अथातो विषप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्यामः । इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ।
Now, we shall expound the chapter Visa pratisedhatreatment of poisoning; thus said Atreya and other great sages.
Visotpatti-origin of poison
मथ्यमाने जलनिधावमृतार्थं सुरासुरैः । जातः प्रागमृतोत्पत्तेः पुरुषो घोरदर्शनः ॥ १ ॥
दीप्ततेजाश्चतुर्दंष्ट्रो हरिकेशोऽनलेक्षणः । जगद्विषण्णं तं दृष्ट्वा तेनासौ विषसंज्ञितः ॥ २ ॥
हुंकृतो ब्रह्मणा मूर्ती ततः स्थावरजङ्गमे । सोऽध्यतिष्ठन्निजं रूपमुज्झित्वा वञ्चनात्मकम् ॥ ३ ॥
When the suras ( gods ) and auras (non-gods) churned the ocean of milk for the sake of obtaining nector, a person dreadful in appearance, with glowing lustre, four teeth, brown hair and firy eyes was born, before the birth of the nector. Seeing him, the whole world became grief striken, hence he was named as ‘visa’; cursed by Brahma, he discarded his real physical form and resides in his deceptive form in both sthavara (inanimate, inorganic, vegetable ) and jangama (animate, organic, animal) substances. 1-3.
स्थिरमत्युल्बणं वीर्ये यत्कन्देषु प्रतिष्ठितम् । कालकूटेन्द्रवत्साख्यशृङ्गीहालाहलादिकम् ॥४॥
The powerful poison present in tubers (roots etc.) such as kalakuta, indravatsa, Srngi, halahala etc. is called Sthavara visa. 4.
सर्पलूतादिदंष्ट्रासु दारुणं जङ्गमं विषम् ।
That poison which is powerful present in the teeth of snakes, spiders etc. is called Jangama visa. 5a.
स्थावरं जङ्गमं चेति विषं प्रोक्तमकृत्रिमम् ॥ ५ ॥
Thus natural poisons are of two kinds – sthavara (vegetable) and jangama (animal). 5b.
कृत्रिमं गरसंज्ञं तु क्रियते विविधौषधैः । हन्ति योगवशेनाशु चिराच्चिरतराच्च तत् ॥ ६ ॥ शोफपाण्डूदरोन्माददुर्नामादीन् करोति वा ।
Artificial poison is known as Gara and is prepared from different drugs; some may kill the person quickly due to certain combination of drugs, while some others after a long time or may only produce swelling, anaemia, enlargement of the abdomen, insanity, haemorrhoids etc. 6-7a.
Visa guna – properties of poison
तीक्ष्णोष्णरूक्षविशदं व्यवाय्याशुकरं लघु ॥ ७ ॥ विकाषि सूक्ष्ममव्यक्तरसं विषमपाकि च ।
Tiksna (penetrating ) , usna ( hot in potency ), ruksa (dry), visada (viscid, non-unctuous), vyavayi ( spreads all over the body quickly), asukari ( quick acting ), laghu (light), vikasi (causing looseness of joints dilating the tissue pores), suksma (capacity of enter into minute pores), avyakta rasa ( inperceptable taste ) and apaki ( not undergoing digestion) are the properties of poison. 7b-8a.
ओजसो विपरीतं तत् तीक्ष्णाद्यरन्वितं गुणः ॥ ८ ॥ वातपित्तोत्तरं नृणां सद्यो हरति जीवितम् ।
It is opposite of ojas; because of its properties such as tiksna (penetrating) etc. it takes away the life of persons who have predominance of vata and pitta. 8b-9a.
विषं हि देहं सम्प्राप्य प्राग् दूषयति शोणितम् ॥ ९ ॥
कफपित्तानिलांश्चानु समं दोषान् सहाशयान् । ततो हृदयमास्थाय देहोच्छेदाय कल्पते ॥ १० ॥
Poison having entered the body vitiates the blood first, next the kapha, pitta and anila ( vata ) along with their respective seats, then it invades the heart and leads to the death of the body. 9b-10.
