दशमोऽध्यायः । अथातो महाकुष्ठचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्यामः, यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ।। १ ।।
Now we shall discourse on the medical treatment of major Skin Diseases (Maha- Kustha). 1
कुष्ठेषु मेहेषु कफामयेषु सर्वाङ्गशोफेषु च दारुणेषु । कृशत्वमिच्छत्सु च मेदुरेषु योगानिमानग्रयमतिर्विदध्यात् ।। २ ।।
Metrical Text: An intelligent physician should have recourse to the following medicinal compounds in virulent types of Kustha, urinary complaints (Meha), diseases due to the action of the deranged and aggravated Kapha and general oedema of the body and also in respect of inordinately corpulent persons wishing to reduce their obesity. 2
क्षुण्णान् यवान् निष्पूतान् रात्रौ गोमूत्रपर्युषितान् महति किलिञ्जे शोषयेत्, एवं सप्तरात्रं भावयेत् शोषयेच्च । ततस्तान् कपालभृष्टान् शक्तून् कारयित्वा प्रातः प्रातरेव कुष्ठिनं प्रमेहिणं वा सालसारादिकषायेण कण्टकि-वृक्षकषायेण वा पाययेद् भल्लातकप्रपुन्नाडावल्गुजार्कचित्रकविडङ्गसुस्तचूर्णचतुर्भागयुक्तान्। एवमेव शालसारादिकषायपरिपीताना
1. Kustha which affects the deeper tissues and fundamental principles of the body is called Maha- Kustha.
Gayi interprets the term “Maha- Kustha” as signifying those seven types of Kustha which cannot be attributed to any detectable cause.
मारग्वधादिकषाय – परिपीतानां वा गोशकृद्भूतानां वा यवानां शक्तून् कारयित्वा भल्लातकादीनां चूर्णान्यावाप्य खदिराशननिम्बराजवृक्षरोहितकगुडूचीनामन्यतमस्य कषायेण शर्करामधुमधुरेण द्राक्षायुक्तेन दाडि – मामलकवेतसाम्लेन सैन्धवलवणान्वितेन पाययेत् । एष सर्वमन्थकल्पः ।। ३ ।।
Mantha-Kalpas: Ground barley-corn without husk should be saturated with the urine of a cow and kept in a large bamboo basket (Kilinja) for the whole night; and should then be dried in the sun on the following day. This process should be continued for seven consecutive days. At the close of this period it should be fried in an earthen vessel (Kapala) and then grounded to fine powder (Saktu). The powder, thus prepared should be given every morning to a person afflicted with Kustha (Psoriasis), or any urinary complaint (Prameha) through the medium of a decoction of the drugs included within the Salasaradi group, or of the Kantaki (thorny)¹ trees, and mixed with a pulverised compound of Bhallataka, Prapunnada, Avalguja, Arka, Citraka, Vidanga and Musta weighing a fourth part of the Saktu. Barley-corn should in the same manner, be soaked in a decoction of the drugs constituting the Sala-saradi or the Aragvdahadi groups, or barleycorn should be given to a cow to eat and the undigested barley-corn passed with the cow-dung should be collected. This barley-corn should then be fried and powdered in the form of Saktu. This powder should be mixed with a pulverised compound of Bhallataka, etc., mentioned above, and given to the patient through the medium of a decoction of any one of the Khadira, Asana, Nimba. Raja-Vrksa, Rohitaka and Guduci, sweetened with honey and sugar, and acidfied with grapes, or the expressed juice of pomegranate and Amla-vetas and then mixed with rock-salt. This is the method of preparing all kinds of Manthas. 3
यावकांश्च भक्ष्यान् धानोलुम्बककुल्माषापूपपूर्णकोशोत्कारिकाशष्कुलिका – कुणावीप्रभृतीन् सेवेत । यवविधानेन गोधूमवेणुयवानुपयुञ्जीत ।। ४-५।।
Articles of food made of barley-corn in the form of Dhana, ulumbaka, Kulmasa, Apupa, Purnakosa, Utkarika, Saskulika,
Badara, Khadira, Arimeda, Snuhi, etc.
