VARTMA ROGA VIJNANIYA – Knowledge of diseases of the eyelids – Ashtanga Hridaya Chapter – 8


अथातो वर्त्मरोगविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः । स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः । इति ह

We shall now expound the chapter-Vartma Vijnaniya-knowledge of diseases of the eyelids; thus Atreya and other great sages.

सर्वरोगनिदानोक्तैरहितैः कुपिता मलाः ।

अचक्षुष्यैर्विशेषेण प्रायः पित्तानुसारिणः ॥१॥

शिराभिरूर्ध्वं प्रसृता प्रसृता नेत्रावयवमाश्रिताः। वर्त्म सन्धिं सितं कृष्णं दृष्टिं वा सर्वमक्षि वा ॥ २ ॥

Malas (dosas); increased by indulgence in unsuitable (unbealthy foods and activities) described in the sarvaroga nidana (chapter 1 of nidana sthana ) especially by those which are not good to the eyes; generally following the pitta ( pitta being the predominant dosa ) ; they ( dosas) spread upwards (to the head) through the veins, get localised in different part of the eye and produce diseases either in the vartma (eyelids), sandhi (joints, fornices), sita (white portion, sclera), krsna (black portion, cornea ), drsti (vision, pupil) or the sarvaksi (the whole eye). 1-2.


रोगान् कुर्युः चलस्तत्र प्राप्य वर्त्माश्रयाः सिराः । सुप्तोत्थितस्य कुरुते वर्त्मस्तम्भ सवेदनम् ॥ ३ ॥

पांशुपूर्णाभनेत्रत्वं कृच्छ्रोन्मीलनमश्रु च ।

विमर्दनात् स्याच्च शमः कृच्छ्रोन्मीलं बदन्ति तत् ॥ ४ ॥

Cala (vata) spreading through the siras ( veins) of the eyelids, produce rigidity of the eyelid (inability to open ) accompanied by pain after awakening from sleep; the person feels as though his eye is filled with sand, difficulty to open the lid up, more of tears flow out; obtains relief by rubbing the eyes. This disease is known as Krchronmila. 3-4.


चालयन् वर्त्मनी वायुर्निमेषोन्मेषणं मुहुः । करोत्यरुङ् निमेषोऽसौ

Vayu (vata) moves the lips up and down again and again (very quickly) without any pain. This is Nimesa. 5a.

Vatahata vartma

वर्त्म यत्तु निमील्यते ॥ ५ ॥

विमुक्तसन्धि निश्चेष्टं हीनं वातहतं हि तत् । The lid is drooping down, detached from its joint, without movement and is weak. This is Vatahata vartma. 5b-6a.


कृष्णाः पित्तेन बढ्योऽन्तर्वर्त्म कुम्भीकबीजवत् ॥ ६ ॥ आध्मायन्ते पुनर्भिन्नाः पिटिकाः कुम्भिसंज्ञिताः।

Black, multiple pitaka ( eruptions) resembling the seeds of kumbhika, found in the interior surface of the lid, bursting and again getting filled up ( with blood, pus etc.) and is caused by pitta. This is called Kumbhi. 6b-7a.

Pittotklista vartma

सदाहक्लेदनिस्तोदं रक्ताभं स्पर्शनाक्षमम् ॥ ७ ॥ पित्तेन जायते वर्त्म पित्तोत्क्लिष्टमुशन्ति तत् ।

The lid becomes red, associated with burning sensation, moistness, pain and inability to bear the touch; and is caused by pitta. It is known Pittotklista (vartma). 7b-8a.


करोति कण्डूं दाहं च पित्तं पक्ष्मान्तमास्थितम् ॥ ८ ॥ पक्ष्मणां शातनं चानु पक्ष्मशातं वदन्ति तम् ।

pitta getting localised inside the region of the eye lashes produces itching, burning sensation followed by falling of the hairs. This is called as Paksmasata. 8b-9a.