Sthavara visa vega – stages of vegetable poisoning
वेगे पूर्वे प्रजायते । स्थावरस्योपयुक्तस्य
जिह्वायाः श्यावता स्तम्भो मूर्च्छात्रासः क्लमो वमिः ॥ ११ ॥
During the first stage of sthanvara visa, there is blue colour of the tongue, rigidity of the body, fainting, fear ( anxiety), exhaustion and vomiting. 11.
द्वितीये वेपथुः स्वेदो दाहः कण्ठे च वेदना | विषं चामाशयं प्राप्तं कुरुते हृदि वेदनाम् ॥ १२ ॥
In the second stage, rigors, perspiration, burning sensation, pain in the throat; poison getting into the stomach leads to pain in the heart. 12.
तालुशोषस्तृतीये तु शूलं चामशये भृशम् ।
दुर्बले हरिते शूने जायेते चास्य लोचने ॥ १३ ॥ पक्काशयगते तोदहिध्माकासान्त्रकूजनम् ।
In the third stage, there is dryness of the palate, severe pain in the stomach, his eyes become weak, green in colour and swollen; poison reaching the large intestine produces pricking pain, hiccup, cough and intestinal gurgling. 13-14a.
चतुर्थे जायते वेगे शिरसश्चातिगौरवम् ॥ १४ ॥
In the fourth stage, there is feeling of great heaviness of the head. 14b.
कफप्रसेको वैवर्ण्य पर्वभेदश्च पञ्चमे सर्वदोषप्रकोपश्च पक्काधाने च वेदना ।। १५ ।।
In the fifth stage, dribbling of kapha ( from the mouth, nose etc.) discolouration, cutting pain in the joints, agravation of all the dosas and pain in the large intestine. 15.
षष्ठे संज्ञाप्रणाशश्च सुभृशं चातिसार्यते ।
In the sixth stage, there is loss of consciousness and very severe diarrhoea. 16a.
स्कन्धपृष्ठकटीभङ्गो भवेन्मृत्युश्च सप्तमे ॥ १६ ॥
In the seventh stage, bending of the shoulders, back 16b. and waist and death manifest.
Sthavara visa cikitsa – treatment for vegetable poisoning
विषतु वान्तं शीताम्बुसेचितम् ।
सर्पिर्मधुभ्यां संयुक्तमगदं पाययेद् द्रुतम् ॥ १७॥
In the first stage, the patient should be made to vomit, sprinkled with cold water and administered the agada (antidote, antipoisonous recipe) mixed with ghee and honey 17. quickly.
द्वितीये पूर्ववद्वान्तं विरिक्तं चानु पाययेत् ।
In the second stage, vomiting followed by purgation both should be done and then antidote given. 18a.
तृतीयेऽगदपानं तु हितं नस्यं तथाऽञ्जनम् ॥ १८ ॥
In the third, consuming of the antidote, nasal medication and collyrium to eyes are needed. 18b.
चतुर्थे स्नेहसंयुक्तमगदं प्रतियोजयेत् ।
In the fourth, the anitdote mixed with (medicated ) fats should be administered. 19a.
पञ्चमे मधुकक्काथमाक्षिकाभ्यां युतं हितम् ॥ १९ ॥
In the fifth, the antidote, mixed with decoction of madhuka and honey is beneficial. 19b.
In the sixth stage, the treatment is similar to that of diarrhoea. 20a.
अवपीडस्तु सप्तमे।
मूर्ध्नि काकपदं कृत्वा सासृग्वा पिशितं क्षिपेत् ॥ २० ॥
In the seventh stage, drops of juice of herbs should be put into the nose, a small wound should be made on the scalp and piece of flesh (of an animal) dribbing blood should be placed on it. 20b.
