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ashtanga hridayaGARBHAVYAPAD SHARIRA - Disorders of pregnancy - Chapter - 2 A.H Sharira...

GARBHAVYAPAD SHARIRA – Disorders of pregnancy – Chapter – 2 A.H Sharira Sthana

Topics covered in garbhavyapad sharira are Garbhasrava – Abortion, Garbha pata – miscarriage, Upavistaka-nagodara, Lina garbha, Mritagarbha – foetal death, Aparapatana – extracting the placenta, Bala taila, Masanumasika yoga – monthly recipes for pregnant women in pregnancy, Garbhabhasa – false pregnancy

अथातो गर्भव्यापदं शारीरं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।

We shall now expound the chapter Garbhavyapat sharira disorders of pregnancy; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Garbhasrava – Abortion

गर्भिण्याः परिहार्याणां सेवया रोगतोऽथ वा । पुष्पे दृष्टेऽथवा शूले बाह्यान्तः स्निग्धशीतलम् ॥ १ ॥ सेव्याम्भोजहिमक्षीरिवल्ककल्काज्यलेपितान्। धारयेद्योनिबस्तिभ्यामार्द्रार्द्रान् पिचुनक्तकान् ॥ २ ॥

If the pregnant woman, by indulgence in forbidden things (foods and activities described in the previous chapter) or due to other diseases, develops discharge of menstrual blood or pain (related to it), she should be administered lubricating and coolant things both externally and internally; a diaper smeared with the paste of sevya (usira), ambhoja, hima, bark of ksira vrksas (trees with milky sap) should be inserted into the vagina and also kept over (the region of) the urinary bladder, made very moist (wet) often. 1-2.

Notes: External lubrication and cooling methods are; anointing of oil, bath or tub bath in cold water, exposing to cold breeze etc; Internal methods are use of foods and drinks which are cold to touch and also in potency.

शतधौतघृताक्तां स्त्रीं तदम्भस्यवगाहयेत् । ससिताक्षौद्रकुमुदकमलोत्पलकेसरम् ॥३॥ लिह्यात् क्षीरघृतं खादेच्छृङ्गाटककसेरुकम्। पिबेत्कान्ताब्जशालूकबालोदुम्बरवत्पयः ॥ ४ ॥ शृतेन शालिकाकोली द्विबलामधुकेक्षुभिः | पयसा रक्तशाल्यन्नमद्यात्समधुशर्करम् ॥ ५ ॥ रसैर्वा जाङ्गलैः शुद्धिवर्जं चास्त्रोक्तमाचरेत् ।

The woman should be anointed with satadhauta ghrta and made to lie in a tub filled with water processed with those drugs (sevya etc. mentioned in the previous verses), made to lick milk and ghee mixed with sugar, honey, kesara (filaments) of kumuda, kamala, and utpala; eat Srngataka and kaseruka, drink milk boiled with kanta (gandhapriyangu), abja (kamala), saluka, and tender fruits of udurnbara or with sali, kakoli, the two bala, madhuka and iksu; mess prepared from red rice mixed with honey and sugar should be partaken along with milk or juice of meat of animals of desert-like land. Blood letting should be done without administering puri-factory therapies. 3-6a.

असम्पूर्णत्रिमासायाः प्रत्याख्याय प्रसाधयेत् ॥ ६ ॥ आमान्वये च तत्रेष्टं शीतं रूक्षोपसंहितम् । उपवासो घनोशीरगूडूच्यरलुधान्यकाः ॥ ७ ॥ दुरालभापर्पटकचन्दनातिविषाबलाः । क्वथिताः सलिले पानं तृणधान्यानि भोजनम् ॥ ८ ॥ मुद्रादियूषैरामे तु जिते स्निग्धादि पूर्ववत् ।

In women, who have not completed three months (of pregnancy) and in those who get menstrual flow prematurely, treatment should be done after informing the refusibility (of the treatment because of doubt of success). Treatments desirable then are the use of sita (coolants) associated with ( drugs causing) dryness; fasting, drinking water processed with ghana, usira, guduci, aralu, dhanyaka, duralabha, parpata, candana, ativisa and bala; food prepared from trna dhanya (corn from grass-like plants) along with yusa ( soup) of mudga etc., after the premature bleeding is controlled, use of lubricants mentioned previously should be adopted. 6b-9a.

