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ashtanga hridayaBASTI KALPA - Enema recipes - Ashtang Hridaya Chapter 4

BASTI KALPA – Enema recipes – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter 4

अथातो बस्तिकल्पं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter Basti kalpa-recipes for enema therapy; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Niruha basti kalpa decoction-enema recipes

Vatahara basti kalpa – recipes to cure diseases of vata origin

बलां गुडूचीं त्रिफलां सरास्त्रां द्विपञ्चमूलं च पलोन्मितानि । अष्टौ फलान्यर्धतुलां च मांसाच्छागात्पचेदप्सु चतुर्थशेषम् ॥ १ ॥

पूतो यवानीफलबिल्वकुष्ठवचाशताह्वाघनपिप्पलीनाम् । कल्कैर्गुडक्षौद्रघृतैः सतैलैर्युक्तः सुखोष्णो लवणान्वितश्च ॥ २ ॥

परं सर्वगदप्रमाथीं स्वस्थे हितो जीवनबृंहणश्च । बस्तिः बस्तौ च यस्मिन् पठितो न कल्कः सर्वत्र दद्यादमुमेव तत्र ॥ ३ ॥

Bala, guduci, triphala, rasna, the two pancamula each one pala, phala (madana phala) eight by count, chaga mamsa (goat’s meat) half tula are boiled in four times their total quantity of water and decoction reduced to one fourth quantity and filtered (through thick cloth). To this are added a paste of yavani, phala (madana), bilva, kustha, vaca, satahva, ghana and pippali, guda (treacle), ksaudra (honey), ghrta (ghee), taila (oil) and lavana (salt); this is well churned with a churner to form a thick liquid of such a consistence that can pass through the nozzle attached to the enema bag. Administered comfortably warm, this enema cures all the diseases, beneficial to the healthy and is restorative and nourishing.

In such of the recipes (of decoction enema ) where ( drugs for) kalka (paste) are not mentioned, the drugs enumerated above may be made use of everywhere. 1-3.

द्विपञ्चमूलस्य रसोऽम्लयुक्तः सच्छागमांसस्य सपूर्वपेष्यः | त्रिस्नेहयुक्तः प्रवरो निरूहः सर्वानिलव्याधिहरः प्रदिष्टः ॥ ४ ॥

Decoction of the two pancamula, mixed with sours (sour liquids) such as fermented gruel (etc.) juice of chaga mamsa (goat’s meat) and paste of drugs mentioned earlier, added with the three fats (oil, ghee and muscle fat ) forms a decoction enema best for curing all diseases produced by anila (vata). 4.

बलापटोलीलघुपञ्चमूलत्रायन्तिकैरण्डयवात्सुसिद्धात् ।

प्रस्थो रसाच्छागरसार्धयुक्तः साध्यः पुनः प्रस्थसमः स यावत् ॥ ५ ॥

प्रियङ्गुकृष्णाघनकल्कयुक्तः सतैलसर्पिर्मधुसैन्धवश्च । स्याद्दीपनो मांसबलप्रदश्च चक्षुर्बलं चोपदधाति सद्यः ॥ ६ ॥

One prastha of the decoction of bala, patola, laghu pancamula, trayantika, eranda and yava, mixed with halfprastha of juice of goat’s flesh are boiled together and reduced to one prastha in quantity; to this are added a paste of priyangu, krsna and ghana, oil, ghee, honey and saindhava and administered an enema. It kindles digestion, gives strength to the muscles and bestows strength to the eyes (vision) immediately. 5-6.