कोशातक्यग्निकः पाठा सूर्यवल्यमृताभयाः । शेलुः शिरीषः किणिही हरिद्रे क्षौद्रसाह्वया ॥ २१ ॥
पुनर्नवे त्रिकटुकं बृहत्यौ सारिवे बला | एषां यवागूं निर्यूहे शीतां सघृतमाक्षिकाम् ॥ २२ ॥ यञ्ज्याद्वेगान्तरे सर्वविषघ्नीं कृतकर्मणः ।
Kosataki, agnika patha, suryavalli, amrta abhaya, selu, sirisa, kinihi, the two haridra, ksaudrasahva, the two punarnava,trkatuka, the two brhati, the two sariva and bala-all are boiled in water and decoction prepared; using this decoction, yavagu ( thin gruel) is prepared, allowed to cool, then mixed with ghee and honey and consumed in between the stages of poison and kinds of therapies, cures all poisons. 21-23a
तद्वन्मधूकमधुकपद्मकेसरचन्दनैः ॥ २३॥
Similarly madhuka, padmakesara and candana may also be used (for preparing decoction). 23b.
Chandrodaya agada
अञ्जनं तगरं कुष्ठं हरितालं मनःशिला । फलिनी त्रिकटु स्पृक्का नागपुष्पं सकेसरम् ॥ २४॥
हरेणुर्मधुकं मांसी रोचना काकमालिका | श्रीवेष्टकं सर्जरसः शताह्वा कुड्कुमं बला ॥ २५ ॥
तमालपत्रतालीसभूर्जोशीरनिशाद्वयम् कन्योपवासिनी स्नाता शुक्लवासा मधुद्रुतैः ॥ २६॥
द्विजानभ्यर्च्य तैः पुष्ये कल्पयेदगदोत्तमम् । वैद्यश्चात्र तदा मन्त्रं प्रयतात्मा पठेदिमम् ॥ २७ ॥
नमः पुरुषसिंहाय नमो नारायणाय च। यथाऽसौ नाभिजानाति रणे कृष्णपराजयम् ॥ २८ ॥
एतेन सत्यवाक्येन अगदो मे प्रसिद्ध्यतु । पिष्टे च द्वितीयो मन्त्र-
नमो वैडूर्यमाते हुलहुलु रक्ष मां सर्वविषेभ्यः ॥ २९ ॥
गौरि गान्धारि चाण्डालि मातङ्गि स्वाहा ।” “हरिमाय स्वाहा ” ॥ ३० ॥
अशेषविषवेतालग्रहकार्मणपाप्मसु मरकव्याधिदुर्भिक्षयुद्धाशनिभयेषु
पाननस्याञ्जनालेपमणिबन्धादियोजितः एष चन्द्रोदयो नाम शान्तिस्वस्त्ययनं परम् ॥ ३२ ॥ च ॥ ३१ ॥ । ( वासवो वृत्रमवधीत्समालिप्त: किलामुना । )
Anjana, tagara kustha, haritala, manassila, phalini, trikatu, sprkka, nagapuspa, nagakesara, harenu, madhuka, mamsi, rocana, kakamalika, Srivestaka, sarjarasa, satahva, kumkuma, bala, tamalapatra, talisa, bhurja, usira and the two nisa-these are to be macerated and Agada prepared by a virgin who has abstained from food, taken bath, put on white dress, the preparation done during pusya stellar constellation; the physician having worshipped the twice born (brahmanas) should sit nearby and chant the following hymns.
“Salutation to the Purusa simha ( lion among men ), salutation to Narayana, just as the true statement “Krsna knows no defeat in war” let this agada (antidote) bestow good to me.”
The second hymn during maceration
“Salutation to Vaidurya mata, haluhulu, protect me from all poisons Svaha to Gauri, Gandhari, Candali and Matangi.” “Svaha to Harimayi.”
Used in the form of internal potion, nasal medication, collyrium, external application, wearing as amulet, etc. this protective hymn knows as Candrodaya santi (antidote) wards off the evil effects of all kinds of poisons, ghosts, demons, sinful acts, deadly diseases, famine, war, lightening, thunderbolt etc. (smeared by this only vasava (Indra) killed (the demon) Vrtra). 24-32.