Garbha pata – miscarriage

गर्भे निपतिते तीक्ष्णं मद्यं सामर्थ्यतः पिबेत् ॥ ९ ॥ गर्भकोष्ठविशुद्धयर्थमर्तिविस्मरणाय च । लघुना पञ्चमूलेन रूक्षां पेयां ततः पिबेत् ॥ १० ॥ पेयाममद्यपा कल्के साधितां पाञ्चकौलिके । बिल्वादिपञ्चककाथे तिलोद्दालकतण्डुलैः ॥ ११ ॥ मासतुल्यदिनान्येवं पेयादिः पतिते क्रमः । लघुरस्नेहलवणो दीपनीययुतो हितः ॥ १२ ॥ दोषधातुपरिक्लेदशोषार्थं विधिरित्ययम् । स्नेहान्नबस्तयश्चोर्ध्वं बल्यदीपनजीवनाः ॥ १३ ॥

If the embryo gets expelled out, the women should drink strong wine as much as she can, in order to clear the cavity of the uterus and to prevent the experience of pain; should drink peya (thin gruel) processed with laghu pancamula and kept dry (without adding fats), woman who is not accustomed to wine should drink peya (thin gruel) processed with the paste of pancakola or peya processed with decoction of bilwadi pancaka (mahat pancamula), along with broken tila and uddalaka (a variety of rice); this regimen of peya drinking should be for that number of days as the number of the month (of pregnancy); the peya which is easily digestable, devoid of fat and salt, and processed with drugs kindling digestion is best suited.

These methods (of treatment) are meant to remove the excess moisture present in the dosas and dhatus. Afterwards, the use of fatty foods and enema therapies, which are strengthening, improving digestion and rejuvinating (should be adopted). 9b-13.


सञ्चातसारे महति गर्भे योनिपरित्रवात् । वृद्धिमप्राप्नुबन् गर्भ: कोष्ठे तिष्ठति सस्फुरः ॥ १४ ॥ उपविष्टकमाहुस्तं, वर्द्धते तेन नोदरम् । शोकोपवासरूक्षाद्यैरथवा योन्यतित्रवात् ॥ १५ ॥ वाते क्रुद्धे कृशः शुष्येद्गर्भो नागोदरं तु तम् । उदरं वृद्धमप्यत्र हीयते स्फुरणं चिरात् ॥ १६ ॥ in strength but not grown in size,

Foetus grown because of fluid discharge from the vaginal ( genital) tract, remains inside the abdomen producing throbbings and no enlargement of the abdomen. This is known as upavistaka.

By grief, fasting, dryness or excess of fluid discharge from the vaginal (genital) tract, vata undergoing aggravation (increase) causes emaciation and dryness of the foetus.

This is known as nagodara. Even though the abdomen is enlarged, the foetus gets diminished, there will be throbbings (of the abdomen ) after long time. 14-16.

तयोबृंहणवातघ्नमधुरद्रव्यसंस्कृतैः । घृतक्षीररसैस्तृतिरामगर्भांश्च खादयेत् ॥ १७ ॥

तैरेव च सुभिक्षायाः क्षोभणं यानवाहनैः ।

For these, the woman should be comforted with ghee, milk and juice of meat processed with drugs possessing properties such as stoutening, mitigating vata and sweet taste and made to eat eggs. After she gets contented by these, she should be given a ride on vehicles or on animals (horse, elephant etc.). 17.

Lina garbha

लीनाख्ये निस्फुरे श्येनगोमत्स्योत्क्रोशबर्हिजाः ॥ १८ ॥ रसा बहुघृता देया माषमूलकजा अपि । बालबिल्वं तिलान्माषान्सक्तूंश्च पयसा पिबेत् ॥ १९ ॥ समेद्यमांसं मधु वा कट्यभ्यङ्गं च शीलयेत् । हर्षयेत्सततं चैनामेवं गर्भः प्रवर्द्धते ॥ २० ॥ पुष्टोऽन्यथा वर्षगणैः कृच्छ्राज्जायेत, नैव वा ।

For Linagarbha (foetus emaciating, disappearing, dissolving) not having throbbings, the woman should be given either the juice of meat of hawk, cow, fish, utkrosa (fishing eagle) or barhi (peacock) added with more of ghee or the soup of masa and mulaka; or drink a mixture of tender fruits of bilva, tila, and flour of masa along with milk; or partake fatty meat or honey. Her waist should be anointed with oil daily, and she must be kept happy always; by these, the foetus begins to grow.