2. Gayadasa reads Citra (a kind of soup) before “Utkarika” Kunavi and Konali etc., should be given as diet Preparations of wheat and Venu-yava (seeds of bamboo) in the manner of barley preparations should also be recommended as a proper food. 4-5
अरिष्टानतो वक्ष्यामः- पूतीकचव्यचित्रकसुरदारुसारिवादन्तीत्रिवृ1 त्रिकटुकानां प्रत्येकं षट्पलिका भागा बदरकुडवस्त्रिफलाकुडव इत्येतेषां चूर्णानि; ततः पिप्पलीमधुघृतैरन्तः प्रलिप्ते घृतभाजने प्राक्कृतसंस्कारे सप्तोदककुडवानयोरजोऽर्धकुडवमर्धतुलाञ्च गुडस्याभिहितानि चूर्णान्यावाप्य स्वनुगुप्तं कृत्वा यवपल्ले सप्तरात्रं वासयेत्, ततो यथाबलमुपयुञ्जीत । एषोऽरिष्टः कुष्ठमेहमेदः पाण्डुरोगश्वयथूनपहन्ति । एवं शालसारादौ न्यग्रोधादावारग्वधादौ चारिष्टान् कुर्वीत ।। ६ ।।
Medicated Arishtas: Now we shall describe the mode of preparing Aristas (applicable in cases of Kustha). Six Pala weight of each of the following drugs, viz., Putika, Cavya, Citraka, Deva-daru. Sariva, Danti, Tribyta and Trikatu, and one Kudava weight of Badara and Triphala should be powdered. An earthen jar or pitcher, which formerly contained clarified butter, should be purified² and plastered inside with a compound of honey, clarified butter and powdered Pippali. Then the pulverised compound, mentioned above, together with seven Kudava measures of water³, half a Kudava meausre of ironpowder, and half a Tula weight of treacle, should be poured into the said jar which should then be tightly covered with a lid and placed under a heap of bariey of seven days (for fermentation). After this period, it should be taken out and the patient should be made to take some of it (every day) according to his physical capacity. This Arista (fermented liquor) cures Kustha, obesity, urinary complaints (Meha), anaemea and oedema. Aristas may also be similarly prepared from the drugs included in the Sala-saradi, the Nyagrodhadi or the Argvadhadi group. 6
1. Daihana does not read “Konali but says that some read “Konalika” in place of “Kunari” both of which are synonyms. We have, however, both the terms in our text.
2. The jar should be purified or disinfected by fumigation with the medicinal drugs such as Nimba-leaves, Guggulu, etc.
3. Jejjata recommends twenty-eight Pala weight of water, but Gaya-dasa does not support this.
आसवानतो वक्ष्यामः-पलाशभस्मपरिस्रुतस्योष्णोदकस्य भूतस्य त्रयो भागा द्वौ फाणितस्यैकध्यमरिष्टकल्पेन तिलादीनां क्षारेषु शालसारादौ न्यग्रोधादावारग्वधादौ मूत्रेषु चासवान् विदध्यात् ॥ ७ ॥ शीतीविदध्यात् । एवं
Medicated Asavas: Now we shall describe the mode of preparing Asavas. The ashes of burnt Palasa should be dissolved in hot water and duly filtered. Three parts of this (alkaline) water, subsequently cooled, and two parts of Phanita (molasses) should be mixed together and fermented in the manner of preparing Arista¹. Asavas may be similarly prepared with the alkali made of the ashes of sesamum plants (described in connection with the treatment of Ashmari–Chapter. VII), or with the drugs constituting the Sala-saradi, the Nyagrodhadi, or the Aragvadhadi groups or with cow’s urine as in the preceeding manner. 7
अथ सुरा वक्ष्यामः – शिंशपाखदिरयोः सारमादाय उत्पाटय चोत्तमारणी- ब्राह्मीकोशातकीस्तत् सर्वमेकतः काषायकल्पेन विपाच्योदकमाददीत मण्डोदकार्थं, किण्वपिष्टमभिषुणुयाच्च यथोक्तम् । एवं सुरा: शालसारादौ न्यग्रोधादावारग्वधादौ च विदध्यात् ।। ८ ।।
