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ashtanga hridayaBALOPACHARANIYA ADHYAYA - Care of newborn baby - Ashtang Hridaya Chapter –...

BALOPACHARANIYA ADHYAYA – Care of newborn baby – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter – 1

अथातो बालोपचरणीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः । स्माद्दुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः । इति ह

We shall now expound the chapter-Balopacharaniya care of the newborn baby; thus said Atreya and other great sages.


जातमात्रं विशोध्योल्बाबालं सैन्धवसर्पिषा । प्रसूतिक्लेशितं चानु बलातैलेन सेचयेत् ॥ १ ॥

अश्मनोर्वादनं चास्य कर्णमूले समाचरेत् । अथास्य दक्षिणे कर्णे मन्त्रमुच्चारयेदिमम् ॥ २ ॥

अङ्गादङ्गात्सम्भवसि हृदयादभिजायसे । आत्मा वै पुत्रनामासि सञ्जीव शरदां शतम् ॥ ३ ॥

शतायुः शतवर्षोऽसि दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुहि । नक्षत्राणि दिशो रात्रिरहश्च त्वाऽभिरक्षतु ” ॥ ४ ॥

The baby immediately after its birth, should be cleaned/cleared of the ulba (greasy matter on the skin; vernix caseosa) using saindhava and sarpis ( ghee). Next, to relieve the fatigue of birth it should be anointed with Bala taila (vide chapter 2 of Sarirasthana); sound should be made by hitting two stones at the root of its ears; then the following sacred hymn should be chanted into its right ear “You have been born from every organ of the body and the hrdaya (mind) (of the father); You are myself in the form of a son; may you live for a hundred years, may you attain long life, let the stars, the quarters, nights and days protect you”.1-4.

स्वस्थीभूतस्य नाभिं च सूत्रेण चतुरङ्गुलात्। बद्ध्वोर्ध्वं वर्धयित्वा च ग्रीवायामवसञ्जयेत् ॥ ५ ॥

सेचयेत्स्नापयेदनु । सर्वगन्धोदकेन तप्तरजततपनीयनिमज्जनैः । नाभिं च कुष्ठतैलेन क्षीरिवृक्षकषायेण कोष्णेन वा ॥ ६॥

After the child has become comfortable (calm), the umbilical cord should be tied with a thread at the level of four angula (finger’s breadth) above the umbilicus and then cut (with a sharp knife ) ; the thread should fastened to the neck (without causing hurt ). The umbilicus should be anointed with Kustha taila. Next, the child should be given a bath either with the decoction of barks of trees with milky sap or with water boiled with all the fragrant drugs; such bathing water being made warm by immersing heated sheets of silver of gold, (many times into it). 5-7a.

ततो दक्षिणतर्जन्या तालून्नम्यावगुण्ठयेत् ॥ ७ ॥

शिरसि स्नेहपिचुना, प्राश्यं चास्य प्रयोजयेत् । हरेणुमात्रं मेधायुर्बलार्थमभिमन्त्रितम् ॥ ८ ॥

एन्द्रब्राह्मीवचाशङ्खपुष्पीकल्कं घृतं मधु । चामीकरवचाब्राह्मीताप्यपथ्यारजीकृताः ॥९॥

लिह्यान्मधुघृतोपेता हेमधात्रीरजोऽथवा ।

Next, with the index finger of the right hand, the physician should elevate the palate (of the baby) and place a sheet/band of cloth soaked in oil over its head; then the baby should be fed with a prasya (confection) to confer intellegence, long life and good strength in the dose of one harenu in quantity, fortified with sacred hymns.

The confection may be prepared from paste of aindri, brahmi, vaca or sankhapuspi and added with ghee and honey, or with camikara (gold), vaca, brahmi, tapya, and pathya (haritaki) nicely powdered (and mixed with ghee and honey); or the powder of hema ( gold ) and dhatri (amalaki) may be given (with ghee and honey). 7b-10a.