एरण्डमूलात्त्रिपलं पलाशात्तथा पलांशं लघुपञ्चमूलम् ।

रास्त्राबलाछिन्नरुहाश्वगन्धापुनर्नवारग्वधदेवदारु ॥७॥ ॥८॥

फलानि चाष्टौ सलिलाढकाभ्यां विपाचयेदष्टमशेषितेऽस्मिन् ।

वचाशताह्वाहपुषाप्रियङ्गुयष्टीकणावत्सकबीजमुस्तम् दद्यात्सुपिष्टं सहतार्थ्यशैलमक्षप्रमाणं लवणांशयुक्तम् ।

समाक्षिकस्तैलयुतः समूत्रो बस्तिर्जयेल्लेखनदीपनोऽसौ ॥ ९ ॥ जङ्घोरुपादत्रिकपृष्ठकोष्ठहृद्गुह्यशूलं गुरुतां विबन्धम् ।

गुल्माश्मवर्ध्मग्रहणीगुदोत्थांस्तास्तांश्च रोगान् कफवातजातान्॥ १० ॥

Three pala of roots of eranda, the same quantity of roots of palasa, one pala each of laghu pancamula, rasna, bala, chinnaruha, asvagandha, punarnava, aragvadha and devadaru; phala (madana) eight (by count) are all boiled in two adhaka of water and decoction reduced to one-eight

quantity to it are added a paste of one aksa each of vaca, satahva, hapusa, priyangu, yasthi, kana, vatsaka bija, musta and tarksyasaila, one aksa each of lavana ( saindhava), honey, oil and cow’s urine and administered as an enema. This is scarificient, kindles digestive activity and cures the pain and heavyness of the calves, thighs, feet upper back, alimentary tract, heart and the genitals, constipation, abdominal tumour, urinary stones, enlargement of the scrotum, duodenal diseases, haemorrhoids and other diseases born from kapha-vata (increased together). 9-10.

Pittahara basti kalpa – recipes for diseases of pitta origin

यष्ट्याह्वरोध्राभयचन्दनैश्च शृतं पयोऽयं कमलोत्पलैश्च ।

सशर्कराक्षौद्रघृतं सुशीतं पित्तामयान् हन्ति सजीवनीयम् ॥ ११ ॥

Milk boiled with yastyahva, rodhra, abhaya, candana, kamala and utpala, added with sugar, honey and ghee and administered cold is best to cure diseases of pitta origin and is restorative. 11.

। ॥१४॥ रास्त्रां वृषं लोहितिकामनन्तां बलां कनीयस्तृणपञ्चमूल्यौ ।

गोपाङ्गनाचन्दनपद्मकर्द्धियष्ट्याहरोध्राणि पलार्धकानि ॥ १२ ॥

निःक्काथ्य तोयेन रसेन तेन श्रुतं पयोऽर्धाढकमम्बुहीनम् ।

जीवन्तिमेदर्द्धिवरीविदारीवीराद्विकाकोलिकसेरुकाभिः ॥१३॥

सितोपलाजीवकपद्मरेणुप्रपौण्डरीकोत्पलपुण्डरीकैः ध्रात्मगुप्तामधुयष्टिकाभिर्नागाह्वमुञ्जातकचन्दनैश्च

पिष्टैर्घृतक्षौद्रयुतैर्निरूहं ससैन्धवं शीतलमेव दद्यात् । प्रत्यागते धन्वरसेन शालीन् क्षीरेण वाऽद्यात्परिषिक्तगात्रः ॥ १५ ॥

दाहातिसारप्रदरास्त्रपित्तहृत्पाण्डुरोगान् विषमज्वरं च। सगुल्ममूत्रग्रहकामलादीन् सर्वामयान् पित्तकृतान्निहन्ति ॥ १६ ॥

Decoction is prepared with half-pala each of rasna, vrsa, lohitaka, ananta, bala, drugs of kaniya ( hrasva ), pancamula and trna pancamula, gopangana cafndana, padmaka, rddhi, yastyahva and rodhra; it is then added with half-adhaka of cow’s milk and boiled till it becomes devoid of the decoction (only milk remains); next, a paste of jivanti, the two meda, vari, vidari, vira, the two kakoli, kaseruka, sitopala, jivaka, Padmarenu, prapaundarika, utpala, pundarika, rodhra, atmagupta madhuyasti nagahva munjataka and carndana, ghrta (ghee), ksaudra (honey) and saindhava, it is administered only in cold state as an enema, if it comes out in cold state as an enema, if it comes out quickly, the patient is made to eat sali (rice) along with juice of meat of animals of desert like regions or with milk, after taking a bath. This cures burning sensation, diarrhoea, anaemia, irregular fevers, abdominal tumour, obstruction of the urine, jaundice and all other diseases produced by pitta. 12-16.