Medicated Suras: Now we shall describe the process of preparing Suras (wines). A decoction should be duly made of Simsapa and Khadira woods with Uttamarani, Brahmi and Kosataki boiled together in water. Then Sura-kinva (the drug which is used to cause the fermentation in the manufacture of spirits) should be mixed with the above decoction and the compound distilled in the usual official method. The liquor thus epared is called Sara. Suras may be similarly prepared from the drugs of the Sala-saradi, the Aragvadhadi, or the Nyagrodhadi groups. 8
अतोऽवलेहान् वक्ष्यामः- खदिरासननिम्बराजवृक्षशालसारक्वाथे तत्सार – पिण्डान् श्लक्ष्णपिष्टान् प्रक्षिप्य विपचेत्, ततो नातिद्रवं नातिसान्द्रमवतार्य तस्य पाणितलपूर्णमप्रातराशो मधुमिश्रं लिह्यात् ।
1. Powders of Putika, Citraka, etc., mentioned in connection with the preparation of Aristas should be likewise added to it. –Dalhana
2. One part of Simsapa, one of Khadira and a third of Uttamarani, Brahmi and Kosataki should be taken. Tula weight of the drugs and four Drona.–Dalhana
एवं शालसारादौ न्यग्रोधादावारग्वधादौ च लेहान् कारयेत् ।। ९ ।।
Medicated Avalehas (lambatives) : Now we shall describe (the method of preparing) medicated Avalehas (lambatives ). A decoction should be prepared with the Sara ( essential parts) of Khadira, Asana, Nimba, Raja-vrksa and Sala. Fine powders of the same drugs should be mixed with the above (decoction) and boiled again. The compound should be removed from the fire neither thick nor thin. The patient should be made to lick a handful of the compound mixed with honey and be made to abstain from taking any meal in the morning. Similar preparations may be made (Aveleha) from the drugs of the Salasaradi, the Aragvadhadi, or the Nyagrodhadi groups. 9
अतश्चूर्णक्रियां वक्ष्यामः शालसारादीनां सारचूर्णप्रस्थमाहत्यारग्वधादि-कषायपरिपीतमनेकशः शालसारादिकषायेणैव पाययेत् एवं न्यग्रोधादीनां फलेषु, पुष्पेष्वारग्वधादीनां चूर्णक्रियां कारयेत् ।। १० ।।
Medicinal Curnas (Powders ) : Now we shall describe the process of preparing pulverised compounds. A Prastha measure of the powdered Sara of the trees belonging to the Sala-saradi group should be many times (i.e., seven days), saturated with the decoction of the drugs of the Aragvadhadi group (and dried). Then the prepared compound should be taken with the vehicle of the decoction of the drugs of the said Sala-saradi group. A pulverised compound (Curna) may be as well prepared in the above manner from the fruits of the Nyagrodadhi group or from the flowers of the Aragvadhadi group. 10
अत ऊर्ध्वमयस्कृतीर्वक्ष्यामः तीक्ष्णलोहपत्राणि तनूनि लवणवर्गप्रदिग्धानि गोमयाग्निप्रतप्तानि त्रिफलाशालसारादिकषायेण निर्वापयेत् षोडशवारा॑न्, तत: खदिराङ्गारतप्तान्युपशान्ततापानि सूक्ष्मचूर्णानि कारयेद् घनतान्तवपरित्रावितानि, ततो यथाबलं मात्रां सर्पिर्मधुभ्यां संसृज्योपयुञ्जीत । जीर्णे यथाव्याध्यनम्लमलवणमाहारं कुर्वीत । एवं तुलामुपयुज्य कुष्ठमेहमेदःश्वयथु-पाण्डुरोगोन्मादायस्मारानपहत्य वर्षशतं –
1. Gayadasa does not read ‘Sala’ in the list.
2. Though the word “Panitala” means a “Karsa’ ie, two Tolas, yet as there is the word “Purnam” inserted after it, so a handful should be understood here by this term. –Dalhana. It should be observed, however, that the difference in the two interpretations is ultimately immaterial.