गर्भाम्भः सैन्धववता सर्पिषा वामयेत्ततः ॥ १० ॥ प्राजापत्येन विधिना जातकर्माणि कारयेत् ।

The baby is made to vomit the garbhambhas (uterine fluid/amniotic fluid) by using ghee mixed with saindhava. Then the jatakarma (religious rite concerned with child birth) should be performed by prajapatya method (described in texts of Dharmasatra). 10b-11a.

सिराणां हृदयस्थानां विवृतत्वात् प्रसूतितः ॥ ११ ॥ तृतीयेऽह्नि चतुर्थे वा स्त्रीणां स्तन्यं प्रवर्तते ।

The siras (veins and other channels) located in the heart get dilated after the delivery of the child; so the woman begins to produce breast-milk on the third or fourth day. 11b-12a.

प्रथमे दिवसे तस्मात् त्रिकालं मधुसर्पिषी ॥ १२ ॥ अनन्तामिश्रिते मन्त्रपाविते प्राशयेच्छिशुम् ।

Hence on the first day the baby should be made to lick (the juice of) ananta mixed with honey and ghee, fortified with sacred hymns, all the three time of the day. 12b-13a.

Notes Ananta is a synonym of many drugs such as sariva, svarnaksiri, langali, nila durva, duralabha, yavasaka, vaca, agnimantha and guduci (vaidyaka sabda sindhu ). Arunadatta interprets ‘ananta’ as yavasaka; Indu, in Astanga sangraha takes it to mean durva grass; Dalhana in Susruta samhita in the same context interprets it as suvarna (gold). Durva seems to be very appropriate since its juice is being used as a promoter of breast-milk and also as a substitute for it, traditionally, by elder women and tribal people in India.

द्वितीये लक्ष्मणासिद्धं तृतीये च घृतं, ततः ॥ १३ ॥

प्रानिषिद्धस्तनस्यास्य तत्पाणितलसम्मितम् । स्तन्यानुपानं द्वौ कालौ नवनीतं प्रयोजयेत् ॥ १४ ॥

On the second and third days, the baby should be given ghee prepared with laksmana (at all the three times); after wards, (from the fourth day) the baby which was hither to prevented from sucking the breast, should be made to lick one panitala of navanita (fresh butter) followed by drinking of breast-milk at two times of the day. 13b-14.

मातुरेव पिबेत्स्तन्यं तद्ध्यलं देहवृद्धये । स्तन्यधात्र्याबुभे कार्ये तदसम्पदि वत्सले ॥ १५ ॥

अव्यङ्गे ब्रह्मचारिण्यौ वर्णप्रकृतितः समे । नीरुजे मध्यवयसौ जीवद्वत्से न लोलुपे ॥ १६ ॥ हिताहारविहारेण यत्नादुपचरेच्च ते।

The mother only should feed the baby with her milk; that itself is sufficient for the development of the body (of the child). In the absence of breast milk (of the mother) two dhatri (women who can feed the baby with their breastmilk) who are affectionate, not crippled/deformed, observing celibacy (avoiding sexual intercourse) belonging to the same caste and constitution (as of the mother), free of diseases; of middle age, have living children and not greedy, should be appointed; they adhereing to healthy food and activities, should feed the child with all the care. 15-17a.

शुक्क्रोधलङ्घनायासाः स्तन्यनाशस्य हेतवः ॥ १७ ॥

स्तन्यस्य सोधुवर्ज्यानि मद्यान्यानूपजा रसाः । क्षीरं क्षीरिण्य ओषध्यः शोकादेश्च विपर्ययः ॥ १८ ॥

Grief, anger, fasting and exertion-are the cause for loss of breast-milk; wines other than sidhu ( fermented liquor prepared from sugarcane juice) juice of meat of animals of marshy lands, milk ( of the cow) and plants which have milky sap and qualities opposite of grief etc. in other words, happiness, love, nutrition and rest ) are for the increase of breast-milk). 17b-18.

विरुद्धाहारभुक्तायाः क्षुधिताया विचेतसः । प्रदुष्टधातोर्गर्भिण्याः स्तन्यं रोगकरं शिशोः ॥ १९॥

Breast-milk of those who indulge in incompatable foods, who are hungry (due to either fasting or starvation), unconscious, having vitiation of the tissuses (suffering from diseases) and who are pregnant, produces diseases in children. 19.

