BHUTAPRATISEDHA – Treatment of demons – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter 5


अथातो भूतप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound Bhuta pratisedha-treatment of persons ‘seized’ by the demons; thus said atreya and other great sages.

भूतं जयेदहिंसेच्छं जपहोमबलिव्रतैः । तपः शीलसमाधानदानज्ञानदयादिभिः

Treatment of demons

Demons/evil spirits which have no desire to cause harm (the person seized by them) should be won over by incantations (of sacred hymns), fire sacrifices, offering oblations, observing vows, penance, good conduct, religious meditation, charity, acquiring spiritual knowledge, compassion etc. 1.

हिङ्गुव्योषालनेपालीलशुनार्कजटाजटा: । अजलोमी सगोलोमी भूतकेशी वचा लता ॥ २ ॥

कुक्कुटी सर्पगन्धाख्या तिलाः काणविकाणिके। वज्रप्रोक्ता वयःस्था च शृङ्गी मोहनवल्लयपि ॥ ३ ॥

स्त्रोतोजाञ्जनरक्षोघ्रं रक्षोघं चान्यदौषधम् । ॥४॥

खराश्वश्वाविदुष्टर्क्षगोधानकुलशल्यकात् द्वीपिमार्जारगोसिंहव्याघ्रसामुद्रसत्त्वतः चर्मपित्तद्विजनखा वर्गेऽस्मिन् साधयेद् घृतम् ॥५॥

तत्पाननस्ययोः । पुराणमथवा तैलं नव अभ्यङ्गे च प्रयोक्तव्यमेषां चूर्णं च धूपने ॥ ६ ॥

एभिश्च गुटिकां युञ्ञ्ज्यादञ्जने सावपीडने । प्रलेपे कल्कमेतेषां क्वाथं च परिषेचने ॥ ७ ॥ ॥७॥

प्रयोगोऽयं ग्रहोन्मादान् सापस्मारान् शमं नयेत् ।

Medicated ghee or oil should be prepared with , ala, nepali, lasuna, root of arka, root of jata, hingu, vyosaajalomi, golomi, bhutakesi, vaca, lata kukkuti, sarpagandha, tila, kana vikanika, vajraprokta, vayastha, srngi, mohanavalli, srotonjana, raksoghna, and other drugs which are dispellers of evil spirits; the skin, bile, teeth and nails / hooves of the donkey, horse, porcupine, camel, bear, iguana, lizard, mungoose, porcupine, leopard, cat, cow, lion, tiger and animals living in ocean; using either old ghee or fresh oil. This should be used for drinking, nasal medication, and massaging the body; the powder of the above drugs etc. should be used for fumigation, their paste used as collyrium and eye paste, their paste for application over the body, their decoction for pouring over the body. This procedure relieves seizures by evil spirits, insanity and epilepsy.

गजाह्वापिप्पलीमूलव्योषामलकसर्षपान् ॥८॥

गोधानकुलमार्जारझषपित्तप्रपेषितान्ना वनाभ्यङ्गसेकेषु विदधीत ग्रहापहान् ॥ ९ ॥

Root of gajapippali; vyosa amalaka and sarsapa macerated with the bile of iguana, mungoose, cat or fish-used as nasal drops, massaging the body and bathing dispels grahas/ cures the seizures. 8b-9.

Siddharthaka ghrita

सिद्धर्थकवचाहिङ्गप्रियरजनीद्वयम् । मञ्जिष्ठा श्वेतकटभी वरा श्वेताऽद्रिकर्णिका ॥ १० ॥

निम्बस्य पत्रं बीजं तु नक्तमालशिरीषयोः । सुराहं त्र्यूषणं सर्पिर्गोमूत्रे तैश्चतुर्गुणे ॥ ११ ॥

सिद्धं सिद्धार्थकं नाम पाने नस्ये च योजितम् । ग्रहान् सर्वान्निहन्त्याशु विशेषादासुरान् ग्रहान् ॥ १२ ॥

कृत्यालक्ष्मीविषोन्मादज्वरापस्मारपाप्म च।

Medicated ghee should be prepared with the (decoction of) siddharthaka, vaca, hingu, priyangu, the two rajani, nanjistha, svetakatabhi, vara, sveta adrikarnika, leaves and seeds of nimba, naktamala and sirisa, surahva and tryusana; ghee and four parts of cow’s urine. This recipe knows as Siddharthaka ghrta used for drinking and nasal medication dispels all the evil spirits especially all the asura grahas quickly, wards off the effects of witchcraft and sorcery,cures poisons, insanity, epilepsy and diseases caused by sin. 10-13a.