जीवति । तुलायां तुलायां वर्षशतमुत्कर्षः एतेन सर्वलौहेष्वयस्कृतयो व्याख्याताः ।। ११-१२।।
Medicinal Ayaskrti : Now we shall describe the process of preparing an Ayaskrti (iron compound). Thin leaves of steel should be plastered with the (five official kinds of) salts and heated in fire of dried cow-dung. When they become red-hot, they should be immersed in a decoction of Triphala and the drugs of the Sala-saradi group. The above process should be repeated sixteen times in succession after which they should be heated and burnt in a fire of Khadira wood. When cooled down, the iron foils should be pounded into fine powder and passed through a piece of thick linen. The patient should be made to take this powder with honey and clarified butter in an adequate dose suiting his capacity. After the digestion of the medicine, he should take such a meal as is not hostile to his particular disease and is devoid of salt and acid articles. The use of a Tula measure of this medicinal iron preparation in the above manner leads to the recovery of Kustha, Meha (urinary complaints), obesity, oedema, anemea, insanity and epilepsy and makes the patient live for one hundred years. The use of each additional Tula weight of the preparation adds a century to the duration of the user’s life. This is the mode of medically preparing all kinds of Loha (zinc, copper, lead and gold). 11-12
त्रिवृच्छयामाग्निमन्थसप्तलाकेवुक-शङ्खिनी-तिल्वक – त्रिफलापलाशशिंशपानां स्वरसमादाय पालाश्यां द्रोण्यामभ्यासिच्य खदिराङ्गारतप्तमयः पिण्डं त्रिसप्त-कृत्वो निर्वाप्य तमादाय पुनरासिच्य स्थाल्यां गोमयाग्निना विपचेत् । ततश्चतुर्थभागावशिष्टमवतार्य परित्राव्य भूयोऽग्नितप्तान्ययः पत्राणि प्रक्षिपेत् । सिध्यति चास्मिन् पिप्पल्यादिचूर्णभागं द्वौ मधुनस्तावद् घृतस्येति दद्यात् । ततः प्रशान्तमायसे पात्रे स्वनुगुप्तं निदध्यात् । ततो यथायोगं शुक्तिं प्रकुञ्चं चोपयुञ्जीत, जीर्णे यथाव्याध्याहारमुपसेवेत । एषौषधायस्कृतिरसाध्यं कुष्ठं प्रमेहं वा साधयति, स्थूलमपकर्षति, शोफमुहन्ति, सन्नमग्निमुद्धरति विशेषेण चोपदिश्यते राजयक्ष्मिणाम्, वर्षशतायुश्चानया पुरुषो भवति ।। १३ ।।
Aushadha Ayaskrti : A ball of iron (weighing fifty Palas) heated and made red-hot in a fire of Khadira wood should be cooled by immersing it in a cauldran (Droni), made of (green) Palasa wood and containing (five-hundred Palas of) Svarasa (expressed juie¹, of Trivrt, Syama, Agnimantha, Saptala, Samkhini, Kevuka, Lodhra, Triphala, Palasa and Simsapa. The iron mass should be thus heated and cooled twenty one times in succession; finally the iron ball should be immersed and boiled in the expressed juice of the foregoing drugs over a fire of cow-dungs. It should be removed from the fire when only a quarter part of the liquid would remain. It should now be filtered and the mass of iron should be again heated in the fire mixed with the same liquid and boiled again; when the cooking is nearly complete, (it should be removed from the fire and) a pulverised compound of the drugs included in the Pippalyadi-group together with honey and clarified butter each weighing double the quantity of the iron mass or ball should be mixed with the same. When cooled down, this preparation should be preserved in a well-sealed iron-pitcher. The medicine, thus prepared, should be given to the patient according to his capacity but not less than a Sukti (half a Pala) or a Prakunca measure (one Pala). After the digestion of this medicine, a diet should be given to the patient according to his capacity but not less than a Sukti (half a Pala) or a Prakunca measure (one Pala). After the digestion of this medicine, a diet should be given to the patient determined by the nature of his disease. This is called the Ausadha Ayaskrti and it cures even the incurable types of Kustha and urinary compalints (Meha), reduces obesity, impairs oedema and improves the impaired digestive functions. It is specially efficacious in cases of phthisis (Raja-Yaksma). A proper and regular use of this remedy increases the duration of life to a hundred years. 13
शालसारादिक्वाथमासिच्य पालाश्यां द्रोण्यामयोघनांस्तप्तान्निर्वाप्य कृत-संस्कारे कलशेऽभ्यासिच्य
पिप्पल्यादिचूर्णभागं क्षौद्रं गुडमिति च दत्त्वा स्वनुगुप्तं निदध्यात्।
एतां महौषधायस्कृतिं मासमर्धमासं वा स्थितां यथाबलमुपयुञ्जीत । एवं न्यग्रोधादावारेवतादिषु च विदध्यात् ।। १४ ।।
1. Old and experienced physicians explain “Svarasam” to be the decoction as well. Gayadasa says that a decoction of one Drona weight of the drugs boiled in four Drona weight of water and reduced to its quarter part should be taken. Dalhana says that if the expressed juice of the drugs be not available, then a cold infusion of one Adhaka weight of the powdered drugs should be taken.