स्तन्याभावे पयश्छागं गव्यं वा तद्गुणं पिबेत् ।

ह्रस्वेन पञ्चमूलेन स्थिराभ्यां वा सितायुतम् ॥ २० ॥ In case of absence of breast-milk, the child should drink the milk a goat or cow, possessing similar qualities, boiled with drugs of hrsva pancamula or with the two sthira (Saliparni and prisniparni). 20.

षष्ठीं निशां विशेषेण कृतरक्षाबलिक्रियाः । जागृयुर्बान्धवास्तस्य दधतः परमां मुदम् ॥ २१ ॥

On the sixth night, protective rites and offering of oblation (to protect the child from evil spirits) should be performed especially and the relatives (of the child) should keep awake that night, keeping (the child ) in a pleasant / happy mood. 21.

Sutikotthana and Namakarana

दशमे दिवसे पूर्णे विधिभिः स्वकुलोचितैः । कारयेत्सूतिकोत्थानं नाम बालस्य चार्चितम् ॥ २२ ॥

बिभ्रतोऽङ्गैर्मनोह्वालरोचनागुरुचन्दनम् नक्षत्रदेवतायुक्तं बान्धवं वा समाक्षरम् ॥ २३ ॥ ।

On completion of the tenth day, sutikotthana ceremony should be performed in accordance with the customs of the family; anointing the baby with manohva, ala, rocana, aguru and candana. The baby should be given a name, related to the gods, the stars or of relatives and having even number of letters. 22-23.

ततः प्रकृतिभेदोक्तरूपैरायुःपरीक्षणम् ।

प्रागुदक्शिरसः कुर्यात् बालस्य ज्ञानवान् भिषक् ॥ २४ ॥

Then the wise physician should examine the baby comencing with the head for deciding its life-span based on such features (of long life) described earlier in the prakrti bhediya (chapter 5th of sarirasthana). 24.

Balopachara – care of baby

शुचिधौतोपधानानि निर्बलीनि मृदूनि च। शय्यास्तरणवासांसि रक्षोधूपितानि च ॥ २५ ॥

काको विशस्तः शस्तश्च धूपने त्रिवृतान्वितः ।

The beds, bedsheets, pillows, and coverings of the baby should be made of clean cloth (white cloth), washed well, having no folds (or wrinkles) soft and fumigated with materials (drugs etc. ) which ward off evil spirits. A crow killed (for the purpose) and smeared with trivrt (mixture of any three fats-oil, ghee and muscle fat ) is ideal for fumigation.

जीवत्खङ्गादिशृङ्गोत्थान् सदा बालः शुभान् मणीन् ॥ २६ ॥

धारयेदौषधीः श्रेष्ठा ब्राह्मयैन्द्रीजीवकादिकाः । हस्ताभ्यां ग्रीवया मूर्ध्ना विशेषात्सततं वचाम् ॥ २७ ॥

आयुर्मेधास्मृतिस्वास्थ्यक रक्षोभिरक्षिणीम् ।

The baby should always be adorned with auspicious mani (amulets ) prepared from the horn of khadga ( rhinoceros) and others (animals) which are linving, wear potent herbs such as brahmi, aindri, jivaka etc. on the hands, neck and head, especially vaca should be worn constantly; these bestow long life, intellegence memory and health and protects from the evils. 26b-28a.

Karna vedhana – puncturing the ear-lobe

षट्सप्ताष्टममासेषु नीरुजस्य शुभेऽहनि ॥ २८ ॥

कर्णौ हिमागमे विध्येद्धात्र्यङ्कस्थस्य सान्त्वयन् । प्रान्दक्षिणं कुमारस्य भिषग्वामं तु योषितः ॥ २९ ॥

दक्षिणेन दधत्सूचीं पालिमन्येन पाणिना। मध्यतः कर्णपीठस्य किञ्चिद्रण्डाश्रयं प्रति ॥ ३० ॥

जरायुमात्रप्रच्छन्ने रविरश्म्यवभासिते । निश्चलं धृतस्य विध्येद्दैवकृते छिद्रे सम्यगलक्तकरसाङ्किते ॥ ३१ ॥