Kaphahara basti kalpa – recipes for diseases of kapha origin


पक्त्वा कुलत्थान् बृहतीं च तोये रसस्य तस्य प्रसृता दश स्युः ॥ १७ ॥

तान् सर्षपैलामदनैः सकुष्ठैरक्षप्रमाणैः प्रसृतैश्च युक्तान् । क्षौद्रस्य तैलस्य फलाह्वयस्य क्षारस्य तैलस्य च सार्षपस्य ॥ १८ ॥

दद्यान्निरूहं कफरोगिताय मन्दाग्नये चाशनविद्विषे च ।

Kosataki, aravgadha, devadaru, murva, svadamstra kutaja, arka and patha, kulattha and brhati are boiled in water and ten prasruta of decoction prepared. To this are added the paste of sarsapa, ela, madana and kustha each one aksa one prasrita each of honey, oil, phala ( madana) ksara (yavaksara) and sarsapa (mustard oil) and administered as a decoction enema, to patient of disease of kapha origin, he who has poor digestion and who has hatredness to food.

Mrudu basti kalpa – recipes of mild potency

वक्ष्ये मृदून् स्नेहकृतो निरूहान् सुखोचितानां प्रसृतैः पृथक् तु ॥ १९ ॥

अथेमान् सुकुमाराणां निरूहान् स्नेहनान् मृदून् । कर्मणा विप्लुतानां च वक्ष्यामि प्रसृतैः पृथक् ॥ २० ॥

क्षीराद् द्वौ प्रसृतौ कार्यों मधुतैलघृतात्त्रयः । खजेन मथितो बस्तिर्वातघ्नो बलवर्णकृत् ॥ २१ ॥

एकैक: प्रसृतस्तैलप्रसन्नाक्षौद्रसर्पिषाम् । बिल्वादिमूलक्वाथाद्वौ कौलत्थाद्वौ स वातजित् ॥ २२ ॥

पटोलनिम्बभूतीकरास्त्रासप्तच्छदाम्भसः प्रसृतः पृथगाज्याच्च बस्तिः सर्षपकल्कवान् ॥ २३ ॥

पञ्चतिक्तोऽभिष्यन्दकृमिकुष्ठप्रमेहहा स ।

चत्वारस्तैलगोमूत्रदधिमण्डाम्लकाञ्जिकात् सर्षपैः पयस्येक्षुस्थिरारास्नाविदारीक्षौद्रसर्पिषाम्

एकैकः प्रसृतो बस्तिः कृष्णाकल्को वृषत्वकृत् । प्रसृता: पिष्टैर्विट्सङ्गानाहभेदनः । ।। २५ ।।

I will now describe recipes of decoction enema which are mild, mixed with fats, for the use of persons of tender constitution and of one prasrta in quantity.

The following decociton-enema recipes which are mild, mixed with fats, useful for persons of tender constitution and those who are unable to undergo the full course of purificatory therapies, each of one prasrta, in quantity.

1. two prasrta of milk, three prasrta of honey, oil and ghee mixed together and churned with a churner and administered as an enema, mitigates vata and bestows strength and colour to the body.

2. one prasrta each of taila (oil) prasanna (scum of beer), ksaudra (honey) and sarpis (ghee) mixed with two prasrta of decociton of bilvadi pancamula and two prasrta of decoction of kulattha. This enema mitigates vata.

3. one prasrta of decoction of patola, nimba, bhutika, rasna and saptacchada, mixed with one prasrta of ajya (ghee) and paste of sarsapa, this enema known as Pancatikta basti cures abhisyanda (conjunctivities) worms, leprosy and diabetes.