Mahausadha- Ayaskrti : A decoction of the drugs of the Salasaradi group should be poured in a Droni (vessel) made of Palasa wood. Sheets of iron should be made red-hot and cooled down (twenty one times) by immersing them into the said decoction of the drugs of the Sala-saradi group. The interior part of an earthen pitcher should be disinfected (with fumigation). Then the iron foils and the powder of the drugs of the Pippalyadi group together with treacle and honey should be added and preserved in the earthen pitcher with its mouth well-covered with a lid for a period of one month (in winter) or a fortnight (in summer ). This preparation is caled the MahausadhaAyaskrti and an adequate quantity of it should be given to the patient after the lapse of the said period. Similar preparations of (iron) may be made with a decoction of the drugs of the Nyagrodhadi or Arevatadi (Aragvadhadi) group. 14
अतः खदिरविधानमुपदेक्ष्यामः- प्रशस्तदेशजातमनुपहतं मध्यमवयसं खदिरं परितः खानयित्वा तस्य मध्यमं मूलं छित्त्वाऽयोमयं कुम्भं तस्मिन्नन्तरे निदध्याद् यथा रसग्रहणसमर्थो भवति । ततस्तं गोमयमृदाऽवलिप्तमवकीर्येन्धनैर्गोमयमिश्रैरादीपयेत् यथाऽस्य दह्यमानस्य रसः स्त्रवत्यधस्तात्। तद्यदा जानीयात् पूर्णं भाजनमिति, अथैनमुद्धृत्य परिस्राव्य रसमन्यस्मिन् पात्रे निधायानुगुप्तं निदध्यात् । ततो यथायोगं मात्रामामलकरसमधुसर्पिर्भिः संसृज्योपयुञ्जीत, जीर्णे भल्लातकविधानवदाहारः परिहारश्च । प्रस्थे चोपयुक्ते शतं वर्षाणामायुषोऽभिवृद्धिर्भवति ।। १५ ।।
The Khadira Vidhana : Now we shall describe the Khadira preparations. The earth around the central root of a middle-aged Khadira tree, grown in a commendable soil and not worm-eaten, should be dug out and the central and principal root of the tree should be cut open. An iron pitcher should be placed under the tree so that the secreted juice may collect into it through the main root. The outer surface of the tree should be completely plastered with a paste of clay and cow-dung (mixed together). It should then be treated with a fire fed with faggots mixed with cow-dung so that the glutinous secretions of the Khadira tree would naturally settle down into the pitcher (through the principal root). When the pitcher is filled up, the juice should be collected and filtered and then kept in another vessel with its lid carefully closed and sealed. The extract so preserved should be taken in proper doses with honey, clarified butter and the expressed juice of Amalaka. The patient should be made to take such diet and observe such regimen of conduct, as has been prescribed in connection with the use of Bhallataka compounds, after the digestion of the medicine. A Prastha measure of this remedy gradually taken by a man enables him to live a hundred years. 15
खदिरसारतुलामुदकद्रोणे विपाच्य पोडशांशावशिष्टमवतार्यानुगुप्तं निदध्यात् । तमामलकरसमधुसर्पिर्भिः संसृज्योपयुञ्जीत । एष एव सर्व-वृक्षसारेषु कल्प: । खदिरसारचूर्णतुलां खदिरसारक्वाथमात्रां वा प्रातः प्रातरुपसेवेत, खदिरसारक्वाथसिद्धमाविकं वा सर्पिः ।। १६ ।।
Khadira-Sara-Kalpa : A decoction made by boiling a Tula weight of the essential part (Sara) of the Kahdira tree with a Drona measure of water and boiled down to a sixteenth part of its original quantity should be kept in a vessel with its mouth tightly closed. An adequate quantity of this decoction should be taken every day with honey, clarified butter and the expressed juice of Amalaka. The present method should be adopted with the extract from the essential parts (sara) of all other medicinal trees. Every morning the patient should be made to take an adequate dose of the powder of Khadira-sara, or its decoction, until a Tula weight is consumed, or he should be made to take a potion of the clarified butter churned from the milk of a ewe and cooked in a decoction of Khadira-sara. 16