Dushi visa
जीर्णं विषनौषधिभिर्हतं वा दावाग्निवातातपशोषितं वा । स्वभावतो वा न गुणैः सुयुक्तं दूषीविषाख्यां विषमभ्युपैति ॥ ३३ ॥
वीर्याल्पभावादविभाव्यमेतत् कफावृतं वर्षगणानुबन्धि । तृडरोचकार्तः ॥ ३४ ॥
तेनार्दितो भिन्नपुरीषवर्णो दुष्टास्त्ररोगी मूर्च्छन् वमन् गद्गदवाक् विमुह्यन् भवेच्च दृष्योदरलिङ्गजुष्टः ।
आमाशयस्थे कफवातरोगी पक्वाशयस्थेऽनिलपित्तरोगी ॥ ३५ ॥
भवेन्नरो ध्वस्तशिरोरुहाङ्गो विलूनपक्षः स यथा विहङ्गः । स्थितं रसादिष्वथवा विचित्रान् करोति धातुप्रभवान् विकारान् ॥ ३६॥
(Any) poison which has become old, killed (made ineffective) by other antipoisonous medicines, dried (or acted upon) by forest fire, breeze and sunlight or that which by its very nature is not endowed well with (all) the properties (of the poison) derives the name Dusivisa. Though of its mild potency, it is not to be neglected, since it continues to exist in the body for many years getting enveloped by kapha. Troubled by it, the person eliminates faeces which is liquid of different colours, becomes a patient of vitiated blood, having thirst and loss of taste, appetite; faints, vomits, stammers, loses consciousness and develops symptoms of dusyodara (chapter 12 of nidana sthana).
If the dusivisa is in the stomach the person is a patient of (increase of) kapha-vata, if it is in the large intestine he is a patient of vata-pitta, if localised in the rasa etc. (dhatustissues) the person loses his hairs on the head, becomes emaciated in the body, appearing like a bird without its wings, or leads to different kinds of peculiar diseases arising in the tissues. 33-36.
प्राग्वाताजीर्णशीताभ्रदिवास्वप्नाहिताशनैः ।
दुष्टं दूषयते धातूनतो दूषीविषं स्मृतम् ॥ ३७॥
It is called as dusi visa since it gets vitiated (aggravated) by direct breeze, use of uncooked foods, cold, cloudy weather, sleeping during day, and ingestion of unsuitable foods and then vitiates the dhatus (tissues). 37.
Treatment of dushivisa
दूषीविषार्तं सुस्विन्नमूर्ध्वं चाधश्च शोधितम् । दूषीविषारिमगदं लेहयेन्मधुनाऽऽप्लुतम् ॥ ३८ ॥
The patient of dusivisa should be administered sudation therapy and then emesis and purgation therapeis, followed by licking of dusivisari agada (antidote) mixed with honey. 38.
Dushivisari agada
पिप्पल्यो ध्यामकं मांसी रोध्रमेला सुवर्चिका |
कुटन्नटं नतं कुष्ठं यष्टी चन्दनगैरिकम् ॥ ३९ ॥ दूषीविषारिर्नाम्नाऽयं न चान्यत्रापि वार्यते ।
Pippali, dhyamaka, mamsi, rodhra, ela, suvarcika, kutanata, nata, kustha, yasti, candana and gairika-converted into nice paste with water and consumed in suitable dose along with honey. This known as Dusi visari (agada) cannot be avoided even in others (poisons). 39.