4. four prasrta of taila (oil), gomutra (cow’s urine), dadhi (manda) water of curd and amla kanjika (soured gruel) (each one prastha) added with the paste of sarsapa, relieves obstruction of faeces and flatulence.

5. one prasrta each of payasya, iksu, sthira, rasna, vidari, ksaudra (honey) and sarpis (ghee) added with the paste of krsna and used as an enema produces virilification (increases sexual vigour). 19b-26a.

Siddha basti kalpa – recipes of proven value

सिद्धबस्तीनतो वक्ष्ये सर्वदा यान् प्रयोजयेत् ॥ २६ ॥ निर्व्यापदो बहुफलान् बलपुष्टिकरान् सुखान् ।

Now, I am going to describe Siddha basti-enema of proven value, which can be administered at all times, harmless, of great benefit, bestowing strength and nourishment and easy. 26b-27a.

Madhutailika basti

मधुतैले समे कर्षः सैन्धवाद्विपिचुर्मिसिः ॥ २७ ॥

एरण्डमूलक्काथेन निरूहो माधुतैलिकः । रसायनं प्रमेहार्श: कृमिगुल्मान्त्रवृद्धिनुत् ॥ २८ ॥

सयष्टिमधुकश्चैष चक्षुष्यो रक्तपित्तजित् ।

1. equal quantities of madhu ( honey) and taila (sesame oil) one karsa of saindhava, two picu of misi mixed with the decoction of roots of eranda and administered as enema, known as Madhutailaka basti is a rejuvinator and cures diabetes, haemorrhoids, worms, abdominal tumour and antravrddhi (scrotal hernia). Mixed with the decoction of yasthi madhuka this recipe is good for the eyes (vision) and cures the bleeding diseases. 27b-29a.

Yapana basti

यापनो घनकल्केन मधुतैलरसाज्यवान् ॥ २९ ॥ पायुजानूरुवृषणबस्तिमेहनशूलजित्

Yapana basti prepared with the paste of ghana, madhu (honey), taila (sesame oil), rasa (juice of meat) and ajya ( ghee). It cures the pain of the rectum, knee, thighs, testes, urinary bladder, and urethra. 29b-30a.

प्रसृतांशैर्घृतक्षौद्रवसातैलैः प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ ३० ॥ यापनं सैन्धवार्धाक्षहपुषार्धपलान्वितम् ।

Yapana basti prepared with the one prastha each of ghrta (ghee), ksaudra (honey ), vasa (muscle fat) taila (sesame oil) half-aksa of saindhava and half-pala of haupusa (is beneficial). 30b-31a.

Yuktaratha basti

एरण्डमूलनिःक्वाथो मधुतैलं ससैन्धवम् ॥ ३१ ॥ एष युक्तरथो बस्तिः सवचापिप्पलीफलः ।

Decoction of roots of eranda, added with madhu (hoeny), taila ( sesame oil) saindhava and paste of vaca, pippali, and phala (madana) made into a enema recipe is known as Yuktaratha basti. 31b-32a.

स क्वाथो मधुषड्ग्रन्थाशताह्वाहिङ्गसैन्धवम् ॥ ३२ ॥ सुरदारु च रास्त्रा च बस्तिर्दोषहरः शिवः ।

The same decoction (of roots of eranda) along with madhu (honey ) sadgrantha, satahva, hingu, saindhava, suradaru and rasna and used as enema mitigates the dosas and confers good. 32b-33a.

Siddha basti

पञ्चमूलस्य निःक्वाथस्तैलं मागधिका मधु ॥ ३३ ॥ ससैन्धवः समधुकः सिद्धबस्तिरिति स्मृतः ।

Decoction of pancamula, taila, ( oil of sesame), magadhika, madhu, saindhava and madhuka is known as Siddhabasti. 33b-34a.