The foetus nourished otherwise (by the usual food of the mother) descends (into the genital tract) with difficulty in about a year or not at all. 18-202.

उदावर्त तु गर्भिण्याः स्नेहैराशुतरां जयेत् ॥ २१ ॥

योग्यैश्च बस्तिभिर्हन्यात्सगर्भा स हि गर्भिणीम् ।

Udavarta of the pregnant woman should be won over very quick by the use of appropriate fats and enemas, otherwise it will kill both the foetus and the mother. 21.

Notes: Udavarta is upward movement due to suppression of natural urges of the body; too many erectations, oppression in the chest and back, enlargement of the abdomen are its chief symptoms.

Mritagarbha – foetal death

गर्भेऽतिदोषोपचयादपथ्यैर्दैवतोऽपि वा ॥ २२ ॥ मृतेऽन्तरुदरं शीतं स्तब्धं धमातं भृशव्यथम् | गर्भास्पन्दो भ्रमतृष्णा कृच्छ्रादुच्छ्रसनं क्लमः ॥ २३ ॥ अरतिः स्त्रस्तनेत्रत्वमावीनामसमुद्भवः ।

By accumilation of large amount of dosas in the foetus, indulgence in unhealthy foods etc. (by the mother) or by divine intent, the foetus dies inside the abdomen. The abdomen is cold, stiff, (without movement ), bloated and very painful, there is absence of foetal movements; giddiness, thirst, difficulty in breathing, exhaustion, restlessness, drooping of the eyes (lids) and non-appearance of avi ( labour pains). 22-24a.

तस्याः कोष्णाम्बुसिक्तायाः पिष्ट्वा योनि प्रलेपयेत् ॥ २४ ॥ गुडं किण्वं सलवणं तथान्तः पूरयेन्मुहुः । घृतेन कल्कीकृतया शाल्मल्यतसिपिच्छया ॥ २५ ॥ मन्त्रैर्योगैर्जरायूक्तैर्मूढगर्भो न चेत्पतेत् । अथापृच्छ्येश्वरं वैद्यो यत्नेनाशु तमाहरेत् ॥ २६ ॥ हस्तमभ्यज्य योनि च साज्यशाल्मलिपिच्छया । हस्तेन शक्यं तेनैव

(In that condition) her genital tract should be washed with luke-warm water, a paste prepared from jaggery (molasses), fermented yeast, little of salt, ghee and the slimy material inside the fruit of salmali and atasi should be filled into the vagina followed by recitation of sacred hymns meant for the expulsions of the foetal membranes. If (by these methods) the impacted (dead) foetus does not come out, the physician, after obtaining permission from her master, should pull it quickly, by force, by inserting his hand which is well lubricated into the genital tract which is also lubricated, with the paste, with the paste of slimy material of salmali fruit if the foetus is suitable to be pulled out by the hand. 24b-27b.

गात्रं च विषमं स्थितम् ॥ २७ ॥ आञ्छनोत्पीडसम्पीडविक्षेपोत्क्षेपणादिभिः । आनुलोम्य समाकर्षेद्योनिं प्रत्यार्जवागतम् ॥ २८ ॥

If the body of the foetus is irregularly placed, it should be made to get a downward lie, by manipulations such as ancchana (from horizontal to vertical position ), utpidana ( raising from below) sampidana ( rotating ), viksepa (pushing sidewards), utksepa ( pushing upwards) etc. and pulled out quickly when it descends into the genital tract. 272.-28.

हस्तपादशिरोभिर्यो योनि भुनः प्रपद्यते । पादेन योनिमेकेन भुग्नोऽन्येन गुदं च यः ॥ २९ ॥ विष्कम्भौ नाम तौ मूढौ शस्त्रदारणमर्हतः । मण्डलाङ्गलिशस्त्राभ्यां तत्र कर्म प्रशस्यते ॥ ३० ॥ वृद्धिपत्रं हि तीक्ष्णाग्रं न योनाववचारयेत् ।

Foetus descends into the genital tract obstructing it by the hands, feet, head, or with one leg coming out through the vagina and the other through the rectum-both these conditions are named as viskhambha; these deserve to be pulled out by the use of sh instruments (surgical operation); mandalagra (lancet) and anguli sastra ( finger knife ) are best suited for this work, vrddhipatra which has a sharp blade should not be inserted into the vagina. 29-31a.