Visalipta salya – poisoned arrow
विषदिग्धेन विद्धस्तु प्रताम्यति मुहुर्मुहुः ॥ ४० ॥
विवर्णभावं भजते विषादं चाशु गच्छति । कीटैरिवावृतं चास्य गात्रं चिमिचिमायते ॥ ४१ ॥
श्रोणिपृष्ठशिरःस्कन्धसन्धयः स्युः सवेदनाः । कृष्णदुष्टास्त्रविस्त्रावी तृणमूर्च्छाज्वरदाहवान् ॥ ४२ ॥
दृष्टिकालुष्यवमथुश्वासकासकर: आरक्तपौतपर्यन्तः क्षणात् ।
श्यावमध्योऽतिरुग्व्रणः ॥ ४३ ॥
शूयते पच्यते सद्यो गत्वा मांसं च कृष्णताम् । प्रक्लिन्नं शीर्यतेऽभीक्ष्णं सपिच्छिलपरित्रवम् ॥ ४४ ॥
When the person gets injured by a poisoned arrow, he faints often, becomes discoloured, grief stricken, feels tingling sensation all over the body as though insects are crawling on it, there is pain in the pelvis, back head, head, shoulders and joints; the blood coming out from the wound is black and vitiated (with bad smell); thirst fainting, fever, bruning sensation, turbidity of vision, vomiting, dyspnoea and cough develop instantaneously; the wound has reddish yellow edges and bluish central portion, with severe pain, gets swollen, ripens (pus formation ) quickly makes the muscle tissue black, moist, slimy and liquified (decomposition) very soon. 40b-44.
Treatment of visaja vrana
कुर्यादमर्मविद्धस्य हृदयावरणं द्रुतम् ।
If vital spots are not injured (by the poisoned arrow) then Hrdayavarana-therapy to protect the heart (vide-chapter 7 of sutrasthana) should be done immediately. 45a.
शल्यमाकृष्य तप्तेन लोहेनानु दहेद्व्रणम् ॥ ४५ ॥
अथवा मुष्कक श्वेतासोमत्वक्ताम्रवल्लितः । शिरीषाद् गृध्रनख्याश्च क्षारेण प्रतिसारयेत् ॥ ४६ ॥
शुकनासाप्रतिविषाव्याघ्रीमूलैश्च लेपयेत् ।
The arrow should be pulled out and the wound burnt (cauterised) with heated iron rod or ksara (caustic alkali) prepared from muskaka, sveta, somatvak, tamravalli, sirisa and grdhranakha should be applied to the wound; and paste of sukanasa, prativisa and vyaghrimula should be applied. 46-47a.
कीटदष्टचिकित्सां च कुर्यात्तस्य यथार्हतः ॥ ४७ ।।
Treatment prescribed for bites of kita ( insects) (chapter of uttarasthana) should be adopted as found suitable. 47b.
व्रणे तु पूतिपिशिते क्रिया पित्तविसर्पवत् ।
In case of wounds having foul smelling muscle, treatment is like that of pittaja visarpa (chapter 18 of cikitsa sthana). 48a.
Gara visha – artificial poison
सौभाग्यार्थं स्त्रियो भर्त्रे राज्ञे वाऽरातिचोदिताः ॥ ४८ ॥ यच्छन्यासन्नवर्तिनः । गरमाहारसम्पृक्तं
Women in order to gain the love of their husbands and women who are intimate with the king instigate by foes, administer Gara ( artificial poison ) to the king, mixed with food. 48b-49a.
नानाप्राण्यङ्गशमलविरुद्धौषधिभस्मनाम् ॥ ४९ ॥ विषाणां चाल्पवीर्याणां योगो गर इति स्मृतः ।
Combination of parts of the body and excreta of different animals, incompatable drugs, ashes and poisonous substances of mild potency is known as Gara visa (artificial poison). 49b-50a.