पोथक्यः पिटिकाः श्वेताः सर्षपाभा घनाः कफात् ॥ ९ ॥ शोफोपदेहरुक्कण्डूपिच्छिलाश्रुसमन्विताः ।

Pathoki are white coloured pitaka ( eruptions) resembling sarsapa (mustard), hard, associated with swelling, coating, pain, itching and slimy tears; this is caused by kapha.

Kaphotklista vartma

कफोत्क्लिष्टं भवेद्वर्त्म स्तम्भक्लेदोपदेहवत् ॥ १० ॥

The lids having no movement, but found coated with thick fluid is Kaphotklista vartma. 10b.


ग्रन्थिः पाण्डुररुक्पाकः कण्डूमान् कठिनः कफात् । कोलमात्रः स लगणः किञ्चिदल्पस्ततोऽथ वा ॥ ११ ॥

Tumour, which is pale, painless, not suppurating, having itching, hard, ( generally) of the size of kola and (sometimes) either slightly less or more of it, caused by kapha. This is known as Lagana. 11.

Utsanga pitaka

रक्ता रक्तेन पिटिका तत्तुल्यपिटिकाचिता । उत्सङ्गाख्या

By rakta (blood) are produced red coloured pitaka ( eru – ptions) more than one in number, known as Utsanga. 12a.

Utklista vartma and Vartmarsas

तथोत्क्लिष्टं राजिमत्स्पर्शनाक्षमम् ॥ १२ ॥

अर्शोऽधिमांसं वर्त्मान्तः स्तब्धं स्निग्धं सदाहरुक् ।

रक्तं रक्तेन तत्स्त्रावि छिन्नं छिन्नं च वर्धते ॥ १३ ॥

The lids have linear marks and do not tolerate touch in Utklista vartma.

Arsas is excess growth of muscle inside the lids, immovable, unctuous, associated with burning sensation and pain, red in colour, grows again even often cutting (excising) and is bleeding, this is caused by rakta (blood).

Anjana namika

मध्ये वा वर्त्मनोऽन्ते वा कण्डूषारुग्वती स्थिरा । मुद्गमात्राऽसृजा ताम्रा पिटिकाऽञ्जननामिका ॥ १४ ॥

Pitaka (eruptions) either in the middle or at the ends of the lids, associated with hing, warmth and pain, immovable, of the size of green gram, coppery red in colour, produced by asrk (blood) is Anjana namika. 14.

Bisa vartma

दोषैर्वर्त्म बहिः शूनं यदन्तः सूक्ष्मस्त्राचितम् । सस्त्रावमन्तरुदकं बिसाभं बिसवर्त्म तत् ॥ १५ ॥

Lid swollen externally, having small holes in its interior, discharging watery fluid like the bisa (stalk of the lotus flower) is Bisa vartma, caused by all the dosas. 15.

Dosotklista vartma

यद्वर्मोत्क्लिष्टमुत्क्लिष्टमकस्मान्लानतामियात् ।

रक्तदोषत्रयोत्क्लेशाद्भवत्युत्क्लिष्टवर्त्म तत्॥ १६ ॥

The lid which is coated becomes dry without any apparant reason caused by the drying of rakta and the tridosas is Dosotklista vartma. 16.

Syava vartma

श्याववर्त्म मलैः सास्त्रैः श्यावं रुक्क्लेदशोफवत् ।

Syava vartma is caused by the malas (dosas) along with asra (blood), the lid is blue black, painful, moist and swollen

Slista vartma

श्लिष्टाख्यं वर्त्मनी श्लिष्टे कण्डूश्वयथुरागिणी ॥ १७ ॥

Slista vartma is that in which the lids adhere together associated with itching, swelling and redness. 17b.

Sikata vartma

वर्त्मनोऽन्तः खरा रूक्षाः पिटिकाः सिकतोपमाः । सिकतावर्त्म

Pitaka ( eruptions) which are hard / rough, dry, resembling sand appearing inside the lids, is Sikata vartma. 18a.

Kardama vartma

कृष्णं तु कर्ममं कर्दमोपमम् ॥ १८ ॥

The lid is black inside and has the featrues of slush, is known as Kardama vartma. 18b.