पूर्वं शिरः कपालानि दारयित्वा विशोधयेत् ॥ ३१ ॥ कक्षोरस्तालुचिबुकप्रदेशेऽन्यतमे ततः । समालम्ब्य दृढं कर्षेत्कुशलो गर्भशङ्कना ॥ ३२ ॥ अभिन्नशिरसं त्वक्षिकूटयोर्गण्डयोरपि । बाहुं छित्त्वांऽससक्तस्य वाताध्मातोदरस्य तु ॥ ३३॥ विदार्य कोष्ठमन्त्राणि बहिर्वा सन्निरस्य च । कटीसक्तस्य तद्वच्च तत्कपालानि दारयेत् ॥ ३४ ॥ यद्यद्वायुवशादङ्गं सज्जेद्गर्भस्य खण्डशः । तत्तच्छित्वाऽऽहरेत्सम्यग्रक्षेन्नारीं च यत्नतः ॥ ३५ ॥

First, the scalp should be punctured and then cleared out (pulled out of the uterus). Next, the axillae, chest, palate, or chin, any one should be held tight by the foetal hook (foetal forceps) and pulled out by an expert. Foetus, whose head has not been crushed should be held by its eye sockets or temples (and then pulled out); the foetus, if impacted by its shoulders (it should be pulled out) by cutting off its arms; if its abdomen is bloated by air, the alimentary tract should be split, intestine pulled out ( and the foetus extracted); if impacted by the waist, the blades of the pelvic bones should be cut; whichever the parts of the foetus that is obstructing the tract, they should be cut to pieces and the mother saved with all out efforts. 31b-35.

गर्भस्य हि गतिं चित्रां करोति विगुणोऽनिलः । तत्रानल्पमतिस्तस्मादवस्थापेक्षमाचरेत् ॥ ३६ ।।

Aggravated anila ( vata ), produces different kinds of foetal postures (lie); hence the intellegent physician should adopt appropriate methods (of pulling out the foetus) depending on the condition. 36.

छिन्द्याद्गर्भं न जीवन्त मातरं स हि मारयेत् । सहात्मना, न चोपेक्ष्यः क्षणमप्यस्तजीवितः ॥ ३७ ॥

The dead foetus should be cut (and pulled out quickly) because it will kill the mother also; even a second should not be ignored after its death. 37.

योनिसंवरणभ्रंशमक्कलश्वासपीडिताम् पूत्युद्गारां हिमाङ्गी च मूढगर्भां परित्यजेत् ॥ ३८ ॥

The wonman who has impacted foetus associated with contraction and prolapse of the vaginal tract, makkala (pain after delevery, peurperal pain), dyspnoea, foul smelling erectations and cold body should be refused. 38.

Aparapatana – extracting the placenta

अथातपतन्तीमपरां पातयेत्पूर्ववद्भिषक् । एवं निर्हतशल्यां तु सिञ्चेदुष्णेन वारिणा ॥ ३९ ॥ दद्यादभ्यक्तदेहायै योनौ स्नेहपिचुं ततः । योनिर्मृदुर्भवेत्तेन शूलं चास्याः प्रशाम्यति ॥ ४० ॥

The non-descending apara (placenta ) should be pulled out by the same methods (described earlier); after it is expelled (the entire body) should be sprinkled with warm water and anointed with oil; diaper soaked in fat (ghee or oil) should be inserted into the vagina; by this the vaginal tract becomes soft and the pain subsides. 39-40.

दीप्यकातिविषारास्त्राहिङ्ग्वेलापञ्चकोलकात् । चूर्णं स्नेहेन कल्कं वा काथं वा (तां ) पाययेत्ततः ॥ ४१ ॥ कटुकातिविषापाठाशाकत्वग्घिङ्गतेजिनीः । तद्वच्च दोषस्यन्दार्थं वेदनोपशमाय च ॥ ४२ ॥ त्रिरात्रमेवं, सप्ताहं स्नेहमेव ततः पिबेत् । सायं पिबेदरिष्टं च तथा सुकृतमासवम् ॥ ४३ ॥ शिरीषककुभक्काथपिचून् योनौ विनिक्षिपेत् | उपद्रवाश्च येऽन्ये स्युस्तान् यथास्वमुपाचरेत् ॥ ४४ ॥

Dipyaka, ativisa, rasna, hingu, ela and pancakola-made into powder should be licked along with fat (ghee) or their wet bolus or decoction may be consumed. Similarly katuka, ativisa, patha, saka twak, hingu and tejani may be used for draining out the dosas and for relief of pain; this regimen is for three days; for the next seven days, the woman should drink only fats (medicated ghee or oil) in the evenings; aristas or well prepared asavas (fermented decoctions and infusions respectively) should be consumed; diaper soaked in the decoction of sirisa or kakubha should be kept in the vagina; other secondary disorders/complications should be treated by appropriate methods. 41-44.