एभिरेवौषधैर्बस्तवारिणा कल्पितोऽगदः ॥ १३ ॥

पाननस्याञ्जनालेपस्नानोद्धर्षणयोजितः गुणैः पूर्ववदुद्दिष्टो राजद्वारे च सिद्धिकृत् ॥ १४ ॥ ।

Medicinal recipe prepared with the above drugs and goat’s urine and used and for drinking nasal drops, eye salve, topical application bath and massaging-is similar in properties with that described earlier ( sidharthaka ghrta ) and bestows the effect even at the gate of the palace. 13b-14.

सिद्धार्थकव्योषवचाश्वगन्धानिशाद्वयं हिङ्गुपलाण्डुकन्दः।

बीजं करञ्जात्, कुसुमं शिरीषात् फलं च वल्कं च कपित्थवृक्षात् ॥ १५ ॥

समाणिमन्थं सनतं सकुष्ठं स्योनाकमूलं किणिही सिता च ।

बस्तस्य मूत्रेण सभावितं तत् पित्तेन गव्येन् गुडान् विदध्यात् ॥ १६ ॥

दुष्टव्रणोन्मादतमोनिशान्धानुद्वन्धकान् वारिनिमग्नदेहान् । दर्पितसर्पदष्टांस्ते साधयन्त्यञ्जननस्यलेपैः ॥ १७ ॥ दिग्धाहतान्

Siddharthaka, vyosa, vaca, asvagandha, the two nisa, hingu, palandukanda, seeds of karanja, flowers of sirisa, furit and bark of kapittha tree, manimantha, nata, kustha, root of syonaka, kinihi and sita ( sugar) all these are macerated with goat’s urine and cow’s bile and rolled into pills. Used as eye salve, nasal medicaton and application on the body, it cures foul ulcers, epilepsy, blindness, night blindness, sufferings of persons who are strangulated, drowned in water, burnt by fire and bitten by angry serpent. 15-17.

कार्पासास्थिमयूरपत्रबृहतीनिर्माल्यपिण्डीतकत्वड्मांसीवृषदंशविद् तुषवचाकेशाहिनिर्मोककैः ।

नागेन्द्रद्विजशृङ्गहिङ्गुमरिचैस्ततल्यैः कृतं धूपनं स्कन्दोन्मादपिशाचराक्षससुरावेशज्वरघ्नं परम् ॥ १८ ॥

Fumigation done with the powder of equal quantities off seeds of karpasa, feathers of peacock, brthati nirmalya (sphrkka), pinditakatvak, mamsi, excreta of the cat, paddy husk, vaca, human hairs, snake peel, tooth ( or tusk) of the elephant, cow’s horn, hingu and marica is best to cur the seizures of skannda, pisaca, raksasa, sura (deva) grahas, epilepsy and fever. 18.

Bhutaravahvaya ghrita



दधितगरमधूकसारप्रियाह्वाविषाख्याविषातार्क्ष्यशैलैः सचव्यामयैः

कल्कितैर्घृतमनवमशेषमूत्रांशसिद्धं मतं भूतरावाह्वयं पानतस्तद् ग्रहघ्नं परम् ॥ १९ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction and paste of trikatuka, dala ( tamala), kumkuma, granthika (pippalimula), ksara (yavaksara), simhi, nisa, daru, the two siddhartha, (black and white varieties), ambu, sakrahva, sita (candana) sasuna, phalatraya, usira, tikta, vaca, tuttha, yasti, bala, lohita (manjistha), ela, sila (manasila); padmaka, dadhitagara, madhukasara, priyahva, visakhya, visa, tarksyasaila, cavya and amaya, along with old ghee and cow’s urineknown as Bhutaravahvaya ghrta; consumed (daily) is best to detrory grahas (evil spirits, i.e. cure the diseases caused by evil spirit. 19.

