षुका इति तृणसंज्ञकः ।

मूत्रदोषविकारञ्च रक्तपित्तं तथैव च। अन्त्यः प्रयुक्तः क्षीरेण शीघ्रमेव विनाशयेत् ।। ३६ ।।

The Panca-Trna Group The group consisting of the five medicinal herbs (of the grass species) are known as Kusa, Kasa, Nala, Darbha, Kandeksuka is called the Panca-Trna.

Metrical Texts: Cases of Haemoptysis, renal defects or urinary diseases are found to speedily yield to the curative efficacy of the compound internally administered through the medium of cow’s milk. 36

एषां वातहरावाद्यावन्त्यः पित्तविनाशनः । पञ्चकौ श्लेष्मशमनावितरौ परिकीर्त्तितौ ॥३७॥

Metrical Texts: The first two of the afore said of Pancamulas (viz. the Svalpa and the Brhat Pancamulas) are possessed of the virtue of destroying the deranged Vata, while the one standing in the end of the list (Trna Pancamula) is endowed with the property of killing the deranged Pitta. Those standing third and fourth in order of enumeration (the Valli and Kantaka Pancamulas) subdue the deranged Kapha. 37

समासेन गणा ह्येते प्रोक्तास्तेषान्तु विस्तरम् । चिकित्सितेषु वक्ष्यामि ज्ञात्वा दोषबलाबलम् ।।३८ ।।

The groups of medicinal drugs and roots have thus been briefly described, which will be more elaborately dealt with later on in the chapter on Therapeutics. 38

एभिर्लेपान् कषायांश्च तैलं सपषि पानकान् । प्रविभज्य यथान्यायं कुर्वीत मतिमान् भिषक् ।।३९ ।।

धूमवर्षानिलक्लेदैः सर्वर्त्तुष्वनभिद्रुते । ग्राहयित्वा गृहे न्यस्येद् विधिनौषधसंग्रहम् ॥ ४० ॥

समीक्ष्य दोषभेदांश्च गणान् भिन्नान् प्रयोजयेत् । पृथङ्मिश्रान् समस्तान् वा गणं वा व्यस्तसंहतम् ।।४१ ।।

An intelligent physician should prepare plasters, decoctions, medicated oils, Ghrtas (medicated clarified butter) or potions, according to the exigencies of each individual case. These drugs may be duly culled in all seasons of the year, and should be stored in a room protected from smoke, blasts of cold, wind and rain. The groups enumerated above should be therapeutically used according to the nature of the deranged humours involved in each individual case.


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