पयो वातहरैः सिद्धं दशाहं भोजने हितम् । रसो दशाहं च परं लघुपथ्याल्पभोजना ॥ ४५ ॥ स्वेदाभ्यङ्गपरा स्नेहन् बलातैलादिकान् भजेत् । ऊर्ध्वं चतुर्भ्यो मासेभ्यः सा क्रमेण सुखानि च ॥ ४६॥

Milk boiled with drugs which mitigate vata is ideal as food for ten days; meat juice is ideal for the next ten days, these after little quantity of easily digestable food.

For the next four months, she should resort to sudation therapy, oleation therapy, make use of bala taila and others (medicated oils) daily. By these, the woman attains happiness (health) gradually. 45-46.

Bala taila

बलामूलकषायस्य भागाः षट् पयसस्तथा । यवकोलकुलत्थानां दशमूलस्य चैकतः ॥ ४७ ॥ निष्काथो भागश्च तैलस्य तु चतुर्दशः । ॥ ४८ ॥ द्विमेदादारुमञ्जिष्ठाकाकोलीद्वयचन्दनैः सारिवाकुष्ठतगरजीवकर्षभसैन्धवैः । कालानुसार्याशैलेयवचागुरुपुनर्नवैः ॥ ४९ ॥ अश्वगन्धावरीक्षीरशुक्लयष्टीवरारसैः । शताह्वाशूर्पपर्ण्यलात्वक्पत्रै श्लक्ष्णकल्कितैः ॥५०॥ पक्कं मृद्वग्निना तैलं सर्ववातविकारजित् । सूतिकाबालमर्मास्थिहतक्षीणेषु पूजितम् ॥ ५१ ॥ ज्वरगुल्मग्रहोन्मादमूत्राघातान्त्रवृद्धिजित् । धन्वन्तरेरभिमतं योनिरोगक्षयापहम् ॥ ५२ ॥

Six parts of decoction of roots of bala, same quantity of milk, decoction of yava, kola, kulattha and dasamula-all these drugs forming one part and equal to the quantity of drug of the decoction (i.e. bala one part, the total of all the above will be 13 parts viz 6 of decoction of bala, 6 of milk, one of decoction of yava, kola, kulattha and dasamula); taila (oil of sesame) making the fourteenth part (one part individually ) nice paste of the two meda, daru, manjistha, the two kakoli, candana, sariva, kustha, tagara, jivaka, rsabhaka, saindhava, kalanusari, saileya, vaca, aguru, punarnava, asvagandha, vari, ksirasukla, yasti, vara, rasa ( bola), satahva, surpaparni, ela, twak and patra-all these made use of to prepare a medicated oil which is cooked over mild fire; this oil ( Bala taila) approved by Dhanvantari, cures all diseases caused by vata, highly beneficial for diseases of women in peurperum, for children, persons suffering from injury to vulnerable spots and bones and emaciated persons; it cures fever, abdominal tumors, seizures by evil spirits, insanity, retention of urine, intestinal hernia ( inside the scrotum ), disorders of the genital tract and consumption (tuberculosis). 47-52.

Notes: Arunadatta clarifies the quantity of each of the constitutents as follows-to obtain 16 pala of medicated oil, roots of bala should be 24 pala, water 384 pala ( 16 times of bala), decoction reduced to 96 pala (1/ 4 of water), milk 96 pala, 4 pala of decoction of yava etc., ½ karsa each of the two meda etc. and oil 96 pala (equal to the decoction).

बस्तिद्वारे विपन्नायाः कुक्षिः प्रस्पन्दते यदि | जन्मकाले ततः शीघ्रं पाटयित्वोद्धरेच्छिशुम् ॥ ५३ ॥

When throbbings are seen over the abdomen near the orifice of the urinary bladder during delivery in the woman who is dead (during the course of delivery), it (the abdomen) should be cut open and the child taken out quickly. 53.