Mahabhutarava ghrita


मराङ्कोल्लकोशातकीशिग्रुनिम्बाम्बुदेन्द्राह्वयैः गदशुकतरुपुष्पबीजोग्रयष्ट्यद्रिकर्णीनिकुम्भाग्निबिल्वैः समैः कल्कितैर्मूतत्रवर्गेण सिद्धं घृतं

विधिविनिहितमाशु सर्वे: क्रमैर्योजितं हन्ति

सर्वग्रहोन्मादकुष्ठज्वरांस्तन्महाभूतरावं स्मृतम् ॥ २० ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with (the decoction and paste of ) nata, madhuka, karanja; laksa, patoli, samanga, vaca, patali, hingu, siddhartha, simhi, the two nisa, lata, rohini, badara, katu phalatrika, kandadaru, krimijit, ajagandha, amarahva, ankolla, kosataki, sigru, nimba, ambuda, inndrahvaya, gada, flowers and seeds of sukataru, ugra, yasti, adrikarni, nikumbha, agni, and bilva-all equal in quantity made into paste (and also decoction) mixed with the group of urine (of cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, elephant, horse, camel and donkey). This ghee known as Mahabhutarava used in all modes use, following proper procedure cures seizures by evil spirits, insanity, leprosy and fever. 20. Homa-bali etc.

ग्रहा गृह्णन्ति ये येषु तेषां तेषु विशेषतः । दिनेषु बलिहोमादीन् प्रयुञ्जीत चिकित्सकः ॥ २१ ॥

स्नानवस्त्रवसामांसमद्यक्षीरगुडादि च। रोचते यद्यदा येभ्यस्तत्तेषामाहरेत्तदा ॥ २२ ॥

रत्नानि गन्धमाल्यानि बीजानि मधुसर्पिषी । भक्ष्याश्च सर्वे सर्वेषां सामान्यो विधिरित्ययम् ॥ २३ ॥

The physician should perform fire sacrifices and offer oblations on specific days on which the specific evil spirits seize the patient. Bath, clothes, fat, meat, wine, milk, jaggery etc. whichever is desired by the patient should be given on those days (of seizures). Offering of precious gems, purfumes, garlands, seeds (grains) honey, ghee, eatables etc. These are the common/general procedure of teatment.

सुरर्षिगुरुवृद्धेभ्यः सिद्धेभ्यश्च सुरालये । दिश्युत्तरस्यां तत्रापि देवायोपहरेद्वलिम् ॥ २४ ॥

पश्चिमायां यथाकालं दैत्यभूताय चत्वरे । गन्धर्वाय गवां मार्गे सवस्त्राभरणं बलिम् ॥ २५ ॥

पितृनागग्रहे नद्यां नागेभ्यः पूर्वदक्षिणे । यक्षाय यक्षायतने सरितोर्वा समागमे ॥ २६ ॥

चतुष्पथे राक्षसाय भीमेषु गहनेषु च । रक्षसां दक्षिणस्यां तु पूर्वस्यां ब्रह्मरक्षसाम् ॥ २७ ॥

शून्यालये पिशाचाय पश्चिमां दिशमास्थिते । शुचिशुक्लानि माल्यानि गन्धाः क्षैरेयमोदनम् ॥ २८ ॥

दधि छत्रं च धवलं देवानां बलिरिष्यते ।

Oblations should be offered to sura, rsi, guru, vrddha and siddha graha ( evil spirits) at the temples (place of worship) especially in the northern quarters for the deva graha; in the western quarters and at the meeting place of four roads for the daitya graha; at the path of the cattle for the gandharva, along with new cloth and ornaments; for pitr and naga graha in the river, in the south-east for naga; for the yaksa either at the dwelling of the yaksa or the meeting of the rivers; for the raksasa at the meeting place of the rivers, four roads or at dangerous and secret places; at the eastern quarters for brahma raksasa, for pisaca graha at the haunted house and in the western quarter.

Clean white cloth and garlands, scents, milk pudding, boiled rice (mixed with milk ), curds, white umbrella, are the offerings, given to the deva graha. 24-29a.

हिङ्गुसर्षपषड्ग्रन्थाव्योषैरर्धपलोन्मितः चतुगुर्णे गवां मूत्रे घृतप्रस्थं विपाचयेत् |

तत्पाननावनाभ्यङ्गैर्देवग्रहविमोक्षणम् नस्याञ्जनं वचाहिङ्गुलशुनं बस्तवारिणा । ॥३०॥

Medicated ghee should be prepared with hingu, sarsapa, sadgrantha and vyosa-each half pala, one prastha of ghee and four times of cow’s urine; by its use for drinking, nasal drops and massaging on the body, it wards off deva graha; vaca, hingu, marica, macerated with goat’s urine should also be used as nasal drops and collurium. 29b-31a.