तेन पाण्डुः कृशोऽल्पाग्निः कासश्वासज्वरार्दितः ॥ ५० ॥
वायुना प्रतिलोमेन स्वप्रचिन्तापरायणः । दीनवाग्दुर्बलोऽलसः ॥ ५१ ॥
महोदरयकृत्प्लीही शोफवान् सतताध्मातः शुष्कपादकरः क्षयी । स्वप्ने गोमायुमार्जारनकुलव्यालवानरान् ॥ ५२ ॥
प्रायः पश्यति शुष्कांश्च वनस्पतिजलाशयान् । मन्यते कृष्णमात्मानं गौरो, गौरं च कालकः ॥ ५३॥
विकर्णनासानयनं पश्येत्तद्विहतेन्द्रियः ।
By that, the person becomes pale, emaciated, of weak digestive capacity; suffers from cough, dyspnoea, fever, upward movement of vata, spending more time in sleeping and warrying; suffers from enlarged abdomen, liver and spleen, disorders of liver and spleen ; has timid, feeble voice, is debilitated, lazy, develops swellings, distention of the abdomen always, dryness of the feet and hand emaciation, generally dreams of seeing the jackal, cat, mungoose, snake, monkey, trees and reservoirs which are dry; thinks that he has become black instead of his original white colour or that he has become black instead of his original black colour; sees his ears, nose, eyes etc. as rough and distorted. 50b-54a.
Suffering from these and many other difficult and dreadful secondary affections, the patient of artificial poisoning, dies, very soon who does not get urgent treatment.
Treatment of garavisha
गरात वान्तवान् भुक्त्वा तत्पथ्यं पानभोजनम् ॥ ५५ ॥ शुद्धहृच्छीलयेद्धेम सूत्रस्थानविधेः स्मरन् ।
The patient of artificial poisoning should be made to vomit and then resort to healthy foods and drinks. In order to purify the heart he should lick gold remembering the procedure prescribed in sutrasthana (Chapter 7). 55b-56a.
एतैरन्यैश्च बहुभिः क्लिष्टो घोरैरुपद्रवैः॥५४॥ गरार्तो नाशमाप्नोति कश्चित्सद्योऽचिकित्सितः ।
शर्कराक्षौद्रसंयुक्तं चूर्णं ताप्यसुवर्णयोः ॥५६॥ लहेः प्रशमयत्युग्रं सर्वयोगकृतं विषम् ।
Powder of tapya and suvarna mixed with sugar and honey and licked cures poisons of all kinds of combinations. 56b-57a.
मूर्वामृतानतकणापटोलीचव्यचित्रकान् ॥५७॥
वचामुस्तविडङ्गानि तक्रकोष्णाम्बुमस्तुभिः पिबेद्रसेन वाऽम्लेन गरोपहतपावकः ॥ ५८ ॥
Powder of murva, amrta, nata, kana, patoli, cavya, citraka, vaca, musta and vidanga mixed with either butter milk, warm water, water of curds, meat soup or a sour liquid should be consumed by the person having digestive fire bestroyed by artificial poison. 57b-58
पारावतामिषशठीपुष्कराह्वशृतं हिमम् । गरतृष्णारुजाकासश्वासहिध्माज्वरापहम् ॥ ५९॥
Decoction prepared from the meat of the peigon,sathi and puskarahva cooled and consumed, cures artificial poisoning thirst, pain, cough, dyspnoea, hiccup and fever. 59.
Visha sankata – critical / fatal period
विषप्रकृतिकालान्नदोषदृष्यादिसङ्गमे विषमङ्कटमुद्दिष्टं शतस्यैकोऽत्र जीवति ॥ ६०॥
( The duration of ) coming together of the prakrti (category, kind, properties and actions) kala (season of poisoning, its nature) food ( effect of poison on digestion of food) dosa (increased by the poison) etc. is known as visa sankata (fatal period); one out of a hundred (persons reaching this period) survives. 60.
Notes : If prakrti, kala etc. each is supporting the other, then the effect of poison becomes very profound and causes death soon. This is called as visa sankata. If on the other hand, the factors mentioned above are of opposite nature and not supportive, then death may occur after a long time.