अमृतवल्लीस्वरसं क्वाथं वा तत्सिद्धं वा सर्पिः प्रातः प्रातरुपसेवेत, अपराह्ने ससर्पिष्कमोदनमामलकयूषेण भुञ्जीत ।
एवं मासमुपयुज्य सर्वकुष्ठैर्विमुच्यत इति ।। १७ ।।
As an alternative the expressed juice or a decoction of Amrtavalli, or clarified butter cooked with that juice or decoction, should be taken every morning. The patient should every afternoon take a meal of boiled rice with clarified butter and Amalaka-soup. A constant use of this remedy and a conformity to the foregoing diet for a month would lead to a radical cure of any type of Kustha. 17
कृष्णतिलभल्लातकतैलामलकरससर्पिषां द्रोणं शालसारादिकषायस्य च त्रिफलात्रिकटुकपरूषफलमज्जविडङ्गफलसारचित्रार्कावलगुज हरिद्राद्वयत्रिवृद्दन्तीन्द्रयवयष्टीमधुकातिविषारसाञ्जनप्रियङ्गणां पालिका भागाः, तानैकध्यं स्नेहपाकविधानेन पचेत् । तत् साधुसिद्धमवतार्य परित्राव्यानुगुप्तं निदध्यात् । तत उपसंस्कृतशरीर: प्रातः प्रातरुत्थाय पाणिशुक्तिमात्रं क्षौद्रेण प्रति-संसृज्योपयुञ्जीत, जीर्णे मुद्गामलकयूषेणालवणेन सर्पिष्मन्तं खदिरोदकसिद्धं मृद्रोदनमश्नीयात् खदिरोदकसेवी, इत्येवं द्रोणमुपयुज्य सर्वकुष्ठैर्विमुक्तः शुद्धतनुः स्मृतिमान् वर्षशतायुररोगो भवति ।। १८ ।।
Oils pressed out of black sesamum and Bhallataka, clarified butter, the expressed juice of Amalaka and the decoction of the drugs of the Sala-saradi group, each weighing a Drona measure, and a Pala weight of each of the following drugs, viz., Triphala, Trikatu, the pith or marrow of Parusa fruit, Vidanga seed, Citraka, Arka, Avalguja, Haridra, Daru-haridra, Trivrt, Danti, Indra-yava, Yasti-madhu, Ativisa, Rasanjana and Priyangu, should be boiled together in the manner of cooking medicated oil, etc. (Sneha-paka Vidhana). When well cooked, this medicated compound should be taken down from fire and strained (through a piece of clean linen) and carefully preserved (in an earthen pitcher with its mouth well closed with a lid). The system of the patient should be well cleansed (with appropriate emetics and purgatives) and a Pala weight of this preparation, mixed with honey, should be given to him every morning. After the digestion of this medicine, he should be made to take a light meal of rice well cooked with a decoction of the Khadira-wood and mixed with clarified butter, and the soup (Yusa) of Amalaka or Mudga unseasoned with salt. A Drona measure (of this compound), gradually taken in the aforesaid manner by a patient taking a (light) decoction¹ of Khadira (instead of water), would ensure a speedy recovery from all types of Kustha and enable the patient to witness a hundred years life (of earth) in the full enjoyment of sound health and intellect. 18
भवति चात्र ।
सुरामन्थासवारिष्टान् लेहांश्चूर्णान्ययस्कृतीः । सहस्त्रशोऽपि कुर्वीत बीजेनानेन बुद्धिमान् ।। १९ ।।
1. The decoction of Khadira-wood for drink should be prepared after the manner of Sadanga-paniya preparation.
Memorable Verse: An intelligent physician may prepare a thousand varieties of medicated remedies, such as Suras, Asavas, Manthas. Aristas, Lehas (lambatives), powders and Ayaskrtis (metalpreparations) with the aforesaid drugs and in the manner described above. 19
इति सुश्रुतसंहितायां चिकित्सितस्थाने महाकुष्ठचिकित्सितं नाम दशमोऽध्यायः ।। १० । ।
Thus ends the tenth Chapter of Chikitsa Sthana in the Susruta Samhita which deals with the medical treatment of Maha-Kustha.