Masanumasika yoga – monthly recipes for pregnant women in pregnancy

मधुकं शाकबीजं च पयस्या सुरदारु च। अश्मन्तकः कृष्णतिलास्ताम्रवल्ली शतावरी ॥ ५४॥ वृक्षादनी पयस्या च लता सोत्पलसारिवा | अन्नता सारिवा रास्त्रा पद्मा च मधुयष्टिका ॥ ५५ ॥ बृहतीद्वयकाश्मर्यक्षीरिशुङ्गत्वचा घृतम् । पृश्रिपर्णी बला शिग्रुः श्वदंष्ट्रा मधुपर्णिका ॥ ५६ ॥ शृङ्गाटकं बिसं द्राक्षा कसेरु मधुकं सिता । सप्तैतान् पयसा योगानर्द्धश्लोकसमापनान् ॥ ५७ ॥ क्रमात्सप्तसु मासेषु गर्भे स्त्रवति योजयेत् ।

If during the seven months of pregnancy, there is (the risk of) abortion then the decoction of drugs enumerated in the following seven half-verses mixed with milk should be consumed, in sequential order ( of months and half-verses, respectively).

1. madhuka, sakabija, payasya and suradaru,

2. asmantaka, krsnatila, tamravalli and satavari,

3. vrksadani, payasya, lata ( gandhapriyangu) utpala and sariva,

4. ananta, sariva rasna, padma and madhuyastika, 5. the two brhati, kasmarya, sprouts and bark of trees having milky sap and ghee,

6. prsniparni, bala, sigru, svadamstra and madhupar nika, 7. Srngataka, bisa, draksa, kaseru, madhuka and sita, 54

कपित्थबिल्वबृहतीपटोलेक्षुनिदिग्धिकात ॥ ५८ ॥ मूलैः शृतं प्रयुञ्जीत क्षीरं मासे तथाऽष्टमे । नवमे सारिवानन्तापयस्यामधुयष्टिभिः ॥ ५९ ॥ योजयेद्दशमे मासि सिद्धं क्षीरं पयस्यया | अथवा यष्टिमधुकनागरामरदारुभिः ॥ ६० ॥

During the eighth month, milk boiled with the roots of kapittha, bilwa, brhati, patola, iksu and nidigdhika should be administered; during the ninth month with sariva, ananta, payasya and madhuyasti; during the tenth month with payasya or with yasti madhuka, nagara and amaradaru. 58b-60.

Garbhabhasa – false pregnancy

अवस्थितं लोहितमङ्गनाया वातेन गर्भं ब्रुवतेऽनभिज्ञाः । गर्भाकृतित्वात्कटुकोष्णतीक्ष्णैः स्स्रुते पुनः केवल एव रक्ते ॥ ६१ ॥ गर्भं जडा भूतहृतं वदन्ति मूर्तेर्न दृष्टं हरणं यतस्तैः । ओजोशनत्वादथवाऽव्यवस्थैर्भूतैरुपेक्ष्येत न गर्भमाता ॥ ६२ ॥

Finding the retention of (menstrual) blood inside, by vata, in women and observing the signs of pregnancy, the unintellegent say that it is pregnancy. By noting the discharge of blood only after the administration of drugs which possess pungent, hot (in potency) and penetrating properties, the fools say that the foetus has been snatched away by bhutas (evil spirits), because they feed on ojas (essence of the dhatus), or because they are beyond control. But at no time they (bhutas) are seen eating solid bodies, and why do they forego the mother of the foetus (if they are really so) ?. 61-62.

Notes: The above statements intimate, that mere cessation of menstrual flow temporarily is not actual pregnancy even though signs of pregnancy such as enlargement of the abdomen etc. are present. In such conditions administration of powerful drugs brings out discharge of blood but no mass from the uterus. So ignorant persons blame evil spirits for destroying the foetus. It is not true as evil spirits cannot destroy solid things, only blood coming out merely means that there is no formation of foetus at all and the condition is nothing but false pregnancy (pseudocyesis).

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां द्वितीये शारीरस्थाने गर्भव्यापन्नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ॥ २ ॥

Thus ends the chapter called Garbhavyapat-the second in sharira sthana of Astangahrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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