Vishaguna vriddhi – increase of effect of poisons
क्षुत्तृष्णाघर्मदौर्बल्यक्रोधशोकभयश्रमैः ॥ अजीर्णवर्चोद्रवतापित्तमारुतवृद्धिभिः ॥६१॥
तिलपुष्पफलाघ्राणभूबाष्पघनगर्जितैः हस्तिमूषिकवादित्रनिःस्वनैर्विषसङ्कटैः पुरोवातोत्पलामोदमदनैर्वर्धते विषम् ।
The effect of poison increases from these-hunger, thirst, increased heat weakness, anger, grief, fear, exertion, indigestion, watery, faeces, increase of pitta and vata, smelling the flowers and fruits of tila, by fumes of the earth, thunder, sound of roaring of the elephant, squecking of mice, sound of musical instruments, during visa sankata (fatal period) direct breeze, fragrance of utpala and madana (sexual desire). 61-63a.
The wise physician should determine the appropriate treatment only after considering the nature, accustomisation, season, location, stage, strength and weakness (of the poison and the patient). 65.
श्लेष्मिकं वमनैरुष्णरूक्षतीक्ष्णैः प्रलेपनैः। कषायकटुतिक्तैश्च भोजनैः शमयेद्विषम् ॥ ६६ ॥
Poisons of kapha nature should be mitigated by emesis and application of paste of drugs possessing hot, dry and penetrating properties and by foods of astringent, pungent and bitter tastes. 66.
पैत्तिकं स्स्रंसनैः सेकप्रदेहैर्भूशशीतलैः । कषायतिक्तमधुरैर्घृतयुक्तेश्च भोजनैः ॥ ६७॥
Poisons of pitta nature, by mild purgation, sudations, poultices applied very cold and foods which are astringent, bitter and sweet in taste, added with ghee. 67.
वातात्मकं जयेत्स्वादुस्निग्धाम्ललवणान्वितैः । सघृतैर्भोजनैर्लेपैस्तथैव पिशिताशनैः॥ ६८ ॥
वर्षासु चाम्बुयोनित्वात्संक्लेदं गुडवद्गतम् ॥ ६३ ॥
विसर्पति घनापाये, तदगस्त्यो हिनस्ति च । प्रयाति मन्दवीर्यत्वं विषं तस्माद्धनात्यये ॥ ६४ ॥
Poisons of vata nature should be won over by foods which are sweet, unctuous (fatty) sour, salty added with Poison being born from water becomes very moist like jaggery (treacle ) during varsa ( rainy season ) and spreads to all places during the rainy season. It is made to become weak by star Agastya and so during sarat (autumn the next season) poison is mild in potency. 63b-64.
Visha chikitsa – general treatment of poisons
इति प्रकृतिसात्म्यर्तुस्थानवेगबलाबलम् । आलोच्य निपुणं बुद्ध्या कर्मानन्तरमाचरेत् ॥ ६५॥
ghee, application of drugs of the same properties and also by use of meat as food. 68.
नाघृतं स्स्रंसनं शस्तं प्रलेपो भोज्यमौषधम् । सर्वेषु सर्वावस्थेषु विषेषु न घृतोपमम् ॥ ६९ ॥ विद्यते भेषजं किञ्चिद्विशेषात् प्रबलेऽनिले ।
Purgation, external application of paste of drugs, food and medicine without the addition of ghee is not suitable (in the treatment of poisons). There is no medicine better than ghee in all kinds of poisons and in all stages of poisoning, especially it is best when anila (vata) is very powerful. 69-70a.
अयत्नाच्छ्रलेष्मगं साध्यं यत्नात् पित्ताशयाश्रयम् ॥ ७० ॥ सुदुःसाध्यमसाध्यं वा वाताशयगतं विषम् ॥ ७० ॥
Poison which has got localised in the seat of slesma (amasaya-stomach) is curable even without much treatment; that localised in the seat of pitta (small intestine) is curable with great effort and that localised in the seat of vata (large intestine) is either very difficult to cure even with great effort or not curable at all. 70b-702.
षष्ठे इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां उत्तरस्थाने विषप्रतिषेधो नाम पञ्चत्रिंशोऽध्यायः ॥ ३५ ॥
Thus ends the chapter-Visa pratisedha-thirtyfifth in of Astanga hrdaya samhita, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.