Bahala vartma

बहलं बहलैर्मासैः सवर्णैश्चीयते समैः ।

The lid develops thick muscle tissue of the same colour spread evenly is Bahala vartma. 19a.


कुकूणकः शिशोरेव दन्तोत्पत्तिनिमित्तजः ॥ १९ ॥

स्यात्तेन शिशुरुच्छूनताम्राक्षो वीक्षणाक्षमः । सवर्त्मशूलपैच्छिल्यः कर्णनासाक्षिमर्दनः ॥ २० ॥

Kukunaka occurs in children only, due to eruption of teeth, the child has swelling of eyes, coppery red colourinability to see, lid having pain and sliminess, the child rubbing its ears, nose and eyes (often). 19b-20


पक्ष्मोपरोधे सङ्कोचो वर्त्मनां जायते तथा । खरताऽन्तर्मुखत्वं च रोम्णामन्यानि वा पुनः ॥ २१ ॥

कण्टकैरिव तीक्ष्णाग्रैर्घृष्टं तैरक्षि शूयते । उष्यते चानिलादिद्विडल्पाहः शान्तिरुद्धृतैः ॥ २२ ॥

In Paksmoparodha, there occurs contractions of the eye lids, roughness, the hair ( eyelashes) are bent inwards or outwards, the eye become teased by the sharp edges of the hair by which eye get swollen; associated with severe burning. sensation, inability to bear breeze etc.; removing the hair by which eye got swollen, giving relief for a short duration.


कनीनके बहिर्वर्त्म कठिनो ग्रन्थिरुन्नतः । ताम्रः पक्वोऽस्त्रपूयस्त्रदलज्याध्मायते मुहुः ॥ २३ ॥

A hard, elevated granthi (tumour) developing at the kaninaka(inner canthus ) coppery red, suppurating and discharging blood and pus and getting filled up again and again is known as Alaji. 23.


वर्त्मान्तर्मांसपिण्डाभः श्वयथुर्ग्रथितोऽरुजः ।

सास्त्रैः स्यादर्बुदो दोषैर्बिषमो बाह्यतश्चलः ॥ २४॥

A hard granthi (tumour) resembling a ball of muscle developing inside the lid, accompanied with swelling of the lid; painless, uneven and movable from outside (over the lid). This is Arbuda produced by the tridosas together with blood. 24.

चतुर्विशतिरित्येते व्याधयो वर्त्मसंश्रयाः ।

आद्योऽत्र भेषजैः साध्यो द्वौततोऽर्शश्च वर्जयेत् ॥ २५ ॥

पक्ष्मोपरोधो याप्यः स्याच्छेषाञ्छस्त्रेण साधयेत् ।

These are the twentyfour disease developing in the eyelids; the first of these (krchronmila ) is curable by medicines, the next two, (nimesa and vatahata) and arsas are rejectable; paksmoparodha is controllable but persist long; and the remaining should be cured by surgical treatment. 25-26a.

कुट्टयेत्पक्ष्मसदनं छिन्द्यात्तेष्वपि चार्बुदम् ॥ २६ ॥

भिन्द्याल्लगणकुम्भीकाबिसोत्सङ्गाञ्जनालजीः पोथकीश्यावसिकताश्लिष्टोक्लिष्टचतुष्टयम्

सकर्दमं सबहलं विलिखेत्सकुकूणकम् ॥ २७॥ ॥ २७ ॥

Among these, paksma sadana ( sata) should be pricked (by needles), arbuda should be excised, lagana, kumbhika, bisa vartma, utsanga, anjananamika and alaji should be punctured; pothaki, syava vartma, sikata vartma, slista vartma the four utklista (pittotklist, kaphotklista, raktotklista and dosotklista), kardama vartma, bahala vartma and kukunaka should be scraped. 26b-272.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां वर्त्मरोगविज्ञानीयो नाम अष्टमोऽध्यायः ॥ ८ ॥

षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने Thus ends the chapter-Vartmaroga vijnaniya-the eighth in   of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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