दैत्ये बलिर्बहुफल: सोशीरकमलोत्पलः ॥ ३१ ॥

नागानां सुमनोलाजगुडापूपगुडौदनैः । ॥३२॥

परमान्नमधुक्षीरकृष्णमृन्नागकेसरैः वचापद्मपुरोशीररक्तोत्पलदलैर्बलिः

श्वेतपत्रं च रोध्रं च तगरं नागसर्षपाः ॥ ३३ ॥

शीतेन वारिणा पिष्टं नावनाञ्जनयोर्हितम् ।

Oblations (offerings ) to daitya graha are-different kinds of fruits along with usira, kamala and utpala. For the naga graha, oblations are—sumana, laja, cake made from jaggery, boiled rice mixed with jaggery, paramanna. (payasa) (sweet pudding made from milk and jaggery), honey. milk, black mud, nagakesara, vaca, padma, pura, usira, and raktotpala dala; svetapatra, rodhra, tagara, and naga sarsapa macerated with cold water used as nasal drops and eyesalve is beneficial.

यक्षाणां क्षीरदध्याज्यमिश्रकौदनगुग्गुलु ॥ ३४ ॥

देवदारूत्पलं पद्ममुशीरं वस्त्रकाञ्चनम् । हिरण्यं च बलिर्योज्यो मूत्राज्यक्षीरमेकतः ॥ ३५ ॥

सिद्धं समोन्मितं पाननावनाभ्यञ्जने हितम् । हरितकी हरिद्रे द्वे लशुनो मरिचं वचा ॥ ३६ ॥

निम्बपत्रं च बस्ताम्बुकल्कितं नावनाञ्जनम् ।

For the yaksa graha, boiled rice mixed with milk, curds, and ghee, guggulu, devadaru, utpala, padma, usira, new cloth, money and gold should be offered as oblations; equal quantities of cow’s urine, ghee and milk mixed togather used for drinking, nasal drops, and collyrium; so also, haritaki, the two haridra, lasuna, marica, vaca, and leaves of nimba made as a paste with goat’s urine used as nasal drops and eyesalve. 34b-37a.

ब्रह्मरक्षोबलिः सिद्धं यवानां पूर्णमाढकम् ॥ ३७॥

तोयस्य कुम्भः पललं छत्रं वस्त्रं विलेपनम् । गायत्रीविंशतिपलक्वाथेऽर्धपलिकैः पचेत् ॥ ३८ ॥

त्र्यूषणत्रिफलाहिङ्गुषड्ग्रन्थामिशिसर्षपैः सनिम्बपत्रलशुनैः कुडवान् सप्त सर्पिषः ॥ ३९ ॥ गोमूत्रे त्रिगुणेपाननस्याभ्यङ्गेषु तद्धितम् ।

For the brahma raksasa, the oblations are-pot filled with boiled yava, pot filled with water, meat, unbrella, new cloth and unguents.

In the decoction of twenty pala of gayatri, half pala each of tryusana, triphala, hingu, sadgrantha, misi, sarsapa, leaves of nimba, and lasuna, seven kudava of ghee, three times that quantity of cow’s urine are added and medicated ghee prepared. It is beneficial when used for dirnking, nasal drops and massaging the body. 37-40a.

रक्षसां पललं शुक्लं कुसुमं मिश्रिकौदनम् ॥ ४० ॥

बलि: पक्काममांसानि निष्पावा रुधिरोक्षिताः ।

नक्तमालशिरीषत्वड्यूलपुष्पफलानि तद्वच्च कृष्णपाटल्या बिल्वमूलं कटुत्रिकम् |

हिंग्विन्द्रयवसिद्धार्थलशुनामलकीफलम् च ॥ ४१ ॥ ॥४२॥

नावनाञ्जनयोर्योज्यो बस्तमूत्रयुतोऽगदः । एभिरेव घृतं सिद्धं गवां मूत्रे चतुर्गुणे ॥ ४३ ॥ रोग्रहान् वारयते पानाभ्यञ्जननावनः ।

Oblations to raksasa graha are — meat, white flowers, rice cooked along with meat, cooked and uncooked meat, and nispava, smeared with blood. Antidote recipe (medicine) prepared with naktamala; bark, root, flower and fruits of sirisa and similarly those of krsna patala, roots of bilva, katutrika, siddartha, hingu, indrayava, lasuna, fruits of amalaki, macerated with goat’s urine should be made use of as nasal drops and eyesalve.