द्विपञ्चमूलत्रिफलाफलबिल्वानि पाचयेत् ॥ ३४ ॥

गोमूत्रे, तेन पिष्टैश्च पाठावत्सकतोयदैः । सफलैः क्षौद्रतैलाभ्यां क्षारेण लवणेन च ॥ ३५ ॥

युक्तो बस्तिः कफव्याधिपाण्डुरोगविषूचिषु । शुक्रानिलविबन्धेषु बस्त्याटोपे च पूजितः ॥ ३६॥

Drugs of the two pancamula, triphala, phala, (madana) and bilva are boiled in cow’s urine, the paste of patha, vatsaka, toyada and phala ( madana), ksaudra (honey), taila (oil sesame) ksara, and lavana are all added and liquid prepared. Administered as enema it is highly beneficial in diseases of kapha origin, anaemia, visuci, (severe kind of indigestion with simultaneous vomiting and purgations) obstruction to semen and flatus, constipation and noise in the urinary bladder. 34b-36.

॥ ३७॥ मुस्तापाठामृतैरण्डबलारास्नापुनर्नवाः मञ्जिष्ठारग्वधोशीरत्रायमाणाक्षरोहिणीः कनीयः पञ्चमूलं च पालिकं, मदनाष्टकम् ।

जलाढके पचेतच्च पादशेषं परिस्त्रुतम् ॥ ३८ ॥ क्षीरद्विप्रस्थसंयुक्तं क्षीरशेषं पुनः पचेत् । सपादजाङ्गलरस: ससर्पिर्मधुसैन्धवः ॥ ३९ ॥

पिष्टैर्यष्टिमिसिश्यामाकलिङ्गकरसाञ्जनैः बस्तिः सुखोष्णे मांसाग्निबलशुक्रविवर्द्धनः ॥ ४० ॥

वातासृड्मोहमेहार्शोगुल्मविण्मूत्रसङ्ग्रहान् विषमज्वरवीसर्पवर्माध्मानप्रवाहिकाः । ॥ ४१॥

वड्ङ्क्षणोरुकटीकुक्षिमन्याश्रोत्रशिरोरुजः हन्यादसृग्दरोन्मादशोफकासाश्मकुण्डलान् चक्षुष्यः पुत्रदो राजा यापनानां रसायनम् । – ॥ ४२ ॥

One pala each of musta, patha, amrta, eranda, bala, rasna, punarnava, manjistha, aragvadha, usira, trayamana, aksa, rohini, and drugs of kaniya (hrasva) pancamula and madana eight by number are all cooked in an adhaka of water, decoction reduced to one-fourth and filtered; two prastha of milk and one fourth (the quantity of the decoction) and juice of meat of animals of arid regions are added and boiled again till only the milk remains; sarpi ( ghee ) , madhu (honey) and saindhava and the paste of yasti, misi, syama kalingaka and rasanjana are added and enema liquid prepared. Administered comfortably warm, this enema increases the growth of muscles, digestive fire, strength and semen, cures disorders of vata, asra (blood), delusion, diabetes, haemorrhoids, abdominal tumour, accumulation of faeces and urine, irregular fevers, visarpa ( herpes), scrotal enlargement, distention of the abdomen, dysentery, pain in the groin, thigh, waist, abdomen, nape of the neck, ears, and head, cures menorrhagia, insanity, swelling ( dropsy), cough, urinary calculii, kundalaka (pain in the urinary bladder); it is good for the eyes (vision), bestows children, king among yapana kind of enema and a rejuvinator. 37-43a.

मृगाणां लघुवद्रा ( ड्रा) णां दशमूलस्य चाम्भसा ॥ ४३ ॥

हपुषामिसिगाङ्गेयीकल्कैर्वातहरः निरूहोऽत्यर्थवृष्यश्च परम्। महास्नेहसमन्वितः ॥ ४४ ॥

Meat of animals of small size (rabbit, deer etc.) and big size (boar, buffalo etc.) boiled in the decoction of dasamula (then filtered) and added with the paste of hapusa, misi, and gangeyi and administered as enema is best to mitigate vata; the same decoction boiled with the mahasneha (four fats ghee, oil, fat and marrow) is a highly valuable aphrodisiac.