सकृदेवर्जु लाघवात् । नोर्ध्वं न पार्श्वतो नाधः शिरास्तत्र हि संश्रिताः ॥ ३२ ॥

कालिकामर्मरीरक्ताः तद्व्यधाद्रागरुग्ज्वराः ।

सशोफदाहसंरम्भमन्यास्तम्भापतानकाः तेषां यथामयं कुर्याद्विभज्याशु चिकित्सितम् ।

स्थाने व्यधान्न रुधिरं न रुग्रागादिसम्भवः ॥ ३४ ॥ ॥३३॥

During the sixth, seventh or eighth month, on an auspicious day, the ears of the healthy baby should be punctured, during winter, keeping the baby in the lap of the dhatri (nursing mother ) and cajoling it. The right ear should be punctured first, if the baby is a male and the left ear if it is female. The physician should hold the needle with his right hand and the earlobe with the other, the site of the puncture should be in the centre of the ear lobe slightly,

towards the ganda (cheeks), it should be smeared with thin layer just like the jarayu (foetal covering) with the juice of laksa (lac) and exposed to the rays of the sun, and on which a lump of solid ghee stays steady, should be marked out; puncturing should be done at (near) the orifice created by god; only once, straight and lightly; neither high up, to the sides nor too low, because siras (veins) called kalika, marmari and rakta are situated there (which are to be avoided) and by cutting them redness, pain, fever associated with mild swelling, burning sensation (of the pinna) rigidity of the neck and apatanaka (tetanus) will be produced; suitable treatment should be done quickly considering the particular disease; puncturing at the correct site does neither lead to bleeding nor appearance of pain, redness etc. 28b-34.

स्नेहाक्तं सूच्यनुस्यूतं सूत्र चानु निधापयेत् । आमतैलेन सिञ्चेच्च बहलां तद्वदारया ॥ ३५ ॥

विध्येत्पालीं हितभुजः सञ्चार्याऽथ स्थवीयसी | वर्तिस्त्र्यहात्ततो रूढं वर्धयेत शनैः शनैः ॥ ३६॥

After puncturing, a thread soaked in fat (oil or ghee) should be put into the hole with the help of the needle, (thread is passed into the eye of the needle and the needle pulled out after causing the puncture) and the site bathed with raw (uncooked) oil. In the same manner, the thick earlobe should be punctured with the ara (thick needle), after feeding the baby with good food. After a lapse of three days, a bigger/thicker thread should be inserted into the hole. After the wound heals the hole should be widened slowly, (in due course of time by inserting thicker materials, ear ornaments etc.) 35-36.

अथैनं जातदशनं क्रमेणापनयेत्स्तनात् । पूर्वोक्तं योजयेत्क्षीरमन्नं च लघु बृंहणम् ॥ ३७॥

After the eruptions of the teeth, the baby should be taken away from the breast slowly (over long periods). It should then be fed with milk described earlier (in verse no. 20) and anna (boiled rice or other solid foods ) which is easily digestible and stoutening the body. 37.

प्रियालमज्जमधुकमधुलाजसितोपलैः दीपनो अपस्तनस्य संयोज्य: प्रीणनो मोदकः शिशोः ॥ ३८ ॥

बालबिल्वैलाशर्करालाजसक्तुभिः धातकीपुष्पशर्करालाजतर्पणः । सग्राही ॥ ३९ ॥

Modaka (sweet balls) prepared with priyala_majja, madhuka, madhu ( honey), laja (parched paddey) and sitopala (suger candy)-is a food menu giving pleasure/contentment to the baby. That prepared with tender fruits of bilva, ela sarkara and powder of laja, kindles digestion; tarpana (nutritive drink) prepared with dhataki puspa, sarkara, and laja, is water absorbent (causes constipation). 38-39.

रोगांश्चास्य जयेत्सौम्यैर्भेषजैरविषादकैः । अन्यत्रात्ययिकाद्व्याधेर्विरेकं सुतरां त्यजेत् ॥ ४० ॥

Its (of the baby ) disease should be cured / treated with drugs/medicines which are mild and not causing discomfort, except in emergencies administration of purgatives should be strictly avoided. 40.