Medicated ghee preapared with the same (above mentioned drugs) with four parts of cow’s urine and made use of for drinking, massaging and nasal drops. 40b-44a.

पिशाचानां बलिः सीधुः पिण्याकः पललं दधि ॥ ४४ ॥

मूलकं लवणं सर्पिः सभूतौदनयावकम् । ॥ ४५ ॥

हरिद्राद्वयमञ्जिष्ठामिशिसैन्धवनागरम् हिङ्गुप्रियङ्गुत्रिकटुरसोनत्रिफला पाटलीश्वेतकटभीशिरीषकुसुमैर्घृतम् वचा । ॥ ४६ ॥

गोमूत्रपादिकं सिद्धं पानाभ्यञ्जनयोर्हितम् । बस्ताम्बुपिष्टैस्तैरेव योज्यमञ्जननावनम्॥४७॥

Oblation for pisaca graha are-spiritous liqor from jaggery, oil-cake, meat, curds, raddish, salt, ghee, yava boiled and colourd red. Medicated ghee prepared from the two haridra, manjistha, misi, saindhava, nagara, hingu, priyangu, trikatu, rasona, triphala, vaca, patali, svetakatabhi, and sirisakusuma added with a quater part of cow’s urine should be made use of for drinking, and anointing; paste of the above drugs made with goat’s urine is suitable for use as eyesalve and nasal drops.

देवर्षिपितृगन्धर्वे तीक्ष्णं नस्यादि वर्जयेद् | सर्पिष्यानादि मृद्वस्मिन् भैषज्यमवचारयेत् ॥ ४८ ॥

In the treatment of deva, rsi, pitr, and gandharva graha, strong/powerful nasal drops etc. should be avoided, only mild recipes such as drinking of ghee (medicated) etc. should be administrated. 48.

ऋते पिशाचात्सर्वेषु प्रतिकूलं च नाचरेत् । सवैद्यमातुरं घ्नन्ति क्रुद्धास्ते हि महौजसः ॥ ४९ ॥

ईश्वरं द्वादशभुजं नाथमार्यावलोकितम् । सर्वव्याधिचिकित्सां च जपन् सर्वग्रहान् जयेत् ॥ ५० ॥

तथोन्मादानपस्मारानन्यं वा चित्तविप्लवम् । महाविद्यां च मायूरीं शूचिं तं श्रावयेत्सदा ॥ ५१ ॥

Except for pisaca graha, in all others, nothing unbeneficial (offering, oblations, activities, drugs and therapies) should be done, because they (grahas) being of great valour (power) may get enraged and kill both the patient and the physician.

By worshipping Isvara with twelve shoulder, Natha the lord (of the universe) arya, Avalokita, the treater of (destroyer of ) all diseases, and by doing japa, (chanting of sacred hymns, syllables or letters) all the graha (evil spirits) can be won (dispelled, killed); so also diseases such as insanity, epilepsy, and other disorders of the mind.

The patient who is made clean (both in body and mind) should be made to listen Maha vidya and Mayuri vidya— always. 49-51.

Notes : The terms-Isvara with twelve shoulders, Natha, Aryavalokita are interpreted as referring to Lord Siva by all the ancient comentators while modern Indologists take them as referring to the Buddha and gods of Buddhism. Mahavidya and Mayuri vidya or Maha mayuri vidya belong to Buddhist tantra especially.

भूतेशं पूजयेत् स्थाणुं प्रमथाख्यांश्च तद्गणान् ।

जपन् सिद्धांश्च तन्मन्त्रान् ग्रहान् सर्वानपोहति ॥ ५२ ॥ Sthanu, (Siva) the bhutesa ( lord of creatures) and the pramatha gana should be worshipped; the potent; hymns concerned with them should be chanted; these will dispel/ drive away all the grahas ( evil spirits). 52.

यच्चानन्तरयोः किञ्चिद्वक्ष्यतेऽध्याययोर्हितम् ।

यच्चोक्तमिह तत्सर्वं प्रयुञ्जीत परस्परम् ॥ ५३॥

Even others (medicines, therapies etc.) which are going to be described in the succeeding chapters and those described now here-should be administered combined judiciously. 53.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने भूतप्रतिषेधो नाम पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ॥ ५॥

Thus ends the chapter-Bhuta pratisedh—the fifth in   of Astangahrdaya samhita-composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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