मयूरं पक्षपित्तान्त्रपादवितुण्डवर्जितम् । लघुना पञ्चमूलेन पालिकेन समन्वितम् ॥ ४५ ॥

पक्त्वा क्षीरजले क्षीरशेषं सघृतमाक्षिकम् । तद्विदारीकणायष्टिशताह्वाफलकल्कवत् ॥ ४६ ॥

बस्तिरीषत्पटुयुतः परमं बलशुक्रकृत् ।

Peacock devoid of its feathers, bile, intestines, legs, excreta and beak (only the flesh of a peacock killed just then) along with one pala each of drugs of laghu pancamula is boiled in water, mixed with equal quantity of milk and reduced till only milk remains. It is then (filtered and) mixed with ghee, honey and the paste of vidari, kana, yasti, satahva and phala (madana ) and little quantity of salt. Used as enema it especially produces strength and semen. 45-47a.

कल्पनेयं पृथक् कार्या तित्तिरिप्रभृतिष्वपि ॥४७॥

विष्किरेषु समस्तेषु प्रतुदप्रसहेषु च। जलचारिषु तद्वच्च मत्स्येषु क्षीरवर्जिता ॥ ४८ ॥

Recipes can be prepared in the same way seperately, with meat of tittiri bird etc, belonging to the groups of viskira, pratuda and prasaha similarly with jalacara groups (vide chapter 6 of sutrasthana), avoiding adding of milk in case of fishes. 47b-48.

गोधानकुलमार्जारशल्यकोन्दुरजं पलम् । पृथक् दशपलं क्षीरे पञ्चमूलं च साधयेत् ।। ४९ ।।

फलवैदेहीकल्कद्विलवणान्वितम् । ससितातैलमध्वाज्यो बस्तिर्योज्यो रसायनम् ॥ ५० ॥

तत्पयः व्यायाममथितोरस्कक्षीणेन्द्रियबलौजसाम् ।

विबद्धशुक्र विण्मूत्रखुडवातविकारिणाम् गजवाजिरथक्षोभभग्रजर्जरितात्मनाम् । ॥५१॥

कुरुते पुनर्नवत्वं वाजीकरणमुत्तमम् ॥ ५२ ॥

Ten pala each of the flesh of godha (iguana lizard), nakula (mungoose), marjara (cat), salyaka (porcupine) and unduru (mouse), along with drugs of pancamula are boiled in milk and then (filtered) added with the paste of phala, vaidehi and the two lavana ( salts ) , sita ( sugar ) , taila (oil of sesame) madhu (honey) and ajya (ghee) and administered as an enema. It is a rejuvinator for those who are debilitated by physical exercise, injury to the chest (lungs), weak sense organs, poor strength and loss of ojas; it relieves the obstruction of the semen, faeces, and urine; cures khuda ( gout) and other diseases of vata origin; it makes the persons new, who are greatly debilitated by riding on elephants, horses or chariot, who are fractured and greatly wounded; and it is best aphrodisiac. 49-52.

सिद्धेन पयसा भोज्यमात्मगुप्तोच्चटेक्षुरैः ।

After taking enema prepared with atmagupta, uccata (gunja) and iksura, the peson should take food along with milk. 53a.

Anuvasana Basti

( sneha ) basti Kalpa-recipes of retention enema (oil-enema ) –

स्नेहांश्चायन्त्रणान् सिद्धान् सिद्धद्रव्यैः प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ ५३ ॥ दोषाघ्नाः सपरीहारा वक्ष्यन्ते स्नेहबस्तयः ।

Sneha basti kalpa-recipes of fat-enema retention enema should be prepared with harmless drugs, of proven efficacy. Sneha basti (oil-enema) which mitigate the dosas and which are harmless will be described now. 53b-54a.