त्रासयेन्नाविधेयं तं त्रस्तं गृह्णन्ति हि ग्रहाः । वस्त्रवातात् परस्पर्शात् पालयेल्लङ्घनाच्च तम् ॥ ४१ ॥

It (baby) should not be frieghtened, (threatened) even though disobedient (irretable, troublesome ) because evil spirits will seize ( take possession of ) the frieghtened baby.

It should be protected from cloths, (rough and thick coverings which hurt, cause suffocation etc.), breeze, touch by others (than the mother) and fasting ( lack of food). 41.

। ब्राह्मीसिद्धार्थकवचासारिवाकुष्ठसैन्धवैः सकणैः साधितं पीतं वाङ्मेधास्मृतिकृद् घृतम् ॥ ४२ ॥

आयुष्यं पाष्मरक्षोघ्नं भूतोन्मादनिबर्हणम् ।

Medicated ghee prepared with brahmi, siddharthaka, vaca, sariva, kustha, saindhava and kana and consumed bestows good speech (voice), intellegence, memory and longlife; protects from sins, and evil spirits, cures insanity due to possession by evil spirits. 42-43a.

॥ ४३ ॥ वचेन्दुलेखामण्डूकीशङ्खपुष्पीशतावरीः ब्रह्मसोमामृताब्राह्मी: कल्कीकृत्य पलांशिकाः ।

अष्टाङ्गं विपचेत्सर्पिः प्रस्थं क्षीरचतुर्गुणम् ॥ ४४ ॥ तत्पीतं धन्यमायुष्यं वाड्मेधास्मृतिबुद्धिकृत् ।

Medicated ghee is prepared with the paste of one pala each of vaca indulekha, manduki, sankhapuspi satavari brahmasoma, amrta; and brahmi; one prastha of ghee and four parts of milk. This, consumed is benovalent (wards off evil), bestows long life, good speech (voice) intellegence, memory and good mind. 43b-45a.

Sarasvata ghrita

अजाक्षीराभयाव्योषपाठोग्राशिग्रुसैन्धवैः ॥ ४५ ॥ सिद्धं सारस्वतं सर्पिर्वाङ्मेधास्मृतिवह्निकृत् ।

Medicated ghee prepared with ajaksira ( goat’milk), abhaya vyosa, patha, ugra, sigru and saindhava-known as Sarasvata sarpis ( ghrta ) confers good speech (voice), intellegence, memory and digestive capacity. 45b-46a.

वचामताशठीपथ्याशङ्खिनीवेल्लनागरैः ॥ ४६ ॥

अपामार्गेण च घृतं साधितं पूर्ववद्गुणैः |

Medicated ghee prepared with vaca, amrta, sathi, pathya; sankhini, vella, nagara, and apamarga is similar to the earlier (in properties). 46b-47a.

हेम श्वेतवचा कुष्ठमर्कपुष्पी सकाञ्चना ॥ ४७ ॥

हेम मत्स्याक्षकः शङ्खः कैडर्यः कनकं वचा । चत्वार एते पादोक्ताः प्राशा मधुघृतप्लुताः ॥ ४८ ॥

वर्षं लीढा वपुर्मेधाबलवर्णकराः शुभाः ।

Hema, sveta, vaca and kustha; arkapuspi and kancana; hema, matsyaksaka and sankha; kaidarya, kanaka and vaca these four groups of drugs mentioned in each quarter verse, consumed mixed with honey and ghee, for a period of one year bestows good body growth, intellegence, strength, colour (and complexion) and goodness. 47b-49a.

वचायष्ट्याह्वसिन्धूत्थपथ्यानागरदीप्यकैः ॥ ४९ ॥ शुद्धयते वाग्घविलढैः सकुष्ठकणजीरकैः ॥ ४९५ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with vaca, yasthyahva, saindhava, pathya, nagara, dipyaka, kustha, kana and jiraka, licked (daily) purifies the speech (voice). 49b-4912.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने बालोपचणीयो नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः ॥ १ ॥ Thus ends the chapter-Balopacaraniya-the first in uttarasthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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