Vatahara basti Kalpa – recipes to cure diseases of vata

दशमूलं बलां रास्त्रामश्वगन्धां पुनर्नवाम् ॥ ५४॥

गुडूच्यैरण्डभूतीकभार्गीवृषकरोहिषम् ।

शतावरीं सहचरं काकनासां पलांशकम् ॥ ५५ ॥

यवमाषातसीकोलकुलत्थान् प्रसृतोन्मितान् । वहे विपाच्य तोयस्य द्रोणशेषेण तेन च ॥५६॥

पचेत्तैलाढकं पेष्यैर्जीवनीयैः पलोन्मितैः । अनुवासनमित्येतत्सर्ववातविकारनुत् ॥ ५७॥

One pala each of dasamula, bala, rasna, asvagandha, punarnava, guduci, eranda, bhutika, bharngi, vrsaka, rohisa, satavari, sahacara, and kakanasa; one prasrta each of yava, masa, atasi, kola and kulattha-are boiled in one vaha (4 drona) of water and decoction reduced to one drona and filtered; next one adhaka of taila (oil of sesame) and the paste of one pala each of the drugs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana basti ), and medicated oil prepared. This, used for anuvasana basti (retention enema oil-enema) cures all the diseases of vata origin. 54b-57.

आनूपानां वसा तद्वज्जीवनीयोपसाधिता। शताह्वाचिरिबिल्वाम्लैस्तैलं सिद्धं समीरणे ॥ ५८ ॥

सैन्धवेनाग्निवर्णेन तप्तं चानिलजिद् घृतम् ।

Vasa (muscle-fat) of animals of marshy regions processed with drugs of jivaniya gana acts similarly. Medicated oil prepared with satahva, cirabilva and sour liquids mitigate samirana (vata). Ghrta ( ghee) prepared by immersing saindhava, made red hot ( and administered as enema ) vanquishes anila (vata). 58-59a.

Vatapittahara kalpa

जीवन्तीं मदनं मेदां श्रावणी मधुकं बलाम् ॥ ५९ ॥

शताहर्षभकौ कृष्णां काकनासां शतावरीम् । स्वगुप्तां क्षीरकाकोलीं कर्कटाख्यां शठीं वचाम् ॥ ६० ॥

पिष्ट्वा तैलघृतं क्षीरे साधयेत्तच्चतुर्गुणे । बृंहणं वातपित्तघ्नं बलशुक्राग्निवर्धनम् ॥ ६१ ॥

चानुवासनम् । रजःशुक्रामयहरं पुत्रीयं

Jivanti, madana, meda, sravani, madhuka, bala, satahva, rsabhaka, krsna kakanasa, Satavari, svagupta, ksirakakoli, karkatakhya, sathi and vaca-are made into a paste

and added to the mixture of taila (oil of sesame), ghrta ( ghee ) and four parts of ksira ( cow’s milk ) boiled and medicated fat prepared. Used as retention enema, this is stoutening the body, mitigates vata and pitta, increases strength, semen and digestive fire, cures the disorders fo menstruation, semen and bestows male progeny. 59b-62a.

Kaphahara basti Kalpa – recipes to cure diseases of Kapha

सैन्धवं मदनं कुष्ठं शताह्वा निचुलो वचा ॥ ६२ ॥

हीबेरं मधुकं भार्गी देवदारु सकट्फलम् | नागरं पुष्करं मेदा चविका चित्रकः शठी ॥ ६३ ॥

विडङ्गातिविषे श्यामा हरेणुर्नीलिनी स्थिरा | बिल्वाजमोदचपला दन्ती रास्त्रा च तैः समैः ॥ ६४ ॥

साध्यमेरण्डतैलं वा तैलं वा कफरोगनुत् । वर्थ्योदावर्तगुल्मार्श: प्लीहमेहाढ्यमारुतान् ॥ ६५ ॥ आनाहमश्मरीं चाशु हन्यात्तदनुवासनम् ।

Equal quantity of saindhava, madana, kustha, satahva, nicula, vaca, hribera, madhuka, bharngi, devadaru, katphala, nagara, puskara, meda, cavika, sathi, vidanga, ativisa, syama, harenu, nilini, sthira, bilva, ajamoda, capala, danti and rasna (are boiled) in water and decoction prepared) and mixed either with eranda taila or taila and medicated oil prepared. This used as enema cures quickly the diseases of kapha origin, scrotal hernia, udavarta (upward movement of vata), abdominal tumour, haemorrhoids, disease of the spleen, diabetes, gout, flatulence and urinary stone. 62b-66a.

साधितं पञ्चमूलेन तैलं बिल्वादिनाऽथवा ॥ ६६ ॥

कफघ्नं कल्पयेत्तैलं द्रव्यैर्वा कफघातिभिः । फलैरष्टगुणैश्चाम्लैः सिद्धमन्वासनं कफे ॥ ६७ ॥

Medicated oil prepared with drugs of (laghu) pancamula or bilvadi pancamula (and administered as enema), mitigates kapha. Medicated oil prepared with other drugs which mitigate kapha, along with phala (madana) and eight times of sour liquids, this enema is good for mitigating kapha. 66b-67.

मृदुबस्तिजडीभूते तीक्ष्णोऽन्यो बस्तिरिष्यते । तीक्ष्णैर्विकर्षिते स्निग्धो मधुरः शिशिरो मृदुः ॥ ६८ ॥

तीक्ष्णत्वं मूत्रपील्वग्निलवणक्षारसर्षपैः। प्राप्तकालं विधातव्यं क्षीराज्याद्यैस्तु मार्दवम् ॥ ६९ ॥

Enema liquids of mild potency when get stagnated inside the abdomen, another enema of strong potency should be administered. When the interior ( of the rectum and colon) becomes irritated by enema liquids of strong potency, then another enema which is prepared from fats, drugs of sweet taste and cold potency should be administered. Enemas of strong potency made by addition of drugs such as cow’s urine, pilu, agni, lavana, ksara, sarsapa ( etc.) and of mild potency by the addition of milk, ghee, etc., should be 68-69. administered at the appropriate time.

बलकालरोगदोषप्रकृती: प्रविभज्य योजितो बस्तिः । स्वैः स्वैरौषधवर्गे: स्वान् स्वान् रोगान्निवर्तयति ॥ ७० ॥

Enema liquids prepared with the drugs belonging to the drug groups concerned with (mitigating) each dosa respectively and administered as enema after deciding the strength (of the patient ) , the time, the disease, the dosa and the type of constitution (of the patient) bring about the cure of the diseases caused by each of them respectively. 70.

उष्णार्तानां शीताच्छीतार्तानां तथा सुखोष्णांश्च । तद्योग्यौषधयुक्तान् बस्तीन् संतर्क्य युञ्जीत ॥ ७१ ॥

Patients sufferring from heat (increase of body temperature, feeling of burning sensation inside etc.) should be administered cold enema while those suffering from cold (shivering, feeling of cold inside etc.) should be administered comfortably warm enema, prepared with respectively appropriate drugs, selected after careful consideration. 71.

बस्तीन्न बृंहणीयान् दद्यात्व्याधिषु विशोधनीयेषु । मेदस्विनो विशोध्या ये च नराः कुष्ठमेहार्ताः ॥ ७२ ॥

Enema which are brmhaniya (stoutening the body). should not be given in diseases which require purifactory therapies, to persons who are very fatty, who are to undergo purifactory therapies and to those suffering from leprosy and diabetes. 72.

न क्षीणक्षतदुर्बलमूर्च्छितकृशशुष्कशुद्धदेहानाम् दद्याद्विशोधनीयान् दोषनिबद्धायुषो ये च ॥७३॥

Enemas which are visodhaniya (purifactory) should not be given to persons who are wasted (thin), wounded, debilitated, fainted (unconscious ) emaciated and dry ( by loss or depletion of dhatus) and whose life is bound up with dosas (who might die if the dosas are expelled out of the body.).

इति श्री वैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां पञ्चमे

कल्पसिद्धिस्थाने बस्तिकल्पो नाम चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ ४ ॥

Thus ends the chapter-Basti kalpa- the fourth in kalpasiddhisthana of Astangahrdaya samhita-composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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